Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LS-100 du fabricant Olympus
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Thank you for pur chasing the Multi- T rack Linear PCM Recorder . Car efully read through this manual to ensure that you use the pr oduct properly and safely . Be sure to keep this manual on hand so that you can ref er to it at any time. T o ensure successful recor ding, perform a trial recording beforehand .
2 EN • This manual is subject to change without notice. For the latest information such as the product name and model number , contac t our customer support center. • The illustrations of L CD screens and the recorder in this manual may differ fr om the actual product.
3 EN Preface P .2 Over view o f Reco rde r P . 1 1 Star tu p P .21 Reco rder M ode P .32 Mul ti - T rac k Mo de P .53 A bo ut th e T un er , t he L is sa jo us, a nd t he M etr on om e P .66 Menu s P . 71 About t he PC P . 1 1 6 For Quic k Ref ere nce P .
4 EN Preface Description of This Manual ••••••••••••••••• 2 Safety precautions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Che.
5 EN About the Lissajous measurement ••••• 69 Using the metronome ••••••••••••••••••••• 70 Chapter 6 Menus How to set the menus ••••••�.
6 EN Befo re using you r new record er , read this man ual care full y to en sure tha t yo u know ho w to op era te the reco rder safe ly and cor rectly .
7 EN Recorder f Warn ing Do not us e the pro duc t whe re there may be f lamm able o r ex plosi ve gas in the air. Doin g so could c ause an i gnitio n or ex plo sion. Do not us e or store th e prod uc t for a long ti me whe re there is a l ot of dust , humidit y , oil, s moke, or s team.
8 EN Safety precautions If you notice an abnormality such as abnormal sound, abnormally high tem- perature, burnt odor or smoke during use, perform the following steps: 1 Immediately remove the battery carefully. 2 Contact your dealer or the Olympus Service Station for service.
9 EN Li-ion 00 Safety precautions Doing so could c ause an explosion, fi re or burn. Do not short-circuit the positive and the negative terminals of the plug. Doing so could cause a fire, burn or electric shock. If the interior is exposed due to being dropped or damaged, perform the following steps: 1 Do not touch the exposed interior.
1 0 EN The accessories show n below come with th e purchased produc t. Contac t your dealer if any accessor y is missing or damaged. Reco rder M anu al (in clud ing warran t y) Checking A ccesso ries .
1 1 EN Chapter 1 O v er view of Rec order.
1 2 EN 1 Main Features Stereo condenser microphone The stereo condenser microphone enables you to record live quality sound. Professional stereo recording is possible.
1 3 EN 1 Name of E ach Par t Name of Each P art Built-in stereo micr ophone (L/R) PEAK display lamp (L/R) Display (L CD panel) m button (Home) n button (List) MENU button (Menu) Fn buttons ( F1 / F2 /.
1 4 EN 1 Name of E ach Par t Name of Each P art V OLUME dial EAR jack MIC jack (microphone/line input) XLR Po wer switch (L) Pow er/hold switch REMOTE jack (Remote control) USB terminal XLR Po wer swi.
1 5 EN 1 Connec t ing wi th E x ternal D evi ces C onnecting with E x ternal De vices Connec t commercially available ex ternal devices suitable for your situation .
1 6 EN 1 Let's use L S-1 0 0! Let's use LS - 1 00! See page 39 for details. Recor der M ode Band practice Solo practice Concert See page 32 for details. Over dubbing Record your sing ing while listening to a rec ording of instruments. Dub over the pr evious recording t o create a new file .
1 7 EN 1 Let's use L S-1 0 0! Let's use LS - 1 00! Multi-T rack Mode T uner/Lissajous/Metronome Mode Record and edit each sound sourc e separately , and mix them into a single file. Tr ack 1 Tr ack 2 Tr ack 3 Tr ack 4 Tr ack 5 Save as a single file.
1 8 EN 1 Recordi ng T ips for E ach Ins trum ent Recording T ips for Each Instr ument Recorder posit ion example s ▌ V oice Position the recorder slightly away from the singer's face. If breathing noises are audible, adjust the filter settings.
1 9 EN 1 Recordi ng T ips for E ach Ins trum ent Recording T ips for Each Instr ument Acoustic guitar Position the recorder pointing to a place slightly away from the sound hole of the guitar.For a rhythm guitar, keep a certain distance from the main body of the guitar.
