Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit VT-Class du fabricant ATTO Technology
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Diamond Storage Array VT-Class I ns t al l at i on an d Ope r ati on M anu al © 2005 A TTO T echnology Inc. All righ ts reserved . All brand or pr oduct names ar e trademarks of their respective hol ders. No part o f this manual may be re produced in any form or by any mean s without the express wr itten permi ssion of A TTO T echnolog y Inc.
A TTO T echnolog y Inc. Conten ts Pref ace 1.0 Diamond Storag e Array-VT Product Ov erview ........... .......... ........1 Diam ond-VT featu res Fibre C hannel m odel SCSI model 2.0 Diamond-VT Technical O verview .......... ......... .............. .
Diam ond S torage Array Insta llation and Operat ion M anual 5.0 ATTO ExpressNAV : Browser-based Interface ................. ......... ....23 Brow ser co mpatibil ity Openi ng an Exp ressNAV sessi on Navigati ng ExpressN AV 5.1 Expre ssNAV Pages .....
A TTO T echnolog y Inc. 6.4 Fibre Cha nnel Configuration Commands .............. .............35 FcConnM ode FcDataRate FcF airArb FcF rameLen gth FcFullD uple x FcHard FcHardAddre ss FcNodeName FcP or tInf o FcP or tList FcP or tName FcScsiB usyStatus FcWWNa me 6.
Diam ond S torage Array Insta llation and Operation Manu a l T emper ature VirtualDr iv eInfo ZoneInf o ZoneState 6.8 Drive Management Comma nds ......
A TTO T echnolog y Inc. 7.0 Configuring the Diamond-VT ............ .............. ........................ ........47 RAID Level 10 RAID Level 5 Virtual Ta pe Volumes Hot Spa re sleds Zones Interleav e Enhanci ng performanc e 7.1 Virtual Tape .......
Diam ond S torage Array Insta llation and Operation Manu a l Appendix A Glossa ry ............. .................. .............. ........................ ........i Fibre C hannel te chnology SAN techno logy SCSI protoco l Appendix B ATA Disk Tec hnology .
Preface This g uide will ta ke the techn ology-sav vy user through the in stallatio n and ma intenance of the Diamo nd S torage Arra y-VT . The Diamon d-VT was de signed to mee t your need for large a.
1 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 1.0 Diamond S t orage Array-VT Product Overview The Diam ond S to rage Array-V T Class offers up to 30 V irtu al T a pe drives and up to 60 virtual ta pes in a rack mou nt or floor mod el configura tion.
2 Diamond ov erview • Aggreg ated Data Trans fer Technology (ADXT J ) for high per formance/sc alability • Ultra AT A 100 megaher tz (Mhz) • RAID Lev el 10 and R AID Level 5 con figurable • Zoning c apability com patible with t hird party servers , switche s and with delivera bles from industr y standards org anizations .
3 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 2.0 Diamond-VT T echni cal Overview The Diamond- VT uses Aggr ega ted Data T ransfer T echnology (ADXT) to achieve t he high data transf er performa nce you need.
4 T echnical overview ADXT Powers A T A to New Levels The orig inal notion of RAID was to bu ild high capacity , reliable storage subsystems using l arg e numb ers of inexp ensive di sk drives . Thus its origina l definiti on: Redunda nt Arra y of Inexpensive Drives .
5 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 3.0 Inst allation Instru ctions If you a r e familia r with the Diam ond-VT , F ibr e Chann el, SCSI and R AID configu rations, you may set up and conf igur e t he Diamond-V T using t hese instruct ions.
6 Inst allation 6 Follow the screens to fin d informati on about the array or to confi gure the array from the facto ry- default s ettings. The Di amond-VT may be set up in a RA ID Level 5 or RAID Leve l 10 configur ation with or without Hot S pare sleds and/or s et up in a zon ed configur ation.
7 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 3.1 Diamond- VT Compon ent s The Diam ond-VT ha s been design ed to be easy to use, ma intain a nd upgrade. It features a durable s teel outer case an d modula r component s in either a floor or a rack mount mode l.
8 Compone nts Rack moun t mode l The system management card is at the left fr ont of the case . At its ce nter is a DB-9 s e r ial RS-232 port wh ich allo ws a connectio n for setup, monito ring and upgrade of the unit fro m any comput er system with an RS-232 interface .
9 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 3.2 Diamond-VT Ph ysical Setup The Diam ond-VT is shi pped compl etely assem bled with two 12 0 V A C power cor ds for us e in the United S ta tes and Canad a. Immediately up on receipt, check th e shipping carton fo r damage fr om mishandl ing.
