Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM du fabricant ResMed
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1 USER’S MANU AL English 338215-Eng/3 05 08 S8 Escape ™ System E NGLISH.
1 S8 Esc ape ™ ILLUSTRA TIONS ILLUSTRA TIONS FIGURAS ILUSTRAÇÕES Component of 338215/3 Composant du 338215/3 Componente de 338215/3 Componente de 338215/3 A K e ypad Cla vier T eclado T eclado Car.
I J 23 4 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 23 4 USING A RESMED P ASSO VER / UTILISA TION D'UN P ASSOVER RESMED / USO DE UN P ASSO VER DE RESMED / UTILIZAÇÃO DE UM RESMED P.
E NGLISH 3 C ONTENTS C ONTENTS I NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Y OUR R ESPONSIBILITY 5 M EDICAL I NFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 S YSTEM S PECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 S8 E SCAPE 29 A CCESSORIES 29 L IMITED W ARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 I NDEX . . . . .
5 E NGLISH I NTRODU CTION I NTRODUCT ION Thank you for choosing the S8 E SCAPE ™ flow generator. The S8 E SCAPE is a compact, all-in-one package with an inbuilt power su pply and the o ption of integrated data management and hu midification. This user manual contains the information you need for the corr ect use of your S8 E SCAPE .
6 C ONTRAINDICATIONS The S8 E SCAPE is not a life suppor t device and may stop operatin g during power failur e or certain fault conditions. It should not be used by patients who are dependent on continuous thera py.
7 E NGLISH M EDICAL I NFORMATION • If oxygen i s used with this device, the oxygen flow m ust be tur ned off when the device is not operating. If oxygen has been left on, turn off the fl ow generator , then wait 30 min utes before tur ning on the flo w gener ator y again.
8 A DVERSE E FFECTS Patients should repor t unusual chest pain, sev ere headache, or increa sed breathlessne ss to their prescribing p hysician. An acute upp er respiratory trac t infection may require temporary discontinuation of tr eatment.
9 E NGLISH T HE S8 E SCAPE S YSTEM T HE S8 E SCAPE S YSTEM The S8 E SCAPE device is part of a system that consists of five el ements: • S8 E SCAPE flow generator • Mask • Humidifier • Data management prod ucts • Accessories. S8 E SCAPE Please refer to the illustrations in section A of the illustration sheet.
10 F ULL F ACE M ASKS • M IRAGE ™ F ULL F ACE M ASK • M IRAGE ™ F ULL F ACE M ASK S ERIES 2 • U LTRA M IRAGE ™ F ULL F ACE M ASK . ! WARNING Only ResMed mask systems are compatible for use with the S8 Escape. Please refe r to “Warnings” on page 6.
11 E NGLISH H OW TO U SE THE S8 E SCAPE H OW TO U SE THE S8 E SCAPE Please refer to the illustrations in section D of the illustration sheet. S ET U P THE S8 E SCAPE 1 Place the S8 E SCA PE on a table near the head of your bed.
12 2 Lie down and arra ng e the air tubing so that it is free to move if you turn in your sleep. ! CAUTION • Do not lea ve long lengths of air tubing ar ound the top of your bed. The y could twist around y our head or neck while you ar e sleeping. • M ake s u re t h e ar e a a ro u n d t he f l o w g e n e ra t o r i s d r y a n d c l e a n .
13 E NGLISH H OW TO A TTACH A H UMIDIFIER H OW TO A TTACH A H UMIDIF IER A TTACH A H UMID A IRE 3 i H UMIDIFIE R Please refer to the illustration in section E of the illustration sheet, and your HumidAire 3i manual. The H UMID A IRE 3 i attaches to the front of the S8 E SCAPE to pr ovide heated humidification.
14 A TTACH A R ES M ED P ASSOVER H UMIDIFIER Please refer to the illustrations in section J of the illustr ation sheet. To connect your S8 E SCAPE to a ResMed P ASSOVER humidifier you ne ed medium sized 21” (52 cm) air tubing. 1 Fill the P ASSOVER with water and connect the medium 21” (52 cm) and long 6’6” (2 m) air tubing ( J-1 ).
15 E NGLISH H OW TO USE THE K EYP AD H OW TO USE THE K EY PAD The control panel of the S8 E SCAPE includes an LCD screen and keypad for navigating through the menus and delivering treatme nt. LCD S CREEN The LCD screen displays the menus and treatment screens.
16 on when you press a key. Once the Start/Stop key has been pressed to start treatment, the LCD b acklight stays on for tw o minutes. The keyp ad backlight is always on while the S8 E SCAPE is on. H OW TO C HANGE THE S ETTINGS ON YOUR S8 E SCAPE You can change settings (such as Ramp Time, Al titude) on the S8 E SCAPE by using the keypad and LCD.
17 E NGLISH H OW TO USE THE K EYP AD H OW TO EXIT OUT OF A MENU Press the Right key (Exit). This will take you bac k to the Patient Menu screen. H OW TO EXIT OUT OF AN ITEM WITHIN THE MENU Press the Right key (Exit). H OW TO C HANGE THE R AMP T IME During ramp time, the pressure increases from a lo w pressure to the prescribed treatment pressure .
18 M ESSAGES ON THE S8 E SCAPE LCD Your clinician may have set your S8 E SCAPE to remind you about important events, such as when to replace your mask, when to insert your Data Card (if your device i s Data Card enabled) and so on. The reminder message is displayed on the LCD and is visible i f the device is not delivering therapy.
