Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2280HD du fabricant Samsung
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SyncMaster 2280HD Install driver s SyncMaster 2280HD.
Model Failure t o follow di rections not ed by this symb ol could result in bodily harm or damage to the equipment . Prohibit ed Importan t to read and un derstand at al l times Do not disassembl e Di.
z This may cause el ectric shock or fire. Do not pull the plug out by the wire nor touch the plug with wet hands. z This may cause el ectric shock or fire. Use only a properly grounde d plug and receptacle. z An improper grou nd may cause el ectric shock or equipment da mage.
Installation Be sure to conta ct an author ized Service Center , when instal ling your mo nitor in a locati on with heav y dust, high o r low tempera tures, high humidit y, and exposed to chemical substances a nd where it oper ates for 24 ho urs such as at ai rports, t rain stations etc.
z Any increase in the inte rnal temperature ma y cause fire. Put down the monitor carefully. z Failing to do so may dama ge the mon itor. Do not place the monitor face down. z This may damage th e TFT-LCD surface. The installation of the bracket must be done by a quali fied professional.
Clean When cleaning the monitor case or the su rface of the TFT-LCD screen, wipe with a slightly moistened, soft fabric. Do not spray water or detergen t directly onto the monitor. z This may cause dam age, electric sh ock or fire. Use the recommended detergen t with a smooth cloth.
If your monitor does not ope rate normally - in particul ar, if there is any unusual sound or smell coming from the monitor - unplug it immediately and contact an authorized dealer or the Service Center . z This may cause el ectric shock or fire. Keep the product away from places exposed to oil, smoke or moisture; do not install inside a vehic le.
Never insert anything metallic into the monitor openings. z This may cause el ectric sh ock, fire or inju ry. Do not insert metal objects such as c hopsticks, wire and tools or inflammable objects such as pape r or matches into the vent, headphone port or AV ports or etc.
Place the product out of children's reac h, as they could damage by hanging onto it. z A falling product may cause in jury to the p erson or even fatality.
height so that th e top of the mo ni tor is slightly below eye l evel. z Adjust the m onitor angle so that th ere is no reflec ted light on the screen.Try to maintain your arms perpendicular to your a rmpits. z Keep your arm s level with th e back of your ha nds.
Model Features Features of Di g ital Broadcastin g - A ll multimed ia broadcastin g processes i ncluding program creation, transmiss ion, and receiving are processed digitall y, which allo ws users t o enjoy a very high screen qual ity withou t any signal lo ss as well as benefi t from various additiona l services.
Without Stand With Stand Manual Quick Setup Guide Warranty Card ( Not available in all locations ) User's Guide, Monitor Driver Cable D-Sub Cable BN39-00244 B Power Cord 3903-000085 CBF-stereo Ca.
RCA Cable (Video-Yellow, Audio-Red and White ) Audio cable Component(P R, PB, Y) Cable TV Antenna Cable ( Coaxial Cable ) S-VIDEO Cable Earphones/Headphones HDMI Cable Digital audio optic output cable DVI Cable This is an acce ssory that can be added dependi ng on the mod el.
3. Moves from one menu it em to another ve rtically or ad justs selected menu values. In TV/DTV mode, sele cts TV/DTV chan nels. 4. – + Moves from one men u item to ano ther horizontal ly or adju sts selected m enu values. Adjusts the audio vo lume.
(The configuration at the back of the monitor may va ry from product to product.) 1. POWER z Power terminal Connect th e power cord for yo ur monitor to t he POWER on the back of the monitor. This produ ct may be used with 100 ~ 240V AC(+/- 10%). 2. HDMI IN/PC 1.
output termin al of the e xternal devic e using a VI DEO cable. 3. S-VIDEO : Connect the [S -VIDEO] terminal of your mon itor to the S- VIDEO outp ut termina l of the exte rnal device using a S-VIDE O cable. 4. ANT IN 1. Connects to an air ant enna. 2.