20 EN 1 Connec t ion of t he XLR /Stan dard Phone Comb o Jack a nd Phantom Power Suppl y Connecting t he instrume nts Connec t a monaural inst rument to the XLR/standard phone combo ja ck (L) . ▌ The guitar, bass guitar, keyboard and other instruments can be directly connected to the XLR/ standard phone combo jack.
2 1 EN Chapter 2 Star tup.
22 EN 2 Power Supply P ow er Supply 2 Connect the AC cable to the A C adapter and the AC adapt er to the household power supply outlet. Recharging the batt er y Connecting t he recorder to t he USB A C adapter for re charge ▌ Inser ting the battery Use one Oly mpus lithium ion bat ter y (LI-50B).
23 EN 2 Power Supply P ow er Supply Connecti ng the recor der to a PC with t he USB cable for re charge Note • Stop or turn off the recorder bef ore connecting the USB cable. 1 Start up the PC. 2 Connect the USB cable to the USB port on the PC. ▌ 3 Connect the USB cable to the USB terminal of the recor der .
24 EN 2 Power Supply Note • Always use the dedicated USB cable that is provided. Do not use a cable fr om another manufacturer . D oing so could cause a failure.In addition, do not connect the dedicated cable to another manufacturer ’ s product. • Carefully insert the batter y facing the right direc- tion.
25 EN 2 How to Use the Power/Hold Swi tch How t o Use the P ow er /Hold Swi tch T urning the pow er on Slide the power/hold switch in the direction of the arrow.
26 EN 2 How to Use the Power/Hold Swi tch How t o Use the P ow er /Hold Swi tch Activating the hold mode In the hold m ode, the recorder remains active but do es not accept button op erations. This allows you to safely car r y the recorder bec ause the recorder does n ot operate even if a but ton is accidentally pressed in your bag .
2 7 EN 2 Initial Settings before U sing the Recorder When the recor der is turned on in the following cases, [Set time & dat e] is displayed .Set the clock according to the pr ocedure below , beginning with step 1.
28 EN 2 Initial S et tin gs befo re Using the Re corder A • When you set “Ho ur” o r “Minute” , the time display format switches bet ween the 1 2-hour format and the 2 4 -hour for mat ever y time the F2 but t on is pressed. Ex ampl e: 1 0 :38 p.
29 EN 2 Inser t ing and R emov ing the SD C ard Inserting and Remo ving the SD Card 2 Inser t the SD card. card is inser ted all the way in. 3 Close the SD card cov er . • After closing the SD card cover , slide the lock s witch to [ LOCK ]. • When the SD card is inserted, the recording media switching screen appears .
30 EN 2 Inser t ing and R emov ing the SD C ard Inserting and Remo ving the SD Card Removing the SD card Press the SD card all the way in to the recorder and slowly pull it out . • If [ SD ca rd ] is sele c ted in [ Memor y S ele c t ], the [ I nte rna l mem or y se le c te d ] me ssage is displayed.
3 1 EN 2 Operations o n the Home Screen When the recorder is turned on, the home screen appears.This recorder has the f ollowing five modes. Each mode can be accessed from the home screen. For each mode, refer to the relevant page. [ Recor der ] ☞ p.
3 2 EN Chapter 3 Rec order Mode.
3 3 EN 3 What Y ou Ca n Do in th e Re corder Mo de Wha t Y ou Can Do in the Rec order Mode Recorder Mode This recorder has four recording modes: [ N orm al ] , [ Overdu b ], [ Play Sync ], and [ V-Sync. Rec ]. Y ou c an sele c t the appropriate mode for a w ide range o f recordings, such as recor ding of musical per for mances and field recording.
34 EN 3 Files and Fo lder s Folders In the recorder mode, the recording folders [ Fol de r A ] th rough [ Fo lde r E ] are available. ▌ * An y files or folders directly under the [ Recorder ] f older will not be displayed on this recorder .
3 5 EN 3 Files and Fo lder s V 1 User ID: This is the user ID of this device. 2 Recording dat e: The date of recording is repr esented by 6 digits. Ex : " 120 201 " r ep r es en ts F eb rua r y 1st of 20 12. 3 File number: A serial number automatically assigned by a Digital Voice Recorder .
36 EN 3 Before R ecordin g Ad justing t he record ing level properly Recorded sound will be distorted if the recording level meter swings all the wa y to the right, or the PEAK indicator (R) lights in orange. Adjust the r ecording level so that the recor ding level meter does not exceed [ -6dB ].
3 7 EN 3 Recordi ng Before starting to recor d, select a folder from [ F older A ] through [ Folder E ]. We recommend that you selectively use the folders to or ganize your recor dings based on their contents. Recording Normal Recording [Normal] 1 Select a folder for recor ding.
