Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging du fabricant Siemens
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User Manual HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging s.
This ma nual des crib es the entir e functi on range o f HiPath Xpr essio ns. The modular desig n of HiPath Xpress ions me ans tha t all f uncti ons may not b e instal led on your system . The funct ions descr ibed in thi s manual , there f ore, may not be available. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, January 20 03 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual 0-3 Nur für den internen Gebrauch Content s Contents 0 1 Uni fied Mes saging wit h HiPa th Xpres sions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s Nur für den internen Gebrauch A31003-S2330-B690- 2-7619, January 2003 0-4 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, Operatin g Manual 2.5 O utlook 2 002 in Exchang e Oper ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, January 20 03 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual 0-5 Nur für den internen Gebrauch Content s 2.6. 11.1 S ending a Voice M essag e to a Contac t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-54 2.6.
Content s Nur für den internen Gebrauch A31003-S2330-B690- 2-7619, January 2003 0-6 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, Operatin g Manual 2.8.5 .1 Comp osing M essag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, January 20 03 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual 0-7 Nur für den internen Gebrauch Content s 2.9.6 Genera l Proc edure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s Nur für den internen Gebrauch A31003-S2330-B690- 2-7619, January 2003 0-8 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, Operatin g Manual 3.1.9 .1 Rep eating System A nnoun cemen ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, January 20 03 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual 0-9 Nur für den internen Gebrauch Content s 3.3.4 Call Forward ing ( CF, Forw ard Ac cess) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80 3.
Content s Nur für den internen Gebrauch A31003-S2330-B690- 2-7619, January 2003 0-10 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, Operatin g Manual
A31003-S2330-B69 0-2-7619, J anuary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 1-1 Unifi ed Messagi ng with HiPath Xpre ssions Overv iew 1 Unified Messaging with HiP ath Xpressions 1.1 Overview HiPath Xpress ions is a ma il ser ver for unifie d messagi ng.
Unif ied Me ssag ing wi th HiP ath Xpre ssions A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 1-2 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Difference s Between E- Mail, V o ice Mail and F ax Mail 1.2 Differences Between E-Mail, V oice Mail an d Fax Mail All mess ages sto red in HiPa th Xpr essions a re e-m ail me ssages .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 1-3 Unifi ed Messagi ng with HiPath Xpre ssions Preparat ions o n Y o ur T eleph one/P ABX 1.4 Pre parat ions o n Y our T eleph one/ P ABX For the o ptimal u se o f your mai lbox, set the cal l forwardin g or CFN R func tion for th e voice and fax ser vic es.
Unif ied Me ssag ing wi th HiP ath Xpre ssions A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 1-4 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual User -spe cific da ta 1.5.3 Data f or telephone access via VMS Y ou can chang e y o ur p ass w ord f or teleph one ac cess to the mailbo x.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 1-5 Unifi ed Messagi ng with HiPath Xpre ssions User-s pecif ic data Y o u can cha nge your pas sword f or tele phon e access to the ma ilbox. Y o u shoul d not wr ite down this pa ss word in t he interes ts of s ecurity .
Unif ied Me ssag ing wi th HiP ath Xpre ssions A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 1-6 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual User -spe cific da ta.
