Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit S700 du fabricant Oki
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S700 Scancopier us er's guide.
PREF ACE > 2 PR EF AC E E v e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t i s c o m p l e t e , accurate, an d up-to-date. The manufacture r assumes no responsibi lity for the r esults of error s beyond its control.
CONTENTS > 3 CO N T E N T S Prefa ce . ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... . 2 FCC Stat ement ...... ..... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... . 6 Int roduct ion ...... ....
CONTENTS > 4 8-Bit Color .. ..... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... .... ...... ..... ..... 32 24-Bit Colo r .. ....... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... . 32 Deter mining yo ur re sol ution ........ ...... .... ...... ..... .
CONTENTS > 5 Appen dix A - Pri nter Pro file Utili ty ... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... . 56 Printer Profil e u pdate ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ..... ..... 56 Firmware up dat e ..... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... ...
FCC STATEMEN T > 6 FC C STAT EMEN T Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference State men t for 12 0-Vo lt Mo dels. This eq uipmen t has b een tes ted an d foun d to co mply w ith th e limit s for a Class B d igital devi ce, purs uant to Part 15 of the FC C rule s.
NOTES, CAU TIONS AND WARNI NGS > 7 NOT ES , CA UTIONS & WARNIN GS Only use gen uine Oki Origi nal consumables to e nsure the bes t quality and perform ance from your hard ware. Non Oki Original products may dama ge y our pri nter 's p erf orma nc e and inv ali dat e yo ur wa rra nty.
INTRODUCTION > 8 INTR ODUC TION Congr atula tions on your purchas e of t he S700 Scanco pier. Please spen d a few minutes reading thro ugh this User’ s Guide and the Unimessa ge Pro Use r’s Guide to ens ure the be st results with the S700 Scancop ier.
INTRODUCTION > 9 UTILITIES AN D DOCUMENTATION CD-ROM CO NTENTS The CD-ROM contains the follo wing softwa re: l Printer Profile Utility: to enable you to update your prin ter color profiles and firmware (if required). l TWAIN Utility: to provide a driver for your S700 Scanc opier to enabl e you t o scan do cuments.
INTRODUCTION > 10 UNPAC K ING THE ADF The S700 Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is a convenient addit ion to your cu rrent S700. Wi th the A DF, you can automa tically c opy or scan u p to 25 p ages at a time. 1. ADF Doc ument Cover 2. ADF Paper T ray 3.
INSTALLA TION > 11 INST AL LATION PREC AUTIONS Keep the mach ine o ut of d irect s unli ght. Direc t expo sure to the s un or excessive heat may cause damage. Do not install t he Scancopier in a hu mid or dusty place. Be sure t o use the prop er AC power source (see Sp ecificatio ns).
INSTALLA TION > 12 INSTA LLING THE ADF 1. Remove the standard Scancopier docum ent cover (1) by opening the cover and lifting th e studs (2) from the hinge holes at the rear of the S70 0. Store th e document cover on a flat surface in a safe place.
INSTALLA TION > 13 3. Insert the notched corners of the ADF Paper Support (5) into the clip joints on the ADF Paper T ray (4). 4. Insert th e notc hed corners of the ADF Pape r T ray into the clip joints on the ADF do cument cover .
INSTALLA TION > 14 C ONNECT ING THE CABLES Connec t the ca bles as show n. 1. Parallel prin ter cable – to para llel data p or t on p rinte r. 2. Para llel PC cable – to PC para lle l po r t (L PT1 ). O nl y re qu ir ed if you also wish to print from you r PC.
INSTALLA TION > 15 INSTA LLING UTILITIES FR OM THE CD-ROM The utilities you need to inst all depend on how you plan to use your Scancop ier: l For co pying and/or scanning, inst all both the Printer Profile Utility (so that, if required, you ca n update the c olor profiles or firmware) and the TWAIN Utility.
INSTALLA TION > 16 For minimum system requiremen ts, refer to t he Unimessage Pro User’s Guide. Foll ow the steps below, o mittin g ste p 5(a). 1. Start Micros of t Wind ows. 2. Insert the Utilities and Documentat ion CD-ROM into your CD- ROM drive.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 17 US ING S700 AS A C OPIER The Menu key on the c ontrol pan el provides access to a wide ra nge of features designe d to provide copy functions fo r a variety of jobs, inc.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 18 To res tore the men u settings to factory defaults, p ress and hold the A ll Clear key for a bout 5 seco nds. Other keys on the control pa nel are used to change some of.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 19 THE CO NTR OL PANEL 1. Contrast: U sed to adjust the c opied /sc anned ima ge c ontras t. Press ( ▲ ) to incre ase or ( ▼ ) to decrea se. 2. Ligh t/Dark : Lighten or darken your image. Press ( ▲ ) to darken or ( ▼ ) to lighten .
