Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FastTrak TX4000 du fabricant Promise Technology
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F AST T RAK TX4000 U SER M ANUAL Version 1. 3.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual ii Copyright © 2002 Promi se Technol ogy, I nc. All Rig hts Reserv ed. Copyright by Promise T echnol ogy, Inc. (Promise T echnology ). No part of this manual may be r eproduc ed or transmitt ed in any form witho ut the ex press ed, wr itten permissio n of Promi se T echnology.
iii Cont ent s Chapter 1: Introducti on ........................................................................................ 1 W ha t is the Fa stTrak T X4000 RAID C ard? .................................................. 1 Promise Array M anagement Utility (PAM) .
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual iv Existing W in dow s 2000 .............................................................................. 39 Confirming W indow s 2000 Driver Installat ion ............................................. 39 New Window s ME Installation .
1 Chapter 1: Intro duction The PC w hich you are usi ng either a lready contain s a Promi se T echnology FastTrak T X 4000 RAID car d insta lled by a th ird-party or you hav e acquir ed a FastTrak T X 4000 retail produ ct for y our ex isting PC a nd will be insta lling th e card your self.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 2 All FastT rak TX 4000 models also offer faul t toleran t, data re dundan cy for entry - level ne twork fil e serv ers or simply for des ktop PC u sers w anting to continu ally protect valu able dat a on the ir PC.
Chapter 1: Int roduction 3 Keys Features an d Benefits The follow i ng infor m ation offers an overv iew of the major fea tures of your n ew Promise F astTrak T X4000 c ard.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 4 M irroring support s automati c backgrou nd rebui lds Fault toleran ce can be restore d automati cally w ithout reboot ing. Compatibility Features Benefits Complies w ith PCI v2.2 Local Bus stand ard Provides highest level of h ardw are compati bility.
5 Chap ter 2: Qu ick S t ar t W he n you r eceive th e FastT rak TX 4000 Series Controll er Card, the packa ge should cont ain the items lis ted below: • FastTrak T X4000 U ltra ATA/133 R AID Contr oller Card • Quick S tart Gui de • FastTrak T X 4000 driver dis kette • Tw o Y-cable power splitters.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 6 Installing the Fas tTrak TX4000 Ca rd The FastT rak TX 4000 Controller car d fits i nto any available 32-bit PCI slot (m ust be PCI 2.1 or 2.2 compliant). It als o fits the 3 2-bit port ion of a 64-bit PCI s lot, on the syst em’s mot herboard ( s ee fig ure below ).
Chapter 2: Quick Start 7 Installing the Hard Drives Important If you w ish to in clude your current bootab le ATA drive u sing t he W in dows N T4.x , 2000, XP , Server 2003, M E or 98 opera ting system on y our Fa stTrak TX 4000 Controller card, do N OT connect the hard driv e to the card yet.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 8 IDE 2 IDE 4 IDE 3 IDE 1 LED Pin 1 Figure 2. TX4000 card Important You must use an 80-w ire, 40-p in cable w hen connectin g your hard driv es to the FastT rak TX4000 control ler card. T he FastTrak T X 4000 package contain s four 80 -wire, 40-p in cab les.
Chapter 2: Quick Start 9 Creati ng Your Disk Array You w ill now use the onb oard FastBu ild BIOS utility to create your array us ing the attac hed drives.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 10 FastBuild (tm) Utili ty 1.xx (c) 2002-2005 Promi se Technol ogy, Inc. [Auto Setup O ptions M enu] Optimize Arr ay for: Performance Ty pical Applicatio n usage : A/V Editing [ Auto Setup Co nfigurat ion ] M ode ..........
Chapter 2: Quick Start 11 Creating a Secu rity Ar ray with New Drives Notes Under the Se curity s etting, Fa stTrak T X4000 permits tw o drives t o be use d for a single Mirrored array or four driv es to be used f or a Mirrored/Str iped array in Auto Set up.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 12 Creating a Secu rity Array with an Existing Data Drive Under the Se curity s etting, Fa stTrak T X4000 permits tw o driv es to be u sed for a single M irrored array or four dr ives to be used for a M irrored/Striped array in Auto Setup.