A31003-S2330-B69 0-2-7619, J anuary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-1 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice 2 Mailbo x Processing on the PC and the E-Mail Service This ch apte r descr ibes the PC acc ess t o your HiP ath Xpres sions ma ilbo x.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-2 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpre ssions Client ● sendin g a fax message t o the .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-3 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Netsca pe Me ssen ger 2.2.2 Setting up an Account in Netscape Access to your HiPath Xpre ssio ns mail box using Ne tscape Communicat or is perfor med usin g a pr ofile create d in N etscap e C ommun icato r .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-4 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Netscap e Messeng er Now click Mail Server s . In t he Ma il Servers window , sel ect the Ed it... opti on und er Incomi ng Mai l Ser vers and e nter the ser ver na me and your us er name.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-5 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Netsca pe Me ssen ger Now enter your user name and the address of the Hi P a th Xpre ssions se r ver as the Ou tgoing Mail Ser ver in the Ma il Servers wind ow .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-6 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Netscap e Messeng er When u sing the first t wo po ssibiliti es , clic k Get Msg an d the pa ssword entr y di alog a ppea rs.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-7 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Netsca pe Me ssen ger 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-8 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Out look Expres s Select the addr ess book to be i mpor te d in th is window . Clicki ng Open i mpor ts th e HiPath Xpressi ons address book .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-9 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Micro soft Outl ook Ex pres s The Int er net Conne ction Wizar d is star ted. Ent er the na me that i s to appea r in the From field in the r ecipi ent’s inbox.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-10 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Out look Expres s Enter your HiP ath X pressions e-mail ad dress i n the next wind ow .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-11 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Micro soft Outl ook Ex pres s Set the na me of y our incomin g mail se rver to IMA P . Enter t he HiP a th Xpres sions ser v er as th e incomi ng and ou tgoin g mail ser ver .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-12 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Out look Expres s Enter your HiPath Xpression s user n ame as t he IMA P accou nt name. Enter your HiPath Xpres- sions password as t he pas sw ord.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-13 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Micro soft Outl ook Ex pres s The acco unt f or acce ssing your HiP ath Xpre ssions mailb ox is no w set up . Clic k Finis h .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-14 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Out look Expres s 2.3.4 Sending Messages with Micro soft Outlook Express All mess ages tha t you creat e and send using Mi crosoft Outloo k Expres s are nor m al e-mail messages.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-15 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Micro soft Outl ook Ex pres s T o im port the addr ess book, y ou mu st perf orm the f ollowi ng s teps: Selec t File → Import → Addres s Boo k .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-16 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Out look Expres s.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-17 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Micros oft Outlo ok in In ternet Mai l Oper ation 2.4 Microsoft Outlook in In ternet Mail Operation The d escr iptio ns in this chapt er are b ased on Mi crosof t Outl ook 2000 .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-18 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Outloo k in Internet Mail Oper ation 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-19 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Micros oft Outlo ok in In ternet Mai l Oper ation 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-20 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Micr osoft Outloo k in Internet Mail Oper ation Select Comma Se para ted V alues (Windo ws) in the Import a Fi le di alog bo x and clic k Next .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-21 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Outloo k 2002 in Exchang e Operati on Select the Contact s destinat ion folder. Clicking Next imports the HiP at h Xpres sions a ddress book.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-22 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Outloo k 2002 in E xchange Ope ration 2.5.2 Receiving Messages All mess ages whi ch you receive via Hi P ath Xpress ions can be found in your Exc hange mai lbox inbo x.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-23 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Outloo k 2002 in Exchang e Operati on 1. In your e- mail clie nt, sel ect th e command for cr eatin g a new messag e.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-24 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Outloo k 2002 in E xchange Ope ration 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-25 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Outloo k 2002 in Exchang e Operati on The "MR S Addr ess" ty pe is o nly a v ailab le if the HiP a th Xpre ssions Ex change C onne ctor is installe d.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-26 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-27 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions The Hi P ath Xpre ss.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-28 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.6.2 Installation The HiP ath Xp ress ions Out look Extens ions ar e installed on y our PC wit h a s etup pr og ram.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-29 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions Duri ng th e setup, .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-30 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions hing fo r a u ser i.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-31 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-32 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-33 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-34 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-35 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-36 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.6.5. 3 The HiPath Xpr essions T a b In Micros oft Outloo k, in th e di alog To o l s → Option s.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-37 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6.6 Callback T o us e the f eatures off ered by th is service , the numbe r of yo ur ph one m ust be m anage d in the HiP ath Xpression s ser ver .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-38 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.6.6. 3 Calli ng From the Exchan ge Addres s Book Y ou can open t he Excha nge addr ess book by clicking the Addr ess Book bu tton i n the standa rd tool bar.