8. z Connect yo ur headph ones to the H eadphone co nnection terminal[ ]. 9. Kensin g ton Lock z The Kensingt on lock is a device used to physically fix the system when u sing it in a public place. (The locking device has to be purcha sed separate ly.
2. Number button 3. - button 4. TV/DTV 5. CH LIST 6+ V O L - 7. MUTE 8. MENU 9. Up-Down Left-Right buttons 10. ENTER 11. SOURCE 12. PRE-CH 13. ANTENNA 14. ADD/DEL 15. CH 16. EXIT 17. PIP 18. INFO 19. SLEEP 20. P.MODE, M/ B 21. S.MODE 22. AUTO 23. P.SIZE 24.
6. + VOL - Adjusts the audio volu me. 7. MUTE Press to mute the sound te mporarily. Displayed on the bottom left of the screen. Press the MUTE button again to cancel the Mute functio n. Alternatively press the - VOL + button s to cancel t he Mute function .
PC / DVI ( M/B=MagicBright™) MagicBright™ is a new featu re providin g the optim um viewing en vironment de pending o n the contents of the image y ou are watching . Then press the button ag ain to circl e through av ailable preco nfigured mo des.
Model Connecting the monitor 1. Connecting to a Computer 1. Connect t he power cord fo r your monitor to the power port on the back of the monitor. Plug the power cord for th e monitor into a nearby o utlet. 2. Use approp riate connec tion for your computer.
2. Connecting to a Macintosh 1. Using the D-sub (A nalog) conne ctor on the vi deo card. Connect t he signal cable to the D-SUB port on the Macinto sh computer.
the monitor usin g the AV o r S-Video ca ble. 2. Connect the port o f the DVD, VCR (DVD / DTV Set-Top Bo x) to the [L- AUDIO-R] po rt of the mo nitor. Then, start the DVD, VC R or Camcorders with a DVD disc or tape inserted. Select AV or S-Video u sing the ' '.
bottom of the rear panel. 2. Connecting TV - Connecting Cable TV To connect to a cable TV sy stem, follow the instruction s below. 1. Cable without a Cable Box If you are u sing an off-a ir antenna (such as a roof antenna or "rabbit ea rs") that has 300 Ω twin flat leads, follow the directio ns below.
3-5. C onnect anot her cable betwe en the other OU T terminal on th e splitter an d the A–IN term inal on the RF (A/B) switch . 3-6. Connect the last RF ca ble between the OUT terminal on the RF (A/B) sw itch and the ANT IN terminal on the rear of the set.
2. Connecting HDMI You can connect di gital output devices to your monitor. You can enjoy better s creen and sound qua lity. 2-1. Connecting Using a HDMI Cable 1. Input devices such as digital DVD are connected t o the [HDM I IN] terminal of the monitor usin g the HDMI cable.
If you just connect usin g the DVI to H DMI cabl e without connecting to the sound source, you cannot he ar sound. Connecting th e audio outp ut terminal of a digital dev ice to the [R-AUDIO-L] of [A V IN] of the monitor using an aud io cable will not give you so und.
z Connect yo ur headph ones to the H eadphone conn ection t erminal. Using the Stand This monito r supports various type s of VESA-stan dard bases. You need to either fol d or remove the base in use i n order to instal l a VESA base. 1. Folding the base The monitor m ay be reclined from -1 to 23 d egrees.
four screws that cam e with the arm -type base, wa ll mount hanger or other base. To mount th e monitor on a wall, you shou ld purch ase the wall mountin g kit that allows you to mount the monito r at least 10cm awa y from the wall surfac e. Contact the nearest Samsung Servi ce Center for mo re information.
Installing th e Monito r Driver (Manual) Windows X P | Wind ows 2000 | Windows M e | Windows N T | Li nux When prompted by the operating system for the monitor driver, insert the CD-ROM i ncluded with this m onitor. Driv er installati on is s lightly different from one operating system to another.
