Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SRP275APG du fabricant Samsung
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USER’S MANUAL SRP-275 IMPACT PRINTER All specific ations are subjecte d to change without notice www.samsungmin m.
SRP- 275 All ri ghts r eserv ed. No part of t hi s publi catio n ma y repr oduc ed, sto red i n a ret rieva l, or t ransm itte d in an y fo rm or by any means , elect ronic , mech anic al, ph otoco pying , rec ording , or o the rwise , with out t he prio r wr itte n pe rmis sion o f SAMS UNG ELE CTRO -MECH ANI CS.
Saf ety precautio ns ▌ In using th e pres ent appliance, please k eep th e following safety r egulations in or der to pr ev ent any haza r d or mat er ia l dam age . WA RN IN G Viol ating foll owing instructi ons ca n caus e serious i njur y or death .
WA RN IN G Viol ating foll owing instructi ons ca n caus e serious i njur y or death . Do not use t he pri nter w hen it is out of order. This can caus e a fire or an electro cution. • Switch o ff and unplug the pr inter before cal ling your dealer.
T able of contents Chapter 1 Setting up the pri nter 1.1 U npacki ng ················································································································· ··· 1-1 1.
5.5 Reliab ility ····················································································· ································ 5-2 5.
Introduction ▌ The SRP- 275 is a high- q uality imp act printer . ▌ This one-station printe r has the foll owi ng features. • Compact d esign and l ight-weight. • High-speed p rinting u sing lo gic-seeking ( 5.1LPS). • Easy to use : E asy pa per loading .
CHAPT ER 1 Setting up th e printer 1-1 ▌ 1.1 Unp acking Y our pri nter box s hould inc lude the items shown i n the i llustrat ion belo w. If a ny items a r e damaged o r missing, p lease c ontact your dea ler . ▌ 1.2 Choos ing a plac e for the printer • Avoid locati ons th at are subj ect to di rect su nlig ht or exces sive heat.
1-2 ▌ 1.3 Connect ing the cab les ▌ 1.3.1 Connecting the AC adaptor CAUTION Before connecti ng the printe r to the power supply, make sure that the voltage and powe r specifications match the printer’s requirements. Using an incorrect power supply can cause serious damage to th e printer.
CHAPT ER 1 Setting up th e printer 1-3 ▌ 1.4 Inst alling the ribbon cassette NOTES Malf unctio ns an d ot her pr oblems may aris e if ot her th an s peci fied r ibbon casset tes are us ed in the print er . The Warranty m ay be void i f oth er t han spec ified ribb on c asse tt es are use d.
1-4 ▌ 1.5 Inst alling the p aper roll CAUTION Do not touch the au to cutter bla de when yo u open rea r cover. 1) To pr event data loss, make sure tha t the prin ter is not rece ivi ng d ata . 2) Open the rear cove r by pushin g the op en button . 3) Remo ve th e used paper rol l core i f the re is one.
CHAPT ER 1 Setting up th e printer 1-5 ▌ 1.6 Changing the p aper width Sc rew(3x 6)(2p iec es) Frame pap er control 57. 5mm 69.5mm 76mm( defaul t) 1) O pen the r ear cove r . 2) Re m ove the f ra me pape r cont rol by loosing t he two scr ews(3× 6).
1-6 ▌ 1.7 Ins t alling the wall mount (Op tion) Bracket hange r Screw(3x5) ( 4piec es) Bracket mount Scre w(4 x10) (8piec es) 1) T urn t he Set over a nd at tach t he B racket hang er t o the F rame bas e then t ight en f our scre ws. 2) Attach t he Brack et mo unt to the wall firml y with the eigh t screw s.
CHAPT ER 1 Setting up th e printer 1-7 ▌ 1.8 Using the operation p anel Mos t of the func tions of th is prin ter ar e g overn ed by software , bu t you can moni tor th e p rinte r s status b y looking at t he lights on the c ontrol panel and for s ome proc edures you will us e the butt ons.