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-39 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6.8 Shor t Message Service (SMS) Y ou c an op en the f or m for creatin g a new SMS by cli cking the New Sh ort Message but to n in the toolba r .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-40 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-41 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6.9 Fax Messages Y o u can ope n the sta ndard for m for creati ng a new e-mai l messag e by clicking t he New Fax Message b utton.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-42 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-43 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions File → Send T o → Mail Re cipi ent (as Att achment )... (This e xample applies to Off ice 2000 .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-44 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-45 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6. 9.6 Vie wing Fax Messages If you r eceive a n ew f ax me ssage, i t is di splayed in you r inbox wit h a fax ic on .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-46 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions By c lick ing th e Thumbnail View button , y ou can ch ange to th e thumb nail vi ew .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-47 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-48 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions Y ou can chan ge the pr oper ti es of th e relevant tool (f or example, co lor) by r ight- clicking th e mouse.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-49 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-50 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions The wind ow shr inks a fter you click OK . The b utto n is no w labe lled with the nam e yo u spec ified f or the rem ote stat ion f or f ax on dema nd.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-51 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6. 10.2 Retri ev ing a F ax Retrie ve a fa x b y clic king F ax on dem and .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-52 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.6.11 V oice Messages Y ou ca n ope n a f or m f or crea ting a ne w v oic e mess age by clic king the Ne w V oic e Messag e b utton in t he toolb ar .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-53 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions that you can only record a voice mess age usin g your PC so und syst em and a micro- phone.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-54 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-55 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6. 11.4 Pla ying Bac k a V oice Messa ge If you rece ive a new v oice mes sage, it is displayed in your inbox with a voice message ic on .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-56 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions Y ou can pl ay back the voice me ssage o n your PC sound s ystem by c licking the Start b utton .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-57 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6. 11.5 Forw ar ding a Me ssage with a V oice Comm ent If you op en any mes sage (e-mai l, fax, etc .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-58 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-59 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.6.12 Address Book Y ou can open th e ad dress book by clic king the Fin d b utton in t he Micros oft Ou tlook s tan- dard to olba r .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-60 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions Enter t he begin ning of the us er’ s name you are lookin g for in the na me fiel d.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-61 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-62 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xp ressio ns Out look Exte nsions 2.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-63 Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpressio ns O utlook Exte nsions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-64 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s 2Mailbox Processing on the PC a nd the E-Mai l Service 2. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-65 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-66 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual notes. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-67 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-68 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s 2.7.2 Sending Fax Messages Proc eed as f ollows t o se nd a f ax mess age: 1. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-69 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 5.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-70 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual notes. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-71 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions Miscel laneous Y o u can def ine values for the fax mess age marg ins her e.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-72 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s Y ou must ente r your Lot us Notes user password in th e A uthenticat ion se ction. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-73 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 5. A top ic can be entere d in the Subject : field.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-74 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s Previous fax pag e Scrol ls back one pa ge in mult i-page f ax message s (on ly av aila ble f or multi- page faxe s) . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-75 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 2.7.6 Sendin g SMS Messages Procee d as follows to send an SMS messa ge: 1.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-76 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s 8. Click the Se nd button to se nd the SMS message i mmediatel y . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-77 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 4. The f ollowing featu res are available in t he voice mail contr ol area lo cated un der the docu- ment he ader .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-78 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s 8. Y o u can ente r an addi tional te xt mess age in t he text entr y fie ld. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-79 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-80 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual HiP ath Xpress ions Lotus Notes Ex tension s 7. Record a v oice mes sage and push the Send butto n to send a vo ice ma il imm ediat ely . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-81 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpre ssion s Lotu s Note s Exten sions 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-82 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual notes. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-83 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-M ail Service 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-84 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.4 Star ting a nd Exiting the WebClient 2. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-85 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8. 