Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit J300a du fabricant Sony Ericsson
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a a This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use..
1 Content s Getti ng to Know You r Pho ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 User Guide Sym bols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Callin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Messa ging . . . . . .
2 Sony Er icsso n GSM 850/19 00 First ed ition (March 2005) This user guide is published by S ony Ericsson, withou t any warranty. Improvement s and changes to this u ser guide ne cessitated by typogr.
3 and 6,01 1,554; Canad ian Pat. No. 1,331,057, United Ki ngdom Pat. No. 22384 14B; Hong Kong Standa rd Pat. No . HK094032 9; Republic of Sing apore Pat. No. 5 1383; Eu ro.Pat. No . 0 842 463 (96927260 .8) DE/DK, FI, F R, IT, NL, PT, ES , SE, GB; and additiona l patents are pending wo rldwi de.
4 Gettin g to Kn ow Yo ur Ph one Sele ctio n key Back key Earpiece Screen Sel ection key Navigation key Clea r key and On/Off but ton Microphone S tereo hea dset a nd ch arger con nector This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use.
5 User G uide Symb ols The f ollowing inst ruction symbo ls ap pear in this user guide: Assembling Your Phon e Insert t he SIM car d, attac h and char ge the bat tery to u se your phone. SIM Card When you reg ister as a subscri ber with a servic e provider, you get a SI M (Su bscriber I dentity Modul e) card.
6 To Remove the Co ver and Inse rt the SIM Car d This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use..
7 1 Push to rele ase th e cover. 2 Li ft the co ver up . 3 Insert the S IM card. Make sure th e SIM ca rd is placed under the s ilver y hol ders. 4 Place the battery in the phone with the label side up an d the connec tors facing eac h other . 5 Place the co ver on the pho ne.
8 To Charge the Ba ttery 1 Connect the charger t o the p hone at the flash s ymbol. The f lash sy mbol o n the charge r plug m ust f ace upwards. 2 It ma y take 30 minute s for the ba ttery icon to appear . 3 W ait approxi mately 4 hours or until the battery ic on indica tes that the battery is f ully cha rged.
9 To Turn the Phone On and Off 1 Press a nd ho ld to turn on or off . 2 Enter your SIM card PIN, if you have one. 3 At first start-up, selec t the langu age for phone me nus. 4 } Yes if you want the setup wizard to he lp you with instruc tions and tip s or } No .
10 Icons A selection of icons in standby and on the desktop. Icon Description T ells you the strength of the GSM networ k signal. Tells you th e status of the bat tery. Press to go to the des ktop fr om sta ndby % 12 Navigating the Menus PlayNow™ – do wnlo ad an d pl ay mu sic.
11 Menu Ove rview PlayNow™ Internet Services * Entertainment Games MusicDJ™ Record So und File Manager Pictures Sounds Videos Themes Games Ap pli cat ion s Other Messages Write N ew Inbox My Frien.
12 Navigat ing the Menus The main m enus are shown as icons on the desk top. Some submenus include tabs tha t appear on the screen. • Press the na vigation key in the center or in a d irection: Pres s to go to th e desktop or to select items . Pres s , , or to m ove thr ough menus and tabs .
13 Help Texts Help text s exist in your ph one. To access help texts } Info . More Optio ns } More to enter a list of opti ons. File Mana ger Files a re sav ed in the fold ers. C reate sub folde rs to move files to. Unreco gnized fil es are sa ved in the Other folde r.
14 To Change the Phone Language • } Settings } General tab } Language } Phone La nguage , sele ct a la ngu age. • From standby , pre ss: 0000 fo r Eng lis h o r 8888 for Automati c langua ge (SIM depen dant). To Select Writing Languages 1 } Setting s } General tab } Lan guage } Wri ting Lan guage .
15 To Enter L etters Using T9 Tex t Input 1 } Mess age s } Wri te New } Text Mess age . 2 For example , if you want to write the word “Jane”, press , , , . 3 If the word shown is the one you want, press to accept and add a sp ace. T o ac cept a word wi thout ad ding a space, pres s .
16 Calli ng Making and Rece iving Calls Turn on the phon e and make sure you are within range of a network to make and receive call s % 9 To Turn t he Phone On and Off . I f your subscript ion i ncludes the C aller I D serv ice and the calle r’s n umber is ide ntified , the numbe r is di splayed.
