Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CE-5430 du fabricant Acer
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Conten ts EN-1 3 INTRODUCTION 4 Package Contents 5 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAMERA 5 Front Vi ew 6 Rear View 7 Mode Dial 8 LCD Monitor Informatio n 10 PREPARING THE CAMERA 10 Installing the Batteries 11 U.
EN-2 30 MOVIE MODE 30 Recording Movie Clip s 31 Playing Back Movie Clips 32 PLAYBACK MODE - ADVANCED F EATURES 32 Playing Back Still Images/Mo vie Clips on TV 33 Deleti ng Images/Movie Cli ps 34 Conne.
EN-3 INTRODUCTION Thank y ou for pur chasing t he new dig ital sti ll camera! Equipped with a 5.0 Mega pixels CCD senso r, your camera delivers high quality, 2560 x 19 20 resol ution imag es. Othe r featu res provid ed by th e camera inc lude the foll owing: 5.
EN-4 Package Contents Carefull y unpac k your ki t box a nd ensur e that yo u have th e foll owing i tems. In t he event th at any i tem is miss ing or if you find a ny mismatc h or da mage, promp tly contac t your dea ler.
EN-5 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAMERA Front View 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 1. Shutt er releas e butt on 2. Mod e dial 3. Powe r switch 4. Flash 5. Self -timer LED 6.
EN-6 Rear View 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 14 6 9 10 1. LED indicat or 2. / Zoom in (tel ephoto) button / Zoom o ut (wid e-angle) button 3. Playb ack bu tton 4. Menu b utton 5. Dele te button 6. Self- timer butto n 7. Fo cus butt on 8. St rap hold er 9. Exposu re comp ensati on b utton 10.
EN-7 Mode Dial You ca n selec t from seven sh ooting mo des and setu p mode ac cordin g to sh ooting conditi ons to ac hieve the desir ed effe ct. Mode Description 1. Program Selec t this mod e to pe rmit the shutte r speed a nd apertu re to be se t manual ly.
EN-8 LCD Monitor Info rmation +0.3 +0.3 +0.3 3 3 2.2X 2.2X 2.2X 7 6 5 3 2 1 4 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 Camera M ode 1. Mod e indicat ion [ ] Program Mode [] P o r t r a i t M o d e [ ] Land scape Mode [ ] Spor ts Mode [ ] Night Mo de [] S e t u p M o d e [ ] Movie Mode [ ] Auto Mode 2.
EN-9 Movie Mode 1. Movie mode 2. Flash mod e 3. Recorda ble movi e time ava ilable 4. Memory stat us 5. B attery power a nd AC adapter indicat or 6. Focus area 7. Zoom bar Image Pl ayback 1. Playba ck mode 2. Number of image 3. Memory stat us 4.
EN-10 PREPARING THE CAMERA Installing the Batteries You can use 2 A A size batte ries (al kalin e or Ni-MH rech argeable ) to po wer th e camera. Ma ke sure that the power o f the digita l camera is of f before in serting or removi ng the ba tteries .
EN-11 Using the AC Adapter (Optional Accessory) Use of th e AC adapte r is recomme nded if you in tend to use the LCD monit or for a long time o r connec t the came ra to a P C. 1. Ma ke sure yo ur camer a is off. 2. C onnect o ne end of the AC ada pter to the camer a DC input t ermin al labele d "DC IN 3V".
EN-12 Insertin g and Remov ing an SD Mem ory Card (Option al Access ory) The digit al camera c omes with 8M B of interna l memory, all owing you t o store captured stil l image s or v ideo c lips in the digi tal camera.
EN-13 GETTING STARTED Turning the Power On/Off Press t he pow er swit ch until the digit al camera turn s on. To turn th e power o ff, pres s the power switc h again. Choosing the Screen Lang uage Follow t he steps below to c hoose th e desire d language .
EN-14 Setting the Date and Time Follow the steps be low to set t he date d isplay styl e, curr ent date and time. 1. Rotate the mode dial to and t urn your camera on by pressing the power switch. 2. [S etup] i s displ ayed. 3. Use the four -way cont roller to se lect [Date & Time] a nd switch the dat e types , then press th e but ton.
