Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KDL-32M4000 du fabricant Sony
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KDL- 26M4000 KDL- 32M4000 KDL- 37M4000 KDL- 40M4000 © 2008 Sony Corporation 3-294-082- 13 (1) LCD Digital Color TV Oper ating I nstruct ions.
2 CAUTION To prevent electr ic shock, do not us e this polarized AC plug with an extension cord, receptacle or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade exposure. NOTIFICATION This equi pment has b een test ed and fou nd to comp ly wi th the lim its for a C lass B d igital device, purs uant to Part 15 of t he FCC Rule s.
3 Quick Setup Guide (separate volume) Provides a v ariety of optional equipment connection diagrams. Customer S upport On-lin e Registr ation United States m Canada http://www. sonystyle.
4 W elcome to the W orld of BRA VIA ® Thank y ou f or purchasing this Son y BRA VIA ® high-defi nition te le vision. The qua lity o f the im age y ou see on you r BRA VIA TV is only as good a s the qua lity of the sign al it rece iv es. T o e xperience t he stu nning deta il of your new BRA VIA TV , you n eed acc ess to H D prog rammi ng.
5 Getting Started Getting Star ted 1. Instal ling the TV Be sure to follow these guidelin es to protect your propert ies and av oid causing serious injury. • Before carrying the T V , disconnect all cables. • Carrying the lar ge size TV requires two or mo re people.
6 3 Gently slide the TV unit onto the neck of the T able-T op Stand and align the s cre ws ho les. ~ • When you carry t he TV unit, place your hand as illustrated (page 5) and hold it securely . Do not put stres s on t he LCD panel and the f rame a round t he screen.
7 Getting Started 2 Secure the TV to th e stand. Use the optional hardware listed bel o w (not suppl ied): •M 6 × 12-18 mm anchor bolt (s crew ed into the T V ’s Ta b l e - To p s t a n d ) • A screw or similar (attach it to the TV stand) • Rope or chain (stro ng enou gh to supp ort the weight of the TV).
8 Y ou can bundle the connecting cables as illustrated below . ~ • Do not b undle th e A C power c ord with other con necting cables. This TV can be installed on a wall by using a W all- Mount Br acket (sol d separat ely). Befor e mounting the TV on a wall, the T able-T op Stand must be remov ed fr om the TV .
9 Getting Started Follo w the simple steps below to remove the T ab le- To p S t a n d : 1 Disconnect all the cables from the TV . 2 Remov e the 3 scre ws fro m behind th e TV as indicated belo w .
10 Installation dimensions table ~ • In stallat ion dim ensi ons may d if fer ac cord ing to ho w the TV is inst alle d. • The wall must be stro ng en ough to supp ort a t leas t four times the weight of th e TV that y ou are inst alling. 3 Install the Base Bracket o n the wall.
11 Getting Started Screw loc ation When inst alling the Mounting Hooks o n the TV . Hook loca tion When installing the TV on to Base Bracket. * Hook position “a” canno t be used for the models in the table above. Make sure that your TV has adequ ate air circulation.
12 2. Locating Inputs and Outputs Side P anel Item Descri ption 1 VIDEO IN 2 VIDEO / L ( MONO) - A UDIO - R Conn ects to the c omp osite video and audi o ou tput jac ks on you r ca mcorde r or o ther v ide o equipm ent such as a DVD or video game equipm ent.
13 Getting Started Item Descri ption 1 HDMI IN 1/2 R-A UDIO-L HDMI (High-Def inition Multime dia Interface) pro vides an uncompressed, all-digital audio /vide o int erfa ce be tween t his T V and any HDMI -equi pped audio /vide o equ ipme nt, su ch as D VD player , a set-top box, A/V receiver and Blu-ray Disc p layer as well as PC.
14 3. Connecting the TV Cable or V HF/U HF ( or VH F only) • It is strongly r ecommend ed tha t you co nnect the antenn a/cable input u sing a 7 5-ohm co axial cabl e (not su pplied) to recei v e optimu m pictur e quality . A 300-ohm twin l ead cable can be e asily affe cted b y radi o freq uenc y interfe rence, resulting in signal d egrad ation.
