Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit J200c du fabricant Sony Ericsson
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This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use..
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use..
1 Helpful hints To find info rmation easi ly, go direc tly to one of the following: • Phone overview on page 5 • User guide symbols on p age 6 • Desktop icons on page 10 • Navigating the menus.
2 Contents Getting to know your phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Menu overvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Quick keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Sony Ericsson GSM 900/1800 /1900 Second edition (October 2004) This user guide is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB , without a ny warranty.
4 T9™ Text Input is licensed under one or more of th e following: U.S. Pat. Nos. 5, 818,437, 5,953,54 1, 5,187,480, 5,945,928, and 6,0 11,554; Canadian Pat . No. 1,331,057, United Kingdom Pat. No. 2238 414B; Hong Kong Standa rd Pat. No. HK0940329; Re public of S ingapore P at.
5 Getting to know your phone Navigatio n key YES and NO keys O ption k ey This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use.
6 Assemblin g your phon e Before yo u can use yo ur phone y ou need to : • Insert th e SIM card . • Attach and char ge the b attery . User guide symb ols The following symbo ls appear in this u se.
7 To insert th e SIM card and char ge the batter y This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use..
8 1 Remove th e battery c over as sho wn in the picture. 2 Insert th e SIM card . Make sure t he SIM card is placed under the si lvery hold ers. 3 Place th e battery o n the back of the phone w ith the lab el side up an d the conn ectors fac ing each o ther .
9 To turn the phone on and off • Press a nd hold NO . • Enter yo ur PIN if yo u have one for your SI M card. • Press a nd hold NO to turn of f the pho ne. To make a nd receive calls • Enter the area code and phone number } YES to make the call.
10 Icons The followi ng icons ap pear on t he desktop and in stan dby. T ells yo u the st atus of the battery . T ells yo u the st rength of t he GSM network signal. Calls – handling of call ti me, call c ost infor mation and ongoin g calls. Internet services – gi ves you ac cess to Int ernet services .
11 Navigating the menus The main menus ar e shown as icons on the des ktop. •P r e s s (navigation key) to go to the desktop or to select highlig hted ite ms. •P r e s s to move throug h the menus. •P r e s s NO to go back one level in the menus.
12 Menu overv iew (* Please note that some menus are oper ator -, netw ork- and subscript ion-depend ent.) 1. Calls Missed calls Call list Manage calls Time and cost Next call Options 2. Internet services Sony Ericsson Bookmarks Push inbox Enter address Resume Select profile Advanced Options 3.
13 Phone lan guage Most SIM cards aut omatically set th e language used in the menu to t he language of the co untry/regio n where you bought your SIM card. If this is not t he case, the pr edefined la nguage is English . To change the phone language 1 } Settings } YES } Language } YES } Menus } YES .
14 More options Press to en ter a list of o ptions. T here are di fferent alternati ves in the list of op tions dep ending on whe re you are in the menus. Delete and edi t items Two ways to delete items • Select an item and pre ss . • Select an item, press } Delete .
15 T9 ™ Text Input The T9™ Text Input method uses a built-in dictio nary to recognize the most commonly used word for each sequence of key presses. T his way, you press each key only once, even if the letter y ou want is not the first letter on the key.
16 Chinese inp ut This mobil e phone ha s differen t input methods for enterin g Chinese cha racters: •S t r o k e i n p u t • Pinyin in put You can us e these met hods, for ex ample, to enter Chine se names and Chinese sho rt messages .
17 Stroke input A Chinese character is built u p of stroke s. There a re more than 30 ba sic stroke s, which ar e grouped in to 5 stro ke categorie s. Each cat egory is r epresented on the ke ypad by one of the keys - .
18 Down-Over 山 巨 屯 母 凶 Left Slope-Over 么 去 公 约 能 Left Slope-Dot 女 要 好 巡 巢 Down-Lift 衣 以 饭 收 长 Right Slope- Hook 我 或 民 成 伐 Down-Over- Hook 心 必 思 .
