Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SMC7004AWBR du fabricant SMC Networks
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Barricade ™ Wi r e l e s s Broadband Router W ir eless Br oadband Router ◆ Internet acces s via – • 10 Mbps W AN port connection to xDSL/Cable modem, or • RS-232 console port connection to I.
6 Hughes Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: (9 49) 707-2400 Barricade ™ W ir eless Br oadband Router User Guide From SM C’ s Ba rri cade l ine of Broa dban d Rout ers Augu st 20 01 Part Nu mber: 01-111234- 0.
Copyright Information fur nished by SMC Networks, Inc. (SMC) is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , n o respons ibility is assu med by SMC for its use, n or for any in fringements of patents or other rights o f third parties whic h may result fro m its use.
v L IMITED W ARRANTY Limite d W arranty St atement: SMC Networks, Inc . (“SMC”) warrants its product s to be free from defe cts in workma nship and m aterials, u nder nor mal use and service, for the applicable warranty term.
vii C OMPLIANCES FCC - Class B This eq uipment has been teste d and found to com ply with the lim its for a C lass B digital device, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are desig ned to provide reasonab le protect ion agains t harmfu l interf erence i n a res idential installatio n.
viii Industry Canada - Class B This di gital appar atus doe s not e xceed the Class B limits fo r rad io noise emissions from digital apparatus a s set out in the interference-causin g eq uipment st andard entitle d “Dig ital Ap parat us,” ICE S-003 o f the D epart ment o f Co mmunicat ions .
L IMITED W ARRAN TY Safety Compliance Underwrite rs Laboratori es Compliance State ment Important! Before maki ng conne ctions, m ake sure you h ave the c orrect co rd set. Check it (r ead the l abel on t he cable) again st the fol lowing: The u nit automat ically m atches the con nected i nput vo ltage.
C OMPLIANCES x 11. Wird das Gerät über einen länge ren Zeit raum nic ht benutz t, sollte n Sie es vom Stromnetz t rennen. Somit wird i m Falle e iner Über spannung ei ne Beschädi gung vermi eden. 12. Durch die Lüft ungsöff nungen dürfe n niemals Geg enstände oder Flüssigkeite n in das Gerät gelangen.
xi T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 About t he Wireless Barricade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS xii DNS Con figuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Wirele ss Configur ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 Channel and SSID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 Encrypt ion .
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS xiii A PPENDICES : A Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 B Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Ethernet Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-1 C HAPTER 1 I NTRO DUCTION Congr atulations on your pur chase of the Barricade ™ Wireless Broadb and Router . SMC is proud to pr ovide you with a powerful yet s imple commun ication dev ice for c onnecting yo ur local ar ea netwo rk (wire d or wir eless LAN ) to the Inter net .
F EATU R ES AND B ENEFITS 1-2 Features a nd Benefit s • Internet connection to xDSL or Cable modem via a 10 Mbps WAN port • Inter net connect ion to ISDN TA or PSTN m odem via an RS- 232 cons ole .
I NTR O DUCTIO N 1-3 • Suppor ts PPP dial- in connect ion using standard dial -up program • Easy se tup thro ugh a We b brow ser on any oper ating syst em that suppo rts TCP/IP • Compatib le wit.
A PPLICA TIONS 1-4 • Virtual Server If yo u have a fi xed IP addre ss, you c an set up the Wi reless Barri c ade to act as a vi rtual host f or network address trans lation. Remo te users ac cess var ious serv ices at your site using a consta nt IP add ress .
I NTR O DUCTIO N 1-5 • Virtu al Private Net work The Wirele ss Barricad e support s three of the most commo nly used V PN protocols – PP TP , L2TP and IPSe c. Th ese prot ocol s allow re mote use rs to estab lish a secur e conne ction to th eir corpor ate networ k.
