Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DAV-HDX285 du fabricant Sony
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©2009 Sony Corporation 4-122-238- 12 (1) DVD Home Theatr e System Operating Instructions DA V -HDX285 / HDX585 / HDX685.
2 GB To red uce t he risk of fi re or electri c shock, do not expose t his apparatu s to rain or moisture . Caution – The use of o ptical instru ments with this product will increase e ye hazard. Do not install the appl iance in a con fined s pace, su ch as a bookcase or buil t-in cabinet.
3 GB NOTE: This equipm ent has been tested and found to com ply with the limits for a Class B dig ital device , pursua nt to Part 15 of the F CC Rule s. The se limi ts are desi gned to provide reaso nable pr otection aga inst harmf ul interfe rence in a res identia l installati on.
4 GB About Th ese Oper ating Instruct ions • The inst ruct ions i n thes e Operat ing Inst ructio ns des cribe the c ontrol s on the remote . You can al so u se the cont rols on the unit if they have th e same or similar names a s those on th e remote.
5 GB About th e S-AIR function The syste m is compatib le with the S-AIR functi on, wh ich allow s transm issi on of soun d between S-AIR prod ucts wir elessly . The fo llow ing S- AIR pr oduct s can be used with the sy stem : • Surr ound am plifier: You can en joy sur round spea ker soun d wire less ly.
6 GB Table of Cont ents About T hese O perating Instructio ns ....... 4 About t he S-A IR function . ........... ....... .... 5 Playab le Discs .... ........... ....... ........... ........ 7 Getting Started Step 1: Installing th e System ....... 14 Step 2: Connecting the System .
7 GB Playable Disc s 1) MP 3 (MPEG1 Audio Layer 3) is a standard format de fined by ISO/MPEG for compresses audio data . MP3 files must be in MPEG1 Audi o Layer 3 format.
8 GB 4) A logical format of files and folde rs on CD-ROMs , defined by ISO (Inter national Org anization for Standard izatio n). Notes on discs This pr oduct is de signed to playba ck disc s that co nform to the Comp act Disc (CD) st andard .
9 GB • If MP3 fi les and J PEG image files in music CD fo rmat or vide o CD format are recorded in the firs t sessi on, only the fir st sessio n will be played back. Your system has a regio n code printed on the rear o f the unit a nd will only play a DVD labele d with the same region code.
10 GB Getting Started DAV-HDX285 Getting St arted Unpacking • F ront sp eaker s (2) • C enter sp eake r (1) • S urroun d spea kers (2) • S ubwoo fer (1 ) • AM loop antenna (aer ial) (1) • .
11 GB Getting Started DAV-HDX585 • Fr ont spea kers (2) • Center sp eaker (1 ) • Su rround s peake rs (2) • Su bwoofer (1) • AM loop ante nna (a erial) (1 ) • FM wire antenna (a erial ) (1.
12 GB Getting Started DAV-HDX685 • F ront sp eaker s (2) • C enter sp eake r (1) • S urroun d spea kers (2) • S ubwoo fer (1 ) • AM loop ante nna (ae rial) (1) • FM wire ante nna (aeria l).
13 GB Getting Started Inserting batteries into the remote Inse rt two R6 (s ize AA ) batte ries (s upplie d) by ma tching the 3 and # ends on the batteri es to the markings inside the compartment. To use the remote, poin t it at the remote se nsor on the uni t.
14 GB Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System For the best po ssib le surr ound so und, p lace al l speak ers at the sam e distanc e fro m the lis tenin g posit ion ( A ).
15 GB Getting Started Attaching the foot pads to the subwoofer Attach th e foot pa ds (supplie d) to th e bottom of the subwoo fer to s tabilize the subwoofer and preven t it from s lippi ng.
16 GB Getting Started (DAV-HDX585/DAV-HDX685 only) Befo re con nectin g the spe aker s, attach the sp eaker st and to th e speake r. (For the front sp eakers of DAV-HDX585 , and the fr ont and surroun.
17 GB Getting Started 1 Insert the post into the hole on th e bottom of the speaker so that th e screw on the post faces the front o f the speaker. 2 Adjust the heigh t of the speaker, th en secure the post with two screws (with washer). You ca n cha nge the height of the speake r dep ending on th e scre w posi tions .
