Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DVP-FX740DT du fabricant Sony
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4-126-491- 12 (1) Operati ng Instr uctio ns © 2009 Sony Corporation D VP-FX740DT z To find out usef ul hints, tips and informatio n about Sony products and s ervices pl ease vis it: www.
2 WARNIN G To red uce the risk of fire or electri c sho ck, do n ot expose this appara tus to rain or mo isture. To avoi d el ect rica l shoc k, do not op en the cab ine t. Refer se rvicing to qualifi ed person nel onl y. The main s lead m ust be change d only at a qualifi ed service shop .
3 Precautions • Install this system so that the mains lead can be unplugged fro m th e wa ll so cket immediat ely in the event of trouble. • The player is not dis connected from the AC power source (mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet, even if the player itself has been turned off.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Guide to Parts a nd Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Preparat ions . . . . . . . . . .
5 Guide to Part s and Contro ls For more info rmat ion, see th e page s indi cate d i n pare nt heses. Player The V OLUME + a nd N (play) button s have a tact ile dot.
6 ENTE R bu tton Enters the sele cted it em. • When playing a DVD or CD or VIDEO CD: EN TER on the play er works as the same as N . • W hen wa tching a TV: Display s the Chan nel List. Se e page 20. RETURN button Returns to th e previous display .
7 V INP UT but ton (pa ge 16, 19) Displa ys mode opt ion s when you pr ess the but ton. Sel ect a mo de by pres sing X / x and E NTER. • “Dis c” mod e (d efau lt): When playin g an i nsert ed dis c. • “USB” mode: When play ing DATA files o n a connec ted USB devic e.
8 wk ADVANCE b utton Brief ly fast forwar ds the cu rrent sc ene (DVD only). wl PROG (prog ramme) +/– b uttons Sele cts a TV c han nel. e; AUDIO button • Wh en playing a DVD VIDEO: Each time you pre ss the butto n, the langu age of the soun d track swit ches .
Preparatio ns 9 Pr epar atio ns Checki ng the Access ories Check t hat you ha ve the foll owin g items: • AC power adap tor (1 ) • Car batter y adap tor ( 1) • Audi o/vi deo cord (mi ni pl ug ×.
10 Char ging time an d playing time Charging time: a pprox. 5 hours Playing time : approx. 5 hours Times indic ated are under th e follow ing conditions: – Mode rate temperat ure (20°C) – H eadph.
Preparatio ns 11 After us ing the play er in a car 1 Turn o ff the play er. 2 Disco nnect the car b attery adaptor . 3 Turn o ff the engi ne. b • Do n ot dis connect t he car battery adapto r or turn off t he car en gine befo re you turn off t he player.
12 Playback Play ing Di scs Depe ndin g on the di sc, s ome oper ati ons may be di fferent or restri cted. Re fer to th e operating instr uction s supplied with the disc. Conne ct the A C pow er adap tor. 1 Open the L CD pa nel. 2 Slide the OPERAT E switch to “ON.
Playback 13 Notes on the screen save r • A screen sa ver im age ap pears w hen yo u leav e the pla yer in paus e or stop mo de without oper ation for mor e than 15 minute s. The ima ge dis app ears w hen you pres s N . For the set up of “Scr een Sav er,” se e page 25.
14 Using the Playbac k Information Di splay Whil e playing a D VD, yo u can ch eck the cur rent play back i nfor mati on. T he playba ck infor mation displa y also al lows you to se t a title /chapter or change sound / subtitle , and so on. When e nter ing the numb ers, oper at e the number butt ons on th e remot e.
Playback 15 Play ing MP 3, JPE G, and Vide o Files You c an play MP3, J PEG, and video f iles. For det ails on playa ble file s, see “Playab le Medi a” (page 34). When yo u set a DATA medi a, a list of albu ms ap pear s. DATA CDs recorded i n KODAK Picture CD format aut omatically start p laying when inser ted.
16 To disp lay the list of thumbn ails Press MENU when an image fi le is display ed. The image file s in th e album appea r in 12 sub-scre ens with t he disp layed fi le in th e lead. • T o go to the previous or next list of thumbnails, s elect “ b Prev ” or “Next B ” at the bot tom o f the scre en, and pr ess ENTER .
Playback 17 b • Do n ot disco nnect the US B dev ice while i ts access indic ator is flashin g. Doing so may cause da ta corruption or loss of data. • USB device s which c an conn ect to the pl ayer are flas h memory and mult iple c ard readers . Other devices ( digital st ill came ra, USB hub , etc.
18 • Hue: Adj ust th e red an d gree n colo ur bala nce by press ing C / c . • C olor: Ad just t he rich ness of c olou rs by pr ess ing C / c . • Default: Return a ll setti ngs to the fact ory defaul ts. 4 Press ENTER . * In “Normal,” pictur es are disp layed in th eir original c onfigurat ion, retaining the aspect ratio.
Watching TV 19 Watching TV Setting the ch anne l When yo u watc h TV on the pl ayer for the firs t time, set the are a and lang uage. 1 Connect the aer ial cabl e to DIGITAL AERIAL IN on the player. The s upplied aerial m ust be con nected for outd oor use.
20 Watch ing TV 1 Press INPUT. 2 Press X / x to select “TV” and press EN TER. The rece ived cha nnel is displa yed. 3 Press PROG +/– to select a channel . z You can also sel ect a channe l by X / x . To se lect a c han nel by Chann el Lis t or Favour ite List 1 Press ENTER while watchin g TV.
