Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit K608i du fabricant Sony Ericsson
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1 Content s Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Assemb le the phone, SIM card , batte ry, ma ke a call . Getting to kno w your phone . . . . . . . . 9 Phone over view, use t he menu s, en ter l etter s, t-zo nes, activ ity menu, fi le manager .
2 Sony Er icsson UMTS-G SM 900/ 1800/1 900 First editio n (May 20 05) This user guide is pu blished by Sony Ericsson Mobile Comm unications A B, without any war ranty.
3 Mac OS is a tradema rk of Ap ple Comp uter, Inc., registe red in the U.S. and o ther coun tries. T9™ Text Input is a tradema rk or a r egistered trademar k of Tegic Commun ications. T9™ Text Input is licensed u nder one or more of the followi ng: U.
4 tradema rks of Macr omedia, In c. in the U nited States and othe r countri es. Other p roduct and com pany na mes men tioned he rein may be th e tradem arks of their respe ctive owne rs. Any right s not expre ssl y gran ted he rein are reser ved . This is the I nte rnet versi on of th e use r's guide.
5 Getti ng star ted Gett ing sta rted Assemble the phon e, SIM card, bat tery, make a call. More infor mation and d ownloa ds are availab le a t www.Son yEricsson.
6 Gettin g star ted SIM card and battery informatio n Alway s turn off the pho ne and det ach the charg er before yo u insert or remov e a SIM card. To inse rt SIM car d and batte ry 1 Remo ve th e batter y cov er by sl idin g the two catches on t he side of the phon e and lifting it away as shown in th e pictu re.
7 Getti ng star ted 4 Place the battery c over as sho wn in the picture and sl ide th e two ca tches b ack in to pl ace. To char ge the batte ry 1 Connec t the charg er to the pho ne. The symb ol on the charge r plug must face upward s. 2 It may take up t o 30 mi nutes bef ore the battery ico n appe ars o n the scre en.
8 Gettin g star ted Turnin g on the phone a nd making calls Make sure tha t the phone is charge d and your SIM card is ins erted befo re you turn i t on. When yo u have turned t he phone on, you can use th e setup wiza rd to quick ly and easily pr epare you r phone for u se.
9 Gettin g to kn ow you r phone Gettin g to know your phone Phone ov erview, use the menus, ente r letters, t-zones, activi ty menu, file ma nager. Phone ov ervi ew 7 1 4 1 5 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 .
10 Getti ng to kn ow your ph one t-mus ic* t-zon es* File man ager Pictures Videos Sounds Themes Web page s Gam es Appl icat ion s Other Enter tainme nt Message s Camera Me dia Pl aye r Radio Games Vi.
11 Gettin g to kn ow you r phone Calls Orga nizer All Answered Dialled Missed Alarms Applications Calendar Tasks Notes Synchronizati on Time r Stopwatch Light Calculator Code memo Settings General Pro.
12 Getti ng to kn ow your ph one Keys an d navi gation Stan dby sc reen an d mai n menu a nd stat us bar The standby screen is displayed w hen you are not calling or using the menus. This is where you can see, for ex ample, th e name of your op erator, the time and the date.
13 Gettin g to kn ow you r phone Press and ho ld to open the ac tivity menu, % 17 Act ivity me nu . Press to take a p ictur e or to rec ord a video cl ip. Press and ho ld to call your voice mail serv ice (if set ). - Press and hold any of t hese keys to reac h a cont act begi nni ng with a spec ific letter .
14 Getti ng to kn ow your ph one Phone languag e Most SI M cards automa tically set the la nguage used in the me nu to the lang uage of the country where you bo ught your SIM ca rd. If this is no t the case, th e predef ined langu age is Englis h . To cha nge the phone language 1 } Settings } the General tab } Lan guage } Phone lan guage .
15 Gettin g to kn ow you r phone Using n avig ation ke y shor tcuts In standby , press , , or t o go dir ectly to a functi on. The firs t time you pre ss , you can choose the function you wa nt to use as a short cut.
