Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Megane Berline (2009) du fabricant Renault
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Photo credit: T otal/DPPI Imacom group ELF has developed a complete range of lubricants for RENAUL T : f engine oils f manual and automatic gearbox oils Benefiting from the research applied to Formula 1, lubricants are very high-tech products.
0.1 ENG_UD19396_3 Bienvenue (X35 - X44 - X45 - X73 - X81 - J81 - X84 - X85 - B85 - C85 - S85 - X91 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - TEST - X77 ph2 - K85 - X95 - X33 - X43 - X38 - X65 PH5 - ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_0 T ranslated from French.
0.2 ENG_UD9525_5 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_966-1.
0.3 ENG_UD6256_1 Sommaire Général (X95 - B95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_0 Getting to know your vehicle ............................... Driving ................................................................... Y our comfort .............
0.4 ENG_UD9525_5 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_966-1.
1.1 ENG_UD261 10_2 Sommaire 1 (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Section 1: Getting to know your vehicle RENAUL T cards: general information, use, deadlocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) emergency key ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) child safety............................................................. (current page) children (safety) .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.3 ENG_UD21469_2 Cartes RENAUL T : généralités (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 RENAUL T CARDS: general information (2/2) Access to key 5 Pres s butto n 6 and p ull on ke y 5 the n release the button. Using the key Ref er to t he i nfo rm ati on on “ Loc ki ng/ unlocking the doors”.
locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) RENAUL T card use .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) RENAUL T card use .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
child safety............................................................. (current page) children (safety) ............................................
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.7 ENG_UD14783_3 Carte RENAUL T en mode mains libres (X95 - B95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Wi t h t he e n g i n e r u n n i n g , i f a f te r havi ng op ene d and.
central door locking .............................. (up to the end of the DU) doors/tailgate ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) RENAUL T card use .
locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) RENAUL T card use .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
warning buzzer ...................................................... (current page) doors..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) locking the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) opening the doors .
child safety............................................................. (current page) children (safety) ............................................
opening the doors ................................. (up to the end of the DU) closing the doors .................................. (up to the end of the DU) unlocking the doors .............................. (up to the end of the DU) central door locking .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.13 ENG_UD23610_5 V errouillage,déverrouillage des ouvrants (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 LOCKING/UNLOCKING THE DOORS (2/2) Interior locking/unlocking door control Sw it c h 4 con tr o ls th e doo rs , tai lg at e and, depending on the vehicle, the fuel filler flap simultaneously .
RENAUL T ANTI-INTRUDER DEVICE (RAID) (up to the end of the DU) central door locking .............................. (up to the end of the DU) doors..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) locking the doors .......
headrest................................................ (up to the end of the DU) front seats adjustment ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) adjusting your driving position .
headrest................................................ (up to the end of the DU) adjusting your driving position .............. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
front seat adjustment ............................ (up to the end of the DU) front seats adjustment ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) front seats with manual controls ........................................ (current page) 1.
1.18 ENG_UD21479_4 Sièges avant à commandes manuelles (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 T able function Depending on the vehicle, the passen- ger seatback may be folded down onto the seat base to create a table. Lo w er th e he ad r es t , mov e th e sea t back, tilt handle 6 and completely lower the seatback.
front seats with electric controls ........................................ (current page) 1.19 ENG_UD18878_3 Sièges avant à à commandes électriques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Switch 3 is used for adjusting the seat- back and switch 4 is used for adjusting the seat squab.
storing the driver ’s seat position ........... (up to the end of the DU) front seat driver ’s position memory ................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
access to the rear seats ........................................ (current page) 1.21 ENG_UD21771_3 Sièges avant: accès aux places arrière (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Electrically controlled seats Lift handle 1 and tilt the seatback com- pletely: the seat moves forward.
seat belts .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) driving position settings ........................................... (up to the end of the DU) adjusting your driving position ............................... (current page) front seats adjustment .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.23 ENG_UD25632_7 Ceintures de sécurité (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 SEA T BEL TS (2/3) Adjusting the front seat belt height (depending on ve.
1.24 ENG_UD25632_7 Ceintures de sécurité (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 SEA T BEL TS (3/3) The following information applies to the vehicle’ s front and rear seat belts. Unfastening Press button 6 and the seat belt will be rewound by the i nertia reel.
seat belts .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint ............. (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint to the rear seat belts ....................... (up to the end of the DU) seat belt pretensioners .
1.26 ENG_UD21483_5 Dispositifs complémentaires aux ceintures avant (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEA T B.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.27 ENG_UD21483_5 Dispositifs complémentaires aux ceintures avant (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEA T BEL TS (3/4) Operation Thi s syst em is onl y oper ati ona l when the ignition is switched on.
1.28 ENG_UD21483_5 Dispositifs complémentaires aux ceintures avant (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEA T BEL TS (4/4) W arnings concerning the driver ’s air bag – Do not modify the steering wheel or the steering wheel boss.
additional methods of restraint to the rear seat belts ....................... (up to the end of the DU) methods of restraint in addition to the seat belts (up to the end of the DU) air bag................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 1.
air bag................................................... (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint side protection ................................ (up to the end of the DU) methods of restraint in addition to the seat belts (up to the end of the DU) seat belts .
air bag................................................... (up to the end of the DU) methods of restraint in addition to the seat belts (up to the end of the DU) additional methods of restraint ............. (up to the end of the DU) seat belts ......
child safety............................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat .
child safety............................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat .
