Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3000 du fabricant Siemens
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May 2003 User Manual HiPat h 3000 /5000 HiPath optiClient 130 Versi on 4.0 OP5374-00.
May 2003 Job No. 53 74 No part of this public ation may be reproduc ed, stored i n a retriev al system, or transmitt ed, in any form or by any mean s, mech anical, electroni c, photocopy ing, reco rding, or otherwis e, withou t prior wri tten perm ission of Siemens .
HiPath 3000/5000 V4.0 User Manual optiClient 130 s.
Siemens AG 2003 ● In formation an d Communic ation Networks , Hofmannstr aße 51, D-81 359 München, Germany Referenc e No.: A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 Printed i n the Feder al Republi c of Germany . ● Subjec t to availab ility. Right of modific ation rese rved.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A31003-G2540-A10 0-3-76A9 HiPath 3000/5000 V4.0 optiClient 130 User Manual optiClient easyCom User Inter face optiClient office User Interface optiClient phone User Interface Firs.
opticl1 A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 0-1 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Contents Conten ts 0 1 Introduction and Important Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts Nur für d en int ernen Ge br auch A31003-G 2540-A100 -3-76A9 , 04/2003 0-2 optiClie nt 130 V4. 0, User M anual opticl1 30v40IVZ.f m 3.6 Exiting optiClient phone / office / easyCom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
opticl1 A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 0-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Contents 5.5.5 Sp eed-dial Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts Nur für d en int ernen Ge br auch A31003-G 2540-A100 -3-76A9 , 04/2003 0-4 optiClie nt 130 V4. 0, User M anual opticl1 30v40IVZ.f m 8.7.6 DTMF Suffix Dialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction and Important Notes Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 1-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 1ein 1 Intr oduction and I mportant Notes General Inf o rmation The opti Client 1 30 is a telephony application that ca n be run on a PC .
1ein A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 1-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Intr oduction and Impor tant Notes Hard war e and Softw are Requ ireme nts 1.
Introduction and Important Notes Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 1-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 1ein l.
1ein A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 1-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Intr oduction and Impor tant Notes T arg et Group and Re quir ements 1.2 T ar ge t Gr oup and Requir ements The Installatio n chapter supp or ts ser vice techn icians on installa tion an d star tup .
Introduction and Important Notes Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 1-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 1ein Saf ety Info r mation 1.3 Safe ty Inf ormation Only se r vice pe rsonn el and authoriz ed special ists ar e permitted to w or k on th e instal lation.
1ein A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 1-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Intr oduction and Impor tant Notes S a fe ty I n fo r m a t io n 1.3.1 Safety inf ormation: Danger ● If the po wer cab le appea rs to be dama ged, replace it im media tely .
Introduction and Important Notes Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 1-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 1ein Saf ety Info r mation ● Install cab les in such a wa y that the y do not pose an accid ent risk (b y people tripping o v er them) and al so so that they are no t damage d.
1ein A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 1-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Intr oduction and Impor tant Notes Data Protectio n and Data Se curity 1.
Introduction and Important Notes Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 1-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 1ein l. A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 2-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch Installation 2I n s t a l l a t i o n This section conta ins inf or mation on.
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m General Informat ion 2. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 2-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Installation General In f or mation Installation Components The fo llowing com.
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m Configur ing/installin g Quality of Ser vice 2. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 2-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Installation Config uring/inst alling Qua lity of Service ● In Layer 3, the six bi ts of th e Diff Ser v Cod e P oint ( DSCP) field a re us ed in the T yp e of Ser - vice (T oS) byte of th e IP head er .
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m Configur ing/installin g Quality of Ser vice 5 In t he Sel ect Ne tw ork Service dial og, cli ck QoS P acket S cheduler and click OK . A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 2-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Installation Config uring/inst alling Qua lity of Service 7S e l e c t En able fo r t h e 802.
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m Configur ing/installin g Quality of Ser vice 8S e l e c t Enable fo r Flow Contr ol : Displa y 9 ● Click OK to confirm. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 2-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Installation Config uring/inst alling Qua lity of Service QoS RSVP service dea.
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m Config uring Loca tion Inf or matio n 2. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al.
