Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KDL-52XBR9 du fabricant Sony
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KDL-52XBR9 KDL-46XBR9 KDL-40XBR9 LCD Digit al Color TV © 2 009 So ny Corpo r ation Operating Instructions Son y Cust omer Support U. S. A . : w w w .s o ny .c o m / t v s u p p o r t Canada: ww w .son y .ca/support United States 1.800.222.SO NY Canada 1.
2 CAUTION To prev ent elec tric s hock an d blad e exposu re, do not use this po larize d AC p lug wi th an exten sion cord , re ceptac le or other ou tlet unless the blades ca n be fully insert ed. ❑ Oper ate th e TV only on 120-24 0 V A C. ❑ A v oid operat ing the TV at tempe ratures be low 41°F (5°C ).
3 Contents Introduci ng You r BRAVIA ® TV Experien cing Stunning H D with Your BRAVIA TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Four Steps t o a Ful l HD Exper ience . . . . 4 TV Feat ure Highli ghts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Get ti ng Star t ed Setting Up Your TV .
4 Intr oducing Y our BRA VIA ® TV Experiencing Stunning HD with Y our BRA VIA TV T o e xperi ence t he stun ning det ail of y ou r ne w BRA VIA TV , you ne ed acces s to h igh-de fini tion (HD) programmi ng.
Introducing Your BRAVIA ® TV 5 TV Feature Highli ghts Yo u r BRA VIA TV i s equipp ed with the lat est in T V technol ogy . ➢ Broadband In ternet Connectivity: BRA VIA Inter ne t Video b ring s video s, movies and muc h more fr om the Inter net to your TV (page 32) .
6 Getting Started Setting Up Y our TV Some TV models are p ackaged with a detached T ab le-T op Stand so you can mount your T V to a wall right away . If you are not mounting the TV to a w all, you will need to attach the T able-T op Stand. Y ou will need a Phillips screwdri v er and the supplied screws to complete the task.
Getting Started 7 Using a W a ll-Mount Brac ket All models except the 52 inch (measured diagonally) model can be mounted to a wall using the W all-Mount Bracket ( not supplied) out of the box as packaged. If you ar e mounting the 52 inch model to a w all, remo v e the T abl e-T op St and.
Getting Started 9 Item Description 1 LAN Connect s to an e xisting netw ork using an Ethernet cable. Be sure to complete Netw ork Setup (page 18). 2 DMe x /SER VICE This USB port is on ly for service unless you a re connecting a n option al BRA VIA Lin k modu le (D Me x ).
10 Connecting the TV Cable System or VHF/UHF Antenna System Y ou can enjoy hi gh-def inition and st andard-de fin ition dig ital prog ramming (if av ailable in y our area) along with standard-def inition analog programming.
Getting Started 11 Show n with D VI Connectio n Show n with Compo nent Connection Rear of TV DVI-to-HDMI cable HD cable box/ HD satellite box AUDIO-R (red) AUDIO-L (white) CATV / Satellite antenna cab.
12 Shown with PC connecti on Use the TV as a monitor for your PC b y connecting an HD15-HD15 cable connection as sho wn to the right. This TV can also be connected to a PC with a D VI or HDMI out put.
Getting Started 13 Connect ing In ternet & DLN A Cer tif ied™ Networks Connect an Et hernet cable from y our home netw ork to the LAN inpu t of your TV to enjoy BRA VIA Internet features and/o r connect to DLN A Certif ied™ media serv ers, see page 31 t o learn more abo ut these features.
Getting Started 15 Bundling the Connectin g Cables Use the attached cable clamper to bun dle the co nnecting cables. Th e cable clamper is located on the T able-T op S tand as i llustrated. Refe r to th e online Reference Book when mounting the TV to a wall.
16 Securing the TV Sony s tron gl y rec omme nds takin g me asur es to prevent th e T V fro m top pli ng over . Unsecured TVs may t opple and r esult in prop erty damage, seriou s bodily inju ry or e ven death. Preventing the TV from T oppling ❑ Secure the TV to a w all and/or stand.
Getting Started 17 2 Secure the TV to the s tand. Use the optional hardware listed below (not supplied): • M4 × 20 machine scre w (scre w ed into the TV’ s T able-T op Stand). • A screw or similar (attach it to the TV stand). • Rope or chain (strong enough t o support the we ight of the TV).