1-8 ▌ 1.9 Self test The sel f test le t you k now if your print er is ope rati ng prop erl y . It che cks the prin ting qu alit y , ROM versi on, DIP Switch setting s, m emor y sw itch se ttin gs an d sta tistic dat a.
CHAPT ER 2 T roubleshoo ting 2-1 This chapt er gives s olutions to some printer pr oblems you ma y have. ▌ 2.1 E RROR LED blinki ng pattern The prin ter st ops all pr int er oper atio ns for t he sele cted pape r se ction , goes off li ne, and the ERR OR LED blinks wh en an error is detect ed.
2-2 • Er rors t hat are i mpo ssi ble t o re cover Error Des cri pti on ERRO R LED bl inking p atte rn Recov ery R/ W erro r in memo ry or gate array Afte r R/ W che cking, th e print er does not work corre ctly . Writing to, reading out, or erasi ng the NV m emor y for image scanni ng resu lts does not work corr ect ly .
CHAPT ER 2 T roubleshoo ting 2-3 ▌ 2.3 The prin ter stop s printing • If the ER ROR LED is on ( but not b linki ng), t he prin ter is off line. Check to see t hat the cover s are cl osed and c heck the paper state . See "Ins talli ng paper rol l"( 1.
2-4 ▌ 2.5 Printing i s poor Check the state of ribbon cassett e. If the r ibbon casset te life e nds, rep lace the ribb on cass ette a s descr i bed in Chap ter 1. NOTES If the pr inter is sti ll poo r , con tac t your dealer or a quali fie d servic e per son.
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-1 ▌ 3.1 Setti ng t he DI P Swi tch Al though the fac t ory settin gs a re bes t for almost all use rs, i f yo u have spe cial require ments , you ca n cha nge the DIP S witch . Your pr inte r has two sets of DI P Swi tches.
3-2 ▌ 3.1.2 DIP Switch setting f or Citizen(iDP 3550) mode • DI P Sw itch 1 Swi tc h Function ON OFF Default 1-1 1-2 Emula tion Se lectio n (*1) Refe r to the fo llowing ta ble OFF 1-3 Aut o cutte.
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-3 ▌ 3.1. 3 DIP Sw itc h setti ng fo r Star (SP500) mo de • DI P Sw itch 1 Swi tc h Function ON OFF Default 1-1 1-2 Emula tion Se lectio n (*1) Refer to the follo.
3-4 ▌ 3.1.4 Changing the DIP Switch sett ing If you need to chan ge sett ings , foll ow the ste ps below t o make your change s. CAUTION Turn off the printer befo r e removing the DIP Switch cover to preven t an electric short, which can damage the printer.
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-5 ▌ 3.2 Setting the Memo ry Switches ▌ 3.2.1 Me mory S wit ch s etting fo r Eps on(E SC/PO S) mode This print er has “Mem or y Switch” se t which is softwar e switc hes. Mem or y Switch set has “MSW 2”, “MSW 8”, “Custom ize valu e”, “Ser ial commu nicat ion conditi on”.
3-6 • Memor y Swit ch 8 Swi tc h Function On Off 1 2 3 4 Reserv ed - F ixed to Off 5 Selec tio n of the cover ope n status Cov er open Paper end 6 R eserve d - Fixed t o Off 7 Rece ive buff er full .
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-7 • Me mory Swi tc h Se tup Mod e The foll owin g items ar e spe cifi ed in the Mem or y Switch setup m ode: Basi c Ser ial comm unica tion cond ition (Ser ial co .
3-8 • Proc edur e of Memor y Swi tc h sett ing ① Reset ting Basic Ser i al Inter face ? B a ud r a te Current set tin g: 9600 b p s 19 20 0b p s 4 80 0 bps 2 40 0 bps Ha n d s h a ke Current s e t.
