Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit KDL-19L40xx du fabricant Sony
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© 2008 Sony Corporation 3-878-284- 14 (1) KDL-32L4 0xx KDL-26L4 0xx KDL-19L4 0xx Operatin g Instructions LCD Digital C olour TV.
2 GB NOTICE FOR CUSTOMERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM A moulde d plug com plying with BS1 363 is fitted to this equipm ent for your safe ty and conveni ence. Should the fuse in the plug sup plied need t o be replaced with the sam e rating of fuse ap proved by A STA or BSI to BS 1362 (i.
3 GB Safety info rmation .......... ............. ................... .................... ............. ................... ............... 8 Precautions .. ............. ................... ................... ............. .................... ....
4 GB Start-up Guide 1: Chec king th e accessories Remote RM -ED014 (1) Size AA b atteries (R6 ty pe) (2) Stand (1) Screws for stand (3) Cable band (1 ) To in sert b atter ies in to the remot e ~ • Obser ve the correct pola rity when inser ting batter ies.
5 GB Start-u p Guide 3: Connecti ng an aerial/VCR / DVD recorder ~ • AV1 outp uts availabl e only for an alogue T V. • AV2 outp uts to the curren t screen (exc ept PC, HDMI 1,2, Com ponent 1080i).
6 GB 4: Preventing th e TV from topp ling o ver KDL-32L40xx , KDL-26L40x x only 1 Install a wood screw (4 mm in diameter, not supplied) in the TV stand. 2 Install a machi ne screw (M 6 × 12-14 mm, not supp lied) in to the sc rew hole of the TV. 3 Tie the wood screw and the machine screw with a strong cord.
7 GB Start-u p Guide 4 Press F / f to select the country/region in which you will operate the TV, then press . If the co untry /regio n which you want to use on the TV does not appear in the list, select “-” inste ad of a coun try/re gion. 5 Press F / f to select the locati on type in which you will operate the TV, then press .
8 GB Safety info rmati on Insta llati on/ Set-u p Install an d use the TV set in accordance with t he instructio ns below in o rder to avoid a ny risk of fire , elect rical shoc k or damag e and/or in juries. Installatio n • The TV s et shou ld be ins talled near an ea sily a ccessibl e mains sock et.
9 GB • To en sure prope r ventil ation and preven t the c ollect ion of dirt or dust: – Do no t lay th e TV set flat , insta ll ups ide down, backwar ds, or sideways. – Do not plac e the TV se t on a shelf, rug, be d or in a closet. – Do not co ver th e TV set with a clot h, su ch as c urtai ns, or items such as newspa pers, etc.
10 GB Precautions Viewi ng th e TV • Vi ew the T V in m odera te li ght, a s vie wing th e TV in poor light or dur ing long per iod of time, strains your eyes . • When using he adphones, adjust the volum e so as to avoid ex cessive levels, as hearing dam age may result.
11 GB Overview of the remot e 1 "/1 – TV st andby Tur ns the TV on a nd off fr om stan dby mod e. 2 AUDIO In an alogue mode : Pre ss to c hange the dual sou nd mo de (pa ge 2 4).
12 GB Overview of the TV buttons and indicators 1 (page 21) 2 / – I nput select / OK • In TV mode: Sele cts the input source fr om equipment co nnected to the TV sock ets (pag e 19). • In TV menu: Selects the menu or opt ion, and confirms th e setting.
13 GB Watching T V W atching TV Watc hing TV 1 Press 1 on the top edge of the TV to turn on the TV. When t he TV is in standb y mode (the 1 (standby) indicator on the TV front panel is red), press "/1 on the remote to tu rn on the TV. 2 Press DIGITAL to switch to digital mo de, or ANALOG to switch to analogue mode.
14 GB To acce ss Text Press / . Eac h time you pr ess / , the displa y changes cy clically as follo ws: Text t Text over t he TV picture (mix mo de) t No Text ( exit th e Text servic e) To selec t a page, p ress the numb er butto ns or / . To reveal hidd en informati on, press .
15 GB Watching T V Using the Tools menu Press TOOLS to display th e following o ptions whe n viewi ng a TV progr amme. Options Des cription Close Closes the T o ols menu. Picture Mode See pa ge 22. Sound Effect See page 2 4. Speaker See page 2 4. Audi o Languag e (in digital mo de only) See page 3 1.
16 GB Checking the Digita l Electronic Programme Guide (EP G) * 1 In digital mode, press GUIDE. 2 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or display ed on the screen. * This func tion may not be availa ble in some co untries/r egion s.
17 GB Watching T V Using the Digital Fa vourite list * The Fa vouri te feat ure allo ws you to spec ify up to four lis ts of your fa vourit e progra mmes. 1 In digital mode, press . 2 Perform the desired operation as shown in the following table or display ed on the screen.
18 GB Using Optional Equipmen t Connecting opt ional equ ipment You can con nect a wide range of optio nal equipm ent to yo ur TV. Co nnecting ca bles are not suppli ed.
19 GB Using Optio nal Equipment Viewing pictures from connected equ ipment Turn on th e connec ted equipm ent, the n perfor m one of the followin g operati on. For a n auto- tuned V CR (pa ge 7) In analog ue mode , press PRO G +/-, or t he number buttons, to select the video c hannel.
20 GB Using control fo r HDMI The control for HDMI function enables the TV to communi cate with the connec ted equipm ent that is compatible wit h the func tion, usi ng HDMI CEC (Consumer Electronics Control). For example, by connectin g Sony equipment tha t is compatible with control for HDMI (with HDMI cables), you can cont rol t hem to geth er.