38 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording Pa using t he recording Press the REC but ton during recording. ▌ • [ ≠ ] wil l appea r on the dis play . • The rec ord ing sta ndby mode wil l be rel eas ed after two hou rs, and the r ecorde r wil l en ter the stop mode.
3 9 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording Overdubbing [ O verdub ] In this mod e, you can eas ily dub over a prev ious ly reco rded fi le. This is han dy w hen you cre ate mus ic o r pr act ice musi cal ins trum ents , s ince it all ows you to dub a ne w tr ack ove r a fil e th at i s bei ng p laye d b ack.
40 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording 1 Set the [ Rec Mode ] to [ Ov erdub ] ( ☞ P.79 ) 2 Connect headphones to the EAR jack of the recor der . 6 Adjust the rec ording level. • Adju st the re cording level t o balance it with the playb ack file. 7 Pr ess the REC button to start recor ding.
4 1 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording Play S ync [Play S ync] The Play Sync mode allows y ou to record only the input sound that is being play ed along with the playback of a previously recor ded file. Usage Example ▌ You can record your part while listening to the playback of a different part for reference.
42 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording 1 Set the [ Rec Mode ] to [ Play Sync ] ( ☞ P.79) 2 Connect headphones to the EAR jack of the recor der . a Level of the input sound to be recorded b Level of the output sound that is being played back 8 Pr ess the STOP butt on to stop recor ding.
43 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording V o i c e S y n c R e c o r d i n g [V - S y n c . R e c ] Voice sync r ecording is a featur e that automatically starts a recording when the recorder det ects a sound louder than the voice sync level (detection level) setting; when the sound level decreases, r ecording stops automatically .
44 EN 3 Recordi ng Recording Impor tant Notes on Reco rding • When you have an SD card inserted in the recorder , make sure to check if your memory selection is set to [ Internal memory ] or [ SD card ] ( ☞ P .107). • To prevent losing the beginning of your record - ing, make sure the PEAK indicator light (R) is lit before recording.
45 EN 3 Searching for f ile s Searchin g for files You can search for recording files by date. Using the recording date to narrow down your search, you can quickly find the file you are looking for. 1 [ Home ] { [ Recorder ] 2 Pr ess the OK button. • En ter the folder list screen.
46 EN 3 Playbac k Playbac k Pla yback a b c d e Playback This recorder can pla y files it has recorded as well as W A V and MP3 format files transferred from other machines. 1 Select the file to play back. ( ☞ P . 3 4 , P . 45 ) 2 Press the PLAY button to start playback.
4 7 EN 3 Playbac k Pla yback F ast-for warding ▌ Pr ess and hold the 9 button when the recor der is stopped. • F ast-for warding s tops once you release the 9 but ton. Press the PLA Y but ton to star t playback from where it was s topped . Pr ess and hold the 9 button when a file is being played back.
48 EN 3 Playbac k Placing an index mark An index mark will help you quickly locate a desired playback position when you fast - forward, rewind, or cue a file . A • Be s ur e t o as si gn the [ I NDEX ] fu ncti on t o the F n bu tt on i n adva nc e ( ☞ P .
49 EN 3 Playbac k Pla yback Segment repeat pla yback This featur e allows you to play back a part of a file in repeat. A • Be sure to assign th e [ A-B ] f unc tio n to the Fn but ton in a dva nce ( ☞ P . 1 05). 1 Sel ect the fi le that ha s t he s egm ent you wi sh t o p lay bac k i n r epea t, and st art pla yba ck.
50 EN 3 Erasing Erasing Erasin g Erasing a F ile Y ou can erase a file from its folder . Y ou can also erase all files in a selected folder . 1 Select a file to erase ( ☞ P . 3 4 , P .4 5 ) 2 While the recor der is stopped, press the ERASE button. • If no actio n is taken for 8 seconds, the recorder will return to the stop mode.
5 1 EN 3 Erasing Partially erasing a file Y ou can erase an unwanted part of a PCM format file recor ded with this recorder . 1 Play the file you wish t o par tially erase. • Locate the beginning of the par t you wish to erase. If the file is long, you can use the 9 but t on to locate the beginning o f the par t to erase.
5 2 EN 3 Erasing Impor tant Notes on Erasing • Once erased, files cannot be recov ered. Check carefully befor e erasing files. • When yo u have an SD card inser ted in the recorder, make sure to check if your m emo r y sele c tio n is set to [ I nte rn al m em or y ] or [ SD car d ] ( ☞ P .
