Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 15-1925 du fabricant Radio Shack
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Cat. No. 15-1925 OWNER’S MANUAL 6 in 1 IR/RF Remote Control Pl ease read bef o re usi n g thi s eq ui pme nt. SET UP CD VCR CBL TV PWR AUX 1 AUX 2 LAST ENTER PROG All Lts On On Off All Off Brt Dim A.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 2 FEA TURES Your RadioSh ack 6 in 1 IR/R F Remote Control comes with an RF command con sole t h at al lows you to send commands to most IR (infrared)-con- trolled device s from any room in your home, up t o 100 feet away.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 3 Chann el Scan — lets you scan t hrough all the available channels on y our TV, VCR, or c able box, stoppi ng at each one for about 3 secon ds. Favor ite Channel Scan — lets you se t up the re- mot e to scan through a l i st of up to 10 c h annels you sel ect.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 4 CONTENTS Ho w t he Sy ste m Wo rks . .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... 5 Pre pa rat ion ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. 7 Ins tall in g B att er ies .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 5 HOW TH E SYST EM WORKS Your Ra dioShack 6 i n 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control was d esigned with th e func tions used m os t often to operate TV, VCR, cable converter, CD player, satellite receiver, an d au dio equip ment.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 6 Notes: • The rem ote control’s red li ght t urns on whe n you press a key , and blin ks when you hav e entered a feature or manufacturer ’s code. • When ever you use RECORD on the rem ote control, you must press it twice.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 7 PREP ARA TION IN S T ALLING BA TTERIES You need four AAA ba tteries to power your re- mot e control. We recommend alkaline bat teries, such as RadioShac k Cat. No . 23-555. 1.Press the bat tery compartm ent cove r tab an d lift off the cover .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 8 SETTING UP TH E 6 IN 1’ S RF COMMAN D CONSOLE After you install batteries in the 6 in 1, just p lug t h e RF command consol e’s po wer cord into any stan- dard AC o utlet in the sam e room as your IR re- mote-controlled devices (TV, VCR, cab le box, and s o on) an d full y extended its ant enna.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 9 SETTING UP YOUR REM OTE CONTR OL 1. Refer to “Manufacturers’ Codes” on Page 26 and write do wn the c odes fo r your original remote con trols. Note: Som e manufacturers have sev eral possib le code s li st ed.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 10 Note: The punch-t hrough feature ( see “Punch- Through” on Pa ge 16) is automatically turned o n for the T V’s volume a nd mut e controls.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 11 Normally , you program each key for one of its list - ed dev ices. However, if you ha ve two or more of the sam e type of d ev ic e (two TVs, two V CRs, and so on) you can convert any unused key ( TV , CBL , CD , VCR , AUX1 , o r AUX2 ) to control another type of device by following these steps.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 12 OPE RA TION 1. Press the device key for the device you want to operate, then point the 6 in 1 a t the device and press PWR (or CH s for s om e cable con- verters) to tu rn the device on. 2. Repeat Step 1 for all other devices you want to o p e ra te .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 13 2. Aim t he 6 in 1 IR/RF Remo te Control at the device and pres s SCAN . The 6 in 1 scans through the cha nnels. Note: The 6 in 1 must be pointe d at the device the entire time you a re usin g the Channel Sc an feature.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 14 Note: If your device re quires the use of an ENTER key to change channel s, you must press ENTER instead of SET UP after each channel y ou ent er into t he 6 i n 1 IR/RF Re mo t e Co nt ro l’ s me mo ry . 6. Repeat St eps 4–5 t o enter the channels you want to include in y our favorite channel list.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 15 COMMAND SEQU ENCES You can set up your 6 in 1 IR/RF Remote Control to issue a set of up to 15 com mands at the press of a key. Any sequence of comm ands you regu- larly perfo r m can be reduc ed to a single key press.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 16 3. Press and release SET UP , then hold down SET UP unt il t he red light blinks twice. This means t hat your sequen ce is erased. PUNCH-THROUGH Using Punch-Throu gh The punch-t hrough feature l ets you alternately control two different devices without pressing th e device selection keys for each one.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 17 Follow these steps to turn off pu nch-throug h. 1. Press the dev ice key ( CBL or VCR ) for the device you want to use to control t he volum e, fo r ex am p le. The n pres s SET UP until the red light bl inks twice.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 18 Follow these st eps to control P lug ’n Po wer mod- ules. 1. Position the IR com m and console within t h e RF com mand cons ole’s line of sight. Note: F or the best operation, po siti o n the controllers at least 2 feet apart.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 19 8. T o brighte n or dim lights conne cted to lamp and appli ance modules, press the digit key for the mo dule you want to control. Then hold down Br t or Dim on the remo te control (or BRIGHT or DIM on the IR command con- sole).