16 Getti ng to kn ow your ph one • T o shift bet ween capi tal and lower-case le tters, pres s , then e nter th e lette r . • Y ou can use the volume bu ttons as a shortcut to certa in lett ers. T o ente r a ‘ B ’, press and hold the volume but ton and press .
17 Gettin g to kn ow you r phone • Spell word – for T9 T ex t Input only . Edit the suggested word by using multitap te xt input. • Writing la nguag e – a list of availab le languages is shown. • Writing m ethod – a list of methods avail able for the cu rrent l anguage i s shown.
18 Getti ng to kn ow your ph one that t he ph one ca nnot r ecogn ize ar e saved in th e Other f older. Y ou can c reate yo ur own su bfolders in some p redef ined fo lders , to whi ch you can move your saved files. You can al so transfer the sa ved files to a computer , % 69 Fi le trans fer u sing Bluetoot h and % 70 The U SB cable .
19 Calling Calling Calls, vide o calls, contac ts, voice contro l, call option s. Making calls Before yo u can make or receive any calls, you must turn on th e phon e and be w ithin range of a netwo rk. % 8 Turning on the pho ne and makin g calls . To make a vi deo call, % 21 Vide o call .
20 Calling To tu rn off the m icropho ne 1 Pres s an d hol d . 2 T o resum e the con versation, press and hold again. Rece iving calls When yo u receive a call, the phone rings an d the caller’s numb er is displayed (if you r subscription inclu des the Call ing Lin e Identi fic ation s ervice and the ca ller’ s numbe r is id entif ied).
21 Calling Making internat ional c alls When you make an interna tional call, th e + sign repla ces th e inte rnati onal pref ix num ber of the country f rom whi ch you are ca lling. You c an make a call fr om abroad, using anoth er netwo rk, provi ded your networ k operator has an agreement with that network.
22 Calling To ma ke a vi deo call 1 Press and hol d when 3G (UMTS) serv ice is avai lable. 2 Enter the phone numb er and press Cal l . T o retrieve a phone num ber from your contacts } Call... } Co ntacts and scroll to the phon e numbe r you want t o call } Call or press and hol d .
23 Calling • Switch pi ctures – choose betwee n showing the incoming or the outgoi ng video in full size display . • Hide sma ll pic. / Show sm all pic. – cho ose if you want to hi de or sh ow the sm all pi ctur e. • Nigh t m ode – use wh en the lighting conditi ons are poor .
24 Calling To s elect de fault contact s 1 } Contacts } Options } Adv anced } Default c ontacts . 2 Select Phone conta cts or SIM contac ts . Contac ts Contac ts is like an addr ess book, in which you can store n ames, phone numbers and emai l addresses.
25 Calling Checki ng th e memo ry With the m emory status funct ion, you can check how ma ny posit ions you ha ve left in the p hone memory a nd SIM m emory. If t he memory is fu ll, you must delete contacts to be able to a dd new conta cts, % 26 To d elete a contact .
26 Calling Ask to sav e When y ou end a cal l or r eceiv e a me ssage, the phone ca n prompt yo u to add a phone num ber or emai l address to your co ntacts. To ac tivate ask to save } Contacts } Options } Advanced } As k to sa ve } On . Updat ing co ntacts You can easily updat e and edit any informat ion in your co ntacts.
27 Calling Sendin g con tacts You ca n send con tacts us ing one of the av ailabl e transf er meth ods. To sen d a co ntac t } Conta cts and se lect a cont act } Mo re } Send c ontact and sel ect a t ransf er meth od. To se nd all co ntac ts } Conta cts } Options } Advanc ed } Send a ll cont acts and sele ct a tran sfer method.
