Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MOG7xx du fabricant Nortel Networks
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Part No. N0008588 1.0 September 17 , 2004 Business Comm unications Manager Wireless LAN IP T elephon y Installation and Configuration Guide.
2 N0008588 1.0 Copyright © 2004 Nortel Networks All rights reserved. The information in this document is subj ect to change without notic e. The statements, configur ations, techni cal data, and recommendations in this document are belie ved to be accurate and re liable, but are presented wi thout express or implied warranty .
3 Installation and Con figuration Guide Enhanced 911 Configuration Radio-frequency Interf erence Repairs to certified equipment sh ould be made b y an authorized maintenance facility designated by the supplier .
4 N0008588 1.0 Hearing Aid Compatibility System telephones are hearing-ai d compatible, as def ined in Section 68.316 of Part 68 FCC Rules. Repairs In the e vent of equipment malfun ction, all repairs to certif ied eq uipment will be performed by an authorized supplier .
5 Installation and Con figuration Guide 3 Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a da mp cloth for cleaning. 4 Do not use this product n ear water , for e xample, near a bath tub, w ash bo wl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or ne ar a swimming pool.
6 N0008588 1.0 International Regulatory Information This is a class A product. In a domestic en vironm ent this product may caus e radio interference in which case the use r may be requi red to take adequate measures.
7 Installation and Con figuration Guide Safety Limited W arranty Nortel Networks warrants this produc t again st defects and malfunctions duri ng a one (1) year period from t he date of original p urchase.
8 N0008588 1.0 This warranty sets forth the entire liability a nd obligations of Nortel Networks with respect to breach of warranty, and the warranties set forth or limited herein are the sole warranties and are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, in clud ing warranties or fitness for part icular purpose and merchantability.
9 Installation and Conf iguration Guide Contents Nor th Amer ican Regulato r y Informatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Saf ety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Contents Installation and Configur ation Guide Network planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 IP address p lanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 11 Installation and Conf iguration Guide License Ma nagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Restore Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Contents Installation and Configur ation Guide Configur ing the WL AN Application Gatewa y 2246 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Configur ing the OAI Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 Installation and Co nfiguration Guide Figures Figure 1 Basic networ k conf iguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 2 WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2 245 front pa nel . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Contents Installation and Configuration Guid e.
15 Installation and Co nfiguration Guide Ta b l e s T able 1 DHCP options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 T able 2 Roaming and handov er capabilities summar y . . . . . . . . . . .
16 Contents Installation and Configuration Guid e.
17 Installation an d Configuration Gu ide Preface This section includ es the following ge neral information: • “Before you begin” on page 17 • “Symbols used in this guide” on p age 18 • .
18 Preface N0008588 1.0 Symbols used in this guide This guide uses symbols to draw your attenti on to important information. The following symbols appear in this guide: T ext con ventions This guide uses the following text conventions: Caution: Caution Symbol Alerts you to conditions where you can damage the equipment.
Preface 19 Installation and Configuration Guid e Nortel Networks WL AN Handsets 2210/2211 Each of the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 has a user guide that explains the specific feature access for the handsets. Information about using the features of the WLAN Handsets 22 10/2211 is contained in the Nortel Networks WLAN Ha ndset 2210/221 1 User Guide .
20 Preface N0008588 1.0 Acr on yms used in this guide This guide uses the following acronyms: AAL Analog Access Lines ACD Automated Call Distribut ion AH Authentication Header ANSI American National S.
Preface 21 Installation and Configuration Guid e CTE Connected T elecommunications Equipment CVM Centralized V oice Mail DAL Digital Access Lines DASS2 Digital Access Signaling System Number 2 DCE Dat.
22 Preface N0008588 1.0 FTP File T ransfer Protocol GA TM Global Analog T runk Module HDLC High-level Data Link Control HF Handsfree HLC Home Location Code (UDP dialin g) HS Hospitality services HTTP .
Preface 23 Installation and Configuration Guid e MLPPP Multi-Link Point-to-Point Protocol MPPC Microsoft Point to Point Compression MSC Media Services Card MS-PEC Media Services Pro cessor Expansion C.