18 GB Getting Started 3 Thread the sp eaker cord through the hole in the base and post. The connector a nd color tube o f the speaker c ords are the s ame color as the l abel of the ja cks to be conn ected.
19 GB Getting Started 4 Connect the sp eaker cords to th e speaker. Be sure to mat ch the speaker c ords to the approp riate termin als on the speakers : the speaker cord with th e color tube to 3 , a nd th e spea ker co rd wit hout the co lor t ube to # .
20 GB Getting Started 6 Take up any speaker cord slack. Take up slack in t he speake r cor d by pull ing from t he bott om of the ba se. Fully-assembled illustration DAV-HDX585 Adjust the length of the cord . Secur e the spea ker cord by runnin g it throug h the slo t.
21 GB Getting Started DAV-HDX685 Surrou nd left speaker (L): Blue labe l White Red Surr ound r ight speak er (R) : Gray labe l Front left spea ker (L): White label Front ri ght spea ker (R) : Red labe.
22 GB Getting Started Caution • Contact a screw shop or instal ler for info rmation re garding the wall materi al or sc rews to be u sed. • Use sc rews that are suit able f or the wal l mate rial an d stren gth. As a plaste r board wa ll is especial ly fragi le, att ach the screws secure ly to a beam.
23 GB Getting Started DAV-HDX585 DAV-HDX685 8 to 10 mm ( 11 / 32 to 13 / 32 inch ) 145 mm (5 3 / 4 inches) For the c enter spe aker 101.6 mm ( 4 inches ) For the f ront spe akers 8 to 10 mm ( 11 / 32 .
24 GB Getting Started 3 Hang the speakers on the s crews. 5 mm ( 7 / 32 inch) 10 mm ( 13 / 32 inch) Hole on th e back of the spea ker Rear of the speake r.
25 GB Getting Started Step 2: Conn ecting th e System For conn ecting the system, r ead the inf ormation on the follo wing pages. Do not con nect the AC power cord (mains lead) of th e unit to a wall outlet (mains) unti l all th e other connect ions ar e made.
26 GB Getting Started This connec tion se nds a vid eo sig nal to th e TV. Depe nding on the jacks on y our TV, se lect the co nnecti on met hod. Method 1: Video cord ( A ) connection This is th e ba sic conn ecti on .
27 GB Getting Started To change the color system (PAL or NTSC) (Asian, Australian, and Middle Eastern models only) Depend ing on th e TV to b e connect ed, you may be re quired to select either P AL or NTS C for t he color system . The initia l setting of the syst em for Austr alian an d Middle Eastern models is PAL.
28 GB Getting Started This co nnection sends an au dio sig nal to the un it from the TV. To lis ten to TV so und via the system , perform th is connectio n. Method 1: Audio cord ( D ) connection This is th e basic connecti on and se nds an analog au dio sig nal.
29 GB Getting Started You ca n enjoy co nnec ted co mponen ts via t he syst em’s sp eakers . Porta ble au dio so urce (no t suppl ied) : G DIGITAL MEDIA PORT adapter: H (TDM-iP20 i s supplie d with U.S. and Au stralian mod els. You can also use other DIGITAL MEDIA PORT adapte rs.
30 GB Getting Started If your TV has multiple audio/video inputs You ca n enjoy so und wi th the spea kers o f the syste m throug h the conn ected TV . Conne ct the comp onent s as f oll ows. Select the component on th e TV. For deta ils, refer to the ope rating instr uctions of the TV.
31 GB Getting Started To assemble the AM loop antenna (aerial) To connect the antenna (aerial) Note • Keep the AM loop a ntenna (aeria l) and cord awa y from the system or other AV compone nts, as noise may r esult. • Be su re to fully ext end the FM wire an tenna (ae rial).
32 GB Getting Started Before conne cting the AC po wer cord ( mains le ad) of t he unit to a wall ou tlet (mai ns), conn ect all the speake rs to the unit. After connec ting the A C power cord (ma ins lea d), the dem onstr ation ap pears in the front pa nel disp lay.