This monitor driv er is under certifying MS logo, and th is installation d oesn't damage your system. The certi fied driver wi ll be posted on Samsung Mon itor homepa ge com/ 6. Click "Updat e Driver…" in the "D river" tab.
10. Click "Clo se" → "Clos e" → "OK" → "OK " on the fol lowing scre ens displa yed in sequ ence. Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Operating System 1.
4. Click the " Properties " but ton on the " Monitor " tab and sele ct " Driver " tab. 5. Click " Update Driver. " and select " Install from a list or .
8. If you ca n see followin g " Message " wi ndow, then click the " Continue Anyway " button. Then click " OK " button. This moni tor driver is under certif ied MS logo,a nd this inst allation doe sn't damage your system.
4. Choose " Monitor ." 5. Click " Driver " and then click " Update Driver " then click the "Ne xt" button. 6. Choose " Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver " then click " Nex t " and then click " Have disk .
Model In p ut Available Source List : PC / DVI : TV : AV : S-Video : Component : HDMI The default setting may different de pending o n the select ed Input Mo de (input sig nal source selected i n External In put List) and t he selected resolution.
super-impos ed on the PC Vi deo signal. (On/Off) When PIP is in operation, the sound in PI P Source will b e selected. While V-Chip is in operation, the PIP function cannot be used. - Available in PC/DVI Mode Only PIP : Turn the PIP Scre en on or off.
Available Mode : PC / DVI : TV : AV : S-Video : Comp onent : HDMI The default setting may different de pending o n the select ed Input Mo de (input sig nal source selected i n External In put List) and t he selected resolution.
Color Control Adjusts the individual R, G, B color contro ls. - Available in PC/DVI Mode Only. R-Gain G-Gain B-Gain - MENU -+ MENU If you adjust picture by using Color Control function, Col or Tone will turn to the Custom mode.
Available Mode : PC / DVI : TV : AV : S-Video : Comp onent : HDMI The default setting may different de pending o n the select ed Input Mo de (input sig nal source selected i n External In put List) and t he selected resolution.
Digital NR Digi tal Noise Re duction. If the broadcast sign al received by you r TV is weak, yo u can activate the Digital N oise Reduct ion featur e to help redu ce any static and ghosting t hat may appear on the sc reen.
Balance : Allows you to adj ust the sound bal ance between th e left and right speaker s. You can hear the sound even when the sound value is set to 0. - MENU -+ MENU Auto Volume Reduces the diffe rences in volu me level amon g broadcasters.
Menu Description Play/Stop Antenna You can sele ct a normal or wire d channel. If the antenna is conne cted to ANT 1 IN (AI R),select "Air" and if it is conne cted to ANT 2 IN(CABLE), se lect "Cable". If both ANT 1 IN (AIR) an d ANT 2 IN (CABLE) ar e connected, select the ant enna input yo u want.
Available Mode : PC / DVI : TV : AV : S-Video : Comp onent : HDMI The default setting may different de pending o n the select ed Input Mo de (input sig nal source selected i n External In put List) and t he selected resolution. Menu Description Play/Stop Language You can choose on e of 3 lang uages.
Analog TV DTV Caption Off / On Mode Caption / Text Channel 1 /2 Field 1 /2 Caption Off / On Caption Mode Default / Service1 ~6 / C C1~4 / Text1~4 Caption Options Size : Default, Small, Stan dard, Larg.
Model Self-Tes t Feature Ch eck Check the fo llowing ite ms yourself bef ore calling f or service. Cont act the service cente r for problems that you ca nnot solve by you rself. Self-Test Fea ture Check | Not Optimum Mode | Maintena nce and Clea ning | Symptoms & Reco mmended Actions 1.
supported by the monitor. 3. Maintenance and Cleaning 1. Maintaining the Mon itor Case. Clean with a soft cloth af ter disconne cting the power co rd. 2. Maintaining the Flat Pane l Display Screen . Clean with a sof t cloth (cotton fl annel) smoot hly.