15 Getting Started Shown with D VI Connection ~ • If the equi pment has a D VI and not a HDMI con nector , use a D VI-to-HDMI cable o r adapte r to connect the DVI output to either HDM I IN 1 or HDM.
16 Use the TV as a monitor for your PC. Sho wn below with the HD15 to HD15 connection. This TV can also be connected to a PC with D VI or HDMI output. (Refer to the supplied Quick Setu p Guide.) ~ • C onnect the PC IN j ack to the PC using t he HD15-HD15 cable wi th ferrite core (analog RGB) an d audio cabl e (page 13).
17 Getting Started ~ • Refer to the Q uick Se tup Gu ide ( suppli ed) wh en co nnecti ng ot her e quipm ent t o your T V . Other Equipment VIDEO IN VIDEO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO (MONO) L R S VIDEO S ERVIC.
18 4. Setting Up the Channel List - Initia l Setu p After you f inish connecting your TV , you need t o run Initial Setup , wh ich auto ma ti cal ly s ets up av ailable channels. The Initial Setup screen appears when you turn on your TV for the f irst time.
19 Exploring Fun Featu res Using BRA V IA Theatre Sync™ with Con tr ol f or HDMI This TV is equi pped with BRA VIA Theatre Sync™. The Control f or HDMI function enab les BRA VIA Theatre Sync to allo w communication bet ween S ony TV’ s and Sony equ ipmen t.
20 Remote Contr o l and TV Cont r ols/Indicat or s Inser ting Bat teries When Using the Remote Control Insert two size AA batteries (supplied) by matching e and E on the batteries to the diagram insid e the battery compartmen t of the remote control.
21 Remote Contro l and TV Controls/ Indicators Remote Contr ol SOUND GUID E MENU TOOLS 5 4 3 2 1 •T h e 5 and CH + buttons hav e a tac tile dot. Use th em as a refe rence when operatin g the TV . Button Description 1 DISPLA Y Press on ce to disp lay the inf ormatio n pertai ning to t he channel an d/or program whe n a vailable.
22 Button Description 6 GUIDE (F or all channels includ ing Digital/Analo g channels) Press to display the Gui de when you are watching ch annels (if it is a v a ilable fro m the stat ion).
23 Remote Contro l and TV Controls/ Indicators Button Description qg WIDE Press repeatedly to step throug h the Wide Mo de sett ings: Wide Zoom , Normal , Full , Zoom .
24 Button Description qh INPUT Press to displa y the list of External Inputs and TV mode . Press repeatedly to toggle through th e inpu ts. • See page 37 ( Label Inp uts ) on setting up the External Inputs labels. qj V / v / B / b Press V / v / B / b to mo v e th e on-s cree n cur sor .
25 Remote Contro l and TV Controls/ Indicators TV Controls/Indicator s MENU Item Description 1 MENU Pre ss to display the menu with TV functions and settings (see “Using TV Menus” on page 2 7). 2 INPUT Press to display the External Inputs list, toggl e through the list an d select you r desired input.
27 Using TV Me nus Using TV Menu s MENU provides one b utton access for controlling your TV . It enables you to perform a variety of tasks intuitiv ely with a control panel on the screen.
28 Using the Shor tcuts Menu External Inpu ts Thi s feature lets you select the exte rnal inputs con nected to yo ur TV . 1 Press V / v to choose an ext ernal inp ut from the list of 8 i nputs. 2 T o select press . • T o exit from ex ternal inputs list, press .
29 Using TV Me nus PC-PIP This PIP (Picture In Picture ) featur e provides PC input sig nal and T V channe ls, allowing you to view two pictur es simultaneou sly . When you select this feat ure from Shortcuts menu, the PC-PIP will appear with a Sub W i ndow to see TV channels at th e same time.
30 Using the Pi cture Men u Picture Mod e Cus tomize d pi ctur e viewing Vivid For enhanced picture co ntrast and sharp ness. Standar d Fo r standard picture settings. Re commended for hom e entertain ment. Cinema Fo r vie wing f ilm-based conten t. Most sui table for v ie wing in a theater - lik e en viron men t.
