Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 153N du fabricant Samsung
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SyncMaster 151S/151B/151BM/151V/151Q/151N/150N/152N/153N.
User’s Manual Index Main P age On-Sc reen Displ ay Safety Instructions T roubleshooting Notational Check List Powe r Q & A Instal lation Self-T est Fe ature Check Cleaning Other Introduction Spe.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns Failure to fo llow dire ctions not ed by this sy mbol cou ld result in bo dily har m or damage to e quipment. Notational W arning/Caution Notation Conventions Pr.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns When not used fo r extended p eriods of ti me, set y our PC to DPMS. If u sing a scree n saver, set it to the activ e screen m ode. • Do not use a dama ged or loose plug. • This ma y ca use an electri c shoc k or fir e.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns • Disconnect the plug from the outlet during storms or lightening or if it is not used for a long period of tim e. • Failure to do so may cau se an ele ctric shock or fire. • Do not connect too many extension cords or plugs to an outlet.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns • Do not cover the vents on the moni tor cabinet. • Bad ve nt ilat ion may caus e a br eakd ow n or f ir e. • Put your monitor in a location with low humidity and a minimum of dust. • An el ec tric shoc k or fire coul d res ul t insi de t he m oni tor.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns • Do not place the monitor fac e down. • The TFT-LCD surface may be damaged. Installation.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns • Do not spray detergent dir ectly on the monitor. • Use the recomm ended detergent with a s mooth cloth. • If the connector between the plug and the pin i s dusty or dirty, clea n it properly with a dry cloth.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns • Do not remove cover (or bac k). No user se rvicea ble parts inside. • This ma y ca use an el ectric shoc k or a fi re.
User’s Manual Safety Ins tr uctio ns • Do not try to move the monitor by pulling on the wire or the signal cable. • This ma y cause a breakd own, el ectric sh ock o r a fire due to dama ge to the cabl e. • Do not move the monitor right or left by pulling o nly the wire or th e sign al ca ble.
User’s Manual Intro duction • Monitor and Stand Unparking Sy n cMaster 151S/ 1 51B /151V /151Q SyncMaster 151BM • Pivot Stand and S/W CD(Option) (Some models inc lude a stand attac hed. ) Please make sure the following item s are included with your monitor .
User’s Manual Introduction Please make su re the follow ing items are included with your monitor. If any items are missing, contac t your de aler . Monitor and Stand Pivot Stand and S/W CD(Option) P.
User’s Manual Intro duction Sy n cMaster 151S/ 1 51B /151V /151Q SyncMa s ter 15 1 BM 1. Auto button : Use this button to auto adjustmen t direct acce ss. 2. Exit button : Use this button to Exit the active menu o r the OSD. 3,4. Adjust buttons : These bu ttons a llow you to hi ghlight and a djust i tems in the men u.
User’s Manual Introduction Front 1. Auto button Use this butt on to auto adjustment direct access. 2. Exit but ton Use this butt on to E xit the active menu or the OS D. 3. Adjust buttons These but tons al low you to high light a nd adju st item s in the menu.
User’s Manual Introduct ion (The configuration at the bac k of the monitor may va ry from product to product.) 1. Power port : Connect the power cord for your moni tor to th e powe r port on the b ack of the m onitor. 2. Signal ca ble : C onnect the end of the signa l cable to your compute r's video port.
User’s Manual Introduction Rear (The configuration at the back of the m onitor may vary from product to product.) 1. Power on/ off Swit ch 2. Power port Conne ct the pow er cord for your monito r to t he power port o n the back of the moni tor.
User’s Manual Setup Connecting Y our Monito r (Sy n cMaster 151S/ 1 51B /151V /151Q ) 1. Connect the power cord for your monitor to the power port on the back of the monitor. Plug the power cord for the monitor into a nearby outlet.. 2. Connect the signal cable to the 15-pin, D-sub connector on the back of your monitor.