24 Preface N0008588 1.0 RPC Remote Procedure Call R TP Realtime T ransport Protocol SAP Service Advertising Protocol SAPS S tation Auxiliary Power Supply SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.
Preface 25 Installation and Configuration Guid e Related publications In addition to the Programming Operations Guide , the Business Comm unications Manager documentation suite contains the following .
26 Preface N0008588 1.0.
27 Installation an d Configuration Gu ide How to get help If you do not see an appropria t e number in this list, go to . USA and Canada Authorized Distributor s - ITAS Technical Support Telephone: 1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-4 66-7835) If you already have a PIN Code , you can enter Express Routing Code (ERC) 196#.
28 How to get help N0008588 1.0 India 011-5154-2210 Indonesia 001 8-036-1004 Japan 0120-332-533 Malaysia 1800-805-380 New Zealand 08 00-449-716 Philippines 1800-1611-0063 Singapore 800-616-200 4 South.
29 Overview Overview Description The Nortel Networks Wireless Local Area Network Handsets 2210 and 2211 (WLAN Handsets 2210/2211) op erate over an 802 .11b wireless Etherne t LAN providing users a wireless Voice over IP (VoIP). The WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 emulat e the Nortel Networks IP Phone 2004 to provide the VoIP functionality.
30 Overview Figure 1 Basic network configuration The basic WLAN IP Teleph ony network consists of the following components: • BCM (call server) • TFTP Server (optional) • DHCP Server (optional) .
31 Overview If too many wireless handsets ar e attempting to down load new firmware simultaneously, the downloads can slow down or erro r messages can be returned. To re duce the number of retries and error messages, manage the dow nload process by staggering the times the wireless handsets download the firmware.
32 Overview The IP-related parameters of the WLAN Handsets 2210/221 1 can be configured ma nually or through a DHCP Server (RFC 1541 and RFC 1533). The DHCP Server can be on either side of the firewall, according to the site administrator’s preference.
33 Overview Firewall In many installations there will be a firewall installed between the wired and wireless parts of the network. It is beyond th e scope of this document to specify how a firewall is.
34 Overview The WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 works with the APs t o provide QoS on the WLAN. All voice packets are encapsulated by the WLAN ha ndsets. The encapsulated voice packets to and from the WLAN handsets are handled by the WLAN IP Tele phony Manager 2245 and routed to and from the BCM.
35 Overview — COL - lit if there are network collisions • NETWORK - connects the WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2245 to t he wired Ethernet LAN • ERROR LED - lit when the system has detected an erro.
36 Overview • R TP packets between the wire less telephone and the WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2245 always contain 30 milliseconds (m s) worth of voice, regardless of what has been configured on the BCM. The W LAN IP T elephony Manager 2245 repackages the R TP packets to conform to the size that has been configured in the BCM.
37 Overview Feature P acka ging/Set Em ulation Model, IT T ype and Release Number The WLAN Handsets 22 10/2211 appear to the BCM as a standard IP Phon e 2004.
38 Overview Mobility across different su bnets when using DHCP If a WSS is not in use, and the IP address of the wireless handset has been acquired through DHCP, the wireless handset must be powered down and powered up when entering a new sub net.
39 Overview It is essential to know where to install the APs to provide effective coverage for the WLAN handsets. The first step is to de fine exactly where the coverage is needed, which requires a site survey. Refer to “Appendix D: Provision ing” on page 113 for information on site planning.
40 Overview IP addressing with DHCP A pool of alias IP addresses must be configured on the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 for the use of the wireless handsets. Refer to “Functional d escription” on page 35 for information on IP addresses on the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245.
41 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 installation WLAN IP T e lephon y Manager 2245 installation This section explains how to insta ll the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 22 45. For an overview of the W LAN IP Telephony Manager 2245, refer to “WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245” on page 33 .
42 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 installation • Screws – used to mount the WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2245 to the wall. Four 3/4-inch #8 panhead wood screws (or si milar devices) are required. • CA T5 cable w ith an RJ-45 connector for the WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2 245 – provides a connection to the Ethernet switch.
