Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ICF-CL70 du fabricant Sony
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4-154-584- 11 (2) FM/AM Clock Radio Operating Instructions ICF-CL75iP/ICF-CL 70 ©2009 Sony Corporation US.
2 US Owner’ s Record The model numbe r and th e seria l numbe r are l ocated on th e bottom. Record t he serial number in the s pace pr ovided bel ow. Refer to them whene ver you call upon you r Sony dealer rega rding this produ ct. Model No. ICF-C L75iP/ICF-CL 70 Serial No .
3 US Important Safety Instructions 1) Read t hese in structi ons. 2) Keep these in stru ctions. 3) Heed a ll warnings. 4) Foll ow al l instruct ions. 5) Do not use th is apparatus near wate r. 6) Cl ean o nly with dr y cl oth . 7) Do not bloc k any ventilation openi ngs.
4 US • The exam ple illus tration s and imag es are of the I CF- CL75i P, th eref ore ma y ap pea r differe nt from illustr ations, images an d scree n indi cators th at act ually a ppear on you r cloc k radi o. • “Note ” indicates cau tions and li mitations relevant to the corr ect operati on of thi s unit.
5 US Table o f Cont ents Features................ ........... ................. 6 Identifying the parts .................. ...... 8 Screen i ndicators ... ...... ........ ...... ......... ...... .1 0 Getting started Checking the suppl ied items ......
6 US Featur es This unit i s multifuncti onal FM/AM c lock radio with 7.0 inch LCD screen. As wel l as play ing your favor ite musi c and vid eo, you can al so set a p hoto as wall paper, etc. You can listen to your favo rite musi c, watch a video o r view a slidesh ow at be d time a nd set you r favor ite alarm sound for when you wake up.
7 US Playback function (19, 20) • iPo d, iPhone, memory card, internal memor y, or USB device can be used to play back music and video ( iPod and iPh one funct ions on ly for IC F-CL75i P). • You c an listen t o music with album artwo rk on the s creen.
8 US Identif ying the pa rts For details , see t he pages in dicated in paren theses. Front A LCD screen B ALARM A ON/OFF bu tton (16) C Speaker D ALARM B ON/OFF b utton (16) Rear E AC power cord (mai.
9 US Top K SNOOZE/ BRIGHTNE SS but ton (14, 17) L Micro phone (1 8) M OFF x AL ARM RES ET button N SLEEP bu tton (19) O ALARM SET button (16) P HOME bu tto n (14 ) Q BACK/iPod MENU button (ICF-CL75iP)/ BACK button (ICF-CL70) • Return to the previous menu sc reen.
10 US Side Y TIME SET A lever (16) Z TIME SET B lever (16) wj Docking t ray for iPod & iPhone (22 ) (ICF-CL75iP o nly) A Alarm A/Alarm B indicator (16) B Date (13) C Time (13) • Time is always di splayed. D SLEEP timer ind icator (19) E Status bar • Displ ays the file name, the sou rce, an d elapsed time of the music or mov ie playing .
11 US Getting started Checking t he supplied items Make sur e that t he followin g items are supplied : • F M/AM Cl ock R adi o (1) • A M loop ante nna (1) • Op erati ng I nstru ctio ns (thi s ma nual) (1) • Warrant y (1) ( In some countrie s or re gions, t he warrant y is not supplied.
12 US Getting started Note • The unit’s ATS (Automa tic Time Set) funct ion auto matica lly k eeps th e corr ect ti me and n ever requires rese tting.
13 US Getting started x Auto DST (Aut o Summer Time) This unit automat ically adjusts for daylight savings t ime (summer time) by t he default setting . [ ] is displ ayed from the beginni ng of dayligh t saving s time (s ummer time) and disappea rs at th e end of d aylight sa vings time (summer ti me) automati cally.
14 US Basic operat ions This s ecti on de scri bes basic o per ation s of the unit . Using the Home menu You ca n perfor m the vari ous fun ctions, s uch as playing music, changin g a settings, etc., easily by pres sing the H OME butto n. x Home menu list For detai ls, see the pages indi cated in parenth eses.
Using this un it 15 US The clock display ha s four va riation s. You can select the clock s creen, the clock and pho to screen , the photo frame, or the musi c or radio player screen . 1 Press the DISP LAY button repeatedly. • Changes the clock di splay typ e cycles as sho wn belo w.
16 US Deleting a preset 1 Select the d esired preset nu mber with b / B . 2 Press the OPTION button and select [Delete preset]. • Confi rmation sc reen ap pears, the selec ted preset is deleted. Improving the reception FM : Exten d the FM wi re antenn a fully to increase reception sensitivit y.