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-12 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m optiC lient In stal lation P rocedur e 2.4 optiClient Instal lation Pr ocedure Y o u can install the latest v e rsion of the optiClient 130 using the conv enient Install Shield insta l- lation pr og ram. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 2-13 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Installation optiClient Installa tion Procedu re Shor tcuts on the Desktop One desktop icon each is created for optiClient phone, optiClie nt office, and optiClient easy- Com.
Installation N ur fü r den inte rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 2-14 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 2install.f m optiC lient In stal lation P rocedur e.
3benk onf .fm A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch First Steps and User Configuration 3 Fir st Steps and Use r Configur ation .
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon f.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Wo r king with the Admini stration T ool 3.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon W orking w ith the Admini stra tion T ool 3.2 .1 Conf igur ing PC set ti ngs T o configure the parameters f or th e PC settings, proc eed as f ollows: 1.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Wo r king with the Admini stration T ool 4. T o edit the d ef ault settin gs , clic k on Change default in the profile f older .
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon W orking w ith the Admini stra tion T ool 3.2. 2 Co nfigurin g Setup inf orma tion (Li cense information) T o configure Setup inf orma tion, proceed as f ollows: 1.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Wo r king with the Admini stration T ool 3.2.3 Confi guri ng P arameter s fo r PC P erf orma nce T o configure PC paramete rs, pr oceed as follows: 1.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon W orking w ith the Admini stra tion T ool 3. Click OK or Cancel to e xit the administrat ion tool.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Wo r king with the Admini stration T ool 3.2.4 Configuring P arameter s for Qual ity of Service Proceed as f ollow s to confi gure pa ram eters f or Quality o f Service: 1.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon W orking w ith the Admini stra tion T ool La yer 2: User Priority acc. to IEEE802 .1p The v alues are ente red in th e three bi ts of the IEEE802.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-11 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Star ting the Progra m 3.3 Starting the Pr o gram General F ollowing the installati on, three ve rsions of the optiClien t 130 with three d iff er ent user interfaces are a vai lab le.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-12 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon f.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-13 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Logg ing on 3.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-14 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon Loggin g on – Gener al par ameters – Audio parameters – T elephone D irectory paramete rs – Update pa rame ters – Ser ver parameters 3.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-15 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Logg ing on 2. Y ou c an now configur e fur ther parame ters or click OK . This returns you to th e Logon dial og.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-16 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon Loggin g on Audi o parameters 1. Switch to the Au d i o tab in the e xtended opti ons dialo g.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-17 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Logg ing on 3. Y ou c an no w co nfigur e fur th er parame ters or c lic k on OK . This retur ns y ou to th e Logon dial og.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-18 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon Loggin g on T elephon e Directory parameter s 1. Switch to the T elephone director y tab i n the e xtend ed op tions dial og.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-19 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Logg ing on Update parameter s 1. Switch to the Update tab i n the e xte nded opt ions di alog.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-20 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon Loggin g on Server parameter s 1. Switch to the Server tab i n the e xtended option s dialo g.
3benkonf .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 3-21 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch First Steps and User Configuration Chang ing the User P assw ord 3.5 Changing the User P assw ord Ev er y HiP ath 3000 user can chang e his/her lo gin passw ord for the optiClient as f ollows: 1.
First Steps and User Configuration Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 3-22 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 3benkon f. A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch optiClient phone U ser Interface 4 optiClien t phone User Interface ● The opti Client phone use r interf ace sim ulates the op tiP oint adv ance plus phone and gen- erally func tions in the same wa y as such a telephon e.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l La yout of the optiClient phone User Inte rf ace 4. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface La yout of the optiCli ent phone User Interface Elements of the user in terf ace that are no t cov ered he re , e .
