Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit RCE-560PTR du fabricant Rinnai
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Convector RCE470/670TRE ISO 9001 Model for Quality Assurance in design/development, production , inst allation and servicing, aimed primarily at achieving customer satisfacti on by preventin g nonc onformity at all stages from design through to servicing.
© Copyright Ri nnai Australia Pt y Ltd A.C.N. 005 138 769 A ll rights re served Produc ed by Custom er Tech nical Ser vices Februa ry 2 000 No portion or part of t his manual may be copi ed without prior permission from Rinnai Australia.
Convec tor 46 0/560 PTR ©Rin nai Table of Contents Glossary of Terms .................................................... ..................................... ............ v 1. Introduction ......................................... .................
Conv ector 460/560 PTR - v - ©Ri nnai Glossary of Terms This gl ossary of ter ms and sy mbol s is provid ed to assis t you in un derstan ding some of the lan guage used th roughou t this manu al.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 1 - ©Rin nai 1. Introduction Development Background Rinnai have developed a Portable Convect or/Air Purifier Space H eater with an air purifying capacity that e xceeds existing models an d meets recent aims to im prove health.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 2 - ©Rin nai 2. Specifications M odel N o. RCE - 46 0 PTR RCE - 5 60 PTR N a me of appli ance P ortab le Conv ecto r Main Uni t Specificati ons Output 5.5~1 8MJ /h (5.0 k W) 5.5~2 1MJ /h (5.8 1 k W) Dime nsions (mm ) Wi d t h 5 2 0 Dep th 2 1 0 (base 30 5) He i g h t 6 5 0 W eight (Kg) 1 6.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 3 - ©Rin nai Air P urifier Specification Air P urifier Filter m ethod (initi al efficiency a pprox. 80%) Anti-bacte ria A ctivated C arbon (initi al efficiency approx.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 4 - ©Rin nai 3. Combustion Specification Basic Combustion Specification Rinnai m odel refer ence RCE-4 60PTR RCE-5 60PTR Gas type NG P ropane LP G(NZ) NG P ropane LP G(NZ) G a s c o n s u m p t i o n ( M J / h ) H i g h 18 18 18 21 21 21 Low 5.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 5 - ©Rin nai W arm Air Discharge T emperature Distribution - 560PTR (Heater) Conditio ns: <High Com bustio n> Test gas: Natural Measured I nput: 20.90 MJ/h 4,990 kcal/ h Nominal Input: 21.00 M J/h 5,02 0 (Unit ∆ ° C) (Room temp erature 26.
Conve ctor 460 /560 PTR - 6 - ©Rinna i W arm Air Discharge V elocity - 560PTR (Heater) <High> (Unit m/se c) <Low> (Unit m /sec) Conditio ns Convec tion Fan rpm High: 840 r pm Low: 550 rpm Measured at full comb ustion Average air velocity o n High: 3.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 7 - ©Rin nai W arm Air Discharge T emperature Distribution - 460PTR (Heater) Conditio ns: <High Com bustio n> Test gas: Natural Measured I nput: 18.10 MJ/h 4,320 kcal/ h Nominal Input: 18.00 M J/h 4,30 0 (Unit ∆ ° C) (Room temp erature 26.
Conve ctor 460 /560 PTR - 8 - ©Rinna i W arm Air Discharge V elocity - 460PTR (Heater) <High> (Unit m/se c) <Low> (Unit m /sec) Conditio ns Convec tion Fan rpm High: 800 r pm Low: 550 rpm Measured at full comb ustion Average air velocity o n High: 3.
Conve ctor 4 60/560P TR - 9 - ©Rin nai Air Discharge V elocity (Air Purifier) 4 60/560PTR <Boost> (Unit m/sec) <High> (Unit m/sec) <Medium> (Unit m /sec) <Low> (Unit m/sec) Conditio ns Air Purifi er Fan rpm Boost: 11 00 rpm High: 7 40 rpm Med: 670 rpm Low: 600 rpm Average air velocity o n Boost: 3 .
Conv ector 460/5 60 PTR - 10 - © Rinn ai Noise Level - 460 /560PTR Heater Measurin g method : Accord ing to Jap anese Indust ry Sta ndards Duri ng Combustio n Air Purif ier Measuring m ethod: A ccord.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 11 - ©Rinn ai 4. Dimensions Note: All di mension s are in millimetres.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 12 - ©Rinn ai 5. Installation The following clearance s are recommended for installat ion..