33 GB Getting Started Step 3 : Perf orming the Quick Setu p Follow the Steps belo w to make the basic adjustme nts for u sing the system. Displa yed items vary dependi ng on the ar ea. 1 Turn on the TV. 2 Press [ / 1 . Note • Make s ure th at the f uncti on is s et to “DVD” (page 36).
34 GB Getting Started 8 Press C / c to select the speaker formation image as the speakers are actually positioned, then press . For detai ls, see “Getti ng Optimal Surro und Soun d for a Room ” (p age 80). 9 Connect the calibrati on mic (supplied) to the A.
35 GB Getting Started Depe ndin g on the conne ct ion of th e TV (page 26), select the t ype of vide o outpu t of the system . To select the type of video signal output from the HDMI OUT jack When you conne ct the unit and the TV wi th an HDMI c able, s elect the type of vi deo sign als output from the HDMI OUT j ack.
36 GB Getting Started 8 Press C / c to select [START], then press . The sy stem outpu ts a prog ressi ve signa l for 5 second s. Che ck th at the sc reen is displaye d correctly. 9 Press C / c to select [YES], then press . The sy stem outpu ts a prog ress ive s ignal.
37 GB Getting Started Step 5: En joying Su rround Sound You c an e njoy s urroun d soun d si mply b y se lecting one of t he sys tem’ s pre- progra mme d decod ing modes . They bring the exci ting and powerfu l sound of movie theaters into you r home.
38 GB Getting Started 4 Press . The setting is made. 5 Press SY STEM MENU. The syst em m enu t urn s off. About speaker output The table be low descri bes the opt ions when you c onnect all t he speakers to the un it and you se t [SPEAKER FORMATION] to [STANDARD] (page 80).
39 GB Getting Started To turn the surround effect off Select “A.F.D. STD,” “2CH STEREO,” or “HP 2CH” for “DEC. MODE.” Note • When the bi lingual broa dcast sound is in put, “PRO LOGIC,” “PLII MOVIE,” and “PL II MUSIC” are not eff ective.
40 GB Playing a Disc Depending on the DVD VIDEO or VIDEO CD, some operat ions may b e di fferent or r estr icted . Refer to t he operatin g instru ctions su pplied wit h your di sc. 1 Turn o n your TV. 2 Switch the input selector o n the TV to this system.
Disc 41 GB Ti p • The DISC 1-5 indi cators change their co lor as follows: – Gre en: the disc is selected , or t he dis c is bei ng played back. – Off: there is no disc. – Orange: a disc is load ed in t he disc s tocker bu t not selected . – The indicat or turns off if an unpla yable disc is insert ed.
42 GB 7) DVD VIDEO/DVD-RW/DVD-R/DVD+RW/ DVD+R only. The button can be used except for DivX/MPEG4 video files (except fo r North American models). Note • Noise may come from the disc change r when changing di scs or turning the system on /off.
Disc 43 GB displayed t wo or more t imes, the DVD VIDEO is reco rded in multi ple audio f ormats. x DVD -VR The type s of sou nd trac ks reco rded on a d isc are displa yed.
44 GB Some S uper Au dio CDs con sist of a 2 ch anne l play back are a and a mul ti- channe l play back area. You c an sele ct the pl ayback area yo u w ant to liste n to. 1 Press DISPLAY while the system is in stop mode. The C ontrol Menu disp lay ap pea rs on th e TV screen.
Disc 45 GB To go back to the menu Press O RETURN. Note • Depending on the VID EO CD, [Press ENTER] in Step 3 may appear as [Press SELECT] in th e operatin g instru ctions s upplied with the disc. I n this case, p ress H . Ti p • To play withou t usin g the PB C functi on, press .
46 GB Using Play Mode You ca n play th e conten ts of a disc in t he order you w ant by ar rangi ng the o rder of the track s on the disc t o creat e your ow n progra m. You ca n prog ram up to 99 tra cks. Note • You can program tracks on the cu rrent disc only.