EN-15 Formatting an SD Memory Car d or Internal Memory The te rm “Formatt ing” mea ns prep aring a n “SD me mory ca rd” to re cord i mages; this proce ss is also cal led “in itializat ion”. This util ity format s an SD memory car d or the internal memory an d eras es all stored ima ges an d data.
EN-16 Using the LCD Monitor Your came ra is equ ipped wit h a 2.36 ” full col or TFT LCD monitor to help you compose ima ges, rep lay record ed imag es/movi e clips or adj ust menu set tings. Th e mode icons, text and n umbers dis played on t he monitor may vary accor ding to th e curren t setting s.
EN-17 PHOTOGRAPHY MODE Shooting Image s 1. R otate the mode dial to , , , , , or and tur n your c amera on by pressi ng the power switch . 2. Mode-dial Hel p information will be displaye d on the L CD monito r. This is a brief gu ide to t he selec ted mode whi ch disappea rs in a few sec onds.
EN-18 Setting Image Resolu tion and Quality As you ge t to kn ow the d igital camera, you can set th e image r esoluti on (numb er of vertical and h orizon tal pixe ls) an d image quali ty (com pression ratio ) based on th e types of images yo u want to sho ot.
EN-19 Using the Zoom Functi on This c amera is equi pped wit h 3x opt ical zoom. The lens mo ves duri ng the op tical zoom p hotogr aphy, a llowing you to captur e telep hoto an d wide- angle shots. By usi ng the optica l zoom func tion; imag es appe ar closer b y pressing the button, or small er away by pressin g the button.
EN-20 Using the Flash The flash is desi gned t o functi on auto maticall y when lighti ng condit ions wa rrant t he use of flash. You can take a n image using a desir ed flas h mode t o suit your circu mstan ces. 1. Rotate the mode dial to , , , , , or .
EN-21 Setting Focus Images can be captur ed with t he foc us dete rmined automat ically using a uto fo cus. You may over- ride the au to focus and sp ecify [ ] macro or [ ] infinity. 1. R otate the mode dial to , , , , , or . 2. P ress th e power sw itch t o turn on the power .
EN-22 CAPTURE MODE Burst Burst mod e is used fo r conti nuous sho oting . 3 pictu res are ta ken cont inuous ly once the shutt er relea se butto n is presse d.
EN-23 Self-Timer The sel f-ti mer can be us ed in sit uatio ns such as g roup shot s. When us ing thi s optio n, you s hould e ither mo unt th e camera on a t ripod (recomme nded) or rest it on a flat , level sur face. 1. Secure the camera to a tripo d or place it on a st able sur face.
EN-24 Adjusting the Exposure (EV Compensation) You can man ually adj ust th e exposur e determ ined by the digit al camera. Use thi s mode when the prop er exposur e cannot be ob tained , for exam ple, when the contrast (diff erence between brig ht and dark areas) bet ween the su bject an d the backg round is ext remely high.
EN-25 Setting White Balance This fea ture let s you make a djustment s to compens ate for di fferent lighting t ypes accordin g to your sho oting cond itions. 1. R otate the mode dial to , , , , or . 2. P ress th e power sw itch t o turn on the power .
EN-26 USING THE MODE DIAL The dig ital came ra prov ides 6 types o f scen e modes t o satisf y diff erent sh ootin g conditi ons of you r subjec t. Auto Mode: This is the simplest way which allows you to take st ill pictur es withou t having t o set sp ecial functi ons or ma nual adj ustment s.
EN-27 PLAYBACK MODE - THE BASICS Viewing Images You can display the still images o ne by one. 1. R otate the mode dial to , , , , , or and turn yo ur camera on by pressi ng the power switch . 2. Press th e button . The las t recorded image ap pears on the LCD mo nitor scr een.
EN-28 Magnifying Images While revi ewing y our ima ges, yo u may enl arge a s electe d portio n of an i mage. Th is magnific ation a llows you to v iew fine detail s. The zoom fac tor disp layed o n the screen s hows the cu rrent magnifi cation ra tio.
EN-29 Thumbnail Display This functio n all ows you to view 9 thu mbnai l imag es on the LCD monito r scre en simultan eously s o you may search f or a part icular image. 1. Press th e button . The las t recorded image ap pears on the LCD mo nitor scr een.