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 20 IF YO U HA VE P RO BLE MS MANUAL CODE SEARCH If the 6 i n 1 I R/RF Rem ote Control does not oper- ate your rem ote-controlled dev ices when y ou first set it up, you m ight have to find the correct cod e for your devices.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 21 If necessary, repeat these steps for each device. Determining t he 3-Digit Code After y o u set up your 6 in 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control using the manual code searc h, you can find which 3-digit code the 6 in 1 IR /RF Rem ote Co ntrol is set to by foll o wing these steps.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 22 TROUBL ESHOOTING If the 6 in 1 IR/RF Rem ote C ontrol stops wo rking af ter you have successful ly tested the control for each device, or i f you are unable to get .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 23 To upg rade your 6 in 1 IR /RF Remote C ontrol, simply follow thes e steps: 1. Write down the brand names, m odel num- bers, Radi oShack Cat. No. (if appl icable) and m anufacture dates for eac h type of device (TV , V CR, cable box, etc .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 24 Notes: • Y ou m ust hold the earpi ece of y our tele- phone ov er the receiver of your remote control as shown abov e. If you do not , the 6 in 1 I R/RF R emote Cont r o l might no t b e able to p roperly recei ve the information coming through the telephon e.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 25 3. Contin ue pressing the nu mber keys ( 2 , 3 , 4 , and so on) until your TV responds. Note: Y ou can search up to 1 1 codes for each device (TV , VCR , and so o n) if 1 1 code s were loaded.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 26 MANUFAC TURERS’ COD ES The follo w ing list t ells you wh ich 3 -dig it co de s to enter to s e t up the 6 in 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control. Notes: • The 6 in 1 IR/RF Re mote Control will not always be ab le to reproduce every com mand of your origi na l remote control.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 27 AUDIO AMPLI FIERS (Conti nued) Opti m us 300 31 -30 35 300 3 1-303 6 300 3 1-303 7 300 3 1-303 8 Ph ilips 2 69 Pi on eer 300, 2 57 Pi on ee r Un ifi ed 013 Re alis.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 28 AUDIO AMP/TUNERS (Conti nued) Modul a ire 1 95 13- 1242 182 1 3-1 24 6 NAD 320 Nak amich i 075, 34 7 Nik ko 215, 32 2, 40 7 Onk yo 100, 1 19 , 135 , 14 4, 380 Opt i.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 29 AUDIO A MP/TUNERS (Conti nued) Pa na so ni c 0 39 , 38 9 Pe nn ey 195 , 44 9 Ph ilips 1 89 Pio ne er U ni fied 014 , 08 0, 150 Proton 0 26 , 047 Qu asar 03 9 RCA U.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 30 AUDIO CASSETTE (Conti nued) Fi sher 0 74 Garr a rd 300, 43 9 Harm an Kardon 182 JVC 2 44 Kenw o od 070, 07 1, 09 2 Kyoc era 171 Luxma n Unif ie d 091, 09 5 Ma gn av.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 31 CABLE CONVERTERS AB C 01 1, 014, 007, 013 , 017 , 00 3, 00 1 Antron ix 207 Arc he r 022 15 -12 85 207 1 5-128 5A 153 1 5-128 7 Ca ble S tar 056 Ce ntur y 153 Citiz.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 32 CABLE CONVERTERS (Conti nued) RCA 021 Rea lis ti c 207 16 -1283 Reg al 279, 02 0, 05 9, 27 3 Re ge ncy 00 2 Rembra ndt 070 SL M arx 040 Sams un g 144, 04 0 Scie nti.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 33 CD PLA YERS (Conti nued) Ca pe tro nic 23 7 Carr er a 194 , 39 4 Ca rver 157, 179 , 437 Ca sio 20 1 Cl ari nett e 19 5 Crow n 1 22 Cu rti s Math es 201 Den on 003 .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 34 CD PLA YERS (Cont inued) Nak amich i 097, 14 7 Nik ko 170, 17 4, 16 4 Onk yo 1 02, 10 1, 13 8 Opt imus 1 79 13- 1248 037 1 3-1 25 1 145 1 3-1 25 8 145 1 3-1 25 9 53.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 35 CD PLA YERS (Conti nued) Opti m us 342 42 -50 37 426 4 2-503 8 032 4 2-504 0 032 4 2-504 1 032 4 2-504 4 468 4 2-504 5 305 4 2-504 8 179 4 2-504 9 468 4 2-506 0 30.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 36 CD PLA YERS (Cont inued) STS 01 8 Sylv ania 157, 225 Symp honi c 1 83 T EAC 016 , 04 5, 1 53 , 17 4, 420, 39 3,1 80, 1 83 T ec hni cs 02 9 Te c h w o o d 3 6 3 To s.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 37 LASER DISC PL A YERS (Conti nued) Sh arp 0 01 Son y 19 3, 2 01 Y ama ha 217 MISCELLANEOUS AUDIO ADC 086 Aiwa 0 10 , 15 9, 40 4 Aud i oSou rce 35 1 BSR 086 Ca rver .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 38 SA TELLITE RECEI VERS (Cont inued) Echo star 148, 159, 26 9 Fu ji t s u 1 86, 23 6 Gen era l Ins tru men ts 071, 038, 05 0 Hytek 095 Jane il 1 52 Jerr old 0 36 Kenw.