1.34 ENG_UD18759_2 Sécurité enfants : choix du siège enfant (X35 - L35 - X45 - H45 - X77 - X91 - X83 - X61 - X77 ph2 - X95 - L38 - X38 - X62 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 CHILD SAFETY : Choosing a child seat Rear-facing child seats A baby’s head is, proportionally , heavier than that of an adult and its neck is very fragile.
child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child safety.
1.36 ENG_UD16659_3 Sécurité enfants : choix de la fixation du siège enfant (D91 - X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - L38 - X38 - X32 - B32 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 CHILD SAFETY : choosing a chi.
child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child safety.
1.38 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte CHILD SAFETY : fitting a child seat (2/1 1) T.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.39 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 CHILD SAFETY : fitting a child seat (3/1 1) X = Seat not suitable for fitting child seats.
1.40 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte ² Seat not suitable for fitting child seats. Child seat attached using the belt ¬ S eat wh ich allow s a ch ild seat with “Universal” approval to be attached by a seat belt.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.41 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 ² Seat not suitable for fitting child seats. Child seat attached using the belt ¬ S eat wh ich allow s a ch ild seat with “Universal” approval to be attached by a seat belt.
1.42 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte CHILD SAFETY : fitting a child seat (6/1 1) T.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.43 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 X = Seat not suitable for fitting child seats. U = Seat which allows a child seat with “Universal” approval to be installed using a seat belt; check that it can be fitted.
1.44 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte ² Seat not suitable for fitting child seats. Child seat attached using the belt ¬ S eat wh ich allow s a ch ild seat with “Universal” approval to be attached by a seat belt.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.45 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 T ype of child seat estate version (five seat.
1.46 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte Child seat attached using the ISOFIX mounting ü Se at wh i ch al l o ws an IS O FI X child seat to be fitted.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.47 ENG_UD25721_1 Sécurité enfants : installation du siège enfant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 T ype of child seat estate version (four seat.
air bag deactivating the front passenger air bags ........ (current page) front passenger air bag deactivation ..................... (current page) child restraint/seat ................................ (up to the end of the DU) child safety...........
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.49 ENG_UD18912_4 Sécurité enfants : désactivation/activation airbag passager avant (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 CHILD SAFETY : deactivating/activ.
air bag activating the front passenger air bags ............ (current page) 1.50 ENG_UD18912_4 Sécurité enfants : désactivation/activation airbag passager avant (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_9.
steering wheel adjustment ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) power-assisted steering........................ (up to the end of the DU) power-assisted steering.
driver ’s position .................................... (up to the end of the DU) controls ................................................. (up to the end of the DU) dashboard............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.53 ENG_UD6281_1 Poste de conduite direction à gauche (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 DRIVING POSITION: LEFT -HAND DRIVE (2/2) 1 Side air vent. 2 Side window demister outlet. 3 Stalk for: – direction indicator lights, – exterior lights, – front fog lights, – rear fog light.
driver ’s position .................................... (up to the end of the DU) controls ................................................. (up to the end of the DU) dashboard............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 1.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.55 ENG_UD6282_1 Poste de conduite direction à droite (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 DRIVING POSITION: RIGHT -HAND DRIVE (2/2) The equipment fitted, described below , DEPENDS ON THE VERSION AND COUNTR Y .
instrument panel ................................... (up to the end of the DU) warning lights........................................ (up to the end of the DU) driver ’s position .................................... (up to the end of the DU) trip computer and warning system.
ABS ....................................................................... (current page) air bag.................................................................... (current page) variable power-assisted steering ........................... (current page) filter particle filter .
warning buzzer ...................................................... (current page) battery.................................................................... (current page) seat belts ............................................................... (current page) engine oil .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.59 ENG_UD25633_1 T ableau de bord : témoins lumineux (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 ß F r o n t s e at b e l t r e m i n d er warning light Th.
indicators: instrument panel ............................. (up to the end of the DU) display .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel ................................... (up to the end of the DU) fuel level .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.61 ENG_UD18928_3 T ableau de bord : afficheurs et indicateurs (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Instrument panel in miles (option to switch to km/h) – .
control instruments ............................... (up to the end of the DU) indicators: instrument panel ............................. (up to the end of the DU) trip computer and warning system........ (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel ....
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.63 ENG_UD23628_4 Ordinateur de bord : généralités (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - L38 - X38 - X32 - B32 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 T rip mileage resetting With “trip mileage recorder” selected on the display , press button 2 or 3 until the mileage recorder resets to zero.
trip computer and warning system........ (up to the end of the DU) warning lights........................................ (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel messages.................. (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel ................
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.65 ENG_UD25631_1 Ordinateur de bord : paramètres de voyage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (2/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY .
1.66 ENG_UD25631_1 Ordinateur de bord : paramètres de voyage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Jaune Noir Noir texte TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (3/5) Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected c) Mileage before oil change.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.67 ENG_UD25631_1 Ordinateur de bord : paramètres de voyage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (4/5) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY .
1.68 ENG_UD25631_1 Ordinateur de bord : paramètres de voyage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 TRIP COMPUTER: trip settings (5/5) Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected e) V ehicle settings customisation menu.
trip computer and warning system......................... (current page) warning lights......................................................... (current page) instrument panel messages................................... (current page) instrument panel .
trip computer and warning system......................... (current page) instrument panel messages................................... (current page) warning lights......................................................... (current page) instrument panel .
trip computer and warning system......................... (current page) warning lights......................................................... (current page) instrument panel messages................................... (current page) instrument panel .
menu for customising the vehicle settings (up to the end of the DU) customising the vehicle settings ........... (up to the end of the DU) customised vehicle settings .
clock ..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) clock ..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) external temperature ............................ (up to the end of the DU) indicators: exterior temperature indicator .
rear view mirrors ................................... (up to the end of the DU) 1.74 ENG_UD21504_2 Rétroviseurs (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Door mirrors Folding door mirrors The doo r mi rro rs a utom ati cal ly f old in when the vehicle is locked (switch 2 in posi tio n B ) .
warning buzzer ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) headlight flashers ................................. (up to the end of the DU) indicators .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) lights: hazard warning .
lighting: exterior ............................................ (up to the end of the DU) instrument panel .................................................... (current page) lights: side lights ........................................................
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.77 ENG_UD25638_1 Eclairages et signalisations extérieurs (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Automatic main beam headlights Thi s syst em swi tch es t he mai n beam headlights on and off automatically .
lights: main beam headlights ...................................... (current page) warning buzzer ...................................................... (current page) see-me-home lighting ............................................ (current page) lights mobile directional .
lights: fog lights .......................................................... (current page) Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.79 ENG_UD25638_1 Eclairages et signalisations extérieurs (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - .
electric beam height adjustment ........... (up to the end of the DU) see-me-home lighting ........................... (up to the end of the DU) lights: adjusting ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) lights adjustment ..
wipers ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) windscreen washer/wiper ..................... (up to the end of the DU) windscreen washer .
headlight washer ................................................... (current page) 1.82 ENG_UD17355_4 Essuie-vitre / lave-vitre avant (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Headligh.
screen wash/wipe ................................. (up to the end of the DU) windscreen washer ............................... (up to the end of the DU) wipers .
fuel tank capacity .................................. (up to the end of the DU) fuel filling ................................................ (up to the end of the DU) fuel grade ............................................... (up to the end of the DU) fuel tank capacity .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 1.85 ENG_UD25637_1 Réservoir carburant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 Filling with fuel With the ignition off, insert the nozzle to open valve A and insert it fully before turning it on to fill the fuel tank (risk of splashing).
1.86 ENG_UD25637_1 Réservoir carburant (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_1 N o m o d i f i c a t i o n s w h a t - s o e ve r a r e p e r m i t t e d o n any par t o f th e fu el suppl y syste m (compu ters, w iring , f u e l c i r c u i t , i n j e c t o r, p r o t e c t i o n covers, etc.
2.1 ENG_UD261 1 1_2 Sommaire 2 (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Section 2: Driving (Advice on use relating to fuel economy and the environment) Running in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
running in .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 2.
starting the engine ................................ (up to the end of the DU) engine start/stop button ........................ (up to the end of the DU) starting the engine ................................ (up to the end of the DU) driving .........
switching on the vehicle ignition ............................ (current page) 2.4 ENG_UD18932_3 Démarrage / Arrêt moteur avec carte RENAULT mains libres (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK9.
stopping the engine .............................. (up to the end of the DU) engine start/stop button ........................ (up to the end of the DU) 2.
2.6 ENG_UD25656_1 Fonction Stop and Start (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte The message “Auto Stop” on the instru- ment panel indicates that the engine is on standby . The veh icl e e quip men t r emai n o per a- tional while the engine is stopped.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.7 ENG_UD25656_1 Fonction Stop and Start (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 STOP AND ST ART FUNCTION (2/3) D ea c t i v a t e t h e S to p an d Start function for any opera- tion performed in the engine compartment.
2.8 ENG_UD25656_1 Fonction Stop and Start (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Operating faults Wh e n th e m e ss a g e “ C h ec k S to p & Start” appears on the instrument panel and the integrated warning light 2 lights up on the switch 1 , the system is deac- tivated.
special features of petrol vehicles ........ (up to the end of the DU) catalytic converter................................. (up to the end of the DU) driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) catalytic converter.
catalytic converter................................. (up to the end of the DU) special features of diesel versions........ (up to the end of the DU) driving .
gear lever............................................................... (current page) changing gear ....................................... (up to the end of the DU) reverse gear selecting .......................................... (up to the end of the DU) driving .
driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) electronic parking brake ....................... (up to the end of the DU) 2.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.13 ENG_UD1 1746_2 Frein de parking assisté (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Special cases Whe n pa rki ng on a slop e or to win g a traile r , pull switc h 3 for a few secon ds to obtain the maximum braking effect.