28 Calling To ca ll a numb er from the cal l list 1 } Calls fro m standby and se lect a tab. 2 Use , , and to scro ll to the na me or numbe r you want to cal l } Call , or pre ss an d hol d to make a video ca ll. To ad d a num ber from the cal l list t o contac ts 1 } Calls fro m standby and se lect a tab.
29 Calling Voice contro l With you r phone, you can use your voi ce to: • V oice dial – call someon e by saying th e name. • Activate vo ice control by say ing a “magic word”. • Answer and reject calls when using a handsfree kit. Voice comm ands can on ly be s aved in the in terna l phone mem ory, not on the SIM c ard.
30 Calling Caller name You c an ch oose whet her you want t o hear the recorde d cont act nam e when yo u receive a ca ll from that contact . To tur n the c alle r name on or off } Set tings } the Gene ral tab } Voice c ontrol } Pl ay cal ler name .
31 Calling To answ er a ca ll using voice comman ds When th e phone rin gs, say “An swer” an d the call is con nected . To rejec t a call using v oice comman ds When t he ph one rin gs, sa y “Bus y”. T he call is rejec ted. Th e calle r is d iverte d to vo icemail , if activated , or hea rs a busy t one.
32 Calling You can ch oose betwee n the foll owing dive rt options: • Diver t always – dive rt all calls. • When bu sy – divert calls if you are alre ady on the phone . • Not reac hable – dive rt calls if your phone is turned off or if you are unreacha ble.
33 Calling Handlin g two v oice ca lls When you have one ong oing call and one call on hold, you can do the follo wing: • } Switch cal ls to swi tch be twee n the tw o ca lls. • } More } Join cal ls to join the t wo cal ls into a con ference call .
34 Calling To ch ange th e name of a lin e } Settings } the Display tab } Edit line nam es and sele ct one of the line s to ed it the n ame. U se or to scrol l between the ta bs.
35 Calling • Outgoing intl ro am. – A ll o utg oing inte rnati onal calls exce pt to your home c ountry . • All incom ing – All incoming calls .
36 Calling Call ti me and cost During a call , the d uration of the c all is sh own on the s creen . Y ou can check the d urati on of your last call, outgoi ng calls and the t otal time. To ch eck the call tim e } Settings } the Calls ta b } Time & co st } Call timers .
37 Calling Grou ps You c an creat e a g roup of numbers and em ail addresses. By doing so, you can send messages to several recipients at the same t ime, % 3 8 Mes sagi ng .
38 Messagi ng Messaging Text messa ging, picture me ssaging, voic e messaging, email . Text mes saging (SMS) Text messages ca n contain sim ple pi ctures, animati ons, melodi es and sound ef fects. Befor e you sta rt First make sure that the number of your servic e centre is set .
39 Messagi ng To inser t an item in a tex t messa ge 1 While writing your message } More } Add item . 2 Selec t an item type an d then sele ct an item. Receiv ing tex t mess ages When yo u rece ive a t ext mes sage, it app ears in the Activity m enu if New eve nts is set to Activity m enu .
40 Messagi ng Long m essage s The nu mber of char acters that a text message can contai n depends o n the langua ge you are writing in . You can send a longer messag e by linking two or more messa ges. You are cha rged for each of th e mess ages link ed in a long mes sage .
41 Messagi ng Picture messa ges (MMS) Picture me ssages can conta in text, pict ures, video clips, came ra pictur es, sound recordi ngs, and busin ess card s. Both yo u and the rec eiver of th e picture me ssage must have a subsc ription tha t supports pic ture messaging.
42 Messagi ng 4 } Enter pho ne no. and enter the r ecipien t’ s phone num ber, or } Contacts loo k-up to retrieve a number or a group from Contact s. T o ente r an e mail ad dres s } Ente r em ail ad dr. A list below shows the last 10 recipients. Y ou can also select a re cipient from th is list.
43 Messagi ng Delete pictur e mess ages Picture message s are saved in the pho ne memory. Whe n the ph one memor y is fu ll, yo u must d elete messag es to be able to rece ive new mess ages, % 39 Savi ng and deleting text me ssages . Templates You can base y our me ssage on one of the templates.