User’s Manual Setup Connecting Y our Monito r (Sy n cMaster 151 BM ) 1. Connect the power cord for your monitor to the power port on the back of the monitor. Plug the power cord for the monitor into a nearby outlet. 2. Connect the signal cable to the 15-pin, D-sub connector on the back of your monitor.
User’s Manual Setup 1. Conne ct the pow er cord for your monito r to t he power port o n the b ack of the m onitor . Plug t he pow er cor d for the mo nitor i nto a nearby o utlet . 2. Conne ct the si g nal ca ble to th e 15-pin, D -sub conn ector on t he back o f y our mo nito r.
User’s Manual Setup When prompted by the operating system for the monitor driver, insert the CD-ROM included with this monitor. Driver installation is slightly different from one operating system to another. Follow the directions as appropriate for the operating system you have.
User’s Manual Setup Windows XP/2000 1. Insert CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Click "Windows XP/2000 Driver" . 3. Choose your monitor model in the model list, then click the "OK" button. 4. Click the " Install " button in the " Warning " window.
User’s Manual Setup When prompted by the operating system for the monitor driver, insert the CD-ROM included with this monitor. Driver installation is slightly different from one operating system to another. Follow the directions as appropriate for the operating system you have.
User’s Manual Setup 4. Click the " Properties " button on the " Monitor " tab and select " Driver " tab. 5. Click " Update Driver.. " and select " Install from a list or.. " then click " Next " button.
User’s Manual Setup 8. If you can see following " Message " window, then click the " Continue Anyway " button. Then click " OK " button. This monitor driver is under certifying MS logo,and this installation don't damage your system.
User’s Manual Setup 10. Monitor driver installation is completed. Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Operating System When you can see "Digital Signature Not Found" on your monitor, follow these steps. 1. Choose " OK " button on the " Insert disk " window.
User’s Manual Setup 8. Click the " Have Disk " button 9. Specify A:(D:driver) then click " OK " button. 10. Select " Show all devices " and choose the monitor that corresponds to the one you connected to your computer and click " OK ".
Microsoft ® Windows ® NT Operating System 1. Click Start , Settings , Control Panel , and then double - click Display icon. 2. In Display Registration Information window, click Settings Tab and then click All Display Modes . 3. Select a mode that you wish to use (Resolution, Number of colors and Vertical frequency) and then click OK .
User’s Manual Setup Removing the base 1 Turn off your m onitor and unplu g its pow er cord. 2 Lay the LCD monitor face-down on a flat surface with a cushion beneath it to protect the screen. 3 Remove the four screws and then remove the Stand from the LCD monitor.
User’s Manual Setup Attaching a base NOTE : This monitor accepts a 75mm x 75mm VESA-compliant mounting interface pa d. 1 Rear cover mounting pad 2 Mounting i nterface pad Align the Mou ntin g Inte r.
User’s Manual Setup Installing VESA compli ant mounting Removing the ba se 1. Turn off you r moni tor and unpl ug it s power cord. 2. Lay t he LCD monito r face- down on a fl at surf ace wi th a cush ion b eneath i t to pr otect t he screen. 3. Remove th e four scr ews and the n remove the Stand fr om the LCD mon itor.
User’s Manual Setup Installing VESA compli ant mounting Attachi ng a base NOTE: This moni tor accepts a 75 mm x 75 mm V ESA-co mpliant mount ing inter face pad.
User’s Manual On-Sc reen Displa y 1. Use this button to open the OSD and activate a highlighted menu item. 2.3 Use these buttons to highlight a nd adjust items using t he On Sc reen Display. These b uttons are also direct acc ess butt ons for t he brig htness (volume : 151BM) feature .
User’s Manual On-Sc reen Di splay S yncMa s ter 151 N/150N/152N/153N.
Before calling for service, check the information in this section to see if you can remedy any problems yourself. If you do need assistance, please call the phone number on the warranty card, the phone number on the Information section or contact your dealer .
The screen shows strange colors or just black and white. Is the screen displaying only one color as if looking at the screen through a cellophane paper? Check the signal cable connection.