10 Physical setup Genera l Instruct ions 1 Insert th e proper conn ector into t he Host Interfac e Card in the back of the Di amond-VT. (See Connecti ng a Fibr e Channe l Array on page 11 or Connecti ng a SCSI Array on page 13 ).
11 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 3.2 .1 Connec ting a Fi bre Chann el Array The Diam ond-VT su pports up to two Fibre Channel Host I nterface Cards (HIC). Ph ysical connect ions and CLI co mmands con tribute to th e Fibr e Cha nnel topol ogy .
12 Fibre Chan nel conn ections Exhibit 3.2 .1-2 Possible 2 gig abit Fibr e Channel physical conn ections depending o n which Fib r e Channel connection mode has been selected .
13 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 3.2.2 Connecting a SCSI Array The SCSI Di amond-V T uses a VHDCI conn ector and SCSI cabl es to connect to a ho st. It automat ically detects th e type of Host In terface Car d it is usin g without any inter vention.
14 SCSI connec tions.
15 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 4.0 Ac cessing the Diamond-VT Communi cate with the Diamond- VT thr oug h the Fibre Channel link, the R S-232 por t or the Ethern et port usin g Command Line Interf ace commands or A TTO Expr es sNA V , an integrated user management console .
16 Ac cessin g the ar ray SNMP SNMP , or Si mple Netw ork Manageme nt Protocol, is an applicati on layer proto col that allo ws networ k devi ces to exchange manage ment info rmation .
17 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 4.1 I n-ban d CLI Over Fibr e Channe l In-ban d Command Line Interf ace (CLI) con figur es and man ages the Diam ond-VT usi ng SCSI-bas ed CLI comm ands over a Fibre Channel port conne ction.
18 In-band C LI to an initia tor that specifies an inc orrect Buf fer ID, Mo de, Lengt h or Bu ff e r O ffset. The Mod e is always Data ( 0x2), the Buffer ID is always 0 and the Buffer Of fs et is always 0. Exhib it 4.1- 2 The SCSI command p ro ces s: r eserve the Diamond -VT , send the command, r elease the Diamond-VT .
19 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 4.2 Serial Por t Access The Diam ond-VT provides r em ote service op erations over the RS-232 seri al port using s tandard termina l emulation s oftwar e a vailable wi th most system s.
20 Serial port access.
21 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 4.3 Ether net Access: T elnet and SNMP Protocols The optio nal 10/10 0 BaseT Ethern et port pr o vides T elnet - or SNMP-ba sed monitor ing and mana gement.
22 Ethernet pr otocols 8 Call t echnica l support (se e W arranty in the Appendix , page xv) to get the appr opriate MIB file for your Diamo nd-VT. 9 For each client, cop y the MIB fil e to the dir ector y contai ning t he SNMP ma nagem ent software. 10 Fr o m within the SNM P management softwa re, comp ile the fi le a ttodmnd-mib.
23 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 5.0 A TTO ExpressNA V : Browser-bas ed Interface The e asiest way to com munica te with the Dia mond S torag e .
24 ExpressNA V Exhib it 5.0- 3 Navigating A TTO Expr essNA V scr eens Side bar : select the item you wis h t o vie w Subm it button same as t yping all CLI commands and saveconf iguration norestar t o.
25 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 5.1 ExpressNA V Pages Each pag e in the A TTO ExpressNA V interface p r ovides in formation an d/or conf iguratio n parameters based o n specific to pics. Each page ca n be r eac hed thr o ugh the m enu on the left hand s ide of each page.
26 ExpressNA V Logical Units Displays informat ion on the logical units which h ave been configured and al lows you to ch ange t he stat us from on line or of fline or d egraded .
27 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 6.0 CLI: Interface via ASCII-ba sed Commands The comma nd line inter face (CLI) provides access to Dia mond-VT s ervices thr o ugh a set of AS CII- based co mmands.
28 Command Line Interf ace Exhibi t 6.0-3 CLI comman ds r eturns may be terse (s hort) or verbos e (with pa rameter name s and det ails of r esults). Zoni ng command r eturns fo llow th ese patt erns: Exhibi t 6.
29 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 6.1 Summary of CLI Comm ands A summa ry of the Command L ine Interfa ce commands , their def aults, an example o f how they m ight be used, a nd wher e you can find the specifics of the command.