5 3 EN Chapter 4 Multi- T r ack Mode.
54 EN 4 What Y ou Ca n Do in th e Multi -T rack M ode Wha t Y ou Can Do in the Multi- T rack Mode Multi- T rack Mode The multi-track mode allows you to separately record and play back different parts/sound sources (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, vocal, etc.
5 5 EN 4 Files and Fo lder s Folders In the multi-tr ack mo de, there are folders for managing [ PR J ] (Projec t) . Files are managed by the projec t, an d each projec t has a number assigned.
56 EN 4 Files and Fo lder s Icon display Pr oject number Recorder status indicator Input/output level meter F unction Guide Elapsed recording/ playback time Memor y status bar/ Playback position bar O.
5 7 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t 3 Select a track 2 Create a project 5 Start recording 1 Selec t [ Mul ti trac k ] Cr eating a Multi- T ra ck Pro jec t Continued o n nex t page 4 Adjust the.
58 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t 6 Stop recor ding 7 Check the track (playback) 8 Adjust the track 9 Add tracks Repeat steps 3 to 6 to add more sound sourc es to e mpty tr acks . Cr eating a Multi- T ra ck Pro jec t 10 Bounce the tracks See pages 59 to 63 for details.
5 9 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t 1 Selec t [Multitrack] 1TRKREC 1 Select [ Multitrack ], and press the OK button. 2 Creat e a project In the Multi- T rack mode , recor ded files (track s) are saved under a pr ojec t. 1 Use the + / - / 9 / 0 button to select [ NEW PROJECT ], and press the OK button.
60 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t a b c Adjust the r ecording lev el 1 P ress the REC button to enter the recording standb y mode. 2 Adjust the REC LEVEL dial according to the sound source ( ☞ P .36). Start recording 1 P ress the REC button.
6 1 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t Cr eating a Multi- T ra ck Pro jec t Check the track (pla yback) 7 1 P ress the PLA Y button. • The multiple tra ck s you have recorded under the projec t will b e played back together. • Y ou ca n ch an ge th e pi tc h by p re ss in g th e p / q bu tto n wh i le a t ra ck i s se le ct ed .
62 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t Cr eating a Multi- T ra ck Pro jec t 4 Ou tp ut ba lan ce: Press 9 t wice. Y ou can adjust the volume for each track. Adjust the volume with the + / − but ton. 4 Lef t /rig ht bal anc e: Press 9 three times.
63 EN 4 Creating a Mult i-T rack Proj ec t 5 P ress the REC button to start recording . • Listening t o the playback , press the R EC but ton. Th e recording will be made on the track spe cifi ed in s tep 1 . 6 P ress the ST OP button to stop r ecording and playback.
64 EN 4 Erasing a M ulti -T rack Proje c t / T rack Erasin g a Multi- T rack Pr oject/ T r ack E r a s i n g a p r oj e ct Erase unnecessar y project s. 1 Select a project to erase. 2 Press the ERASE button. • The erase confir mation screen appears .
65 EN 4 Erasing a M ulti -T rack Proje c t / T rack 7 Pr ess the OK button. • The display switches to [ Eras ing ! ], and erasing st ar ts . [ E ras ed ] appears when the fil e is erased. Erasin g a Multi- T rack Pr oject/ T r ack Impor tant Notes on Erasing • Once erased, pr oject s or tracks cannot be reco vered.
66 EN Chapter 5 About the T uner , the Lissajous , and the Metr onome.
6 7 EN 5 Using the tun er Usin g the tuner This recorder is equipped with a tuner function which consists of the following four items: calibration, chromatic , guitar , and bass. This function enab les you to p er form accurat e tuning according to the type of musical instrument you have selected.
68 EN 5 Using the tun er 2 Adjust while looking at the tuning meter and the indicator • Tune accurately with the needle pointing to the cen ter of the meter . • Any electronic musical instrument should be directly connected without any additional equipment (such as an effector).
69 EN 5 Abo ut the L issajo us measurement About the L issajou s measurem ent In facilities for sound recording (such as br oadcasting studios), the distance between a microphone and a sound source is automatically measur ed from the phase differ ence.
7 0 EN 5 Using the met ronom e 1 [ Home ] { [ Metronome ] 2 Pr ess the + / − button to adjust the tempo 3 Pr ess the Play button to start the metronome A • Use the VOLU ME dia l to adjust th e volum e of the met ronom e. • Select the [ Metoronome Menu ] from the [ MENU ] to make additional settings for the metronome ( ☞ page1 00).
