Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NN46225-300 du fabricant Nortel Networks
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Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using De vice Manager NN46225-300 (317832-D Rev 02) ..
Document status: Standard Document version: 02.02 Document date: 1 October 2007 Copyright © 2005-2007, Nor tel Netw orks All Rights Reser v ed. This document is protected by copyright laws and inter national treaties.
"Software" is owned or licensed by Nor tel Networks, its parent or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold.
6. This License Agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which Customer acquires the Software . If the Software is acquired in the United States, then this License Agreement is governed by the laws of the state of New Y ork.
5 Contents New in this release 7 Features 7 Other Changes 7 Introduction 9 Before y ou begin 9 Installing Device Manager software 11 JDM installation notes 11 JDM installation warnings 12 Installing D.
6 Contents Using shor tcut menus 50 Using the status bar 52 Using Device Manager dialog bo xes 53 Using the buttons in Device Manager dialog bo x es 53 Editing objects 54 Online Help 55 Managing the s.
7 Ne w in this release The f ollowing sections detail what’s new in Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager (NN46225-300).
8 New in this release Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.02 Standard 4.2 1 October 2007 Copyright © 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks .
9 Intr oduction De vice Manager is a gr aphical user interface (GUI) used to configure and manage s witches in the Optical Ether net Switching Solutions por tf olio . This includes the Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600, the Metro Ethernet Ser vices Unit (ESU) 1800, and the Metro Ether net Ser vices Unit (ESU) 1850.
10 Introduction Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.02 Standard 4.2 1 October 2007 Copyright © 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks .
11 Installing De vice Mana ger software Java De vice Manager (JDM) is an SNMP-based graphical user interf ace (GUI) tool designed to manage single devices .
12 Installing Device Manager software In a Windows en vironment, a dm.ini file is created in the JDM install director y to sav e those IP addresses visited in JDM. In a UNIX environment, a ~/.jdm/dm.ini file is created to sav e those IP addresses visited in JDM.
Installing Device Manager on Windows 13 • "Installing De vice Manager on Windows from the W eb" (page 18) Windows minim um requirements The minimum system requirements for installing De vi.
14 Installing Device Manager software Introduction dialog bo x 7 Click Ne xt to continue the installation process. The License Agreement dialog box opens (see "License Agreement dialog bo x" (page 14) ).
Installing Device Manager on Windows 15 The Choose Install Sets dialog box opens (see "Choose Install Sets dialog bo x" (page 15) ). Choose Install Sets dialog box 10 Do one of the f ollowing: • Select T ypical installation to install the common set f eatures, as well as online Help .
16 Installing Device Manager software Choose Install Folder dialog box 12 Click Restore Default Folder or clic k Choose to select the storage path. 13 Click Ne xt . The Choose Shor tcut F older dialog box opens (see "Choose Shor tcut Folder dialog bo x" (page 16) ).
Installing Device Manager on Windows 17 The Pre-Installation Summar y dialog bo x opens (see "Pre-installation Summar y dialog bo x" (page 17) ). Pre-installation Summary dialog box 16 V erify the folder , shor tcut, and disk space required to install the software.
18 Installing Device Manager software When the installation is complete, the Install Complete dialog box opens (see "Install Complete dialog bo x" (page 18) ). Install Complete dialog box 18 Click Done to e xit the installation. De vice Manager is now completely installed on your machine.
Installing Device Manager on UNIX 19 A page listing av ailable v ersions of the software opens. 6 Click the Java De vice Manager version f or the release you want.
20 Installing Device Manager software • "Ex ecuting the De vice Manager installation software on UNIX" (page 22) Installing Device Manager in a UNIX en vir onment Installing the De vice Manager software in a UNIX en vironment includes: 1. Uninstalling the pre vious version of De vice Manager 2.
Installing Device Manager on UNIX 21 Procedure steps Step Action 1 Navigate to the Solaris/JDM subdirector y on the softw are CD . 2 Ref er to steps 3 to 14 in "Ex ecuting the De vice Manager installation software on UNIX" (page 22) f or the remaining instructions on how to install the Device Manager software in a UNIX en vironment.
22 Installing Device Manager software If se v eral warning messages are display ed after you launch De vice Manager on a Solar is workstation, do the follo wing: • Add the follo wing statement to your .cshrc file: setenv XKEYSYMDB $HOME/ .XKeysymDB • Make sure there is a .
