Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 800 du fabricant Auerswald
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User Manual of the Handset System Telephone COMfort DECT 800.
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Conten ts 3 Contents Introduction ... ...... .... .... ....... .... .... ...... ..... ...... .... .... ....... .... .... ...... ..... ...... .... .... ....... .... ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... ..... 6 Functional Descriptio n ...... ....... .... .
4 Make a Call ........ .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ...... .... ........ ...... 19 Accept a Call . ....... .... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ..
Conte nts 5 Delete an Entry . ..... .... ...... .... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... ....... .... .... ...... .... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ... 34 Input of Letters with the Keypad ....... ...... ..... .... ...... ....
6 Introdu ction I NTRODUC TION Dear Customer! e The devi ces, a ssembly gro ups or c onnectio ns descri bed in t his manu al are made for the indicat ed use on ly. If you are not s ure about the intend ed purpose of the product, ple ase contact the de aler.
Introducti on 7 Scope of Functions ☞ The sco pe of functions descri bed here is on ly co mpletely usab le with a profes siona l install ation and a co rrect confi guration of th e PBX and the c onnected PC. We highly recommend to con sult you r author ized deal er first.
8 Tips for the Use of this Manual This manual describes in al l details the use of the system telephone COMfort DECT 800 . In order to get certai n information quick ly and careful ly directed, th e manual will off er you different hel ps and guide lines: 쎲 The content on page 3 gi ves you an idea about cont ent and organization of this m anuals.
Introducti on 9 Commissioning Connect the rechargeable Battery Put th e handse t with t he dis play do wnward s on yo ur palm . Open the protectiv e cover app . 5 mm by sliding it with the thu mb of the same hand ( pic . 1 ). Then lift th e cover a nd take i t away from the de vice ( pic.
10 cling s tation for old ba tteries . This is also v alid f or the wh ole unit i f it is not use ful any longer on e day. (see also chapter Envi ronm ental Adv ice o n page 13 ). Charge the Ba ttery Connect th e charger w ith the wal l power sup ply ( pi c.
Introduction 11 Subscri be to a Ba sestation Before you can ma ke a ca ll, the h andset ha s to be s ubscr ibed to a ba sestat ion and con- figured wi th the configura tion progra m of the PBX. This is des cribed in detail i n the ma n- ual of the base statio n.
12 Protect y our s ystem telephone agai nst dirt, dust and mo isture. If a cleanin g is n ecess ary, wipe th e casing with a li ghtly dam p clo th or use a n antis tatic cloth. Ma ke su re, no mois - ture will e nter the ca sing. Safety Precautions 쎲 Read the manual and keep it for reference.
Introduction 13 쎲 Avoid placing th e device into strong el ectromagnetic fields (electric motors , mobile phones, TV sets, VCRs, radios and househ old equipment) . Technical Data Operation volt age Rechargeable batter y pack 3,6 V (Ni-MH 600 mAh) Charge time of the rechargeable batt eries app.
14 Control the Capacity of the Rechargeable Batteries To get a correct capac ity stat us, th e handse t has to be at leas t one hou r outside of th e desktop charger. I f there a re les s than thre e full bars , the b attery has to be rec harged . M Call the main menu.
General De scription of the Te lephone Us e 15 G ENERA L DESCRI PTION OF THE TELEPHONE USE Description of the Key s pic. 7: Ke ys a nd Disp lays 햲 Loudspeaker 햳 LED 햴 Graphic display 햵 Left ar.
16 Menu Key M From the idle state this key switches to the main menu for different settings. In case of opened/ activated menu (sett ings, telephone book et c.) this key sw itches into the st ate of inactivity. Left Arrow Key Z From the idle state this key switches into call er/redial list.
General Descr iption of the Tel ephone Use 17 A Alt Key This key enables a disco nnect during swi tching funct ions. R Key (Query Key) F In a cal l this key enables the int roduction of query calls, al ternation or trans fers. Hook Key H Before or after the dialing of a telephone number an activation of this key starts the call .
18 Switching on/off t he Device If you do no t need to use the han dset from ti me to time, you are a ble to switc h it off entirely (Recharg eable ba ttery econ omy mod e). Press t he OK key O for app. 4 second s. The switchin g off will be confirme d by a sho rt tone.
Make a C all 19 MA K E A CA L L Accept a Call If the te lephon e numbe r was e ntered into th e tele phone bo ok of your sy stem tel ephone , the teleph one number with the correspond ing name w ill be sho wn on the dis play - as soon as the te lephone h as recogn ized the numbe r.