71 EN Chapter 6 Menus.
72 EN 6 How to set th e menus Items in the menus are cl assifie d by the tabs. T herefore, when shif ting b et ween items, you can quickly s et the target item by selec tin g the tab to which it belo ngs. T ake the following s teps to set each item in the menu.
73 EN 6 How to set th e menus How t o set the menus 5 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item. Caution • If no operation is conducted for three minutes during setup in stop mode, the screen returns to the status befor e the setting operation was started.
7 4 EN 6 List of m enus A in the choic es f ield indicat es the default set ting. List of m enus * I n the Multi track mode, [ Rec Mode ] and [ Pre-Recording ] do not function.
7 5 EN 6 List of m enus * I n the Multi track mode, [ Skip Space ] do not function. Pla y M enu [Pla y M enu] : Menu settings for playbac k Set items Choices Op er ati on mod e : Setting OK × : Setting NG Stopped Playing Recording Play mode [Play Mode] ☞ P .
7 6 EN 6 List of m enus MP3 Convert [MP3Convert] ☞ P .95 Conver ts a PC M [ 44.1 kHz/16 bit ] ( W A V ) format file into an MP3 f ormat file. × × CD Write [CD Write] ☞ P .96 Direc t ly wr ites a PCM [ 44.1 kHz/16 bit ] ( W A V ) format file into a CD.
77 EN 6 List of m enus L CD/ Sound Menu [LCD /Sound Me nu ]: Menu settings tha t relat e to the L CD and sound Set items Choices Op er ati on mod e : Setting OK × : Setting NG Stopped Playing Recording Backlight [Backlight] ☞ P .102 [ Lig ht ing t i me ]: [5sec.
78 EN 6 List of m enus List of m enus Device Menu [De vice Menu]: Menu settings t hat rela te to the de vice Set items Choices Op er ati on mod e : Setting OK × : Setting NG Stopped Playing Recording Fn k ey setting [ Fn . Setting] ☞ P .
79 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select the recor ding method. [ Normal ] This method records sound in the standard way . ( ☞ P .37). [ Overdub ] Wh ile a f ile i s pla yin g , th e inp ut s oun d ca n be re cor ded ov er the c urr ent f il e.
80 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select the Input source. [ Built-in Mic ] This setting adjusts the sensitivity of the built-in stereo microphone. [ External Mic ] This setting adjusts the sensitivity of the externally connected microphone.
81 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select the input microphone. 4 Pr ess the OK button. • The setting for the selected input source appears. Recording le vel [Rec L evel] This setting can set either automatic or manual adjustment of the recording level.
82 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Limiter/ Compressor Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select the Input source. [ Built-in Mic ] Sound is input through the built-in ster eo microphone. [ External Mic ] Sound is input by connecting an external microphone to the MIC jack.
83 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item. [ Phantom P ower ] This setting sets the voltage of the phantom power. [ Plug-in Po wer ] This setting sets the power supply of the plug-in power .
84 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select the recor ding format. [ PCM ] This is the uncompressed phonologi- cal form that is used for music CDs. [ MP3 ] This is the International Standard that MPEG, the working group of ISO (International Organization for Standardization), has established.
85 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Press the + / − button to select a menu item. [ 300Hz ] [Use this setting when the [ 100Hz ] setting is not sufficiently effective. [ 100Hz ] This function diminishes the noise generated by air conditions, pr ojec- tors, and so on.
86 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Press the + / − button to select a menu item. [ ON ] Recording starts a maximum of two seconds* prior to the star t of recording . [ OFF ] This setting stops the function. 4 Pr ess the OK button to finish the setting.
87 EN 6 Recordi ng Menu Recording m enu [ Rec Menu ] 3 Press the + / − button to select a menu item. [ ON ] The recording monit or functions. [ OFF ] This setting stops the function. No sound is output from the EAR jack. 4 Pr ess the OK button to finish the setting.
88 EN 6 Play Menu Pla y menu [ Pla y Menu ] 3 Press the + / − button to select a menu item. Play mode [Pla y Mode] This set ting enabl es you to selec t your preferred play mod e. 1 [ Menu ] { [ Play Menu ] { [ Play Mode ] [ One file ] Playback stops right after the current file is played.
89 EN 6 Play Menu Pla y menu [ Pla y Menu ] 5 Press the + / − button to select a menu item. [ Forward Skip ] [F ile sk ip] [10 sec.] [30 sec.] [1 min.] [5 min.] [10 min.] [ Reverse Skip ] [File skip] [1 sec.] to [5 s ec.] [10 sec.] [30 sec.] [1 min.