19 Over- Left Slope- Curved-Hook 阿 队 陈 那 部 Over- Down- Over-Hook 乃 透 鼐 隽 杨 Over- Down- Over-Down 凸 Curved-Hook 狗 豹 家 逐 狂 Over- Down- Curved-Hook 乙 九 瓦 飞 风 Ove.
20 Components The basic building units of Chinese charac ters are components that are made up of s trokes. After entering the fi rst tw o st rok es of the desi red char acter, the component and charact er candidates th at started with th at stroke are d isplayed in the candidat e row.
21 Example of using the wild card key The wild card key , is used to supplement unclear strokes in enteri ng charac ters. If you want to enter “ 互 ”, but you only know that “ 一 ” is the fi rst and the last stroke of the characte r and that the total number of strokes is four, ente r , , , .
22 For example, t o enter “ 信息 ” 1P r e s s , , . 2 When “xi n” is highligh ted, pres s or an d select “ 信 ”, then pr ess . (If you want to enter any of the other su ggested P inyin combinatio ns, scr oll up or do wn to the de sired combinatio n, then pres s ).
23 Quick keys Useful key combinatio ns are descri bed below. Navigating menus Enter th e main menu and select menu items Navigate in the menu an d in lists Access the Internet directly press a nd hold.
24 Reach a co ntact begi nning with a specific let ter press and hold any o f the keys – Speed di al press any of the ke ys – and } YES Reject a call } NO T urn of f the ring tone when receiv ing .
25 Calling Making an d receiving c alls Before yo u can make or receive calls, you must turn on the phone and be within r ange of a ne twork, % 9 To turn the phone on and off . If your subscript ion includes the Calling Line Identificat ion service and the ca ller’s number is identif ied, th e num ber is displayed.
26 To make international calls 1 Press an d hold unti l a + sign appears o n the scree n. 2 Enter the country/reg ion code, area code (without th e leading zero ) and phon e number } YES . Emergenc y calls Your phone supports the internatio nal emerge ncy numb ers, 112, 911 a nd 08.
27 To clear t he call l ist } Calls } YES } Options } YES } Clear call list } YES . Phoneboo k Your phone has a phoneboo k in which you c an save numb ers and accom panying nam es (an entry) . To save a numbe r togethe r with a name 1 } Phonebo ok } YES } Add number } YES .
28 To call a number saved in the phonebo ok 1 } Phonebo ok } YES } Find and call } YES . 2 Enter the first let ter or Chi nese charac ter of th e name } YES . 3 If the nam e displaye d is not the on e you want, pr ess or until yo u find the co rrect nam e and numbe r .
29 To edit an entry in the p honebook 1 } Phonebo ok } YES } Find and edit } YES . 2 Enter the first let ter or Chi nese charac ter of th e name } YES . 3 } YES to select the entry . 4 } Edit } YES . 5 When yo u have finis hed editin g } YES to save your changes .
30 To call a name written in Latin charact ers 1 } Phonebo ok } YES } Find and call } YES } YES . Pre ss and hold to switch the search mode to English. Then enter the first letters of t he name you want t o call. 2 When the name is hig hlighted, } YES .
31 • T o save the num ber in the phon e memory , you fi rst need to know how many posi tions you have got on your SIM card. Y ou can check this in the Memory status menu. To check the st atus of the memori es } Phonebook } YES } Memory status } YE S .
32 To create a new gro up 1 } Phonebo ok } YES } Groups } YES } Ad d new? } YES . 2 Enter a name for the group } YES . 3 } Add new? } YES } YES . 4 Select an en try in your phoneb ook } YES . 5 T o add t he next me mber , repeat s teps 3 and 4. 6 } NO to leave the menu.
33 Call cost and cost information Check with your network opera tor or servic e provider for information about these services. To check the cal l cost and reset c ost meter 1 } Calls } YES } Time and cost } YE S } Call costs } YES . 2 Select an op tion } YES .