17 To Select More Options During a Call Press and select an option. To Turn Off the Microphone 1P r e s s } Mute Microph one , or press and hold . 2 } Replac e? , or pres s agai n, to resume . To Check Your Missed Calls 1 From st andby } Calls and scro ll to the m issed cal ls tab.
18 To Select Your Default Phoneboo k 1 } P honeboo k } Options } Advanced } Defa ult P honebo ok . 2 Sel ect Con tacts or SI M N umbe rs . For infor mation and set tings in eith er phoneb ook } Opti ons . Memory The number of entries you can save de pends on th e amount o f memor y available in the phone or on the SIM card .
19 SIM Numb ers Save e ntries a s a name with a sin gle nu mber. To Add a S IM Number 1 } Phonebook } New Num be r } Add . 2 Enter the na me } OK and number } OK } Save . Copyin g Cont acts Copy SIM n umbers to and from contac ts and the SIM card. To Copy Name s and Numbe rs to the SIM Ca rd 1 } Phonebook } Options } Adva nced } Copy to SIM .
20 To Add a P icture or a Ri ngtone to a Contact 1 } Phonebook and select the c ontact you want to add a picture or pe rsonal ringtone to } More } Edit Conta ct . 2 Sele ct a tab and then select a Pict ure: or Ri ngtone : } Edit . This take s you to File Ma nager .
21 To Delete a Cont act or a SIM Number } Phonebook select a contact or number, pres s } Yes . To Delete all Contacts 1 } Phonebo ok } Options } Advanc ed } Delete A ll Conta cts . 2 } Yes and ente r the phone lo ck code } OK . The def ault phone lock code is 000 0.
22 To Set or Replace Speed Dialing Numbers 1 } Phonebook } Options } Speed Dial . 2 Scrol l to a number in the list } Add or Replace . Sele ct a phone number.
23 3 Instruct ions app ear . Lift the phon e to yo ur ear, wait for the tone and sa y the comman d that you want to re cord. The voice comm and is played ba ck to you. 4 If the reco rding is ok } Ye s . If not } No . Repeat step 3. 5 T o r ecord a nother vo ice command for a co ntact } New Voi ce Cmd.
24 To Activate Voice Control and Make a Call 1 From standby, p ress a nd hold Calls or with a handsfre e, say your magi c word or press the ha ndsfree bu tton. 2 W ait for the tone and say th e name you recorde d earlie r , for exam ple “John mo bile”, the ca ll connects.
25 To Activate a Call Forward 1 } Settings } Calls tab } Forward Calls . 2 Select a call type and then one of the forward options } Activate . 3 Enter the phone nu mber t o which yo u want your calls t o be forwarde d, or } Lookup to find the co ntact } OK .
26 Handli ng Two Calls If you h ave a n ongoi ng call a nd a c all on hold, you can: • } Switch betw een the tw o calls . •P r e s s } Join Call s to join the two cal ls. •P r e s s } T ransf er Call , to conn ect th e two ca lls . Y ou are disconne cted fr om both calls.
27 To Have a Pri vate Conversa tion 1P r e s s } Talk To and s elect th e partic ipan t. 2P r e s s } Join Calls to resume the co nfere nce cal l. Two Voi ce Lines Separate business and pri vate cal ls on tw o lines wi th different number s if yo ur subsc ription supports altern ate li ne servi ce.
28 Rest rict ed Dia ling Restric t outgoing and incoming ca lls when at home or abroad. You nee d a password from your service provide r . The f ollowing ca lls can be re strict ed: • All Ou tgoing – all o utgoing c alls. • Outgoing I ntl. – all outg oing interna tiona l calls.
29 To Acti vate or Deactiva te F ixed Dial ing 1 } Phonebook } Options } Specia l Numbe rs } Fixed Dia ling . 2 Sel ect Ac tivate or Deactivate . 3 Enter your PIN2 } OK and the n } OK ag ain to con firm. To Save a Fixed Nu mber 1 } Ph oneboo k } Opti ons } Sp ecial Num bers } Fixe d Dial ing } Fixed Nu mbers } New Number .
30 Credit L imit f or Cal ls Enter an estim ated t otal a mount of money for m aking c alls. No mo re call s can be ma de when the tota l red uces to zero. To Set a Credi t Limit 1 } Settings } Calls tab } Time & Cost } Call Costs } More } Set Credit and enter your PIN2 } OK .
31 To Call Outside a Cl osed User Group } Settings } Calls tab } Manag e Calls } Close d Grou ps } Open Ca lls } On . To only cal l within th e group } Off . Tone Sign als Use telephon e banking se rvices or cont rol an answer ing machin e by sending ton e signals du ring a call.