Check the following items if there is trouble with the monitor. 1. Check if the power cord and the cable are properly connected to the computer. 2. Check if the computer beeps more than 3 times when booting. (If it does, request an after-service for the main board of the computer.
User’s Manual T roublesh ootin g Q&A Question Answer How can I change the frequency? Frequency can be changed by reconfiguring the video card. Note that video card support can vary, depending on the version of the driver used. (Refer to the computer or the video card manual for details.
User’s Manual T roublesh ootin g Your mon itor prov ides a se lf test f eature tha t allows y ou to ch eck whethe r your monitor is functionin g properly. 1. Turn of f both y our compute r and the monitor. 2. Unplug the video cable fr om the bac k of the c omputer .
User’s Manual T roublesh ootin g If the re is some thing wro ng with the i nput sig nal, a mes sage appe ars on th e screen o r the sc reen goes blank althoug h the power i ndicator LED is still on. Th e mess age may indi cate that the m onitor i s out o f scan range or that you ne ed to chec k the si gnal cab le.
User’s Manual Specificat ions General General M o del Na m e S y n c Ma s ter 1 51S /151V LCD Panel Size 15.0 inch dia gonal Dis pla y area 304. 1 (H) x 22 8.
User’s Manual Specificat ions Note : Design an d speci ficat ions ar e subject to cha nge wi thout prior no tice. General Power Consumption 30W (M aximu m) Dimensions (WxDxH ) / We ight 391.4 x 1 73 x 3 83.6 mm / 4.0kg (Wi th Simpl e Stand) VESA Mounting Interface 75mm x 7 5mm ( for use w ith Spec ialty(Arm) Mounting hardwar e.
User’s Manual Specificat ions General General M o del Na m e S y n c Ma s ter 1 51B LCD Panel Size 15.0 inch dia gonal Dis pla y area 304. 1 (H) x 22 8.
User’s Manual Specificat ions Note :Design a nd spe cifica tion s are subject t o chan ge wi thout p rior notice . General Power Consumption 30W (M aximu m) Dimensions (WxDxH ) / We ight 391.4 x 1 73 x 3 83.6 mm / 4.0kgWi th Simpl e Stand) VESA Mounting Interface 75mm x 7 5mm ( for use w ith Spec ialty(Arm) Mounting hardwar e.
User’s Manual Specificat ions General General Model Nam e SyncMas ter 151B M LCD Panel Size 15.0 inch dia gonal Dis pla y area 304. 1 (H) x 22 8.1 ( V) Pixel Pitch 0.
User’s Manual Specificat ions Note :Design a nd spe cifica tion s are subject t o chan ge wi thout p rior notice . General Power Consumption 36W (M aximu m) Dimensions (WxDxH ) / We ight 417.9 x 1 73 x 3 86.1 mm / 4.1kg (Wi th Simpl e Stand) VESA Mounting Interface 75mm x 7 5mm ( for use w ith Spec ialty(Arm) Mounting hardwar e.
User’s Manual Specificat ions General General M o del Na m e S y n c Ma s ter 1 51 Q LCD Panel Size 15.0 inch dia gonal Dis pla y area 304. 1 (H) x 22 8.
User’s Manual Specificat ions Note : Design an d speci ficat ions ar e subject to cha nge wi thout prior no tice. General Power Consumption 30W (M aximu m) Dimensions (WxDxH ) / We ight 391.4 x 1 73 x 3 83.6 mm / 4.0kg (Wi th Simpl e Stand) VESA Mounting Interface 75mm x 7 5mm ( for use w ith Spec ialty(Arm) Mounting hardwar e.
User’s Manual Specifications General Gene ra l Model Name S y ncMa s t er 1 51N /150N/152N/153N LCD Panel Size 15.0 inc h dia gonal Display area 304.
User’s Manual Specifications General Dimensions (WxDxH) / Weight 339.8 x 174 x 352.2 mm / 3.4kg (W ith Simple S tand ) VESA Mounting Interface 75mm x 75mm (for use wi th Sp ecialty(Ar m) Mounting hardwa re.
