Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M du fabricant Q-See
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User ’ s manual for MPEG4 D VR Model QSNDV R9M and QSND VR16M *This manu al is for MPEG4 QSNDV R9M 9-ch annel and Q S N D V R1 6 M 16-channel digital video recorder And us es t he 16-channel dig ital video recor der as example. Before o peration, w e stro ngl y advise that you read t he us er manual and ke ep it avai lab le f or future use.
T ab le o f Co nt en t s Digi t al Video R ecorder (D VR) Introdu ction ..... ........ ........ .......... ............... .......... ...... ........... .......... .... ...... .... .... 4 1.1 Product int roduct ion ........ ............ ...... .......
3.2.1 SETU P -SY STEM ........ ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ... ..... 34 3.2.2 SETU P -LI VE ... .... ....... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... ..
Di git al Vi de o Re cor der (D VR) Int ro du cti on 1.1 Product introduction This DVR is d esigned specially for CCTV syste m. It uses a n embedded processor and embedded oper ating system working with the high-powered code and decode chip.
Format S tandard MP E G -4 co mpression format St orage Suppor ts up t o four I DE Hard Driv es si multan eously (Or three IDE HD Ds and one IDE DVD-R W /CD-R W ) Backup Auto-play software automatica lly pac ked in backup files, and Auto-wat er-mark check in backup files to assure files’ authenticity Suppor t backup via U SB 2.
A larm 9/16 alarm input s and 4 alarm outputs , TT L al arm output PTZ control Suppor ts decoder which co mmunicat es with RS4 85 Suppor ts speed d ome Supports PTZ thr ough networ k Communication por.
In sta lla tio n N oti ce Attention : Before conne cting to ot her eq uipment, please make sure the device is pow ered of f . Do not hot plug in! 2.1 Checking the con tents Check t he content s when y ou receive the unit, to make sure you have al l the p arts.
2.2.2 Inst all tool One Phil lips screw driver 2.2.3 Inst all process Open the DV R using sc re wdriver Set one H DD as m aster and the oth er as slave if tw o HDDs are c onnect ed to one A T A interf.
J um p er area The pictur e bl ow is the IDE co nnection/Pow er connection se ction of t he H DD. Jumper accordi ng to t he diagra m above J u m p er a r e a M A S T E R S L A V E The seque nce o f re.
Primary A T A interface is H DD A, the slave is HDD B. The master H DD co nnected to secondary A T A int er fac e is HDD C, th e s lav e is H DD D. The r ecord se quence i s: HDD A → HDD B → HDD C → HDD D Overw ri t e sequence: The sequence is i rr espectiv e of H DD.
19 pins ar e in t he other r ow). Make sure pins are plugged into interface c orrectly. Connect t he power supply to HDD Sketch m ap of inst allat ion Close th e device cov er and lock it wit h sc rews Attention : Please format the HDD befor e u sing.
1 2 F i r s t , p u t t h e H D D i n t o t h e H D D f i x a t i o n r a c k S e c o n d , a t t a c h t h e H D D b y t w o s c r e w s o n b o t h s i d e s 3 4 T h i r d , c o n n e c t t h e H D .
- 2.3 Back panel and interface terminals Attention : The real connections on the back pan el might be slightly dif ferent from the sketc h below . 2.3.
1 Video i nput 1-16 2 S pot output 3 Video out put 4 S video output 5 Audio out put Pag e 17.
6 LAN port 7 Audio in 1- 4 8 Ala rm input1-1 6 9 Alarm output Pag e 18.
10 Fan vent 1 1 Power p lug 12 USB port 13 VG A port 14 RS 232 port Null 15 RS485 port Pag e 19.
2.3.2 Back panel of 9-chann el DVR C A M 1 C A M 5 C A M 7 A UD IO I N 1 A U D I O I N 2 A LA R M I N A LA R M O U T C AM 3 CA M 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 C AM 2 CA M 4 CA M 6 C AM 8 A UD I O I N 3 .
