Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights du fabricant Siemens
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Siemens Airfield Solutions L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights Document N o. 96A0266 Issued: June 28, 2000 Rev. D: February 11, 2002 ETL Certified to FAA Specific ation AC 150/5345-46B Copyright ã 2002 by Siemens Airfield Solutions, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Record of Changes Record of Changes Revision Description Editor Checked Date A First edition. ECO 00511. JY W T 6/28/00 B Changed to new title page. Changed ADB to Siemens Airfield Solutions. JY W T 5/16/01 C Deleted inform ation for L- 850C Sty le 3 inset light and created a new manual f or the L-850C.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Safety Instructions 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 1 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Safety Instructions Operating and m ainten.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights W arranty 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 2 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Warranty Products of Siem ens A irfield Solution s m.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Information about this Manual 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 3 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Information A bout this Manual Each chapter s tarts with an overview of the topics of that chapter .
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Table of Contents 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 4 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Table of Contents Safety Instructions .........................................................
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights General Information and Req uirements 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 5 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 1: General Infor.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights General Information and Req uirements 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 6 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 General information The .
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights General Information and Req uirements 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 7 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Equipment data Each unit is s upplied com pletely assem bled, tes ted and sealed, ready for installation.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights General Information and Req uirements 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 8 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Equipment data, continued For som e applic ations, the inset lights ar e delivered with built-in toe-in.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 9 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 2: Installation Ov erv iew This and the following two chapters desc ribe how to install the 12” F-Range inset lights.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 10 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 General recommendations 1. Upon receipt of goods at the site store, c heck all pack ings for vis ible damage.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 11 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Equipment required for installation Siem ens Airfield Solutions has des igned a tool case ( Siemens Airfield Solutions part num ber 1411.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation on FAA Deep Bases 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 12 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 3: Installation on FA A Deep Bases Ov erview This chapter descr ibes how to install the 12” F- Range inset lights on FAA deep bases.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation on FAA Deep Bases 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 13 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Ov erview of FA A deep bases a.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation on FAA Deep Bases 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 14 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Installation method W ith this installation m ethod, the light fixtur e is m ounted onto the steel base, in which the isolating transf orm er m ay be located.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Installation on FAA Deep Bases 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 15 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Mounting and connection To m o.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Maintenance 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 16 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 4: Maintenance Ov erview This chapter des.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Maintenance 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 17 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Workshop maintenance and prev entiv e maintenance The light as sem blies can be s erviced in the f ield, but it is recom m ended to lim it field maintenanc e to cleaning the prism s .
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Maintenance 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 18 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Workshop maintenance and prev entiv e maintenance.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Maintenance 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 19 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to lift the light fixture out of the base or .
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 20 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 5: Serv icing in the Maintenance Base Ov erview This chapter describes how to perform the various servicing tas ks in the maintenanc e base.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 21 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to open the light assembl.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 22 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to replace a lamp W hen installed, alway s replace the f ilm disc c ut-out each tim e a lam p has to be replaced.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 23 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to replace a prism To rep.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 24 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to replace the optical as.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 25 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to replace the cable set assembly Only use Siemens Air field Solutions c able sets.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 26 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 The illus tration below clari.
L-850D/E F-R ange Styl e 2 Inset Lights Servi cing i n Maintenance Base 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 27 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 How to close and test the lig.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Troubleshooting 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 28 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 6: Troubleshooting In the table below a number of problem s are lis ted in the first c olum n.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 29 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Chapter 7: A ssemblies and Expl.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 30 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies It is recom m ended to cr eate a suff iciently large stock of spare parts to m aintain the fittings.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 31 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued The illus tration below clarifies the struc ture of the or dering code fo r the L-850E ty pe.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 32 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued The illus trations below clarif y the structur e of the order ing code for the L-850D type.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 33 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued NOTE: Contact Siem ens Airf ield Solutions Sales Departm ent for s hallow base mounting options .
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 34 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued In the t.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 35 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued In the table below y ou will f ind the parts and m ain assem blies of the12” F- Range covers f or the L-850E and L- 850D light assem blies.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 36 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued In the table below y ou will find the par ts of the12” F-Range covers for the L- 850E and L-850D light assem blies .
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 37 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued The illu.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 38 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued In the table below y ou will find the par ts of the FAP, F EN, L-850E (2/3-lam p), and L- 850D 12” F-Range optic al assem blies and lam ps: No.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 39 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 In the table below y ou will find the par ts of the FAP, F EN, L-850E (2/3-lam p), and L- 850D 12” F-Range optic al assem blies and lam ps: No.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 40 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued The illus tration below shows the 12” F-Range optic al assem blies : For som e applic ations, the inset lights ar e delivered with built-in toe- in.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 41 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued In the table below y ou will f ind the parts of the 12” F-range ins et lights inner cover s: No.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 42 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 A ssemblies, continued The illu.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 43 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Screw s Overv iew The table bel.
L-850D/E F-R ange Sty le 2 Inset Lights Assemblies and Exploded Vi ew 2002 Siem ens Airf ield Solut ions, I ncorporated 96A0266D 44 All right s reserved Issued 2/02 Exploded v iew The illus tration below represents the ex ploded view of an L-850D/E/FAP/F EN 12” F-Range inset light.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Siemens L-850D/E F-Range Style 2 Inset Lights ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.