43 WLAN IP Telephony Manag er 2245 installation Rack-mounting the WLAN IP Telephony Mana ger 2245 1 Remove the corner screws from th e WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 . 2 Screw the U-shaped end (round screw ho les) of the two mountin g plates to the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245.
44 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 installation.
45 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 con figuration WLAN IP T e lephon y Manager 2245 configuration This section explains how to configure th e WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 (SVP II Server). For an overview of the W LAN IP Telephony Manager 2245, refer to “WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245” on page 33 .
46 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 configuration — Bits per second: 9600 — Data bits: 8 — Parity: None — Stop bits: 1 — Flow control: None Note: If using W indows 2000, Service Pack 2 mu st be installed to enable the use of HyperT er minal™.
47 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 22 45 configuration NetLink SVP-II System menu The NetLink SVP-II System menu is shown in Figure 3 . Figure 3 NetLink SVP-II System menu The NetLink SVP-II System menu contains the following options: • System Status – view error messages, status o f operation, and firmware code version.
48 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 configuration The WLAN IP Telephon y Manager 2245 is then configured on the SVP-II Configuration screen. The mode of the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 is configured here.
49 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 22 45 configuration • SVP-II TFTP Download Master – the IP address of the T FTP Server where the firmware update files are saved.
50 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 configuration 3 Reset the WLAN IP Telephony Man ager 2245 in order to save the configuration parameters. Follow the steps in “Saving the configuration” on page 53 to save the configuration.
51 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 22 45 configuration • First Alias IP Address / Last Alias IP Addr ess – enter the range of IP addresses that this WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2245 can use when acting as a pr oxy for the wireless handsets. Programmin g note: All alias addresses must be on the same subnet as the WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2245.
52 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 configuration Changing the password 1 Select Change Password from the NetLink SVP-II System menu. The Change Password screen appears. See Figure 6 . Figure 6 Change P ass word screen 2 Enter the old password. 3 Enter the new password.
53 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 22 45 configuration Sa ving the configuration Once any change is made to the configuration of the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245, the system must be re-booted/reset for the change to take effect.
54 WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 configuration Figure 8 T eln et screen a fter reset Chec king the system status Information about system alarms and network status is obtained through the System Status menu screen. For information on the System Status menu screen, refer to “Troubleshooting” on page 71 .
55 WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 con figuration WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 configuration This section describes the WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 and explains how to configure them. For an overview of the WLAN handsets, refer to “WLAN Handsets 221 0/2211” on page 55 .
56 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion WLAN Handsets 2 210/2211 functions Table 3 describes the handset functions av ailable during different states. Language The menus and screen s of the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 disp lay in English only. In ternational characters are supported for BCM prompts, depending on the market profile.
57 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration Codecs The WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 are compatible with the G.711 and G.7 29a/ab codecs. No configuration is required on the wireless handsets.
58 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion Figure 9 IP Phone 2004.
59 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration Figure 10 WLAN Handse t 2210 The IP Phone 2004 has several fixe d feature keys. The WLAN Handsets 221 0/2211 support the eight features that are suitable to a mobile user through the Function ( FCN ) key on the wireless handset.
60 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion Table 4 lists the keys of the IP Phone 2004 (default settings) and the corresponding key sequences on the wireless handsets. Configuring the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 WLAN handset configuration is performed after th e WLAN IP Telephony Manager 22 45 has been installed and configured.
61 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration The Admin Menu contains configuration options th at are stored locally on each wireless handset. Every wireless handset is independent. If the de fault settings are not appropriate, the Admin options must be configured in each ha ndset that requires different settings.
62 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion When the correct entry appears, press the right a rrow to move to the next character . Repeat for each digit/letter of the entry . Press the Save softkey to save the entry and return to the menu. Press the Cncl key to abort and return to the menu without saving any changes.
63 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration IP Address men u There are two modes in which the wireless handset can operate: DHCP-enabled or Static IP. Select the mode for op eration from the IP Address menu: • * Use DHCP – use DHCP to assign an IP address e ach ti me the wireless handset is turned on.