0 M O D E B ACK UP 2.4 Front p anel and interface terminals Attention : The actua l but tons on the fro nt pane l p lease might be s light ly dif f er ence from this sketch .
7 Zoom/Focu s control 8 Audio on/ off button 9 B ac kup button 10 Me nu button 1 1 F un ction button 12 S tatus butt on 13 Move L eft 14 Move Up 15 Enter butt on 16 Move Rig ht 17 Move d own 18 Record button 19 Shuttle: to control the DVR to play the r ecord frame by frame.
23 F ast Reverse 24 Fast forw ard 25 S top 26 Remote controller receiver 27 28 LED indicator light s, for power , HDD and backup, network statu s, playback stat us and record stat us respect ively .
2.5 Remote control d e scription Put the Bat tery into the Remote co ntrol: Open the battery cov er of Remote contr ol Put in two AAA batter ies and make sur e that they are inserted correctly .
2 Backup button : Press this button, the DVR enters the backup menu (Fig 3.3.7 U S B backup). The details w i ll be given in Chapter 3.3.3: BACKUP 3 Informati on butt on : Pre ss this button to d isplay statu s information of the DVR o n the screen (F i g 3 .
10 Search butto n: Press t his button to e nter to recording searc h p age 1 1 Move Up 12 Move Lef t 13 Move Rig ht 14 Move Do wn 15 SR is for Rev erse when the DVR play s record while SF is f or Forw.
22 P a n / Tilt contr ol 23 A udio s w itch 24 Log file button 25 Picture in picture: se lect the c hannel to display as s m a ll picture first, a nd then press P I P button to enter PIP mode , t he background p icture is the next chann el.
6 7 5 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 Are the bat tery ’s poles (+ and -) in the corr ect p osition? Is batt ery is out of power? Is there is barrier between the Remot e contro l and DVR? Are signals tr ansmitted b.
2.6 A larm c able connection Example of alar m output conne ction: Attention : T he alarm output is TTL high level control. The connect ion metho d is described in detai l in the Abov e picture. This DVR can c arry sixteen sensor alar m input signa l s and four a l ar m output signals.
Ba sic op er ati on g uid e 3.1 How to st a rt t he DVR Attention : Before powering on the machine, please ma ke sure t he power input (1 10V/220V) of DVR matches t he loca l power supply , if not, please move the red flip s witch o n the r ear panel to the c orrect in put.
machine is on. (The details of admin pass word and user p assword are described in chapter 3.2.1 SETUP- SYST EM). Input default passw ord-“0000” to enter the setup menu w hen y ou start the DVR, assuming that you have not chan ged the p assword or y ou have recov ered the default sett ing.
3.2 Login and setup th e sy stem The menu structur e chart: A D M I N PA S S W O R D U S E R PA S S W O R D S Y S T E M PA S S W O R D C H E C K M EN U L I V E R E C O R D S TO R A G E N E T W OR K S .
There are tw o users in the origi n DVR system. On e is Adm in which has highest priority to set syst em’s configurat ion and w hose password is “0000”, the ot her is common user whic h is just allo wed to see the l ive play and the playbac k p icture and does not have the right to change the user password, wh i ch is done by Admin users.
3.2.1 SETUP -SY STEM The menu is as ab ove: (Fig 3.2. 2 Syste m setup) A DMIN P A S SWO RD : Administrator p assword is “0000” by defa ult, only the administr ator has the right to change it which is co mprised o f four nu mbers bet ween 0 and 9 (F i g 3.
USER P A SSWORD : Com mon u ser pas sword is “0000” by default as well . However , only the administrat or is authoriz e d to chan ge it which is co mprised of fo ur numbers betw een 0 and 9. P ASSWOR D CHECK : If you choose “ON”, users have to inp ut the p assw ord bef or e entering m e nus.