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 20 9. Select : Press to acti vate the cur rentl y displayed setti ng in the menus. (An asterisk, “*”, will appear on screen.) 10. Copy Count : Choose the num ber of copies from 1 to 99. Set the value of the numeric en tries with the ▲ / ▼ keys .
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 21 BEFORE MA KING COP IES Since your Sc ancopier can be connected t o different printers, you have to ensure t hat it is set for your specific printer. 1. Press the Menu key to select “Printer ” item. T he Message Wi ndow dis pl ay s the c urr ent p rint er se ttin g.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 22 Other item s such as double-sid ed (duplex) print ing, stapling and hole punching , can also be selected via the contr ol panel prior t o copying. Of course, the available settings will depend on the features available on yo ur pri nter .
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 23 l Pap er w ith i nk not t ot ally dry; l Pa per of inc ons i ste nt thic knes s, suc h as en velo pes; l Pap er wi th wrink le s, c urls, f olds or te ars; l C oated paper; l Carbonles s paper; l Pap er na rrow er t han 11.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 24 MAKING SIMPLE COPIES 1. Load y our original document. 2. If yo u wi sh to m ak e more th an one c opy , pr ess Copy Co unt onc e for eac h additional c opy yo u wish to make, or press ( ▲ )/ ( ▼ ) to increase or decrea se the copy count.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 25 ENLAR GING OR REDUC ING Y OUR ORIGIN AL Like most copiers, the S7 00 also features an auto enlargement / reduction fun ction to resize your original.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 26 CHANGING C ONTRAST Cont rast r efers to th e ran ge betw een the d arkes t and li ghte st por tion s of the ima ge. The gre ater the contr ast, the large r the differenc e betwe en the lighte r and darker shades in the ima ge.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 27 MIXED/ TEXT/PHOTO The S cancopier c an be s et to o ptimise copy ope ration bas ed on t he content of t he original. This function is used to s elect the type of original document yo u wish to copy. l Text — Use for document s which contain all text and/or simple line art.
USING S700 AS A COPIER > 28 AUTOMATIC POWER S AVING Your Sc ancopier feature s automatic power saving after periods of inactiv ity of 15 minu tes, 2 hours, or 4 hou rs. To “wake up” the machine, simply press any control panel button. This feature can als o be turned off if you prefer.
USING S700 AS A SCANNER > 29 US ING S700 AS A SC ANNER 1. Open your scanning applic ation. 2. Pull down the File menu and c hoose Select Source . If the Select So urce command is not available on t he File menu, see your application’s us er’s guide to determin e how the TWAIN link is us ed.
USING S700 AS A SCANNER > 30 6. Select the scanning method you want to use on the Scan Me thod drop -down menu. 7. Select the mode you want to use for your scan s on the Image T ype drop-down menu. 8. Select a sc anning resolution on the Resolution drop- down menu.
USER INTERFACE > 31 USE R I NTER FA C E SCAN METHOD S e l e c t h o w y o u w a n t t o s c a n o n t h e Scan Met hod dro p-dow n menu. l Simplex/One-page — use this setting if y ou are using the automatic documen t feeder (ADF) to scan a singl e-page document at a time.
USER INTERFACE > 32 the image loo ks like a gray ima ge yet it consum es much less disk space. Newspaper s generally use halftone images . Since halftone is a type of bla ck and whit e image, the di sk space requ ired is 1/ 24 of that requi red to sa ve a 24-bi t true color ima ge.
USER INTERFACE > 33 DETERMINING YOUR R ESOLUTION Proper cont rol of the reso luti on obtains satisfac tory detail of scanned images . Resolution is me asured by dots per inch (dpi). Normally, the high er the reso lution the la rger the image file size will be, but at higher quality.
USER INTERFACE > 34 ENHAN CING Y OUR IMAG E BRIGHT NES S Adjusts the li ghtness or da rkness o f an i mage. T he high er the value, th e brighter th e image. CO N T RA S T Adjusts the r ange be tween the darkest a nd the lightes t shades in the image.
USER INTERFACE > 35 each pixel will be changed into its complementary colo r with the Invert command. MIRROR Click on th e Mirror button to re verse the ima ge (creat e a mirr or im age ). PRE VIEW AUTO -A REA Clicking o n the Previe w Auto-Ar ea butto n auto maticall y crops t he preview sc an area to the pre viewed doc ument.