2-1 C HAPTER 2 I NSTALLATION Before i nstalling the B arric ade ™ Wirel ess Broadb and Router , ver ify that y ou have all t he items list ed under “ Package Content s . ” If any of t he items are missing or damaged, contact y our local SMC distr ibutor .
I NSTAL LATION 2-2 Pleas e fill out and return th e W arran ty Regi stration C ard to S MC or regist er on SMC ’ s W eb site at www.s m The Barricade Wire less Broadb and Router is cover ed by a limit ed lifetime warranty.
I NSTALLATION 2-3 • Three RJ- 45 ports fo r connecti on to a 10BASE -T/100 BASE-TX Ether net Local Area N etwork (LAN). These ports can auto- negoti ate the o perating speed to 10/100 Mbps, the mo de to half/ full dupl ex, and the p in signal s to MDI/MDI -X (i.
I NSTAL LATION 2-4 The fo llow ing f igur e sho ws th e comp onents of t he Wire less Barr icade: Figure 2-1. Front and Re ar Panels Item Description LEDs Power, WLAN, WAN and LAN port status i ndicators.
I NSTALLATION 2-5 System Require ments Y ou must have an Internet Ser vice Provider (ISP ) that meets the following minimum re quirements: • Inter net access fr om your local telephon e company or I SP using an xDSL modem, Cab le modem, ISDN TA, o r PSTN analog mod em.
I NSTAL LATION 2-6 Connect the System The Wi reless Barr icade can be posi tioned at any conve nient loca tion in you r office or home. No sp ecial wiring or cooling requir ements are ne eded. Y ou shoul d, however comply with the following guidelines: • Keep the Wireless Barricade away fr om any heating devices.
I NSTALLATION 2-7 3. Connect your printer : Use standa rd paralle l print er cable to connect your printer to the printer port on the Wireless Barricade.
I NSTAL LATION 2-8 Warning: Do not plug a phon e jack conn ector into any RJ-45 port. Th is ma y damage t he Wi reless Barric ade. Inst ead, use on ly twisted-p air cables with RJ-45 c onnectors t hat conf orm with FC C standard s. Notes: 1. Use 100-ohm s hielded or unshielded twisted-pa ir cable with RJ-45 conne ctors for all c onnections .
I NSTALLATION 2-9 Comp uter s equipp ed wit h a wirel ess ad apter can commu nicat e with each other as an inde pendent wirel ess LAN by config uring each co mput er to th e same rad io ch annel. Howe ver , the Wireless Barri cade can prov ide access to your wire d/wireless LAN or to th e Internet fo r all wireles s workstati ons.
I NSTAL LATION 2-10 Attach th e Wireless Barri cade to the Internet If Internet services are provi ded through an xDSL or Cabl e modem , use unshie lded or sh ielded twist ed-pair Et hernet cable (Categ ory 3 or gr eater) w ith RJ -45 pl ugs to conne ct the br oad band modem d irectly to the W AN po rt on the Wir eless Bar ricade.
I NSTALLATION 2-11 Connecting the Power Adapter Plug th e power adapt er into the power so cket o n the Wire less Barri c ade, and the ot her end into a power outlet. Check the indi cator marked Power on t he front pane l to be su re it is on. If the Pow er i ndicator do es not light up, refer to T roubleshootin g in Appendi x A .
3-1 C HAPTER 3 C ONFIGUR ING C LIENT PC S TCP/IP Configurati on T o ac cess the In tern et t hrough the Barricade ™ Wirele ss B roa dban d Route r , you mus t configur e the net work setting s of the c omputers on your LAN to use t he same IP s ubnet as the Wireless Barricade.
P RINTE R C LIEN T I NSTALLATION 3-2 Printer Client Installati on If you ne ed to provi de prin t servi ces for dev ices attac hed to the Wire less Bar ricade, then install t he Port Monit or program from the CD (for Wi ndows 95/98/N T), and configur e the print serve r on each network station.