90 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] 5 Press the + / − button to select a menu item. Erase lock [F ile Lock] Set ting the er ase lock for a f ile prevents erroneous de letion of impo r tant files . In addition, it p revents a file from b eing deleted even when you conduc t a file eras e.
9 1 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] 4 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item. [ Move t o memory ] This menu item moves the files in the built-in memory or the SD card into a different f older in the built-in memor y.
9 2 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] [ Selec te d fi les ] setting 1 P ress the + / − button to select the file to be moved or copied and press the OK button to put a check mark in the file. 2 Repeat step 1, select a file to be moved or copied, and then pr ess the F2 (Determine) button.
9 3 EN 6 File Menu 1 0 Pr ess Fn (Ent er) button. • [ Moving ] or [ Copying ] appears on the display, and moving or copying of the file starts. During the process, the progress condition is displayed as a percentage. • When [ Moving finished ] or [ Copying finished ] is displayed, the process is completed.
94 EN 6 File Menu File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] File divide [F ile Divide] When a file w ith a large capaci t y or a file that has a long recording time is divide d, the File divide f unc tion makes it easier to manage and edit the f ile. A • Only the MP3 and PCM format files recorded with this recorder can be divided.
95 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] F older Select File Select Property [Property] This func ti on enables you to check information abou t a file or fold er . 1 Select the file or folder for which you want to displa y information. ( ☞ P . 3 4 , P .
96 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] 4 Pr ess the + butt on to select [ Sta rt ]. 5 Pr ess the OK button. • The animation is displayed on the screen, and MP3 conversion starts. When [ Done ] is displayed, conversion is finished. • The converted file becomes the [ MP3 128kbps ] format.
97 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] 3 [ Menu ] { [ File Menu ] { [ CD Write ] 4 Pr ess the OK button. CD write [ CD Write] PCM ( W A V ) fil es recorded with this recorder can be direc tl y writ ten to an ex ternal CD drive. Caution • Files that can be written to a CD are PCM format [ 44.
98 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] Bounce [Bounce] Several tracks that are saved in a multi track mode project can be grouped into one. 2 Pr ess the OK button. 3 Pr ess the + / - / 9 / 0 button to select the project for the bounce process . 4 Pr ess the OK button.
99 EN 6 File Menu F ile menu [ File Menu ] 8 Pr ess the OK button. • The animation is displayed on the screen, and the bounce process starts. [ When [ Done ] is displayed, bouncing is finished. • When the bounce process completes, the new PCM format [ 44.
1 00 EN 6 Metron ome M enu Metronome menu [ Metronome Menu ] Metronome [Metronome] Use this func tion as a guide when recording an instrument playing or w hen prac ti cing a musical instrument. 1 [ Menu ] { [ Metronome Menu ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item.
1 01 EN 6 Metron ome M enu Metronome menu [ Metronome Menu ] [ T emp o ] set ting The me trono me speed can be a djusted between [ 40 ] and [ 208 ]. 1 P ress the + / − button to select the speed and then press the OK button. [ Sound ] set ting The setting sets the metronome tone .
1 02 EN 6 LCD /S ound M enu L CD /Sound men u [ LC D /Sound Menu ] Backlight [Backlight] Every time a button is pressed, the display backlight tur ns on for appro ximately 10 seconds (default). 1 [ Menu ] { [ L CD/S ound Menu ] { [ Backlight ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item.
1 03 EN 6 LCD /S ound M enu L CD /Sound men u [ LC D /Sound Menu ] LED [LED] This function can be set so that the LED lamp does not turn on. 1 [ Menu ] { [ L CD/S ound Menu ] { [ LED ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item. [ ON ] LED turns on.
1 0 4 EN 6 LCD /S ound M enu L CD /Sound men u [ LC D /Sound Menu ] Language switch (Lang) [Language (Lang)] Either Japanese or English can be selected as the display language. 1 [ Menu ] { [ L CD/S ound Menu ] { [ Language(Lang) ] V oice guide [ V oice Guide] This is a function that provides audio guidance of the ope rating condi tion.
1 05 EN 6 LCD /S ound M enu L CD /Sound men u [ LC D /Sound Menu ] [ ON/OFF ] setting This setting sets ON/OFF of the voice guide. 1 By pressing the + / − button, select either [ ON ] or [ OFF ] and then press the OK button. [ Speed ] se tting The voice guide speed can be adjusted between [ 100% ] and [ 400% ].