21 GB Using MENU Func tions Using MENU Functio ns Navigating throu gh menus “MENU” allows y ou to enjoy various conveni ent feat ures of t his TV . You can easi ly sel ect chan nels or inputs so urces and ch ange the settin gs for your TV . 1 Press MENU.
22 GB Picture Adjust ment menu You can select the o ptions li sted below on the “Picture Adjustment” menu. To select o ptions in “Setti ngs” , see “Navig ating t h roug h men us” (p age 21) . Picture Mode Display Mode (only in PC mode) Selects the picture mode except for PC inp ut source.
23 GB Using MENU Func tions ~ “Bright ness”, “Col our”, “Hue ” and “Shar pness” are no t availa ble when “Pict u re M ode” is s et to “Vivid” o r when “ Display Mode” is set t o “text”. Noise Reduction Reduces the pi cture no ise (snowy pict ure) in a weak br oadcast sign al.
24 GB Sound Adjustm ent menu ~ “Sound Effe ct”, “S urroun d”, “T reble” , “Bass”, “Balance ”, “Reset” and “Au to Volu me” are not avai lable whe n “Speak er” is set to “Aud io Sys tem” . You can se lect the op tions listed b elow on th e “Sound Adjustment” m enu.
25 GB Using MENU Func tions Features m enu You can sele ct the options liste d below on the “Features” menu. To select option s in “Setti ngs”, see “N avigating throu gh menu s” (page 21). Screen Screen (only in PC mode) Changes the sc reen format.
26 GB Timer Sets the timer to tu rn off the T V. Sleep T imer Sets a period of time after which th e TV automatica lly switches itsel f into standby mode. When th e “Sleep Ti mer” is activate d, the (Sleep Timer) indicator on the TV front pa nel lights up in orange.
27 GB Using MENU Func tions Set-up menu You can sele ct the optio ns listed be low on the “Set-up” menu. To select option s in “Setti ngs”, see “N avigating throu gh menu s” (page 21).
28 GB HDMI Set-up Allows the T V to communicat e with equi pment tha t is compati ble with the control for HDMI functi on, and connected to the HDMI socke ts of the TV. Note that communic ation settin gs must also be made o n the c onnected equipmen t.
29 GB Using MENU Func tions Audio F ilter Improves th e sound for in dividual c hanne ls in the case o f distorti on in mon o broadc asts. Som etimes a non-sta ndard b roadca st signa l can caus e sound d istort ion or inte rmitte nt sound mu ting when wat ching mono progr ammes.
30 GB Digital Set -up menu You can sele ct the optio ns listed be low on the “Digital Set-u p” menu. Then press F / f to select the “Dig ital Tuning ” or “Digital S et-up”. To select option s in “Settin gs”, see “Naviga ting throug h menus” (page 21).
31 GB Using MENU Func tions Digi tal Se t-up Su btitle Set-up “Subtit le Setting” : When “For H ard Of Hea ring” is s elected , some vi sual aids may also be di splayed with th e subtitles (if TV channels broa dcast such informatio n). “Su btitl e La ngua ge”: Selects whic h langua ge subtitles a re display ed in.
32 GB Addit ional Inf ormation Installing the Accessories (Wal l-Mount Bracket ) To Custom ers: For product pro tection and safe ty reasons, Sony st rongly recommend s that installing of you r TV be performe d by Sony dealer s or licensed cont ractors.
33 GB Addi tiona l Info rmat ion KDL-32L40xx KDL-26L40xx KDL-19L40xx Unit: mm Figures i n the ab ove table m ay differ s lightly depend ing on the installatio n. The wall th at the TV will be installed on should be capable o f supporting a weight of a t least fou r times that of the TV.
34 GB KDL-32L40xx * Hook positi on “a” and “b” cannot b e used for the m odel in the tabl e above. KDL-26L40xx /KDL-19L4 0xx Screw and Hook locations diagram/tab le Model Name Screw location H.
35 GB Addi tiona l Info rmat ion Specification s * 1 AV1 o utputs availa ble onl y analogu e TV. * 2 AV2 outp uts watching scree n (except PC, HDMI1,2, Comp onent 1080 i). * 3 Specif ied standby power is reac h ed afte r the TV finishes necess ary interna l processes.
36 GB PC Inpu t Signal Reference Chart for PC IN • This TV’s PC input does not support Sync on Green or Compo site Sync. • This TV’s PC input doe s not support interlaced signa ls. • This TV’s PC input supports signals in the above chart with a 60 H z vertical freq uency.
37 GB Addi tiona l Info rmat ion Troubleshooti ng Check whe ther the 1 (stan dby) indic ator is flashin g in red. When i t is flas hing The self-diagno sis function is activated . Press 1 on the top edge of the TV to tu rn it off, disconn ect the mains le ad, and in form yo ur deal er or Sony service cen tre.
Printed in Hungary For useful inf orm ation about Sony products Instruct ions on “Installing the W a ll-Mount Bracket” are not supplied in the form of a separate leaflet with this TV . These installation instructions are included within this TV ’ s instr uctions manual.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony KDL-19L40xx c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony KDL-19L40xx - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony KDL-19L40xx, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony KDL-19L40xx va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony KDL-19L40xx, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony KDL-19L40xx.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony KDL-19L40xx. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony KDL-19L40xx ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.