4-1 C HAPTER 4 C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE After y ou have config ure d TCP/IP on a cli ent comput er , you can use a W eb browser to configu r e t he Barricade ™ Wire le s s Broadb and Router . The W ireless B arricade ca n be config ured by any Ja va-supported browser incl uding Int er net Exp lorer 4.
N AVIGATING THE W EB B ROW SE R I NTE R FACE 4-2 Navigating the Web Browser Interface The W ireless Barrica de ’ s man agement in terface in cludes fou r key menus – Status, Help, T ools, and Setup. The Status and Help menus provide gen eral information on the cu rrent se ttings and how to configure th e Wirele ss Barrica de.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-3 Main Menu Using t he W eb managem ent interfac e, you can define syst em para meters, manage an d control the W ireless Barricade and its ports, or monitor network cond itions. The following t able brief ly descri bes the select ions available from th is program.
M AIN M ENU 4-4 Statu s Menu Displays connection status, key interface settings, as well as the firmware and hardware version numbers. INTERNET D i splays WAN connection typ e and status. GATEWAY Displays system IP settings, the status for DHCP, and Firewall services, as well as th e wireless interface settings.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-5 Networking and Client Services Use the Se tup menu to config ure the LAN inter face (in cludi ng TCP/IP param eters fo r the Wirele ss B arricade ’ s gate way addre .
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-6 Change Password Use thi s menu to r estrict ma nagement acces s based o n a specifi c passwor d. Y ou must enter a passwo rd to access the configurati on optio ns provided by the me nus. By de fault, th ere is no p assword.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-7 Set Time Zone Set the tim e zone f or the Wireless Barricade. This inf ormat ion is used for log entries and client fi ltering. LAN Gateway and DHCP Settings Conf igur e the gate way addr ess of the Wire less Barri cade.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-8 from 0 – 255 , whi le the last fiel d is th e h ost port ion and c an be from 1 – 254. Ho wever , remember not to include the gat eway address of the W ireless B arricade in the client address pool.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-9 Dynamic IP Address – DHCP The Ho st Name is optional, but may be required b y some ISPs. The defau lt MAC add ress is set to the W A N ’ s physical int erface on the Wireless Barricade. Use this address when registering for Internet servi ce, and do not change it unless required by your ISP .
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-10 Note: You m ay need a fix ed address if y ou want to pr ovide Intern et serv ices, su ch as a Web serve r or FTP se rver. PPP over Ethernet – PPPoE Enter the PPPoE user name and password as signed by your ISP .
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-11 Dial-up on Dema nd – Modem If yo u are accessing the Internet vi a an ISDN T A or PST N modem attached to the se rial port on the Wireless Barricade, t hen you must specify your accou nt inf ormation on this screen as described below.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-12 IP ad dress for y ou to use, mark “ Yes ” for this item and enter the IP addres s and subnet mask. Note: If your ISP has give n you a second ary phone numb er, or if you have a seco ndary Internet ser vice account, then fill in the r elevant fiel ds under “ Second ary Dial-up.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-13 Wireless Configuration T o configu re the Wireless Barri cade as a wireless access point for wireles s clients (e ither stati onary or roaming ), all you need to do is defin e the radio c hannel, the domain ident ifier , and encryp tion option s.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-14 Encryption If you ar e transm itting sensiti ve data ac ross wir eless c hannels, you shoul d enab le enc ryption . Encry ptio n requ ires yo u to u se the sa me set of encry ption/d ecrypt ion ke ys for the Wi reless Barricad e and all o f your wirel ess clients .