20 Make a call to Somebody ☞ In case of an ex ternal tele phone nu mber do not forge t to enter the exchange li ne access number „0 “ (Exceptio n: Direc t exchan ge line te lepho ne; see pa ge 28 ). Comfort Functions of the Telephone With the functi ons des cribed he re such as ca ller list , telep hone book etc .
Make a Cal l 21 Dialing wi th Dial Preparation The dial pre paratio n enabl es you to ch eck the ente red num ber and to corre ct it if ne ces- sary before the co nnecti on starts. + Out of the di al prepar ation you ca n direct ly copy a tel ephon e number into the telephon e book by pressin g the right arrow key V (s ee p age 31 ).
22 Dial a Tele phone nu mber out of the Caller and the Redial Lis t In the cal ler and re dialing l ist of th e telephon e the nu mbers of un succes sful c alls are stored. Y ou ca n direct ly cal l back a caller out of the cal ler list by pre ssing th e hoo k key at th e corresp onding e ntry.
Make a Cal l 23 Dial a Tele phone Num ber out of the T elephone Book The telep hone b ook is g ood for ent ering u seful or o ften di aled telep hone n umbers together with th e nam e.
24 ☞ The interna l teleph one number s and short-code dial numbe rs of the PBX cannot be changed by the te lephon e. If you li ke to l eave the m enu with out diali ng the te lepho ne number , please p ress th e menu ke y M .
Make a Cal l 25 Change the Volume during th e Convers ation By pres sing both volume keys (r ight o n top of th e displ ay) y ou can influ ence the rece iver volume in an active ca ll (4 level s). The chang e is shown by bars on the disp lay. Afte r the call the volu me falls back to t he lev el confi gured u nder „profil es“ (se e page 41 ).
26 Accept a waiting C aller During a n ongoing c all yo ur attention is drawn to a new call (exte rnal su bscrib er, alarm or visitor on the door) by a kno cking si gnal (tone in the receiv er). To talk to the w aiting caller o r to con firm the a larm you will have two options .
Make a Cal l 27 ☞ Which tel ephone numbers you can dial in ad dition to the in ternal an d external on es is describ ed in the operati on manual of the PBX. In case of an ex ternal tele phone nu mber do not forge t to enter the exchange li ne access number „0 “.
28 Talk wit h both Calling Pa rtners alternate ly (Alternation) If you start ed a que ry and like d to tal k to bot h calli ng par tner s alte rnat ely, yo u could switch fro m one par tner to t he othe r by pressin g the R k ey F . Finish a Query C all You finis h a q uery cal l by pres sing the R key F .
Telepho ne Book 29 TELEPHONE B OOK The telep hone b ook is go od for the e ntries of useful or often dialled te lepho ne numbers with na me. You c an ente r these te lephon e numbers together with the name directly or you can t ransfer the s hort-co de dial num bers of the PBX i nto the te lephone wit h the hel p of the PC program COMt ools .
30 Store a new Entry N Enter the t elephone number. V Open the t elephone book. O Confirm the num ber. N Enter a name (see also page 35 ). O Confirm the ent ry.
Telephone B ook 31 Take over a Telephone Number from the Caller/Redial List Z Open the call er/redial list . (You will find the menu „redial“ also via the main menu.) ZV Search f or the requested ent ry. O Confirm the ent ry. V Scroll to the next function.
32 Edit an existing Entry N O Enter a name (see also page 35 ) and confirm t he ent ry. NAME: e V Open the t elephone book. (You will find the menu „telephone book “ also via the main menu.) O The first entry of the telephone book is displayed (Telephone num bers without a name are shown first.
Telephone B ook 33 ☞ The telepho ne numbe rs in the short-co de dial memor y of the PBX can only be edited wit h the PC p rogram COMtools . You can del ete dig its in a tele phone n umber wit h the left arrow key Z . A short key pressin g deletes th e last d igit.
34 Del ete a n Entry If you do n ot like to store a ll entries (e.g. to h ave an eas y overvi ew), you ca n delete cer- tain entri es. V Open the t elephone book. (You will find the menu „telephone book “ also via the main menu.) ZV The first entry of the telephone book is displayed.
Telephone B ook 35 ☞ The telepho ne numbers in the short-co de dial memor y of the PBX can only be edited with the PC p rogram COMtools . Input of Letters with the Keypad With t he keypa d you can enter digits as we ll as letters or variou s special sig ns (see tabl e on pa ge 36 ).
36 Tabelle Capital le tters Small letters 1 Æ Ø Å@ ÄÖ ß Ü 1 æ ø â @ ä ö ßü 1 2 ABC @ ÄÁÀÂ2 a b c @ ä á à â 2 3 DE F 3 d e f 3 4 G H IÏÎ4 g h iïî4 5 J K L 5 jk l5 6 M N O Ö Ó Ò 6 m noöóò6 7 PQ R Sß 7 p q r s ß 7 8 T UV ÜÚÙÛ8 t u v ü ú ù û 8 9 W X Y Z 9 w xyz9 0 Space .