USER INTERFACE > 36 UNITS The Units button indi cates the measur ing syst em that is in use (in ch, c m, or Pi xel) (S ee Width and Hei ght .). DESCR EEN Click on th e Descreen button t o access a .
USER INTERFACE > 37 AUTO LEV EL Click on the Auto Leve l button to add shadow to reveal more detail in an image. ADVA NCED SETT INGS Click o n the Adv anced Setti ngs button to view th e advan ced .
USER INTERFACE > 38 C olor Bal ance When you se lect the Color Balance button , a dialog box appears that allow s you to adjust the color o f the image so that it co mes close t o that of th e original . The default parameters are used to adjus t the image.
USER INTERFACE > 39 For example, if your image contains red te xt or a red background, choose R cha nnel (red) to rem ove the red te xt or red back ground.
USER INTERFACE > 40 C onfigurati on settings The Configuration S ettings tab allows you to customize some special setti ngs. Ene rgy Sa vin g Mo de —ch eck the Enable box to enab le ener gy s avi ng. You can s pec ify a ti me d ela y in the Minutes b ox.
USER INTERFACE > 41 Scan: Cli ck on the Scan butto n to sc an the area wi th the specif ied parameters. You can define the area to be scanned by draggin g the curso r lines with t he mous e. Exit : Click on the Exit butt on to ca ncel the c urrent jo b.
USER INTERFACE > 42 PRI NT ING VIA THE SCANCOPI ER The following illustration shows all cable connections, although you may not use all of them depend ing on how you use the Scancopier. 1. Printer cable (to parallel dat a port on print er). 2. Paral lel cable (to PC par allel port) allows you to print from your PC if required.
USING S700 WITH UNI MESSAGE PRO > 43 US ING S700 WITH UNIMES S AGE PR O When you st art Unimessa ge Pro, the Welc ome window is displayed. A brie f summar y of the Unime ssag e Pro func tions availabl e from the Unimessage Pro Welc ome window is as follows : l Use the Un imessage Pro message editor so tha t you can create a mess age and send it.
MENUS AND SETTINGS > 44 MENU S AND S ETTING S This sect ion describ es the menu f unction s accesse d via the Scanco pier’s o perator panel. MENU KEY Settings c hanged in this me nu are saved and become t he new “user defa ult” se ttin gs.
MENUS AND SETTINGS > 45 Fit to A3 Off , On Adju sts m agnifi catio n to fit A3 paper if pr inte r suppo rts this si ze. Sleep 15Min Af t , 2HR After, 4H After, Off Idle time before S canc opier switches in to power saving. Pr ess an y key to w a ke up .
MENUS AND SETTINGS > 46 JOB OPT ION S K EY This key is used t o change sett ings for the nex t copying job. Pre ss the Job Options key to advance t hrough the item s, and the ▲ / ▼ keys to change their setting s. Pres sing Sele ct is not require d, since these values are not sav ed.
MENUS AND SETTINGS > 47 RED UCE/E NLARGE KEY This key is used to set the ratio for scanned image re duction or enlargem ent. Pres s the Reduce/Enlarg e key repeatedly t o cycle th rough the avail a.
MENUS AND SETTINGS > 48 NORMAL/QUALITY K EY This key is used to select no rmal copyin g resolution (300dpi) o r high quality (600dpi). No rmal is perfectly adequate for mo st general document copying. This mo de is faster and uses le ss memory. Some docume nts, howe ver, require high re solution sc anning.
MENUS AND SETTINGS > 49 ALL CLE AR KEY As mentioned previously, set tings changed using the Menu key a nd activa ted usi ng the Sel ect key are saved int o the Scancopier’ s memory. They remain after power is tu rned off, and become the use r def ault s etti ngs.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 50 MAIN T ENANCE CLE ANING THE DOCUMENT G LASS The Scancopier is designed to be maint enance-free. Howev er, it still needs to be cleaned occa sionally to ens ure optimum imag e quality and perfo rmance. 1. Open the document cover. 2.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 51 CLEA N IN G TH E A DF Disregard this section if you do not hav e an ADF. From time to time, the pad assembly an d feeding rollers o f the ADF may become contaminated with ink, toner particles o r paper dust. In this even t, the ADF may not feed documen ts smoothly.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 52 REPL ACING THE ADF SN AP-IN PA D MODULE After appro ximately 20,000 pages have b een fed through t he ADF, the ADF pad may be worn out, and you may experienc e problems with document fee ding. In this case , it is recommended th at you replace the pad module with a new on e.