Chapter 2: Quick Start 13 Source Dis k Channel: Drive ID Dr iv e Model Cap acity (MB) Target Dis k Channel: Drive ID Driv e Model Cap acity (MB) [Please Selec t A Source Disk] Channel: Drive ID Drive M odel Capacity (MB) 1 : 1 QUANTUM CR8.4A 8063 3 : 3 QUANTUM CR8.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 14.
15 Chapter 3: Using Fas tBuild C onfiguratio n Utilit y The FastBu ild Confi guration U tility offers sev eral m enu ch oices to cre ate and manage t he driv e array on the Promise F astTrak T X4000 ada pter.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 16 Navigating the FastBuild Setup Menu W he n usi ng the m enus, t hese are some of t he basic nav igati on tips: Arr ow keys highligh ts throu gh choi ces; th e Space bar all ows to cyc le thro ugh options; E nter select s an opt ion; Esc aborts or ex its the current m enu.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 17 Creating Array s Automatica lly The Auto Setu p (1) se lection from th e M ain Menu can intuitively help cre ate your disk array. It w ill ass ign all av ailabl e drives appr opriate for th e disk array you ar e creat ing.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 18 Optimize A rra y for Select w hether you w ant Perfo rmance (RAID 0) , Security (RAID 1 or R AID 0+1) under the Opt i mize Array for s etting.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 19 Using a Hot Spare Dr iv e If a third dr ive i s attached a nd is not as signed to a mirr ored t wo-driv e disk array (one opti mized f or Security), it w ill be recognized a s a spar e driv e. Such a drive is immedi ately u sed as a standby replace ment.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 20 Viewing Drive Ass ignments The View Drive Assignme nts (2) opt ion in th e M ain Menu dis plays w hether drives ar e assi gned to a disk a rray or are unassi gned. Under the As signme nt colu mn, driv es are l abeled w ith their assi gned di sk array or show n as Free if unass igned.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 21 Manuall y Creating an Arra y The Define Arr ay (3) option fro m the M ain Menu allow s users to be gin the process of manually defin ing t he drive element s and RAID lev els for one or multipl e disk arrays atta ched t o FastT rak T X4000.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 22 Selecting A rra y Type 1. Under the D efiniti on sectio n of this menu, highlig ht the Array # for w hich yo u want to as sign a RAID l evel.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 23 Gigaby te Boundary The G igabyte Boundary featur e is de signed for m irrored arra ys (RAID 1 or RAID 0+1) in w hich a driv e has faile d and the user ca nnot repl ace the dr ive with the same capa city or larger.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 24 Creating a Mirrored A rray Using Ne w Drives As descr ibed in the Driv e Ass ignments O ption secti on abov e, if y ou sel ected a mirroring array and wish to use tw o new assigned driv es, fol low the directions here. 1.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 25 A dding Fault Tolerance to an Existing Driv e FastTrak T X4000 will cr eate a mirrored arr ay using an ex isting syste m driv e with data. You must as sign th e exis ting driv e and an other driv e of same or larger capacity to the M irroring array.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 26 Source Dis k Channel: Driv e ID Drive M odel Capac ity (M B) Target Dis k Channel: Driv e ID Drive M odel Capac ity (M B) [Please Selec t A Source Disk] Channel: Drive ID Drive M odel Capacity (MB) 1 : 1 QUANTUM CR8.4A 8063 3 : 3 QUANTUM CR8.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 27 Making a F astTrak T X4000 Dis k A rra y B ootable Warning If you pl an to boot fro m an arr ay on the FastT rak TX 4000, you mu st configure the sy stem BIOS Setup t o use the FastTrak T X 4000 as a boota ble dev ice (rather th an the onboard c ontroller or anoth er add-in card).
