Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit HVR-V1U du fabricant Sony
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2-887-519- 11 (1) © 2006 Sony Corporation http://www.son Printed on 70% or more r ecycled pap er using VO C (Volatile Org anic Compound) -free ve getable oil base d ink.
2 To reduce f ire or shoc k hazard , do not ex pose th e unit to ra in or moisture. This symbol is intended to ale rt the user to th e presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be o f sufficient magnitude to constitute a r isk of electri c shock to persons.
3 IMPORTANT SA FEGUARDS For your prot ection, p lease read the se safety instr uctio ns comp letely bef ore oper atin g the appl iance, an d keep this manua l for future re ference. Carefully observe a ll warnings, pr ecauti ons and in structions o n the appliance , or t he one described in the operating in structions and adhere to th em.
4 Ligh tning For added protection for t his set during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unpl ug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This wi ll prevent damage to th e set due to lightning and power-line surges.
5 Read this f irst Before operat ing the un it, pl ease re ad this manual th oroughly, and retain it for future referen ce. Replace the battery with the specified type only. Otherwise, fire or injury may resu lt. HVR-V1U o nly RECYCLI NG LIT HIUM-ION BATTER IES Lithium-Io n batteries are recyclable.
6 For the State of Califo rnia, USA only Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply, See ate Perchlorate M aterial: Lithium bat tery contains perchlorate. Type s of cassett e you can use in your camcor der Your ca mcorder is ca pable of recor ding in HDV, DVCAM and DV form ats.
7 “Memory Sti ck” (You canno t use it in your ca mcorder.) b Not es • You cannot use any type of memory card except “Memory Stick Duo.” • “Memory St ick PRO” and “Memory Stick PRO Duo” can be used only with “Memory Stick PRO” comp atible equipment.
8 • Exposing the L CD screen, th e viewfind er, or the lens to dir ect sunlight for lon g period s of time may cause ma lfuncti ons. • Do not aim at the sun. Doin g so might cause y our camc order t o malfunc tion. Take pictures o f the su n only in low light conditions, such as at dusk.
9 Tabl e of Cont ents IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ........ ...... ....... ......... ....... .......... ...... ....... ...... 3 Read this f irst .... ...... .......... ...... ....... ...... .......... ...... ....... .......... ...... ....... ......5 Using the CD-ROM Manual .
10 Locating a sc ene on a tape .......... ...... ....... ...... .......... ...... ....... .......... ...... 50 Searc hing fo r a scene by da te of reco rding (D ate sear ch) ........... ..... 50 Searc hing for a recordi ng start po int (Inde x search) .
11 Connecting t o a computer .... .......... ...... ....... ...... .......... ...... ....... .......... .... 95 Copying still images to a computer ... ....... ...... ...... .......... ....... ...... .......... . 95 Copying movies on a tape to a computer .
12 Using th e CD-RO M Manual The su pplied CD-ROM includes versions of t he Op eratin g Gui de for t he HV R-V1 series in Japanese, English, French, German, Italia n, Sp anis h, and Simpl ified Chine se in PD F form at. The foll owing progra m must b e instal led on your com puter in ord er to read the Opera ting Gu ide cont ained on th e CD- ROM .
13 Gettin g Started Gettin g Started Step 1: Checki ng supp lied ite ms Make sure that you have follo wing items suppl ied with your cam corde r. The number in the par enthe ses ind icat es the numb er o f th at it em s uppli ed. • The cassette tape and “Memory Stick Duo” are not included.
14 Step 2: At tach ing the su ppli ed micro phon e and the lens hood wit h lens cover 1 Attach the wind screen 1 to the micr ophone 2 . 2 Loosen the screw of the micropho ne h older 3 an d open the cover. 3 Place the microphone into the holder with the model name facing upward, close t he cover, and tighten the screw.
15 Gettin g Started Align the mark s on the lens hood t o those on the camcorder, an d turn the lens hood in the direct ion of the arrow. Tig hten the le ns hood fix ing screw.
16 Step 3: Charg ing the b attery pa ck You can charge the battery by attach ing the “I nfoLITHI UM” batt ery pack (L series) to your camcorder. b Note • You cannot use batteries other than the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (L series) (p. 120).
17 Gettin g Started Afte r cha rging t he ba tter y The CHARGE lamp turns off when the bat tery is ful ly c harge d. D iscon nect the AC Adaptor from the DC IN jack. z Tip • You can check the remain ing battery with Battery info (p. 49). To remov e the b attery pack Slide the POWER switch to OFF (CHG).
18 Playin g time App roxim ate time (m in.) a vail able when you use a fully c harged battery pack. HDV fo rmat pic tures DVCAM (DV) format pictures * When the LCD backlight turns on. On the batt ery pack • Before changing the battery pack, slid e the POWER switch to OFF (CHG) .
19 Gettin g Started Step 4: T urnin g the powe r on and ho lding yo ur camcor der pr operly To re cord or play back, slid e the P OWER switch to th e res pecti ve dir ecti on. When using it for the first time, [CL OCK SET] scree n appear s (p. 2 2). 1 While pressing the green button, set the PO WER switch.