44 Messagi ng 4 } Enter pho ne no. and enter the ph one nu mber of the re cipi ent, or } Conta cts look-up to retrieve a number or a group from Contact s. T o ente r an e mail ad dres s } Ente r em ail ad dr. A list below the send options shows the last 10 re cipi ents.
45 Messagi ng To se nd, rece ive and read e mail messag es 1 } Me ssagi ng } Emai l } Inbox } Send &rec (when inbox is empt y) or } Messag ing } Email } Inbox } More } Send & receive to send o r download new messag es. 2 Select a m essage } View to read it .
46 Messagi ng 2 } Mark for deletio n . The mes sage is delete d the nex t time you co nnect to yo ur email serv er . If you want to del ete several messages } Mark severa l . Scroll and se lect mor e messages by pressin g Mark or Unma rk . } More } Mark f or dele tion .
47 Imaging Imaging Camer a, vid eo re corder , pict ures, Phot oDJ™. Camera and vi deo re corder Your phon e has a digital cam era which also works as a digital video recorde r.
48 Imagi ng To ad just brig htness Use th e naviga tion key to incr ease or decrea se bri ght ness . To tu rn on t he ph oto ligh t To take pictures in a di mly lit environ ment, press . To view your picture s and vid eo clips When th e camera or vi deo is activa ted } View .
49 Imaging Sendin g pictures and video clips When yo u have take n a picture or recorded a video clip, you can send it as a picture m essage if t he file size h as not ex ceed ed the limit , % 41 T o crea te an d send a picture m essage . Fo r sett ings that affect the file size , % 48 Cam era and video opt ions .
50 Imagi ng To vie w your pi ctur es 1 } File man ager } P ictures . 2 The pi ctur es are show n in thumbn ail v iew . T o get a full view } View . To dis play p ictures in a slide show 1 } File mana ger } Pictur es and scroll to a pict ure. 2 } View } More } Slide show .
51 Imaging To re ceive and sa ve a picture 1 Open the message yo u receiv ed the pi cture in , or turn on Blu etooth or the infra red port if one of these transfer met hods was used to send the picture . 2 If you rece ived t he pi cture in a me ssage, sele ct the pict ure and save it.
52 Ente rtain ment Entert ainmen t Media play er, radio, rington es, MusicDJ ™, VideoD J™, sound rec order, themes, games. Medi a play er The media player works as a music player and video player all in one. You c an play music and video clips that you rec eive in a p ictur e messa ge, or that you down load to you r phone.
53 Enterta inment Music and vid eo clips To play mu sic and vi deos } Entertainme nt } Media player and select a pla ylist } Open } Play . The playlist k eeps on playing until you } Pause or Stop . To cha nge pla y mode } Ent ertainmen t } M edia play er } More } Play mode .
54 Ente rtain ment • Equalize r – chan ge the settin gs of the tr eble a nd bass when playi ng music. • Sort – sort the play list by artis t, title or by the order in whi ch files were adde d to the playlist. • Send – se nd a sou nd or v ideo file.
55 Enterta inment To liste n to the radio Connect the handsfr ee to your phone } Radio . Radio cont rol • } Searc h to find th e next channe l on the ban d. • Press or to move 0.1 MHz along the FM band. Press an d hold to move cont inuously . • Pr ess or for the next preset chan nel .
56 Ente rtain ment To mi nimize th e radio display } Radio } More } Minimize . To adjus t the volume Press or . t-music This f unction is a mobile online servic e fro m T-Mobile. Please visit for further informat ion about Mobile Jukeb ox and t-music.
57 Enterta inment To s et t he vi brat ing ale rt Settings } the Sound s & alerts tab } Vibra ting alert and select t he setting you want. Use or to scrol l between the ta bs.
