Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1538 du fabricant Omega SA
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1108/ 1120/1400/1424/1530 1532/1538/1680/2500/2520 Omega I 2005 Omega II 2627 Omega III 1680 Omega V 1128 Omega VI 2628 Omega VII 2403 Omega VIII 1120 Omega IV 651 /2202 Omega VIII bis 2300 Omega IX 4.
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3 English Contents 1 INTRODUCTION • Special recommen d ation s 4 • Environm ental protecti on 5 • Leather straps 5 • Anti-r eflective treatmen t 6 • Screw-in crown 6 • OMEGA Internati on al Warr anty 7 2 OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS • Quartz watch 11 Cal.
4 Special recommendations What must I do to ensure that my OMEGA watch pro- vides me with ex cellent service for many y ears? Magn etic fields: avoid placing your watch on loudspeak- ers or refri gerators , since they gen erate powerful mag- neti c fields.
5 English Used batteries , watch components an d electronic watch es should not be thrown away . They should be recycled correctly . We recommen d you return them to your nearest OMEGA r etailer .
6 Anti-reflectiv e treatment t Scre w-in crown The anti- refle ctive treatm ent on both sid es of the sapphire crystal improves the visibility of your watch’s dial. Wear and tear may cause marks to appear . These are consi dered norm al and are th erefore n ot covered by the warr anty .
7 English OMEGA International W arranty (V alid for U.S.A. only) Y our OMEGA® watch is warran ted by OMEGA SA* FOR A PER I OD OF TWENT Y-FO UR (24) MONT HS, THI RTY -SIX (36) MONTH S FOR W A T CHES WITH A CO-AXIAL ESCAPEMENT , FROM THE DA TE OF PURCHASE und er the terms and con- dition s of this warranty .
8 – the OMEGA watch handl ed by non-au thorized person s (e .g. for battery replacemen t , service or repair) or whi ch has been altere d in its orig in al cond iti on beyon d OMEG A SA ’s contr ol.
9 English OMEGA International W arranty Y our OMEGA® watch is warran ted by OMEGA SA* for a period of twenty-four (24) month s, thirty-six (36) month s for watches with a Co-Axial Escapement, from the d ate o f purchase under the terms and condition s of this warranty .
10 – indir ect or consequenti al dam age of any kind resulting from e .g. the use , the n on-functionin g, the d efects or the in accuracy of th e OMEGA watch; – th e OMEGA watch handled by non-auth orized per- sons (e.
11 English Quartz W atch CALIBRES 1376, 1456 (fig. II) The cr own has 2 positions: 1. Normal position (wearing position): when pushed into the case, the crown ensures that the watch is water-resistan t. 2. Time setting: pull the crown out to position 2, turn the crown forwards or backwar ds.
12 CALIBRES 1424, 1538 (continued) Date setting: the date can be mo ved forw ards or backwards by moving the hour hand past midnigh t accordin gly . Push the cr own back to position 1. 3. Time setting: p ul l the c row n out t o p os i tio n3 . The seconds han d will stop.
13 English Quartz chronogr aph CALIBRE 1270 (fig. X) Th e time fun cti on s (hou rs, min ute s, seco nds) ar e dr iven by a pri m ary mot or usi ng t radi tion al q uart z watc h tech nolo gy . The chronogr aph functi ons are provi ded by a combinati on of quartz and mechanical technology .
14 CALIBRE 1270 (continued) • Pusher B: reset (after stoppin g). Note: Though the chronogr aph stops after 11 hours in order to conserve ener gy , it cannot be reset without pressin g pusher A bef orehand . CALIBRE 5200 The hour , minute , second and chronograph functi ons are powered by 4 motors using convention al quartz techno- logy .
15 English Addition function (cr own in position 1): • Pusher A: Start • Pusher A: Stop to read tim e • Pusher A: Press again to r estart • Pusher A: Stop At the en d o f the last step, the ch.
16 CAL IBR ES 112 0, 250 0, 252 0, 26 10 (fig. I) • 2 627 (fig. III) • 2300 (fig . I X) The crown has 3 positi ons, but only positions 1 an d 3 are functi onal for cal. 1120 jewellery versi on (fig. IV). 1. Normal position (wearing position): when pushed into the case, the crown ensures that the watch is water-resistan t.
17 English P ower r eserve (continued) If the watch is not worn, or during periods of low activity , the power reserve indicator hand progressively moves an ti-clockwise. If the power reserv e ind icator han d is poin ting to below 1/4, this mean s that the watch’s power reserve is less than 10 h ours.
18 CALIBRES 3205 (fig. XV) • 3220 (fig. XIII) • 3601 • 3602 The cr own has 2 positions: W atch functions: 1. Normal position (wearing position): when pushed into the case, the crown ensures that the watch is water-resistan t. Winding: if the watch has not been worn for 45 hours or mor e, win d it up with the crown in position 1.
19 English Regatta function (continued) For a yacht race , the chron ograph should be started at the warning sign al by pressing pusher A. Once the 5 circles on the display have chang ed colour to blue, this means that 5 minutes have passed sin ce the warning signal.
CALIBRES 1151 (fig. XI) • 1152, 1164 (fig. XII) • 3301, 3303, 3313 (fig. XIV) • 3304 (fig. XIX) The cr own has 3 positions: W atch functions: 1. Normal position (wearing position): when pushed into the case, the crown ensures that the watch is water-resistan t.