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 28 Creating a Ho t Spare Drive f or Mirrored A rra y s For automa tic reb uilds o f a mir rored array , attach a spare drive to the FastT rak TX4000. D rives t hat are not a ssigned to an array an d are the same siz e or larger than the orig inal w ill be used for t he auto matic re build.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 29 Deleti ng an Array The Delete Arr ay (4) Menu opt ion allow s for del etion of disk array assignment s. This is not the same a s delet ing data fro m the driv es the mselv es. Important If you de lete an array by ac cident, imm ediately define a new array identica l to one y ou deleted.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 30 FastBuild (tm) Utili ty 1.xx (c) 2002-2005 Promi se Technol ogy, Inc. [ Define Array Menu ] Array No RAID M ode Total Drv Capacity (M B) Status Array 1 Stripe 2 16126 Fu.
Chapter 3: Fa stBuild C onfiguration Utility 31 Rebuil ding a Mirrored Arr ay The Rebuil d Array (5) M enu option can be used to recover fr om an error in a mirrored d isk array. Y ou w ill receive a n error me ssage when booting your system fro m the Fa stTrak BIO S.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 32 FastBuild (tm) Utili ty 1.xx (c) 2002-2005 Promi se Technol ogy, Inc. [ Rebuild Array M enu ] Array No RAID Mode Total Drv Status Array 2 M irror 2 Critical Stripe Blo ck: Not Av ailable Gigabyte Bou ndary: ON [ Select Dr ive for R ebuild ] Channel: Drive ID Drive M odel Capacity (MB) 1 : 1 QU ANTUMCR8.
33 Chapter 4: Inst alling So f tw are Drivers Following are driv er insta llatio n procedur es for th e W indow s operat ing sy stems that supp ort the Fa stTrak T X4000 C ontrol ler. The F astTrak TX4000 sof tware drivers f or W indow s are inc luded on the driver diskette .
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 34 New Windows Server 2003 Insta ll ation The follow ing details the instal lation of the Fa stTrak T X4000 drivers w hile instal ling W in dows Serv er 2003. 1. Start the in stallat ion: • Floppy In stall: B oot the computer w ith the W indow s Server 2 003 install ation di skette s.
Chapter 4: In stalli ng Softw are Drivers 35 Existing Wi ndows Server 2003 Installation After insta lling t he FastT rak TX 4000 card and rebootin g you r syste m, W indow s Server 2003 setup w ill show a “Found New Hardw are” dialog box . 1. Insert the FastT rak TX 4000 driv er diskette int o the A: d rive.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 36 New Windows XP Installa tion The follow ing details the instal lation of the Fa stTrak T X4000 drivers while install ing W indow s XP . 1. Start the in stallat ion: • Floppy In stall: B oot the compu ter with the W indow s XP installatio n diskett es.
Chapter 4: In stalli ng Softw are Drivers 37 Existi ng Windows XP Install ation After insta lling t he FastT rak TX 4000 card and rebootin g you r syste m, W indow s XP setup w ill show a “Foun d New Hardware” dialog box . Under W indow s XP, “M ass Storage Contro ller” will be displ ayed.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 38 New Windows 2000 Installation The follow ing details the instal lation of the Fa stTrak T X4000 drivers while install ing W indow s 2000. 1. Start the in stallat ion: • Floppy In stall: B oot the compu ter with the W indow s 2000 inst allation diskett es.
Chapter 4: In stalli ng Softw are Drivers 39 Existing Wi ndows 2000 After insta lling t he FastT rak TX 4000 card and rebootin g you r syste m, W indow s 2000 set up will s how a “New H ardware Found” dialog box . Under W indow s 2000, “PCI M ass Storage Cont roller” will be d isplayed.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 40 New Windows ME Installati on The follow ing details the instal lation of the Fa stTrak T X4000 drivers while install ing W indow s M E. 1. Install t he FastT rak TX 4000 controller c ard into y our sy stem. 2. Install W indow s ME fully.
