Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1232 du fabricant Savin
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Printer/Scanner Kit Type 1232 Operating I nstructions Printer Reference 2 For safe and correct use of this machine, please be sure to read the Safety Information in the “General Settings Guide” before y ou use it.
Introduction This manu al descri bes det ailed inst ruction s on the oper ation an d notes abou t the use of this mac hine. To get m aximum versat ility from thi s ma chine a ll op erators a re req uested to read this manual carefull y and follo w the instructi ons.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machine ...... ....... ..... ........ ....... ..... ........ ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ..... 1 How to Read Thi s Manual ...... ......... ....... ....... ......... ........ ......... ....... ......... .
ii 5. Using the Control Panel Adjusting Pri nter Featur es ......... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ..... .......... ....... ..... . 43 Printer Fe atur es Menu ........ ......... ....... ...... ...... ...... .......... ...... ......
1 Manuals for This Machine The following manuals descr ibe the operational proced ures and maintenance of this machine. To enhance safe and efficient operatio n of this machine , all users should read and follow the instructions ca refully. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ General Settings Guide Provides an overview of the machine.
2 How to Read This Manual Symbols In this manual, the following sy mbols are used: R WARNING: This sym bol indicat es a pote ntially haz ardou s situat ion which, if instruction s are not followed, could result in death or serious inj ury.
3 1. Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job Accessing the Pr inter Properties Windows 95/98/ Me - Accessing t he Printer Pr operties Changing the default machine settings A A A A Click [ Star t ] on the taskbar, point to [ Se ttings ] , and then click [ Printers ] .
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 4 1 Windows 2000 /XP - Access ing the Printe r Prope rtie s Changing the default machine settings - Printer Properties Limita tion ❒ Changing the setting of the mac hine requires Manage P rinters permission .
Accessing the Printer Properties 5 1 Note ❒ In Window s XP Profession al, access the [ Printers and Faxes ] window from [ Start ] on the taskbar. ❒ In Windo ws XP Home E dition, a ccess th e [ Printers and Fax es ] window by clicking [ Control Panel ] from [ Start ] on th e taskbar.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 6 1 Windows NT 4.0 - Acces sing the Pri nter Pro perties Changing the default machine settings - Printer Properties Limita tion ❒ Changing the setting of the machine req uires Full Control access pe rmission.
Accessing the Printer Properties 7 1 Making machine settings from an application To make the machine settings for a specific application, open the [ Pri nter Proper- ties ] dialog box from that application. The following example descr ibes how to make settings for the WordPad application that comes with W indows NT 4.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 8 1 D D D D Fro m the [ Pa per : ] box, select the p aper size. E E E E Make any setting s you require, and then click [ OK ] . Setting up for printing from an applicat ion A A A A Open the file you w ant to print.
Canceling a Print Job 9 1 Canceling a Print Job Windows - Can celing a Prin t Job A A A A Double-click the printer icon on the Window s taskbar. A window appears, showing a ll the print jobs that are c urrently queuing to be printed. Chec k the current status o f the job you want to can cel.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 10 1 Macintosh - Cancel ing a P rint Jo b A A A A Double-click the printer icon on the desktop . A window appears, showing a ll the print jobs that are c urrently queuing to be printed. Chec k the current status o f the job you want to can cel.
11 2. Uninstalling the Printer Driver Uninstalling the Printer Driver This section describes how to uninstall the printer dri vers. Actual procedures may vary depending on the operating system.
Uninstalling the Printer Driver 12 2 D D D D On the [ File ] menu, click [ Delete ] . A confirmation dialog box appears. E E E E Click [ Yes ] to un install the printer driver. Note ❒ You can also uninstal l the printer driver using the followin g procedure.
Uninstalling the Printer Driver 13 2 Mac OS - Uninstal ling the PostScr ipt 3 Print er Driver A A A A Drag the “AdobePS ” file from the [ Extensions ] folder in [ System Folder ] to [ Trash ] . B B B B Drag the PPD fi le and plug-in file from the [ Printer Descriptions ] folder in the [ Extensions ] folder in [ System Folder ] to [ Trash ] .
Uninstalling the Printer Driver 14 2.
15 3. Printing with the Control Panel Sample Print Use this func tion to print on ly the first set o f a multiple-set p rint job. After you have checked the result, the remaining sets c an be printed or canceled from the machine's control panel.