Telephone B ook 37 Example for the Entry of a Name into the Telephone Book 55 Enter i nitial (e.g. „K“ for „Kai“). # Switch to „small le tters“. 2 Enter the s econd letter „ a“. 444 Enter the t hird letter „i“. O Confirm t he entry with ok.
38 ☞ You can del ete letters and numbers in a name with the le ft arrow key Z . Pressing the key (app. 2 s econds ) deletes the last sig n in front of the cursor. Ho lding the ke y (app. 5 seconds) dele tes the who le name. Whi le shortly press ing the arrow ke ys Z and V you can shi ft the cursor wi thin a name to th e left and the right.
Menu options 39 M ENU OPTI ONS Delete Entry from t he Caller/Redial List + In this m enu you can also delet e the whole list. Z Open caller/redial list. (You will find the menu „redial“ also in the main menu.) ZV Search f or the requested ent ry. O Press ok .
40 Delete the whole Caller/Redial List Z Call caller/r edial list. (You will find the menu „redial“ also in the main menu.) O Press ok . V Scroll to the next function. V Scroll to the next function. O Confirm wit h ok. Auerswald COMfort DECT e REDIAL 0053064444 ez v DELETE? 0053064444 ez v STORE NO.
Menu options 41 Define Profiles You can ch oose between two pro files that can conta in certain setting s. E.g. you can make a differe nt setting for noisy environments (high vo lume, vibration ringer) or quit e rooms (low v olume). M Open the main menu.
42 Configure the Ringer Tone Configure the Ringer Volume Press menu key: Press twice: S earch for RINGE R TONE : Confirm: ZV Select t he ringer tone. Each time you will hear the selected tone. O Confirm the s etting. M O O Z V O RINGER TONE TONE 1 ez v RINGER TONE TONE 6 ez v Press menu key: Press twice: Search for RINGER VOL.
Menu options 43 Swit ch on/ off Key Cl ick (Tone afte r pr essin g a Ke y) Switch on /off the Vibration Ringer Enter menu key-: Enter twic e: Search f or KEY C LICK : Confirm: ZV Select or switch off the volu me. Each time you will hear the selected volume.
44 Switch on/off th e automatic Call Accep tion If the aut omatic call ac ception is sw itched on, the call will automati cally be accepted by the telep hone after the firs t ringer ton e (e.g. for operati on with a headset) . ☞ If t he pl ug of the head set i s rem oved , th e aut omati c ca ll ac cepti on wi ll remai n to be switched on.
Menu options 45 Configure the Receiver Volum e Switch on /off Out of Range Ala rm This ton e signalizes that you leave t he range of yo ur radio cell. Click on menu key: Confir m twice: Search for START V OLUME : Confirm: ZV Select re ceiver volu me. The volume can also be changed in a call later.
46 Switch on/off a utomatic Key Lock This sw itches on the automatic key lock aft er app. 60 sec w ithout pre ssing a key. Switch on/off Ba cklight Click on menu key: Confir m twice: Search for AUTO KEYL OCK : Confirm: ZV Switch on/ off the automatic key lock.
Menu options 47 Select Profile The pr ofile ed ited last is activate d. If you sel ected the profi le 2, this setting is shown in the idle s tate on the dis play. Wit h the help of the following key combina tions you ca n quickl y switch betwe en the profile s.
48 Edit the Idl e Display Text In the factory setting s the na me „Auers wald COM fort DECT“ will be shown on the display in the idl e state. With th e here desc ribed func tion you may en ter e.g. you r name as a cha- racteris tic distinction for your telepho ne instead.
Menu options 49 Select the Language With t he follow ing func tions you can select anoth er displa y language. M Open the main menu. ZV Search for t he menu „language“.
50 Index IN DE X A abbrev iation s ......... ........... ...........8 accept a call . ................ ..............19 accept a waiting call ......... ......... 26 alternatio n ......... ................ ......... 28 automa tic key l ock ...... .....
M make a c all ........ ........... .............. 20 dial from calle r list .................. ....22 dial fr om redi al list ........ .......... ....22 dial fr om telepho ne bo ok ............23 mute th e mi cropho ne ....... .........24 O out of rang e .
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Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Auerswald 800 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Auerswald 800 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Auerswald 800, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Auerswald 800 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Auerswald 800, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Auerswald 800.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Auerswald 800. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Auerswald 800 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.