BOTTO M-BLACK : T ime is displayed at the bottom in blac k OFF : There i s no t ime dis played in the play back mode. CURRENT S T A TUS VIEW : Choose “ON”, there will be some infor m at i on app earing on the screen.
SOFTW ARE UPDA TE : (Fig 3.2.8 Soft ware upd a te) USB UPDA TE : Update firmware from USB flash memory Press US B UPD A TE a nd bel ow scr een wil l pop up P Page 37.
Update f irmw are: Make sur e the updat ing firmware is on the USB disk Do not po wer off the DV R during upd ating; Press “EN TE R” button to st art updating. Then the sy stem will chec k the upd ating firmware When the u pdating firmwa re is found O.
about two minut es to updat e. When the erase, blank chec k and update are do ne, system will chec k the new progra m which has been writt en. After the progra m check is done, th e sy ste m will restar t.
CA MERA NAME : Na me of the channel. It is compris ed of the Engl ish letter s f rom “a” to “z” or the numbers from “0 ” to “ 9”. CA MERA ST A TUS : If you choose “SHO W ”, this image will be displayed on the screen.
are eighteen options for users: PELCO_ D-2400, PELCO_D-9600, PE L CO_P-4800, P E LCO_P-9 600, SCC641-9600, SC C641-19200, SK2161- 9600, CNB_10 2 -9600, ADTECH-4800, 1 5-CD51M-2400, Chubb iSD-9600, COP.
SPOT QUAD DWELL : Channel-switch ing circulat es f r om quad 1 to quad 4 (The order is: channel 1,2,3,4 → ch annel 5,6,7,8 → channel 9,10,1 1,12 → cha nnel 13,14,15,16 → channel 1,2,3,4 → …), press “Enter” button to get access to the configuration set up menu to modify the i nterv al time between two set s of pictur e switching.
maximu m is 4. If the record r esolution is 360x 28 8( P AL)/360x240( NTSC), there are f iv e fra me rates to choose: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, the maximu m is 8. Attenti on : T hes e three factors above de ci d e the q uality of picture and the u se ratio o f H D D.
records conti nuously . If an alarm recor d o ccurred, th e D VR record s co ntinuou s ly and you can find the alarm ev ent through “ev ent search” or “file se arch”. PLA Y DEINTERLA CE : Interlace scan an d play . If you ch oose “O N”, the DVR wil l play bac k afte r an internal of line.
If you choose “OF F ” , this functio n is disab led. SETUP- REC-EV ENT : Setup o f the event recor d (Fi g 3.2.16 Setup event reco rd) MOTION DETECTIO N (Fig 3.2.17 Setup moti on det ection): A REA : This is the dete c t ion area se tup There are t hree opti ons to choose: ALL, P AR T , OF F ALL : All areas of t he cam era will be detected.
[ S E T U P - R E C - E V E N T( S / D ) ] F i g 3 . 2 . 1 8 S e t u p s e n s o r d e t e c t i o n SENSOR D ETECTIO N : Each channel matc hes a relev ant Sensor , for example, Channel 2 is linked to Sensor 4, i f the S ensor 4 gives a n alarm, the alarm informatio n will be gi ven on the pictur e by channel 2 (Fig 3.
To Choo se fro m: 2 seco nds, 4 s econ ds, 6 seco nds, 8 secon ds an d10 s econd s. POP-U P SCR EEN : If you choose “ON”, the image will be in full screen when the DVR gives alarm. If you choose “O FF”, this fu nction is disabled. SETUP- SCHED U L E-REC : Setup o f schedule recor d (Fig 3.
[ S C HE D U L E RE C - C H 4 ] S U M O T U W E T H F R S A A L L D A Y A L F i g 3 . 2 . 2 1 s e t u p s c h e d u l e re c o r d t i me 1 2 “ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ” means: “0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23”— the 24 h ours in a day .
