Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 30-160kVA du fabricant Powerware
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Installation/Operation Manual Maintenance Bypass Module 30 - - 160kV A 164201 177 Rev . C 9 315.
ii Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------.
iii Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 T able of C ontent s 1 Intro duc tion 1 ............................................ Using This Manual 2 ............................................ Conventio ns Used in This Manual 2 .
iv Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 List of F igures Figure 1. T ypica l 30 - - - 160kVA MBM with Iso latio n T ran sfo rmer 1 ........ Figure 2. Front and Side View of T ypical Maint enance Bypass Module o n Shipping Pallet (30 - - - 160k VA w/XFMR) 5 .
1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Intro duction The Powerware 9315 Maintenance Bypass Mo dule (MBM) is a floor -mounted, enclo sed cabinet containing a U PS module, Maintenance Iso lation circuit brea ker (MIS ), a nd a maintenance By pass circuit breakr (MBP).
2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Using This Ma nual This manual contains insta llation and operation procedures fo r the MBM. Before instal lation an d operati on, read thr ough eac h proced ure. · Chapter 1 provides an overview of this manual and references for further informatio n.
3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 F or More Inf ormation For m ore inf ormation on th e install ation and ope ration of the UPS system a nd its a.
4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
5 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Ge tting Started This sect ion describes ho w to ins tall the Powerware 9315 Maintenance Bypass Module (MBM) . It contains ins tructio ns for installing the MBM and basi c site pre paration p roced ures.
6 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Pre p a ri ng t he S i te For th e MBM to operate at p eak efficie ncy , the installa tion site should mee t the environmental parameters o utlined in the Pow erwar e Ò 9315 Operation manual provided with the UPS system.
7 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Inspecting and Unpacking the Maintenance Bypass Mo dule The first t ask in prepa ring for ins tallat ion o f the MBM is inspecting and unpac king the unit. The MBM arrives covered with protective pack aging material as shown in Figu re 3.
8 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 1. Carefully inspect the o uter packaging for evidence o f damage during transit. CAUTION: Do not ins tall a damage d MBM. Report an y damage t o th e carri er and cont act the local sal es or service of fice immediatel y .
9 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Unloa ding th e MBM from t he P allet The M BM pal let consi sts of four m etal ang le supp orts secur ed to ply wood/pol yfoam laminated skids. The sk ids act as sho ck abso rbers for the MBM during shipment.
10 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 FRONT SI D E SUPPOR T SU PPORT 1 1 2 JACK ING B OL T FL OOR PROT EC TOR 1 2 DOOR REAR SUPPOR T (USE FRONT AND R EAR) (4 PLACES) POL Y FOAM SKID POL Y FOAM SKID Fi gure 4.
11 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Installing and W iring the Maintenance Bypass Module When t he maintenan ce bypass mo dule (MBM) has been mo ved to it s ins talled location, unpack ed, and inspected, it is ready for insta llation.
12 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Refer to t he following while installing the MBM: · Dimensio ns in this manual are in millimeters and (inches). · Do no t tilt the unit more than 10 ˚ during inst allat ion.
13 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 The re commen ded location, for the M aintenance B ypass Module , is as close to the insta lled UPS module as poss ible.
14 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
15 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Maintenance Bypass Module Operati on This chapter provides preli minary checks, maintenance oper atio ns and a schematic di agram of the maintenance byp ass module.
16 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 MBM O peration Withou t Kirk Key Interlocks The following transfer sequence is the recommended procedure for t he step-by -step load transfer from and back to the U PS when required.
17 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 MBM Opera tion With Kirk K ey Interlocks (Optiona l) The following transfer sequence is the recommended procedure for t he step-by -step load transfer from and back to the U PS when required.
18 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Fr om Maintenanc e Bypass to UPS Bypass: 1. Confirm BIBs, if insta lled, are clos ed. 2. T ransfer UPS to Bypass m o de (see UPS Operation manual). NOTE: F or Paral l el Redundant s ystems , t rans fer both U PS modules to Bypass mode.
19 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Maintenance Maintenance sho uld be scheduled on a perio dic basis, recommended not t o exceed one year . More frequent int ervals are recommended if the equipment is subj ected to highly repetit ive operat ions.
20 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
A --- 1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Appendix A - - - Customer Information The information in t his appendix will help you plan for and install your Maintenance Bypass Module cabinet.
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 3o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 4o f4 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 5 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f2 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 6 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev .
DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f2 INST ALLA TION NOTES SHEET : REV I SION : C 164201177 - - - 1 041500 A --- 7 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev .
A --- 8 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Ta b l e C - - 1 . P o w e r C a b l e Te r m i n a t i o n s With O p tional B IB Witho ut Optional BI B Te r m i n a l F uncti on Te r m i n a l F unct ion Size of Presur e Te r m i n a l Tight ening To r q u e N --- M ( l b --- i n ) Int.
A --- 9 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 T abl e C - - 2. Control Wiring Requirements a nd T e rmination Requirement for Reverse T ransfer ( RT) Sy stem.
A --- 1 0 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Di mensio ns are in mill imet ers (inche s) DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f3 SHEET : REV I SION : .
A- - -1 1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f3 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 2 080498 INTERIOR COM.
A --- 1 2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Di mensio ns are in mill imet ers (inche s) DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 3o f3 SHEET : REV I SION : .
A- - -1 3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f1 TYPICAL UPS SYSTEM WITH MB M SHEET : REV I SION : A 16420117.
A --- 1 4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Refer to national and local e lectric c odes f or acceptabl e external wiring practic es.
A- - -1 5 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Ref er to n ation al a nd loca l electric cod es f or acce pta ble ex tern al wir ing p ra ctices.
A --- 1 6 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Refer to national and loc al electri c codes for acceptabl e external wiring practic es.
A- - -1 7 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Ref er to n ation al an d local e lectric cod es f or a ccep tab le exte rn al wirin g p ractice s.
A --- 1 8 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Refer to national and local e lectric c odes f or acceptabl e external wiring practic es.
A- - -1 9 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 Read and understand the fo llo wing notes w hile planni ng your inst allati on: 1. Ref er to n ation al an d local e lectric cod es f or a ccep tab le exte rn al wirin g p ractice s.
A --- 2 0 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 1o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARRANGEMENT #1 080498 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARR ANGEME NT #1 App li c abl e t o POWE RWAR E 9315 30 - - - 160 k VA UPS mod ul e s onl y .
A- - -2 1 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 2o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARRANGEMENT #2 080498 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARR ANGEME NT #2 App li c abl e t o POWE RWAR E 9315 30 - - - 160 k VA UPS mod ul e s onl y .
A --- 2 2 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 3o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARRANGEMENT #3 080498 LINE UP AND MA TCH ARR ANGEME NT #3 App li c abl e t o POWE RWAR E 9315 30 - - - 160 k VA UPS mod ul e s onl y .
A- - -2 3 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 - - - 160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 DESC RIPT ION : DA TE: DRA WIN G NO: 4o f4 SHEET : REV I SION : A 164201177 - - - 10 LINE UP AND MA TCH.
A --- 2 4 Po w erware 9315 M aintenan ce Bypass Mod ule 30 -160kVA 164201177 Rev . C 041500 This P age Intent ionally Left B lank..
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Powerware 30-160kVA c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Powerware 30-160kVA - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Powerware 30-160kVA, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Powerware 30-160kVA va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Powerware 30-160kVA, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Powerware 30-160kVA.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Powerware 30-160kVA. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Powerware 30-160kVA ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.