Disc 47 GB To cancel all of the tracks i n the programmed order 1 Follow Steps 1 to 3 of “ Creating your own prog ram.” 2 Press X and select [ALL CLEAR]. 3 Press . Note • When you press C LEAR to return to nor mal play, Shuffle Play an d Repeat Pl ay are also can celed.
48 GB x VIDEO CD/Super Aud io CD/CD •[ O F F ] : Off. • [A LL DISC S]: Yo u can repe at all of the disc s. • [ONE DISC]: You can repeat all of the track s on th e curren t disc. • [TRA CK] : You can repea t the curr ent track . x DATA CD/DATA DVD •[ O F F ] : Off.
Disc 49 GB This func tion is onl y available for DVD-VRs with a playlist creat ed. 1 Press DISPLAY while the system is in st op m ode . The Contr ol Menu displa y appear s on the TV screen. 2 Press X / x to selec t [ORIG INAL/ PLAY LIST], then press .
50 GB 3 Input th e time code usin g the number button s. For exa mple, to find a scen e at 2 hour s, 10 minut es, a nd 20 second s af ter t he beginn ing: pres s 2, 1, 0, 2, 0 ([2:10:2 0]). 4 Press . Note • You cannot search for a sc ene on a DVD+RW using the ti me code.
Disc 51 GB 3 Press DISPLA Y. The Contr ol Menu displa y appear s on the TV screen. 4 Press X / x to select [ME DIA], then press . The opt ions fo r [ME DIA] ap pear . 5 When [MUSIC] i s selected, press DVD MENU. When other th an [MUSIC] is selected, press X / x t o select [MUSIC ], then press .
52 GB 6 Press X / x to select a folder. x To go to the next or previous page Press / . x To play JPEG image files in a folder Press H to st art pla ying the se lected folder . The JP EG imag es are playe d as a slide show . You can ch ange the i nterva l of the slide s how ( page 5 3), and add ef fects to th e slid e sh ow (pa ge 53) .
Disc 53 GB 6 Press X / x to selec t the desired fol der and press H . The syste m star ts p layin g th e selec ted fold er. You can turn the folder list on/off by pressing DVD MENU repeatedly. Note • If you play a large MP3 file and JPEG im age file at the sam e time, the so und may skip.
54 GB 3 Press DISPLAY. The C ontrol Menu disp lay ap pea rs on th e TV screen. 4 Press X / x to select [MEDIA], then press . The opt ions for [MED IA] appe ar. 5 Press X / x to select a setting. • [MUSIC/ PHOTO] : You can play both JPEG image fi les and MP3 files in t he same f older as a slide show.
Disc 55 GB • The system cann ot play a DivX video file of size more than 72 0 (width) × 576 (height) or 2GB. • De pending on the DivX video file, soun d may skip or not match the pictures on the TV scree n. • The system cann ot play some DivX vid eo files that are longe r than 3 hours.
56 GB To go to the next or previous page Press / . To return to the previous display Press O RETURN. To stop playback Press x . To play the next or previous video file without turning on the above file list You ca n selec t the next or previou s video f ile in the same fol der by pre ssing > / .
Disc 57 GB Restr icting Playback of the Disc [PARENTAL C ONTROL] The [PAREN TAL CONTROL] function allows you to restrict p layback of DVDs t hat have rating s. Sce nes ma y be b locked or re placed with differ ent sce nes. You ca n set the playbac k restr icti on by regist ering a pas swor d.
58 GB To turn off the [PARENTAL CONTROL] function Set [LEV EL] to [OFF ] in Step 11. To play a disc for which [PARENTAL CONTROL] is set 1 Load the d isc and press H . The dis play for ent ering you r passw ord appe ars. 2 Enter your 4-digit password using the number buttons, th en press .
Disc 59 GB Changing t he System Settings by Using th e Setup Display You can ma ke vario us adjustme nts to items s uch as pict ure and so und. Displa yed items vary dependi ng on the ar ea. Note • Playbac k settings st ored in the disc take pri ority ov er the Setup Dis play settings a nd not all the functi ons described ma y work.