32 To Create a G roup of Numbers 1 } Phonebook } Options } Groups } Send DTMF To nes } Add . 2 Enter a name f or the g roup } Contin ue . 3 } New Number } Add to find and select a contact number . 4 Repeat st ep 3 to add more num bers. } Done to save.
33 Messagin g Y our phone supports va rious messa ging servic es. Contac t your s ervice provider about t he servi ces you can u se or for more inf ormat ion, se e www .SonyEric ort . Text Messag es Text mes sages can conta in pictures , animation s, melodi es and sound effect s.
34 To In sert an I tem i n a T ext Me ssage 1 While writing your m essage } More } Add Item . 2 Se lect an it em type an d then an ite m. Formatt ing Text Change styl e, size , alig nment an d creat e ne w paragra phs. To Format th e Text in a Text Mes sage 1 While writing you r message } More } Te xt Format .
35 To Delete a Mess age o r all Mes sages } Messag es } I nbox } More } Delete or Delete Al l Msgs. Long Messag es The number of char acters allowe d in a text message dep ends on the langu age you are writing in. You can send a longer messag e by linking two or more messages.
36 To Set a Messag e Option for a Specific Mess age 1 When you have s elected a rec ipient } More } Ad vanced . 2 Select a n option } Edit and sel ect a setti ng } Done . To Check the Del ivery Statu s of a Sent Message } Messag es } Sent It ems and selec t a tex t me ssage } View } More } Details .
37 To Set a Default Message Option } Messag es } S ettings } Pi ctur e Msg . and sele ct an optio n. Addit ional Se nd Optio ns Reques t a read report, a delivery rep ort and set a priorit y for a spe cific message. You can also add more recipient s to t he mess age.
38 Templates Base you r message on on e of the predefine d template s. You can a lso add new temp lates. To Use a Predefined Template for a Picture Message 1 } Mess age s } Temp lat es and sel ect a temp late . 2 } Use } Add to make changes or add new items.
39 To Receive an d Read Emai l Messages 1 } Mess age s } Ema il } Inbox } Send&Rec (when inbox is em pty) or } Me ssage s } Email } Inbox } More } Send & Receive to downloa d new message s. 2 Sel ect a me ssage to r ead it. To Reply to an Email Message 1 Open the e mail me s sage } Reply .
40 To Delete an Email Messa ge 1 } Mess age s } Ema il } Inbox and sel ect the messag e } More . 2 } Mark for Deletion or } M ark Several to dele te sever al mess ages. Select mo re me ssages by p re ssin g Mark or Unmark . } More } Mark for De letion .
41 Imag ing Pict ures Your phone com es with a number of pictures . All pictures are saved in File Manage r } Pictures . You can us e a picture as a screen save r, wallpaper, or item in your phoneb ook % 20 To Add a Picture or a Ri ngtone t o a Cont act .
42 To Delete a Picture } File Manager } Pic tur es . Se lect a pictu re } Mo re } Delete or press . Exchan ging Pi ctur es Exchan ge pict ures u sing cable, pict ure m essage s or em ail. You are n ot allowed to e xchange copyright-protected material.
43 Entertainment Media Play er The media pla yer can play bot h music and video. You can play music and video clip s that you downloa d or receive in a picture m essage. Yo u can also st ream mus ic and video s from Web sites. There is support f or MP3, WAV (up to 16 kHz as maximu m sa mple r ate) and 3GP .
44 PlayNow™ } PlayNow™ to pre -li sten, bu y an d d own load mu sic via th e Interne t. If setti ngs ar e not alrea dy in your phone % 48 Settings .
45 To Set the Ringtone V olume } Settings } S ounds & A lerts tab } Ring Volume and press or to decreas e or increa se } Save . To Set the Vibr ating Alert 1 } Settings } Sounds & Alerts tab } Vibrating Alert . 2 Set this ale rt to On , On if in Silent or Off .
46 To Send and Receive a Melody 1 } File Manag er } Sounds and selec t a melody. 2 } More } Send and se lect a transf er method. When you rece ive the melod y, follow the instruc tions that appear. Sound Rec order Record your own m emos or call s which can be set as ringtones.
47 Themes, Games a nd Applica tions Your phone com es with predefined theme s, games and applicat ions. You can downlo ad new content to your phone. For more inf ormatio n, see www.Son yEricss port . To Select or Change a Theme } File Ma nager } The mes and select a them e.