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-15 Y ou can auto matically g enerate e ncryption keys or you c an manually enter the ke ys. For autom atic 64-b it securi ty, you ente r a passph rase th at is use d to crea te four k eys (as sh own be low). The automat ic 128-bi t securi ty generat es a sing le key by e ntering a passphr ase.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-16 Configuring Client Services The W ireless Barricade i ncludes a b road range of client se rvices, includ ing firewall protection , network addre ss translat ion, virtual server , connectio n support for sp ecial applications, and res tricted Inter net acce ss for sp ecifie d clien ts.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-17 Virtual Ser ver If yo u configure t he Wire less Barric ade as a virt ual server , re m ote user s accessin g servic es suc h as W e b or FTP at you r local si te via public IP addresse s can be aut omatically redirect ed to local servers config ured with pr ivate IP add resses.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-18 HTTP requ est from ou tside users will be transf erred to 192.1 68.2.2. Therefo re, by just entering the IP Addr ess provid ed by the I SP , Internet users can ac cess the se rvice they n eed at the l ocal address to which you redirec t them.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-19 Specify the port nor mally associated wi th an application in th e “ T rigge r Port ” field, se lect the protoc ol type as TCP or U DP , then enter the p ublic ports associate d with the trigg er port to o pen them for inbound traffic.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-20 MAC Filtering Y ou can fi lter Internet access fo r local wired and wireless clients based on MA C addr ess. MAC Address Contr ol: Eve ry c lient that co nnec ts to th e net work has a unique MAC (M edia Access Control) addr ess on hi s or her Ether ne t adapte r .
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-21 When a wi red client i s allowed to “ Connect ” to the Wireless Barricade, it means t hat it has full access to the Internet and networ k resources .
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-22 When a wi reless clie nt is NOT allowe d to “ Associat e ” to the wireless LAN, it means that it CANNOT : • Communic ate with any o thers client s on the.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-23 Miscell aneous Settings – Misc The Wireless Barricade also allows you set a timeou t for adminis trator acce ss, prevent ex ternal PINGs fr om causing sec urity probl ems, set up remote man agement, and co nfigure a Virtu al DMZ Ho st.
N ETWORKING AND C LIEN T S ERVI CES 4-24 Enter th e IP addr ess o f a DMZ ho st to thi s screen . Add ing a clie nt to th e DMZ (Demilitari zed Zone) may e xpose your local network to a variety of secu rity risks, so only use thi s option as a last re sort.
C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE 4-25 Viewing Network and Device Status Y ou can use the fol lowing screen t o display the connection status for the W AN/WLAN/LAN interf aces, firmware and hardware ver s ion numbe rs, any ille gal attemp ts to access y our netw ork, as well as informati on on all DHCP clien ts connec ted to your networ k.
U SING S YSTEM T OOLS 4-26 Using System Tools Y ou can use the “ To o l s ” menu to reboot the Wir eless Bar ricade, restor e fact ory se ttings , or upd ate f irmw are. Note: If you u se the R eset butto n on th e fron t pane l, the Wirel ess Barricade performs a po wer res et and restor es the fac tory settin gs.
5-1 C HAPTER 5 C ONFIGU RING C LIENT TCP/IP If yo u have not previously in stalled t he TCP/IP p rotocol on y our client PCs, refe r to the following sec tion. If you need inf orm ation on how to conf igur e a TCP /IP add ress on a PC, re fer to “ Settin g TCP/IP to W ork with the B arricad e ” on page 5 -3.
I NSTAL LING TCP/ IP P RO T O C O L IN Y OUR PC 5-2 5. Select th e Micr osoft ite m in the man ufacture rs list. And cho ose TCP/IP in the Netwo rk Prot ocols. Clic k th e OK b utton to ret ur n to the Networ k window. 6. The TCP /IP pr otocol will b e liste d in the Netw ork w indow .
C ONFIGURI NG C LIEN T TCP/IP 5-3 Setting TCP/IP to W ork with the Barricad e 1. Click the Start butt on and choos e Sett ings , then click Contr ol Panel . 2. Double cl ick the Network icon. Select the TCP/IP lin e tha t has been ass igned to your ne twork card in th e Configuration tab of th e N etwor k wi ndow .