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 39 TELEVISI O NS (Conti nued) Can dl e 046 , 18 6, 03 0, 05 6 Ca peha r t 052 Ca rver 05 4 Ci tizen 0 3 0, 046, 060 , 05 6, 092 , 03 9, 28 0, 18 6 Co ncer to 05 6 Con.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 40 TELEVISIONS (Conti nued) Klo ss 078, 04 6, 02 4 KT V 185 , 03 9, 1 80 , 21 7, 280 Logi k 016 Luxma n 0 56 LXI 047, 154 , 15 6, 1 48, 159 Ma gn avox 054 , 09 6, 1 87.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 41 TELEVISI O NS (Conti nued) Phi lco 054, 030, 019 , 02 0, 024, 028, 186 , 18 7, 096 Ph ilips 0 54 Pi on eer 166, 0 38 Po rt la nd 019 , 03 9, 09 2 Proscan 047 Pro t.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 42 TELEVISIONS (Conti nued) Scot t 236, 17 9, 18 0 Sear s 148, 047 , 15 4, 158 , 178 , 14 6, 1 59 , 05 6, 179, 14 9 Shar p 093, 165 , 15 3, 0 39, 220 Si gnat ur e 016 .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 43 TV /VCR Co mb inatio ns Note: The se c ode s are acces sed th rou gh the VCR d evice key . You mi ght al so ne ed to u se a TV code t o cont rol volu me.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 44 VCRs (Cont inued) Can on 035, 16 7 Ca pe har t 020 Ca rv er 08 1, 110 Cr ai g 240, 047, 271 Cur tis Mat hes 0 35, 06 0 Da ewo o 020 , 27 8, 0 17, 08 7, 045 Daytron .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 45 VCRs (Conti nued) Memo rex 03 7 16-4 13 037 1 6-414 000 1 6-517 104 1 6-523 037 1 6-524 104 1 6-525 104 1 6-526 04 6, 1 04 16-5 29 04 6, 1 04 16-5 30 048 1 6-531 2.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 46 VCRs (Cont inued) Opt imus 1 04 16- 537 048 1 6-5 38 048 1 6-5 39 048 1 6-5 40 240 1 6-5 41 048 1 6-5 42 048 1 6-5 43 048 1 6-5 44 048 1 6-5 46 162, 45 4 16- 54 7 1.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 47 VCRs (Conti nued) Qu art z 046, 155 Qu asar 035, 077 , 081 , 1 10 RCA 06 0, 20 2, 0 35, 077, 065, 0 42, 105, 149 Ra dioS hack 03 7 16- 415 00 0, 3 25 16-4 17 Re al.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 48 VCRs (Cont inued) Rea lis ti c 062 16- 700 048 1 6-7 01 048 1 6-7 02 000 1 6-7 03 000 1 6-7 04 Ric ho 034, 253 Sams un g 240, 05 1, 05 3, 04 5 Sans ui 041, 105 , 08.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 49 VCRs (Conti nued) Ze ni th 0 39 , 03 3, 03 4, 03 2 VIDEO ACCESSORIES Ch anne l Ma ster 094 J ebsee 16 0 Ra bbit 08 1 Ra dioS hack 16 0 15- 195 7 Sup erg ui de 169 T e le cap tio n 1 71 Manufact ure r Code(s) Ra dioShack Cat.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 50 FCC CAUTION This equipm ent generates and uses radio fre- quency energy, a nd if not installed and used properly, that is, i n strict accordance with the manufacturer’s ins tructions, may c ause interfer- ence to radi o and tel evision reception.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 51 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Ra dioShack 6 i n 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control system is an example of superior design and craftsm anship. The following suggestions w ill help you care for yo ur syst em so you can enjoy it for years.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 52 SPECI FICA T IONS Remote Power...... . ..... ..... .. .. .. . ..... ..... .. . 4 AAA Batte ries RF Command Conso le Power....... ..... .. ... 120 V o lts AC Remote to RF Command Consol e Range ..... .. . .... . ....
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 53 NOTES 15-1 92 5. fm Page 5 3 Mond ay, Ju ly 19 , 199 9 12:5 9 PM.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 54 15-1 92 5. fm Page 5 4 Mond ay, Ju ly 19 , 199 9 12:5 9 PM.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 55 15-1 92 5. fm Page 5 5 Mond ay, Ju ly 19 , 199 9 12:5 9 PM.
RadioSh ack A Divisi on of T andy Corporation Fort Wor th, T exas 76102 5/97 Printed in Korea Limi ted Ni nety -Day W ar rant y This pr oduct is warr anted b y Rad ioShack a g ainst manu facturin g de.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Radio Shack 15-1925 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Radio Shack 15-1925 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Radio Shack 15-1925, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Radio Shack 15-1925 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Radio Shack 15-1925, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Radio Shack 15-1925.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Radio Shack 15-1925. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Radio Shack 15-1925 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.