Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Impulse 49 du fabricant Novation
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2 English Novation A divis ion of Focusr ite Audio Engineerin g Ltd. Winds or Hous e, T urnpike Road, Cressex Busin ess Park, High Wyc ombe, Bucks, HP1 2 3FX . United K ingd om T el : +4 4 1 494 4 62246 Fax: +4 4 1 49 4 459 920 e- mail: sales @nova tionmus ic.
3 English IMPORT ANT SA FET Y INSTRUCTIONS 1 . Read these ins truct ions. 2. Keep these ins truc tions. 3. Heed all warnin gs. 4. Follow all instr ucti ons. 5. Clean only wit h dr y cloth. 6. Do not inst all near any heat sources s uch as rad iators, heat register s, stoves, or other apparatus (inc luding am plie rs ) that produc e heat.
4 English ENVIR ONMENT AL DE CLARA TION Compl iance Informat ion Statement: Declaratio n of Complian ce pr oced ure Product I denti cati on : Novation Impulse Keyboar d Respon sible pa r t y: Ameri.
5 English For Canada T o th e Use r: This Clas s B digit al apparatus c ompli es with Canadian ICES- 0 03. Cet appareil numé rique de la c lass e B est c onforme à la norm e NMB - 0 03 du Canada .
6 English CONTENTS IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ENVI RONMENT AL DECLARA TIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 For USA .
7 English USING IMPULS E WITH A UTOMAP 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Introdu ctio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 English INTR ODUCTION Thank you for purc hasing th e Novation Impulse MIDI co ntroller keyboard. As well as the mus ic ke yboar d itself, Impulse i s equipp ed with a ran ge of contro llers to all ow the mode rn music ian to create great music in the stu dio, in live per formanc e or on the move.
9 English Howev er , t here are a few general point s that are useful to know ab out before you continue reading this ma nual. W e’ve adopted s ome grap hical c onventions with in the text, whi ch w.
10 English Po we r Requireme nts Impulse i s powered via its rear pa nel USB conne ctor . Norma lly , DC p ower will be supp lied by the co mputer to whic h Impulse i s conne cted thr ough a stan dard USB cab le. W e re comm end that you conne ct Imp ulse direc tly to a co mputer’s native USB port , and not via a USB hub.
1 1 English Ma p/ Map ping In Automap 4, mappin gs dene how the a ssi gnable c ontrols o n Impulse relate to the various contr ols on the Th ing you are contr olling.
12 English Hardware Overview T op Vi ew – as signa ble an d non - assign abl e contr ols 3 5 16 13 5 16 17 7 17 2 4 1 1 6 1 1 14 9 10 2 6 1 1 14 12 9 4 7 8 18 18 15 8 15 Each of Impuls e ’s controls is eit her assig nab le or non - assignabl e .
13 English Assign abl e contr ols: 1 8 x rotar y enc oder s. Thes e are ‘36 0°’ contr ols with n o end stop s, and are use d to control plug -in parameter s. These c ontrols have spee d- dep endent reso lution, so tur ning the en cod er slowly gi ves ner resoluti on than turning i t quick ly .
14 English 1 3 Mute / S olo (Impulse 4 9 and 61 only ) – this sets th e nine per-f ader but tons 3 to act as eit her Mute or Solo but tons for th eir respe cti ve mixer channel when this s ect ion is use d in mixer mode only .
15 English IMPU LSE SETUP E X AMPL ES There are t wo basi c wa ys of using Impuls e : wi th or without c onne ctio n to a comp uter . Inter facing t o a computer If you are intending to us e Impulse wi th your computer mus ic sof t ware, the physical c onnec tion is a simp le USB cabl e bet ween Impulse a nd a USB por t on th e comp uter .
16 English Inter facing t o MID I hardware MIDI Out MIDI In USB AC to USB power adapter (not supplied) Y ou ca n also us e Impulse to dire ctly c ontrol oth er MIDI- comp atible hard ware , such a s sound modules , FX pro ces sors, a nd so on.