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-9 ▌ 3.2.2 Me mory Sw it ch se tting for S ta r mode • Settings Memo ry Swi tches are fr om MSW 0 to MSW 8. They are st ored i n non-v olat ile memor y (fl ash mem or y). T o change the s ettin gs, send t he follo wing comm ands from the h ost.
3-10 • De fault S etting s The d efault sett ings for Memo ry Sw itch 0 to Me mory Switch 8 a re show n below . Setti ngs var y for sing le byt e chara cte r count ries (sta ndard s peci ficat ions (S BCS) ) and f or doubl e-b yte charact er co untri es (Chi nese charact er spe cifi catio ns (DBC S)).
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-11 • Function - Memory Switch 0 Bit Functi on 0 1 F~C Rese rved B~A Red an d Blac k (inve rt ed black and whi te) C omma nds (* 3) Re fer to the fol l ow ing ta bl.
3-12 - Memory Switch 1 Bit Functi on 0 1 F Rese rved E~5 4 Zero st yle Norm al Slas h zer o 3~0 Int ernati onal Cha racte rs ( *1 ) Refe r to the followin g table NOTES (*1) Internati onal Characters Defau lt Value Setti ngs MSW1-3 MSW1-2 MS W1-1 MSW1-0 Internation al Characters 0 0 0 0 U.
CHAPT ER 3 Setting the s witches 3-13 - Memory Switch 3 Bit Functi on 0 1 F~D C~8 Characte r T ab l e (*2) Refe r to th e foll owing table 7~2 1~0 <CR > Com m and Fu nctio ns (*1) Ref er to t he.
3-14 - Memory Switch 4 Bit Functi on 0 1 F~9 8 Aut om atic S tatus F uncti on Dis abled Ena bled 7~4 3 ESC RS a n comma nd funct ion On ly Setti ng Auto -sta tus sent on ly once 2~1 0 Data re ception .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-1 ▌ 4.1 Com mand not ati on XXXX [Name ] T he nam e of the c omma nd. [Fo rmat ] The code sequence . [Range ] Gi ves the a ll owabl e ranges for th e argum ents. [Des cription ] Descr ibes th e command’ s function.
4-2 ▌ 4.3 Exception processing • Undefine d codes Thi s ter m refers t o the co des rang ing fro m 00H to 1 FH in the ch arac ter code ta ble. I f a code in this r ange that is not d efi ned a s a com mand i s inp ut, t hat c ode (one b yte) is re ad i n and d iscar ded, and subs equen t data is pr ocess ed as norm a l data.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-3 ▌ 4.4 Commands f or SRP-27 5 series ▌ 4.4.1 Commands list for EPS ON mode ( TM-U220) No. Co mmand Desc riptio n Hex 1 HT Horizontal tab 09 2 L F Print a nd.
4-4 ▌ 4.4.2 Command description for EPSON mod e (TM -U220) HT [Name] Horizont al tab [Format] ASCII HT H e x 0 9 D e c i m a l 9 [Range] No ne [Defau lt] None [Desc ription] Mo ves the pri nting pos itio n to the ne xt hori zonta l tab.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-5 DLE EOT [Name] Real-t ime status transmission [F ormat] ASCII D LE EOT n Hex 10 04 n Decimal 16 4 n [Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 4 [Descri ption ] T ransmi ts 1 byt e o.
4-6 DLE ENQ [Name] Real-time reques t to printer [F ormat] ASCII D LE ENQ n Hex 10 05 n Decimal 16 5 n [Range] n = 2 [Defau lt] None [Description] Recovers from a n error after clearing the receive and pr in t buffers.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-7 ESC % [Name] Select/cancel user-defined character set [Format] ASCII ESC % n Hex 1B 25 n Decimal 27 37 n [Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Defau lt] n = 0 [Descri ption ] Sel ects or can cels t he use r-define d charact er set.