4.2 Se lecti ng a L angua ge When st arted f or the first time, th e W ebClient is disp la y ed in th e langu age of y our se rver .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-86 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.4. 4 Login Y ou mu st log in as a user to wo rk with th e W ebClient. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-87 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-88 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.4. 6 Logoff Manual Logof f Whe n yo u are n o lo nger us ing the W ebClient y ou should log o ff f or s ecurity re asons . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-89 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8.5 Sendin g Messages 2.8. 5.1 Co mpos ing Me ssa ges Y ou can comp ose diff erent ty pes of mess ages on th e New message pa ge.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-90 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient –V o i c e V oice ma ils can al so be e ntere d as text. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-91 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient – *.pn g - Por table Net work Graphics – *.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-92 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.5. 3 Select ing F ile A ttachments 1. In th e Step 1 : te xt field, ente r the n ame a nd path o f the file y ou w ish to in sert. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-93 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8.5 .5 Sendi ng Mess ages After y ou ha ve comp osed th e mes sage a nd atta ched th e re quired files the mess age can be sent.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-94 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.7. 1 Checkin g the Send S tatus The send st atus is di spla yed in the Se nt column. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-95 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient The mess age co uld not be se nt becau se, for e xample, t he fax number spec ified was busy .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-96 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient T o sele ct all the messag es, click the Invert t he selec tion icon abo v e the colum n with the ch eckbox es. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-97 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8.8. 1 Changing Sort ing When t he Inbox page i s opened for the first t ime, messa ges are s or ted an d displ a yed by the send da te.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-98 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient Read ing Fax Messages F ax messa ges se nt to yo ur m ailbo x are co nv er ted int o imag es . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-99 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-100 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient Openin g Message At tachment s Messages sent to your mailbox can c ontain v ar ious at tach ments (fi les). A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-101 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8.9 .1 Rep lying with th e Origin al Messag e 1.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-102 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.10 Options Y ou ca n vie w y our curren t W ebCl ient V iew settin gs a nd modif y them if ne cessa ry . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-103 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8. 10.1 User Data Y o ur curr ent use r data i s displ a yed on this page.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-104 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. fm HiP ath Xpre ssions We bClient 2.8.10 .2 Ch anging a Password Y ou can ch ange y our pass word f or the W ebClient if requi red. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-105 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8.1 0.3 Selectin g Languag es Y o u can chan ge the la ngua ge set in the WebClie nt.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-106 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-107 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice HiP ath Xpres sions W ebClient 2.8. 10.6 Fo rwar ding Y o u can a utomat ically f orwar d all in coming messa ges to any e-mai l addres s you ch oose.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-108 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual webclient.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-109 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2Mailbox Processing on the PC and the E-M ail Service 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-110 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.2 Web Br owser Y ou can use t he Web browsers li sted bel ow to operat e the Cli ent Ass istan t: ● Netsca pe Communic ator version 4 .
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-111 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-112 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-113 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.9.5 .2 Log in via SS L (Secure Sockets Layer) Y ou al so have the option of performi ng a secur e login vi a SSL.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-114 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.5. 4 Logout Manual Logou t Whe n yo u ar e no lo nger us ing the Clie nt Ass istan t yo u sh ould lo g ou t f or se curity r eason s.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-115 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-116 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.6. 2 Chang ing Setti ngs In orde r to ch ange th e actua l sett ings you c an ente r new data ( text or number s) in th e relevant entr y fi elds.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-117 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.9.7 User Data The Us er data page di splays cer tai n infor mation on your Xpres sions user acco unt.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-118 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.7. 1 Chang ing Y our Own Passw ord 1. Click the Ch ang e b utton.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-119 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.9.8 V o ice Mail System Settings Y o u can pe rform vario us sett ings for your person al mailbox on t his pag e.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-120 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.8. 1 Chang ing the T eleph one Passwor d (PIN) Y ou can cha nge your t elepho ne password (PIN) f or acc ess to your voice mai lbox.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-121 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.9. 8.3 Conf igur ing a R ef erral Exten sion Y o u can ent er a dir ect dia ling numb er to whi ch your ca lls will be defl ected i f neces sar y .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-122 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.8. 6 Mobili ty number The Mobilit y number funct ion all ows y ou to define for w arding op tion s that can be activ ated by the c aller via p hone k eys.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-123 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-124 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.9 Configurin g Forwarding Specif y the di fferent vari ants ( actions) and phone keys for f orwardi ng on t he F orward Acce ss menu page .
