Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CS 5530 du fabricant Acer
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E E N G L I S H.
Digital Camera >> 2-E FCC STATEMENT This devi ce co mplies with Part 15 of th e FCC Rule s. Ope ration is subject to the following t wo conditio ns: (1) This device m ay not cause harmful interf erence, and (2) This de vice must acc ept any interf erence rec eived , in cludin g in terfer ence that may cau se undesired operation.
User’s Manual >> E-3 TRADEMARK I NFORMATION M i c r o s o f t ® a n d W i n d o w s ® a r e U . S . r e g i s t e r e d t r a d em a r ks o f M i c r o s o f t Corporation. Pentium ® is a register ed tradem ark of Intel C orporation. Macintosh is a tr ademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Digital Camera >> 4-E Safety Instructions Read and un derstand all Warnings and Cautions before using t his produc t. WARNING If for eign o bjec ts or wat er have ent ered t he came ra, turn t he powe r OFF and re move the b attery and the AC powe r adapter.
User’s Manual >> E-5 CAUTION Inse rt t he b attery paying care ful attenti on t o th e po larity (+ or –) of the te rminals. In s er t in g the bat te r y wi t h it s po la r it i es inv e rt e d mi g ht cau s e fi re and injury, or dam age to the surrou nding area s due t o the ba ttery rupt uring or leaking .
Digital Camera >> 6-E Notes on Battery Usage W h e n y o u u s e t h e b a tt e ry , c a r ef ul l y r e a d a n d s t ri c tl y o b s er ve t h e S a fe ty Instructions and th e notes described below: Use only the specifie d battery (3.
User’s Manual >> E-7 CONT ENTS 9 INTRODUCTION 9 Overview 11 Package Contents 12 GETTING TO KNOW THE CAMERA 12 Front View 13 Rear View 15 Status LED Indicator 16 LCD Monitor Icons 18 GETTING ST.
Digital Camera >> 8-E 40 [ ] PLAYBACK MODE 40 Playing Back Still Images 41 Playing Back Video Clips 43 Playing Back Still Images/Video Clips on a TV 44 Attaching Voice Memos 45 Thumbnail Display.
User’s Manual >> E-9 INTRODU CTION Overview Congratulations on your purchase of the new d igital camer a. Capturing high-quality digital pictures is fast and easy with this state-of-the-art sma rt camera .
Digital Camera >> 10-E Voice memo - A voice memo can be recorde d once for 3 0 seconds at p hotography mode immediately following a still im age capture d or at playback mode while viewing the pict ure. Camera settings - Ha ve mo re con tro l ove r pict ure qu alit y by ad jus tin g the men u optio ns.
User’s Manual >> E-11 Packag e Contents Carefully unpack your camera and ensure that you have the following items. Common Product Components: Digital came ra A/V cable User’s manual USB cabl.
Digital Camera >> 12-E GETTING TO KNOW THE CAMERA Front View # Name Description 1. Shutter button Focuses and lock s the exposure of the camera when pressed halfway down, and takes the picture when pressed all the way down. 2. POWE R bu tton Turns th e camera power on and off.
User’s Manual >> E-13 Rear View # Name Descriptio n 1. LCD monitor Provi des men u infor mation to ope rate th e camer a, an d pr evie ws the pic ture bef ore taki ng it an d re view it aft erwards. 2. Display button Turns the LCD monitor displ ay and live view on and off.
Digital Camera >> 14-E SET /Direction button # Name Descriptio n 1. button Scrolls upwards. Focus but ton Al lo ws yo u to ch oos e th e a ppr op ria te fo cus setti ng. 2. button Scrolls right. Flash button Al lows yo u to cho ose the app rop ria te fla sh setti ng.
User’s Manual >> E-15 Status LED Indicator This descri bes the c olor and state of the status LED. During connection to a PC - - In c om mu nic at io n to PC. (SD card is inserted .) - - SD card is not inserted. Color Green Red Orange State On Flashing On Flashing On Flashing During pow er off The completion of b atte ry ch arge.