58 Ente rtain ment To re ceive a melody 1 Open the messa ge you rece ived th e melody in, or tur n on Bluetooth or the infrar ed port if these tra nsfer methods are be ing used to sen d the melody . 2 When yo u receive the m elody , fol low the inst ructio ns tha t appe ar on the s creen .
59 Enterta inment Sendin g and r eceivin g movie s You can send a movie usin g one of the av ailable tran sfer meth ods. S hort mo vies can be sen t usin g picture me ssaging. If a mo vie is too long, you c an use the Tri m functi on to make a movi e shorter.
60 Ente rtain ment To s elect or c hange a them e } File mana ger } Them es and sele ct a them e. Exch anging t hemes You can exc hange themes usin g one of th e availa ble tr ansfer methods . To s end a th eme 1 } File man ager } T hemes and se lect a th eme.
61 Connec tivit y Connect ivity Internet and e mail settings, brow sing, sync hron izi ng, Bluetoo th, i nfra red, USB cable. Settings Before you start using Interne t or messaging, settings a re required in your phone. Setting s may alread y be entere d when you buy y our phon e.
62 Connec tivit y Option s when browsin g } More to view differen t browsing opt ions. The options may vary dependin g on which site you are visiting. The o ptions menu always contains t he following : • Exit brow ser – discon nect and go to stand by .
63 Connec tivit y Downlo ading You can do wnload , for exampl e, p ictur es, them es, games and ringtones from W eb sites direct ly to the File ma nager i n you r phone. To downloa d from t-zones 1 } t-zones } More } Bookmarks . 2 Select the service yo u want to use an d follow the i nstru ction s that appea r .
64 Connec tivit y HTTP profil e, the conne ction will be secure if the URL starts with https ://. The sec urity se tting is there fore not av ailab le for HT TP prof iles . To t urn on a secu re c onnecti on (WA P) 1 } Settings } the Connectivity tab } Intern et settings } In ternet prof iles and select a prof ile } More } Setting s .
65 Connec tivit y Synchr onization with n earby dev ices Install th e comp uter synchron ization so ftware fr om the CD tha t comes with you r phone or download it from www.SonyEri ort . For detailed informa tion, plea se refer to the c omputer synchroni zation software help.
66 Connec tivit y Blue tooth™ wirel ess tech nolog y Your pho ne has built-in Bluet ooth which ma kes it possible for you t o connect your phone wir elessly to other Blue tooth devic es. You are abl e to be connec ted to several Bluet ooth device s at the same time.
67 Connec tivit y 5 If the devic e you are adding to your phon e has its own passco de, enter this pa sscode in your phone. If not, create a passcod e of digits yourself a nd enter it in both de vices. To orga nize your list o f devic es 1 } Settings } the Conn ecti vity tab } Bluetooth } My devices and se lect a devi ce from the list.
68 Connec tivit y To send an item (exam ple: a c ontact ) 1 } Contacts and select a conta ct, } More } Send contac t } Via Bl ueto oth . The ph one search es for dev ices. 2 Select th e devi ce you want t o send t he item to } Se lec t . To re ceive a n item 1 } Settings } the Connecti vity tab.
69 Connec tivit y 2 } In phone i f you al ways want to have the sound in the phon e or In han dsfree if yo u want to dire ct th e soun d to the hand sfre e. Remote contro l You c an use your phone a s a rem ote cont rol dev ice to co ntrol compu ter ap plicat ions s uch a s a me dia player or Microsoft ® PowerP oint ® pres entati ons.
70 Connec tivit y To co nnect t wo dev ices 1 Turn on the inf rare d port of bot h devi ces. 2 Make sure that the infrared port on you r phone face s the inf rare d po rt on the oth er device . 3 Y our ph one now establi shes contact with the other de vice.
71 Mor e featur es Mo re feat ures Time and date , alar m cloc k, calenda r, tas ks, Java ™ appli cations , SIM card lock, etc. Time an d date The time is alw ays displayed in standb y. • T o set th e time } Settings } th e General ta b } Time & d ate } Time .