2.14 ENG_UD1 1746_2 Frein de parking assisté (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 – If there is an electronic parking brake faul t, war ning l ight s ® lig ht up accompanied by the “Parking brake fault” message, a beep and in certain cases indicator light } .
driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) fuel economy ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) advice on antipollution .......................... (up to the end of the DU) antipollution advice .
2.16 ENG_UD20973_7 Conseils antipollution, économie de carburant, conduite (X45 - H45 - X85 - B85 - C85 - S85 - X91 - X83 - X61 - F61 - K61 - K85 - X95 - B95 - D95 - J95 - R95 - L38 - X61 ENG_NU_966-.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.17 ENG_UD20973_7 Conseils antipollution, économie de carburant, conduite (X45 - H45 - X85 - B85 - C85 - S85 - X91 - X83 - X61 - F61 - K61 - K85 - X95 - B95 - D95 - J95 - R95 -.
environment .......................................... (up to the end of the DU) 2.18 ENG_UD25716_1 Environnement (sans marque) (X44 - X45 - X77 - X81 - X85 - X90 - X91 - X83 - X61 - TEST - X95 - J95 .
tyres ...................................................... (up to the end of the DU) tyre pressure monitor............................ (up to the end of the DU) tyre pressure......................................... (up to the end of the DU) driving .
2.20 ENG_UD6303_1 Système de surveillance de pression des pneumatiques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte Display Display 1 on the inst rument panel an d trip computer and warning system 2 in- for ms you of any tyr e pres sur e fau lts (flat tyre, puncture d ty re, system fault, etc.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.21 ENG_UD6303_1 Système de surveillance de pression des pneumatiques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 T yre repair product and inflation kit Bec au se th e va lve s are spe cia ll y de - sign ed, only use e qui pmen t ap prov ed by the approved network.
ABS ...................................................... (up to the end of the DU) anti-lock braking system: ABS .............. (up to the end of the DU) ESP: Electronic Stability Program ........ (up to the end of the DU) ASR (traction control) ...
Hill Start Assistance (HSA) .................................... (current page) hill start ................................................. (up to the end of the DU) Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.
2.24 ENG_UD25646_1 Dispositifs de correction et d’assistance à la conduite (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte DRIVER CORRECTION DEVICES/AIDS (3/4) .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.25 ENG_UD25646_1 Dispositifs de correction et d’assistance à la conduite (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 The tr ac ti on cont ro l AS R o ffe rs addi - ti on al sa fe ty , it is rec om me nd ed tha t you do not drive with the function disa- bled.
2.26 ENG_UD25647_1 Franchissement involontaire de ligne continue ou discontinue (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte Lane departure warning LANE DEP ARTURE W ARNING (1/2) This lane departure warning system no- tifies the driver when they accidentally cross a continuous or broken line.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.27 ENG_UD25647_1 Franchissement involontaire de ligne continue ou discontinue (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 LANE DEP ARTURE W ARNING (2/2) Adju.
speed limiter ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) cruise control-speed limiter................... (up to the end of the DU) cruise control ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) driving .....
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.29 ENG_UD18934_2 Régulateur-limiteur de vitesse : fonction limiteur (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Driving When a limited speed has been stored and this speed is not reached, driving is simila r to d riving a ve hicle wit hout the speed limiter function.
2.30 ENG_UD18934_2 Régulateur-limiteur de vitesse : fonction limiteur (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Recalling the limit speed If a speed has been stored, it can be re- called by pressing switch 5 (R).
cruise control ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) cruise control-speed limiter................... (up to the end of the DU) driving .
2.32 ENG_UD18935_2 Régulateur-limiteur de vitesse : fonction régulateur (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruise control function (2/4) Switching on Press switch 1 on the side showing .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.33 ENG_UD18935_2 Régulateur-limiteur de vitesse : fonction régulateur (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Putting the function on standby The function is.
2.34 ENG_UD18935_2 Régulateur-limiteur de vitesse : fonction régulateur (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 CRUISE CONTROL/SPEED LIMITER: cruise control function (4/4) Note: if the speed previously stored is mu ch hig he r t ha n the cur re nt sp ee d, the vehicle will accelerate more rapidly to reach this threshold.
parking distance control........................ (up to the end of the DU) driving ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) reversing sensor .
2.36 ENG_UD25722_1 Aide au parking (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte P ARKING DIST ANCE CONTROL (2/3) Rear parking distance control Operation When r ever sing , most objec ts loc ated le s s th a n a pp r o xi m a te l y 1 .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.37 ENG_UD25722_1 Aide au parking (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 P ARKING DIST ANCE CONTROL (3/3) Special features Ensure that the ultrasonic senso rs are not obscured (by dirt, mud, snow , etc.).
2.38 ENG_UD13559_3 Caméra de recul (X95 - J95 - R95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Reversing camera REVERSING CAMERA Fixed clearance gauge 2 The f ixe d cle ara nce g auge com pris es colour.
automatic gearbox (use) ....................... (up to the end of the DU) automatic gearbox selector lever.......... (up to the end of the DU) changing gear ....................................... (up to the end of the DU) reverse gear selecting .....
