Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SMH6140CB du fabricant Samsung
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Code No. : DE68-0035 6C Microwave Oven Owner’s Manual SMH6140WB/BB/CB.
2 S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONS Safety P RECAUTIONS TO A VOID P OSSIBLE E XPOS URE TO E XCESSIV E M ICROWA VE E NERGY : (a) Do not att empt to operate this oven wi th the door open since open-door op eration c an resul t in harmf ul exposure t o micr owave energy.
3 S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONS Safety Important Safety I nst ructions, continued • Do n ot store th is ap pliance outd oors . D o not us e n ear w ater – for exam ple, near a kitchen s ink, in a wet basem ent, or near a s wimm ing pool, etc. • Kee p the inside of the oven c le an.
4 S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONS Safety I MPORTANT G ROUNDING I NSTRUCTIONS This appli ance must be grou nded. In the ev ent of an elec trical short ci rcuit , groundin g reduces the ri sk of elec tric sho ck by providi ng an escape wi re for the elec tr ic cur rent.
5 Content s Safety . .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ...... .... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ...... 2 Checking Parts ............ ................ ..... ..... ................ ..... ..... ...... ............
6 Y our New Mi crowave o ven Warran ty and Servic e Infor mation To h elp us be tter serve you, p lease co mplet e the e nclosed registr ation card an d promptly return it by ma il. If the re gistra tion card is miss ing, you ca n call Sa msung Ele ctronics America, Inc.
7 Y our New Mi crowave o ven Control Panel Bu ttons 1. Aut o Re hea t p.12 Selects type of d ish to be reheated 2. Auto Def rost p.13 Sets weig ht of food to be defro sted. 3. Instant Cook Buttons p.11 Instant settin gs to coo k pop ular foo ds. 4. Han dy Helper, Kids M eal, Sna ck Bar p.
8 Operat ion Turning on t he Power and Selec tin g a Display Lang uage The firs t time you plug the power c ord into an outle t, or after th ere has been an interrupti on in p ower, the di splay shows aft er four sec onds “ ENJOY YOUR COOKING -- -- -- PRESS MY CHOICE FOR PER- SONAL OPTIONS ”.
9 Operat ion Selecting the Display Weight You can choos e betwe en pou nds(LBS) and kilo gram s( KG). 1 Press My Choi ce butt on and the n press th e 2 button. The di splay sh ows : LBS OR KG PRESS MY CHOICE . 2 Press My Choi ce butt on. The di splay sh ows : LBS .
10 Operat ion Setting an d Using t he Cu stom Cook Button The C ustom C ook butto n memorizes the ti me and po wer sett ing for a part icula r food . Programming the Custom Cook button 1 Pres s the Custom Cook button. Pre ss the b utton twice to d elete the pr evio us Cust om sett ing.
11 Operat ion Using the Instant Cook Buttons 1 Pres s the Instant Cook button corre spond ing to the food you are cook i ng (Pop corn , for ex ample ). The di splay sh ows: BUTTER 3.5 OZ 2 Press the button rep eatedl y to sele ct the serving s ize you want.
12 Operat ion Reheat ing Automatically To rehea t food, select th e type of dish a nd the num ber of se rvings y ou want to reh eat, and the microwav e automatica lly sets the reheating time . 1 Press t he Auto Reheat butto n repe ate dly to s ele ct th e typ e of dish you wi sh to rehe at.
13 Operat ion Defros tin g Au to mat ic all y To thaw frozen fo od, set th e weigh t of the foo d and t he microwa ve aut o- matic ally sets the defro sting tim e, power lev el and s tandin g time. 1 Pres s the Auto Defrost button. The di splay sh ows : 0.
14 Operat ion Using the Kids Meal Button 1 Pres s the Kids Meal butt on corresp onding to the food y ou are cookin g. The di splay sh ows : CHIC KE N N UG G ETS . Pres s the Kids Meal butt on repeated ly to se lect th e item yo u want.(Refer to the Kids Meal Ch art below) 2 Press the Number 1 or 2 button to se lect the serving siz e you want.
15 Operat ion Setting Co okin g Times & Power Lev els Your mi crowave al lows you to set u p to three different stages o f cookin g, each w ith its own tim e length a nd power level . The pow er level lets you control the heati ng intensity from Warm (1) to High (0 ).
16 Operat ion Turning th e Turnta ble On/Off For be st coo king re sults , leav e the tur ntabl e on. It can b e turned o ff for la rge dishe s. Press Tu rntable On/Off button to turn the tu rntable on or off. Sometime s the turntable can bec ome too hot to touch.
17 Operat ion How to Use t he Shelf When Microw aving Shelf I nformatio n : 1 Shelf 1 Positi on(Flat T ype) • Make sure the shelf is posit ioned properly i nside the microwav e to pr event dam age to the oven from arcin g. • Do no t use a micr owave b rowni ng dis h on t he she lf.