Using this un it 17 US x Ala rm S oun d Select y our fa vorite ala rm soun d with v / V . This unit i s equipped wit h 7 alarm mo des liste d below . * Factory de fault setting ** [iPo d] is avail able on I CF-CL75 iP only.
18 US You ca n wake up by yo ur orig inal voice an d a phot o as an al arm. If you want to set an alarm to “Fun Wake- up”, refer to “S etti ng a n ala rm” o n page 16. 1 Press the HOME button. 2 Select [Fun Wake-u p]. 3 Select the desired , , N setting from [Fun-W ake up 1] to [F un-Wake up 3] wit h b / B .
Using this un it 19 US You can easily set the sleep timer by pressing the SLEEP b utton re peatedly . Each time yo u press the SLEEP button , the duration (in minute s) chang es as follow s: Ti p • [SLEEP] appears on the sc reen when the sleep timer is s et.
20 US Note • For details on memo ry cards you can use wit h this unit, see “Ab out the m emory card s” (26) . • Do not disconnect the AC power cord (mai ns lead) from the wa ll outlet ( wall soc ket) during the operation. The file m ay be damaged.
Using this un it 21 US Note • Check supported file for mats before hand, refer to “Specifi cations” on page 31. • You cannot displ ay the cove r photo for WMA content. • Photos are used only for the backg round photo (wallp aper). The bac kground photo cannot be played back.
22 US Note • iPod shuffle is not available on this unit. • Sony canno t accept responsibil ity in t he event that data reco rded to iPo d is lost or damaged whe n using iPod conne cted to this unit. • iPod 4th generation ( color display) c annot play phot o.
Using this un it 23 US 3 Attach the adapt er for your iPod/ iPhone . Note Universa l dock adap ter • If you are u sing iPhone or iPhon e 3G, atta ch the supplied universal dock a dapter for iP hone or iPhone 3G before inser ting int o the co nnector.
24 US Genera l Setti ngs 1 Press the HOME button. 2 Select [Gen eral Settings] and press the ENTER button. 3 Select each o f the settings as follows: x Language Se tting Select the language t o be displa yed with v / V . * Facto ry d efault s etting x Musi c Set tin g Select the playing mode with v / V .
Additio nal infor mation 25 US x Delete files You can delete sele cted fi les in the intern al memory. Ref er to “Deleti ng file s” on page 20. x Unit information Displa y the inform ation of thi s unit. 4 Press the EN TER button . • The desi red settin gs are ma de.
26 US About the me mory ca rds “Memo ry St ick ” medi a ar e a comp act, port able IC recordi ng medium with a large d ata capacity. The type s of “Mem ory Stick Du o” media t hat can be used with the cl ock radio ar e listed in the tabl e be low.
Additio nal infor mation 27 US *3) When using a “Memory Stick Mic ro” media with the cloc k radio, always insert it into an M2 a daptor. *4) “M2” is a n abbreviat ion for “Memor y Stick Micro” media. In thi s section, “M2” is used to describe “Memor y Stick Micro” media.
28 US The SD m emory ca rd slot of the clock ra dio allows you to use the follo wing: • SD memory card *1 • miniSD card , microSD card (An adapt or is nece ssar y.) *2 • SDHC memory c ard *3 • MMC st anda rd memory card *4 We do not guaran tee proper operatio ns for all types of SD memory c ards an d MMC st andard memory cards .
Additio nal infor mation 29 US Precaut ions • Pla y the unit on the p ower sour ce specifie d in “Spe cificat ions.” • T o di sconne ct the AC pow er c ord ( mains lead), pull it out by the plug , not the co rd.
30 US Note on the alarm in the event of a power interruption In the e vent of a pow er inter ruption, the alarm will work un til the ba ttery is totally discharged. Howeve r, ce rtai n fun ctio ns wil l b e affe cted as follows: • The bac klight will not light up.
Additio nal infor mation 31 US Specific ations x Radio sect ion Frequency range: For USA a nd Canada FM: 87 .5 - 108 MHz (0. 1 MHz Chan nel ste p) AM: 530 - 1710 kHz (10 kH z Channe l step) For Eu rope FM: 87.
This uni t includes a preinstal led Sony L ithium battery (C R2032) as ba ck-up power source fo r the cl ock, which is preset to EST (E astern Standard Tim e) at the factory.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony ICF-CL70 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony ICF-CL70 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony ICF-CL70, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony ICF-CL70 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony ICF-CL70, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony ICF-CL70.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony ICF-CL70. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony ICF-CL70 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.