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-125 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant The table b elow descr ibes the available acti ons: Config uring Fo rwarding (Ge neral P rocedure) 1.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-126 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.10 Configuring Notifications Y ou can activate a utomat ic notif icati on for new incoming me ssage s.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-127 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 1.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-128 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant Creati ng a New Notificat ion The fi rst time t hat you open the Notificatio n page, there are no existing notif icati ons.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-129 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant ● All .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-130 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 8. In th e Time d ependency area, you ca n now define a ti me range i n which t he notif icati on shoul d tak e place.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-131 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-132 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.11 .1 Cr eatin g a Private Di stribution List 1. E nter the desired grou p name in the Create ne w list field.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-133 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2. Ente r a name for the di str ibution list in th e Displ ay name field if necess ar y .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-134 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-135 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.9.12 Fax Forms Y o u can cho ose whic h f ax for ms you want to use f or your fax es.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-136 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.13 Time Profiles With the he lp of Time p rofiles you can define when and with whi ch voice gree tings your ma il- bo x should reac t to incomin g calls .
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-137 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant Y o u ca.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-138 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-139 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 2.9. 14.1 P er sona l Name Recor ding Y o u can reco rd a perso nal na me recor ding.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-140 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 4. Click OK . The s ystem will ca ll y ou im media tely at the telephon e nu mber y ou entered .
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-141 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 7. C lic k Save to acce pt the rec ordin g. The r ecordi ng is ad ded to t he list of existing rec ordin gs.
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-142 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.fm5 Client Assist ant 2.9.16 Switching to the W ebClient Y ou ca n acc ess your me ssagin g mailbox on th e WebClient direct ly from the Web Admini strato r .
ca_ba.fm5 A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 2-143 Fo r internal us e only Mailbox Processin g on the PC and the E-Mai l Serv ice Client Assist ant 1. C lic k Link to WebClie nt . A new wind ow opens. 2. The Inbox page open s in th e new browser win dow .
Mailbox Processing o n the PC a nd the E-Ma il Servi ce For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 2-144 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual ca_ba.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-1 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l General 3 Mailbo x Processing on th.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-2 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-3 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l General 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-4 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-5 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l General 3.1.9 User Prompts The pr ompts i n the mailbox are o utput in the for m o f spoken ann ounc ements.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-6 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-7 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l 3.2 Operatin g yo ur Mailb o x with PhoneMail 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-8 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail The same f uncti ons that are provi ded with th e Direc t access optio n are available here.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-9 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneM.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-10 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail Dialin g your own mailbox from any extension : 3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-11 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-12 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail ● Read mess ages: This c ategor y incl udes me ssages that you have alre ady re tri e ved/liste ned t o and saved but not de leted y et.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-13 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l Messa ge header The dat e and tim e of the me ssage receip t are an nounced at the be ginni ng of eac h message.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-14 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-15 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l Option s available after messages have been heard Y o u can deci de how a messag e is to be pr oces sed once it has bee n play ed.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-16 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-17 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l Delet ing reci pient numbers 3.2. 3.3 Ch eck ing Re cipi ent Num ber s 6 Push 6.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-18 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail 3.2.3. 4 Reco rding and Send ing Messag es Y ou ca n rec ord v oice mes sages and se nd th em to othe r users .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-19 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l T o do this , retrie ve the messa ges sto red i n yo ur ma ilbo x (s ee Se ction 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-20 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-21 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l – Alternativ e gre eting : Y ou can def ine an alter nat ive greetin g.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-22 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-23 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with Phone.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-24 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-25 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with Phone.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-26 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail ● Pas s wo r d Y o u can chan ge the pa ss word required for telephon e acc ess to your mai lbox at any time.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-27 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l Private di stri b utio n lis ts Creat ing o r ch angi ng dis trib ution lists 9 In the mai n menu: pus h 9 to acc ess the ma ilbox option s.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-28 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-29 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l Settin g noti ficatio ns The n ew pass word i s confi rmed when it is en tered.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-30 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-31 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l Changi ng the playba ck options 9 In the mai n menu: pus h 9 to acc ess the ma ilbox option s.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-32 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail 3.2.5 Connection Y ou ca n cal l the s witch o r anoth er us er whi le y ou are conn ecte d to a mailb o x.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-33 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-34 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail Y ou can a lso jus t repl ace t he han dset a fter you have left the me ssage.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-35 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-36 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Operatin g your Mai lbox with Pho neMail The "Li sten to /retr ieve" menu is now acti vated (see Sectio n 3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-37 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with PhoneMai l 3.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-38 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-39 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with Phone.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-40 HiPat h Xpressions V3.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 3-41 Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and th e V o ice Mail Servi ce V oicemai l Operati ng your Mailbox with Phone.
