Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SND-3080C du fabricant Samsung
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N E T W O R K C A M E R A User Manual SND- 3080 CF.
English _3 ● OVERVIEW Do not install the unit in humid, dusty, or sooty locations. Doing so may cause fire or electric shock. If any unusual smells or smoke come from the unit, stop using the product. In such case, immediately disconnect the power source and contact the service center.
overview 4_ overview CAUTION Do not drop objects on the product or apply strong blows to it. Keep away from a location subject to excessive vibration or magnetic interference. Do not install in a location subject to high temperature (over 50°C), low temperature (below -10°C), or high humidity.
English _5 ● OVERVIEW FCC STATEMENT Th is de vic e c om pli es wi th pa rt 15 of t he FC C R ule s. Op er ati on is su bj ect t o t he fo llo wi ng tw o co ndi ti ons : 1) Th is de vic e may n ot ca.
overview 6_ overview IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read these instructions. Keep these instructions. Heed all warnings. Follow all instructions. Do not use this apparatus near water. Clean only with dry cloth. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
English _7 ● OVERVIEW overview 2 6 Important Safety Instructions 9 Product Features 9 Recommende d PC Specificat ions 10 What’s Included 11 At a Glance CONTENTS installation & connection 14 1.
overview 8_ overview web viewer 44 44 Connecting to the Camera 45 Login 46 Installing Activex 47 Using the Live Screen 48 Backup 50 Checking the Object Counting setup screen 51 51 Accessing the Setup .
English _9 ● OVERVIEW PRODUCT FEATURES Support various communication protocols Supports TCP/IP, UDP, RTP/RTSP, SMTP for email, and FTP protocols as well as various internet protocols such as ARP, HTTP, HTTPS and DHCP. Web Browser-based Monitoring Using the Internet web browser to display the image in a local network environment.
overview 10_ overview WHAT’S INCLUDED Pl eas e che ck if yo ur ca me ra and a cce ss ori es ar e a ll in cl ude d in the p rod uc t p ac kag e. Camera User Manual/ IP INSTALLER DVD User Manual + (For the iron plate) Test Monitor Cable Screw The Test Monit or Ca ble is conn ected to a port able displ ayer a nd us ed fo r tes ting the c amera .
English _11 ● OVERVIEW AT A GLANCE Appearance It em De scr ip tio n a Do me Co ver Ca se co ver us ed to p rot ec t t he le ns an d t he ma in un it. b Ma in Un it Co nsi st s o f: le ns, s wit ch bo ard , PCB a nd sc rew s. c Po wer P ort Us ed to pl ug in th e pow er ca ble .
overview 12_ overview Inside It em De scr ip tio n a Ne two rk Po rt Us ed to co nne ct a Po E o r LAN ca bl e. b Al arm I n / Ou t te rmi na ls Al arm i n/o ut te rmi na ls ca n b e c on figu re d a s fol low s: - ALA RM IN : Te rmi na l f or Al arm I npu t.
English _13 ● OVERVIEW Components It em De scr ip tio n a In ner C ove r Co ver f or the m ain u nit ’s pr ote ct ion . b Si de wi ng hoo ks By li ft ing it w hil e gen tl y p res si ng th e b ot h e nds , you c an se par ate t he in ner c ove r.
14_ installation & connection DISASSEMBLING To co nn ect th e ala rm in /o ut, th e dom e cov er an d l en s c ov er ar e t o b e sep ar ate d. Using the L-wrench provided, loosen 3 screws by turning them counterclockwise and separate the dome cover.
English _15 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION INSERTING/REMOVING AN SD MEMORY CARD Inserting an SD Memory Card Pu sh th e S D m em ory c ard i n t he di rec ti on of th e a rr ow sh own i n t he di agr am . Do n ot in sert the S D memo ry ca rd wh ile i t’s u pside down by fo rce.
installation & connection 16_ installation & connection MEMORY CARD INFORMATION (NOT INCLUDED) What is a memory card? Th e mem ory card i s an ext er nal d ata stor ag e devi ce t hat has be en dev el ope d to of fer an en tir el y n ew wa y t o rec or d a nd sh are v ide o, au dio , and t ext d ata us in g d ig ita l dev ice s.