20 Step 5: Adjus ting the LCD pane l and vi ewfind er Open the LCD panel whil e pres sing the OPEN but ton 90 degr ees to the cam corder ( 1 ), the n rot ate it t o the best an gle to recor d or pl ay ( 2 ).
21 Gettin g Started When the pic ture in the v iewfind er is hard to se e If you canno t see the pi cture in the view finder cle arly u nder bri ght circu mstances , use the s upplied large eyecu p. To a ttac h the l arge eyecup , str etch it slightly and align it with the eye cup groove in the viewfi nder.
22 Step 6 : Se tting the date a nd ti me Set the dat e and time whe n using this camcord er for the first time. If you do not set the d ate and ti me, [ CLOCK SET] screen appears eve ry time you turn on yo ur camcor der o r chan ge t he P OWER s witc h posi ti on.
23 Gettin g Started z Tip • The date and time do not appear dur ing recording, but th ey are automaticall y recorded on the tape, and can be displayed during playback ([DATA CODE] ( p. 73 )). You can ch ange t he on- scr een di splay s to show messages in a specified language.
24 Step 7: In serting a t ape or a “Memory Stick D uo” See page 114 for details of usable cassettes and prev ention of ac cidenta l erasure. 1 Slide and hold the OPEN/ EJECT leve r i n the direction of the arrow and open the lid. The casse tte comp artmen t automatic ally com es out an d opens up.
25 Gettin g Started 2 Insert the “M emory Stick Duo” into the “Memory Stick Duo” slot in the right direction until it clicks. b Note • If you insert th e “Memory St ick Duo” into the slot in t he wrong direction, the “Memor y Stick Duo,” the “Memory S tick Duo” slot, or imag e d ata may be damaged.
26 Recording/ Playback Reco rding This cam corde r reco rds mo vies on tape and s till i mage s on “ Memory Stick Duo.” Th e proced ure for record ing movies is be low. • This camcorder can record movies in HDV or DVCAM (DV) format. The f actory setting is HDV format ([REC FORMAT] p.
27 Recordin g/Playback 3 Press the RE C START/STOP button A (or B ). The Re c lamp ligh ts up during recordin g. To stop the m ovie recording , press the REC START/STO P butt on again. z Tips • When recording in HDV format, the aspect ratio i s fixed to 16:9 .
28 To record still im ages Press the PHOTO/ EXPANDED FOCUS button. The image is rec orded on a “Memory St ick Duo.” Reco rding is compl ete when disappear s. You can also record still image s during movie re cor din g. z Tips • W hen you are not recording a movie, you will hear the shutte r click.
29 Recordin g/Playback Play back You can pl ay bac k movi es as foll ows. 1 While pressin g the green bu tton, set the POWE R swi tch to V CR. 2 Start playing back. Press m (rewind) to go to th e point you want to view, th en press N (p lay) to star t playba ck.
30 • Time code and user bits are not displayed correctly unless time code and user bits are recorded on the tape, or the recorded t ime code is compatible with your camcorder. z Tips • Indicators displayed on the screen during playback are shown on page 138.
31 Recordin g/Playback Changi ng the sett ings o f your camc order record ings Move the power zo om le ve r C slightly for a slower zoom . Move it further for a faster zoom. z Tip s • The minimum distance required between your camcorder and the subject for focus is abou t 1 cm (about 13/32 in.
32 You ca n adjust the foc us manual ly for different recording conditio ns. Use this functio n in the following cases. – T o record a subject behind a window covered with raindrops. – T o record horizontal stripes. – T o record a subjec t with little contrast between the subject and its background.
34 z Tip • Thi s is handy for changi ng the brightness of the screen and setting the desired brightness b y dial operation. x EXPOSURE2 You can adjust the display brigh tness by adju sti ng the ir is ( the ga in and s hutte r speed rem ain fixed) . The iris , gain and shut ter speed are displaye d on the screen.
35 Recordin g/Playback 3 Adjust th e picture quality by turning the EXP OSURE/IRIS dial G . z Tip • If you set the AUTO LOCK switch A to HOLD after manual adjus tment, the manually adjusted ite ms are saved. To re stor e aut omat ic ad just ment Press the EXPOSU RE/IRIS button H , or set the AUTO LOCK switch A to AUTO LOCK.
36 To hide the zebra patter n • Set the ZEBR A swit ch E to OFF. b Note • The zebra pattern is not r ecorded on the tape. z Tip • Thi s is convenient for adjusting the brightness while a histogram (p.
37 Recordin g/Playback You ca n adj ust th e white bala nce ac cordi ng to the light of the recor ding envir onment. You can set two sets of white ba lance adjustmen t data separat ely in me mory A and memor y B for two differ ent recor ding cond ition s with A an d B.
38 To rest ore the automatic white balanc e Press t he WHT BAL but ton B , or se t the AUTO LOCK switch A to AUTO L OCK. b Note • If you set the AUTO LOCK switch A to AUTO LOCK, other manuall y adjusted items (iris, gain, shutter speed) al so become temporarily autom atic.