19 E NGLISH S8 M ODULES S8 M ODULES Note: Do not remove modules while power is connected to the S8 Escap e. Your S8 E SCAPE will have one of two modul es fitted to the back: a blank module or a R ES S CAN ™ Data Card module. U SING A B LANK M ODULE Please refer to the illustrations in section F of the illustration sheet.
20 1 I NSERT THE D ATA C ARD • Switch on the S8 E SCAPE and wait until you se e the standby (Ramp) screen. • Hold the Data Card with the arrow facing up and inser t it into the slot in the Data Card module ( H-1 ). • Push the card in smoothl y until it stops moving ( H- 2 ) and messages start appearing on the LCD.
21 E NGLISH S8 M ODULES ! WARNING If your clinic ian has told you to use this Data Card to update the setti ngs on your device and the “Settings Success” message does not appear, contact your clinician immediately.
22 C LEANING AND M AINTENANCE You should regularly ca rry out the cleaning and maintenance described in this section. Refer to your mask manual for detailed instructio ns. D AILY C LE ANING Mask Clean the mask according to the in structions supplie d with the mask.
23 E NGLISH C LEANING AND M AINTENANC E R EPLACING THE A IR F ILTER To repla ce the air fil ter: 1. Remov e the air filter cov er at the back of the S8 E SCAPE . 2. Remov e and discard the old air filter . 3. Inser t a new filter with the blue ti nted side facing out from the device.
24 F REQUE NT LY A SKED Q UESTIONS H OW WILL IT FEEL WHEN I AM BREATHING WITH THE S8 E SCAPE ? When you first use your S8 E SCAPE , you may f eel uncomfortable breathing agains t the airflow. This is normal. You will continue to breathe normal ly while you sleep.
25 E NGLISH F REQUENTL Y A SK ED Q UESTIONS Altitude changes If you are moving or traveling to a hi gher or lower altitude, see “How to change t h e Altitude setting” on page 17. On an aircraft Please consult t he medical services de partment of your carrier if yo u intend to use your S8 E SCAPE on an aircraft.
26 T ROUBLESHOOTING If there is a problem, try the following sugg estions. If the problem cannot be solved, contact your equipment supplie r or ResMed. Do not attempt to open the device. Pr oblem Possible Cause Solution No display . P ower not connected.
27 E NGLISH T ROUBLESHOOTING Displa y error message: Exxxx Call Service (where xxxx defines an error) or MOTOR FAULT Call Service or UPLOAD LANGUAGES Call Service or DATA LOST Call Service Component failure .
28 The following message is display e d on the L CD after you try to update the sett ings using the Data Card: Settings Error Remove Card T here is a data error on the Data Card.
29 E NGLISH S YSTEM S PECIFICATI ONS S YSTEM S PECIFIC AT IONS S8 E SCAPE Performance: Operating pressure range: 4 to 20 cm H 2 O Dimensions (H x W x D): 4.6 ” x 6.5 ” x 5.7 ” ( 112 mm x 164 mm x 145 mm) Weight: 2.9lb (1.3 kg) Power Supply • Input range for S8 E SCAPE with H UMID A IR E 3i :100–240V , 50/60Hz; 110V , 400Hz; 2.
30 D ATA C ARD M ODULE Dimensions (H x W x D): 1.95” x 1.66” x 0.47” (49.7 mm x 42.2 mm x 12 mm) A LL D EVICES ( WHERE APPLICABL E ) Housing Construction: Flame retardant engineering t hermoplas.
31 E NGLISH S YSTEM S PECIFICATI ONS G UIDANCE AND M ANUFACTURER ’ S D ECLARATION - E LEC TROMAGNETIC E MISSIONS AND I MMUNITY Guidance and manufacturer ’s declar ation—electromagnetic emi ssions The S8 series of devices is intended for use in t he electromagnetic environment specified below .
32 Guidance and manufacturer ’s decl aration—electromagnetic immuni ty The S8 series of devices is intended for use in t he electromagnetic environment specified below . The customer or the user of the S8 device should assure t hat the device is used in such an environment.
33 E NGLISH S YSTEM S PECIFICATI ONS Guidance and manufacturer’s decl aration—electromagneti c immunity The S8 series of devices is intended for use in the elec tromagnetic environment specified below . The customer or the user of the S8 device should assure that the device is use d in such an environment.
34 Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF commu nications equipment and th e S8 series of devi ces The S8 series of devices is intended for use in an envi ronment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled.
35 E NGLISH L IMITED W ARRANTY L IMITED W ARRANTY ResMed warrants that your Re sMed product shall be free from defe cts in material and workmanship for the period specified b elow from the date of purchase by the init ial consumer. This warra nty is not transferab le.
37 E NGLISH I NDEX I NDEX A accessories 10 air filter 9 , 26 replacing 23 air pressure 26 air tubing 9 cleaning 22 connect to air outlet 11 kinked 26 positioning 12 aircraft 25 airflow breathing with .
38 N nasal irritation 24 P P assover attaching 14 power cord 9 , 26 connecting 11 power sockets 9 power sources 25 power supply 29 R ramp time 12 , 17 , 26 reminder replace mask 18 reminders 18 ResSca.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei ResMed S8 ESCAPE SYSTEM ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.