Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SL80108 du fabricant AT&T
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User’s manual S L 8 0 1 0 8 D E C T 6 . 0 e x p a n s i o n h a n d s e t f o r u s e w i t h A T & T m o d e ls S L 8 1 1 0 8 / S L 8 1 2 0 8 / S L 8 2 1 1 8 / S L 8 2 2 1 8 / S L 8 2 3 1 8 / S.
Congr atulations on your purchase of this A T&T pr oduct. Please read this user’s manual for the information necessary to install your new A T&T product.
Battery for cor dless handset Cordless handset Belt clip for cor dless handset Charger for cor dless handset with power adapter installed Battery compartment cover User's manual P arts checklist Y our telephone contains the following items. User’s manual SL8010 8 DECT 6.
User’s manual S L 8 0 1 0 8 D E C T 6 . 0 e x p a n s i o n h a n d s e t f o r u s e w i t h A T & T m o d e ls S L 8 1 1 0 8 / S L 8 1 2 0 8 / S L 8 2 1 1 8 / S L 8 2 2 1 8 / S L 8 2 3 1 8 / S L 8 2 4 1 8 / S L 8 2 5 1 8 / S L 8 2 5 5 8 / S L 8 2 6 5 8 T able of c ont ents Getting s tart ed Quick ref erence guide .
MENU/SELECT Pr e ss t o d is pl a y th e me nu . Wh il e i n th e me nu , pr ess t o se le ct an i te m o r sa v e an en tr y or s e tt in g. Getting started Quick r e f er ence guide DELETE/MUTE During a call, pres s to mute micr ophone.
F eatur e menu Menu Fea tur e menu DIRECTOR Y CALL L OG RING ER VOL UM E RINGER TONE KEY TONE LANGUAGE CLR VOICE MAIL The > symbol shows a highlighted menu item. >DIRECTORY CALL LOG Getting started Quick r e f er ence guide Using menus Press or to scroll through menu items.
Avoid placing the t elephone base t oo close t o: • Communication devices such as: television sets, VCRs, or other cordl ess telephones. • Excessive heat sourc es. • Noise sources such as a window with traffic outside, mot ors, microwav e ovens, re frigerators, or fluor escent lighting.
IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION 1. Use only the power adapter(s) supplied with this pr oduct. T o order a replacement power adapt er , visit our website at www .t elephones.a tt.c om , or call 1 (800) 222-3111 . In Canada, dial 1 (866) 288-4268 . 2. The power adapters ar e intended to be corr ectly oriented in a vertical or floor mount position.
Getting started Bat t ery install ation & char ging Install the batt ery as shown below. Aft er installing the batt ery , you can make and r eceive short calls, but r eplace the handset in the telephone base or char ger when not in use. For optimal performance, char ge the handset battery f or at least 16 hours befor e use.
IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION U s e o n l y t he s up p l i e d r e c ha r g e ab l e b at t e r y or re plac eme nt b att ery (m odel B T800 1). T o or der , vis it our webs ite a t w w w . t e l e p h o n e s . a t t . c o m o r call 1 ( 80 0) 22 2-3 11 1.
Getting started Adding and r egistering handsets Befor e using a new SL80108 handset, you must regist er it with the S L8 1 1 0 8 /S L 8 1 2 08 / S L 8 21 1 8 / S L8 2 2 1 8 /S L 8 2 3 18 / S L 82 4 1 8 / SL 8 2 5 1 8 /S L 8 2 5 58 / S L 8 26 5 8 telephone base (pur chased separatel y).
Getting started Adding and r egistering handsets When first purchased, all optional accessory handsets will show NOT REGISTERED on the screen. The new handset(s) may need to be charged for five minutes before registering to the telephone base. NOT REGISTERED PRESS HNDST LOC 4 SEC ON BASE PLEASE WAIT.
Getting started R eplacing a handset Y ou may need to de-regis ter y our handsets if: Y ou have twelv e register ed handsets and need to r eplace a handset. -OR- Y ou wish to change the designat ed handset number of your register ed handsets. Y ou must first de-r egister ALL the handsets, and then r e-regist er each handset you wish to use.