39 Recordin g/Playback 1 During standby, press the PICTU RE PROFI LE but ton C . 2 Select a picture profile number by turni ng the SEL /PUSH EXEC dial A , then press the dial. You can sho ot wi th the settin gs of th e selected pi cture profil e. 3 Select [ OK] by turni ng the SEL/ PUSH EXEC dial A .
40 [KNEE POIN T] The star ting point of video signal co mpression, set in order to prevent overexpos ed highli ghts by keepin g the subje ct's high- brightne ss area signal within the dynamic range of your camcord er. [AUT O] T o aut omatica lly set the kne e point.
41 Recordin g/Playback 6 Repea t steps 4 and 5 to adjust other items. 7 Selec t [ RETUR N] by turning t he SEL/PUSH EXEC dial A , then press the di al. 8 Sel ect [O K] by turnin g the SE L/PUS H EXEC dial A , then press the di al. A p icture pro file i ndicator appears.
42 You ca n adjust the vo lume of a micr ophone connec ted to INPUT1/INP UT2. z Tip • You can find how to attach the suppl ied microphone on page 14. 1 Set the AUTO/MAN sw itch A of the channel to be adjusted to MAN. appears on the screen. 2 Turn the AUDIO LEVEL dial B to adjust the volume.
43 Recordin g/Playback Assign ing the fu nctions to the ASSIGN but tons You may ne ed to assign some func tions to the ASSIGN bu tt ons. You can as si gn a sing le f unc tion to each t he A SSI GN butt on 1 to 6. Functions you can assign to the ASSIGN buttons • LAST SCN RVW (p.
44 5 Select [OK] by turning th e SEL/ PUSH EX EC dial B , then press the dial. 6 Press the MENU button A to hi de the menu. z Tips • Shot transition is assigned to the ASSIGN buttons 1, 2 and 3 (p. 46). Cancel the s hot transition a ssignment to return t o the pre- setting assignment.
45 Recordin g/Playback You c an view about 2 seconds of the scene recorde d just before you st opped the t ape. This is conv enient during play back of the lates t scen e c heck. 1 Assign [REC REVIEW] to one of the ASSIGN buttons in advance. (p. 4 3).
46 z Tip • If you press the ASSIGN button again during the last sc ene review, your camcorder plays back the last 5 seconds of the mos t recently recorded movie, then goes to standby at the end of the recordi ng.
47 Recordin g/Playback 2 Press the ASS IGN button 2 to check the SHOT-A . Press th e ASSIGN b utton 3 to check the SHOT-B . The sel ected set ting wil l take effect on the p ictu re on th e scr een. T he foc us, zoom, and so on, are aut omatically adjusted as sto red in t he set ting.
48 Changi ng/c heck ing th e setti ngs in your camcor der You ca n turn on and off the display of the time c ode, ta pe coun ter, and other inform ation on th e screen. Press the DISPLAY /BATT INFO button C . The screen indicators tu rn on (display ed) and off (und isplayed ) as you press th e button .
49 Recordin g/Playback Set the PO WER switch to OFF (CHG), th en press the DISPLAY/BATT INFO but ton C . The a pproxi mate record able t ime in the select ed fo rmat and bat tery i nformat ion appear for about 7 seco nds.
50 Locati ng a sc ene on a ta pe b Note • See page 136 for details on how to use the Remote Commander . You ca n locate the point wh ere the recor din g date chang es. 1 Set the POW ER switch to VCR. 2 Press SEARCH M. 1 on the Remote Commander repeatedly to select [DATE SEARCH].
51 Recordin g/Playback 3 Press . (pr eviou s)/ > (next) 2 on the Remote Commander to select an index point. You can sele ct the i ndex signa l of the point t hat you want to star t playing back the tape . Playba ck starts au tomatic ally from the point where t he se lect ed ind ex si gnal is recor ded.
52 Playi ng th e pict ure on a TV Conn ection me thods and imag e qualit y differ dep ending on wh at type of TV is connect ed and connec tors used. Use th e supplie d AC Ad aptor t o obta in AC p ower (p. 16). Refer also to the instruction manuals supp lied with the de vice to be connec ted.
53 Recordin g/Playback Jacks on you r camcorder Open t he ja ck cov er an d con nect the ca ble. Connecting to a high definition TV : Signal flow Type Camcorder Cable TV Menu Setting (IN/OUT REC) menu t [VCR HDV/DV] t [AUTO] (p. 75) [COMPONENT] t [1080i /480i] (p.
54 (IN/OUT REC) menu t [VCR HDV/DV] t [AUTO] (p. 75) b Notes • U se an HD MI cable with th e HDM I logo. • Picture s in the DVCAM (DV) format are not output from the HDMI OUT jack, if copyright protection signals are r ecorded in the pict ures. • DVCAM (DV) format pictures in put to the camco rder via i.
55 Recordin g/Playback To se t the as pect ra tio acc ording to th e conn ected TV (16: 9/4: 3) Change [DOWN CONVERT] se tting to match y our TV (p. 77). b Not e • When you play back a tape recorded in the DVCAM (DV) format on a 4:3 T V not compatible with the 16:9 signal, set [DV WIDE REC] to [OFF] on your camcorder when recording a picture (p.