MAIN TEN ANCE > 53 3. Remove the new ADF pad module from its box. 4. Press both arms of the ADF snap-in pad module inward with two fingers. 5. Plac e the ADF snap-in pad module into the hole until it snaps into plac e.
CLEARI NG A PAPER JAM > 54 C LE ARIN G A PAPER J AM Disregard this section if you do not hav e an ADF. In the even t of a paper jam in the ADF, follow th e procedure below to clear the jam . 1. T urn the Sc anco pier o ff b y di sc on necti ng the powe r c abl e.
SPE CIFICA TIO NS > 55 SPEC IFIC ATION S S700 SPECIFICATION Optical Re solutio n 600x600d pi Enhanced Reso lution 9600x960 0dpi Copy Ar ea Max . 21.
APPEND IX A - PRINTE R PROFILE U TILITY > 56 APPENDIX A - PRINT ER PROFIL E UTILITY When you take delivery of yo ur S700 Scancopier it is alr eady loaded with the co rrect range of Pr inter Profiles a nd firmware and you should therefore no t normally re quire to use the Pri nter Pro file Utility.
APPEND IX A - PRINTE R PROFILE U TILITY > 57 2. In the left hand pane, select th e required print er then click the Add button to inser t it into the right ha nd pane. 3. Select the new printer you have just transferred to the right hand side and clic k the Update button to do wnload t he p rofile to the Scancop ier.
OKI EUROPE > 58 OK I EUR OPE Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dunde e Road Slou gh Tr adi ng Es tate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel: +44 (0) 1753 8198 19 Fax: +44 (0) 1753 8198 99 http://www. Oki Systems Ireland Limited The Square Industrial Complex Tallag ht, Du blin 24 Irela nd Tel: +353 1 40 49590 Fax: +353 1 40 49591 http://www.
OKI EUROPE > 59 Oki Systems (Iberica), S.A. Paseo de la Habana 17628036 - Madrid, Es paña Tel: 9 1-34316 20 Fax: 9 1-3431624 http://www. OKI Systems (Norway) A/S Hvam svinge n 9, P.O .Box 17 4 N-2013 Skjetten Telefo n: 63 89 36 00 Telefa x: 63 89 36 01 Ordref ax: 63 89 36 02 http://www.
OKI ASIAN-PACIFIC > 60 GREECE Αντιπρόσωπος της Oki Systems στην Ελλάδα CPI S.A. Μεσογείων 348, 153 41 Αγ. Πα ρασκευή Τηγ: 65 45 802- 5 Fax: 65 45 805 Email : cpi@h TURKEY Oki Europe Ltd. Liaison Office 18th Floo r No.
LIMITED WARRA NTY: UNITED STATES AND CAN ADA > 61 LIMIT ED W ARR ANTY : UNIT ED STAT ES AND C AN A DA Oki D ata Am ericas, Inc. (Oki D ata) w arrants this product to be free from defect i n material and workm anshi p and will remedy any such defect according to the term s of this Limited W arranty .
OVERNIGHT EXCH ANGE: UNITED STATES AND CAN ADA > 62 OVERNIGHT EXC H ANG E: UNIT ED STAT ES AND C AN A DA If you choose to use our Over night Exchange ser vic e, c all 1- 800- OKI- DATA: our tr ai ned personnel wil l t ry t o solve your p robl em over the phone.
OKI DATA AMERICAS S ERVICE CENTERS > 6 3 OKI D ATA AMERIC A S SER VIC E C ENT ER S UNITED STATES Oki Data Ame ricas Inc. 2020 Bi shops Gate B lvd. Mt. Laur el, NJ 08054, U SA Tel: 1 -800-654 -3282 Fax: 1 -856-222-52 47 CANADA Oki Data Ame ricas Inc.
INDE X > 6 4 INDEX A ADF Installing ............. ................. 12 Unpacking ................... ......... 10 All Clear button .................. ......... 20 C Cables ADF ...... ........................ ......... 14 Power .................. ..
Cen tral House Balfour Road , Hounsl ow TW3 1HY United Kin gdom tel +44 (0) 20 8219 2190 F ax +44 (0) 20 8219 2199 S700 Scanc opier 07034802 IS S.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Oki S700 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Oki S700 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Oki S700, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Oki S700 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Oki S700, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Oki S700.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Oki S700. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Oki S700 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.