English _17 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION CONNECTING WITH OTHER DEVICE Power Supply Co nne ct th e p ow er ad apt or to th e pow er in pu t p ort . Be c arefu l not to r everse the polar ity w hen y ou co nnect the p ower cable . You can a lso u se a router feat uring PoE (Powe r ove r Eth ernet) to s upply powe r to the c amera .
installation & connection 18_ installation & connection Connecting to the I/O port box Co nne ct th e A la rm I/ O c ab le to th e c or res po ndi ng po rt of th e inn er po rt bo x. ALARM IN 1, 2 : Used to connect the alarm input signal. GND : Used for earth-grounding.
English _19 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION Adjusting the monitoring direction for the camera Yo u c an ad jus t the c ame ra di rec ti on on ly wh en the c ame ra is f ixe d o n the c eil in g.
20_ camera setup You can configure the camera settings using the Web Viewer. For acces sing the W eb Vie wer, refer to " Netwo rk Co nnect ion an d Set up ". (page 33) HOW TO USE THE KEYBOARD CONTROLLER Fo llo w the st ep s b el ow if yo u r un th e Web V iew er fo r s et tin g the me nu s.
English _21 ● CAMERA SETUP MAIN MENU Yo u c an co nfi gu re th e c am era se tt ing s to yo ur pre fe ren ce . PROFILE You can select a mode that is approp riate to the camera installation environment. CAMERA SET Configure the camera functions and settings.
22_ camera setup camera setup CAMERA SETUP Yo u c an co nfi gu re th e g en era l s et tin gs of t he cam er a m od ule . Us e t he fo ur di rec ti on ( $% _ + ) but to ns to se lec t a d es ire d i te m. CAMERA ID Pr ovi de th e I D and p osi ti on for a ca me ra th at dis pl ays o n t he sc ree n.
English _23 ● CAMERA SETUP MOTION Yo u c an sp eci fy a le vel o f A GC fo r c on tro ll ing th e ca mer a mot ion . Se lec t F.F AST i f y ou wa nt to mo ni tor a ve ry fa st mo vin g obj ect i n a l ow co ntr ast s cen e, an d S.S LOW if mo ni tor ing a ve ry sl ow mo vin g, in an ima te ob jec t in th e s am e c ond it ion .
24_ camera setup camera setup DAY/NIGHT Yo u c an sp eci fy a re cor di ng mod e acc or din g to the s cen e. For se lec tin g a nd sav ing ea ch men u i tem , r efe r t o " How to us e t he key boa rd con tro lle r ". (p age 20 ) Select < CAMERA SET > - < DAY/NIGHT >.
English _25 ● CAMERA SETUP According to the specified recording mode, select a WHITE BAL mode with necessary options. BRIGHTNESS : Specify a brightness level triggering the switch from DAY to NIGHT mode. MODE : According to the selected mode, you can adjust the RED and BLUE color level.
26_ camera setup camera setup POSI/NEGA Th is wi ll dis pl ay th e v id eo bri gh tne ss si gn al eit he r n or mal ly or re ve rse ly . PIP Yo u c an vi ew a mai n ima ge wi th a sub i mag e on the s ame s cre en . If m ore t han o ne pr ivacy zone is se t and the PRIVA CY SE T is s et to ON, the P IP fu nctio n wil l be deac tivat ed.
English _27 ● CAMERA SETUP FENCE Th is is to de te ct if a mo vin g o bj ect p ass es th rou gh th e s pe cif ied L INE o r A RE A. In a con di tio n whe re a mov in g o bje ct is d ete ct ed in an .
28_ camera setup camera setup Ho w t o set th e are a I f you p res s the S ETU P s wi tch w ith t he ARE A op tio n set to O N, yo u c an sp eci fy th e pos it ion an d si ze of th e a re a.
English _29 ● CAMERA SETUP DISPLAY Wi th th e D ISP LA Y o pt ion s et to ON , a m oti on or a se t A DV ANC ED fu nct io n w il l b e di spl ay ed on th e s cr een , if det ec ted . SENSITIVITY Se t t he se nsi ti vit y of th e m oti on de te cti on .
30_ camera setup camera setup PRIVACY ZONE Yo u c an se t u p to 12 pr iv acy zo ne s t ha t w il l b e h id ed fo r p ri vac y o f the s ubj ec t w hen r eco rd ing . For se lec tin g a nd sav ing ea ch men u i tem , r efe r t o " How to us e t he key boa rd con tro lle r ".