56 * Change the se ttings according to th e TV connecte d. b Notes • If you connect yo ur camcorder to your TV us ing more than one type of cable to output images from a jack other than the i.LINK jack, the order of priority of the output s ignals is as follows: HDMI t component video t SV I D E O t audio/video.
57 Usin g the Menu Using t he Menu Using th e menu i tems You can cha nge various set tings or make detail ed adju stments u sing t he menu items displayed on the screen. 1 While pressing the green button, set the PO WER switch. 2 Press the M ENU button to display the menu index screen.
58 5 Select the desired setting by turning th e SEL/PUSH EXEC dial, then press the dial. 6 Press the MENU button to hide the menu sc reen. To re turn to the prev ious scre en, se lect [ RETURN].
59 Usin g the Menu . Menu ite ms Availabl e menu items ( z ) vary depending on th e POWER switch position. Positio n of POWER sw itch: CAMERA VCR (CAM ERA SE T) me nu (p.
61 Usin g the Menu CLOCK SE T zz WORLD TIME zz LANGUAGE zz USB SEL ECT – z PB ZOOM – z QUIC K REC z – DATE REC z – BEEP zz REC LAMP z – REMOTE CTRL zz HOURS METER zz Positio n of POWER sw it.
62 (CAME RA SET) menu Setting s to adjust your ca mcorder t o the recordi ng condition s (EXPOSUR E/IRIS/ STEADYSHOT/BACK LIGHT, etc.) The defa ult set ting s are mark ed with B . The in dicators in parent heses appe ar wh en the items ar e select ed.
63 Usin g the Menu b Not es • Sounds cannot be recorded • [SMTH SLW REC] set tings are automatically canceled if you turn the power off and back on. • The shutter speed is automatically set to 1/250 even if you s et it to a speed slower than 1/250.
64 x TYPE You ca n select the col or bar type. x TONE When you set [ON/OFF] to [ON] and [TONE] to [ ON], audio tone si gnals (1kHz: full bit -20d B) are ou tput (the defa ult sett ing is [OFF]). When yo u set [AF ASSIST] to [ ON], you can briefl y foc us manu ally by tur ning th e focus ri ng duri ng the auto f ocus.
65 Usin g the Menu b Not e • If you adjust t he iris manually, you cannot obtain the effect of [AT IR IS LMT]. You can s et the auto white ba lance fo r operation under a reddi sh light source such as an inc andes cent lam p or candle, or under a blu eish li ght sour ce such as in out doo r shade.
66 SOFT TRANS Make the trans ition slowly at the beginning and e nd, and linearly in between. b Note • You cann ot change [TRANS TIME] and [TRANS CURVE] settings during store, check, or execution of [SHOT TRANS]. Cancel [SHOT TRANS] setting by pressing the ASSIGN button 1 several times be fore changing [TRANS TIME] or [TRANS CURVE] setting.
67 Usin g the Menu You ca n record pict ures with a stop-motion animat ed eff ect by alt ern atel y recor ding a few fra mes and then mov ing the subjec t a little. Operate yo ur camco rder using th e Remote Commande r to p revent camer a shake. B OFF Sele ct to recor d in the st andard record ing mode.
68 You ca n record a transi tion with the followi ng effects addi ng to the interva l betwe en sc enes. 1 Select th e desired effect in [STBY] (dur ing fading in) or [R EC] (during fading out) mode. 2 Press the REC START /STOP button. The fader indicato r stops flashing a nd disappea rs when t he fade is compl ete.
69 Usin g the Menu b Not es • This function is effective only when the AUTO/ MAN switches of both CH1and CH2 are set to MAN (p. 42). • When [LINKED] is set, you can adjust the volume with the AUDIO LEVEL dial of CH1 (p. 42). x INPU T1 L EVEL You ca n switch between m icrophon e and line for input from the INPUT1 jack.
70 B CH1,CH2 Select to output sound of CH1 and CH2 from r especti ve channels . CH1 Select to output sound of CH1 from channel 1/2. CH2 Select to output sound of CH2 from channel 1/2. z Tip • When y ou select [CH1,CH2 ] and out put from the stereo of you r camcorder, sound is mixed sound of CH1 and CH2.
71 Usin g the Menu When you set [HISTOGRAM] to [ON], [HIS TOGRA M] (a graph to displ ay a distributi on of tones in your pict ure) window appears on the scr een (the default settin g is [OFF]). This it em is useful wh en you adjust expos ure. You can adju st EXPOSU RE/ IRIS while checking [ HISTOGRAM] window (p.
72 TYPE 2 Enlarg es and sh ows im ages in white and black. When you set [A LLSCAN MODE] to [ON], you ca n check th e area surro unding the pi ct ure f rame , wh ich you c anno t ch eck on a TV scre en (the default sett ing is [OFF]). Durin g the simpl e all scan display, a blac k frame ap pear s arou nd the sc reen.
73 Usin g the Menu DEGRE E Selec t to display the shut ter speed in degrees, wher e the shutter speed equival ent to the data reading cycle from the image sensor is displaye d as 360°. – When [PROG. SCAN] is set to [ OFF], 1/60 is equal to 360°. – When [PROG.