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Gene ral Operation 4.2 General Operati on General Inf o rmation ● T o pr ess a button in the optiCl ient ph one user interface, simply click the key with y our mouse . A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Gene ral Operation 4.2.1 Using the PC keyboar d The fo llowing applies whe n using optiClien t with the PC ke ybo ard: 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Gene ral Operation 4. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Gene ral Operation 4.2.5 T elephone Directory Management Opening T elephone Director y Management 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Gene ral Operation 4.2.7 Ke y Mod ules As with th e optiph one, 1 to 4 k ey modu les, each w ith 16 fre ely-prog rammab le ke ys, can be add- ed to the basic module of the optiClie nt phone. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Gene ral Operation 4.2.8 Ke y Captions Y ou can lab el the ke ys in the main module and in all k ey modu les in any wa y you want: 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Inf or matio n on the op tiClie nt pho ne 4. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-11 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Manual Upda te Check f or the optiClient phone 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-12 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Manual Up date Ch ec k f or the opt iClient phone 5 If y ou select Cancel , the update version will not be installed. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-13 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Option Setting s for t he optiClien t pho ne 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-14 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Option Se ttings f or the optiClient phone 4.5.1 General Options Set the m axim um nu mber of k ey m odules possib le f or the c urrent user in t he General tab . A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-15 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Option Setting s for t he optiClien t pho ne 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-16 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Option Se ttings f or the optiClient phone > Minimize phone af ter a period of time Activ ate this opt ion if the user i nterf ace sho uld be minimi z ed after a specifi ed a mount o f tim e. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-17 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Option Setting s for t he optiClien t pho ne 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-18 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Option Se ttings f or the optiClient phone Displa y The c omplete LD A P dire ctor y i s sto red in a hi er archical st ructure. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-19 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface Option Setting s for t he optiClien t pho ne If no restricted base di rectory is specified f or the search here , the entire LD AP direc tory is used as th e the base dir ectory .
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-20 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Option Se ttings f or the optiClient phone 4. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 4-21 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient phone U ser Interface View Settin gs f or the optiC lient phon e 4.
optiClient phone User Interface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 4-22 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Online Help 4.7 Online Help T o star t the online help f or the op tiClient phone, proce ed as f ol lows: Step Pr ocedure 1 Cli ck the menu key .
42bof .fm A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch optiClient of fice User Interface La y out of the optiCli ent office User Inter.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Gene ral Operation 5.2 General Operati on ● The Office bar can be mo ve d aroun d the de sktop alo ng with any att ached win do ws.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Gene ral Operation 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Gene ral Operation 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Gene ral Operation 5.2.9 Programming the Function Ke ys The function k e ys B to L on the k eyboar d can be prog rammed with speci fic functi ons f or the optiClien t.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-11 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Inf or mation o n the optiCli ent offi ce 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-12 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-13 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Option Set tings f or the optiClient o ffice 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-14 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-15 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Option Set tings f or the optiClient o ffice 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-16 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-17 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Option Set tings f or the optiClient o ffice Displa y The complete LD AP directory is stored in a hier archical structure.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-18 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof.f m Option Se ttings f or the optiClient office If no r estricted base dire ctor y i s specifi ed f or the search here , th e enti re LD AP directory is used as th e the base direct or y . A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-19 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Option Set tings f or the optiClient o ffice 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-20 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof.f m Option Se ttings f or the optiClient office 5.5.5 Speed-dial Ke ys Y ou can call defi ned spee d-dial n umbers directly vi a speed- dial k eys . A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-21 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Option Set tings f or the optiClient o ffice C.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-22 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-23 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Functions 5.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-24 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-25 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Functions The following special telephone functions are available vi a the Connection Parties Window: See al so Conne ction P ar tie s Windo w .
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-26 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 5-27 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch optiClient office User Int erface Connecti on P a r ties Wi ndo w Dialing functi.
optiClient office User Int erface Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 5-28 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 42bof. A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 6-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch optiCli ent easyC om User Interface 6 optiClie nt easyCom User Inte rface G.
optiClient ea syCom U ser Interfac e Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 6-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l BofEasyCo m.
5phone .fm A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 7-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch Using the optiClient phone Extended Dialing Functio ns Using Drag & Drop 7 Using the optiClien t phone 7.
Using the optiClient phone Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 7-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Basic and adv anced functio ns 7. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 7-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient phone Over view of Funct ions and Co des (in Alphabet ical Orde r) 7.
Using the optiClient phone Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 7-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Ov erview of Func tions an d Codes (in Alphab etica. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 7-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient phone Over view of Funct ions and Co des (in Alphabet ical Orde r) Prog.