Digital Camera >> 16-E LCD Monitor Icons Photography mode [ ] 1. Zoom status 2. Voice memo 3. Remaining battery status [ ] Full battery power [ ] Medium battery po wer [ ] Low b attery pow er [ ] No bat tery power 4. Flash icon [Blank] Auto [ ] Red-eye Reduct ion [ ] Forced Flash [ ] Suppressed Flash [ ] Night Scene 5.
User’s Manual >> E-17 Photography mode [ ] 1. [ ] Movie mode 2. Zo om statu s 3. Re maining bat tery statu s 4. Im age size 5. Possible recording time / elap sed ti me 6. Q uality 7. Recording indicator 8. Se lf-timer icon 9. Focus icon Playback mode [ ] -Stil l image playback 1.
Digital Camera >> 18-E GETTI NG STAR TED Attaching the Camera Strap Attach th e camera strap as shown i n the i llustration..
User’s Manual >> E-19 Inserting and Removing the Battery We h ighly recommend usin g sp ecified recharge able lithium- ion b attery (3.7V) to fully demo nstrat e thi s cam era’s funct ion.
Digital Camera >> 20-E Charging the Battery Using the AC power a dapter may charge t he battery or operat e the camera as pow er s upply . Mak e su re t hat the power of the camer a is off and then ins ert the battery before startin g.
User’s Manual >> E-21 This camera must be used with specified AC power adapter. Damage ca u se d b y t h e us e of a n i n co r re c t a d ap t er is not cov e re d und er the warran ty.
Digital Camera >> 22-E Inserting and Removin g the SD Card Images photographed with this camera will be stored on the SD card. Without inserting the SD card, you cannot take photographs using the camera. Before inserting or rem oving th e SD card, make sure tha t the power of the came ra is off .
User’s Manual >> E-23 Turning the Power On/Off Load the battery and insert an SD card befo re starti ng. Turning the power on Press the POW ER button to tur n the p ower on. T h e s t a t u s L E D l i g h t s g r e e n a n d t h e camera i s initiat ed.
Digital Camera >> 24-E Setting the Date and Time The d ate/time needs to be s et if /when: Camera is turn ed on for the first time. Ca me r a is tur ne d on aft er lea v in g th e ca me r a wi th ou t the bat te ry for an extended period of time.
User’s Manual >> E-25 Choosi ng the Language Spe ci fy i n whic h lang ua ge m en us and m es sag es a re t o be disp la yed on t he LCD mo nitor. 1. Slide the mode switch to [ ] or [ ] or [ ] . 2. Press the MEN U b utton and sel ect [Setu p] menu wit h the but ton.
Digital Camera >> 26-E Formatti ng the SD Card This e rase s all o f the image s and folde rs th at hav e bee n rec orded on th e SD card. Formatting is no t possible when the SD card in the locked condition. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2.
User’s Manual >> E-27 Setting Image Resolution and Quality Resoluti on and quality set tings dete rmine the pixel size (dimensio n), image file size, and compressio n ratio for your images. These settin gs affect the number of ima ges that can be stor ed on a mem ory car d.
Digital Camera >> 28-E Possible number of sho ts (still image) The tab le s hows the appr oxima te s hots tha t yo u ca n ta ke a t ea ch s ettin g ba sed on an optional SD card. Image size Quality SD card capacity 32MB 64MB 128MB 256MB 512MB (5M) 2560 x 1920 (3M) 2048 x 1536 ( 1.
User’s Manual >> E-29 PHOTOGRAPHY MODE [ ] Still Image Mode Au t o ph ot o g ra p h y i s a ty p ic a l me th o d of ph o to g r ap h y . P h ot o g ra p h s c an be ta k e n si m p l y be c a.
Digital Camera >> 30-E Recordin g Voice Memos A v o i ce m e mo c an b e r e co r de d o n ce f or 3 0 s e co n ds a t s t il l i m ag e m o de immed iately fol lowing a still imag e captured or at play back mode while vie wing the p icture. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ].