64 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion — DHCP option 151 — DNS lookup of “SLNKSVP2” if the DHCP o ptions 6 (DNS Server) and 15 (Domain Name) are configured. • Server 1 IP – the published IP address of the BCM. If th e wireless handset is using static IP address configuration, enter the published IP address of the BCM.
65 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration • Server 2 IP – the IP address of the secondary Nortel Networks device. Currently , the wireless handset does not make use of this information. If using S tatic IP configuration, this is simply the IP address of the device.
66 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion Restore Defaults The Restore Defaults option resets all user and ad ministrative parameters to their factory defaults. During configuration, p ress the ri ght arrow to skip this mode. Site Survey mode Site Survey Mode is used to check the signal stre ngth from APs.
67 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration Set each of the following options to match exactly the se ttings in the APs: — Authentication – select either Open System or Shared Key . — WEP – select either WEP Off or WEP On . — Key Information – scroll through the options.
68 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion O AI on/off Nortel Networks Open Applicatio n Interface (OAI) enables the wireless handset to connect with the optional WLAN Applicatio n Gateway 2246.
69 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configuration Pre-download checklist The following requirements must be met to download firmware by over-the-air file transfer: • Α wireless LAN must be properly configured and operational through th e use of 802.1 1b SVP-compliant wireless APs.
70 WLAN Handsets 2210/ 2211 configurat ion Pr ogramming the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 The Line keys 1-6 on the WLAN Handset s 2210/2211 are programmable by the end user. These Line keys can be prog rammed in the wireless hand set in the same manner they are programmed on the IP Phone 2004.
71 Troubleshooting T roub leshooting This section describes options for troubleshootin g your WLAN system and its devices. For site and deployment information, refer to “Appendix D: Provisioning” on page 1 13 .
72 Troubleshooting From the System Status Menu screen, select Error Status . The Error Status screen displays active alarms on the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245. Table 7 lists the alarms and the actions required to eliminate the alarm. Press C to clear all alarms that can be cleared.
73 Troubleshooting Figure 12 Network St atus scre en The following informa tion can be viewed: • Ethernet Address – MAC address of the WLAN IP T ele phony Manager 2245 (hexadecimal). • System Uptime – the number of days, ho urs, and minutes since t he WLAN IP T elephony Manager 2245 was last reset.
74 Troubleshooting — carrier – carrier lost during transmission — collisions – packets deferred (delayed) due to collision • SVP-II Access Points in Use – number of APs used by WLAN handsets, either in standby or in a call. ‘ Last ’ is current, ‘ Max ’ is the maximum number in use at one time.
75 Troubleshooting Duplex mismatch A duplex mismatch anywhere on the WLAN can cause the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245 to operate improperly. Do uble-check WLAN con nections and interfaces to ensure that they are all configured as full-duplex.
76 Troubleshooting • If a set is mobile and moves into an AP that is already at capacity , the handset remains associated with an AP that has suf ficient bandwidth. This coul d resu lt in degraded sign al and voice quality and, ultimately , a call could be dropped.
77 Appendix A: Compatible Access Points Appendix A: Compatible Access P oints Intr oduction Table 8 lists APs that are compatible with WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 operating on the WLAN IP Telephony Manager 2245. 802.11b APs generally supp ort up to 12 simultaneous calls per AP.
78 Appendix A: Compat ible Access Points 1 Alvarion BreezeNET Pro.11 Series software version 4.4.5 is not compatible with the WLAN IP Handsets 2 210/2211. 2 Cisco Aironet 350 software version 11.21 is not compatible with the WLAN IP Handsets 2 210/2211.
79 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gateway 22 46 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gatewa y 2246 WLAN Application Gatewa y 2246 The WLAN Application Gateway 22 46 is an optional device that enables third-party applications to communicate directly with up to 10 000 WLAN handsets.
80 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Figure 14 Model MOG6xx The power jack and network port are loca ted on the back of the Model MOG6xx. The MOG7xx model is available in scaled in creme nts to support up to 10 000 users.