18 Running Ini tial Setup The Initial Setup screen appears when you turn on the TV for the first time. 1 Complete your cable con nections before proceeding with the Initial Setup (refer to the Quick Setup Guide and the online R efere nce Book for additional informati on).
Operatin g the TV 19 Oper ating t he TV Using the Remote Co ntr ol Inser ting Batter ies into the Remote Cont rol Insert two si ze AA batteries (supplied) by match ing e and E o n t he batt er ies t o the diagram in side the battery com p artment of the remote control.
20 Remote Control Button Descri ption Button Description 1 DISPLA Y Press on ce to displ ay infor mat ion a bou t the channe l/prog ram/i nput yo u are viewing.
Operatin g the TV 21 5 SCENE Press to select the best pi cture and so und settin gs for the pa rticular ty pe of c o ntent you are viewin g. 6 BRA VIA INTERNET VIDEO Press to display the XMB ™ with highlight on the most recently v iewed Internet content pr ovider (see page 32 ).
22 ws CC Press to turn Closed Captions ( CC) on, off, or automatic ally displa y CC when so und is muted . wd BRA VIA INTER NET WIDGETS Press to di splay the BRA VIA Internet Wid g ets. While the BRA VIA Int ernet Widgets are disp layed on the screen, press aga in to remove the W idge ts from the screen (see page 35 ).
Operatin g the TV 23 TV Contr ols and Indicator s PIC OFF / TIMER PO WER/ST ANDBY INPUT PO WER CHANNEL V OLUME HOME HD SIGNAL 1 23 4 5 7 8 9 q; 6 Item Description 1 Speaker Ou tputs au dio sign al. 2 PIC OFF/ TIMER Ligh ts up in oran ge when th e Timer or Sleep T imer is set.
24 Pr ogramming the Remote Contr ol The remote control can be programmed to oper ate other equipm ent and is pre-programmed to operate t he follo wing Sony equipment. Prog r amming Other Equipment ~ •A n y o f t h e FUNC TION butt ons can be program med t o operate ot her eq uipment re gardless of the labe ling.
Operatin g the TV 25 Manufacturer ’ s Code List If your eq uipment’ s code is not listed, v isit http://esuppor t.son y .com/remotecodes for a more compreh ensi ve list.
26 Digital Video Rec ord ers Satellite Cable Box Manuf acturer Code TiV o 01442, 01 443, 01 444, 20618, 20 636, 20 739 Manuf acturer Code DirecTV 00099, 00 247, 00 392, 00566, 00 639, 00 749, 00819, 0.
Operatin g the TV 27 Using Other Equipment wi th Y our Remote Contr ol The tabl e belo w descri bes the remot e control co mmands av ailable when extern al equipment is programmed t o the th e DV D , AMP , or STB buttons on the TV's remote co ntrol.
28 Remote Control Back light The remote control backlight can be set to automatically light up when a button is pressed. T o set au to backlight: Pre ss LIGHT and MUTING s imultaneously until the fou r FUNCTION buttons bli nk. T o turn off auto bac kl ight: Pre ss LIGHT and MUTING s imultaneously until the TV FUNCTION button blinks.
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 29 Exploring the XMB ™ and T V Feature s Most TV f unctions are av ailable f rom this m enu screen cal led the TV Home Menu/XMB ™ (XrossMedi aBar). Press HOME to access the TV Home Me nu/XMB ™ . The XMB ™ displays help text that describes op tions av ailable wit hin an item.
30 Categor y Icons The Category icons org anize your TV settings and TV features for quick and easy access. Press V / v to highlight an item within a Category icon and then press to make a selection. The Settings ico n contains all of the necessary conf igurations to customize your TV settings.
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 31 Accessing Photo, Music, and Video Content Y ou can access a v ariety of Internet content b y connecting to y our exis ting home network w ith Internet connecti vity .
32 BRA VIA Internet Video BRA VIA Internet V ideo serv es as a gate way deli veri ng select Internet content an d a v ariety of on- demand entertainment straigh t to your BRA V IA TV .