Press ENT ER k ey to visit th e m e nu, inform ation is given below ( Fig 3.2.23 I nformatio n of deletion) “DELETE FILE 0171 200 60407 _170000 15AS D U ARE Y OU SURE? [ENTER] → Y ES [MENU] → NO” Press ENT ER k ey to delete this rec ord or press ME NU key to quit d eleting “0171 200 60407_170000” is a recor d name.
LOCK/ UNLOCK : Lock/unlock the record. Use enter key to change the st atus (Fig 3.2. 24 Loc k / Unlock file). If the file is lo cked, then the record can not be deleted or ov erwri tten even though the HDD is full.
[ENTER] → Y ES [MENU] → NO” (* represent s A B C D) Press enter key to format the HDD, Press menu ke y to cancel this operatio n. Attention : The for mat tim e depends on the HDD capacity , the l arg er t he HDD t he longer t h e time. Nor mally , a 40G HDD takes about eight y seconds.
3.2.5 SE TUP-N ETWOR K (Fig 3.2.27 Setup networ k) TYPE : ST A TIC : S tatic IP address. Push “ Up” “Dow n” “left” “Right” b u t t o n s to mov e the cursor amo ng the digits and pus h ADD or DEC k ey to modify the IP address. (Fig 3.2. Moni toring F rom a Compute r on Sam e Router On the PC Client, open up the In te rnet Explorer and en ter the IP of the DVR (exam pl e ), you will get belo w s creen with the login alread y f i lled in, default user nam e is (netuser) and password (0000). Moni toring From a R emote Comp uter Plug the RJ45 cable f ro m the back o f DVR to the Switch / Hub or Router. By Default the network setti ng on this DVR are as f ol low: IP ADDRESS: 192.
Port 1 is us ed for logon; Port 2 is us ed for contro lling the DVR; Port 3 is us ed for live surv eillance; Port 4 is used for backup; Port 5 is us ed for playing bac k. NET CLIENT ID: The defau lt I D is “ NetUser” , the user can s et other four I Ds and passwords for viewing through t h e network. Play Back Recorded File To play bac k the recor ded file, y ou need to use the C LIENT Software. Install the NETCLIENT Software an d run netclient.ex e, you will get the below screen and click on CONNECT and enter the IP, login name is “netuser” and password “00 00 ”.
NETWO RK THROUGHP UT : T o setup the trans fer speed of the DVR in the network. There are nine options to choos e from: unlimited, 64KBPS, 128KBPS, 256KBPS, 512KBPS, 1MBPS, 2MBPS, 4MBPS, 10MBP S. Users can choo se the opt ion acc ording to the demand ( Fig 3.
“NC” means normal close. If “NC” is chos en, t he DVR will set o f f th e alarm if the alar m is at high level. ALA RM MOTI ON MA N A GER ( Fig 3.2.35 Alarm mot ion manag er) “ □ ” mean s uns elected “V” m eans selected, “Abscis sa” means the channel number , “Ordinat e” means annunciator n umber .
channel 3 f or alar m 1, the n if any of the 3 channe l s detect a motion ev ent, alarm 1 will send sign al. ALA RM SE NSOR MANAG ER (Fi g 3.2.36 Alarm sensor manager) “ □ ” means unse l ect ed “V” means selected, “Abscissa” means the sen sor num b er and “Ordinat e” means annunciator n umber .
for alarm 1, if any of the 3 sensors are a ctiv ated, the n alarm 1 will se nd an alarm signal. ALA RM B UZZER ( Fig 3.2 .37 Alarm buzzer) ON: S tart the buzzer when DVR gives alar m OFF: The buzz er wil l not be tr iggered when DVR detects alar m ALA RM OUTP U T ( Fig 3.
ALA RM OUT PE RIOD ( Fig 3.2. 39 Alarm out put per iod) Alarm continuing t ime. There are five opt ions to choose: 30 seconds, 1 minute , 3 minut es, 10 minutes a n d Continuous.