English _31 ● CAMERA SETUP OTHERS Yo u c an re set t he ca mer a, or se le ct th e O SD fo nt co lor t o y ou r p ref er enc e. For se lec tin g a nd sav ing ea ch men u i tem , r efe r t o " How to us e t he key boa rd con tro lle r ". (p age 20 ) LANGUAGE Yo u c an sl ect a pr ef err ed la ngu ag e f or th e scr een di spl ay .
32_ camera setup camera setup FACTORY DEFAULT Select < MAIN MENU > - < OTHER SET > - < FACTORY DEFAULTS >. The FACTORY DEFAULTS setup screen appears. Select < OK >. All the settings will be restored to the factory default. However, the language setting will not be restored.
English _33 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP You can set up the network settings according to your network configurations. Be for e ins tal li ng or wh il e u sin g thi s pro gr am, vi si t t he Sa ms ung we bs ite w ww. sa msu ngs ec uri ty .co m an d d ow nlo ad an d u pg rad e wit h t he la te st S/ W v ers io n a va ila bl e.
34_ network connection and setup network connection and setup Checking if the IP router is connected to the xDSL/Cable modem properly Se lec t <St atu s> fr om th e Set tin gs me nu of t he IP Ro ute r If it is properly connected, < IP Address >, < Subnet Mask > and < Gateway > provided by your ISP are displayed.
English _35 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP ex 2) If t he ad dre ss (L AN IP ) o f the I P r out er is 1 92. 16 8.0 .1 IP ad dr ess : 1 92 .16 8. 0.1 00 Su bne t Mas k: 25 5.2 55 .25 5. 0 De fau lt Ga tew ay : 1 92 .16 8. 0.1 ex 3) If t he ad dre ss (L AN IP ) o f the I P r out er is 1 92.
36_ network connection and setup network connection and setup CONNECTING THE CAMERA DIRECTLY TO LOCAL AREA NETWORKING Connecting to the camera from a local PC in the LAN Launch an Internet browser on the local PC. Enter the IP address of the camera in the address bar of the browser.
English _37 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP IP ADDRESS SETUP Buttons used in IP Installer It em De scr ip tio n a De vic e Nam e Mo del n ame of t he co nne ct ed cam er a. Cl ick t he col um n t o sor t the li st by m ode l nam e. Ho wev er , s ear ch wi ll be s top ped i f c li cke d dur ing t he se arc h.
38_ network connection and setup network connection and setup h IP v4 Sc ans f or cam er as wi th th e I Pv4 s ett in g. i IP v6 Sc ans f or cam er as wi th th e I Pv6 s ett in g. j Se arc h Sc ans f or cam er as th at ar e c urr en tly c onn ec ted to t he ne two rk .
English _39 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP If us in g a n I P rou te r : IP Address : Enter an address falling in the IP range provided by the IP router. ex),, 192.168.XXX.2~254 Subnet Mask : The < Subnet Mask > of the IP route r will be the < S ubnet Mask > of the camera.
40_ network connection and setup network connection and setup If th e IP rou te r h as mo re th an on e c am era c onn ect ed Co nfi gu re the I P r el ate d set tin gs an d the P ort re la ted s ett in gs dis ti nct ly wi th ea ch ot her . Ca teg or y Ca mer a #1 C a me ra #2 IP re la ted se tt ing s IP Ad dr ess Su bne t Mas k Ga tew ay 19 2.
English _41 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP Enter the password. This is the login password for the " admin " user who accesses the camera. The default password is " 4321 ". Click [ OK ]. Auto network setup will be completed. The camera will automatically complete the network setting and restart.
42_ network connection and setup network connection and setup PORT RANGE FORWARD (PORT MAPPING) SETUP If yo u hav e i ns tal le d a n IP rou te r w it h a c ame ra co nne ct ed, y ou mus t set t he po rt ran ge fo rwa rd ing on t he IP ro ut er so th at a rem ot e P C c an ac ce ss th e c ame ra in i t.
English _43 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP CONNECTING TO THE CAMERA FROM A SHARED LOCAL PC Launch < IP Installer >. It will scan for connected cameras and display a list of them. Double-click a camera to access. The Internet browser starts and connects to the camera.
44_ web viewer CONNECTING TO THE CAMERA Normally, you would Launch the Internet browser. Type the IP address of the camera in the address bar. ex) • IP address (IPv4) : 192.