31 Using TV Me nus Using the Sound Menu Sound Mode Dynamic Enhan ces t he so und of actio n mo vi es, s ports e vents and m usi cal videos. Standar d Standar d sound opti mized f or home us e. Game Enh ances th e video gam es sound. Clear Voice Enhan ces t he v oic e sou nd; re comm ended for te le visi on n ew s an d docume ntary pr ograms .
32 Using the Screen Menu Wide Mode The se option s allo w you to ch ange the pr oportio n of the scre en. Wide Zoom Select to enl arge the picture uniformly . Normal Select to di splay 4:3 p ictures in orig inal size when t he original sou rce is 4:3.
33 Using TV Me nus Using the Chann el Men u Favo ri t es Let s you set up a list of up to 8 of yo ur fav orite channel s. Press V / v to select the optio n Add to F av orites and pre ss to add the c urrent chann el to your Favor i te s list.
34 The Pa re n t a l Lo c k feature allows you to block p rograms according to their content and rating le vels and block channels (reg ardless of the pro grams). P assword is necessary in setting up blocking. Use - o n the remote control to enter a f our digit password.
35 Using TV Me nus Channel Bloc k Allow s you t o block chann els re ga rdless of progr am ratin gs. The passw ord needs to be s et up prior to blocki ng channel s. The blo cked channe l can only be viewed by entering the corre ct password. T o blo ck a chann el Press V / v to go throu gh the chan nels and pr ess to Block or Allow channe ls.
36 Custom Rating System Chart US Models: Sel ecting Custom P arental Loc k Rat ing Options T o select custom rating options f or the U.S., select U.S .
37 Using TV Me nus Using the Setup Menu Closed Captions (CC) Allo ws you to select from se ve ral clo sed c apti ons mod es (f or pro grams that are br oadc ast with clos ed captionin g). Select: Off ( to turn of f Clos ed Captions ), On (to turn on Closed Caption s ), or Program (to pr ogram Closed Capti ons ).
38 Clock /Timers Sle ep Set the tim e in minutes ( Off , 15 , 30 , 60 or 120 minutes ) that you want the TV to remain on before sh utting o f f automatic ally . Timer Y ou can use th e Timer to tune to a sp ecific channel at a sch eduled time. Select Off to turn of f the timer (p revio us settings are sav ed).
39 Other Information Other Inf ormation T roub leshootin g If you ha ve additional qu estions, service needs, or required technic al assistance related to the use of your Son y TV , please vi sit our websit e or call one of t he follo wing numbers: http://www .
40 No colo r/Dark pi cture/Co lor is not cor rect/The picture is to o bright. ❑ Press to se lect the desired p icture mod e (page 21 ). ❑ Adjust the Picture Mo de options in the Pi ctur e menu (pag e 30). Noisy pi cture. ❑ Make sure that t he antenna is connected usi ng a 75-ohm coa xial cable (not supp lied).
41 Other Information Certain p rograms on D VD or other dig ital source s displa y a loss of detail, especially du ring fa st-mo tion or da rk scen es.
42 Specificatio ns ~ • Design and specif ications are subje ct to chan ge withou t notice. Model KDL-26M4000 KDL-32M 4000 KDL-37M4000 KD L-40M4000 System T elevisi on system NT SC: American TV stand.
43 Index 0-9 bu tt on 22 4:3 Default 32 A Add Digi tal Ch anne ls 33 Advance d Settings 30 Alt. Au dio/MTS 31 AUDIO OUT jack, describ ed 13 Auto Program 18 , 33 Auto Sort Contro l 38 Auto Wide 32 B Ba.
For Y our Con venience Contact Sony Customer Support at: http://www .son y .com/tvsuppor t or to speak with a support representative: United States 1-800-222-SONY (7669) Canada Please Do Not Return th.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony KDL-32M4000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony KDL-32M4000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony KDL-32M4000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony KDL-32M4000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony KDL-32M4000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony KDL-32M4000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony KDL-32M4000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony KDL-32M4000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.