Using the optiClient phone Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 7-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l Ov erview of Func tions an d Codes (in Alphab etica.
6office .fm A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch Using the optiClient office Making and A ns wering Calls 8 Using the optiClient office 8.
Using the optiClient office Nur fü r den i nternen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Making and A ns wering C alls 8.1.3 Do Not Disturb Feature Y ou can temporar ily block incoming cal ls when requir ed b y your situation while still be ing able to initiate calls. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Making and A ns wering Calls 8.1.4 Ringer Off If y ou do not wi sh to b e distur bed b y calls , y ou can te mporarily disab le the ringer tone f or in- coming calls.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Making and A ns wering C alls 8.1.5 Mic r opho ne on/off Y ou ha v e the op tion of act i v ating or dea ctiv ating the han dset m icrophone or speake r phone dur- ing a call. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Making calls 8.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Making calls Dialing fr o m the Connection parties window (dial area): 2 Ent er the num ber you wish to c all or selec t it from t he list box. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Making calls 8.2.3 Extended D ialing Functions per Drag & D r op Apar t fro m the d escribed optio ns f or calling a nu mber , you can also inser t a ph one n umber from another applic ation (e .
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Making calls 8.2. 4 T er minat ing Ca lls The remote par ty ends the call The activ e call displ a yed in the C onnecti on P ar ties wind ow disappe ars. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Calling Mu ltiple P ar ties Simultaneousl y 8.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Calling Multiple P ar ties Simultaneously 8. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-11 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Calling Mu ltiple P ar ties Simultaneousl y 8.3.3 T oggle Y ou can togg le betw een tw o calls and al ter nate ly speak wit h both par ties .
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-12 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Calling Multiple P ar ties Simultaneously 8.3.5 P arking Calls Y ou can park up to ten cal ls, either in ternal, e xter nal, or both . A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-13 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Calling Mu ltiple P ar ties Simultaneousl y 2 Ent .
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-14 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Making Calls to Stor ed Destinations 8.4 Making Calls to Stored Destinati ons 8.4.1 Redial The last t en ph one nu mbers d ialed are au tomatic ally sa ved in a si ngle d i alin g list. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-15 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office If Y ou Canno t Reach a Des tinatio n... 8.5 If Y ou Cannot Reach a Destination... 8.5.1 Callbac k If a us er is b usy or is not ans wering, y ou can store an aut omatic callbac k.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-16 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm If Y ou Canno t Reach a Des tinatio n... 8.5. 2 Ca ll W ait ing Ev en when you are conductin g a call, you can still be reached by other caller s. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-17 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Call F orwarding 8.6 Call Forwar ding 8.6.1 Call Forwar ding Y ou can f orwa rd internal and /or e xternal calls to v arious internal or e xternal telephon es (desti - nations).
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-18 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Call F orwarding 8. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-19 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Usin g Othe r Func tions 8.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-20 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Usin g Othe r Func tions Disabling a Phone Lock > F or more detai ls on cha nging codes , see th e section T elephone Loc k. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-21 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Usin g Othe r Func tions 8.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-22 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Usin g Othe r Func tions Displa ying Infos se n. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-23 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Usin g Othe r Func tions 8.7.4 Answer T ext If you hav e conf igured an answer te x t, the te x t you config ured is a utomat ically t ransmitte d to an inter nal calle r .
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-24 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Usin g Othe r Func tions 8.7.5 T elephone Data Service If y ou w ant to enter TDS codes th at can be read a nd proce ssed from othe r attache d applica - tions , proceed as f ollow s: 8. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-25 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office Usin g Othe r Func tions 8.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-26 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm Usin g Othe r Func tions 8.7.8 Resetting Fun ctions There is a general res et proce dure for activated fun ctions. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-27 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office A CD Functions 8.8 A CD Functi ons The A CD (A utomatic C all Distrib ution) f eature serve s to distrib ute calls withi n a tea m.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-28 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm A CD Functions 8.8.1 A CD Logon (Lo gging on to System) At the start of ser vice, you m ust log on t o the system. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-29 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office A CD Functions 8.8.2 A CD Logoff (L ogging off fr om the System) At the en d of service, y ou must log o ff from the system.