Getting started R eplacing a handset T o de-regist er all handsets 4. To re-register the handset(s) to the telephone base, follow the registration instructions on page 8. NOTES: 1. If the de-registration process was not successful, you may need to reset the system and try again.
Getting started Belt clip & optional headset I ns ta l l a ti o n Sn a p t he be l t c l ip in t o t h e n ot c h es on bo t h s id e s o f ha n ds e t. R e m o v a l P u ll a nd u n l oc k o n e f l a p f r o m th e n o t c h fi r s t b e fo r e de t a c h in g t h e w h o l e b el t c l ip f r om t h e h a n ds e t .
Appendix A Ma in t e na nc e T aking care of y our telephone • Your c ordless t elephone contains sophisticat ed electronic parts, so it must be treat ed with care. • Avoid rough tr eatment. • Place the handset down gently. Sa ve the original packing materials to pr otect your t elephone if you ever need to ship it.
Appendix B Important saf ety in formation This symbol is to alert you t o important operating or servicing instructions that may appear in this user’s manual. Always follow basic sa fety precautions when using this pr oduct to reduce the risk of injury , fir e, or electric shock.
Appendix B Important saf ety in formation • Replace bat t eries only as described in y our user’s manual. Do not burn or puncture bat teries — they contain caustic chemicals. • This power adapter is intended t o be corr ectl y oriented in a vertical or floor mount position.
Appendix B Important saf ety in formation R echargeabl e bat teries: This pr oduct contains either nick el- cadmium or nickel-met al hydride rechar geable batt eries. Exer cise care in handling bat teries in order not t o create a short circuit with conductiv e material such as rings, bracel ets, and keys.
Appendix B Important saf ety in formation P ACEMAKER P A TIENTS • Should keep wireless telephones at least six inches from the pacemak er . • Should NOT place wireless telephones directly over the pacemak er , such as in a breast pock et, when it is turned ON.
Appendix C F C C P art 68 and A CT A T h i s e q ui p me n t co mp l ie s w it h P ar t 6 8 of th e F C C r ul es an d w i th t e ch n ic a l r e q u i r e m e n t s ad o pt ed b y t he Ad m in is t ra ti ve C o un c il f or T e r m i na l A tt a c h m e n ts ( AC T A) .
Appendix C F C C P art 68 and A CT A I f t hi s e q ui p me nt is ca u si n g ha r m t o th e t e l e p h on e n e tw or k , t he t e le ph o ne co mp an y m a y t e m p o ra ri ly d i sc on ti n ue yo ur t el ep ho n e s e r v ic e. Th e t el ep ho ne co mp an y i s r e q u i r e d t o n ot i fy yo u be fo r e i n t er ru p ti n g s er vi c e.
Appendix C F C C P art 68 and A CT A I n d u st r y C an a da O p e r at io n i s s ub je c t t o th e f ol lo wi ng tw o c on di t io n s: ( 1 ) t hi s d e vi ce m a y n o t ca u se ha r mf ul in t e.
Appendix D F C C P art 15 This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the requir ements for a Class B digital devic e under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (F CC) rules. These requir ements are int ended to pr ovide reasonable prot ection against harmful interfer ence in a residential installation.
Appendix D F C C P art 15 T o ensure sa fety of users, the FC C has established criteria f or the amount of radio frequency ener gy that can be safel y absorbed by a user or bystander ac cording t o the intended usage of the product. This pr oduct has been tested and f ound to comply with the FCC crit eria.
Appendix E Limit ed warr anty T he A T& T b r a nd i s us e d u nd e r l ic en se - a n y r ep ai r , r e p la c e m e n t o r w ar r an ty s e r vi c e , a nd a l l q u e s t io n s a bo u t t hi s p r o d u ct s h o ul d be d ir ec t e d t o: In t h e U n i t e d St at e s o f A m er i c a vi s i t w w w .