74 B OFF Data code is not displ ayed. DATE Displa ys the date and time. CAMERA DATA Displays c amera setting da ta. A SteadyS hot off B Exposu re is displayed whe n shooting with a utomati c adjustm ent of iri s/gain/ shutte r speed, and is displa yed when shooti ng with ma nual adjus tment.
75 Usin g the Menu (IN/OUT REC) menu Recording settings , input a nd ou tput settings (VCR HDV/DV/DV REC MODE/ DV WIDE R EC/ DO WN CONVERT, etc .) The def ault se ttings ar e marked with B . The indic ators in parenthe ses appear whe n the i tems ar e sele cted.
76 DV SP ( ) Record i n the S P (Standar d Play) m ode of the DV for mat to record for a longer time on a tape than in the DVC AM for mat. b Notes • If you record in the DV SP mode, a mosaic-like disturbance of picture may appear or sound m ay be interrupted when you play back t he tape on other camcorders or VCRs.
77 Usin g the Menu 480i Selec t when conn ecting your camcorder to a TV with the c omponent i nput jack. B 1080i/ 480i Selec t when conn ecting your camcorder to a TV that ha s the compo nent inp ut jack and i s capable of displ aying t he 1080i signal.
78 (TC/ UB SET) men u (TC PRE SET/UB PRESET/T C LINK, etc.) The defa ult set ting s are mark ed with B . The in dicators in parent heses appe ar wh en the items ar e select ed. See page 57 for details o n selecting menu items. x PRESET You ca n preset the time code .
79 Usin g the Menu B RE GENE RATE Selec t to make the time cod e continuous at backspac e editing. Reg ardles s of the [TC RUN] setting, the run ning m ode is automa tica lly s et to [RE C RUN]. PRES ET Select when you do not want to make the time code continuous at backspace edit ing.
80 (MEM ORY SET) menu Settings for th e “Memory Stick Du o” (QUALITY/ALL ER ASE, etc.) The defa ult set ting s are mark ed with B . The in dicators in parent heses appe ar wh en the items ar e select ed. See page 57 for details o n selecting menu items.
81 Usin g the Menu 2 Select [YES] t [YES] by using the SEL/ PUSH EXEC dial. [ Era sing all da ta...] is disp laye d. [Com pleted] is disp layed when al l unprote cted images are de leted. b Not es • Release the write protect tab on the “Memory Stick Duo” beforehand when using the “Memory Stick Duo” with the write-p rotect tab (p.
82 (OTHER S) me nu Settings wh ile recordin g on a tape or other basic settings (USB SELECT/QUICK REC/ BEEP, etc.) The defa ult set ting s are mark ed with B .
83 Usin g the Menu x To delet e camera pro file settings 1 Select [DELETE] by the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial. 2 Select th e camera pro file you wan t to delete by the SEL/PU SH EXEC di al. 3 Sele ct [YE S] in the ch eck s creen . See page 43. You can sele ct a funct ion t o assi gn t o the PHOTO/EXPANDED FOCUS button (p.
84 B OFF It takes some time to rest art recording from the state that th e drum has stopped rotati ng, but the tran sition fr om the last recorded scene i s smooth.
85 Dubbin g/Editing Dubbing /Editing Dubbin g to VC R, DVD/ HDD dev ice, etc. Connec t your camcor der to the wa ll outlet using th e supplied AC Adaptor for t his operatio n (p. 1 6). R efer a lso t o th e ins truct ion ma nual s sup plie d wit h the devi ces t o be conn ected.
86 Jacks on yo ur camcorder Open the ja ck cover and connec t the cabl e. Usin g an i .LINK c able (opti onal) The dubbed format (HDV/DV) differs d ependin g on the recording fo rmat or the format supported by the VCR/ DVD device. See the table below for sel ecting the app ropriate se ttings, and perfo rm necessary menu set ting.
87 Dubbin g/Editing b Not es • When [VCR HDV/DV] is set to [AUTO], and the s ignal switches between HDV and DVCAM (DV) formats, the picture and sound are interrupted temporarily. • When the recorder is HVR-V1U/V1N, set [VCR HDV/DV ] to [AUTO] (p. 75).
88 1 Prepare your cam corder for playback. Inser t the recor ded ca ssette . Slide the POWER swit ch t o VCR. Set [DOWN CONVERT] according to the play back devi ce (TV , etc.) (p. 77 ). 2 Prepare your VCR/DVD device for recording. When dubbi ng to th e VCR , ins ert a cassette for re cording.
89 Dubbin g/Editing Record ing pict ures from a VC R You can re cord pi ctur es from a VCR on a tape. Y ou ca n reco rd a s cene a s a st ill i mage on a “Memory Stick Duo.” Y ou can record pictures in the HDV format by connecting an H DV108 0i spec ificat ion co mpat ible device.
90 3 Connect your VCR as a player to your camcorder. When a n i.LIN K cabl e is co nnect ed, the form at of the in put si gnal ( or ) will be indicate d on the LCD scr een of your camco rder (This indi cator may ap pear on the scree n of the playba ck device, howev er, it wil l not be rec orded ).
91 Dubbin g/Editing b Not e • Movies will be fixed to image size [ 1.2M] when playing back in the HDV format. Movies will be fixed to image size [ 0.