60 GB x [OSD] (O n-Screen Display) You ca n swi tch t he dis play lang uage on the T V screen . x [MENU] (DVD VIDEO only) You ca n switch the lang uage f or the disc ’s menu. x [AUDIO] (DV D VIDEO only ) You c an swi tch the l angu age of t he soun d track .
Disc 61 GB The system o utput s a pr ogress ive s ignal f or 5 seconds . Chec k that the s creen is displa yed corr ectly. 3 Press C / c to select [YES] , then press . The syst em ou tputs a progr essiv e signa l. If you sel ect [NO ], the s ystem will n ot outp ut a progre ssiv e signal .
62 GB x [HDMI RESOLUTION] You ca n select the typ e of video signal th at is output from the HDM I OUT jack. Fo r detail s, see “To s elect the type of vide o signal output from the HDM I OUT ja ck” (pag e 35). [AUTO (1920 × 1080p )] : The system outpu ts the optimal v ideo signal f or the connect ed TV.
Disc 63 GB [SD ] : The system out puts stan dard reso lutio n wit h a b lack fram e. [HD ]: The system outp uts HD resoluti on with a bl ack fr ame . [HD]: The system out puts the HD resolution without a black fra me. [(1920 × 1080 i) HD ]: The system output s full size HD re solu tion wit h a bla ck f rame .
64 GB x [SCREEN SAVE R] You c an re duce th e damag e to the di spl ay de vice (ghosting). Press any button (e.g., H ) to cancel the s creen saver . [ON] : The scre en save r image appears if you do not op erate th e syste m for about 1 5 minute s. [OFF]: Off.
Disc 65 GB [SURROUN D] [YE S] : Normally se lect this . [NONE]: Select this i f no surround s peakers are used. [SUBWOOFER] [YE S] Note • When you change t he [CONNECTION] settin g, the [STANDARD] of [SPEAKER FORMATION] setting remain s the same, but t he other setting s of [SPEAKER FORMATION] return to [STANDARD].
66 GB [SUBWOOFER] +2.0 dB : Set the s ubwoofer level. * This item appears when you se t [CENTER] to [YES] in the [CONNECTION] setting. x [LEVEL (SURROUND)] You ca n adjust the soun d level of t he surro und speake rs. Y ou can set the para meter from –6 .
T une r 67 GB Presetti ng Radio Stat ions You can pr eset 20 F M sta tio ns, a nd 10 AM stations . Before tu ning, make sure to turn down the vol ume to minimum. 1 Press FUNCTION +/– rep eatedly until “TUNER FM” or “ TUNER AM” appears in the front panel display.
68 GB Listenin g to th e Radio Preset rad io st ations in th e syst em’s m emory first (see “Prese tting Radi o Sta tions ” (page 67)). 1 Press FUNCTION +/– rep eatedly until “TUNER FM” or “TUNER AM” appears in the front panel display.
T une r 69 GB If you make a mistake Press C / c repeat edly until the char acte r to be chan ged flas hes, then press X / x to select the desi red char acter . To e rase the ch arac ter, pres s C / c repeat edly unt il the c haract er to be eras ed flashe s, then press CLEA R.
70 GB Using the Contro l for HDMI Function f or “BRAVIA” Sync This fu nction is availa ble on TV s with the “BRAVI A” Sync function only. By conn ecti ng Sony co mpone nts th at are compatibl .
Contro l for HDMI/ External A udio Device 71 GB 2 Press DISPLAY while the system is in st op m ode . The Contr ol Menu displa y appear s on the TV screen. 3 Press X / x to select [SE TUP], then press . The options for [SETU P] appear. 4 Press X / x to selec t [CUSTOM], then press .
72 GB VIDEO, ” TV soun d is o utpu t from th e sys tem speakers a utomatical ly. • Wh ile you a re watchin g the TV and t he function of the syst em is switc hed to “ DVD,” sound of th e “DVD” functi on is output f rom the system speak ers; TV sound is not output via th e TV speake rs.
Contro l for HDMI/ External A udio Device 73 GB Using the DIGITAL MEDIA PORT Adapter The DIGITAL MEDIA PO RT (DMPORT) adapter is for en joying sound from a p ortabl e audi o s ource or c omput er. By co nnect ing a DIGITAL MEDIA PORT adapter, y ou can enjoy so und from the con nected c ompone nt on the sy stem .