S ETTING TCP/ IP TO W ORK WITH THE B ARRICADE 5-4 Dynamic IP Allocation via a DHCP Server Select Obtain an IP a ddr ess automati cally in the IP Addr ess tab . Do no t input any values u nder the Gatew ay tab, and choose Disable DNS in the DNS Configuration tab.
C ONFIGURI NG C LIEN T TCP/IP 5-5 Manual IP Configuration 1. Select Specify an IP addr ess in the IP Addr ess tab. Select an IP address based on the default network 192 .168.2.X (wh ere X is between 1 and 254), and use 255.255.255 . 0 for the subnet mask.
S ETTING TCP/ IP TO W ORK WITH THE B ARRICADE 5-6 4. After finish ing TCP /IP setup, click OK , and the n r ebo ot t he comput er . After th at, set up other PCs on the LAN accor ding to the p rocedures des cribed above.
C ONFIGURI NG C LIEN T TCP/IP 5-7 If yo u can succ essfully Ping the W ireless Barricade, then yo u are now re ady to conn ect to the Inter net!.
6-1 C HAPTER 6 C ONFIGURING P RINTER S ERVICES If yo u want to use the print se rver buil t into th e Wirele ss Barri cade, then you must fir st install the Port Monitor program as descr ibed in the foll owing sectio n for Windows 95/9 8/ME/NT/ 2000.
I NSTAL L THE P RINTE R P ORT M ONIT OR 6-2 2. The next scre en indicate s that the pr int client us es TCP/IP netwo rk prot ocol to monit or pri nt req uests. Click Next . 3. Select t he destinati on folder and click on the Next button. The setup pro gram wil l then beg in to install th e program s into the dest inati on fo lder.
C ONFIGURING P RINTE R S ERVICES 6-3 4. Select t he Program Fo lder that will contain t he program icon for uninst alli ng the por t monitor , an d then cli ck Next . 5. Enter th e print er port name that will be u sed to id entify the port mon itor in you r system , and pr ess Ne xt .
C ONFIGUR E THE P RINT S ERVER 6-4 Configur e the Print Ser ver The W ireless Barrica de ’ s pri nt ser ver support s Micr osoft Window s 95/98/ ME/NT/200 0 and Unix.
C ONFIGURING P RINTE R S ERVICES 6-5 3. Specify th e printer ty pe attache d to the Wir eless Barri cade. 4. Select t he monitored port. The default por t name is “ SMC1 00 ” and then click the Configur e Port butto n. 5. Enter the IP addre ss of the Wireless Barricade an d cli ck OK , and then click Next in the Add Prin ter Wizard dial og box.
C ONFIGUR E THE P RINT S ERVER 6-6 Configure the Network Printer in Windows NT 1. On a W indows NT plat form, open the Printers wi ndow in the My Computer menu, and double-c lick the Add Printer icon. 2. Follow the prompt s to add a local print er to you r system.
C ONFIGURING P RINTE R S ERVICES 6-7 3. Select the monito red port. T he default port name i s “ SMC100 . ” Then clic k the Configur e Port button . 4. Enter the IP addre ss of the Wireless Barricade an d cli ck OK , and then click Next in the Add Prin ter Wizard dial og box.
C ONFIGUR E THE P RINT S ERVER 6-8 Configure the Network Printer in Unix Systems Follow the tradi tional confi guration pr ocedure on Unix platf orms to set up the Wir eless Bar ricade print serv er .
A-1 A PPENDIX A T ROUBLESHOOTING This appendix describes c ommon pro blems you may encounte r and possi ble solu tions. Th e Wireless Bar ricade can be easily monit ored throug h pane l indicat ors to ident ify problems .
T R OUBLESHOOTI NG A-2 LED Indi cat ors Link LED is Off • Verify that the Wireless Barricade and attached device are powered on. • Be sure the cable is plugged into both the Wireless Barricade and the corresponding devi ce. • Verify that the proper cable type is used and its length does not exceed specified limits.