72 More feat ures Appoi ntments You can choose to ad d a new appoi ntment or use an ol d one as a temp late b y copyi ng and editin g it. You ca n also set remin ders for appointm ents. To ad d a new appoint ment 1 } Organize r } Cale ndar and hig hlight the date for the ap point ment } Select } New appo intm ent } Add .
73 Mor e featur es Excha nging ap pointm ents You can send and receive a ppointmen ts using one of th e avai lable trans fer met h ods . To se nd an ap pointm ent In the lis t of app ointme nts for a ce rtain da y, select the item yo u want to sen d } Mo re } Send and sel ect a tran sfer me thod.
74 More feat ures To ad d a note } Organize r } Notes } N ew note } Add and ent er the no te } Save . To ha ndle not es 1 } Organize r } No tes and a list of not es appear s. 2 Sele ct th e note that yo u wan t to han dle. } More to edit, show a note in standby (or hide it), s end or delete a note.
75 Mor e featur es Timer To set th e time r } Organ ize r } Timer and e nter the hours, m inutes and sec onds aft er which you wa nt the t imer to go off. When the sign al rings, press an y key to turn it off. Brigh tness You ca n adjust th e bri ghtne ss of the scr een.
76 More feat ures Calc ulat or The calc ulator can ad d, subtract, di vide and multip ly. To us e the c alculato r } Organize r } Calculat or . • Press or to se lect ÷ x - + . % = . • Press to delete the figur e. • Pres s to enter a de cimal p oint.
77 Mor e featur es SIM card loc k The SIM car d lock protects your subscr iption, but not your phon e itself, from unauthor ized use. If you change SIM ca rds, your phone still wo rks with the new SIM card. Most SIM cards are lo cked at th e time of purch ase.
78 More feat ures To lo ck the keypad manu ally In standby press } Lock keys . You can stil l ans wer an incomi ng cal l and the keypad locks again a fter t he call . The ke ypad remains lo cked until yo u unlock it manua lly. To unlock th e keypad, pre ss } Unloc k .
79 Mor e featur es To open cod e memo for the first time 1 } Or gani zer } Code memo . A message with instr uctio ns is displa yed } Conti nue . 2 Enter a four -digit pas scode to open code me mo } Continue . 3 Re-ent er the new pa sscode to con firm.
80 Troub les hoot ing Troublesh ooting Why doesn ’t the phone work the way I wan t? This ch apter list s some pr oblem s that y ou migh t encoun ter while u sing your p hone. Som e problem s require you t o call your n etwork o perator, but y ou can ea sily cor rect mos t of the pr oblems yoursel f .
81 Troubl esho oting Solution : Make s u re you att ached t he cha rg er correct ly . Turn the pho ne on wit h the charger attach ed. I f the phone st arts, restar t t he phone with no char ger attache d. I cann ot charge the pho ne or b attery capacit y is low Possi ble cause : The charger is not properly connec ted to the phone .
82 Troub les hoot ing I cann ot use th e Inte rnet/W AP Possible cause : Y o ur subscription doe s not include data ca pability . Solu tion : Please cont act your ne twor k opera tor . Possi ble cause : Inte rnet setting s are mi ssing or incorre ct. Solu tion : G o to www.
83 Troubl esho oting Erro r mes sag es Insert SIM Possi ble cause : Th ere is no SIM c ard in the ph one or you may ha ve inserted it in correctly . Solution : Insert a SIM c ard. % 6 To insert SIM card and battery . Possi ble cause : Th e SIM c ard con nect ors ne ed cleaning .
84 Troub les hoot ing Solu tion : Insert yo ur SIM card i n anoth er phone. If you stil l get the same or a similar messa ge, plea se contac t your network op erator . Possi ble cause : The phone is not working properly . Solu tion : Insert yo ur SIM card i n anoth er phone.