92 Dele ting r eco rded pic tures f rom the “Memor y Stick Du o” 1 Set the POW ER switch to VCR. 2 Playback a pictu re you want to delete (p. 30). 3 Press the MEMO RY/DELETE butt on. [Delete this image?] will be displayed. 4 Select [YES] by turn ing the SEL/ PUSH EXE C dial, then press the dial .
93 Dubbin g/Editing Printin g recorded images (PictBridge compliant printer) You ca n print out pict ures usin g a PictBri dge compli ant printer without connec ting the c amcorder to a comput er. Connect the AC Adap tor to you r camcor der to obta in po wer fr om the wal l outl et.
94 1 Select [SET] t [DATE/TIME] t [DATE] or [DAY & TIME] with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial. 2 Select [ RETURN ] by turn ing th e SEL/PUSH EXEC dial, then press the dial . The Pict Bri dge se lect ion sc reen ap pea rs again. 4 Select [EXEC ] t [YES] with the SEL/ PUSH EX EC dial .
95 Using a Computer Using a Compute r Connec ting t o a comput er When co nnecti ng your camco rder to a comput er, the fo llowing opera tions are availa ble: Copying the still imag es on a “Memory Stick Duo” to the comp uter t p. 95 Copying th e movie on a tape in t he HDV form at to the com puter t p.
96 • Do not connect your camcorder to the computer at this poi nt. • The computer m ay not recognize the camcorder if you connect them with the USB cable before turning on your camcorder. • See page 98 for the recommended connection. 1 Turn on the computer.
97 Using a Computer For Wi ndows us ers Double-c lick the [Rem ovable Di sk] icon displayed i n [My Computer ]. The n, drag and drop a pi cture in the folder onto t he hard disk drive of your compute r. A Fold er containi ng image files reco rded by other ca mcorder s without the f older crea tion func ti on (f or pla ybac k onl y).
98 b Notes • If you are using Mac OS X, turn off the computer before disconnecting the USB cable and ejecting the “Memory Stick Duo.” • Do n ot disconnect the USB cable while the access lamp is lit. • Mak e sur e to di scon nec t the USB cabl e befo re turning off your camcorder.
99 Using a Computer * See page 57 for menu se ttings. z Tip s • To copy HDV format images a s they are without changing their format, an HDV compatible environment is required. For details , refer to your so ftware in structio n manual or contact t he software manufacturer.
100 z Tip • When i mages recorded in HDV format are copied to a com puter, the file si ze is about 2GB (almost the s ame as a DV file) for a 10-minute movie if the video compression format is MPEG2. When c opyin g the m ovie in the HDV format fr om the compute r to your camcor der Set [VCR HDV/DV] to [HDV] and [i.
101 Troubles hooting Troubleshoo ting Trou blesho oting If you run into any problems usin g your camcord er, use the fo llowing table to troublesho ot the problem. If the problem persists, d isconnect the p ower sourc e and co ntact yo ur Sony dealer.
102 The battery pack discharges too quickly. • Am bient temper ature is too high or low, or the battery pack has not bee n charged enough. This is not a malfu nction. • F ully charg e the battery ag ain. If the problem pe rsists, the battery ma y be worn-ou t.
103 Troubles hooting The cassette is noisier during rewinding or fast-forwarding. • Whe n using the AC Adaptor, rewind/ fast forward spee d increases (compare d with battery operati on) and th erefore increase s noise. This is n ot a m alfunctio n. You cannot de lete pict ures or form at the “Memory Stick Duo.
104 The shutter sound is not heard when you record a still image. • Set [BEEP] to [ ON] (p . 84). • T here is no shutter sound while during movie shooting. End search does not work. • Do not ejec t the casset te af ter re cording (p . 45 ). • T here is nothing r ecorded o n the c assette.
105 Troubles hooting Shutter speed, gain, white balance or iris cannot be adjusted manually. • Set the AUTO LOCK s witch t o th e cente r position to r elease the auto lock m ode. Tiny spots in white, red, b lue, or green appear on the screen. • Th is phenom enon appear s when usi ng a slow shutter s peed (p.
106 Image data stored on a “Memory Stick Duo” cannot be played back correctly. • Im age data cann ot be played back if you ha ve modified file names or folders, or have edited the data on a comp uter (In this case, the file name flas hes). This is not a malfunc tion (p.
107 Troubles hooting Date Search does not work correctly. • B e sure to record m ore than 2 minutes after the date chan ged. If one day’s reco rding is too short, yo ur camc order ma y not a ccurately find the point wher e the re cording da te chan ges.
108 • DV CAM (DV) format pictu res input to the ca mcorder via i .LINK cable ( p. 89) ca nnot be out put . • T his occurs if you record on a tape in bot h HDV and DVCAM (DV) formats. Dis connect and connect the HDMI cable, o r slide the POWER swi tch to turn on your cam corder again .
109 Troubles hooting When you copy a movie shot in wide (16:9) format using an i.LINK cable, the screen stretches verti cally. • You cannot output the aspect ratio setting us ing an i. LINK cable. Set the aspect ratio o f the TV inst ead. • Conne ct using an AV cable inst ead.