T R OU BLESH OOTI NG A-3 Mobile users cannot access the Wireless Barricade • Make sure that the Wireless Barricade and all mobile users are configured to use the sa me radio channel, wireless domain (SSID), and encr yption ke ys. • Ensure that all mobile users are within range of the Wireless Barricade as specified in App endix C.
B-1 A PPENDIX B C ABLES Ethernet Cable Specifications Twisted-pair Cable Caution: DO-N OT plug a phone jack co nnector into any RJ -45 port. Use only twisted-pai r cables with RJ-45 connector s that confor m with FCC standards. For 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX connections, a t wisted-pair cable must hav e two pair s of wires.
C ABLES B-2 Figur e B-1 illu strates how the pi ns on the RJ-45 con nector are numb ered . Be sure to ho ld the connec tors i n the sa me or ienta tion when at taching the wi res t o the pins.
C ABLE S B-3 RJ-45 Port Pin Assignments All LAN por ts on the Wir eless Bar ricade suppo rt automat ic MDI/ MDI-X co nfiguration. This means th at the pin signals in use will depend on whether the LAN po rt is oper ating in M DI or MDI-X mode. However , the W AN port is configured onl y for MDI-X mode.
C ABLES B-4 Serial Port Pin Assignments The DB -9 serial p ort on the r ear panel is used to con nect the Wire less Bar r icade t o an ISDN T A or PSTN mode m. The pin assig nments used t o connect to this port are pro vided in t he follo wing tables.
C ABLE S B-5 Serial Port to 9-Pin COM Port on PC Serial Port to 25-Pin DCE Port on Modem Serial Port to 25-Pin DTE Port on PC Barricade ’ s 9-Pin Seria l Port CCITT Signal PC ’ s 9-Pin COM Port 1 .
C ABLES B-6 Printer Port Pin Assignments The DB- 25 parallel p ort on the Wir eless Barr icade ’ s rear pan el is used t o connect t he Wirele ss Barricade to a printe r . When a prin ter is attache d to this po rt, any P Cs attached to the Wirel ess Barricade ’ s LAN ports can pass files to the pr inter .
C-1 A PPENDIX C S PECIFICATIONS WA N I n t e r f a c e 10BAS E-T , 1 RJ-4 5 port Serial, 1 RS-232 DB -9 connecto r LAN Inter face 10BASE- T/100BASE -TX 3 RJ-4 5 ports WLAN Inter face Standard: IEEE 802.11b, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) T r ansmissi on Rate: 11 Mbps, au tomatic fal lback to 5.
S PECI FIC ATIONS C-2 Management W eb man agement Advanced Featur es Dynamic IP Address Configurati on – DHCP , DN S Firewa ll – Clien t privilege s, hacke r preve ntion and l ogging, NA T Vir tua.
S PECIFICATIO NS C-3 Te m p e r a t u r e Operating 32 to 104 ° F (0 to 40 ° C) Storage - 40 to 158 ° F (-40 to 70 ° C) Humidity 5% to 95% (non condensin g) Compliances CE Mar k Emis sions FCC Cla.
D-1 A PPENDIX D O RDERING I NFORMATION Barricade Broadband Router Product s SMC7004ABR 4-port Residential Gateway - WAN/LAN/Print Server SMC7008ABR 8-port Residential Gateway - WAN/LAN/Print Server SM.
6 Hughes Irvine, C A 9261 8 Phone: (949 ) 707-240 0 FOR TECHNICAL SUPPOR T , CALL: From U.S.A. an d Canada (2 4 hours, 7 days a w eek) (800) SMC-4-YOU; (94 9) 707-240 0; (949) 707-2 460 (Fax) From Europe (8:00 AM - 5:30 PM UK Greenwich Mean T ime) 44 (0) 1188 7487 40; 44 (0) 11 89 748741 (Fax ) INTERNET E-mail a d dresses: techsupp ort@smc.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei SMC Networks SMC7004AWBR ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.