85 Addit ional infor mation Additi onal in format ion Sony Eric sson Consumer We b site, safe and efficie nt use, w arranty, de claration of con formity. Sony Er icsson Con sumer We b site On www. SonyEri there is a support section where help and t ips are only a few cl icks away.
86 Additi onal i nformat ion Radio frequenc y (RF) expos ure and SAR Your m obile phon e is a low -power r adio trans mitter and receiver. When it is turned on, it emits low levels of radio f requency en ergy (also known as radio waves or radi o freque ncy fields ).
87 Addit ional infor mation Perso nal me dical device s Mobile phones ma y affect the opera tion of card iac pacemake rs and oth er impla nted equip ment. Ple ase avoid p lacing the m obile ph one over t he pacema ker, e.g. in yo ur br east pock et. Whe n using t he mob ile phone, p lace it at the ear op posite t he pacema ker.
88 Additi onal i nformat ion Emer gency cal ls Mobile phones op erate usin g radio signals, wh ich cannot g uarantee connect ion under all conditio ns. Therefo re you sho uld never r ely solely upon a ny mobile phone for essenti al communica tions (e .
89 Addit ional infor mation Limited Warranty Sony E ricsson Mobile C ommunica tions AB, S-221 88 Lund, Sweden , (Sony Ericss on), pro vides t his Limi ted Warran ty for your mobile phone and origina l accessory d elivered with your mobile phone (herei nafter re ferred to as “Product” ).
90 Additi onal i nformat ion 2 If Sony Er icsson repair s or replac es the Prod uct, the repa ired or re placed Pr oduct shal l be warrante d for the r emaining time o f the origin al warranty p eriod o r for ninety ( 90) days fr om the date of r epair, w hichever i s longer.
92 Additi onal i nformat ion FCC Stat ement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC ru les. Operat ion is sub ject to th e following two conditions: ( 1) This device may not c ause harm ful inter ference, a nd (2) This device must accept any inte rference received, includin g interf erence tha t may cause undesired operati on.
93 Icons Icons Icon descript ions Icon Desc ription Press to go to t he main menu The 3G (U MTS) network is a vailable T ells you the strength of the GSM ne twork signal Y ou a re within yo ur home zo.
94 Icons Y our phon e is sending a pic ture message Y ou have r ecei ved a pi ctur e me ssag e Y ou ha ve rec eive d a voice m essa ge Y ou have r ecei ved a W AP pus h mess age Y ou ha ve recei v ed .
95 Index Index A accept calls 34 account settings, em ail 4 4 activity menu 17 alarm c lock 71 aler ts 56 anima tions 49 answ ering calls 20 using voic e control 30 answeri ng se rvice 28 appoint ment.
96 Index chargin g, bat tery 7 code m emo 78 codes PIN 7 PUK 7 confer ence c alls 33 connec tors 9 contac ts 23, 24 adding ph one contac ts 24 checking mem ory 25 defaul t contacts 23 groups of 37 syn.
97 Index M magic wo rd 30 main m enu 12 media pl ayer 52–54 melodies 56 –57 memory s tatus 25 menu o verview 10 messag e al ert 57 messages area i nform ation 46 cell inform ation 46 email 44 pict.
98 Index S safety guide lines 85 savi ng from pi cture me ssage s 42 from text messages 39 screen 75 screen saver 50 security code mem o 78 Interne t 63–64 SIM ca rd lo ck 77 sending appointm ents 7.
99 Index U unblocki ng PIN 7 SIM card 77 USB ca ble 70 V vibrating a lert 56 video c alls 21–23 video c lips 52 video r ecorder 47–49 Vide oDJ™ 58 voice an swering 30–31 voice co ntrol 29 –3.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony Ericsson K608i c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony Ericsson K608i - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony Ericsson K608i, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony Ericsson K608i va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony Ericsson K608i, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony Ericsson K608i.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony Ericsson K608i. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony Ericsson K608i ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.