User’s Manual >> E-31 Using the Optical Zoom Zoom photo graphy allows you to take zoom photogra phs up to 3 ti mes t he si ze or wi de-a ngl e pho togr aph y dep endi ng on the d ista nce up to the s ubje ct. Y ou can a lso enl arg e th e cen ter of t he sc ree n an d ta ke p hot ogra phs in t he d igit al zoom mode.
Digital Camera >> 32-E Using the Digital Zoom Usin g a comb ination of 3 times opti cal zoom and 4.0 times digit al z oom permits zoom pho togr aphy of up to 1 2 t imes to su it the sub ject an d the dist ance .
User’s Manual >> E-33 Setting the Flash Set the flash for taking photog raphs. The flash firing mode can be se t to suit for the photogra phic conditio ns. 1. S lide t he mo de swi tch t o [ ]. 2. Tog gle the bu tton to sele ct the des ire d flash mode.
Digital Camera >> 34-E The table below wil l help yo u choose the approp riate fl ash mode: Flash mo de Description [ Blank ] Auto The fla sh fires automa tically to suit the photographic condition s.
User’s Manual >> E-35 Setting the Focus Photographs can be taken with the dista nce to t he subject set by auto foc us, [ ] m acro or [ ] in finity . The settin gs will be maint ained even when th e po wer is turne d of f o r w hen Auto OFF is activat ed.
Digital Camera >> 36-E Setting the Self-timer This sett ing allow s photogr aphs to be taken with t he self- timer. 1. S lide the mode switch to [ ] or [ ]. 2. To ggl e the bu tto n to sel ect the set ti ng. Ea ch pr ess of th e but ton mo ves th e ico n one s tep thro ugh the seq uence and displays it on the s creen.
User’s Manual >> E-37 Exposure Compensation/Backlight Correction Phot ograp hs can be t aken wi th the ov eral l scre en int entio nall y made br ight er or dar ker .
Digital Camera >> 38-E Effective Subjects a nd Set V alues + (positive) compensa tion * Printed matter compri sing black text on wh itish paper * Backlighting * Bright scenes or strong ref lecte.
User’s Manual >> E-39 [ ] Movie Mode T hi s mo de a ll ow s yo u to re co r d v id eo cl i ps at a r es ol ut io n of 32 0 x 2 40 / 6 40 x 48 0 pixels. Voice can also be recorded. 1. S lide t he mo de swi tch t o [ ]. 2. Co mpose t he pict ure wit h the zoom b utton.
Digital Camera >> 40-E [ ] PLAYB ACK MODE Playing Back Still Images You can play back the still images on an LCD monitor. Insert the SD card into the camera and turn on the power b efore start ing. 1. Sli de the mode switch to [ ]. The last image appears on the screen.
User’s Manual >> E-41 Playing Back Video Clips You can p lay bac k vide o clip s reco rded o n the camera . You can al so pla y back voice. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. The last image appears on the screen. 2. Sele ct the desired video clip with the / buttons.
Digital Camera >> 42-E Button Operations During Playback During a Pause During a Stop butto n butto n butto n butto n SET butto n Vide o clips ca nnot be d isplayed rotated o r enlarged .
User’s Manual >> E-43 Playing Back Still Images/Video Clips on a TV You can also playback your imag es on a TV screen. Before connecting to any de vi ces , mak e sur e to sele ct NTSC / PA L s.
Digital Camera >> 44-E Attaching Voice Memos A m a x i m u m o f 3 0 s e c o n d s o f a u d i o c a n b e r e c o r d e d l i k e a m e m o f o r photographed still images. The voice memo can be recorded only once. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ].
User’s Manual >> E-45 Thumbnail Display This function a llows you to view 9 thumbnai l images o n the LCD monitor a t the same time, which c an quickly search for the image that you want. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. The last image appears on the screen.
Digital Camera >> 46-E Zoom Playback Image s that a re bein g play b ack can b e enlar ged and d isplayed in 2 le vels of 2 ti m es an d 4 ti me s en la r g em e nt . Th is mo d e a ls o al lo w s y ou to en l ar g e y ou r image on the selected portion of the image t o check for small de tails.
