Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit HDR-SR10E du fabricant Sony
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3-286-594- 11 (1) © 2008 Sony Corporation Digital HD Video Camera Recorder Operati ng Guide HDR-SR 10E For details on th e advanced operat ions, please refer to “Hand ycam Han dbook” (PDF ).
2 Read this first Befo re oper atin g the unit, pleas e read th is manua l thorough ly, and ret ain it for futur e refere nce. To reduce f ire or shock hazard , do not ex pose th e unit t o rain or moisture. Do not expose the batteries to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
3 caused by ina ppropriat e waste handl ing of the bat tery. Th e recycl ing of th e mater ials will hel p to c onserve natural r esources. In case of produc ts that for safe ty, perform ance or d ata.
4 – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which th e receiver is connected. – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for hel p.
5 • If you re peat r ecordin g/d elet ing image s for a lo ng time, fragmen tation of data occurs o n the media. Images cann ot be saved or r ecor ded. In such a case , save y our im ages on so me type of e xter nal medi a first, an d then perform [MEDIA FORM AT] * .
6 (high definition) ima ge quality on your camcorder with th e following devices; – Other AVCHD format compatible devices which are not compatible with High Pr ofile – Device s which are not compa.
7 Gettin g Started Gettin g Started Step 1: C harg ing th e battery pack You ca n charge the “I nfoLITHI UM” battery pack (H series) after attaching it to your camcorder. b Not es • You cannot attach any “InfoL ITHIUM” battery pack other than the H series to your camcorder.
8 To char ge th e batt ery pack u sing o nly the AC Ad apto r Turn the POWE R switch to OFF (CH G), then conne ct th e AC Ad aptor direc tly to the DC IN jack on the camco rder. Chargi ng time: Approx imate time (m in.) require d when you fully charge a comp letely ex hau sted batte ry pack.
9 Gettin g Started Step 2: T urnin g the p ower on , and sett ing the date an d time 1 While pressing the green button, turn the POWER switch repeatedly in the direction o f the arrow until the respective lamp lights u p.
10 Step 3 : Se lecti ng th e medi a You can sele ct th e ha rd di sk or “Memor y Stick PRO Du o” as the rec ording/p layback / editing m edia on your ca mcorde r. Select the media f or mo vies and sti ll i mages separate ly. The defaul t setting is hard di sk for movies and s til l imag es.
11 Gettin g Started 1 Insert the “Memory S tick PRO Duo .” 1 Open the Mem ory Stick Duo co ver in the direction of the arrow. 2 Ins ert the “M emor y St ick PRO Duo” into the Me mory St ick Duo slot in the right direc tion un til i t cl icks. 3 Close the Me mory Stic k Duo cover.
12 Recording/ Playback Reco rding The ima ges are record ed on t he medi a sele cted i n the media se tting ( p. 10). In th e defaul t sett ing , both mo vies and st ill i mage s are rec ord ed on the ha rd di sk . 1 Turn the PO WER swit ch C until the respective lamp lights up.
13 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Play back You can play bac k the image recor ded in the media that has been set on the med ia settin g (p. 10). In the default set ting, the i mages on th e hard disk are played ba ck. 1 Turn the POWER sw itch B to turn on your camcorder.
14 To adju st the sou nd volum e of movies When pl aying bac k a mov ie, touch (OPTION) t tab t [V OLU M E], then ad just the vol ume with / . z Tips • On the VISUAL INDEX screen, i / B appears with the image on the tab that was m ost recently played back/recorded.
15 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Name an d fu nctio ns of e ach p art Buttons, j acks, etc., w hich a re not expl ained in othe r chapt ers, ar e expl ained here. 1 Power zoom le ver Move the po wer zoom leve r slightly for a slower z oom. M ove it further for a faste r zoom.
16 qd EASY button Press EASY to display and most of the set tings a re set automa tically for ea sy record ing/ playbac k. To can cel, p ress EASY again. qf DISP/ BATT INFO button You can swit ch th e sc reen displ ay w hen you press while the power is set to on.
17 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Indic ators dis playe d duri ng reco rdi ng/pl ayback Recordi ng mov ies Recording still imag es Viewin g movi es Viewing st ill images A HOM E button B Remaini ng bat tery (a pprox.