There ar e four au di o input port s and one audio out p ut port in all. One audio input matche s one channel. For exam ple, if user selects audio A for channel 1, chann el 1 w ill record on audio A. 3.3 Function Press the Fun ction button to ent er the basic function menu (F ig 3.
1 2 BES T 5 2 2 2 B E S T 6 2 3 2 B E S T 7 2 4 2 B E S T 8 2 [ S TAT U S ] S / W V E R : V 1 . 0. 1 0 -t v _ 1 6 ( 06 / 0 5 / 0 8 1 0 : 0 7) [ H D D ] A : 1 5 0 G( 6 3 % ) B : N O NE C : NO N E D : N O N E N E T WO RK : M A C : 0 0 . 0E . B 5 . 0 0 .
3.3.3 BA CK UP & VIEW BA C KUP Backup Press the Bac kup button (Fig 3.3.3 Setup backup). This DVR supports five med ia types: CD-R , CD- RW , DVD-R, DVD-R W , USB-ME M O RY (Includi ng USB flash driv e and mobile hard disk), and supports back up to DVD-R W, CD-R W, interna lly and a s well as U SB external ly .
backup t o CD-R, choose CD-R ; if you plan to backup in C D-R W, choose CD-R W , etc … BACKUP BASE: If you want to search the file n eeded to backup by file name, choose FILE; if you want to search the file needed to backup by time, choose TIME. Each meth od is in the Chapter— S T ART .
U S B B A C K U P U S B B A C K U P 50% If the backup bas e is “FIL E ”, the “ ST ART” choose me nu is as shown in Fig 3 .3.5 Bac kup start ( f ile) If the backup base is “TI ME”, the “ST ART” choose menu is as s h o w n i n Fig 3.3.6 Backup st art (calendar) and Fig 3.
screen at the same time as the backup . The USB backup process is s h o w n in Fig 3.3.8- USB backup process showing, that is the same as backup with the CD/ DVD driver .
/ Brief intro duction of buttons : : Play : Pause : S top : Fast bac kward : S tep backward : S tep forward : Fast forward : V erify if the record has b een cha nged or not : V olume cont rol : Snap shot : Number button / / 1-channel/4-c hannel/9-channel/16-channel m o de Y ou can use num ber button to choose the cha nnel which you want to see.
The main menu of the Backup v iewer: Intr oduction to W .M Che ck , Snap S h ot . W .M Check (W ater Mark Check): While the b a c kup file i s pa used, click this button to c heck w ater mark: Page 69.
After a few min utes, the result wi ll pop up. If the b ackup f i le has be en chang ed or moved, the sy stem wil l display “ Water mark C heck Fa il”, if the bac kup file has not b e e n chan ged or moved, the syst em will pr ompt “Water mark Check Ok”.
3.3.4 P A N/TIL T Move cursor t o P AN/TIL T in the function menu, press EN TER button to access this menu (Fig 3.3.9 P AN/TIL T) to control the Fast S peed D ome. This pa rticular oper a tio n is as f o llows: Switch to th e c hannel which co nnect s to the Fast S peed Dome v i de o out put.
PA N / T I LT Z O O M/ F O C U S Z + A U TO PA N E N T E R < < C h 1 > > F + F - Z - < < C h 1 > > F i g 3 . 3 . 9 P A N / T I L T F i g 3 . 3 . 1 0 Z O O M / F O C U S 3.3.6 SEQU ENCE Press “SEQ” button to enter the sequence play st atus.
3.3.7 LOG LIS T Press the Log button on the remote contr ol, t he system will enter th e setup menu of log file (Fig 3.3.1 1 Setup log file). LOG FILE : If you choos e ALL, the foll owing options will be disp layed: M OTION, SENSOR, ALA RM, V - LOSS, SYSTEM, HDD, FLIE, DB, P O W E R, NET .
FROM: The beginning time of t he log f ile, y ou can use the nu mber key to ch ange the tim e. TO : The end time o f the log file, you can use the nu mber key to change t he time. Press t he OK opt ion, the sy stem will e nter the event log view (Fig 3.