Chapter 4: In stalli ng Softw are Drivers 41 Existi ng Windows ME Installati on The follow ing section det ails the in stallation of Fa stTrak TX 4000 driver s on a system that ha s W indow s M E already inst alled a nd runni ng.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 42 New Windows NT4.x Installati on The follow ing details the instal lation of the Fa stTrak T X4000 drivers while install ing W indow s NT 4.x. 1. Start the sy stem instal lation by booting fr om the W indow s NT disk: • Floppy i nstall: boot th e syst em w ith the W indow s NT installa tion diskett es.
Chapter 4: In stalli ng Softw are Drivers 43 Existi ng Windows NT4.x Installation The follow ing section det ails the in stallation of Fa stTrak TX 4000 driver s on a system tha t has W indow s NT 4.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 44 New Windows 98 Installation The follow ing section det ails the in stallati on of th e FastT rak TX 4000 drivers while ins talling W indow s 98. 1. Install t he FastT rak TX 4000 controller c ard and configur e the hard driv e(s), partition and form at your hard drive(s), if nece ssary.
Chapter 4: In stalli ng Softw are Drivers 45 Existi ng Windows 98 Installa tion The follow ing section det ails the in stallation of Fa stTrak TX 4000 driver s on a system that ha s W indow s 98 a lready in stalle d and run ning.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 46.
47 Chapter 5: Disk A r ra y Concept s A bout FastTrak TX40 00 FastTrak T X4000 i s a high performa nce Ultra AT A RAID co ntroller card tha t features concurrent d ata chan nel operat ion and onboard B IO S.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 48 Disk Arr ay Terms Disk A rray D escription A disk arr ay is forme d from a group of two or mor e disk drive s that appear t o the system as a sing le driv e. The advantag e of an arr ay is to pro vide bett er throughput performa nce and /or data faul t toleran ce.
Chapter 5: D isk Arr ay Conce pts 49 About RAID Levels Striping (RAID 0) Reads and w rites sector s of d ata interl eaved betw een multip le drives. W hen any disk memb er fails , it affe cts the ent ire array . Performan ce is better than a single drive si nce the workload is bal anced betw een the array me mbers.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 50 Mirroring (RAID 1) W ri tes du plicate dat a on to a pair of drives while rea ds are per formed in para llel. ATA RA ID 1 is fault t olerant b ecause e ach driv e of a mirrored pair is installed o n separate ID E channe ls.
Chapter 5: D isk Arr ay Conce pts 51 Striping / Mirror (RA ID 0+1) A combin ation of RAID 0 and RAID 1 arrays. It c an incre ase perfor mance by reading a nd writing data in par allel w hile prote cting dat a with duplicat ion. A minimu m of four drives are r equired.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 52 A bou t Dual Data Redundancy One unique (t hough rarely oc curring) feature o f RAID 0+1 is dual fault to lerance. In some cases , two driv es can fail si multane ously and st ill mainta in the integr ity of data. T here are s ix combina tions in w hich two drives can f ail.
53 Chapter 6: T roublesh ootin g & T ip s This se ction i s used to a s sist w ith troubleshooting conflic ts a nd FastT rak TX4000 in stallati on probl ems. Also r efer to the READM E.TXT file on the FastTrak T X 4000 driver and utility disk ette for more rece nt inf ormation as well as the Promi seOnline services listed i n Appendix A.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 54 Miscellan eous proble ms suc h as: • FastTrak T X 4000 BIOS does not appear during boot • FastTrak T X 4000 driver doe s not l oad • Slow data tra nsfer rate s M ove the FastTrak T X4000 card to a differen t PCI slot.