74 GB Using an S-AIR Product The unit is c ompatible with th e S-AIR functio n (page 1 03), wh ich allow s soun d transm issi on betw een S -AI R pr oduc ts. When yo u purc hase the S-AIR product , you need to pe rform the following set tings to estab lish the s ound tra nsmissi on.
Contro l for HDMI/ External A udio Device 75 GB • Do not insert an ything other tha n the wireless transm itter into the EZW-T 100 slot. 3 Make sure to use the same screws to secure the wireless transmitter. Note • Do not use other screws to f asten the wireless transm itter .
76 GB To set the ID of the S-AIR receiver Refer to the operatin g instructions o f the S-AIR recei ver. To use multiple S-AIR main units You can use mu ltiple S-AI R main units by sett ing a d iffer ent ID for each c ompone nt. You ca n enjoy t he syste m’s so und by usi ng the S-AIR receiv er.
Contro l for HDMI/ External A udio Device 77 GB To control the system from the S-AIR receiver You can co ntro l the syst em from the S -AIR receiv er by usi ng the foll owing button s. For de tails, r efer to the ope rating in structi ons of the S-AI R recei ver.
78 GB x After pairing Sound t ransm ission is establish ed betw een the paired uni t and S-AI R sub unit( s) only. To perform pairing 1 Place the S-AIR sub unit that you want to pair near t he unit. Note • Remove headphone s from the surround amplif ier ( if c onnec ted) .
Contro l for HDMI/ External A udio Device 79 GB 2 Press X / x repeate dly until “RF CHANGE” appears in the front panel display, then press or c . 3 Press X / x to select the desired setting. •“ A U T O ” : Normally se lect this . The system changes “RF CHANGE” to “ON” or “O FF” au toma tically.
80 GB Getting Optimal Surrou nd Soun d for a Room [SPEAKER FORMATION] Depe nding on th e shape of th e room, you cannot insta ll some s peaker s. For bet ter su rround sound, Sony rec omme nds that fi rst you dec ide the po sitio n of the sp eakers . 1 Press FUNCTION +/– rep eatedly until “DVD” appears in the front panel display.
Other Operati ons 81 GB Calibrati ng the Appropr iate Setting s Auto matic ally [AUTO CALIBRATION] D. C. A. C. (Digital Cin ema Auto Calibrati on) can se t the app ropriate surrou nd soun d automatica lly. Note • The system outputs a loud test sound when [AUTO CALIBRATION] starts.
82 GB x The measurement is not OK. Follow the me ssage, th en select [ YES] to retry. Note • W hile the Auto Calibrati on functio n is working, do not opera te the system .
Other Operati ons 83 GB Using the Sou nd Effect You can re inforc e bass freq uencie s. Press DYNAMIC BASS. “D. BASS ON” ap pears i n the fro nt panel displa y and bass freq uencies are effect ively rein forc ed. To turn off the sound effect Press DYNAMIC BASS again .
84 GB Selec ting the Ef fect to Suit the So urce You can select a sui table sou nd mod e for movi es or mu sic. Press SOUND M ODE repeatedly during playback until the desired mode appears in the front panel display.
Other Operati ons 85 GB Changing the Input Level of the So und from Connect ed Component s Dist ort ion may oc cur when yo u lis ten to a compon ent conn ected to th e TV/VID EO jacks on the rear panel, o r to the AUDIO I N jack on the fro nt panel. Dis tortion is n ot a malfunct ion and will depend on the com ponent co nnecte d.
86 GB Changing th e Brightness of the Fr ont Panel Display You ca n set the brightne ss of the front pa nel display to eith er of 2 levels. 1 Press SY STEM MENU. 2 Press X / x repeatedly until “DIMMER” appears in the fron t panel display, then press or c .
Other Operati ons 87 GB x DATA CD (video file)/DATA DVD (video file) (Except for North Am erican models) 1 Playin g time of the current file 2 Current fil e name 3 Curren t albu m and file nu mber Note • The syste m can only display the first level of the DVD/CD text, such as the disc nam e or title .