Printing with the Control Panel 16 3 C C C C On the machine's contr ol panel, press the { { { { Pri nte r } } } } key to display the Print- er Screen. D D D D Press [ View Sample Pr int jobs ] . A list of the sample print files stored in the machine is dis played.
Sample Print 17 3 G G G G Enter the new nu mber of sets using the numb er keys and press [ OK ] . The screen retur ns to the file list screen. Note ❒ You can enter up to 999 se ts. ❒ Press [ Clear ] to corre ct any e ntry m istak es. ❒ If you want to canc el changing the set quan tity, p ress [ Cancel ] .
Printing with the Control Panel 18 3 Deletin g a Sample Prin t File If you are not sat isfied with the sample printout, you can delete the sample pr int file, revise it and print it again until the settings are fine. A A A A Press the { { { { Printer } } } } key to display the Printer Screen.
Sample Print 19 3 Checkin g the Error Log If a file could not be stored in the machine, you can check the error log on the control panel. Limita tion ❒ The error log displays only the 20 most recent e ntries. If the power is turned off, the log will be deleted.
Printing with the Control Panel 20 3 Locked Pr int Use this func tion to maintain privacy when printing confidential documents on the machine over a shared network. Usually, it is possible to p rint data by using the contr ol panel once the dat a is stored in this m achine.
Locked Print 21 3 C C C C On the machine's contr ol panel, press the { { { { Pri nte r } } } } key to display the Print- er Screen. D D D D Press [ View Locked Print jobs ] .
Printing with the Control Panel 22 3 G G G G Enter the pas sword usi ng the number keys and pres s [ OK ] . The print confirmation screen i s displayed. Note ❒ A confirmation screen will appear when the password has not been en- tere d corr ect ly. Pres s [ OK ] to enter the pa ssword again.
Locked Print 23 3 D D D D Press [ Dele te ] . The passwo rd screen is displayed. E E E E Enter the pas sword usi ng the number keys and pres s [ OK ] . The delete confirmation screen i s displayed. F F F F Press [ Yes ] . After the file has been d eleted, the screen returns to th e file list screen.
Printing with the Control Panel 24 3 B B B B Select [ View Locke d Print jobs ] . C C C C Press [ Show Error Log ] . D D D D Press [ U U U U Prev. ] or [ T T T T Next ] to scroll the error files. Press [ Exit ] after checking the log. You will then return to the file li st screen.
Accessing the Document Server 25 3 Accessing the Document Server The Document Server enab les you to save documents in the machine's bu ilt-in hard disk to edit and print as you want. Reference For more information about Document Server f unctions, see the Gen era l Se t- tings Guide .
Printing with the Control Panel 26 3.
27 4. Troubleshooting Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Status M essag es ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Alert Me ssages Messages/Se cond mess ages Status Hex Dump Mode The machine receives data in hexa decimal numbers in Hex Dump mode.
Troubleshooting 28 4 Driver setting error. (Memory) There is an error in the down- load ed fo nt(s ). Reset t he paramete r for down- loading fonts. Insufficient memory or memo- ry settings for the pr inter driv- er may not match memory actually installed.
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel 29 4 Following output tray is full. ### The indicated output tray is full. Note ❒ “ ### ” in the mess age re p- resents a output tr ay. Remove t he paper . HDD has a problem. An error has occu rred in the hard disk drive .
Troubleshooting 30 4 Paper size a nd ty pe are mi s- mat che d. Specifi ed pap er si ze and paper type are not loaded in the pa- per feed tray. Change the sett ings to contin- ue the current job, or press [ Reset ] to cancel the job. Parallel I/F board has a p rob- lem.
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel 31 4 Machine Co nfigurat ion You can ch eck the mach ine configurat ion using t elnet or U NIX. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ telnet Use the info command. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ UNIX Use the lpr or lpstat command or stat parameter of rsh, rcp, or f tp.
Troubleshooting 32 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ *1 Input Tray : Name ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ *2 Input Tray : Paper Size Name Descript ion Tray X Name of instal led p aper tr ay (X is the number of tray .
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel 33 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ *3 Input Tray : Status ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ *4 Output Tray: Name ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ *5 Output Tray: Status Status D escripti on Norm al .