3.4 Search record Press the “ Search” butt on on the remote contr ol, there are three s earch mod es w hich will be display ed on the scr een (Fi g 3.4.1 Search) TIME SEA RC H EVENT SEA RCH FILE SEA RCH Attenti on: Search recordings b y time search or fi le search, search all ev ent recording s b y ev ent search.
TIME SEA RCH : Attenti on: All the recor ds can be search ed in this men u. Operation: Date cho ose : Press ENTER to access the CAL ENDA R TI M E men u, Use “Up” “Down” “Le ft” “Right” bu tt ons to move cursor to the date needed to search.
T ime choose : Below the Y ear-Mont h s et up, there is the calen dar of one month. The s el ec ted date is in green, press E NTER to select the time choo se menu.
EVENT SEA RCH Attenti on: Only alarm event s and motion ev ents recor d can be searched in this men u. Operation: Select the date, who se m ethod is the sam e as TIME SEARCH. A time which has event re cord is shown in y ellow font. Press “EN T ER ” to acces s the event menu aft er se l e cting time .
Sign Meaning Shortcut k ey PGUP Page up, to the previous Right button PGDN Page down, to t he next Left but ton LAST T o the last p age Backward button FIRST To the fir st page Forwar d button [ S E A R C H T I M E ] H O U R : M I N : T I M E 0 0 0 0 0 0 F i g 3 .
FILE SEA RCH Attenti on: All the recor ds can be search ed in this men u. Operation: Select the date, by the sa me met hod as TIME SEARCH. A time which has an event record i s shown in yellow font. Press “EN T ER ” to acces s the play f ile list. (Fig 3.
Use “Up” “Down” b u t t o n s to choose the file re cord, Press the “ENTE R” button to view the record chosen, the “Forward” “B ackward” “Play/p ause” buttons can be used to c o ntrol the rec ordin g.
Page 82.
Ap pen di x A ppendix A : Main St andard & Parameter chart Model 16Channel VIDEO Input Ch annel 16CH Input Lev el 1.0Vp-p± 10 % Comp osite, 75Oh m Bal anced Video S tandar d Auto / NTS C / P AL Main TV Out 1.
Function Auto Sequence S creen S plit, PIP AUDIO Compress ion ADPCM Audio In / Out 4CH /1CH Input Lev el TBD(0.5~1. 4 V p-p@20K ohm ) RECOR DING Compress ion MPEG4 NTSC 720(H)x480(V), 720(H)x240(V), 3.
S peed 5400RPM, 720 0RPM T ype EIDE co mpat ible SEARCHI N G & PLA YB ACK Searching Met hod T ime, Event, File REMOT E SUR VEILL ANCE Monitoring Environment Client Sof tw are, Web Browser ALARM Se.
External Co ntrol (RS- 422/485) T erminal Block Sensor Input T erminal Block Alarm Output T erminal Block PTZ (RS-48 5) 2Pins T erminal Bloc k Ethernet RJ-45, 10/100M bp s USB 2.0 2Ports ELECT RICAL Power S ource 1 15~230V AC (50~60 Hz) Power Consu mption TBD(App.
P AL NTSC Picture Quality Re s olution T o t al Frame Rate C a p ability Re s olution T o t al Frame Rate C a p abili t y Best 720* 5 76 25F/S 3.80G 720* 4 80 30F/S 3.75G High 720* 5 76 25F/S 1.91G 720* 4 80 30F/S 2.34G Norm al 720* 5 76 25F/S 0.96G 720* 4 80 30F/S 1.
A ppendix C: The meaning of some abbreviations Le tt er s Meaning Le tt er s Meaning D 720*576(P AL)/720*480(NTS C) H 720*288(P AL)/720*240(NTS C) C 360*288(P AL)/720*240(NTS C) NT A networ k ev ent U.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Q-See QSNDVR9M and QSNDVR16M ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.