18 Followi ng indicato rs appear during record ing/p laybac k to indi cate the sett ings of your camc order. Upper le ft Center Upper right Bottom z Tip s • Indica tors and their position s are approximate and differ from what you actually see. See “Handycam Handbo ok” (PDF) for details.
19 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Perfor mi ng vari ous func tion s - “ HO ME” and “ OPTION” You can di spl ay t he me nu s cree n by pressing (HOME) A (or B )/ (OPTION). For deta ils of the menu items, see “Ha ndycam Hand book” ( PD F) (p. 23). You can ch ange t he ope rat ing s etti ngs fo r your conve nien ce.
20 b Notes • When the item you want is no t on the screen, touch another tab. If you cannot find the item anywhere, the function is not available under the current situation.
21 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Item s you can set on ly o n the O PTI ON MENU will be de scribed be low. CLOCK/ LANG [CLOC K SET ]* , [A REA SET], [SUM MERTI ME], [ LANGUAGE SET ]* GENERAL SET [DEMO MODE], [REC LAMP] , [CAL IBRATI ON], [A.
22 Connec ting with the A/V conne cting cable You can dub to VCRs, DVD/HDD recorders wit h SD (standard definiti on) image q uality. Connec ting with the USB cable You ca n dub to movi e dubbing compati ble DVD writers, etc., with HD (high definiti on) im age qua lity.
23 Enjoyi ng with a compute r Enjoying with a com puter Perf ormi ng wit h a com pute r x “Handy cam Han dbook ” (PDF) “Han dycam Ha ndbook” (PDF) expl ains in detail ab out your camc order and its pract ical u se. x “Pictu re Motion Brows er” (onl y for Window s user s) “Pic ture M oti on Br owser ” is t he sup plie d software.
24 Stan dard in stal lati on is r equ ired . Operati on is not a ssured if the a bove OS has been upgrad ed o r in a multi-bo ot environm ent. CPU: Inte l Pentiu m 4 2. 8 GHz or f aster (Intel Pentium 4 3.6 GHz or faster, Intel Pentium D 2.8 GH z or faster, Intel Core Duo 1.
25 Enjoyi ng with a compute r 1 Connect the AC Ad aptor to the Handycam Station and a wall outle t (wa ll sock et ). 2 Set your cam corder onto th e Handycam Station, then tur n on your camcorder. 3 Connect t he (USB) j ack of the Handycam Station (p.
26 Troublesho oting Troubl eshoo ting If you run i nto any prob lems using your camcord er, use the fo llowing table t o trouble shoot the pr oblem . If the proble m persists, d isconnec t the power source and conta ct your Sony de aler .
27 Troubles hooting You cannot instal l “Pictur e Motion Browser.” • C heck the comput er envir onment require d to install “Picture Motion Browser.” • I nstall “P icture Mot ion Br owser” in the proper order (p. 2 4). “Picture Motion Browser” d oes not work correctly.
28 • T he temperature of your camcorder is low. Make the camcorder warm. • When the indicator flashes slowly, fr ee space for recording images are running out. • No “M emory Stick PR O Duo” is ins ert ed (p. 1 0). • When the indicator flashes quickly, there are not enough free space for recording im ages .
29 Additi onal Info rmation Addition al Informa tion Precau tion s On use an d care • Do not use o r store the camcorder and accessories in the fol lowing locations: – A nywhere extremely hot, cold or humid.
30 – Leaving the casi ng in contact with r ubber or vinyl objects for a long period of time About care and stora ge of the lens • Wipe the surface of the lens clean wi th a sof t cloth in the following instances: – When there are fi ngerprints on the lens surface.
31 Additi onal Info rmation Speci fic ations System Video compression format: AVCHD (HD)/ MPEG2 (S D)/JPEG (St ill images) Audio compression format: Dolb y Digital 2/5.
Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)- free vegetable oil bas ed ink. Addition al inform ation on t his produc t and answer s to frequent ly asked que stions can be found at o ur Custom er Supp ort We bsite. Printed in Japan GB Power consumption : 18 W Output voltage: DC 8.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony HDR-SR10E c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony HDR-SR10E - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony HDR-SR10E, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony HDR-SR10E va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony HDR-SR10E, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony HDR-SR10E.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony HDR-SR10E. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony HDR-SR10E ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.