English _45 ● WEB VIEWER To check the DDNS address Th e D DN S a ddr es s c on sis ts of : < on e o f the l owe r-c as e l et ter s: c, m, p > + < the l ast 6 di git s of th e MAC (E th ern et ) a dd res s> + <we bs ams un g.
web viewer 46_ web viewer INSTALLING ACTIVEX If co nn ect ing t o a c ame ra fo r t he fi rs t t im e, you w ill s ee th e i nst al lat io n m es sag e. Th en, i nst al l t he re qui re d A cti ve X t o acc es s t he ca mer a and c ont rol t he vi deo f rom it i n r ea l t im e.
English _47 ● WEB VIEWER USING THE LIVE SCREEN It em De scr ip tio n a Se tup Mo ve to th e S et up sc ree n. b Ab out Yo u c an ch eck t he fi rmw ar e v ers io n, se ria l num ber a nd ma nuf ac tur er in for ma tio n. c Re set A lar m Re set s the Al ar m i co n.
web viewer 48_ web viewer BACKUP Yo u c an ca ptu re , p ri nt ou t, and s ave t he sn aps hot i n t he sp ec ifi ed pa th. To capture the snapshot Click [ ] on the scene to capture. The Capture dialog should appear. Click [ OK ]. The screenshot will be saved in the specified path.
English _49 ● WEB VIEWER To record a video Click [ ] on the scene to record. You will see the Save AVI dialog; provide the necessary information. Save path : You can change the default saving path.
web viewer 50_ web viewer CHECKING THE OBJECT COUNTING Go to < Setup > - < Object counting > and select the < Enable > to set the event rule. For more infor matio n, ref er to “ To set t he obje ct co untin g fun ction ” (pag e 65) .
English _51 ● SETUP SCREEN ACCESSING THE SETUP SCREEN Yo u c an co nfi gu re th e d ef aul t s et tin g, sy st em, ov er lay , eve nt an d n et wor k rel at ed set ti ngs , and ch ang e the m a s nec es sar y. In the Live screen, click the < setup > tab.
setup screen 52_ setup screen DEFAULT SETUP To configure the video settings Yo u c an se t t he vi de o r es olu tio n and q ual it y, and s ele ct th e cod ec re qui re d. Select < Basic > - < video >. The Video setup screen appears. Brightness : Adjust the screen brightness from 1 to 100.
English _53 ● SETUP SCREEN If y ou se t the profi le to Basel ine, the e ntrop y cod ing i s avai lable only for CAVLC *; if you set it to MAIN , the entr opy c oding is av ailab le fo r bot h CAV LC* a nd CAB AC*.
setup screen 54_ setup screen VNP configuration : Set a port used to transfer video signals with the Samsung protocols. Device port (TCP) : Used to co ntrol the video s ignal transfer, d efaulted to 60001 (TCP) . TCP streaming port : Video signal transfer port using TCP protocols, defaulted to 60002(TCP).
English _55 ● SETUP SCREEN To set the user account Click < Basic > - < user >. The User setup window appears. Login authentication : You can set to authenticate the login by the user.
setup screen 56_ setup screen To ed it a reg is ter ed us er ac cou nt From the User setup window, select a user ID to change. From the User setup window, click [ Modify ]. The Modify user window appears. Change the < User ID >, < Password >, < Confirm password >, and < Level > as you wish.
English _57 ● SETUP SCREEN SYSTEM SETUP To set the date/time Yo u c an ob tai n the c urr en t s yst em ti me fr om th e N TP se rv er or yo ur PC fo r you r tim e se tti ng . Select < System > - < Date & Time >. The Date & Time setup window appears.
setup screen 58_ setup screen To check the log information Se lec t < Sy ste m > - < L og > . Th e L og in for ma tio n lis t app ear s. System log list : Shows the log information about the system changes along with time and IP address. User login : Shows the current login user to the camera.
English _59 ● SETUP SCREEN When the software update is completed, you will be prompted to restart the system. Click [ OK ] to restart the system. Since the current connection is disconnected, you have to connect to the system again.
setup screen 60_ setup screen Install a public certificate : To install the certificate to camera, you need to type a certificate name (it can be arbitrarily assigned by user), certificate file issued from the authority and a key file. When done, click [ Install ].
English _61 ● SETUP SCREEN EVENT SETUP To set the event transfer function Yo u c an se t t he FT P/ ema il se rve r (SM TP ) t o tra nsf er th e ala rm im age s pre se nt in th e ca mer a, in ca se an a lar m eve nt oc cur s. Se lec t < Ev ent > - < Tr ans fe r s etu p > .
setup screen 62_ setup screen Upload path : You can specify the path of the FTP directory to which you will transfer an alarm image. You can specify the path by just typing < /directory name > or < directory name > in this field. If nothing is specified, the path will be defaulted to the root directory of the FTP server.