34 To set a credit limit 1 } Calls } YES } Time and cost } YE S } Call costs } YES } Set credit } YES . 2 Enter your PIN2 } YES . 3 Select Change } YES . 4 Enter an amount } YES . Diverting calls If you cannot answer incoming voice or data calls, you can divert them to anoth er number .
35 To check the st atus of a call divert 1 } Calls } YES } Manage cal ls } YES } Divert calls } YES . 2 Select a call type } YES . 3 Select th e divert } YES } Get status } YES . To check the st atus of all ca ll diverts } Calls } YES } Manage calls } YES } Divert calls } YES } Check all } YES .
36 To receive a se cond call • T o an swer the sec ond call and put the o ngoing call on hold } YES . • T o reject the se cond call a nd continue the ongoin g call } Busy . • T o an swer the se cond call and to end the ongoi ng call } Release&answer .
37 Creating a conference ca ll To create a conferen ce call, you must firs t have one ongoing call and on e call o n hold. To join the t wo calls into a co nference ca ll } Ongoing c all press } Join calls } YES . To add a new partic ipant 1 } YES to put the conf erence ca ll on hold.
38 Restricted dia lling You can use the restrict ca lls service to restrict outgoing a nd incoming calls. To use this ser vice, you need a p assword which you get from yo ur servi ce provider . The following ca lls can be rest ricted: • All outgoi ng – All ou tgoing cal ls.
39 • Partial numbers: Sa ving 0123 456 allows calls to be made to all numb ers starti ng with 012 3456. • Numbers wi th questio n marks: Sav ing 01234 567?0, allows cal ls to be mad e to numbe rs from 0123 456700 to 012345679 0. T o enter a que stion mark, press and hold .
40 To activate a grou p 1 } Calls } YES } Manage cal ls } YES } Closed groups } YES } Edit list } YES . 2 Select a group } YES . 3 } Activate } YES . Calls can only be ma de within the selected gr oup. To call outside a closed use r group } Calls } YES } Manage calls } YES } Closed groups } YE S } Open calls } On .
41 To send a nd clear ton es • Press t he keys – , and . • T o cle ar the displa y after a call } NO . Notepad You can us e the phone to make a n ote of a pho ne number during a ca ll. When you press the n umber keys, t he person you are talking to hears tone sig nals.
42 Messaging Service numbers You must have a ser vice centr e number before y ou can send a text messa ge. This numb er is provid ed by your op erator. If it is not saved on your SIM c ard, you must s pecify the nu mber yoursel f. To check the nu mber to your ser vice centre 1 } Messaging } YES } Options } YES } Service centres } YES .
43 To insert an item in a text mess age 1 } Messaging } YES } Write new } YE S . 2P r e s s to enter the o ption men u. 3 Select Add symbol or Insert item } YES . 4 Select Picture , Sound effect , Mel ody or Animation } YES . 5 Select an obje ct or symbol } YES .
44 Long messages The maximum n umber of char acters that a text messag e can contain de pends on the writing lan guage. You can send a longer mess age by li nking two o r more mes sages. You ar e charged for the number of linked m essages. To turn long messa ges on } Messaging } YES } Options } YE S } Long messages } YES } On } YES .
45 Templates If you ha ve one or mor e message s that you sen d often, you can save thes e as template s. To create a template 1 } Messaging } YES } Templates } YES } Add new? } YES .
46 To forward a mes sage 1 When you h ave read the message } YES . 2 } Forward } YES . Contin ue in the same way as when sending a new text me ssage. To call a phon e number found in a message When the numbe r is highlight ed } YES . To call t he sender o f the me ssage 1 When you h ave read the message } YES .
47 Area informat ion Area informat ion, for ex ample, a local tra ffic repo rt, is se nt to all subscr ibers in a cert ain netwo rk area. Yo u cannot sa ve area messag es. To turn area informat ion on or off 1 } Messaging } YES } Area info } YES } Reception } YES .