Watching TV 21 Using th e TV Se tup Disp lay 1 Press OPTIONS while watchin g TV. The op ti on me nu d isp lay appe ars. 2 Press X / x to sele ct “TV Setup” and press EN TER. 3 Select an d adjust each of the following ite ms by pressing X / x and ENTER.
22 4 Press ENTER to start channel scanni ng. If a cha nnel is re ceived, it is added to the C hannel List. b When you set “ Tuning,” th e “Digital Ch annel List” setti ng might be clea red. In this case , set again. Features ◆ Langua ge Setu p All defa ult s et tings ar e “ Engli sh.
Watching TV 23 ◆ Subtitle This optio n menu is t he same functi on as the SUBTITLE butto n on the re mote. ◆ Audio This optio n menu is t he same functi on as the AUDIO button on the remo te. ◆ TV/Rad io This optio n menu is t he same functi on as the TV/RADIO butto n on the re mote.
24 Settings and Ad justment s Using t he Se tup D isplay By using the setup di splay , you can m ake various se ttings to items such as picture and soun d. Some di scs have stored play back settings , whic h take prio rity. For TV setup, see “Using the T V Setup Disp lay” ( page 21) .
Settings a nd Adj ustments 25 b Depending on the disc, “4:3 Letter Box” ma y be sele cted au toma ticall y in stead of “4 :3 Pan Sc an” or vice versa. ◆ Angle M ark (DVD VIDEO only) Displa ys the angle ma rk when you can chan ge the viewing a ngles during playba ck of DVDs reco rded with multi -angle s.
26 Language Setup ◆ OSD (On-S creen Di splay) Switch es the di splay lan guage on the screen . ◆ Disc Menu (D VD VID EO on ly) Switches th e language for the disc ’s menu. When yo u sele ct “Ori ginal,” t he langu age given p riority in the di sc is se lected .
Settings a nd Adj ustments 27 ◆ Pare ntal Contr ol (D VD VID EO o nly) Set the limita tion le vel. The lower the value, the stricte r the li mitation. To se t the pare ntal co ntrol, yo u need t o set the pass word firs t. To set the pa rental contro l (limited play back) 1 Pres s X / x to s elec t “Par enta l Con trol, ” and pr ess ENTER .
28 Additional Inform ation Troubl eshooting If you ex perien ce any of the fol lowing diffic ulties while usin g the player, use this troubleshoo ting guide to help remedy the proble m bef ore re questi ng repa irs. Sh ould any prob lem pe rsist, c onsult yo ur near est Sony de aler .
Additional I nformation 29 The di sc does not sta rt playi ng from t he begi nning . , Rep eat Pl ay or Ran dom Pla y is se lected (pa ge 13) . , Resume pl ay has taken eff ect (page 13). , The Playli st of th e crea ted disc is automat ical ly pla yed.
30 ENTER on the play er. If you perform this o pera tion , som e sett ing s may r etu rn to thei r orig in al f acto ry s ettin gs. Hookup There is no pict ure or so und on the connect ed eq uipmen t. , Re-co nne ct the c onnecting cor d se cure ly (pag e 11).
Additional I nformation 31 Precau tions Road safe ty Do not use the monitor unit and headph ones while driv ing, cyc ling, o r oper atin g any moto rize d veh icle.
32 On Liqui d Crystal Displa y • A lthough manu factur ed with high precisi on tech nology, th e LCD m ay occasi onally d ispl ay dots of v ari ous colou rs. That is not a malfun ction. • Do not place or drop any o bjec t ont o the LCD surfa ce. Als o, do not appl y pres sure from h and s or elbo ws.
Additional I nformation 33 Notes A bout th e Discs • To k eep t he disc clean, handle the disc b y its edge . Do not to uch the s urface . • Do n ot e xpose t he dis c to di rect sun light or heat sour ces such as hot air duct s, or leav e it in a car pa rked in dire ct su nlig ht as the te mperature may r ise co nsiderably inside the car.
34 Play able M edia b • Notes about recorda ble medi a Some r ecordable m edia cannot be pl ayed on the player due to the recordin g quality or physical c ondition of th e media, or the characteri stics o f the recording device and aut hor ing so ftw are .
Additional I nformation 35 Notes on MP3, JPEG, and video files The pla yer ca n play th e follo wing fil es: • MP3 files wi th the ex tension “ .mp3”* 1 . • JPEG files with the extens ion “.jpg” * 2 . • JPEG i mage fil es th at c onfo rm to the DCF (Design rule f or Camera F ile system) im age fil e format.
36 Notes on commercial di scs Regi on cod e It is the s ystem th at is used t o protec t copy rights. The regio n code is s hown on the DVD VIDEO p ackages accord ing to the regi on of sale. DVD VIDEOs labelled “ALL” or “2” wil l play on the player.
Additional I nformation 37 Index Numerics 16:9 24 4:3 Letter B ox 24 4:3 Pan Scan 24 A Angle Mark 8 , 25 Audio 8 , 26 Audio DRC 25 Audio Setup 25 C CD 12 , 34 Chan nel 19 Chargi ng time and play ing t.
Sony Corporation Printed in China 4-126-491- 12 (1).
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony DVP-FX740DT c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony DVP-FX740DT - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony DVP-FX740DT, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony DVP-FX740DT va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony DVP-FX740DT, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony DVP-FX740DT.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony DVP-FX740DT. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony DVP-FX740DT ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.