2.40 ENG_UD21799_7 Boîte automatique (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 Jaune Noir Noir texte Parking the vehicle When the vehicle is stopped, move the leve r to posit ion P whi le keep ing you r foot on the brake pedal: the gearbox is in neutral and the drive wheels are me- chanically locked by the driveshaft.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 2.41 ENG_UD21799_7 Boîte automatique (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_2 When setting off, if the lever is locked in position P even t hough you are d e- pressing the brake pedal and pressing unlocking button 2 , the lever can be re- leased manua lly .
2.42 ENG_UD9525_5 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_966-.
3.1 ENG_UD261 12_2 Sommaire 3 (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Section 3: Y our comfort Air vents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
air vents ................................................ (up to the end of the DU) 3.2 ENG_UD17357_4 Aérateurs (sorties d’air) (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) E N G _ N U_ 9 66 - 1_ B D K9 5 _R e na .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.3 ENG_UD17357_4 Aérateurs (sorties d’air) (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) E N G _ N U_ 9 66 - 1_ B D K9 5 _R e na u lt _ 3 AIR VENTS: air outlets (2/2) Air flow T u rn cont rol kn ob 1 ( beyo nd the p oint of resistance). Up: maximum air flow .
heating system ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) air conditioning ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) ventilation ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) air conditioning .
rear screen de-icing/demisting .............................. (current page) windscreen de-icing/demisting .............................. (current page) Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.
air conditioning ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) heating system ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) temperature regulation ......................... (up to the end of the DU) ventilation ....
Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.7 ENG_UD25147_1 Climatisation automatique (X95 - J95 - R95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 AUTOMA TIC CLIMA TE CONTROL (2/5) V arying the ventilation speed In a ut om at ic m od e, t he syst em use s the most suitable amount of air to reach and maintain the desired comfort level.
3.8 ENG_UD25147_1 Climatisation automatique (X95 - J95 - R95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Jaune Noir Noir texte The dis pla yed tem per at ure valu es show a comfort level.
rear screen de-icing/demisting .............................. (current page) windscreen de-icing/demisting .............................. (current page) Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.
3.10 ENG_UD25147_1 Climatisation automatique (X95 - J95 - R95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Manual use Pressing button 1 1 allows air recircula- tion to be forced, in which case the in- tegrated warning light comes on as well as warning light 14 .
air conditioning ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) heating and air conditioning system ...................... (current page) air conditioning .
electric windows ................................... (up to the end of the DU) child safety............................................................. (current page) children (safety) ..................................................... (current page) sunroof.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.13 ENG_UD18900_4 Lève-vitres électriques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 ELECTRIC WINDOWS/ELECTRIC P ANORAMIC SUNROOF (2/3) Sunroof – Open the sun .
3.14 ENG_UD18900_4 Lève-vitres électriques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 ELECTRIC WINDOWS/ELECTRIC P ANORAMIC SUNROOF (3/3) Precautions during use – che ck th at the su .
lighting: interior ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) courtesy light ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) map reading lights ................................ (up to the end of the DU) 3.
sun visor ................................................................ (current page) courtesy mirrors ............................................
storage compartments .......................... (up to the end of the DU) storage compartment............................ (up to the end of the DU) fittings .
armrest: front .................................................................. (current page) 3.18 ENG_UD1 1880_3 Rangements / aménagements habitacle (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95.
glove box ............................................................... (current page) Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.19 ENG_UD1 1880_3 Rangements / aménagements habitacle (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_.
3.20 ENG_UD1 1880_3 Rangements / aménagements habitacle (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 P ASSENGER COMP ARTMENT STORAGE SP ACE AND FITTINGS (4/4) Rear centre console storage .
ashtray .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) cigar lighter ........................................... (up to the end of the DU) accessories socket .
rear bench seat..................................... (up to the end of the DU) rear seats functions ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) 3.22 ENG_UD21546_6 Banquette arrière (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Jaune Noir Noir texte P r e s s b u t t o n 1 a n d l o w e r t h e seatback(s) A .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.23 ENG_UD21546_6 Banquette arrière (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 REAR BENCH SEA T functions (2/3) Luggage compartment carpet level adjustment T o ad.
3.24 ENG_UD21546_6 Banquette arrière (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Wh e n ref it t in g th e se a t- bac k , make sure it is cor- rectly locked in place. If sea t cov er s ar e fi tt ed , make sure these do not prevent the seatback latch from locking in.
tailgate .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) tailgate .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 3.25 ENG_UD21547_2 Coffre à bagages (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Luggage compartment T AILGA TE T o open Press button 1 and lift the tailgate.
rear parcel shelf .................................... (up to the end of the DU) tailgate .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) rear parcel shelf .
luggage compartment cover ................. (up to the end of the DU) rear parcel shelf .................................... (up to the end of the DU) 3.
3.28 ENG_UD21548_2 Cache-bagages : versions break (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Luggage compartment cover storage From the re ar do ors , lowe r the benc h seat s eatb ack (r efer to info rmat ion on the “Rear bench seat” in section 3).
storage compartments .......................... (up to the end of the DU) tailgate .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 3.
3.30 ENG_UD25723_1 Rangement, aménagement coffre à bagages (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 Jaune Noir Noir texte LUGGAGE COMP ARTMENT STORAGE SP ACE AND FITTINGS (2/3).