81 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 For an overview of the WLAN App lication Gateway 2246, refer to “WLAN Application Gateway 2246” on page 79 . For information on configuring the WLAN Applicati on Gateway 2246, refer to “Configuration” on page 86 .
82 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 • for the WLAN Application Gate way 2246, a maxim um distance of 325 feet (100 meters) from the Ethernet switch Mounting the WLAN Application Gate wa y.
83 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Connecting the po wer 1 Connect the power plug from the AC adapter to the power jack on the front (or rear) of the WLAN Application Gateway 2246. 2 Plug the AC adapter into a 110V AC outlet to supply po wer to the WLAN Application Gateway 2246.
84 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Figure 16 WLAN Application Gatewa y 2246 connec tion through th e LAN Connecting through an RS-232 port Connect the Application Server to the WLAN Ap plication Gateway 2246 serial port by using a cable that conforms to RS-232 standards for DTE-to-DTE connections (null modem cable).
85 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Connect through a modem Connect the modem to the WLAN Ap plication Gateway serial port using a cable that conforms to RS-232 standards for DTE- to-DCE connections.
86 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Configuration This section explains how to confi gure the WLAN Application Gateway 2246. For an overview of the WLAN App lication Gateway 2246, refer to “WLAN Application Gateway 2246” on page 79 .
87 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Connecting through a serial port 1 Connect the WLAN Application Gateway 2246 to th e serial port of a terminal or PC using a DB-9 female, null-mo dem cable.
88 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 5 Enter the default login name ( admin) and the default password ( admin) . The NetLink OAI System menu appears.
89 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Configuring the OAI Box 1 Select OAI Box Configuration f rom the NetLink OAI System menu. The OAI Box Configuration screen appears (see Figure 21 on page 8 9 ). Figure 21 OAI Bo x Configuration sc reen Note 1: ** – Option appears only on the MOG6xx model.
90 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Configuring the network 1 Select Network Configuration from the NetLink OAI System menu. The Network Co nfiguration screen appears (see Figure 22 ).
91 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 • DNS server and DNS domain – these settings are used to configure DNSs. (These settings can also be configured as DHCP . Th is causes the DHCP client in the WLAN Application Gateway 2246 to attempt to automatically obta in the correct configuration from the DHCP server .
92 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 The Telnet method of connection is u sed for rou tine maintenance of the system for both local and remote administration, depending on the network. Follow the steps to connect to a WLAN Ap plication Gateway 2 246 through Telnet.
93 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Configuring the T elephone Line Each WLAN Handset 2210/2211 that uses the application’s features must be configured with its line number and M AC address. The name and extension nu mber of the WLAN Handset 2210/ 2211 user can be entere d.
94 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 • MAC Address – the MAC address is printed on th e sticker underneath the battery on the WLAN Handsets 2210/221 1. It can al so be displayed on the WLAN Handsets 2210/221 1 by turning off the wireless hand set, and then pressing and holding the Pwr (power) button.
95 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 1 From the NetLink OAI System scre en, select Telephone Line Configuration and press Enter . The T elephone Line Configuration screen appears. 2 Select the field to use as the search key ( MAC Address , Name , or Extension ), 3 Press S to display a search screen dial og box.
96 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Figure 25 F eature programming screen 2 Use the arrow keys to select the function number 7, 8, or 9 to associate with the application.
97 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Figure 26 Change pass word Note: * - not applicable. 2 Use the default password admin . 3 Follow the prompts to configure a new password. Viewing system status To view the status of the system, select the System Status Menu option from the NetLink OAI System screen.
98 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Figure 27 System Status Menu screen The following options can be selected: • Application Active – displays Ye s when the application is comm unicating correctly with the WLAN Application Gateway 2246.
99 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Figure 28 Network St atus The following information is disp layed at the top of the screen: • Ethernet Address – MAC address of the WLAN Appli cation Gateway 2246 (hexadecimal). • S tats Time Period – the length of time the statis tics have been accumulating in the Pk ts and Bytes columns.