Chapter 6: T roubleshooting & Tips 55 Drive-Related Errors Critical Array Status Error Reported during Boot If a criti cal st atus error messag e appears on the F astTr ak TX 4000 BIOS startup screen fo r a mirror ed array (see bel ow), there i s a drive i n the array that has failed or is not r espondi ng.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 56 Unable to partition or format array There are tw o possible cau ses : • The FastT rak TX 4000 controller is the bootabl e device b ut the array i s not set to be bootabl e. • The Reserv e Sector o f one of the driv es has b ecome corrupt or bad.
Chapter 6: T roubleshooting & Tips 57 To remov e the Rese rve Sect or, foll ow these steps: 1. During boot up, pres s Ctrl- F to enter the FastB uild BIOS uti lity . 2. Choose opt ion 2, View Drive Assi gnment s. 3. Press arrow keys to highli ght t he drive w here you w ish to re move the reserve sect or.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 58 Operating Sy stem-Related Issues Different drive letteri ng under Windo ws NT This may happe n when us ing a SCSI car d in add ition to the Promi se card. W in dows N T does not necessarily load th e driver for t he boot devic e contro ller first.
Chapter 6: T roubleshooting & Tips 59 “No Hard D rives Fou nd” Me ssage Appear s Dur ing CD-R OM Instal l of Windows NT, 2000, XP or Serv er 2003 The F6 key was not press ed at the a ppropriat e time.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 60 Performance Tips Here are so me tips that may optimiz e performa nce in a R AID 0 str iped array. If you are u sing an aud io/video-editi ng card, we also reco mmend rev iew ing your card’s d ocume ntation f or addit ional infor mation.
Chapter 6: T roubleshooting & Tips 61 Change Setting of PCI Bus Utilizatio n Certain bran ds of v ideo ca pture car ds can produce a glitch o n play bac k of .
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 62.
63 A pp endix A : Fr equentl y A s ked Ques tio ns This se ction l ists fre quently as ked que st ions inv olving pre- instal lation, drive issues, in stallation, and post-i nstal lation.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 64 Q: How does the Fast Trak T X4000 R AID control ler prov ide stor age and/or data prote ction w ith their arr ays? A: FastTrak T X 4000 impleme nts three d ifferent RAID.
Appendix A: FAQs 65 A: Y es. All FastT rak contr ollers r ead the arr ays the same w ay and can be moved fr om one controll er to a nother. Q: Can I take a dr ive used i n a FastTrak TX40 00 array and access it directly with a different c ontr oller, such as the one int egrated on th e motherboard? A: Y es, but only und er certai n configur ations.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 66 Installation Issues (Capacity , Booting) Q: Why are some driv es recogn ized by the FastTrak TX4000 Arr a y Setup utilities w ith only partial capacity ? A: Some hard dr.
67 A pp endix B: T echnical Suppor t Promise T echnical Su pport pr ovides severa l suppor t option s for Pro mise users to acce ss infor mation and upd ates. W e e ncourag e you to us e one of o ur electroni c servic es, whic h prov ide produ ct infor mation u pdate s for the most efficien t service and support.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 68 European Tech S upport E-mail Supp ort support@pro Fax Technical S upport +31 (0)40-25 6-9463 Attention: T echnical S upport Phone Tec hnical S upport +31 (0)40-23 5-2600 8:30-5:00p m The N etherla nds T ime If you w ish to wr ite us f or support: Promise T echnology Europe B .
Appendix B: Technical Sup port 69 Limited Warranty Promise T echnology , Inc. (“Pr omise”) w arrants tha t for Thre e (3) year s from the time of t he deliv ery of the pr oduct to the original e n.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 70 No other do cument, statem ent or repr esentat ion may be r elied on t o vary the terms of t his limit ed w arranty. Promise’ s sole res ponsib ility w ith respe ct to.
Appendix B: Technical Sup port 71 Returning Pr oduct for Repair If you su spect a product i s not working pro perly, or if you have any qu estion s about yo ur product, c ontact ou r Technical S uppor.
FastTrak TX4000 User Manual 72.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Promise Technology FastTrak TX4000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.