1 06 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] Fn k ey setting [Fn. Setting] T he F n b ut to ns ( F1, F2 , an d F 3) of t he dev ice ca n be al lo ca ted to th e de sir ed ope ra ti ons . 1 [ Menu ] { [ Device Menu ] { [ Fn. Setting ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item.
1 07 EN 6 Dev ice Menu 4 Pr ess the OK button to finish the setting. Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] The registered f unct ion is called. Pr essing the Fn button displays the setting screen for the r egistered function. ▌ [ Fn. MTR ] set ting OFF A function cannot be allocated to the Fn button.
1 08 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Sleep [P ow er Save] When 10 minutes (default setting) has elapsed with the recorder in st op mode following pow er-on, the power turns off. 1 [ Menu ] { [ Device Menu ] { [ Po wer Sav e ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item.
1 09 EN 6 Dev ice Menu USB setting [USB Settings] You can select [ PC ], which enables files to be sent/received through a connection to a PC, and [ AC Adapter ], which charges the recorder via connection of a USB connecting AC adapter (A514). 1 [ Menu ] { [ Device Menu ] { [ USB Settings ] 3 Pr ess the + / − button to select a menu item.
1 1 0 EN 6 Dev ice Menu When [ USB Conn ec ti on ] is sele cted 1 Select a menu item by pressing the + / − button and then pressing the OK button. [ PC ] This menu item sets connection to the PC. The recorder is connected as the storage or the composite.
1 1 1 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] Setting reset [Reset Settings] This setting resets each function to the default setting (the setting at the time of shipping from the factory). 1 [ Menu ] { [ Device Menu ] { [ Reset Settings ] 3 Press t he + but ton to s elect [ Start ].
1 1 2 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] Met rono me Me nu Menu item Default setting [ Metronome ] ( ☞ P .100) [ OFF ] LCD /Sound M enu Menu item Default setting [ Backlight ] ( ☞ P .102) Lighting time:[ 10sec. ] Dim lighting time:[ 30sec.
1 1 3 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] F ormat [F ormat] When the recorder is f ormatted, all stored files are deleted . Before conducting formatting , be sure to transf er impor tant files to your PC. 1 [ Menu ] { [ Device Menu ] { [ F ormat ] 2 Pr ess the OK button.
1 1 4 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] Caution • Never format the recor der from the PC. • Upon fo rmat tin g, all e xisti ng data in cludin g fil es for which Er ase Lo ck was s et and read - onl y file s are los t. • A file re corde d af ter for mat ting may b e name d [ 00 01 ].
1 1 5 EN 6 Dev ice Menu Dev ice menu [ Device Men u ] Memory information [Memory Info .] On the menu screen, remaining space and the capacity of the recording medium can be displayed. 1 [ Menu ] { [ Device Menu ] { [ Memory Info . ] 3 [ Remain ] and [ Capacity ] of the recording medium can be displayed.
1 1 6 EN Chapter 7 About the PC.
1 1 7 EN 7 Using the record er on you r PC Usin g the recorder on y our PC When connec ted to a PC, the recorder enables you to do the following: Apar t f rom using this recor der as a multi-t rack recorder or a music player, you can also use it as an external memory for your PC, that is, as a storage device ( ☞ page 1 2 1 ).
1 1 8 EN 7 Using the record er on you r PC Usin g the recorder on y our PC Connecting to y our PC 3 Be sure to connect the USB cable to the connecting terminal of the recor der while the recorder is in stop mode or turned off .
1 1 9 EN 7 Using the record er on you r PC Disconnecting from your PC W indows Macint osh 1 Click [ ] on the task bar located at the lower-right corner of the screen. Click [ Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device ] • The drive let ter will dif fer dep ending on the PC bein g used.
1 20 EN 7 Using the record er on you r PC Usin g the recorder on y our PC W indows 1 Connect the recorder to your PC ( ☞ page 118) 2 Open the Explorer window • When you op en [ My Comp ut er ], the recorder will be recognized by the drive name. While an SD card is inser ted, it app ears as [ Re movab le Dis k ].
1 2 1 EN 7 Using the record er on you r PC Usin g the recorder on y our PC U s i n g t h e r ec o r d er a s a U S B mi c r op h o n e /s pe a k e r This recorder can be use d as a USB micr ophon e or a USB s peaker .
1 22 EN Chapter 8 F or quick r ef er enc e.