Jaune Noir Noir texte 3.31 ENG_UD25723_1 Rangement, aménagement coffre à bagages (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 LUGGAGE COMP ARTMENT STORAGE SP ACE AND FITTINGS (3/3) Separating the luggage compartment (sport tourer version) The loading area can be separated.
3.32 ENG_UD10820_2 Transport d’objets dans le cof fre (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 T ransporting objects in the luggage compartment/T owing (towing equipment) TRANSPORTING OBJECTS IN THE LUGGAGE COMP ARTMENT/TOWING (towing equipment) A Alw ay s pos iti on th e hea vi- es t it e ms di r e ct l y on t h e floor .
luggage retaining net ............................ (up to the end of the DU) tailgate .................................................. (up to the end of the DU) transporting objects in the luggage compartment ........... (up to the end of the DU) transporting objects luggage net .
3.34 ENG_UD12949_1 Transport d’objets : filet de séparation (X95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_3 TRANSPORTING OBJECTS: luggage net (2/2) – in the luggage compartment, fix t he lo we.
roof bars ............................................... (up to the end of the DU) roof rack roof bars .......................................... (up to the end of the DU) 3.
multimedia equipment .......................... (up to the end of the DU) telephone .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) navigation system ................................. (up to the end of the DU) hands-free telephone integrated control (up to the end of the DU) navigation .
4.1 ENG_UD261 13_2 Sommaire 4 (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_4 Section 4: Maintenance Bonnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
bonnet................................................... (up to the end of the DU) maintenance: mechanical ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) 4.
engine oil .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) oil change ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) engine oil level ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) 4.
dipstick.................................................. (up to the end of the DU) 4.4 ENG_UD25658_1 Niveau huile moteur : généralités (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault.
engine oil .............................................. (up to the end of the DU) oil change ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) engine oil level ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) engine oil capacity .
filter oil filter ............................................ (up to the end of the DU) 4.6 ENG_UD25724_1 Niveau huile moteur : appoint, remplissage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 4.7 ENG_UD25724_1 Niveau huile moteur : appoint, remplissage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_4 ENGINE OIL LEVEL: topping up, filling (3/3)/ OIL CHANGE Eng ine oil ch ang e: if yo u are cha ngi ng the o il w hen the engine is hot, be careful not t o scal d your sel f if the oil overflows.
levels: coolant ............................................................. (current page) tanks and reservoirs coolant ............................................................. (current page) coolant ............................................
brake fluid .............................................................. (current page) levels: brake fluid ........................................................ (current page) tanks and reservoirs brake fluid ....................................
levels: windscreen washer reservoir ........................... (current page) windscreen washer ................................................ (current page) filter air filter ............................................................. (current page) filter passenger compartment filter .
tyre pressure......................................... (up to the end of the DU) tyre pressures ....................................... (up to the end of the DU) tyres ...................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 4.
battery................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 4.12 ENG_UD1 1753_3 Batterie (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_4 Th e ba t t er y 1 d o es n o t r e qu i r e a n y maintenance.
maintenance: bodywork ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) washing ................................................ (up to the end of the DU) paintwork maintenance ................................... (up to the end of the DU) anti-corrosion protection .
4.14 ENG_UD25392_1 Entretien de la carrosserie (X95 - J95 - R95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_4 – b i r d d r o p p i n g s , wh i c h c a u s e a chemical reaction with the paint that rapid.
maintenance: interior trim ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) interior trim maintenance ................................... (up to the end of the DU) cleaning: inside the vehicle ............................ (up to the end of the DU) 4.
4.16 ENG_UD22866_8 Entretien des garnitures intérieures (X35 - X45 - X65 - J77 - X81 - J81 - X85 - X91 - B91 - K91 - D91 - X83 - X61 - X77 ph2 - X95 - B95 - D95 - E95 - K95 - J95 - R95 - ENG_NU_966-1.
5.1 ENG_UD261 14_2 Sommaire 5 (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Section 5: Practical advice Puncture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
emergency spare wheel ....................... (up to the end of the DU) puncture................................................ (up to the end of the DU) 5.
tyre inflation kit...................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.3 ENG_UD21559_4 Kit de gonflage (X95 - B95 - D95 - L38 - X38 - X32 - B32 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 T .
5.4 ENG_UD21559_4 Kit de gonflage (X95 - B95 - D95 - L38 - X38 - X32 - B32 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte Depending on the vehicle, remo ve the central partition in the storage compart- ment to access the inflation kit.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.5 ENG_UD21559_4 Kit de gonflage (X95 - B95 - D95 - L38 - X38 - X32 - B32 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 TYRE PRESSURE KIT (3/3) – affix driving recommendation label .
tool kit ................................................... (up to the end of the DU) hubcap tool ........................................... (up to the end of the DU) jack ....................................................... (up to the end of the DU) puncture.
changing a wheel.................................. (up to the end of the DU) puncture................................................ (up to the end of the DU) lifting the vehicle changing a wheel ............................ (up to the end of the DU) 5.
5.8 ENG_UD18916_4 Changement de roue (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Undo the bolts and take off the wheel. Fi t th e e me rg en cy spa re wh ee l on to the hub and rotate it until the mounting holes in the wheel coinc ide with those of the hub.
tyres ...................................................... (up to the end of the DU) wheels (safety) ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.
tyre pressure.......................................................... (current page) 5.10 ENG_UD20171_4 Pneumatiques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte T yre pressures Adhere to the tyre pressures (including the emerg ency spare wheel).