48 Personalizing your phone Themes You can c hange the appearan ce of the di splay by using themes. Yo ur phone come s with a number of pr edefined themes. To select a theme } Fun & Games } YES } Themes } YES . To adjust th e display co ntrast } Settings } YES } Display } YES } Contrast } YES .
49 To view your pictures 1 } Fun & Games } YES } My pictures } YES . 2 The pictur es are shown in thumbna il view . T o get a ful l view } YE S . To select a pictu re as wallp aper 1 } Settings } YES } Display } YES } Wallpaper } YES } Select pict ure } YES .
50 To receiv e a pictu re via the infrared port 1 From standby, p ress , scroll to Turn on infrared } YES . 2 When you r eceive the picture } YES to save it in My pictures , % 56 The in frar ed por t To receiv e a pictu re via a me ssage When you rece ive a pict ure via a mes sage, a new me ssage appears in your inb ox.
51 To turn the ringto ne on or off Press and ho ld or press from standby, and select Turn on si lent or Turn off silent . All signals excep t the alarm and timer sig nals are tu rned off. To compose your own r ingtone You can co mpose up to t en persona l ringtone s.
52 To send a melody 1 } Fun & Games } YES } My sounds } YE S . 2 Select a melody and press . 3 } Send } YES . 4 Select a transfer method. To receive a sound or melody via the infr ared port 1 From standby, p ress } Tu rn on infrared } YES . 2 When you r eceive the sound or m elody } YES to save it in My sounds .
53 To set the vibr ating alert 1 } Settings } YES } Sounds & alerts } YES } Vibrating alert } YES . 2 Select th e setting you want } YES . Display light The display lig ht can be set to On , Off , Automatic or Power save . Power save is the defaul t setting for the display light and i s designed to optimiz e standby t ime.
54 Time and date To set the time } Settings } YES } Time and date } YES } Set time } YES . To set the time for mat } Settings } YES } Time and date } YES } Time format } YES . To set the date } Settings } YES } Time and date } YES } Set date } YES . To set the date format } Settings } YES } Time and date } YES } Date format } YES .
55 Profiles Your phone has p redefined prof iles which are s et to suit a certain environment . You can rename or chan ge these profiles. To select a profile } Settings } YES } Profiles } YES } Select p rofile } YES . To change a profile se tting 1 } Settings } YES } Profiles } YES } Edit profile } YES .
56 To reset t he phone 1 } Settings } YES } Master reset } YES . 2 Select Reset settings or Reset all } YES . 3 Enter the phone lock c ode ( 0000 or a new code) } YES . The inf rared por t The infrar ed port c an be used t o transfer and excha nge informati on with anoth er device equipped wit h an infrar ed port.
57 Internet Setting up the Internet In order to us e the Interne t the following are required: • A phone subscrip tion that supports d ata transmi ssion. • Settings entered in your phon e. • Y o u may also ha ve to regist er as an Inte rnet user wit h your service provider or network operator .
58 To use the wiza rd for settin g up Internet 1 } Internet services } YES } homepage (for example Sony Ericsson ) } YES . The wizard now starts if no settings e xist.
59 Data account setti ngs You can ha ve severa l data acco unts save d in your ph one, with differe nt settings fo r differen t purposes . The main setting f or a data ac count is the Account type (connec tion method). You can ch oose from GPRS dat a or GSM data account ty pes.
60 • DNS address – if th e network do es not pr ovide the I P address to the DNS se rver automat ically , you may ente r it here. • Advan. settings (Advan ced setti ngs) – thes e are opt ional.
61 Preferred servi ce You can s et GPRS or GSM as the preferre d service. To select preferre d service } Connectivity } YES } Data comm. } YES } Pref. service } YES and se lect GPRS and GSM or GSM only } YE S . Internet prof ile set tings The Inte rnet sett ings are s tored in an Internet profile .