Installing Device Manager on UNIX 23 InstallAnywhere Intr oduction dialog bo x 5 Click Ne xt to continue the installation process. The License Agreement dialog box opens (see "License Agreement dialog bo x" (page 23) ).
24 Installing Device Manager software The Choose Install Sets dialog box opens (see "Choose Install Sets dialog bo x" (page 24) ). Choose Install Sets dialog box 8 Do one of the f ollowing: • Select T ypical installation to install the common set f eatures, as well as online Help .
Installing Device Manager on UNIX 25 Choose Install Folder dialog box 10 Click Restore Default Folder or clic k Choose to select the storage path. 11 Click Ne xt . The Pre-Installation Summar y dialog bo x opens (see "Pre-installation Summar y dialog bo x" (page 25) ).
26 Installing Device Manager software 12 V erify the f older and disk space required to install the softw are. Use the Previous b utton to retur n to the appropriate dialog bo x to make changes . 13 Click Install . The installation process begins (see "Installing Java D e vice Manager dialog bo x" (page 26) ).
Installing Device Manager on UNIX 27 Install Complete dialog box 14 Click Done to e xit the installation. De vice Manager is now completely installed on y our machine. —End— Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.
28 Installing Device Manager software Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.02 Standard 4.2 1 October 2007 Copyright © 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks .
29 Star ting Device Mana ger This chapter describes the basic procedures for star ting the De vice Manager . Navigation • "Setting the IP address" (page 29) • "Star ting Device Mana.
30 Star ting Device Manager A TTENTION On star tup, De vice Manager performs a DNS lookup for the machine on which it is running. If the DNS lookup is slow or f ails , a timeout message appears . Abbreviated Device Manager window Replicating editable fields in Device Manager Use this procedure to replicate all editable table cells .
Setting the Device Manager proper ties 31 —End— Setting the Device Mana ger properties De vice Manager uses the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to configure and manage the Optical Ethernet Ser vices Solution (OESS) s witches.
32 Star ting Device Manager Default Properties 2 Select the proper ties you want to change and set their v alues. F or inf ormation about the proper ty fields, see "V ariable definitions" (page 32) .
Setting the Device Manager proper ties 33 Timeout Length of each retry of each polling waiting period. When accessing the device through a slow link, you may want to increase the timeout interval and then change the Retransmission Strategy to superlinear.
34 Star ting Device Manager Application launch with ring tone When checked, the ring tone will sound every time you launch Device Manager. This is the default behavior. Save SNMPv3 Devices to Open Last When checked, you can open a device using Device > Open Last by SNMPv3 without reentering the required SNMPv3 authentication information.
Setting the Device Manager proper ties 35 OR If you do not ha v e a de vice open, from the De vice Manager menu bar , choose Device > Properties > Devices . Select the de vice IP address in the Proper ties De vice List bo x, and then click Edit .
36 Star ting Device Manager Timeout Length of each retry of each polling waiting period. When accessing the device through a slow link, you may want to increase the timeout interval and then change the Retransmission Strategy to superlinear. Trace If selected, you can perform trace routes.
Opening a device 37 Procedure steps Step Action 1 F rom the abbre viated De vice Manager window menu bar , choose Device > Open . OR F rom the De vice Manager toolbar , click the Open De vice button. The Open Device dialog bo x opens (see the follo wing figure).
38 Star ting Device Manager 6 Click Open . —End— V ariable definitions Variable Value Device Name Enter the DNS name or IP address of the device. Read Community Enter the read community password string to use to open this device. Write Community Enter the write community password string to use to open this device.
Opening a device 39 Device view When a de vice is opened, De vice Manager automatically determines what version of software the selected device is r unning; a picture of the device that represents its ph ysical f eatures appears.
40 Star ting Device Manager Device Manager window f or a Metro ESU 1800 switc h Device Manager window f or a Metro ESU 1850 switc h Opening a device using the Open Last option Use this procedure to view or select a de vice from a list of availab le devices with the Open Last option in Device Manager .
41 Under standing the De vice Mana ger windo w The De vice Manager window has the f ollowing four parts: • menu bar • toolbar • de vice vie w • status bar The graphic that f ollows (see "P ar ts of the Device Manager window" (page 42) ) displa ys the par ts of the Device Manager window f or the Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600.