4-8 ESC * [Name] Select bit-im age mode [Format] ASCII ESC * m n L n H d1 ... dk Hex 1B 2A m n L n H d1 ... dk Decimal 27 42 m n L n H d1 ... dk [Range] m = 0 , 1 0 ≤ n L ≤ 25 5 0 ≤ n H ≤ 3 0 .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-9 ESC 2 [Name] Select default line spa cing [Format] ASCII ESC 2 Hex 1B 32 Decimal 27 50 [Range] No ne [Defau lt] None [De scrip tion] Sets the line sp acing to the “de fault line spa cing.
4-10 ESC @ [Nam e] I n iti aliz e prin te r [Format] ASCII ESC @ Hex 1B 40 Decimal 27 64 [Range] No ne [Defau lt] None [Description] The data in the p rint buffer is c leared, and the p rinter mode(s) i s reset to the mod e that was i n effect when the po wer was turned on.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-11 ESC J [Name] Pri nt and fe ed paper [Format] ASCII ESC J n Hex 1B 4A n Decimal 27 74 n [Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Defau lt] None [Descri ption ] Print s the data in the print buff er and feed s the paper n x (ver tical or horizo ntal moti on un it).
4-12 ESC U [Name] T urn unidirectional printing mode on/off [Format] ASCII ESC U n Hex 1B 55 n Decimal 27 85 n [Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Defau lt] n = 0 [Descr iption] T urns unidire ctional pr inting mode on or o ff . - When the LSB of n is 0, unidi rectional pri nting mode is t urned off .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-13 ESC c 4 [Name] Select paper sen sor( s) to sto p printin g [Format] ASCII ESC c 4 n Hex 1B 63 34 n Decimal 27 99 52 n [Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Defau lt] n = 0.
4-14 ESC g [Name] Start macro record [Format] ASCII ESC g 0 <k > [ <n H > <n L > ] k [d1…d m] k Hex 1B 67 00 <k> [ <n H > <n L > ] k [d1…dm ] k Decimal 27 103 0 <k > [ <n H > <n L > ] k [d1… dm] k [Range] k ≤ 10 0 ≤ n L ≤ 255 0 ≤ n H ≤ 255 [(256 × n H ) + n L ] 1 + … .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-15 ESC p [Name] Generate pulse [Format] ASCII ESC p m t1 t2 Hex 1B 70 m t1 t2 Decimal 27 112 m t1 t2 [Range] m = 0, 1, 48, 49 1 ≤ t1 ≤ 255 1 ≤ t2 ≤ 255 [.
4-16 ESC u [Name] T ran smit peripheral device status [Format] ASCII ESC u n Hex 1B 75 n Decimal 27 117 n [Range] n = 0, 48 [Descri ption ] T ransmit s the periphe ral device st atus of 1 byt e.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-17 FS p [Na me] Prin t NV b it i mag e [Format] ASCII FS p n m Hex 1C 70 n m Decimal 28 112 n m [Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 m = 0, 1, 48, 49 [Description] Prints a NV bit image n usin g the m ode specified by m .
4-18 GS ( C [Name] E dit NV user memory [Format] ASCII GS ( C p L p H m fn b [c1, c2] [] Hex 1D 28 43 p L p H m f n b [ c 1 , c 2 ] [ d 1 . . . d k ] Decimal 29 40 67 p L p H m f n b [ c 1 , c 2 ] [ d 1 .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-19 GS ( C p L p H m fn b c1 c2 <F unction 2 > [Format] ASCII GS ( C p L p H m fn b c1 c 2 Hex 1D 28 43 05 00 00 f n 00 c1 c2 Decimal 29 40 67 5 0 0 f n 0 c.
4-20 GS ( C p L p H m fn b d1 d2 d3 <Functio n 6> [Format] ASCII GS ( C p L p H m fn b d1 d2 d3 Hex 1D 28 43 06 00 00 fn 00 43 4C 52 Decimal 29 40 67 6 0 0 f n 0 6 7 7 6 8 2 [Range] ( p L + p H .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-21 GS ( E p L p H fn d1 d 2 <Functi on 1> [Format] ASCII GS ( E p L p H fn d1 d2 Hex 1D 28 45 03 00 01 49 4E Decimal 29 40 69 3 0 1 73 78 [Range] ( p L + p H x 256) = 3 ( p L = 3, p H = 0) fn = 1 d1 = 73 d2 = 78 [Descri ption ] Thi s comman d changes th e printe r into the user sett ing mode.