110 Warnin g in dicato rs and mes sage s If in dica tors ap pear on th e LCD scr een or in the view find er, ch eck the fo llo wing. So me sy mpto ms y ou c an fi x b y you rse lf. I f the probl em persists ev en after you have tried a couple of times, contact your Sony deal er or l ocal aut horized So ny se rvice facili ty.
111 Troubles hooting Fast flashing: • The t ape ha s ru n out . * Z (Eject cassette warning)* Slow flashing: • Th e write-pr otect tab on the cassette is set to lock (p. 114). Fast flashing: • M oisture cond ensation has occ urred (p. 123). • Th e self- diagnosis display c ode is displayed (p.
112 Cannot record s till image s on Memory Stick. • Yo u canno t record sti ll image s in the following cases : – When the shutter spe ed is 1/60 o r less – While us ing [FADER ] – While using [S MTH SLW REC] – While c hecking or execut ing shot transi tion – While [PROG.
113 Additional I nformation Addition al Information Using y our ca mcorde r abroad Power supply You can use yo ur camco rder in any country /region using t he AC Adap tor suppl ied with your cam corder wit hin the AC 100 V to 24 0 V, 50/60 Hz range .
114 HDV form at and rec ordi ng/play back Your ca mcorder is capable of re cording i n HDV/DVCAM/DV formats. It is rec ommen ded t o use a cas sette w ith the mark to record in the HDV/ DVCAM/DV format. It is rec ommen ded t o use a cas sette w ith the mark to record in the DVCAM format .
115 Additional I nformation x When l abeli ng th e cass ette Be sure to place the label only on the locati ons shown in the follo wing illust ratio n so as not to ca use a malf unction of your camc order. x Afte r usi ng th e cass ette Rewind th e tape to the b eginning to avoi d distortion of the picture or the so und.
116 Compat ibil ity o f the DVCAM /DV for mats The DVCAM forma t was dev elope d as a more relia ble and hig her -end form at tha n the con sumer DV for mat. Expl ained here are the di ffer ences , compat ibili ty, an d limitat ions on editing for th e DVCAM and DV formats.
117 Additional I nformation Compatib ility on editing using DV jacks When th is camco rder is co nnected to other digital vi deo equip ment using an i.LINK cable, the recor ding forma t of edit ed tap es is define d accordi ng to the source t ape and the reco rder’s format as desc ribed below.
118 About the “ Memory St ick” A “Me mory Stic k” i s a co mpact, porta ble IC record ing medi um with a larg e data capa city. You can use only a “Memory Stick Duo,” which is ab out the half size of a standa rd “Memory St ick,” with yo ur camcorde r.
119 Additional I nformation • Do not insert anyth ing other than a “Memory Stick Duo” into the “Memory Stick Duo” slot. Doing so may cause a malfunction. x On a location for us e Do not use or kee p the “Mem ory Stick Duo” in the foll owing locati ons.
120 About the “ InfoLITHI UM” batt ery pa ck This unit is c ompatibl e with a n “In foLIT HIUM” ba ttery pack (L ser ies) . Your ca mcorder ope rates only wit h an “InfoLITH IUM” b attery pack. “InfoLITH IUM” L seri es battery pa cks have th e mark.
121 Additional I nformation About s tora ge of the ba ttery pack • If the battery pack is not used for a long time, fully charge the battery pack and use it up on your camcorder once a year to maintain proper function. To store the battery pack, remove it from your camcorder and put it in a dry, cool place.
122 About th e i.LINK Baud rate i.LINK’s max imum baud rate varies accor ding to the device . There ar e 3 types . S100 (appro x. 100Mbps * ) S200 (appro x. 200Mbps) S400 (appro x. 400Mbps) The baud rate is li sted under “Speci ficati ons” in the oper ating instructi ons of each piece of equipment.
123 Additional I nformation Maint enanc e and prec aution s On use an d care • Do not use o r store the camcorder and accessories in the fo llowing locations. – Anywhere extremely hot or cold. Never leave them exposed to temperatures above 60 °C (140 °F), such as under direct sunlight, near heaters or in a car par ked in the s un.
124 x If moistu re conde nsation has oc curred None of th e funct ions except cassett e ejectio n wi ll work . Eje ct the casset te, t urn off you r camcorder , and leav e it for about one ho ur with the casse tte lid open .
125 Additional I nformation • The video heads will be worn after long use. If you cannot obtain a clear image even after using a cleaning cassette (optional), the video heads may be worn out. Please contact your Sony dealer or l ocal authorized Sony service faci lity to have the video hea ds replaced.
126 Removin g dust fro m inside the viewfi nder 1 Remove the viewfinder. While s lidi ng the vi ewfin der re lease leve r to the l eft 1 , remove the viewfind er 2 . 2 Remove dust from inside the viewfinder and the part shown below wi th a blower. 3 Attach the viewfinder following the reverse procedu re of step 1.
127 Additional I nformation Speci fic ations System Vide o record ing sys tem (HDV ) 2 rotary heads, Helical scanning system Video recording system (DVCAM (DV)) 2 rotary heads, Helical scanning system Stil l image rec ording system Exif V er.