62 To edit an existing prof ile When selecti ng an existi ng profile , you can do th e followi ng: • Rename – Change the name of the prof ile. • Connect using – Select da ta accoun t. • IP address – W AP gat eway serv er address. • Advanced – More prof ile setti ngs, see below .
63 Trusted certifi cates To establi sh a secu re connecti on when us ing certai n Internet services, for example banking or shopping, you need certificates in your phone. To check the ce rtificat es in your phone } Internet services } YES } Options } YES } Common } YES } Security } YES } Trusted certif.
64 To stop bro wsing • Press a nd hold NO or •P r e s s } Exit browse r . Options when browsing When you ha ve started browsing, y ou can rea ch differe nt browsing options by pressing . The opti ons menu is dynamic. I ts content may vary dependin g on which si te you a re visiting .
65 Using bookmarks You use bo okmarks in y our mobile p hone just as you do wi th a PC Internet browser. You can hav e up to 25 bookmarks. To work w ith bookmark s 1 } Internet services } YES } Bookmarks } YES . 2 Select th e bookmark you want to work with } .
66 Stored information The followi ng informa tion can be saved in your phon e: • Cache – impr oves memory efficienc y . • Passwo rds – impro ves serve r acces s effi ciency . • Cookies – improves site acces s efficiency . It is advisab le to clear an y sensitive in formation abo ut previously vis ited Internet se rvices.
67 More features Keypad lock To lock the ke ypad Press } Lock keypad } YES . To unlock th e keypad Press } Unlock keypad? } YES . Alarm clock The alarm cl ock ring s even if t he phone i s set to s ilent or turned off. To set an alarm 1 } Organizer } YES } Alarms } YES } Alarm or Recurrent alarm } YES .
68 Stopwatch The stopwat ch is turn ed off whe n you answer an incomi ng call or whe n you exit th e stopwatch menu. To use the stop watch } Organizer } YES } Stopwatch } YES then press : • to reset. • to save up to nine lap times. • YES to st art, stop or re-star t.
69 To set the timer } Organizer } YES } Timer } YES . Calendar In the calend ar you can add tasks for things that you have to remember. The tasks can be edited or deleted. To add a task 1 } Organizer } YES } Calendar } YES . 2 } Add task? } YES . 3 Enter a description } YES .
70 To delete a t ask Scroll to the tas k that you want to de lete, press . To delete all task s } Organizer } YES } Calendar } YES } Delete all } YES . To edit a task 1 When the tas k is display ed } YES . 2 } Edit } YES . 3 Edit the task } YES , edit the date } YES , edit the rem inder } YES .
71 Security SIM card lo ck The SIM card lock protect s your subscription, bu t not your phone itself, from unau thorized use. If you change SIM cards, the phone still works with the new SIM card. PIN and PUK code Most SIM car ds are lock ed at th e time of pu rchase.
72 To edit yo ur PIN2 } Settings } YES } Locks } YES } SIM l ock } YES } Change PIN2 } YES . To turn the SIM card lock on or off 1 } Settings } YES } Locks } YES } SIM lock } YES } Protection } YES .
73 To set the phone lock 1 } Settings } YES } Locks } YES } Phone l ock } YES } Protection } YES . 2 Select an alt ernative } YES . 3 Enter the phone lock c ode } YES . Editing the phone lo ck code It is impor tant that you rememb er your ne w code . If you should for get it, you ha ve to hand i n your pho ne to your loc al Sony Ericsson retailer.
74 Troubleshooting This chapter li sts some pr oblems that you migh t encounter while usin g your phon e. Some proble ms requir e that you ca ll your service provi der, but most of t he problems you can easily correct yourself . The phone cannot be sw itched on Recharge or replace the battery % 7 To insert t he SIM card a nd charge the batter y .