17 English MENU O VER VIE W Most of th e con guration and s ett ing up of Impuls e is carr ied out throu gh the menu system an d the LCD screen. The menu system i s also use d to modif y temp lates.
18 English EXPL ORI NG IMPULSE Impulse i s a fully as signab le MIDI controll er ke yboar d, whose op eration revolves around the con cept of templates .
19 English Note that if you make changes to a template but d o not save those chan ges, when you tr y to load a dif ferent template, Impulse will d isplay a mess age : Di sc ard ? Use the D at a knob to se lect e ith er No or Yes , and pr ess E nter to co n rm.
20 English Prev i ew Preview mode is provi ded to co nrm how a co ntrol is currently c ong ured without ac tually trans mit ting any MIDI data to your computer or els ewhere. Ent er Preview mode by holdin g down Shif t a nd press ing the C ontrol s but ton.
21 English Page 3: T e mpo ( T em po ) This sets t he tempo of Imp ulse’ s internal MIDI cl ock , in BPM. This can b e useful in live per forman ce for arp eggiator and roll t imings.
22 English K eyboard Set tings Primar y ke yboar d parameters ca n be set in Keyboard m ode, which is e ntered by pressin g the Keyboar d but ton 8 ; the LED in the but ton conr ms the mo de. Ke y board s ettin gs are per -template, so be sure you are workin g with the c orrec t template before entering thi s mode.
23 English MID I Channel MIDI data can be se nt on any one of 1 6 c hannels, a nd will only be re ceived and i nterpreted cor rectl y if the rec eiving device i s set to the same c hannel. Press the M ID I Cha n but ton to set the cha nnel number . Use the Data kn ob to chan ge the MIDI channel num ber from the default of 1 .
24 English Page 3: Zone 1 En d ( Z 1 En d ) Y ou ca n set the upp er note of the Zone in the s ame manner as the lowest. Page 4: Zone 1 Oc tave ( Z 1 Octav ) This enab les you to chang e the oc tave that the k eys in the zone will play . A set ting of 0 (the default ) mean s that the notes in the zone will play at their nor mal pitch.
25 English T ranspor t Controls Impulse i s provide d with a sta ndard s et of six ‘ trans por t ’ contr ols 1 8 , which c an be us ed to star t, s top, relocate, etc. , with in your D A W’s timeline. They act as a c onvenient remote contro l for the sof t ware and dupl icate the on -sc reen but tons.
26 English Arp eg giator S e tt ings me nu V ario us parameters c ontrolling t he Arp eggiator’s operation c an be set in th e Arpe ggiator Sett ings menu, whic h is entered by hold ing down the S hif t but ton an d pressi ng Arp ; the LE D in the Arp but ton a shes in this m ode.
27 English Page 4: Arp Mo de ( Arp M od e ) Th e Arpe ggi a to r wi ll pla y all no te s hel d dow n i n a seq ue nce wh ich is de te rmi ned by th e A rp Mode s etti ng .
28 English Rol l Mode Roll mod e gives you a convenient method of rep eatedly trigg ering a sin gle note – t ypi cally a perc ussive ef fect suc h as a drum s ound. Enable Roll by pres sing the Ro ll but ton 1 5 . The Roll but ton LED illuminates and the drum pads gl ow red.
29 English Page 3: V e rsi on ( Ver s i on ) Pressing E nter s hows the rmware version of the B oot Program; press the + but ton to see the vers ion numb er of the main rmware pro gram. A long p ress on the – b utton ( Cancel) will exit this l ev el.
30 English Congur ing y our D A W for Aut omap 4 control Automap 4 has t wo separate tas ks to per form in your D AW , an d needs to be c orrec tly con gured to enable f ull contro l by Impulse. Firstl y , you nee d to enable your various plug- ins for use wi th Automap 4.
31 English The Plugin , Mixer an d MI DI b ut tons These b utton s are central to t he main mo de of operati on of Impulse. The but tons p rovided dif fer on the Imp ulse 25.