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 13 - ©Rinn ai 6. Schematic Diagram.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 14 - ©Rinn ai 7. Cut - Away Diagram.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 15 - ©Rinn ai 8. Operation Principles Control Panel Layout.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 16 - ©Rinn ai Normal Heater Operation • Pr ess the H eat ON / O F F button. • The ON /Comb ustion i ndicator illuminat es gree n, and th e convection motor starts pre- pur gin g. • The Digi tal Display display s the present room temperature.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 17 - ©Rinn ai • If the H eater button is pr essed when t he Timer is in stand-b y mode or during combu stion, the unit will g o into normal OF F mod e.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 18 - ©Rinn ai Automatic Air Purifier Operation 1. Turnin g ON i) Pres s the “Air Purif” butt on. The Fa n Speed “A uto” indica tor will illu minate an d the Air Pu rifier fan w ill rotate on H igh. The Dus t Indicator wil l illumina te green.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 19 - ©Rinn ai 9. Main Componentry Safety De vices Incomplete Combustion Prevention The Incomplet e Combu stion Prev enti on Dev ice senses flame temperature using a sensor with a thermocouple. Thermocouples are widely used as bu rner safety devices.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 20 - ©Rinn ai Sensor Sp ecificat ion “Drop Out ” = Time u ntil the gas is cut off af ter flame failure. Sensing voltage varies de pending on gas type.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 21 - ©Rinn ai Surge Protect ion Va l v e s Solenoid V alve Modulating V alve Glass Fuse 3 A mp Solenoi d V a lve 1 Solenoi d V alve 2 Single S eated Va l v e V oltage D C90 V.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 22 - ©Rinn ai Electrical Note: Air flo w rate is measu red using a duct. Fan speed is measured using a f inished prod uct during a ir purifier operatio n.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 23 - ©Rinn ai Operating Principle s 1 . An air current is created by the heat generated from heater resistance guiding the surrou nding unclean air into the area where the d etector is. 2. The lens p rojects infr a-red light around t he detector .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 24 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 25 - ©Rinn ai 10. Operational Flow Chart H eater ON Power Point ON I II ON/OFF SW. Normal No Yes No No Yes O N /O FF s w. O N Yes Operation/Comb. Ind. Illuminates (Green) Display time 6 Room temp. A R . F d e t ec ti on sw.temp.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 26 - ©Rinn ai Heater OFF ON/OFF Switch OFF Display Room Tem p . 6 Time SV1 SV2 OFF Mod. valve OFF C.M. ( med ) ON C.M. OFF OFF TIMER O N /O FF s wi tc h O N Air volume indica.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 27 - ©Rinn ai 11. Error Code Messages Error Code Messages * If the sa fety devices act ivate while either (or bo th) the heater and a ir purifier are o perating , both will cease operating. * When t he unit is off, pres s the “over ride” and “ ∨ ” but tons simu ltaneous ly for at least 2.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 28 - ©Rinn ai Memory Function for Maintenance Data The 5 m ost recent err or message s and the estima ted time of com bustio n, combust ion frequ ency, estimated t ime of air purifier operation, and air purif ier operation tim e are stored, as well as E 2 PROM.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 29 - ©Rinn ai E 2 PRO M data will no t be erased dur ing a powe r failure. H owever, this da ta is divided into 2 groups where one of the groups of d ata can be reset at th e external con trol pads.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 30 - ©Rinn ai The unit w ill go into Test Mode w h en the Tes t Switch is s witched O N while th e unit is op erating. The unit will go in to each o f the followi ng mod es during Test Mode : Low Pressure Mode , High Pressure Mode, Deci sion Lev el Adjust ment Mode, and Sensitive Selec tion Mode.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 31 - ©Rinn ai <LED display duri ng Test /Adjus tment Mod e> 1 . Duri ng Gas Conversion Mode (lef t side of d ispla y) 2. Duri ng T est M o de The firs t and second digits o f the LED d isplay t he level. The t hir d and fo urth dig its of the LED dis play the e nter ed da ta.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 32 - ©Rinn ai 5. S tandard Level M ode A functio n called “factory m ode”* has been added to con firm appliance settings. *Displays s et manufactur ing values . 1. O p e r a t i o n M e t h o d Press the “ ∧ ” button cont inuously , then th e “Heat” button .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 33 - ©Rinn ai An exam ple of High F lame Failure D etection Level 1 2mV, and Low F lame Failure D etection Level 1 8mV d. Dus t Sens or Level e.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 34 - ©Rinn ai Fl ow Ch art N o CN W ire C olour N o Measu rement V alue P art 1B blue -blue 1 6 1 7 switc h.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 35 - ©Rinn ai !" ##" 15 O blac k-blac k AC 3~7V 31 ~ 4 3 Dust Sensor P grey-bl ac k D C 4~6V 1 .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 36 - ©Rinn ai $%% &' ( Ser vice Call Sys tem Check P oints (N o.’s refer to causes outlined in the follow ing pages) Applian ce does not op erate after having presse d ON /O F F switch.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 37 - ©Rinn ai 1. G a s S u p p l y <Ignitio n does n ot occur> <Room d oes not warm up > <Smell o f gas> • Is the g as supp ly fully open? • Is the gas .