TV signal is not received z Select "Auto Program" to co nfigure the channel system automatically. (Re fer to the Au to Program ) 2. Problems related to Scr een Problems rela ted to the mon itor screen and th eir solutions are listed.
No sound z Ensure that the audio ca ble is firmly connected to both the audio-in port on your mo nitor and the a udio-out po rt on your sound ca rd. (Refer to the Connecti ng the Monit or ) z Check the volume level. (Refer to the Volume ) The sound level is too low.
For exampl e, while wat ching a sports game, you can vie w various data on your favori te player or yo u can view al l or selected screens wh ich have been ca ptured from different angles for a sp ecific scen e.
Model General Genera l Model Name SyncMaste r 2280HD LCD Pa nel Size 22" Wide diag onal (55 cm) Display area 473.76 mm(H) x 2 96.1 mm(V) Pixel Pitc h 0.282 mm(H) x 0. 282 mm(V) Synchronization Horizontal 30 ~ 8 1 kHz Vertical 56 ~ 75 Hz Display Color 16.
520.0 X 439.0 X 201.9 mm / 2 0.5 x 17.3 x 7. 9 inch / 7.1 kg / 15 .65 lbs (With Stand) 520.0 X 386.0 X 65.5 mm / 20.5 x 15.2 x 2.6 inch (Withou t Stand) VESA Mounting Interface 100 mm X 100 m m Enviro.
be adjusted automatically. H owever, if the si gnal differs, the screen ma y go blank whil e the power LED is on. Refer to the video card manual an d adjust the sc reen as follows. Table 1. Preset Timing Modes Display Mode Horizontal Frequency (kHz) Vertical Frequency (Hz) Pixel Clock (MHz) Sync Polarity (H/V) IBM, 640 x 350 31.
Model Contact SAMSUNG WORLDWIDE If you have any questions or comments relating to Samsung pr oducts, please contact the SAMSUNG custome r care center. North America U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (72678 64) http :// com CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) http://www.
CZECH REPUBLIC 844 0 00 844 DENMARK 70 70 19 70 com/dk FINLAN D 030-6227 515 com/fi FRANCE 3260 SAMSUNG(726 7864) (€ 0,15/min) http://www.samsun GERMANY 01805 -121213 ( € 0,14/Min ) http://www.
TAIWAN 0800 -329-999 http://w tw VIETNAM 1 800 58 8 889 http://www.samsun Middle East & Africa SOUTH AFRICA 0860 7267864 (SAMSUNG) http://www.
country rega rdless of the location of the viewer. Sound Balance Balances the le vels of the s ound coming from each speake r in televis ions with two speak ers. Cable TV Whereas the terre strial broadc asting is delivere d via frequency si gnals through the ai r, cable broadcasting is tra nsmitted via a ca ble network.
organiz ation that has been orga nized to pr omote its de velopment a nd manageme nt. EIAJ Electronic Industrie s Association of Japan. DVI DVI is the acronym for Dig ital Video I nterface.
This screen is show n when scenes are captured using digital broadcasting equipm ent and they are sent in HDTV (16:9) mode. This screen is sh own when scenes are converte d to analog broadcasting sig nals before being sent. Humans an d objects app ear heavier than in re ality.
PRODUCT INFORMATION (I mage Retention Free) LCD Monitors and TVs may have an image retent ion when sw itching from one image to another especially after displaying a statio nary image for a long time. This guide is to demonstrate a corre ct usage of LCD products in order to prote ct them from Image retention.
Ex) The best way to prote ct your monitor from Image retentio n is to set your PC or S y stem to o p erate a Screen Saver p ro g ram when y ou are not usin g it. Image retention may not o ccur when a LCD panel is op erated under normal conditio ns. Normal conditions are defined as continuously changi ng video patterns.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung 2280HD c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung 2280HD - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung 2280HD, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung 2280HD va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung 2280HD, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung 2280HD.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung 2280HD. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung 2280HD ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.