42 Understanding the Device Manager window Parts of the Device Manager window Navigation • "Using the menu bar" (page 42) • "Using the toolbar" (page 45) • "Using the de.
Using the menu bar 43 Menu bar Menu bar descriptions "De vice Manager menu bar descriptions, Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600" (page 43) describes the menu bar fields f or the Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600.
44 Understanding the Device Manager window Menu Description IPX Routing The IPX Routing menu lets you set up IPX routing functions, including RIP, Service Access Protocol (SAP), and policies. (See Note 2.) Security The Security menu lets you set security parameters for the various control and data paths.
Using the toolbar 45 Menu Description Edit The Edit menu lets you view parameters for the chassis or for selected objects, such as ports. This menu also lets you set security parameters, run diagnostic tests, and select all objects in the device. Graph The Graph menu lets you view chassis or port statistics.
46 Understanding the Device Manager window T oolbar b uttons Button Name Description Menu equivalent Open Device Opens a device. Device > Open Refresh Device Status Refreshes the device view information. Device > Refresh Status Telnet Opens a Telnet session.
Using the device vie w 47 Using the device view The de vice view allows you to deter mine at a glance the operating status of the various modules and por ts in your hardware configuration. Y ou also use the de vice view to perform management tasks on specific objects.
48 Understanding the Device Manager window Objects in a Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 device view Objects in a Metro ESU 1800 s witch de vice view Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.02 Standard 4.
Using the device vie w 49 Objects in a Metro ESU 1850 s witch de vice view T o select a single object, clic k the edge of the object. The object is outlined in yello w , indicating that it is selected. Subsequent activities in De vice Manager ref er to the selected object.
50 Understanding the Device Manager window In addition, the Help menu provides a legend that identifies the por t colors and their meanings. Using shortcut men us Objects in the device vie w , such as the chassis, por ts, and cards, hav e shor tcut menus.
Using the device vie w 51 "Chassis shor tcut menu options, Metro ESU 1800 and 1850" (page 51) describes the shor tcut menu options for the Metro ESU 1800 and 1850. Chassis shor tcut menu options, Metr o ESU 1800 and 1850 Option Description Edit Edit chassis parameters.
52 Understanding the Device Manager window "P or t shor tcut menu options, Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600" (page 52) describes the I/O por t shor tcut menu options f or the Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600. P ort shor tcut menu options, Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 Option Description Edit Display edit port menu.
Using Device Manager dialog box es 53 Using Device Manager dialog bo xes Many De vice Manager dialog bo x es contain fields that allo w you to enter values f or parameters, and many of the parameters ha v e predeter mined possible values . F or e xample, a por t ma y be set to be enab led or disab led.
54 Understanding the Device Manager window Device Manager b uttons Button Description Apply Applies the changes you have entered in fields on a tab or dialog box. The button is dimmed until you change a parameter. Changes are displayed as bold text or numbers.
Online Help 55 The edit dialog box opens f or that object. • F rom the De vice Manager menu bar , choose Edit > Selected All . Then choose an object type from the list. When you change v alues in a field, you can see fields that ha v e been changed but not applied.
56 Understanding the Device Manager window Help file locations, Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 Help files Default path Device Manager Jdm/help/dm Device-specific Help default install directory..../help "Help file locations, Metro ESU 1800 and 1850" (page 56) provides the location of the Help files f or the Metro ESU 1800 and 1850.
57 Managing the system This chapter describes how to manage the s witch system using the De vice Manager software. Navigation • "Managing files on the Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600" .
58 Managing the system Procedure steps Step Action 1 F rom the menu bar , choose Edit > File System . The File System dialog bo x opens with the Copy File tab displa y ed (see "Cop y File tab" (page 58) ).
Managing files on the Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 59 —End— Checking flash memory use Use this procedure to check use of the flash memor y . Procedure steps Step Action 1 F rom the menu bar , choose Edit > File System . The File System dialog bo x opens with the Copy File tab displa y ed (see "Cop y File tab" (page 58) ).
60 Managing the system Flash Files tab The Flash Files tab lists the name, modification date, and size of each s witch file in the onboard flash memor y .
Managing files on the Metro ESU 1800 61 PCMCIA Files tab The PCMCIA Files tab lists the name, modification date, and siz e of each s witch file in the PCMCIA card. The slot number indicates the chassis location of the referenced CPU/s witch f abric module.