Mailb o x Pr ocess ing on the T elephone and th e V oice M ail Se rvice V oicema il A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 3-42 HiPat h Xpressions V3. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 43 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS 3Mailbox Processing on the Telephone and the Voice Mail Service 3.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-44 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 45 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-46 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS 3.3.2. 3 Defaul t Edi t Opti ons The following d efault entr ies ar e av ailable for operat ing th e mailb o x. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 47 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS 3.3. 2.4 Optio ns in the Ma in Men u (Direc t Access ) The main menu is se lected when you dial y our own mailbox.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-48 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 49 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-50 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 51 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-52 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 53 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-54 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 55 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-56 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 57 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS Specia l sen d opt ions: 5 Spec ial del iver y opti ons: Push 5 .
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-58 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS (b) Sendi ng messag es using the broadcas t message feature (see Sectio n 3. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 59 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS (c) Sen ding mess ages usi ng the broadcast call fea ture ( see Sect ion 3.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-60 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 61 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS The following addition al func tions are provid ed in addi tion to th e default edi t opti ons (see Sec- tion 3 .
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-62 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS 3.3.2. 8 Editi ng Dis tributio n Lists Y ou can select two d iff erent type s of dis trib ution li sts in the VMS syst em. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 63 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-64 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS Add entr ies to a se lected distri bution list : * Play back users: Push th e st ar k ey . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 65 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-66 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 67 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS 3.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-68 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 69 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS Change ma ilbo x deputy Y o ur messa ges are p laced di rectl y into the depu ty’s mailbox.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-70 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS Chang e refe rral exte nsion The call er can di al the referral extensi on if ca ll forwarding is enabled . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 71 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS Define and chang e the pa sswor d Config ure no tificat ion feat ure 8 Select specia l funct ions in main menu: Push 8 .
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-72 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 73 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-74 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 75 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS The system pr ovides up t o nine ge neri c greeti ngs for you to sele ct from .
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-76 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS The following fu nction s are available in add ition to th e default edi t optio ns (see Sec tion 3. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 77 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS Edit ge neric greet ings Gener ic gree tings are gree tings that ar e provid ed by the VMS system.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-78 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 79 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-80 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS 3.3.4 Call Forw ar ding (CF , Forward Access) Y ou ca n set y our telepho ne to r e-direc t calls to y our mailbo x. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 81 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS 3.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-82 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 83 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-84 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 85 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-86 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS Conn ection with a recip ient of y our choice Prin t the fax or e- mail messa ge 3. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 87 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-88 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 89 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-90 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 91 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-92 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual vms.f m Operatin g your Mail bo x usin g VMS Dele te enti re di strib ution list s Answerin g machine fu nction s (sho rtc ut) 3. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 93 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng your Mailbox usin g VMS 3.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-94 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 95 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-96 HiPath Xpressions V3 . A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 3- 97 Fo r internal us e only Mailbo x Pr oces sing o n the Te lepho ne and the V oic e Mail Service Operati ng you.
Mailbox Processi ng on the T elepho ne and the V o ice Mail Ser vice For int ernal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 3-98 HiPath Xpressions V3 .
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 4-1 Fa x Mail Service Overv iew 4 F ax Mail Service 4.1 Overview The following options ar e av aila ble to fax-mail use rs in HiPath Xpress ions , dependin g on ho w the sy stem is config ured .