Troubleshooting 34 4 Machine Does Not Print Possible Ca use Solutions Is the power on? Confirm the cab le is securely plugge d into the power outlet and the machine. Turn on the main power switch. Is the machine online? If not, press [ Online ] on the display panel.
Machine Does Not Print 35 4 Possible Ca use Solutions Is the Data In indicator blinking or lit after starting the p rin t jo b? If not, the dat a is not being sent to the machine. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the machine is c onnected to the comput er using the interf ace cable Confirm that the machine port settings are cor rect.
Troubleshooting 36 4 Other Printing Problems Status Possible Ca uses, Descr iptions, an d Solutions The print on the entire pa ge is fad- ed. If “ Toner S aver ” is selected in the [ Print Quality ] tab on the pri nte r dri ve r tab, the entire page will be faded when pr inted.
Other Printing Problems 37 4 When using Win- dows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000/ XP, or Win - dows N T4.0, ei - ther combined printing or book- bind pr int do es not come out as exp ect ed . Make sure the application's paper size and orientation settings match thos e of the printer driver.
Troubleshooting 38 4 Color documents are printed in blac k and whit e. The printer driver is not set u p for color printing. • PCL 5c/PostScr ipt 3 Select “ Color ” for [ Color/Black and White ] on the printer driver's [ Setup ] tab.
Other Printing Problems 39 4 It takes too much time to res ume printing . The da ta i s s o la rg e or c omp le x tha t i t ta kes t im e to pro ces s. I f th e Data In indicator is blinking, data is being processed. Jus t wait until printing re- sume s.
Troubleshooting 40 4 Note ❒ If the problem cannot be solved, contac t your sales or ser vice representative. Ima ges ar e p rin t- ed i n the wr ong orientation. The feed dire ction you selected and the feed direction selected in the print- er driver's Option Setup of the printer driver might not be the same.
Auto Color Calibration 41 4 Auto Color Calibration This function is used for adjusting the balance of yellow, magenta (red), cyan (blue), and b lack when certain co lors are too strong or when the color of the prin t is different from the screen. Note ❒ If “ D T on er i s al mo st e mp ty.
Troubleshooting 42 4 F F F F Press [ Start Printing ] . A test pattern will be printed, and the message “ Place Test Patt ern on expo- sure glass correctly, th en press [ Sta rt Scann ing ] ” appears . Note ❒ The test pattern will be printed on A4 K , B 4JIS L , A3 L , 11 ” x17 ” L or 8 / ” x11 ” K .
43 5. Using the Control Panel Though the factory default settings of the mach ine are suitable for most printing jobs, t he “ Printer Feat ures ” gives yo u access to a number of setti ngs that control basic printer opera tions. “ Pri nter Features ” settings you make are retained even when you turn off the machine.
Using the Control Panel 44 5 Accessing th e Print er Features A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools/Counter/ Inquiry } } } } key on t he contr ol pa nel. B B B B Press [ Printer Features ] . C C C C Select the desired item by pressing the tab, and th en change the settings.
Adjusting Printer Features 45 5 Exiting from t he Printer Featur es A A A A After changing the Printer Features, press [ Exit ] to return to the User Tools/C oun ter/Inquiry m enu. B B B B Press [ Exit ] . Note ❒ You can als o exit from th e User Tools/Counter/Inqu iry menu by pres sing the { { { { User Tools/C ounter/Inquiry } } } } key.
Using the Control Panel 46 5 Printer Features Parameters Paper In put List/Te st Print Maintenanc e Menu Description Bypas s Paper S ize The pa per si ze for th e bypa ss tray. For more information ab out paper sizes t hat can be set in the b y- pass tr ay, se e the General Settings Guide .
Printer Features Parameters 47 5 The table below lists the menus that can be protected at level 1 or 2. ❍ : Protected × : Not protected Note ❒ You can also us e SmartN etMonito r for Admin t o protect menus. To do so, you must set an a ccess code on the m achi ne bef oreh and.
Using the Control Panel 48 5 Memory Overflow You can select whether the memory overflo w error report should be printed. • Not Print • Error Repo rt Note ❒ Default: Not Print Sub Pa per Size You c an enab le th e “ Auto Subs titute Paper Size (A 4 ↔ LT) ” fea- ture.