75 Error messag es Insert SIM There is no SIM card in th e phone, it may need cle aning or you may ha ve inserte d it incor rectly, % 7 To inse rt the SIM card and char ge the battery . Insert correct SI M card The phone i s set to work only with cer tain SIM ca rds.
76 PIN blocked/P IN2 blocked You have en tered your PI N or PIN2 in correctly three times in a row. To un block, % 71 SIM card l ock . PUK blocked – contact oper ator You ente red your p ersonal un blocki ng key cod e (PUK) incorrectl y 10 time s in a row.
77 Additional information Sony Ericsson Con sumer Web site On www.SonyEricsso ther e is a section wh ere help and tips ar e only a f ew clicks away. Here you find the latest software u pdates and t ips on how to use your pr oduct more efficien tly.
78 Antenna Only use a n antenna tha t has been specifical ly designed by Sony Ericsson for you r mobile phone. Use of unauthorised or mod ifi ed antennas cou ld damage your mobile phone and may violate regulations, causing loss of per formance and SAR levels above the recommende d limits (see below).
79 Variation s in SAR below the radio f requency exposure guidelin es do not mean that th ere are varia tions in safety. While t here may be differences in SAR levels among mobile phon es, all Sony Ericsson mobile phone models are designed to m eet radio freq uency exposure guidelines .
81 Battery use and care We recommend that you full y charge the ba ttery befor e you use you r mobile phon e for the firs t time. The ba ttery can on ly be charged in temperat ures between +5°C (+41°F) an d +45°C ( +113°F).
82 Limited Warranty Sony Ericsson Mobile Co mmunications AB, S-221 88 Lund, Sweden, (Sony Ericsson), p rovides this Limited Warra nty for your mobile phon e and origina l accessory del ivered with yo ur mobile phone (h ereinafter referred to as “Product ”).
83 Conditions 1 The warr anty is valid on ly if the or iginal proo f of purchase issued to the original purchaser by an , f or this Product, Sony Ericsson authorised dealer, specifyi ng the dat e of purcha se and serial number**, i s presented w ith the Prod uct to be repai red or repl aced.
84 7 Tampering with any of the seals on the Product w ill void the warr anty. 8 THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES, WHE THER WRITTEN OR ORAL, OTHER THAN THIS PRINTED LIMITED WARRANTY.
85 FCC Statemen t This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation i s subject to the follow ing two cond itions: (1) This dev ice may not cau se harmful interfer ence, and (2) This devic e must accept any interfer ence received , including interference t hat may cause un desired o peration.
86 Declaration o f Conformity We, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB of Nya Vattentor net S-221 88 Lund, Sweden declare und er our sole r esponsibility tha t our product Sony Ericsson type AAB-102.
87 Index A alarm clock 67 animations 49 answerin g mode 54 ask to s ave 28 assemblin g, phone 7 automatic re dialling 25 B battery charging 8 insertin g 8 use and ca re 81 C calculato r 68 calendar 6 .
88 F fixed dial ling 38 G games 70 GPRS 59 groups closed u ser grou ps 39 conferen ce calls 36 groups. see phonebook 31 GSM 60 GSM freque ncies 3 H handsfre e 54 I icons, in dis play 10 infrared port .
89 edit an en try 29 groups 31 memory 30 memory status 73 phone memory 30 replacin g entries 31 shortcut s 28 sort orde r 29 pictures 48 animatio ns 49 exchange 49 memory status 73 send 49 wallpaper 4.
90 memory status 73 options 44 reply 45 save 46 send 42 themes 48 time setti ngs 54 U unblocking PIN 8 Useful 23 V vibratin g alert 53 voice mail 3 2 W warranty 82 This is the Internet version of the user’s guide © Print only for priva te use.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony Ericsson J200c c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony Ericsson J200c - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony Ericsson J200c, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony Ericsson J200c va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony Ericsson J200c, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony Ericsson J200c.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony Ericsson J200c. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony Ericsson J200c ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.