English _63 ● SETUP SCREEN To setup the record Click < Event > - < Record setup >. The Record setup window appears. To complete the setting, click the [ Apply ] button. The settings are saved. SD card : Enables you to verify data saved on the SD memory card and format the memory card itself.
setup screen 64_ setup screen Post-alarm duration : The post alarm duration can be one among 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, and 30 seconds. You can send a post-alarm image of up to 30 seconds after the alarm is triggered.
English _65 ● SETUP SCREEN To set the object counting function Click th e < Event > - < Object co unting >. The Object Counting Configuration window is displayed. To enable the object counting function, select the < Enable > for the < Object counting function >.
setup screen 66_ setup screen Deleting the counting area : Put the mouse cursor on the counting area in the monitoring image in the < Area Occupancy > configuration screen. When a dialog box appears, click the [ Delete ] button. Select the object size to be displayed in the monitoring image in configuration screen.
English _67 ● SETUP SCREEN Priority : Should be set to the < Frame Rate >. GOP Size : Should be set to be equal to < Frame Rate > or less. SD Card : Should be inserted with unlocked. Alarm Image : The < SD Card Record > should be checked.
setup screen 68_ setup screen To re co rd the o bje ct co un tin g v id eo no w Select the < Run Now > for < Execution >. The earliest allowable time is set by minute based on current time. (Ex. Current time: 13' 21" ; Scheduled time to start: 14' 00") Press the [ Add ] button.
English _69 ● SETUP SCREEN NETWORK SETUP To set the video transfer mode Yo u c an co ntr ol th e tra ns fer ra te ac co rdi ng to th e vid eo tr an sfe r m od e a nd ne tw ork sp ee d. Select < Network > - < Streaming type >. The Video Transfer setup window appears.
English _71 ● APPENDIX TERMINOLOGY GO P : T he def au lt is 15 , and if s et to 15 , one I- Fr ame w ill b e o utp ut pe r 15 fr ame s a s one I- Fra me an d 1 4 P-F ra mes c ons tit ut e t he GO P. The lower the GOP size is, the better the quality is; however, the bit rate as well as the data size will increase, causing a lower of the fps.
appendix 72_ appendix SPECIFICATIONS It em De scr ip tio n NT SC P A L Ca mer a Ty pe Co lor /B W Co lor Im age De vic e 1/ 3" Su per -HA D PS CC D Pi xel s To tal 81 1 x 5 08 79 5 x 5 96 Ef fec ti ve 7 6 8 x 4 94 75 2 x 58 2 Sc ann in g Sy ste m Pr ogr es siv e Ho riz on tal Fr eq uen cy 15.
English _73 ● APPENDIX It em De scr ip tio n NT SC P A L Re sol ut ion Ho riz on tal 60 0 T V Lin es Ve rti ca l 350 TV L ine s Vi deo O utp ut V id eo Ou tpu t VB S 1 .
appendix 74_ appendix It em De scr ip tio n NT SC P A L Pr oto co l IP IP v4 / IPv 6 Ne two rk Pr oto co l IP v4 TC P/I P, UD P/I P, RT P( UDP ), RT P(T CP ), RT SP, N TP, HT TP , HT TPS , SSL , D HC .
English _75 ● APPENDIX It em De scr ip tio n NT SC P A L SD K HT TP AP I CGI Co mm and Pr ovi de s f unc ti ona li ty to co ntr ol ca me ras an d s et /re tri ev e i nt ern al pa ram et er va lue s.
appendix 76_ appendix FRAME RATE (NTSC) Test Cond ition : MJP EG - R esolu tion( CIF), Qual ity(1 ), Fr ame ra te(1) H.26 4 - Bit rate contr ol(CBR ), Co mpres sion( 40), Encod e Pri ority( Frame rate.
English _77 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 (4C IF) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 30 FP S 15 FP S 8 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 22 98 Kb ps 19 FP S 12 29 Kb ps 10 FP S 73 7 K bp s 6 FPS 36 9 K bp s 3 FPS 14 7 K bp s 1 FPS.
appendix 78_ appendix MPEG 4 (VG A) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 30 FP S 15 FP S 8 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 40 55 Kb ps 22 FP S 25 80 Kb ps 14 FP S 12 90 Kb ps 7 FPS 73 7 K bp s 4 FPS 22 1 K bp s 1 FPS LE .