30 CLI in dex IdeW rit e Cache en abled set idewritecac he disabled 42 Info In fo 39 InquiryDa ta InquiryDa ta 1 1456 1243 45 1.0 1 1242 14 564 2 42 IP Address set ipad dress 19 .172.2.2 33 IPDHCP Disa bled se t ipd hcp enabl ed 33 IPG ateway 0.
31 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Syst emS N get system sn 32 T apeDriveInfo T apeDriveInfo 40 T apeV olumeBlockS i ze 1 set T apeV olumeBlockSiz.
32 Diam ond S torage Array Insta llation and Operation Manu a l 6.2 General Use Commands The follo wing command s, listed alp habetical ly , des cribe or perfo rm general fun ctions. FirmwareRestart Causes a warm restart of the Dia mond S torage Ar ray .
33 A TTO T echnolog y Inc. 6.3 Ethernet Commands Ether net configur ation comman ds configure the Ethernet an d TCP/IP par ameters for the Diamond S to rage Array with an option al Ethernet manageme nt services card. EthernetSpeed Specifies the spe ed of the Ethernet Network to which the Diamond Storage Arra y is connected.
34 Diam ond S torage Array Insta llation and Operation Manu a l SNMPT raps Enab les or disa bles S NMP traps . Default: disabled Set synt ax: set SNM PT raps [enabled|disa bl e d] Requires a SaveConfigur ation Rest art comma nd Get synt ax: get SNMP T raps SNMPUpdat es Enables or disa bles the SNMP Management Informa tion Base (MIB ) database.
35 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 6.4 Fibre Channel Configuration Commands The Fibre Channel ports are configur ed wit h default sett ings but ma y be custo mized to your specific ations u sing the CLI c ommands in this section.
36 CLI: Fibre C hannel FcP o rtLi st Lists the status o f all available Fibre Cha nnel ports. Imm ediate comm and: FcPortList FcP o rtNa me Returns the Fibre Channel po rt name stored in NVRAM for this Fibre Channel port.
37 A TTO T echnolog y Inc. 6.5 Serial Port Configuration Commands The seria l port conf iguratio n may be customi zed by using the following commands: SerialP o rtBaudRate Sets the baud r ate the Diamond Storage A rray uses for its terminal interface.
38 CLI: maintenanc e 6.6 Ma intena nce Servi ces Comma nds Mainte nance comma nds allow upda ting and ma intenance of th e Diamo nd-VT . FcScsiB usyStatus Y ou may set the Diamond to report busy or queue full when it i s unable to acce pt a command.
39 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 6.7 Diagnostic Commands Diagnos tic comman ds pr o vide inf ormation or diagn ostic tool s for Fi br e Ch annel, SCS I and Se rial port configur ations, Diamond Storage Array sett ings and the status of va rious comman ds which affect the A T A drives.
40 CLI: diagno stics P owerA udibleAlarm Silences the audible alar m for a cu rrent power supply failure. The alarm w ill be activated o n the next power failu re. Imm ediate comm and: PowerA udibleAlarm disabled RAID5C learDataStat us Displays the stat us of RAID5 Clear Da ta processing.
41 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 6.8 Drive Ma nagement Commands The Diam ond S to rage Array A T A drives ma y be monitored or configured thr ough th e CLI using th e comm ands liste d bel ow . A T ADiskStat e Sets the A T A disk to the spec if ied state.
42 CLI: configu re drives DriveW ipe Initialize s a drive: wipes it of all data. Drive must be offline Se t synta x: D rive Wip e [D estinati on S led] [De st D rive ] Requires a SaveConfigur ation Rest art comma nd Get synt ax: DriveCop yS tatus ECC Specifies or displays whether ECC is en a bled or not.
43 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual software. The remaining four char acters will be entered by the system a utomatically to ident ify the tape number . See V irtual T ape on page 49 and Optional Hot Spar e Sled on page 50 for more informa tion and examples.
44 CLI: configu re drives Reb uildPriority Sets the priority of a RAID Level 5 or 10 rebuild. If you select High priority , rebuild I/O requests are implemented before system I/O re quests. I f you select Low priority , rebuild I/O requests ex ecutes only when there are no pending I/O req uests.
45 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual ZoneCle arAll Removes all entries fr om the Planned Zone Configuration.
46 CLI: configu re drives.
47 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 7.0 Configu ring th e Diamon d-VT The Diamond -VT can be configured as RAID Level 10 or RAID Level 5 with zones and/or Hot S par e sleds. Pa rtitions ar e cr ea ted autom atically during con figuratio n of V irtual T ap e emulatio n.