32 English Automap M ode Normall y , s elect ion of Automap mod e on Impuls e will be c ompletely automatic. W hen you rst conn ect Im pulse to your com puter , b efore you launch your music sof t ware, you will see that the LED in the MID I but ton [ 1 1 ] is l it.
33 English 2 . Fade rs – I mpulse 2 5 only Click ing the fader area of the Im pulse image i n the Map ping Editor wind ow will cause t he disp lay to change to a set of nine faders (ini tially T rac ks 1 – 8 plus the Mas ter fader) . As Impulse 2 5 has just one physic al fader , it will ini tially be a ssi gned to T rack 1 .
34 English The fader s will normall y be as signe d to Channels 1 to 8, plus Mas ter , an d this will b e conr med by the labels b elow the fader s. Higher-numbered cha nnels and ad ditio nal mixer features ( su ch as Send levels ) c an be found on a dditi onal pages.
35 English Le arn M ode Impulse ha s a Learn func tion wh ich sim pli es the proc ess of param eter assig nment. Learn Mod e lets you map addi tional para meters to contr ols, or to overwr ite existing param eters with new ones. In Automap mo de, Learn is acti vat ed with th e Shif t but ton 8 on its own.
36 English But ton Se ssi on Vie w Arran ge me nt Vie w Rwd Steps up one sc ene Rwd ; Shif t+Rwd = retu rn to star t FFwd Steps down one s cene FFwd ; Shif t+F Fwd = go to end Stop Stops Stop Play Pla.
37 English TR OUBLE S HOOTING For the latest information an d ass istan ce with your Imp ulse pleas e visi t: w w w .novationmusic.c om/answerbase Basic T roub le shootin g Exa mple s • Impulse will not power up properly when connected to a laptop computer via USB.
38 English F A CTOR Y TEMPLA TE S No. T em plate Har dware n ame (8 chars) 1 Basi c MIDI template for standard c ontrol an d MIDI learn. Av oids c ommon ly used MIDI CCs Basc MIDI 2 Contr ols send c ommo nly used MIDI CCs UsefulCC 3 General MIDI Mixer T emplate.
39 English A SS IGNABL E CONTROLS – P ARAMETER S AND RANGES Fade rs , enc od ers a nd Mo d Whe e l: Subsequent p resses of the + b utton w ill offer the foll owing parameter set tin g pages: T yp e .
40 English within the tem plate Por ts : MIDI por t to be use d ( tPL , US b , M I d , AL L ) Btn . T y pe : M t y Pre ss : ( 0 to 1 27 ) Re l ea se : ( 0 to 1 27 ) Cha nn e l : MIDI Channel to be used ( 1 to 1 6 , or t PL ) ; t PL is a s dened within the tem plate Por ts : MIDI por t to be us ed ( tPL , US b , M I d , AL L ) Btn .
41 English Cha nn e l : MIDI Channel to be used ( 1 to 1 6 , or t PL ) ; t PL is a s dened within the tem plate Por ts : MIDI por t to be use d ( tPL , US b , M I d , AL L ) T yp e : nr P (Non- registered Parameter Number) MSB : (Most Sig nic ant By te, 0 to 1 27 ) LSB : (Least Signi cant By te, 0 to 1 27 ) Btn .
42 English Btn . T y pe : T g l On : ( 0 to 1 27 ) Of f : ( 0 to 1 27 ) Cha nn e l : MIDI Channel to be used ( 1 to 1 6 , or t PL ) ; t PL is a s dened within the tem plate Por ts : MIDI por t to be use d ( tPL , US b , M I d , AL L ) Btn .
43 English MID I IMPL EMENT A TION T AB LE Fu nct ion T ransmit ted Recognized Remarks Basi c Default Channel Change d 1 - 1 6 1 - 1 6 X X Mod e Defau lt Mess ages Altered Mod e 3 0 **** * X Note Numb.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Novation Impulse 49 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Novation Impulse 49 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Novation Impulse 49, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Novation Impulse 49 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Novation Impulse 49, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Novation Impulse 49.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Novation Impulse 49. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Novation Impulse 49 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.