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.1 1 ENG_UD20171_4 Pneumatiques (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Use in winter Chains F o r s a f e t y r e a s o n s , fi t t i n g s n o w chains to the rear axle is strictly for- bidden. Chains cannot be fitted to tyres which are larger than those originally fitted to the vehicle.
lights front ................................................. (up to the end of the DU) lights changing bulbs ................................ (up to the end of the DU) changing a bulb .................................... (up to the end of the DU) indicators .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.13 ENG_UD25725_1 Projecteurs avant : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 T h e e n g i n e m a y b e ho t wh e n ca rr y in g out ope r a- tio ns in clo se prox imi ty . In addition, the engine cooling fan can come on at any moment.
5.14 ENG_UD25725_1 Projecteurs avant : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 FRONT HEADLIGHTS: changing bulbs (3/3) The b ulb s are unde r pres - su re a nd can b re ak whe n replaced. Risk of injury . Daytime running lights 7 Please see an authorised dealer .
bulbs changing ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) changing a bulb .................................... (up to the end of the DU) lights: direction indicators ........................................... (current page) lights: side lights .
5.16 ENG_UD18877_3 Feux arrière et latéraux : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte REAR LIGHTS AND INDICA T OR LIGHTS: changing bulb.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.17 ENG_UD18877_3 Feux arrière et latéraux : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Three-door versions – Unclip the access flap; �.
5.18 ENG_UD18877_3 Feux arrière et latéraux : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte REAR LIGHTS AND INDICA T OR LIGHTS: changing bulb.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.19 ENG_UD18877_3 Feux arrière et latéraux : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 REAR LIGHTS AND INDICA T OR LIGHTS: changing bulbs (5/6) 2 8 2 9 Side light and brake light 28 Bulb type: P21/5W .
side indicator lights changing bulbs ................................................. (current page) lights: number plate lights .....................
courtesy light ........................................ (up to the end of the DU) lighting: interior ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 5.
5.22 ENG_UD21555_3 Eclairage intérieur : remplacement des lampes (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 The b ulb s are unde r pres - su re a nd can b re ak whe n replaced. Risk of injury . Luggage compartment light Uncl ip th e lig ht at 5 us ing a flat -bl ade screwdriver or similar .
fuses ..................................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.23 ENG_UD23613_2 Fusibles (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Fuse box If a ny e le ctr ic al c om po ne nt d oe s not work, check the condition of the fuses.
5.24 ENG_UD23613_2 Fusibles (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 FUSES (2/2) So m e a cc e ss o ri e s a re pr ot e ct e d b y fus es lo cat ed in th e e ngi ne co mpa rt - ment in fuse box C . However , because of their reduced ac- cessibility , we advise you to have your fuses replaced by an approved Dealer .
battery troubleshooting ............................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.25 ENG_UD25728_1 Batterie : dépannage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Battery BA TTERY : troubleshooting (1/2) T o avoid all risk of sparks: – Ensure that any electrical consumers (co ur tes y l igh ts , et c.
5.26 ENG_UD25728_1 Batterie : dépannage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Co nn ec t t he p os it i ve c ab le A to t he support 1 o n the (+) terminal , the n to the (+) terminal 2 of the ba ttery sup - plying the current.
RENAUL T card battery ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) RENAUL T card battery ......................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.
fitting a radio ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) speakers location ........................................... (up to the end of the DU) radio fitting a radio ................................... (up to the end of the DU) fitting a radio .
accessories........................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.29 ENG_UD12965_3 Accessoires (S65 - X84 - B84 - C84 - E84 - L84 - K84 - J84 - X85 - B85 - C85 - S85 - X91 - B91 - K91.
wiper blades ......................................... (up to the end of the DU) wipers blades ............................................. (up to the end of the DU) 5.
towing breakdown ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) towing hitch........................................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.
5.32 ENG_UD25737_1 Remorquage : dépannage (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 TOWING: breakdown (2/2) Only use the front 3 and rear 6 towing points (never use the drive shafts or any other part of the vehicle).
operating faults ..................................... (up to the end of the DU) faults operating faults ............................... (up to the end of the DU) 5.
5.34 ENG_UD17369_3 Anomalies de fonctionnement (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte OPERA TING F AUL TS (2/5) The starter is activated POSSIBLE CAUSES WHA T TO DO The in st rum en t pa ne l i ndi ca tor li ght s ar e w ea k or fa il to l ig ht up a nd th e starter does not turn.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.35 ENG_UD17369_3 Anomalies de fonctionnement (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 OPERA TING F AUL TS (3/5) On the road POSSIBLE CAUSES WHA T TO DO The steering column remains locked.
5.36 ENG_UD17369_3 Anomalies de fonctionnement (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 Jaune Noir Noir texte OPERA TING F AUL TS (4/5) On the road POSSIBLE CAUSES WHA T TO DO Steering becomes heavy . Assistance overheating. Consult an approved dealer .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 5.37 ENG_UD17369_3 Anomalies de fonctionnement (X95 - B95 - D95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_5 OPERA TING F AUL TS (5/5) Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES WHA T TO DO The wipers do not work. Wiper blades stuck. Free the blades before using the wipers.