88 GB To check DATA CD/DATA DVD (MP3 file/video file 1) ) text By pres sing DIS PLAY while play ing MP3 files or vide o files 1) on a D ATA CD/DATA DV D, you can display the name of the folder /MP3 file/ vide o f ile 1) , and the audio b it ra te (the a mount o f data per second of the curren t audio) on th e TV screen .
Other Operati ons 89 GB Return ing to the Def ault Setting s 1 Press " / 1 to turn on the system. 2 Press x , N , and " / 1 on the unit at the same time. “COLD RESET” appears in the fr ont panel displa y and the s ystem return s to de fault settings .
90 GB Precau tion s On power sources • Unplu g the unit from the wall outle t (mains) if you do not intend t o use it for an extended per iod of time. To disconnect the cord, pull it out by the plug, neve r by the cord. On placement • P lace the sys tem in a locat ion with adeq uate venti latio n to prevent h eat build-u p in the syst em.
Additiona l Inf ormation 91 GB Notes a bout t he Discs On handling discs • To ke ep t he di sc cle an, h and le th e dis c by i ts edge . Do not to uch the su rfac e.
92 GB Troublesh ooting If you exp erience any of the follo wing difficu lties while using the sys tem, use this troubleshoo ting guide to h elp remedy t he probl em before re questing r epairs. Should any problem per sist, consul t your neares t Son y de aler.
Additiona l Inf ormation 93 GB Picture Symptom R emedy There is no pictur e. • The video connecting cor ds are not connec ted securely . • The video connecting cor ds are damaged. • The unit is not connected to the correct TV input jac k (page 26).
94 GB Sound Sympt om Rem edy There is no soun d. • The speaker cord is not connec ted securely . • Press MUTING on the remote if “ MUTING ON” is displayed in the front panel display. • The system is in pause mode or in Slow-moti on Play mod e.
Additiona l Inf ormation 95 GB Operation No sound or only a very low- level soun d is heard from the surround sp eakers. • Check the s peaker con nections a nd set tings (p ages 25, 64). • Check th e “ DEC. MODE ” set ting (page 37) . • Dependi ng on the source, the e ffect of the surround spe akers may be less noticeabl e.
96 GB The video file cannot be played (except for North American models). • The file is not cr eated in Di vX format or MP4 file format. • The file ha s an extensi on other t han “.a vi,” “.d ivx,” “. mp4,” or “.m4v.” • The DATA CD/D ATA DVD i s not c reated in I SO 9660 Level 1/Leve l 2, or Joliet/UD F.
Additiona l Inf ormation 97 GB The S-AIR function The Control for HDMI function does not work. • When “HDMI” does not light up in the front panel displa y, check the HDMI connecti on (page 26). • Set [CONTROL FOR HDMI ] in [HDMI SETUP] t o [ON] (page 62).
98 GB There is nois e o r the sound ski ps. • If you use anot her S-AIR m ain unit, pl ace it more than 8 m ( about 25 feet ) away from the S-AIR main unit you are usin g. • Place so that the S -AIR main uni t and S-A IR sub unit closer tog ether.
Additiona l Inf ormation 99 GB Self-dia gnosis Fu ncti on (When lette rs/numbers ap pear in th e displ ay) When the self -diagnosis fu nction is activ ated to preven t the syst em from ma lfuncti oning, a 5- character service numb er (e.g., C 13 50) with a combinatio n of a le tter and 4 d igits appears on the TV scree n or front panel d ispla y.
100 GB Specifica tions AUDIO POWER SPECIFICATIONS for the U.S. mod el POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: With 3 oh ms loads , both channels driven, from 180 - 20,000 Hz; rate d 84 watts per c hanne l mi nimum RMS power, wit h no more than 0.7% to tal harmoni c distort ion from 250 mil li watts to rated output.
Additiona l Inf ormation 101 GB Speakers Front DAV-HDX285 (SS-T S94) Speaker sys tem Full range Bass reflex Speaker u nit 65 mm ( 2 5 / 8 in) cone type Rated impe dance 3 ohms Dimension s (approx.) 103 m m × 225 mm × 91 mm (4 1 / 8 in × 8 7 / 8 in × 3 5 / 8 in) (w/h/ d) Mass (a pprox.