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 33 Photo, Music, an d Video Media files from DLN A C ertified media servers or Sony USB equipm ent can easily be accessed from the Photo , Music , and Video Category icons. For a list of supported file formats, see page 46.
34 Adding Music to a Slideshow 1 Highlight th e Photo icon . Select from your DLN A Certif ied media serv ers, Sony US B co nnec ted equip men t, or the sample folder . 2 Highlight the folder to display as a slidesho w , press OPTI ONS and then select Pl ay b a ck M e t h o d .
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 35 BRA VIA Internet Widgets The BRA VIA Internet Wid gets fea ture allows you to view content such as weather , stock, and ne ws information when your TV is connec ted to the Int ernet. Displaying W idgets 1 Press WID GETS .
36 Moving Widg ets on t he Scr een W idgets can be moved when they are undocked and in a minimized st ate. 1 Display t he W idgets b y pressing WIDGETS then press OPTIONS and select Undoc k . 2 Highlight a minimi zed W idget, press OPTIONS and then select Move .
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 37 Favor it e s Wi t h Favorit es , you can manage your preferr ed TV channels, E xternal Inputs , Photo , Musi c , and Video content from a DLN A serv er or USB connected equ ipment, Internet content , Widgets , and Backgr ound TV themes for easy access.
38 TV Gu ide On Sc reen ® Use the Guide to find the program that you want to watch. The Guide allows you to or ganize and personalize the program l istings. The Guide is a v ail able with connection to yo ur cable service or with ov er-th e-air antenna sign al .
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 39 Ads Provides advertisements from TV Guide sponsors. Settings Under the Settings menu, you will find the Guide information and be able to set up Guide settings .
40 Backgr oun d TV Backgr ound TV uses th e current video on yo ur TV to cr eate images that are similar to a screen sa ver . Navigating Bac kground TV 1 T une to a channel or input. 2 Pre ss OPTIONS . 3 Highli ght Bac kground TV an d press . 4 Highlight a theme and press .
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 41 Wide Mode The Wide Mode f eature allows yo u to select the screen display of your preference. Based on the original signal s ource, a black fr ame or black bars may s urround the picture.
42 Changing the Wide Screen Mode f or PC Timing Wide Mode is also available while in th e PC in put mode. Press WIDE repeatedly to cycle through the av ailable m odes while in the PC input m ode.
Exploring the XMB ™ and TV Features 43 BRA VIA ® Sync TM with Cont r ol f or HDM I The BRA VIA Sync function allows this TV to communicate with other Sony equipment supporti ng the Contr ol for HDMI f unct ion . T o connect Sony equipment with Contr ol for HDMI Use an HDMI cable that bears th e HDMI logo for connection.
44 Other Inf ormation Ho w to Care f or Y our BRA VIA Safety is very import ant, please read and follow the safety documen tation (Safet y Bookle t) separately pro vide d. Unplug t he TV and other co nnected equ ipment from the wall ou tlet befor e you be gin cleaning your TV .
Other Information 45 For cu stomers in Canada This Cl ass B di gita l appa ratu s com plie s with Canad ian ICES-003. FCC Related Informa tion This eq uipmen t has been tested an d found to comply wit h the limits for a Cl ass B digital device, pursu ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
46 Specifications * Download Acquisition Mode (DAM) is used for s oftware updates and/or collecting data for TV Guide On Screen. ~ • Optional accessories a vailability depends on its stock. • Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
47 Other Information Index 0-9 buttons 21 A AUDIO OUT jack, d escribed 8 , 9 Auto Progr am 18 B Backgrou nd TV 40 BD/DVD MENU butt on 21 BD/DVD TOP MENU butto n 21 BRAVIA INTERNET VIDEO button 21 BRAV.
Printed in U.S.A. 4-140-826- 11 (1) For Your Convenience Online Refe renc e Book: To learn m ore about your T V, visit the online R eference Book at: http://w referenceb ook Online Reg istra tion: Be sur e to regist er your TV. Uni ted S tate s Canada http://pro ductregistration .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony KDL-52XBR9 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony KDL-52XBR9 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony KDL-52XBR9, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony KDL-52XBR9 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony KDL-52XBR9, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony KDL-52XBR9.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony KDL-52XBR9. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony KDL-52XBR9 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.