5.38 ENG_UD9525_5 Filler NU (X06 - C06 - S06 - X35 - L35 - X44 - C44 - G44 - X45 - H45 - X65 - L65 - S65 - X73 - B73 - X74 - B74 - K74 - X77 - J77 - F77 - R77 - X81 - J81 - X84 - B84 - C84 ENG_NU_966-.
6.1 ENG_UD261 15_2 Sommaire 6 (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Section 6: T echnical specifications V ehicle identification plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 ENG_UD25709_3 Plaques d’identification véhicule (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 V ehicle identification plates VEHICLE IDENTIFICA TION PLA TES A B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
technical specifications ......................... (up to the end of the DU) vehicle identification plates ................... (up to the end of the DU) 6.
6.4 ENG_UD25738_1 Plaques d’identification moteur (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Quote the information on the identi- fication plate or label A in all corre- spondence or when ordering parts. (Location varies depending on engine) 1 Engine type.
technical specifications ......................... (up to the end of the DU) dimensions ........................................... (up to the end of the DU) 6.5 ENG_UD25739_1 Dimensions (en mètres) (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Dimensions DIMENSIONS (in metres) (1/3) Three door version 0.
6.6 ENG_UD25739_1 Dimensions (en mètres) (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte DIMENSIONS (in metres) (2/3) 0.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.7 ENG_UD25739_1 Dimensions (en mètres) (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 DIMENSIONS (in metres) (3/3) Sport tourer versions 0.
6.8 ENG_UD25740_1 Caractéristiques moteurs (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Engine specifications V ersions 1.2 TCe 1.4 TCe 1.
technical specifications ......................... (up to the end of the DU) towing a caravan .................................. (up to the end of the DU) towing weights ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) weights ........
technical specifications ......................... (up to the end of the DU) replacement parts ................................. (up to the end of the DU) 6.
service sheets....................................... (up to the end of the DU) maintenance: mechanical ...................................... (up to the end of the DU) maintenance: mileage before service .................... (up to the end of the DU) 6.
6.12 ENG_UD10910_1 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - L38 - L43 - L47 - X61 BUp - X33 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte SERVICE SHEETS (2/6) VIN: .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.13 ENG_UD10910_1 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - L38 - L43 - L47 - X61 BUp - X33 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 SERVICE SHEETS (3/6) VIN: .
6.14 ENG_UD10910_1 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - L38 - L43 - L47 - X61 BUp - X33 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte SERVICE SHEETS (4/6) VIN: .
6.16 ENG_UD10910_1 Justificatif d’entretien (X06 - X35 - X44 - X45 - X65 - X73 - X81 - X84 - X85 - X90 - X70 - X76 - X83 - X61 - X24 - X77 ph2 - L38 - L43 - L47 - X61 BUp - X33 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 SERVICE SHEETS (6/6) VIN: ......
anti-corrosion check ............................. (up to the end of the DU) 6.17 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Anticorrosion check ANTICORROSION CHECK (1/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below .
6.18 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte ANTICORROSION CHECK (2/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: .........
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.19 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 ANTICORROSION CHECK (3/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: .........
6.20 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 Jaune Noir Noir texte ANTICORROSION CHECK (4/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: .........
Jaune Noir Noir texte 6.21 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 ANTICORROSION CHECK (5/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: .........
6.22 ENG_UD10976_1 Contrôle anticorrosion (1/6) (X84 - X85 - X95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_6 ANTICORROSION CHECK (6/6) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair , it is indicated below . VIN: ...............................
7.1 FRA_UD261 16_2 Index (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_7 AlphAbeticAl index (1/5) A ABS .............................................................. 1.57, 2.22 → 2.25 access to the rear seats ........................
7.2 FRA_UD261 16_2 Index (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_7 Jaune Noir Noir texte AlphAbeticAl index (2/5) driving ......... 2.2 – 2.4, 2.9 → 2.17, 2.19 → 2.25, 2.28 → 2.37, 2.39 → 2.41 driving position settings .
Jaune Noir Noir texte 7.3 FRA_UD261 16_2 Index (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_7 AlphAbeticAl index (3/5) horn: flash ............................................................................. 1.75 sounding the horn ...
7.4 FRA_UD261 16_2 Index (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_7 Jaune Noir Noir texte AlphAbeticAl index (4/5) p paintwork maintenance ..................................................... 4.13 – 4.14 parking distance control.
Jaune Noir Noir texte 7.5 FRA_UD261 16_2 Index (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_7 AlphAbeticAl index (5/5) towing a caravan ........................................................ 3.32, 6.9 towing equipment fitting .......
FRA_UD261 16_2 Index (X95 - B95 - D95 - K95 - Renault) ENG_NU_966-1_BDK95_Renault_7.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Renault Megane Berline (2009) c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Renault Megane Berline (2009) - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Renault Megane Berline (2009), vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Renault Megane Berline (2009) va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Renault Megane Berline (2009), mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Renault Megane Berline (2009).
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Renault Megane Berline (2009). Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Renault Megane Berline (2009) ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.