48 Connect ivity Settings Settin gs may already be entered when you buy your phone. If not, c ontact your network op erator, ser vice provid er or see, www.
49 To Stop Browsing } More } Exit Brows er . Option s When Brows ing } More and sele ct from t he fol lowing: • Exit Browser – disc onnect and go to sta ndby . • Go to t he home page set for the curre nt Interne t prof ile. • Bookma rks – add the site to your list of bookma rks.
50 The follo wing informa tion can be saved: • Cookie s – improve sit e access efficien cy . • Passw ords – improve server acce ss efficiency . To Allow o r Clear Cookies in Your Phone } Settings } Connect } Internet Se ttings } Cook ies and select an opti on an d confirm .
51 Trusted Certific a tes These ver ify the WAP gatewa y or the HTTP server. The y are contain ed in your phone and can also be downlo aded. To check the certifica tes in your phone } Settings } Conne ct } Internet Se ttings } Security } Trusted Cert.
52 To Enter the Remote S ynchroni zation Settings 1 } Settings } Conn ect } Sync hronization . 2 If no account exis ts } Yes and enter a name for the new account } Contin ue . A list of options to e nter will a ppear . Add the serve r address of the sync hroniz ation server, a server userna me and a server password.
53 More Fe ature s Time a nd Dat e • T o se t the ti me } Settings } Gen er al ta b } T ime & Date } Time . Ent er the ti me } Save . • T o se t the ti me form at } Format a nd selec t an option. • T o s et the da te and date f ormat } Settings } General tab } Time & Date } Date .
54 Calenda r Remi nder Opt ions } Always if you want the remin der to sound eve n though the phone is turned of f. When the remind er sounds } Yes to read the appoi ntment. } No to turn of f the remi nder. To View an Ap pointment } Org ani zer } Ca lendar and select a day.
55 To Search for Appointments 1 } Organizer } Calendar } More } Ad van ce d } Find . 2 Enter the te xt you want to search fo r } OK . Exchan ging A ppoint ments Send and receive appoi ntments us ing picture m essaging . To Send an Appointment Sele ct an i tem, } Mor e } Send .
56 To View a Task } Organi zer } Tasks and select a task } View . To Send a Task In th e lis t of t asks for a cer tain day, s elect the i tem you want to send } More } Send . Receiv ing a Ta sk When Add task? ap pe ars } Yes . Notes Make up to 10 notes in your phone.
57 Profiles Your phone has pr edefine d profiles that a re set to suit a certain environ ment. You can re set all pro file s ettin gs to the way they were set w hen you bought your phon e. To Se lect a Pro fil e } Settings } Ge ner al tab } Profiles } Sele ct Profile .
58 To Set the Ti mer } Organizer } Timer and enter the hours, mi nutes and se conds after which you want the tim er to go off. Screen Light Auto matic is a setting for the screen ligh t to turn off a few seconds after yo u last press a key. Power s ave is desi gned to opt imiz e stan dby t ime.
59 SIM Card Lock The SIM card loc k protects your subs cription, but not your phone itself, from unauthorized use. If you chan ge SIM cards, the phone st ill works with the new SIM card.
60 To Turn the SIM Card Lock On or O ff 1 } Set t ings } General tab } Lock s } SIM Lock } Pro tection and sel ect On or Off . 2 Enter your PIN } OK . Keypad Loc k Lock the keypa d to avoid dialing a number by acciden t. You can sti ll answe r an incomi ng call and the ke ypad lo cks aga in afte r it.
61 Auto matic Phon e Lock If the phone lock is se t to au tomatic , you do not n eed to en ter your phone lock code un til a di fferent SI M card is i nserte d in the phone. To Set the Phone Lo ck 1 } Sett ings } General tab } Locks } P honelo ck } Protection and se lect a n alte rnative.
62 To Add a New Code 1 } Organizer } Code Memo and ent er your passcode } Continue } New Code } Add . 2 Ente r a name associated with t he code, for example, the n ame of the credit card company } Continue . 3 Enter the co de } Done . To Cha nge the P asscode 1 } Organizer } Code Memo and ent er your passcode } Continue } More } Chan ge Passcode .
63 Troubl eshooting Some problems requir e that you ca ll your servic e provi der, but most of th e problems you c an easily co rrect yourself . Before hand ing your phone in for repair, copy all sa ved files, me ssages and inf ormation to anothe r device as con tent may be lost during repair .