102 GB Design and specifi cations ar e subjec t to c hange without noti ce. Glossary Digi tal Cinema Au to Calibr ation Digital Cinema A uto C alibrat ion was develo ped by Sony to automatica lly measure and adjust the speaker se ttings to your listeni ng environ ment in a short period of t ime.
Additiona l Inf ormation 103 GB x Music mode The Mu sic mod e is for use wit h any st ereo music record ings, a nd prov ides a w ide a nd de ep sound space . Dolb y Surro und Pr o Log ic As one me thod of de coding Dolby Su rround , Dolb y Su rround Pro Logic pro duces four channels from 2 channel sound.
104 GB • S uper Au dio CD lay er: A high -densi ty signal laye r for S uper Audi o CD •C D l a y e r 1) : A layer th at is read able by a conven tional CD play er A Supe r Audio CD layer c onsists of the 2 chan nel area or the mult i-chan nel area .
Additiona l Inf ormation 105 GB Playback priori ty of file type s The tabl e below de scribe s the p layback priori ty of file ty pes un der the [ MEDIA ] settin g.
106 GB Language Cod e List The lang uage spelling s confor m to the IS O 639 : 1988 (E/F ) standa rd. Code Language Cod e Language Cod e Language Code Language 1027 Afar 1028 Abkhazian 1032 Afrikaans .
Additiona l Inf ormation 107 GB Index to Parts and Control For more informatio n, ref er to the pages indi cated in parenthese s. A " / 1 (on/standby) (33, 89) B DISC 1-5 buttons/indicators (40) .
108 GB A SPEAKER jacks (25) B EZW-T100 slot (74) C COAXIAL 75 Ω FM jack (31) D AM terminal (31) E TV/VIDEO (AUDIO IN R/L) jacks (28) F VIDEO O UT jack (26) G COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks (26) H DMPORT (.
Additiona l Inf ormation 109 GB About the indications in the front panel display A Playing stat us B Flashes when the sleep timer is set. (85) C Displays the system’ s status such as chapter, title, or track number, time inform ation, r adio freq uency, pla ying status, decoding mode, etc.
110 GB Remote control ALPHABETICAL ORDER BUTTON DESCRIPTIONS A – O P – Z ANGLE 3 (42) AUDIO qh (42) CLEAR es (46 , 68) D.TUNING ws (68 ) DISC SKIP ed (40) DISPLAY wa (69, 86) DVD MENU wg (48) DVD .
Additiona l Inf ormation 111 GB Guide to th e Control Menu Disp lay You can us e the Contro l Menu display to select a function a nd to view re lated inf ormation. Press DISPLAY repeatedly. Each time you press D ISPLA Y, the Con trol Men u displa y change s: 1 t 2 t .
112 GB Examp le: C ontrol M enu d ispla y 1 whe n pla ying a DV D VIDE O. To turn off the display Press D ISPLAY. List of Control Menu items Item Item Name, Func tion, Rele vant Disc Type [TITLE] (page 49)/[SCENE] (pag e 49)/[TRACK] (page 49) You can select t he titl e, scene, or tra ck to b e played.
Additiona l Inf ormation 113 GB 1) Except for North American mo dels. 2) These items are not displayed when playing a DATA CD/ DATA DVD with vi deo files (except for North Am erican models) .
114 GB Index Numerics 4:3 OUTPUT 61 5.1 Chan nel Surround 43 A A/V SYNC 56 ANGLE 42 AT T E N U AT E 8 5 A UDIO 60 A UDIO (HDMI) 62 A UDIO DRC 63 A UDIO SETUP 63 A UTO CA LIBR A TION 63 , 81, 102 B B A.
(1) Sony Corporation Pr inted in China.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Sony DAV-HDX285 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Sony DAV-HDX285 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Sony DAV-HDX285, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Sony DAV-HDX285 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Sony DAV-HDX285, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Sony DAV-HDX285.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Sony DAV-HDX285. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Sony DAV-HDX285 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.