48 Configu re drives Adv anced CLI co nfigura tion page of t he ExpressNA V interface. Zoning sup ports security by gran ting o r denying access b etween i nitiators and devices a s defi ned by a n admini strator . A zone is a coll ection of devic es which can access each other .
49 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 7.1 Vi r t u a l T a p e When th e Diamond-V T is conf igur e d as a V irtu al T ape, i t is divided into sev eral tape volumes ba sed on your choice an d the RAID level you cho ose.
50 Hot swap sp are sled 7.2 Optional Hot S p are Sl ed T o main tain arra y up ti me with minima l risk of dat a loss, indi vidual sleds which fail may b e r eplaced with a spar e sled.
51 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 7.3 Zo nes Zoning is a collection of r elat ed Diamond -VT capabili ties supp orting flexi ble Diamond co nfigu.
52 Zones the Acti ve configura tion will be copi ed into the Planned co nfiguratio n. T o d etermine what is in the Planne d conf igurati on, type ZoneInfo Planned . Active configuration is persiste nt and establishes the Diamo nd zoning conf iguration after power- up.
53 Diamond S torage Array Configu ring Zoni ng CAUTION CAUTION Be careful when changing Diamond- VT zoning configurations. Internal validation logic cannot detect misconfigur ations An unrestrict ed z.
54 Zones Erro rs Zone defin ition tables: The Zone commands manage entries in the Zone definit ion tables which manage th e overall zoning process. Definit ion tables are in dexed by un ique keys ( zone_na me ).
55 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 8.0 Up dating Fi rmware Engine ers, technicia ns and/or syst em admini strators/integ rators may update the fi .
56 Up date firm ware 3 Copy th e latest Diam ond-VT imag e file (“...”.ima ) onto the hos t computer and note its directo ry c:diamondflash“... ”.ima 4 Change directories to the place wher e you copied th e “...”.ima fil e cd c:diamondflash 5 Open an FT P session u sing a user- defined IP address or the defau lt (10.
57 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 9.0 Diagnostics, Upgrade and Maintenance The Diam ond-VT provides a number of visual, au dible and comp uter syst em-generated in dicators to identify th e operation al status of th e array .
58 Monitori ng, re porting temperat ure warnin g alarm w ill report OK du ring normal o perating co nditions. In an abnormal op erating conditio n, such as blowe r failure, un der high ambi ent temper.
59 Dia mond S torag e Array an error code, ple ase provide both the first and second blin k code values. Duri ng a fault condit ion, more d etailed inform ation abou t the fault may be available via the CLI or t he ExpressNA V interface over the RS- 232 inter face port or the optional E thernet port .
60 Monitori ng, re porting.
61 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 9.1 T r oublesh ooti ng The D iamond -VT p r ovides a n umbe r of indi cators to identify th e opera tional st atus of the array . System s t atus and e rro r informa tion is r eadily ava ilable.
62 T roubleshoo ting • Follow the instru ctions in the ap propriate chapt ers of this manual to r emove, repla ce and reconfi gure the dri ve such as Hot Swap Operat ing Instructions on page 69. • You may copy drive s by using Com mand Line interfac e commands.
63 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 9.2 Resetting Default s Resetting the Diamo nd-VT to de faults will not alter t he RAID con figuration, zoning configuration , IP configu ration or T elnet inform ation.
64 Reset defaul ts Exhib it 9.2- 2 Configura tions which will be changed d uring a Re storeCon figuration command Comma nd Default Reset if def ault chosen Rese t during factoryd efault Audib leAlarm D isabled ▼▼ AutoRebui ld Disabled ▼ DiamondNam e “ .
65 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 9.3 Rebuilding RAID Level 5 and 10 Configurations If a sled mus t be r emov ed and a new sled inserte d into th.
66 rebuil ding RAID To synchronize mirrored drives manually The most ef ficient method to sy nchronize V irtual T ape confi gurations is to ena ble Hot Spares or the auto re build feature. 1 Connect to Diamond Storage Array services via the RS-232 port or the optional Ethernet management services card (see Acces sing th e Diamond-VT on page 15).
67 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 10.0 Hardwa re Maintenance The disk drive sleds, bl ower assembl ies, power sup plies, host interface cards, and system m anagemen t car d ma y be r eplaced wi th identica l or upgraded parts .