EN-30 MOVIE MODE Recording Mov ie Clips This mode allows you t o record movie clips with sou nd via bui lt-in mi crophon e. 1. Rotat e the mo de dial to (Movie Mod e) and turn y our came ra on by pressi ng the power sw itch. 2. Mod e-dial Hel p infor mation wi ll be displa yed on the LCD mon itor.
EN-31 Playing Back Movie Clips You can play bac k the re corded mo vie clip s on the L CD monito r screen . However , the s ound rec orded wit h movie clips c an only b e playe d back on a TV o r on a computer .
EN-32 PLAYBACK MODE - ADVANCED FEATURES Playing Back Still Images/Movie Clips on TV You can also playba ck your ima ges on a TV scre en. Be fore con necting t o any device , make su re to se lect NTSC.
EN-33 Deleting Images/Movie Clips Use this fu nction to delete on e or all im ages/movi e clips st ored in SD memory card or the in ternal memory. Pl ease note t hat the d eleted ima ges or movi e clips cannot be recov ered. Ex ercise cau tion be fore del eting a file.
EN-34 Connecting to a PictBr idge-Compa tible Printer Even if you do no t have a comp uter, you can conne ct the cam era dire ctly to a pri nter that su pports PictBrid ge to per form imag e selecti on and pr inting us ing the camera screen a nd contr ols.
EN-35 Printing images When the came ra is prop erly conn ected to a PictBridg e-comp atible prin ter, the [Print ing Mode Sel ect] sc reen is disp layed on t he LCD monito r screen . Use the four-way controll er to s elect the print mode . In [Pri nt] Mod e: Lets you print t he spe cified imag e with PictBrid ge.
EN-36 4. Af ter Prin t Setti ng is set, the prin t icon is marked on the disp layed i mage. Yo u can stil l use the four-w ay cont roller t o chang e the imag e by your prefere nce, th en pre ss the button to prin t. 5. Use the four-w ay cont roller to acc ess the paper sele ction se tting , then pr ess the button to confir m.
EN-37 In [Print All ] Mode: Lets you print a ll image s with Pi ctBridge . 1. If you wis h to pri nt all th e images stored in the camera , you may choos e [Print All] in [Pri nting Mode Select ]. 2. To set Pr int Settin gs, follow s teps 2 to 6 in [Print] Mode.
EN-38 TRANSFERRING FILES FROM YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA TO COMPUTER After u sing USB cable to e stablish a USB c onnecti on betw een the camera an d your compute r, you can use yo ur compu ter to share r ecorde d images or vi deo clips with your famil y or frie nds via e-mai l or post th em on the Web.
EN-39 Step 2: Connect the digita l camera to your computer 1. Rotate the mode d ial to and tur n your camera on by press ing the pow er swi tch. 2. Press t he four -way con troll er to selec t the [Optio n] menu, t hen use th e four-w ay contro ller to select [U SB Mode].
EN-40 Step 3: Download im ages or movie clips When the d igital c amera is turn ed on and connect ed to yo ur comput er, it i s consid ered to be a disk drive, just like a flop py disk or CD.
EN-41 EDITING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Installing NTI Photo Suite (Optional) PC user s will fi nd that NTI Photo S uite i s a very u ser-fri endly i mage-ed iting program. With NTI Phot o Suite, yo u can retouc h, compos e, and organ ize your images . Itin cludes a vari ety of templat es, su ch as p hoto fr ames, b irthday card s, calendar sand mo re.
EN-42 USING THE DIGITAL CAMERA AS A PC CAMERA Your digit al camera can act as a PC camera , which allo ws you to vide oconfe rence with bu siness associat es, or h ave a r eal-time co nvers ation with friend s or famil y.
EN-43 Step 2: Connect the digita l camera to your computer 1. R otate the mo de dial to and turn y our camera on by press ing the pow er swi tch. 2. Press t he four -way con troll er to selec t the [Optio n] menu, t hen use th e four-w ay contro ller to select [U SB Mode].