Printer Features Parameters 49 5 Duplex You can select whether y ou want to print on both si des of each page. • Off • Short Edge Bind • Long Edge Bind Note ❒ Default: Off ❒ This menu appears only when the opt ional Duplex unit is in- stalled.
Using the Control Panel 50 5 Host Inter face PCL Menu Menu Descrip tion I/O Buffer You can set the size of the I/O Buffer. Normally it is not necessary to change this set ting. • 128 KB • 256 KB • 512 KB Note ❒ Defaul t: 128 K B I/O Timeout You can set how ma ny seconds the ma chine should wait be fore ending a print j ob.
Printer Features Parameters 51 5 Font Number You can set the ID of the default font you want to use . • 0 to 50 by 1 Note ❒ Default: 0 Point Size You can set the point siz e you want to use for the selecte d font. • 4.00 t o 999. 75 b y 0.25 Note ❒ Default: 12.
Using the Control Panel 52 5 Machine Condition We recommend that you print the configuration page and check the machine's settings before changing them. Printin g the Configu ratio n Page A A A A Press the { { { { User Tools/Counter/ Inquiry } } } } key on t he contr ol pa nel.
53 6. Appendix Staple The fol lowing t able show s the sta ple positio ns. Note ❒ Stapling d epen ds on paper size, paper type, n umber of pa ges an d feed direc - tion . Reference • For pape r sizes an d maximum numbers of sheets avail able for st apling, see “ Stap le ” , Co py Reference .
Appendix 54 6 Note ❒ When the finisher is installed and s tapling is specified for a job, the jo b will be delivered to the Finisher Shift Tr ay regardless of the output t ray specified. ❒ If you cannot make stap le settings even with the finisher installed, options may no t be set up correctly on the printer driver.
Staple 55 6 • If there are inconsistencies between the duplex folding direction and the staple printing folding location during duplex printing. • If paper s izes are mixed when a di fferent pap er size is specified du ring a print j ob. • When staples have run out.
Appendix 56 6 Spool Printing Spool Printing allows print jobs transferred from a computer to be temporarily stored, and then prints them after they ar e transferred. This shortens printing time a s i t ma ximiz es pr inte r ef fic ienc y. Important ❒ During Spool Pr inting, the hard disk is acces sed and the Data-In indicator blinks.
Spool Printing 57 6 - - - - Setting Spool Printing Spool Printing can be set using telnet or a w eb browser. • Using a web browser Click ” Configuration ” , and then “ Gen eral ” . Set “ Spool Printing ” to “ Enab le ” . See Network Printing Guide or Help for more information.
Appendix 58 6 Specifications This section contains the electrical and hardware specifi cations for the machine including information about the options.
Specifications 59 6 *1 To use NetBE UI, use the SmartNetMonitor for Clie nt port. Options Limita tion ❒ The optional IEEE 1394 Interface Unit and the optional 802.11b Interface Kit (Wireless LAN board) cannot be ins talled in the machine at the s ame time.
Appendix 60 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Connectable numbe r of devices on a bus: Maxi mum 6 3 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Allowed cable hops on a bus: Maxi mum 1 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Power supply: Non powe r suppl y Cable Pow.
Specifications 61 6 Memory Un it Type C 128M B/256M B ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Module Type: SO-DIMM (Sm all Outline Dual-in-line Memory Module) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Memory Type: SDRAM (Sync hronous Dynamic RAM ) .
62 INDEX A Auto Color Calibration , 41 C Canc eling a print jo b Macin tosh , 10 Windo ws , 9 Config uration pag e , 52 Cont rol pane l loc ked pr int , 15 print er feature s, adj usting , 43 sample p.
63 S Sample Prin t , 15 Specificatio ns , 58 Spool printin g , 56 Staple , 53 System , 47 T Teln et , 31 Tro ub les hoo ting , 27 error messa ges , 27 machine does not print , 34 other printin g probl.
64 UE USA B463.
Copyri ght © 20 02.
Printer/Scanner Kit Type 1232 Op erating Instructions Printer Reference 2 UE USA B463-86 27A.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Savin 1232 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Savin 1232 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Savin 1232, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Savin 1232 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Savin 1232, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Savin 1232.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Savin 1232. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Savin 1232 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.