4-22 GS ( E p L p H fn a <F unc tion 4 > [Format] ASCII GS ( E p L p H f n a Hex 1D 28 45 02 00 04 a Decimal 29 40 69 2 0 4 a [Range] ( p L + p H x 256) = 2 ( p L = 2, p H = 0) fn = 4 a = 2, 8 [Descri ption ] The printe r transm its th e host the value f or th e Mem ory Swit ch spe cified by pa rameter a .
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-23 GS ( E p L p H fn a d1. <F unctio n 11 > [Format] ASCII GS ( E p L p H fn a Hex 1D 28 45 p L p H 0B a d1 .
4-24 GS I [Name] T ransmit printer I D [Format] ASCII GS I n Hex 1D 49 n Decimal 29 73 n [Range] 1 ≤ n ≤ 3, 49 ≤ n ≤ 51, 65 ≤ n ≤ 68, n = 33 [Defau lt] None [Description] T ransmits 1 byte.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-25 GS a [Name] E nable/disa ble Automat ic Status Back (ASB) [Format] ASCII GS a n Hex 1D 61 n Decimal 29 97 n [Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Defau lt] Wh en DI P Swit.
4-26 [Note s] • Basic ASB sta tus is 4 -byte con figu ration [fir st byte - four th byte ]. • The statu s to be transmitted are as follows: • First byte (printer in formation) Bit On/Off Hex De ci ma l F unction 0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fixed to Off.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-27 GS r [Name] T ransmit status [Format] ASCII G S r n Hex 1D 72 n Decimal 29 114 n [Range] n = 1, 2, 49, 50 [Descri ption ] T ransmi ts 1 byt e of statu s data .
4-28 ▌ 4.4.3 Commands list for STAR mode ( SP500) n Command Desc riptio n Hex 1 ESC GS t S pecif y code page 1B 1D 74 2 ESC R Specify int ernat ional chara cter se t 1B 52 3 ESC / Specify/canc el sl.
CHAPT ER 4 Contr o l comma nds li st 4-29 n Command Descri pti on Hex 51 ESC L Double density b it i mage 1B 4C 52 ESC d Pape r cut i nstr uctio n 1B 64 53 ESC BE L Set pul se wi dth for exte rnal dev.
4-30 ▌ 4.4.4 Commands list for CITIZEN mode (iDP3 550/3551) n Command Desc r ipt ion Hexa decim al 1 FF n n -line paper fe ed (C BM1 m od e) 0C n 2 FF Form fee d (CBM 2 mode ) 0C 3 SO ( Note) Spe ci.
CHAPT ER 5 R eference inf or mati on 5-1 ▌ 5.1 Printing specificatio n Item Descr ipt ion Re mark Pri nting m e thod Ser ial imp act meth od Head wire 9 pin seri al t ype Dot pitc h 0.352mm (1 /72” ) Dot wire diamet er 0.3mm (0.01 ”) Pri nting direc tion B idirec tion al (l ogic see king) w ith fric tion feed Cha racters per line Max.
5-2 ▌ 5.4 Electrical characteristics Item Desc r ipt ion Rema r k Supp ly v olta ge 24V DC ± 10% Operat ing Me an : Appr oxim at ely 0. 5A Pea k : Approx imately 1.5A Curr ent cons um ption (at 24V , exce pt fo r dra wer kic k-ou t driv ing) S tandb y Mean : Appr oxim ate ly 0.