F ax Mai l Service A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 4-2 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Ov er view 4.1.4 Fax Logo Y ou r system admini strator ca n provide you with vario us templ ates t hat appe ar on ev er y pa ge of a fax message. Li ke the cov er page, di fferent var iable componen ts can be added to th e tem- plat e.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 4-3 Fa x Mail Service Sendin g F ax Messages 4.2 Sending Fax Messages T o send fax mes sages, proc eed in e xactl y the s ame wa y as for sen ding an e-mail.
F ax Mai l Service A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 4-4 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Send ing F ax Messages A window for c reating a new me ssage o pens.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiP ath Xpression s V3.0, User Manual 4-5 Fa x Mail Service Sendin g F ax Messages A f ax cov er page and/or fax l ogo se t f or your m ailbo x will o nly b e sent with the f ax if th e e-ma il addre ss you are usi ng in th e select ed mail program cor respon ds to your Xpr essio ns Internet addre ss.
F ax Mai l Service A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, J anuary 2003 4-6 HiPat h Xpressions V3.0, User Manual Send ing F ax Messages.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 5-1 Short Me ssage Servic e (SM S) f or GS M Overv iew 5 Short Message Se rvice (SMS) f or GSM The SM S f or GS M module must be insta lled on the Xp ressi ons s erver to allo w the functi ons describe d belo w to be use d.
Shor t Message Servi ce (SMS) for GS M A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 5-2 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual Send ing Sh ort Messages to GS M Use rs ● The ne twor k operat ors no rma lly s av e SM S messag es for up 48 ho urs if the mobile phone user can not b e reache d.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 5-3 Short Me ssage Servic e (SM S) f or GS M Sendin g Shor t Me ssages t o GSM Users Procee d as follows to send an SMS mes sage usin g Netsca pe 4.x: 1. Open th e Nets cape Mess enge r mail cli ent and select the comman d for creati ng a new messag e.
Shor t Message Servi ce (SMS) for GS M A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 5-4 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual Send ing Sh ort Messages to GS M Use rs the mess age is sent. I f you use an au to sign ature o n e-mails, no te that the si gnatur e be- longs with th e mes sage te xt.
A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, Jan uary 2003 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Use r Manual 5-5 Short Me ssage Servic e (SM S) f or GS M Tips for Every day Use 3. Ent er the r ecip ient’s address in the E- Mail Addr ess box.
Shor t Message Servi ce (SMS) for GS M A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 5-6 HiPath Xpressions V3 .0, User Manual Tips for Everyd a y U se. A31003-S2330-B69 0-2-7619, January 200 3 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, User Manual A-1 F or internal us e only Abbrevi ations Abbreviations This li st co ntains all o f the ab brev iations used in this man ual.
Abbreviatio ns For internal use only A31003-S2 330-B690-2-7619, Januar y 2003 A-2 HiPath Xpress ions V3.0, User Manual T TG3 mehrs eitige s kom primi ertes TIFF Fax-F ormat 2 TIF, TIF F Tagg. A31003-S2330-B69 0-2-7619, January 200 3 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual Z-1 Nur für den internen Gebrauch Inde x Inde x Z A Accept message s 3-23 , 3-68, 3 -75, 3-76 , 3- 77 Acces.
Index Nur für den internen Gebrauch A31003-S2330-B690- 2-7619, January 2003 Z-2 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating M anual 3-78 Dialin g your ow n mailbo x 3-7, 3- 43 Direct access 1- 3, 1-4. A31003-S2330 -B690-2-7619, January 20 03 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating Manual Z-3 Nur für den internen Gebrauch Inde x O Online doc ument ation 1 -5 Outb ox serv er 1-4 Outloo k (via In.
Index Nur für den internen Gebrauch A31003-S2330-B690- 2-7619, January 2003 Z-4 HiPath Xpressions V3.0, Operating M anual Tran sferr ing 3-32 U Unifie d Messag ing 1-1 Univ ersal acc ess 1-.
Referenc e No.: A31 003-S2330- B690-2-76 19 Printed i n the Feder al Republic of Germany. BA 0103 1.0 Sieme ns Akti engesellsch aft Issued by Information and Communica tion Networks Hofmannstraße 51, D-81359 Münch en Sieme ns AG 2 003. All rights reser ved.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Siemens HiPath Xpressions Unified Messaging ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.