62 Managing the system Firmware Download tab 2 In the TftpSer verIpAddress te xt bo x, specify the IP address of the TFTP ser ver . 3 In the P athAndFilename te xt bo x, specify the location from which you want to obtain the firmware. 4 In the Action field, click do wnload .
Managing files on the Metro ESU 1800 63 Configuration File tab 3 In the TftpSer verIpAddress te xt bo x, specify the IP address of the TFTP ser ver . 4 In the P athAndFilename te xt bo x, specify the location from where you w ant to obtain the configuration file.
64 Managing the system History Log tab 3 In the TftpSer verIpAddress te xt bo x, specify the IP address of the TFTP ser ver . 4 In the P athAndFilename te xt bo x, specify the location to which you want to upload the histor y log. 5 In the Action field, click upload .
Managing files on the Metro ESU 1850 65 • "Saving a history log to the ser ver" (page 69) Downloading firmware fr om the server Use this procedure to download a fir mware file from the TFTP ser ver . Procedure steps Step Action 1 F rom the De vice Manager menu bar , choose Edit > File System > Firmware .
66 Managing the system Field Description Filename Configures the DOS path and filename of the firmware on the TFTP server. LoadType Sets the system to download mode.
Managing files on the Metro ESU 1850 67 4 Click Appl y to sa v e the configuration. —End— Firmware dialog box, Create tab fields Field Description FileName Specifies the path and filename of the firmware file. Addr Specifies the IP address where the new firmware file is located.
68 Managing the system —End— Firmware dialog box, Boot tab fields Field Description Index Specifies the table index for the file entry. Dscr Describes the version of the software file. Ctrl The valid values are: bootup Identifies the default file to use for bootup.
Managing files on the Metro ESU 1850 69 3 Select upload or download . 4 Click Appl y . —End— Configuration dialog box, Configuration tab fields Field Description TftpServerIpAddress Configures the IP address of the TPTP server. PathAndFilename Configures the DOS path and filename of the switch configuration file on the TFTP server.
70 Managing the system F or inf ormation, see "Histor yLog dialog box, Histor y Log tab fields" (page 70) . 2 Enter the TftpServerIpAddress and P athAndFilename . 3 Select upload to sav e a history log. 4 Click Appl y to sa v e the configuration.
Viewing tr ap logs 71 Viewing trap logs Use this procedure to view the trap log to see what traps hav e been receiv ed. On the Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 and Metro ESU 1800 and 1850, you can configure the s witch to send out SNMP generic traps (see "Setting the Device Manager proper ties" (page 31) ).
72 Managing the system Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.02 Standard 4.2 1 October 2007 Copyright © 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks .
73 Appendix A Operation Pr ob lems with De vice Manager This appendix contains inf ormation about problems that ma y occur while you are managing the Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600, Metro ESU 1800, or Metro ESU 1850.
74 Appendix A Operation Problems with Device Manager Use this procedure to check the Console por t settings on the Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600. Procedure steps Step Action 1 In the device vie w , select the Console por t. 2 F rom the De vice Manager menu bar , choose Edit > Serial P or t .
Login prompt fails to appear on the Metro ESU 1800 or 1850 75 Login prompt fails to appear on the Metro ESU 1800 or 1850 If you connect a ter minal to the Console por t on the Metro ESU 1800 (see &quo.
76 Appendix A Operation Problems with Device Manager Serial P ort tab on the Metro ESU 1800 and 1850 3 Check to see that the por t settings are: • baudRate-9600 • SerialP or tDataBits: 8 • Seria.
Switch fails to open in Device Manager 77 • Is the s witch turned on? • Does the s witch hav e an incorrect IP address? • Is the incorrect IP address specified in the Open De vice field in Jav.
78 Appendix A Operation Problems with Device Manager Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using Device Manager NN46225-300 02.02 Standard 4.
Nor tel Metro Ether net Routing Switch 8600 Fundamentals — Using De vice Manager Copyright © 2005-2007, Nor tel Networks All Rights Reser v ed. Publication: NN46225-300 Document status: Standard Document version: 02.02 Document date: 1 October 2007 T o provide feedback or report a problem in this document, go to w ww .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks NN46225-300 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks NN46225-300 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks NN46225-300, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks NN46225-300 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks NN46225-300, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks NN46225-300.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks NN46225-300. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks NN46225-300 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.