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 38 - ©Rinn ai 1 0. Unclean Fil ter Cartridge <Smoke and odou rs are not removed > <Heater b ecomes no isy> • The replacem ent peri od for the fil ter cartridge will vary d ue to use and lo cation of in stalla- tion, how ever, it s hould be rep laced year ly .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 39 - ©Rinn ai )%* Note: Befo re ca rrying out re sistance check s, disc onnect power. *+ *!',-.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 40 - ©Rinn ai b. T he convection f a n doe s not be gin to rotate. 1 . Conv ection fan shaft grub screw loose. 2. An obstruct ion in th e convection fan is preven ting the fan from ro tating. 3. Open circ uit or bad connectio n in motor circuit.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 41 - ©Rinn ai +'1 0'1'.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 42 - ©Rinn ai +' % ! 1 . P ower failure. All indicators t urned off. H eater O N /OF F S witch ON after power reinsta t ement.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 43 - ©Rinn ai +*!'*%-.%+ a. the ai r purif ie r fan does not be gin to rotate. Is there electrical supply? 1 .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 44 - ©Rinn ai C onf irmi ng simpl e opera tion o f dust senso r N ecessary equipmen t Infra-re d TV remote contro l 1 . Re move the dus t sensor cov er on the right hand side of the app liance. (The dust sensor is inside the tr ian gul ar o peni ng.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 45 - ©Rinn ai 45 1 . Remov e the fro nt panel (see “R emoval of th e Fr ont P anel Assembly” on page 48). 2. R emove the filter (see “Rem oval of the Pu rifier Filter” on p age 48).
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 46 - ©Rinn ai 65%7% 1 . Gas T ype Changeove r a. When th e unit is off, press the test s witc h at the to p of the PC B for at least 0.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 47 - ©Rinn ai 87 127( .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 48 - ©Rinn ai 1 . Remo val of the Puri f ier Fil ter CAUTION 240 Volt expo sure. Isola te the elect rical supply to the app liance and re confir m with t he neo n screwd river or multi meter. a. Rem ove the thu mb screw (1 screw).
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 49 - ©Rinn ai d. Rem ove the eigh t (8) screws securing th e fan hous ing t o the b ack p anel . e. R emove the capa citor to the right o f the fan housing (1 screw) and wirin g loom from the main P C B. f. F urt her disassemb ly would be re quired to replace motor as sho wn below .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 50 - ©Rinn ai 7 . Removal of the Su rge P rotector and Sparker Unit CAUTION 240 Volt expo sure. Isola te the elect rical supply to the app liance and re confir m with t he neo n screwd river or multi meter. a. F ollow section 3 ( R emoval of the F ront Pa n e l ) .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 51 - ©Rinn ai d. Disco nnect conne cto r from P CB. e. R emove the two (2) sc rews secu ring the brac ket and dise ngage from burner a ssy (top and bottom ). f. Rem ove one (1) screw to releas e the thermoco uple from t he brac ket (side).
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 52 - ©Rinn ai 1 3. Removal of the Con vection F an Assy CAUTION 240 Volt expo sure. Isola te the elect rical supply to the app liance and re confir m with t he neo n screwd river or multi meter. a. F ollow section 3 ( R emoval of the F ront Pa n e l ) .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 53 - ©Rinn ai 1 5. Remo val of the Spa rk Elec tro de CAUTION 240 Volt expo sure. Isola te the elect rical supply to the app liance and re confir m with t he neo n screwd river or multi meter. a. F ollow section 3 ( R emoval of the F ront Pa n e l ) .
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 54 - ©Rinn ai 1 7 . Removal of the T h ermistor a. F ollow section 3 ( R emoval of the F ront Pa n e l ) . b. Pry op en the tw o (2) locatin g clips wi th a screwdriver and di sconnect fro m the P C B. 1 8. Remo val of the Inject or a.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 55 - ©Rinn ai 9: Lege nd bl: blue r: red w: white y: yel low v: vio let bk: blac k g y: grey or: orange br: brow n gr: gree.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 56 - ©Rinn ai ;/(.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 57 - ©Rinn ai #'.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 58 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 59 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 60 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 61 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 62 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 63 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 64 - ©Rinn ai.
Conv ector 460/5 60PTR - 65 - ©Rinn ai.
7 & - *&-7 AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. A. C.N. 005 138 76 9 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Rinnai RCE-560PTR c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Rinnai RCE-560PTR - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Rinnai RCE-560PTR, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Rinnai RCE-560PTR va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Rinnai RCE-560PTR, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Rinnai RCE-560PTR.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Rinnai RCE-560PTR. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Rinnai RCE-560PTR ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.