1 23 EN 8 Alarm m essa ge list Alar m message list Mes sag e D es cri pt ion Act io n [Ba t ter y L ow] Bat ter y power is ge t tin g low. Charge the batteries ( ☞ page 22). If you run out of battery power soon after charging, the battery has reached its life.
1 24 EN 8 Alarm m essa ge list Mes sag e D es cri pt ion Act io n [Sam e fo lde r. Can' t be m ove d (copi ed ).] Atte mpti ng to move (cop y) into the s ame fo ld er.
1 25 EN 8 T roub lesh ootin g T roubleshooting Sympto m Prob abl e cau se Act io n Not hin g ap pe ar s on the d isp lay Th e bat ter y is not loa de d prop er ly Verif y that the bat ter y 's polar itie s + and - are correct ( ☞ pag e 22). Bat ter y power is ge t tin g low.
1 26 EN 8 T roub lesh ootin g T roubleshooting Sympto m Prob abl e cau se Act io n Can not r ech arg e [ Bat ter y] is set to [Alkali ne]. Use th e supp lie d re charg eabl e bat te rie s. Can not f i nd f i le s W r o n g f o l d e r . Switch to th e corre c t fo lde r ( ☞ page 37).
1 2 7 EN 8 Accessori es (optional ) Ac cessor ies ( optional ) Ac cess orie s ex clusiv e to the Oly mpus vo ice re cor der can be pur cha sed dir ectl y fr om Onl ine Sho p on our comp an y's web sit e. htt p:// shop .oly mpus -ima gin g. jp/i nde x.
1 28 EN 8 Gloss ar y Glossary Gl oss ar y Des cri pt ion Sampling frequency (sampling rate) [ Hz/kHz ] The rate or frequency at which an analogue signal is analyzed to determine acoustic delicacies. The higher sampling frequenc y produces less differ ence in forward/backward sounds.
1 29 EN 8 Spe cif icatio ns Specifications Re cor de r Re cor de r mo de Mul ti - tr ack m od e S im ult ane ou s re co rd ing t ra ck 2 2 Si mul tan eous pl ay bac k trac k 2 8 M a x im u m r e co r .
1 30 EN 8 Spe cif icatio ns Inp ut B u i l t- i n m i c r o p h o n e Direc t ional mi croph one M I C / L I N E i n p u t Mini stereo phone jack MIC: i nput imp e dance 1 0Ω LINE: inp ut imp eda nce 1 2.
1 3 1 EN 8 Spe cif icatio ns Specifications Guide to recordi ng times 4 Linear PCM format Reco rdi ng mo de Bui lt-i n mem or y (4 GB) SD card 8 GB 1 6 GB 32 GB 64 G B 96 .0 kH z /24bit Appro x. 1h. 35min. App rox. 3h. 4 0mi n. App rox. 7h. 1 5min. App rox.
1 3 2 EN 8 Spe cif icatio ns 4 M P 3 f o r ma t Reco rdi ng mo de Bui lt-i n mem or y (4 GB) SD card 4 GB 1 6 GB 32 GB 64 G B 320 kbps Approx . 22h. 3 0mi n. App rox. 53h. 00 min . App rox. 1 0 4h. 0 0 min. App rox. 2 14h. 00 min. App rox. 43 2h. 0 0mi n.
1 3 3 EN 8 Spe cif icatio ns Specifications Guide to batter y l ife ▌ 4 lithium ion battery: (linear PCM format) Re cord in g mo de Built-in stereo microphone (During recording mode) Hea dphone playback 96 .0 k Hz /24bi t App rox. 9 h. 30 min . App rox.
Technical assistance and support Declaration of Conformity Model Number : LS -100 T rade Name : Multi- T rack Linear PCM Recorder Responsible Party : OL YMPUS IMAGING AMERICA INC. Address : 3500 Corpora te P arkway , P .O. Bo x 610, Cent er Va lley , P A 18034-0610, U.
OL Y MPUS IM AGING COR P . Shinjuku Monolith, 3- 1 Nishi -Shinjuku 2 - cho me, Shinjuku-ku , T ok yo 1 63- 0 9 1 4, Japan. T el. +81 ( 0)3-3 34 0 - 2 1 1 1 ht tp://w w w.olympu m OL Y MPUS IM AGING AM ER ICA INC. 350 0 Corpor ate Park way , P . O.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Olympus LS-100 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Olympus LS-100 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Olympus LS-100, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Olympus LS-100 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Olympus LS-100, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Olympus LS-100.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Olympus LS-100. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Olympus LS-100 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.