User’s Manual >> E-47 Slideshow Display The s lideshow functio n enable s you to playbac k your st ill imag es autom atically in orde r one image at a time. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. Press the MENU button. The playback menu is displayed.
Digital Camera >> 48-E Protecting Images Set the data t o read-only to p revent images from being erase d by mistake. Protecting Images 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. Se lect the i mage that you w ant t o prot ect with the / buttons . 3. Press the MENU button.
User’s Manual >> E-49 Canceling the Protection To c a nc el prot ec ti on for o nl y o ne ima ge , dis pl ay the i ma ge tha t you want to remove the imag e protec tion. 1. Select [Pro tect] with the / butto ns from the p layback menu , and press the SET bu tton.
Digital Camera >> 50-E DPOF Settings DPO F is t he abbr evi at ion f or Di gi tal P ri nt Orde r Forma t, w hic h allow s you t o emb ed pr inting inf ormati on on your mem ory c ard.
User’s Manual >> E-51 9. S e le ct d at e t o [ON ] or [OF F] with the / but t on s, and pre ss the SET butto n. ON: Th e date of the photo graph wil l also be printed. OFF: The dat e of the photograph will not be printed. 10. Select [Print Enable] with the / buttons, and press the SET button.
Digital Camera >> 52-E [ ] Erasing Images Erasing at Photography Mode (Quick Delete Function) Quick delete functio n enable s you to erase t he image during photogra phy. The quick dele te menu provides you to directly erase the la st image without fur ther settings.
User’s Manual >> E-53 5. Selec t [Execute] with the / butto ns, and press the SET button. To not erase, select [Ca ncel], and press the SET button. Eve n if you t ake p hotogr aphs after erasi ng an imag e, the file numb er is assi gne d th e ne xt n umbe r o f th e ve ry l ast one bef ore the ima ge w as eras ed.
Digital Camera >> 54-E MENU OPTIONS Still Image Menu (Picture) This menu is for the basic settings to b e used when taking still images. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. Press the MENU button. [ P i c t u r e ] o f t h e s t i l l i m a g e m e n u i s displayed.
User’s Manual >> E-55 Size This sets the size o f the image that will be photographed. [ ] 2560 x 1920: 2560 x 1920 pixels (5M) [ ] 2048 x 1536: 2048 x 1536 pixels (3M) [ ] 1280 x 960: 1280 x 960 pixels (1.2M) [ ] 640 x 480: 640 x 480 pixels (VGA) Quality This sets the quality (compression rate) at which the image is taken.
Digital Camera >> 56-E White Balance Thi s set s the whit e bal ance photog raphin g und er a varie ty of ligh ting condi tions an d pe r m it s ph o t og r a p hs t o b e t a ke n th a t ap p ro a c h th e co n di t i on s th a t ar e seen by the human eye.
User’s Manual >> E-57 Still Image Menu (Function) 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. P r es s th e M E N U b u t t o n , a n d s e l e c t th e [Function] menu with the button. [ F u n c t i on ] o f t h e s t i l l i m a g e m en u i s displayed.
Digital Camera >> 58-E Voice Memo A voice mem o ca n be re corde d fo r 30 sec onds imme diate ly f ollow ing still sin gle image photography. This fe ature is also available during playback mode. Re fe r to sect io n in thi s man ua l tit le d "Re co rd ing Voic e Memo s" for fur th er details.
User’s Manual >> E-59 Quickview Th i s s e ts w h e th e r o r no t t o di s p l ay t h e ph o t o g r ap h e d i ma g e o n t h e s cr e e n immediately after the picture is taken. ON: Displayed when images are being recorded on the SD card. OFF: Does not display.
Digital Camera >> 60-E Movie Menu (Picture) This menu is for the basic settings to be used when recording video clips. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ].
User’s Manual >> E-61 Movie Menu (Fun ction) 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. P r es s th e M E N U b u t t o n , a n d s e l e c t th e [Function] menu with the but ton.