18 Cookin g Instructions Cook in g Ut ensi ls Recommended Use • Glass a nd glass-ce ramic bo wls an d dishes — Use for he ating or cooki ng. • Microwa vab le browni ng dish — Us e to brow n the e xt erio r of s mall items such as steak s, chops , or pan cake s.
19 Cookin g Instructions Cook in g Tech n i qu e s Stirring Stir foo ds such as casser oles and ve geta bles whi le cook ing to dis tribut e heat ev enly. Food at th e outsi de of the dish abs orbs more energy an d heats m ore qu ickly, so stir from the outs ide to the cente r.
20 Cookin g Instructions Cook in g Gu ide Guide for Cooking Meat i n Your Microwave • Place meat on a microwa ve-safe ro asting rack in a microwav e-safe dish. • Start meat fat-s ide down. Us e narrow strip s of alum inum foil to s hield any bon e tips or thin m eat areas.
21 Cookin g Instructions Guide for Cooking Seafood in Your Microwave • Cook fish unti l it flake s easily wit h a fork. • Place fish on a microw ave-saf e roasting rack in a microwav e-safe dish. • Use a tight cover to stea m fis h. A lig hter co ver of wax paper o r paper towel provides less steamin g.
22 Cookin g Instructions Auto Defrosting Guide • Follow the instruc tions belo w whe n defrosti ng dif fere nt types of food. Notes : Check foo ds when the ov en si gna ls. Afte r th e fi nal st age , s ma ll s ec tio ns may sti ll be i cy; let t hem stand to co ntinue tha wing.
23 Cookin g Instructions Recipes Beef an d Barley St ew 1½ lbs . beef stew cubes , cut into ½-inc h pieces ½ cup chopp ed onion 2 Tbs. all-p u rpose flour 1 Tbs W orcest ershire sauc e 1 can (1 3.75-14.5 oz.) be ef broth 2 medi um carrots , cut into ½-inch s lices (a bout 1 cu p) ½ cup barley 1 bay le af ¼ tsp.
24 Cookin g Instructions Warm Potato Salad 2 lbs. smal l red potato es, cut i nto ½-inc h pieces 4 slic es baco n (unco oked), cu t into ½ -inch pi eces ¼ cup chopp ed onion 2 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. s alt 1 tsp. f lour ½ tsp. celery s eed 1 / 8 tsp. pepper 2½ Tbs .
25 Appendix Trouble shooting Guide Before y ou call a repair pers on for your oven , check this list of pos sible prob lem s and solu tion s. Neither the oven’ s display nor the oven operate. • Properly ins ert the pl ug into a grounde d outle t. • If the outle t is contr olled by a wall s witch, make su re the wall s witch is tu rned on .
26 Appendix How to Clean the Outside Do no t use cle aners con tainin g ammon ia or alco hol on the mic rowave oven. Am monia o r alco hol can d amage the appea rance of th e micro- wave. Case Clean the outs ide of t he micro wave with a sudsy cloth. Rin se and th en dry.
27 Appendix Exhaust Feature The V ent Fan The exh au st fan has 2 met al reus ab le grea se filter. A charc oal fil ter can be used for removi ng smok e and o dors in c ase the fan is not vented outsi de . Reusable Grease Filt ers The me tal fil ters trap gre ase relea sed by fo ods on th e cookto p.
28 Appendix Install ing Charcoal Filter To ins tall a new filter, re move plastic and other o uter wrapp ing fro m the new f ilter. Insert th e filte r into the top ope ning of th e oven as shown . It will rest at an angl e on 2 side support ta bs and in f ront of the rig ht rear tab.
29 Warran ty SAMSUNG OVER-THE-RAN GE(OTR) MICROWAVE OVEN This SAM SUNG brand pro duct, as s upplied a nd distribute d by Samsung Elect ronic s Amer ica, Inc.
30 Guía Rápida Memo Función Operaci ón Ajuste de Reloj 1. Presione CLOCK. 2. Para selec cionar AM o PM, pr esione CL OCK. 3. Use bot ones num éricos pa ra selec cionar ho ra. 4. Presione CL OCK de n uevo. Cocinado F ase simpl e 1. Use bot ones n uméricos pa ra sel ecciona r tiempo.
31 Memo.
Quick Reference Feature Operation Set Clock 1. Press CLOCK. 2. To select AM or PM, press CLOC K. 3. Use numbe r butto ns to ente r the cu rrent time. 4. Press CLOCK again. One Stag e Cooking 1. Use number buttons to set coo king time. 2. Set powe r level or leave at High.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung SMH6140CB c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung SMH6140CB - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung SMH6140CB, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung SMH6140CB va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung SMH6140CB, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung SMH6140CB.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung SMH6140CB. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung SMH6140CB ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.