Appendix E Limit ed warr anty Ho w l o n g i s t h e l i m i t e d w a r r a n ty p e r io d ? T he l i m it ed w a r r a n t y p e r i o d f o r t he P R O D UC T e x t e n d s f or O N E ( 1) Y EA R f r o m th e d a t e o f p u r c h as e .
Appendix E Limit ed warr anty • PR O D U C T r et u rn e d w it h o u t v a l i d pr oo f o f p u r c h as e ( s ee i t e m 6 be l o w ) ; -o r - • Ch a r g e s f or i n s t a l l at i o n or s e t up , a d ju s t m e nt o f cu s t o m e r c on tr ol s , a nd i n s t al l a t i on o r r e p ai r o f s ys t e ms o u t s id e t h e u n i t .
Appendix E Limit ed warr anty O th e r l im i t a t i on s This warranty is the compl ete and ex clusive agreement between you and the manufactur er of this A T&T branded PRODUCT . It supersedes all other writt en or oral communications r elated to this PRODUCT .
Appendix F T echnical specifications RF frequency band 1921.536 MHz — 1928.448 MHz Channels 5 Operating temperat ure 32°F — 122°F 0°C — 50°C T elephone base voltage (AC voltage, 60Hz) 96 — 127 Vrms T elephone base voltage (AC adapter output) 6VDC @300mA Handset voltage 2.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting If you have diffi cul ty wit h your tele pho ne, plea se try the sug ges tio ns bel ow . F or Cust om er Ser vic e, vi sit our webs it e at www .te l ep hon es .a t t. c om , or ca ll 1 (800 ) 222– 31 11 . In Can ada dial 1 (8 66) 288- 426 8 .
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting • First try all the suggestions above. • Make sure you hav e a dial tone befor e dialing. The cordl ess handset may tak e a second or two to find the t elephone base and produce a dial t one. This is normal. Wait an e xtra second be fore dialing.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting C ONNECTING... displays on my cordl ess handset • Ensure that the telephone base is powered up. • Place the cordless handset in the tel ephone base for one minute t o allow the cor dless handset and base to r esynchronize channels.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting • Reset the telephone base. Unplug the unit’s electrical power . W ait for 15 seconds then plug it back in. Allow up to one minute f or the cordl ess handset and telephone base to reset. • Other electronic products can cause interfer ence with your cor dless phone.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting • If y ou su b sc r ib e t o hi g h- s pe e d I nt e r ne t se r vi c e ( D ig i ta l S u bs c ri b er Li n e - D S L ) t hr oug h y ou r t e l ep h on e l i ne s , y o.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting I hear other calls while using my phone • Disconnect the telephone base from the telephone jack, and plug in a differ ent telephone. If you still hear other calls, the problem is pr obably in your wiring or local service.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting • You ma y have too many e xtension phones on your telephone line t o allow all of them to ring simultaneousl y . T ry unplugging some of the other phones. • The layout of your home or office might be limiting the operating range.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting The charge light is off • Make sure the power and line cor ds are plugged in correctl y and securely . • Unplug the unit’s electrical power. W ait for 15 seconds, then plug it back in. Allow up to one minute f or the cordless handset and telephone base to r eset.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting • Caller ID is a subscription service. Y ou must subscribe to this service fr om your local telephone company f or this featur e to work on your phone. • Your call er must be calling from an ar ea that supports caller ID.
Appendix G T r oubl eshooting Common cure for electr onic equipment If the unit does not seem to be responding normally , try putting the cor dless handset in its base. If it does not seem to r espond, do the following (in the or der listed): • Disconnect the power to the telephone base.
www .t elephones.a tt.c om © 2008 Advanced American T elephones. All rights reserv ed. A T&T and the A T&T logo ar e tr ademarks of A T&T Intellectual Pr operty II, L.P . d/b/a A T&T Intellectual Pr operty lic ensed to Adv anced American T elephones.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté AT&T SL80108 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du AT&T SL80108 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation AT&T SL80108, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le AT&T SL80108 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le AT&T SL80108, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du AT&T SL80108.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le AT&T SL80108. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei AT&T SL80108 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.