EN-44 MENU OPTIONS Camera Menu This menu i s for the basi c setting s to be used when capt uring sti ll imag es. 1. Rotate the mode di al to , , , , , or a nd turn yo ur camera on. 2. Press th e button, then use the fou r-way control ler t o select the [Cap ture] / [Fu nction] / [Image] menu.
EN-45 In the Mode Item Functio nal Description Image Siz e Sets the size of the image that will be captured. Refer to the section in this ma nual title d "Setting Image Resol ution an d Quality" for furth er deta ils. 2560x1 920 2048x1 536 1280x9 60 640x48 0 Quality Sets the qu ality (compression rate) at which the image is captured.
EN-46 In the , , , , or Mode. [Captu re] sett ings Item Functional De scription Image Siz e Refer to th e sec tion in this manua l titled “Set ting Im age Resolution an d Quality” for further details. Quality Refer to the section in th is manual titled “Set ting I mage Resolution an d Quality” for further details.
EN-47 [Func tion] se ttings Item Funct ional Descri ption Metering You can se lect th e metering mode that sets whic h part of th e subject to measure to de termine the ex posure . Center-w eigh ted: Aver ages th e light me tered f rom the entire frame, but gives gr eater wi eght to th e subjec t matte r at the ce nter.
EN-48 [Image ] settings Item Functional De scriptio n Color Sets the colo r of th e image that will be captu red. Full Color Black & Whi te Sepia Sharpn ess Sets th e level of image shar pness. High Medium Low Satura tion To cap ture an imag e, yo ur came ra offe rs you thre e dif ferent degree s of colo r to match wi th your pr eferenc e.
EN-49 Movie Menu This menu is for the basic settings to be used when recordi ng movie c lips. 1. Rotate the mode dial to and turn your camer a on. 2. Press th e button . 3. P ress the fo ur-way co ntrol ler to sel ect the option it em. Then pr ess the butto n 4.
EN-50 Playback Menu In the menu, set the sett ings us ed for pl ayback . 1. Press the button . The last recorde d image ap pears on t he LCD monito r screen . 2. Pr ess the button, th en use the fo ur-w ay contro ller to sel ect the [F unctio n] / [Prope rties] menu.
EN-51 [Func tion] se ttings Item Functio nal Description Slide Sh ow You can play bac k record ed images in order w ith a selec ted interva l time. This fu nction is usef ul for ch ecking your i mages o r for presenta tions, etc. 3 Sec. / 5 Sec. / 10 Sec.
EN-52 [Prope rties] settings Item Functional Desc ription Resize Chan ges the si ze of a re corded im age. Resiz ing repl aces th e origin al image with the change d image. Only resizi ng to a sm aller siz e is avai lable. 2048x15 36 1280x96 0 640x480 Quality Change Change s the qual ity (compr essio n rate) o f a recor ded image .
EN-53 Setup Menu This fe ature all ows you to set up the defau lt setting s by pre ferenc e for us ing your camera . 1. R otate th e mode dial to mo de and t urn your came ra on. 2. Press t he four -way con troll er to selec t the [Setup] / [Option] / [System] men u.
EN-54 [Setup] s ettings Item Functional De scription Format Erases all images an d reform ats the SD memory car d loaded in your ca mera. Prot ected i mages ar e also e rased.
EN-55 [Option] sett ings Item Functio nal Description USB Mode Selects t o choose on e of the f ollowing modes for further s ettin gs. PC / Pi ctBrid ge / PC CA M TV Sets vi deo output of the camera for matching the vid eo output system of th e equipme nt that you are go ing to conn ect to t he camera.
EN-56 [System] settin gs Item Functional De scription Reset N umber. Sets wh ether or not to rese t the file number when yo u take photog raphs. Thi s creat es a new folde r. The ca ptured images ar e recorde d to th e newly create d folde r from nu mber 000 1.
EN-57 SPECIFICATIONS * Recording capacity shows approximate number of shots recorded during CIPA-comp liant testing. Actual performance may vary according to operating conditions. * Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Item D escripti on Image Se nsor CCD Effe ctive pix els 5 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Acer CE-5430 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Acer CE-5430 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Acer CE-5430, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Acer CE-5430 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Acer CE-5430, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Acer CE-5430.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Acer CE-5430. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Acer CE-5430 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.