128 Minimum ill umination 4 lx (lux) (F 1.6) * 1 “Ex if” i s a file form at fo r st ill im age s, establishe d by the JEITA (Japan Electronics and Informati on Technology Indu stries Associ ation ). File s in thi s format can have additional inf ormation such as your cam corder’s se tting informat ion at the tim e of recording.
129 Additional I nformation Mass (approx.) 1.5 kg (3 lb 6 oz) m ain unit only 1.9 kg (4 lb 2 oz) in cluding the NP- F570 rec harge able bat ter y pa ck, cassette (PHDVM-63DM), and lens hood with l ens cover, microphone Supplied accessories See page 13.
130 On trad emarks • “Memory Stick,” “ ,” “M emory Stick Duo,” “ ,” “Memory Stick PRO Duo,” “ ,” “MagicGate,” “ ,” “Ma gic Gate Memo ry S tic k” an d “Ma gic Ga te Memory Stick Duo” are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
131 Quick Re fere nce Quick Reference Ident ify ing part s and co ntro ls The numbe rs in ( ) are referenc e pages. A Zoom lever (3 1) B Viewfi nder (20) C Viewfi nder lens adjustm ent lever (20) D Vi.
132 A Hook for the shou lder strap (133) B EXPOSURE /IRIS bu tton (33) C EXPOSURE /IRIS di al (33) D PUSH AUTO FOCUS but ton (32) E ND FILTER swit ch ( 1/2/OFF) (35) F REC START /STOP bu tton (26) G A.
133 Quick Re fere nce A BATT R ELEASE (battery re lease) button (17) B Hook for the shoulder strap (13 3) C OPEN/EJECT le ver (24) D Grip be lt (19) E INPUT 2 jac k ( 14) F INPUT 1 jac k ( 14) G Lens (8) H Lens hoo d with lens cove r (15) To at tach t he sho ulder strap Attach the shou lder str ap (op tional) to the hooks for the sho ulder strap .
134 A LCD sc reen (20 ) B Video control buttons (REW, PLA Y * , FF, PAUSE, S TOP, SLOW, REC) (29) C ZEBRA switch (35) D ASSIGN 6, MEMORY/D ELETE button (43 , 92) E ASSIGN 5, MEMORY/INDEX button(2 9, 4.
135 Quick Re fere nce A Remote sensor (fron t) (136) B Rec la mp (front) Th e rec lam p flas hes if the re mainin g tape o r batter y is lo w. C REC CH SELECT sw itch (14) D CH1 AUTO/MAN switch (42) E.
136 Remove the insu lati on sheet before usin g the Remo te Command er. A PHOTO (28) The on-screen image when you press this button will be recorded onto th e “Memory Stick Duo” a s a still image. B Memory control b uttons (Inde x, –/+, Memory/pl ayback) (3 0) C SEARCH M.
137 Quick Re fere nce Indica tors fo r the LCD s creen and v iewfi nder The numbe rs in ( ) are referenc e pages. The i ndicators will not be record ed on the tape duri ng reco rding.
138 K Tape transp ort i ndica tor Recording mode (DVCAM or DV SP) appears when a t ape recorded in the DVCAM or DV SP format is played back.DV. L Data fil e name M Pictu re nu mber/ Tota l number of r.
139 Quick Re fere nce Upper le ft Upper right Cent er Botto m Indicators when you made change s Indicator Mea nin g Record ing format (75) DV WIDE REC ( 76) * QUI CK REC (8 3) ** DV FRAME REC (67) * N.
140 Inde x Nume ric 1080i/480i .. ........................... 7 6 16:9 (wide) or 4:3 TV ........... 5 2 480i ........ ..... .... ....... ..... .... ......7 6 +48V swi tch ...... ..... 14, 42, 135 A AC Adapt or ....... ...... ..... .... ....1 6 Access lam p .
141 Quick Re fere nce D.EXTENDER (Digital Extender) .........67, 104 E EDGE CROP ........ .... ..... ...... .77 End search...... .... ..... ....... .... ...45 END TRIGG ER ...... .... ..... .....62 Expand ed focus....... .... ..... .....3 3 EXPOS URE.
142 Index (Co ntinued ) MEMORY S ET men u ...... .... 80 Memory Stick ........ ... 6, 83 , 118 Memory Stick Duo .... ... 24, 118 Insert /Eject . ...... ....... ..... . 24 Number of recordable pictu res .... ..... ....... .... ......80 Write -protect tab .
143 Quick Re fere nce SEL/P USH EXEC dial .. .... ...22 SEPARA TE ....... ..... .... ....... ...68 SHARPN ESS..... ..... ....... .... ...39 SHOT T RANS ... ..... ....... .46, 6 5 Shot tra nsition ............ ...........46 Should er stra p ....... ...
2-887-519- 11 (1) © 2006 Sony Corporation http://www.son Printed on 70% or more r ecycled pap er using VO C (Volatile Org anic Compound) -free ve getable oil base d ink.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony HVR-V1U c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony HVR-V1U - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony HVR-V1U, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony HVR-V1U va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony HVR-V1U, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony HVR-V1U.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony HVR-V1U. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony HVR-V1U ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.