English _79 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 (VG A) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 30 FP S 15 FP S 8 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 20 89 Kb ps 17 FP S 12 29 Kb ps 10 FP S 73 7 K bp s 6 FPS 36 9 K bp s 3 FPS 14 7 K bp s 1 FPS .
appendix 80_ appendix MPEG 4 (CI F) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 30 FP S 15 FP S 8 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 13 82 Kb ps 30 FP S 69 1 K bp s 15 FP S 36 9 K bp s 8 FPS 18 4 K bp s 4 FPS 55 Kb ps 1 FPS LE VEL.
English _81 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 (CI F) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 30 FP S 15 FP S 8 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 92 2 K bp s 30 FP S 46 1 K bp s 15 FP S 21 5 K bp s 7 FPS 12 3 K bp s 4 FPS 37 Kb ps 1 FPS LE .
appendix 82_ appendix FRAME RATE (PAL) Test Cond ition : MJP EG - R esolu tion( CIF), Qual ity(1 ), Fr ame ra te(1) H.26 4 - Bit rate contr ol(CBR ), Co mpres sion( 40), Encod e Pri ority( Frame rate .
English _83 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 (4C IF) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 25 FP S 13 FP S 6 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 23 59 Kb ps 16 FP S 11 80 Kb ps 8 FPS 73 7 K bp s 5 FPS 44 2 K bp s 3 FPS 14 7 K bp s 1 FPS L.
appendix 84_ appendix MPEG 4 (VG A) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 25 FP S 13 FP S 6 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 44 24 Kb ps 20 FP S 26 54 Kb ps 12 FP S 13 27 Kb ps 6 FPS 66 4 K bp s 3 FPS 22 1 K bp s 1 FPS LE .
English _85 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 (VG A) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 25 FP S 13 FP S 6 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 25 07 Kb ps 17 FP S 13 27 Kb ps 9 FPS 73 7 K bp s 5 FPS 44 2 K bp s 3 FPS 14 7 K bp s 1 FPS LE.
appendix 86_ appendix MPEG 4 (CI F) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 25 FP S 13 FP S 6 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 13 82 Kb ps 25 FP S 66 4 K bp s 12 FP S 33 2 K bp s 6 FPS 16 6 K bp s 3 FPS 55 Kb ps 1 FPS LE VEL.
English _87 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 (CI F) Fr ame R ate Qu ali ty 25 FP S 13 FP S 6 FPS 3 FPS 1 FPS LE VEL 10 92 2 K bp s 25 FP S 44 2 K bp s 12 FP S 22 1 K bp s 6 FPS 11 1 K bp s 3 FPS 37 Kb ps 1 FPS LE .
appendix 88_ appendix TROUBLESHOOTING PR OBL EM SO LUT IO N I can ’t ac ces s the c ame ra fr om a we b b ro wse r. Ch eck t o m ake s ure t hat t he cam er a’s N etw or k s ett in gs ar e a pp rop ria te . Ch eck t o m ake s ure t hat a ll net wo rk ca ble s hav e b ee n c on nec te d pr ope rl y.
English _89 ● APPENDIX PR OBL EM SO LUT IO N I hav e set <O bj ect c oun ti ng> to <O n> in <S etu p> , b ut th e gre en bo x o n the mo ni tor in g s cr een is di spl ay ed big ge r o r sma ll er tha n th e i ma ge siz e of th e p as ser -by .
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if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author’s reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others. Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program.
any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library.
When a “work that uses the Library” uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically te rminate your rights under this License.
Co rre ct Di spo sa l o f Thi s Pro duc t (Wa st e E le ctr ica l & E le ctr on ic Equ ip men t) (A ppl ic abl e i n the E uro pe an Uni on an d oth er Eu rop ea n c ou ntr ie s w ith s epa ra te .
SALES NETWORK SAMSUNG TECHWIN CO., LTD. Samsungtechwin R&D Center, 701, Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, 463-400 TEL : +82-70-7147-8740~60 FAX : +82-31-8018-3745 SAMSUNG TECHWIN AMERICA Inc. 1480 Charles Willard St, Carson, CA 90746, UNITED STATES Tol Free : +1-877-213-1222 FAX : +1-310-632-2195 www.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung SND-3080C c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung SND-3080C - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung SND-3080C, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung SND-3080C va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung SND-3080C, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung SND-3080C.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung SND-3080C. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung SND-3080C ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.