User’s Manual Specificat ions This mon itor has a built- in power manage ment system call ed Power Saver. Th is system saves energy b y switc hing your m onitor into a low-powe r mode when it has not been u sed for a certain amount of ti me.
User’s Manual Specificat ions If the si gnal tran sferre d from the computer is the sam e as th e followin g Preset T iming M odes, t he screen w ill be adjuste d autom atically. However , if the s ignal di ffers, the sc reen ma y go blan k whil e the power LED is on.
User’s Manual Infor mation S e rvi c e Infor mation Service U.S.A. : Samsung Compute r Produ cts Cu stomer S ervice 400 Valley Road , Suite 201, Mt. A rlington, NJ 07 856 Tel. : (973)601-60 00, 1-800 -SAMSUN G (1-800-72 6-7864) Fax. : ( 973)601-60 01 http://sams ungusa.
User’s Manual Infor mation SOUTH AFRICA : Samsung Electr onics,5 Libertas Road, Som erset Office Park, Bryanston Ext 16. P o Box 700 06, Bry anston,202 1, South Af rica Tel : 002 7-11-54 9-1621 Fax : 0027-11 -549-1629 / UKRAINE : SAMSUN G ELECTRON ICS RE PRESENTA TIVE OFFICE IN UKRAIN E 4 Glyb ochitsk a str.
User’s Manual Infor mation • Dot Pitch The image on a monitor is composed of re d, green and blue dots. The clos er the dots, the higher the resolut ion.
Regulatory User’s Manual Infor mation FCC Information User Instructions The Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement includes the following warning: Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
User’s Manual Infor mation • IC Compliance Notice This Clas s B digi tal appar atus meet s all requi rements of the Cana dian In terferen ce-Caus ing E quipment Regulation s of ICES-003.
User’s Manual Infor mation • TCO'95-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO applied model only) AB general requirement s AB2 Wr itten Eco -docume nt acompan ying the products Cong.
User’s Manual Infor mation What does l abelling i nvolve? ( continu e ) TCO Develo pment Unit 199 6-11-29 On the pag e this folder you will fin d a brief summa ry of the env ironme ntal requ irements met by this pr oduct.
User’s Manual Infor mation • TCO'99-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO applied model only) Congratu lations! You have just p urchased a TCO'99 a pproved and la belled pr oduct! Y our choic e has p rovide d you with a product developed for pro fession al use.
User’s Manual Infor mation TCO Development SE-114 94 Stock holm, Swed en Fax: +4 6 8 782 92 07 Email ( Interne t): deve lopme Current info rmation r egardin g TCO'99 a pproved and label led produ cts may a lso be obt ained v ia the Inte rnet, using the address: h ttp://www.
User’s Manual Infor mation • Medical Requirement Classificat ions: In accordance wit h UL 2601-1/IEC 60601-1, the product is cssif ied as Continuous duty Cla ss I equipment, which is not protecte d against ingress of liquids.
User’s Manual Infor mation • Natural Color Software Progr am One of the rece nt probl ems in us ing a co mputer i s that the color of the im ages p rinted o ut by a pr inter or other images s canned by a scan ner or a digital camera a re not the same as those shown on th e moni tor.
User’s Manual Infor mation 1 Adjust co mputer r esolu tion and sc reen inje ction rate (re fresh ra te) in cont rol panel of compu ter as des cribed below to e njoy the best quali ty of pic ture. Y ou can ha ve an uneven qualit y of p icture in the s creen if the bes t quality of pic ture is not provided in TFT-LCD.
User’s Manual Infor mation I n f ormat i on i n th i s do c u m ent i s subje c t to change wi t hout not i ce. ® 200 3 Sa m su n g E l ect r onics Co . , Ltd. A l l r i gh t s r eserved. Reproduc tion in an y manner whatsoev er withou t the writt en permi ssion of Samsung Electro nics Co.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Samsung 153N c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Samsung 153N - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Samsung 153N, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Samsung 153N va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Samsung 153N, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Samsung 153N.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Samsung 153N. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Samsung 153N ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.