21 English Self-winding split seconds chronogr aph CALIBRE 3600 (fig. XVII) • 3612 (fig. XVIII) W atch functions (calibre 3600) The cr own has 2 positions: 1. Normal position (wearing position): when pushed into the case, the crown ensures that the watch is water-resistan t.
22 Chronogr aph functions with split seconds: Th e split -secon ds fun cti on allows split tim es to be re cord ed whilst the chr onograph is runnin g. 1. Start the chr onograph by pr essing pusher A (start). 2. T o reco rd a split time , press pusher C.
23 English CAL IBR ES 186 1, 18 63 (fig. XV) • 1866, 3604 (f ig. XV I) The cr own has 2 positions: W atch functions: 1. Normal position (wearing position): when pushed into the case, the crown ensures that the watch is water-resistan t. Winding: turn the cr own forwards un til it stops.
CALIBRE 1866–Date and moon phase correction Date setting (small coun ter at 12 o'clock): press corrector C. Setting the moon phase: press corrector D to move the disc into the full-moon position. Then determine how man y days have elapsed sin ce the last full m oon (consult a calendar) and press the corrector the equivalent number of tim es.
25 English P erpetual calendar CALIBRE 1680 (fig. V) The particularity of the Greg orian calendar is that one day (29th Febru ary) is ad ded to th e year every four years to compensate for the length of the solar year , which is 365.242192 d ays, or almost 365 1/4 d ays.
26 1.3. Setting the date and hour hands: Pull the cr own out to position 2. Th en turn the crown: the hand moves in 1-hour jumps. If it is necessary to correct the date , (A), contin ue to turn th e crown an d the date will chan ge automati cally when switching from AM to PM, or the contr ary , dependin g on the direction the crown is turned .
27 English 2.2. Display and correction o f the yearly cy cle . Follow in g display of the mon th ( cf. 2.1.), th e calend ar con tinues to funct ion an d th e year cycle is displayed in Rom an nu mera ls f or 8 secon ds, (C).
28 P eople travellin g East, for ex ample from Lond on to Hon g Kon g, should pull the crown out to position 2 and move the hour hand forwar ds (in this case by 8 hours).
29 English Self-winding GMT & GMT Chronogr aph Occasional winding: if the watch has not been worn for 44 hours (cal. 1128, 2628) or 55 hours (cal. 3603) or mor e, win d it up with the crown in position 1. 2. Setting the time zone: pull the crown out to positi on 2 an d turn it.
30 3. Setting the time : hours – minutes – seconds . Pull the crown to position 3. The seconds hand will stop. T urn the crown forwards or backwards. Synchronise the seconds by pushing the cr own back to position 1 to coinci de with a given time si gnal.
31 English Omega mechanical watches with a certified chr ono- meter mov ement Omega watches bearing the chronom eter inscription (in accord ance with the certificate issued by your autho- rised Omega .
32 The pr ecision o f a mechanical m ovement depen ds on the indivi dual habits of the wearer and can theref ore vary . A qualifi ed Omega watchmak er can adjust the precision of a watch to within the Omega tolerances, which are from -1 to +6 seconds per d ay .
33 English Y our OMEGA Seamaster Professi onal Diver is th e watch for pro fessional and amateur divers, as well as deman ding sportsmen and –women. A robust design, the new h elium escape valve (exclusive OMEGA patent), together with all the protecti on systems, offer optimal security and reli ability .
34 How to use the helium escape v alve (fig. 2) In it s n orm al posi tio n (f ig. 2.1) , th e OMEG A hel ium esc ape va lv e is per fect ly wate rti gh t tha nks to gas ket (B) , but it is n ot f unc ti on al, sin ce it is scr ewe d in .
35 English T o r ead th e time , th e p ositi on of the cent ra l second s han d is used. For observat io ns over lon ger period s, the indi ca- ti on s o f the to talisers (h ours an d minu tes) are also used . Using the tach ymetric scale Example: calculatin g the speed of a car .
36 For your own peace of mind and convenience , we rec- ommend that you have the length and position of your rubber bracelet adjusted by an authorised OMEGA service centre . When adjusting the length of the strap, the clasp should be set in its shortest position.
37 English 4) Insert the two spring pins in the holes in th e rubber and attach th e metal connector . 5) Insert the rubber section s with the connectors fitted into the steel clasp by pushing in th e two spring pins . The si de mark ed OMEGA should face th e skin.
38 Only OMEGA leat her straps, specially designed for this fold over clasp, should be used. For your own peace of mind and convenience , we recomm end that you have your new clasp fitted by an authorised OMEGA service centr e. Y ou can always adjust the length of the bracelet yourself.
39 English Foldo ver clasps b) Foldo ver clasps with pushers Opening (fig. 5) T o open the clasp, press the two pushers eith er side o f the Om ega buckle an d pull upwards. Closing (fig. 6) Put the watch on your wrist and close the clasp by pushing on it with your thumb un til you hear a click.
40 O V l U c P a i S Z : k ; m h o r t g N d q n M T f Y e s é b Pictograms Calibre n umber Co-Axial Self-windin g Chron ometer Man ual-winding Ω - mati c Quartz Easy Time Z one Change P ower Reser.
Printed in Switzerlan d © Omega SA 11/05 – 320000 – 03090840 M www
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Omega SA 1538 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Omega SA 1538 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Omega SA 1538, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Omega SA 1538 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Omega SA 1538, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Omega SA 1538.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Omega SA 1538. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Omega SA 1538 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.