Digital Camera >> 62-E Playback Menu In the [ ] mode, set which settings a re to be used for playback. 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. Press the MENU button. The playback menu is displayed. 3. Se l ec t t he de s ir ed op ti o n i te m wi th th e / but tons, and pre ss the SET but ton to ente r its respective menu.
User’s Manual >> E-63 Setup Menu (In Phot ography Mode) Set your camera’s operating environment. 1. Slid e the mode switch to [ ] or [ ]. 2. P r es s th e M E N U b u t t o n , a n d s e l e c t th e [Setup] menu with the b utton. [ S e t u p ] o f t h e p h o t o g r a p h y m e n u i s displayed.
Digital Camera >> 64-E Date/Ti me This se ts the date and the t ime. Refe r to sec tion in t his manual t itle d “ Set ting the Date and Time ” for fu rt her details. Auto OFF I f n o o p e r a t i o n i s p e r f o r m e d fo r a s p e c i f i c pe r i o d of ti m e , t h e po w e r to t h e cam era is aut omati call y t urne d o ff.
User’s Manual >> E-65 Setup Menu (In Play back Mode) 1. Sli de the mode switch t o [ ]. 2. Press the MENU button. [ S et up ] of t he p l ay ba ck m en u i s d i sp l ay ed . If ima ges /vid eo cl ips ar e rec ord ed on th e S D c a r d , p r e s s t h e b u t t o n a f t e r th e MEN U button is pressed.
Digital Camera >> 66-E File Number Thi s cre ates a new fol der. The p hotogr aphed imag es ar e rec orded to the n ewly created f older from number 0001. Cancel: Does not reset the file numb er. Execute: Resets the file number and c reates a new folde r.
User’s Manual >> E-67 TRA NS FER RI NG RE CO RDE D IMA GE S AND VID EOS TO YOUR COMP UTER To t ransfer images/v ideo cli ps from t he camer a to you r comput er, follo w these steps: Step 1: Installing the USB driver (Windows 98 and Mac OS 8.
Digital Camera >> 68-E Step 1: Installing the USB Driver Windows 98 computers Th e U SB d r iv e r on t h e C D - RO M i s e x c lu s i v e ly f o r W i n do w s 98 c o mp u t e r s. Ins tal li ng the USB d ri ver o n c om put ers r unn in g W in dow s 2000/ ME /XP i s n ot necessary.
User’s Manual >> E-69 St ep 2: Co nn ec ti ng th e Ca me ra to You r Com pu te r 1. Connect one end of t he USB cab le to the co nver sio n ada pte r ter min al of t he cam era.
Digital Camera >> 70-E Step 3: Downloading Images and Video Files Whe n the cam era is tur ned on and co nnec ted to you r c ompu ter, it is co nsid ered to be a di sk d riv e, j us t like a f lo ppy d is k or C D.
User’s Manual >> E-71 INSTALLING NTI PHOTO SUITE PC use rs wi ll fin d th a t NT I Ph ot o Sui te is a ve ry use r -f ri e nd l y im ag e- e di ti n g program.
Digital Camera >> 72-E C O N N E C T I N G T H E C A M E R A T O OTHER DEVICES.
User’s Manual >> E-73 CAMERA SPECIFICATIONS Item Descriptio n 1/2.5" CCD sensor Image sensor Total number of pixels: approx. 5.2 mega pixels Number of effective pixels: a pprox. 4.9 mega pixels <Still image> Image resolution 2560 x 1920, 2048 x 1536, 1280 x 960, 640 x 480 < Video clip> 640 x 480, 320 x 240 LCD monitor 2.
Digital Camera >> 74-E Item Descriptio n Flash Auto Flash / Red-eye Reduction / Night Scene / Suppressed Flash / Forced Flash Flash e ffective range 0.5 m -2.7 m ISO sensitivity Equivalent to ISO 50/100/200/Auto Self-timer 10 sec. / 2 sec. / 10+2 sec.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Acer CS 5530 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Acer CS 5530 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Acer CS 5530, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Acer CS 5530 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Acer CS 5530, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Acer CS 5530.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Acer CS 5530. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Acer CS 5530 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.