68 Hardware mai ntenance E xhibit 10-2: Above, dis k driv e sl ed part ially pul led out of the D iam ond Storage Array . Bottom le ft, t op of disk drive sle d.
69 A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual 10.1 Hot Swap Operating Instructions T o ma intain array up t ime, indi vidual dis k drive sl ed assem blies, power supplies and blow er assemb lies can be r eplaced with the unit fu lly operat ional.
70 Hot swap hardw are P ower Supplies CAUTION CAUTION Do not lea ve em pty op enings on the f ront or rear of th e Diamond- VT under any cir cumstances. Empty openings affect air flow an d may caus e the un it to over heat an d shut do wn. WARNING Hazard ous vol t age an d store d energy hazard when r emoving po wer supp lie s.
A-i A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Appe ndix A Glos sary The follow ing terms a r e only a few ex ample s of the langu age used for F ibr e Channe l, SCSI and sto rage syste ms.
A-ii Appendix F_port A port in t he FC fabric whe re a N_po rt may att ach FC-AL Fibre Channe l Arbitrated Loop: an FC netw ork in whi ch up to 126 syst ems and devi ces are connec ted in a loop to po.
A-iii A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Appe ndix B A T A Disk T echnolo gy A T A is the d ominant d isk drive t ech nology today and w ill be for the for esee able futur e.
A-iv Appe ndix C In formation C ommand Re turns Drivei nfo Sled Capacity Errors TYPE ... VDID Capacity Errors TYPE VDID === ====== .. ===== ===== == === ====== ==== = ===== .
A-v A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Read 0000 0000 0000000 0 W ri te 0000000 0 0000000 0 Error s 00000000 LunInf o for a JBOD setup LUN TYPE St ate Ca pacity Errors SerialNum ber === ==== ===== ======= ==== =========== = 0 Processor ONLINE 0MB .
A-vi W ri te 0000000 0 0000000 0 Error s 00000000 LunInfo for a RAID5 1 confi guration LUN TYPE St ate Capacity Errors Seri alNumber === ==== ===== ====== ==== ========= === 0 Pro cesso r ONLINE 0MB 0.
A-vii A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual V olume Partit ion T otal % Ca pacity W rite ID LU N VDID ID Ca pa city Used Protection ============ ============ ================= ====== 059 - 59 0 3439315MB 0% disabled Ready .
A-ix A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Appendix D Sample Zo ning Comma nd Sequen ces First time config uration ( af ter download) QuickRA ID under Z oning “fir st time” c onfiguratio n, an all/all/all confi guration in the selected QuickRAID confi gurati on.
A-x Appendix Asym metric Model 3 hosts, 1 metadata con troller (also a host) , RAID 5 with 3 LUN s. All z one command s except ZoneCommi t affect onl y the planned configuratio n. ZoneCommi t sets the Planned Configuration into the Active Configura tion.
A-xi A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Comb ined Symmetr ic/Asymmetric M odel Many ho sts . All zon e comman ds exce pt ZoneCommi t affect onl y the planned configuratio n. ZoneCommi t sets the Planned Configuration into the Active Configura tion.
A-xii Appendix Appe ndix E S pecifi cations En vironme nt al and ph ysical • Humidity : 10-85% non -condensing • Normal operating te mperature at s ea level: 5- 40 o C • Storag e temperature: - 25-60 o C • AC input voltage 1 00-240V rated • 50/ 60 Hz Rac k Mount Dimensions • Height: 1 31mm (5.
A-xiii A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Appendix F Product Safety Safe h andling of the D iamond-V T will help pr otect its compo nents as well a s the people w orking with t hem . • The Di amond-VT is hea vy (92 pou nds for the floor mo del, 86 pounds for the rack mount system ).
A-xiv Appe ndix G Part number s Each D iamon d-VT has a ma ster part num ber to identify it. Th e floor mo del base n umber is on the side of the u nit.
A-xv A TTO T ec hnology Inc. Di amond S tor age Array Instal lation and Oper ation Man ual Appendix H Wa r r a n t y Manufa cturer limited warra nty Manufac t ure r warrants t o th e origina l purchaser of this product that it will be free from defects in material and workm anship as des cribed in th e A TTO T echnol ogy website, www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté ATTO Technology VT-Class c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du ATTO Technology VT-Class - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation ATTO Technology VT-Class, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le ATTO Technology VT-Class va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le ATTO Technology VT-Class, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du ATTO Technology VT-Class.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le ATTO Technology VT-Class. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei ATTO Technology VT-Class ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.