CHAPT ER 5 R eference inf or mati on 5-3 ▌ 5.7 Dimensions & weight • Dimensions • Weight Ap prox. W t . : 2. 5 kg Shipping Wt. : 4.0 kg ▌ 5.8 Option al features The opt ional feat ures ei ther repl ace a stan dard featur e or enh ance th e ope rati on of t he print er .
APPENDIX A C o d e t a b l e s A-1 The follo wing pages show the char acter code ta bles. To fine the chara cter cor respon ding to a hexa deci mal nu mber, co unt ac ross the top o f th e ta ble fo r th e l eft digit an d cou nt down t he lef t colum n of the ta ble rig ht digit .
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-2 ▌ A .2 Page 1 (Katakan a).
A-3 ▌ A .3 Page 2 (PC850 : Multilingual).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-4 ▌ A .4 Page 3 (PC860 : Po rtugues e).
A-5 ▌ A .5 Page 4 (PC863 : C anadian- French).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-6 ▌ A .6 Page 5 (PC865 : N ordic).
A-7 ▌ A .7 Page 16 (WPC1252 : Latin1).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-8 ▌ A .8 Page 17 (PC8 66 : Russian).
A-9 ▌ A .9 Page 18 (PC8 52 : Latin2).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-10 ▌ A .10 Page 19 (PC858 : Euro).
A- 11 ▌ A .1 1 Page 21 (PC862 : Israe l).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-12 ▌ A .12 Page 22 (PC 864 : Ar abic).
A-13 ▌ A .13 Page 23 (Th ai characte r code 42).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-14 ▌ A .14 Page 24 (W PC1253 : Gree k).
A-15 ▌ A .15 Page 25 (W PC1254 : T urkish).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-16 ▌ A .16 Page 26 (W PC1257 : B altic).
A-17 ▌ A .17 Page 27 (Farsi).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-18 ▌ A .18 Page 28 (W PC1251 : Ru ssian).
A-19 ▌ A .19 Page 29 (PC737 : Greek).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-20 ▌ A .20 Page 30 (PC 775 : Baltic).
A-21 ▌ A .21 Page 31 (Th ai charact er code 16).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-22 ▌ A .22 Page 32 (OldCo de : Israel).
A-23 ▌ A .23 Page 33 (W PC1255 : Isra el).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-24 ▌ A .24 Page 34 (Th ai charact er code 1 1).
A-25 ▌ A .25 Page 35 (Th ai charact er code 18).
APPENDIX A Code ta bles A-26 ▌ A .26 In tern ational char acter code t able.
APPENDIX B Connectors B-1 ▌ B.1 RS-232C S erial I/F RS-232 Interfa ce connec tor Dr a wer kic k -o u t Connecto r ▌ B.1.1 RS-232C Serial I/F cable connection (F.G ) 1 (TXD) 2 (RXD) 3 (RTS) 4 (CTS) 5 (DSR) 6 (S.G) 7 (DTR) 20 1 (F.G ) 2 (RX D) 3 (TXD) 4 (DTR) 5 (S.
APPENDIX B Connectors B-2 ▌ B.2 I EEE1284 P arallel I/F PARALLEL Interfa ce connec tor Dr a wer kic k -o u t Connecto r ▌ B.2.1 IEEE 12 84 P ara llel I/F sign al sp ecif icatio ns (Co mpatib ilit y / Ni bble / Byte mode) Pin no.
B-3 ▌ B.3 USB I /F USB Interfa ce connec tor Dr a wer kic k -o u t Connecto r ▌ B.3.1 USB I/F signal descriptions Pin No. Signal na me Assign ment (Color) Func tion She ll Shiel d Drain wi re F rame gr ound 1 VBUS R ed NC 2 D- W hite Diff erent ial da ta line 3 D+ Green Dif feren tial data line 4 GND B lack Sign al grou nd ▌ B.
KN02-00009E Rev. 1.1.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung SRP275APG c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung SRP275APG - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung SRP275APG, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung SRP275APG va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung SRP275APG, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung SRP275APG.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung SRP275APG. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung SRP275APG ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.