64 Menu L angua ge If the wrong lang uage is shown, you c an select from st andby: •P r e s s 0000 for English. •P r e s s 8888 for Automati c – SIM ca rd determined. Insert SIM There is no SIM card in t he phone or you ma y have i nserted it incorrec tly.
65 PUK Bloc ked You ente red your persona l unblocking key c ode (PUK) incorr ectly 10 times in a row. Contac t your servic e provider . Phone Loc ked The phone is lo cked. To unlock the phone % 60 Phone Lock . Phone Loc k Code Your phone com es with the phone lock c ode, 0000.
66 Exchan geable Front Covers To Change the Front Cover 1 Use a match t o press the ca tch down and push the c over forward to rel ease the fro nt cover. 2 Gently pull the fron t cover awa y and remove the keypad. 3 Place the keyp ad on the new front cov er .
67 Addit ional In forma tion Sony E ricsso n Consu mer Web Si te At www. SonyEricsso ort ther e is a s upport sec tion where help and tips are only a few clic ks away. Here you find the latest PC software upda tes and tips on how to us e your product m ore e fficientl y.
68 • Do not use your prod uct in an are a where a potentially exp losive atmosphere exist s. • Do not place your pro duct or install w ireless equipmen t in the are a above your car’s air bag . • Do not att empt to disasse mble your p roduct. Only Sony Ericsson-au thorized personne l should perfo rm service.
69 power leve l in laborator y conditions, but the actual SAR level of the mobile pho ne while operating can be well below this value. T his is because th e mobile pho ne is designed to use t he minimum power require d to reach t he network.
70 Persona l Medical Device s Mobile pho nes may affe ct the opera tion of cardia c pacemaker s and other im planted equip ment. Please avoid placi ng the m obile phone over the pacemake r, e.g. in your brea st pock et. When using the mobil e phone, p lace it at the ea r opposite the pacemaker .
71 Power Suppl y Connect the AC power a dapter only to designated power source s as marked on the p roduct. Make sure the cord is positioned so that it will not be su bjected to dam age or stress. T o reduce r isk of electric shock, unplu g the unit fr om any power source befo re attempti ng to clean it.
72 • Do not disas semble or modify the battery. • Do not exp ose the batte ry to extrem e temperatur es, never ab ove +140 °F (+60° C). For maximu m battery capacity, use the battery at room te mperature. • Turn off your mo bile phone before rem oving the battery.
73 will, at their option, e ither repair or replace the Product in accordance with the ter ms and cond itions stipula ted herein. Sony Ericsson and its ser vice partn ers reserve the right to char ge a handling fe e if a retur ned Product is found n ot to be under w arranty according to the condition s below.
74 can be cha rged and di scharged hun dred s of times. However, it will eventually w ear ou t – this is not a defect. When the talk -time or standby time is noticea bly shorter, it is time to replace your battery. Sony Ericsson recommend s that you us e only batteries and chargers approve d by Sony Eri csson.
75 Some countr ies/states do n ot allow th e exclusion or li mitation o f incidental or consequentia l damages, or limitatio n of the dur ation of implied war ranties, so t he precedin g limitat ions or exclusio ns may not apply to you.
76 Index A alar m clock 53 aler ts 45 answeri ng servi ce 22 applicat ions 47 B battery alien 67 charging and ins erting 7 bookmar ks 49 busin ess car ds 32 C calc ulato r 58 cale ndar 5 3 call cred i.
77 G games 47 groups 3 1 H HTTP 48 I icons 10 Internet 48 J Java™ 50 K keypad lock 60 L languag e phone 14 writing 14 light 58 locks phone lo ck 65 SIM card 59 M magic word 23 media play er 43– 44.
78 PlayNow™ 43 power save 58 profiles 57 PUK 59, 65 R recording call s 46 sounds 46 voice comm ands 22– 24 reset the phone 65 restri cted d ialli ng 28 ringtones 44 S safety guid elines 67 screen .
79 T T9™ Text Input enter ing let ters 1 4 tasks 5 5– 56 temp lates for p icture me ssages 38 for text me ssages 35 text in put 14 text m essages 33– 36 them es 4 7 time 5 3 timer 57 trouble sho.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony Ericsson J300a c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony Ericsson J300a - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony Ericsson J300a, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony Ericsson J300a va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony Ericsson J300a, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony Ericsson J300a.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony Ericsson J300a. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony Ericsson J300a ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.