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-30 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm A CD Functions 8.8.3 A CD P ost-Pr ocessing If y ou ne ed mo re time in add ition to the time actual ly spen t conducti ng a cal l, y ou can requ est/ activ ate a wrap-up time f or the last call. A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 8-31 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Using the optiClient office A CD Functions 8.8.4 A CD Unav ailability During wo rking hours, y ou can log on an d log o ff from the system, e .
Using the optiClient office Nur für den i n te rnen Gebr auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 8-32 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 6office. fm A CD Functions 8.
7telef onb .fm A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 9-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch Electronic T elephone Directory 9 Electro nic T ele phone Directory The optiClie nt 130 off ers you - if a vailable and configured - a central LD AP telephone dire ctor y and a pe rson al tele phon e directory .
Electronic T elephone Directory Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 9-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 7tele in optiClient phone: Click the T elephon e directory butto n. The telephone director y is opened nea r the opt iClient pho ne window .
7telefonb .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 9-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Electr onic T e lephone Director y Gener al Func tions 9.
Electronic T elephone Directory Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 9-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 7tele fonb.
7telefonb .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 9-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Electr onic T e lephone Director y Gener al Func tions 9.1.3 Edit entries i n the dir ectory Entries in the central LD AP directory can only be maintained cent ral ly by th e Administr ator .
Electronic T elephone Directory Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 9-6 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 7tele fonb.
7telefonb .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 9-7 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Electr onic T e lephone Director y Gener al Func tions Displa y Sa v e y our notes b y clic king OK . Y ou will be retur ned to the T e lephone directory dialog (step 2).
Electronic T elephone Directory Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 9-8 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 7tele General Functio ns 1. O pen th e context menu o f the en tr y to b e delet ed and c hoose De lete .
7telefonb .fm A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 9-9 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Electr onic T e lephone Director y Gener al Func tions 9.1.5 Calling a Contact fr om the T elephone Directory Y ou can call an y of the cont acts listed i n y o ur telephone directo r y as f ollow s: 1.
Electronic T elephone Directory Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 9-10 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, U ser Manua l 7tele fonb.
8rufliste A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 10-1 Nur für den in ter nen Gebr auch Call List Management 10 Call List Management The opti Client 1 30 off ers.
Call List Management Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 10-2 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, Us er Manual 8rufli To start Call List Management in the optiClie nt office: Select the Caller - and call recor ds tab in the T elephone director y win dow .
8ru A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al 10-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Call List Management Calling a Party from a Call List Activ a te th e desired call list. Then click the rele vant caller or called par ty within this list and choose Call .
Call List Management Nur fü r den int ernen Ge br auch A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 10-4 optiClient 1 30 V4.0, Us er Manual 8rufli
opticl 130v40SI A31003- G2540-A 100-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al Z-1 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Index Inde x Z A Accept call 7 -4 Accepting a call 4-9, 8 -1 Account .
Index N ur für den i nternen Gebr auch A31003-G 2540-A100 -3-76A9, 0 4/2003 Z-2 optiC lient 1 30 V4.0, Us er Manua l opticl1 Change Spee d-dial ( station ) 7- 6 Change over off 7-3 Change.
opticl 130v40SI A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al Z-3 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Index K Key ca ptions 4- 9 Key Modules 4-8 Key modules 4-14 L Languag.
Index N ur für den i nternen Gebr auch A31003-G 2540-A100 -3-76A9, 0 4/2003 Z-4 optiC lient 1 30 V4.0, Us er Manua l opticl1 Remove party 7-3 Reserve trunk 7-5 Reset services 7-5 Rese tti.
opticl 130v40SI A31003- G2540-A1 00-3-76A9 , 04/2003 optiCli ent 130 V4 .0, User Manu al Z-5 Nur für den inter nen Gebra uch Index Phoneb ook 7-3 View messages UK Display Messages 7-5 Use spee d.
Index N ur für den i nternen Gebr auch A31003-G 2540-A100 -3-76A9, 0 4/2003 Z-6 optiC lient 1 30 V4.0, Us er Manua l opticl1
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Siemens 3000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Siemens 3000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Siemens 3000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Siemens 3000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Siemens 3000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Siemens 3000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Siemens 3000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Siemens 3000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.