100 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 • Collisions – the number of times the Ethernet contro ller attempts to send a packet, but another device on the network transmitted at the same time, corrupting the transmission.
101 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Viewing software ver sions Each WLAN Application Gateway 2246 an d WLAN Handset 2210/2211 runs soft ware that is controlled and maintained through versioning . The Software Versions screen provides information about the ve rsion currently running on the co mponents.
102 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Wireless handset cer tification WLAN Application Gatew ay 2246 installation on ne w system If this is a new system installa tion, continue with WLAN Handset 2210 /2211 registration and Call Server programm ing.
103 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 The fnctla.bin file is upgraded periodically by Nortel Networks and is the only file downloaded. The other files are configuration files, and thei r names are provided for informat ion and ba ckup purposes.
104 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 10 Reset the system through the OAI Box Configuration screen in order to restore Maintenance Lock to “N”. TFTP software updates f or MOG600 Systems The WLAN Application Gateway 2246 uses proprietary software programs.
105 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Figure 31 TFTP Server Downloa d Configuration screen 5 Enter the TFTP Server hostname. 6 Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the Begin TFTP Download option . 7 Press Enter to begin the downloa d. The MOG600.
106 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246 Planning Worksheet for WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 Copy and complete the worksheet in Table 12 to track parameters for each WLAN Handset 2210/ 2211. T able 12 WLAN Handset 2210 /2211 Planning W or ksheet OA I P ort MA C Address User Name Dialing Ext.
107 Appendix B: WLAN Application Gate way 2246 Freeing the serial port fo r administrative purposes If the serial port is being used as the primary comm unication link with the Application Server, it .
108 Appendix B: W LAN Application G ateway 2246.
109 Appendix C: Testing the WLAN Handsets 221 0/2211 Appendix C: T esting the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 Intr oduction Verify proper registration and operation of each wireless handset by performing the followi ng tests on each wireless handset in an active wireless area .
110 Appendix C: Testing the WLAN Handsets 2210/22 11 • Detect dBm coverage – Press FCN to toggle to the Site Survey function that shows the top four APs. W alk the perimeter of the site . The two-line display on the wireless handset shows the top four APs that the wireless hand set ca n contact.
111 Appendix C: Testing the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211 — dB is the signal strength of the AP — Ch is the channel of the AP — 1b2b5b1 1b is an example of the data rate that may be displayed W alk around the site to determine supported da ta rates, one AP at a time.
112 Appendix C: Testing the WLAN Handsets 2210/22 11.
113 Appendix D: Provision ing Appendix D: Pr o visioning Site survey To conduct a site survey, set up an AP at a pa rticular location. Use a computer equipped with a WLAN device and site survey software or a WLAN Handset 221 0/2211 oper ating in Site Survey mode to measure the strength of the signal from the AP.
114 Appendix D: Provisioning Conducting an effective site survey Consider the following points for an effective site survey. Netw ork usage Examine the network usage: • How many people will be using.
115 Appendix D: Provisioning RF transmission testing Once the APs have been installed and configured, it is necess ary to measure the strength of the RF transmissions. Signal strength testing ensures that all usage areas have adequate coverage. This can be performed in two ways.
116 Appendix D: Provisioning Figure 32 Sample AP place ment diagram.
117 Appendix D: Provisioning Solving co verage issues Resolve coverage issues by adding or relocating APs or both. Solving overlap issues Resolve overlap issues by reassigning cha nnels to the APs or by relocating the APs. Like channe ls require 15–20 dBm separation.
118 Appendix D: Provisioning.
Business Communications Ma nager WLAN IP Telephony I nstallation and Configur ation Guide 119 Inde x A Access Point general parameters 38 using differing subnets and WSS 37 using the same subnet as ha.
120 Inde x Business Communications Manager WL AN IP Telephony Installation an d Configuration Guid e changing subnets 64 comparison to the IP Phone 2004 57 general description 55 handset functions 56 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks MOG7xx c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks MOG7xx - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks MOG7xx, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks MOG7xx va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks MOG7xx, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks MOG7xx.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks MOG7xx. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks MOG7xx ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.