Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit M3905 du fabricant Nortel Networks
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Nor tel Knowledge Netw ork Enterpr ise V oice Solutions Customer Documentation Meridian C ommunications Adapter M3902 M3903 M3904 M3905 User Guide.
38 While you are aw ay from your desk: Call For ward.
i Introducti on 1 About the document ...................................... ............................. ............ 1 Before you use th e MCA .... .......................................... ........................... 1 Use the MCA to make data cal ls .
ii ATOn (on-line, where n = 0, 1) ......................................................... .... 19 ATQn (result code, where n = 0, 1) ........ ........................................... .... 19 ATV n ( verbal re sult, where n = 0, 1) ...... ........
iii S66 (AT/KBD autobaud in terpretation; ra nge = 0, 1) ................... .......... 24 S51 (delay un til modem pool activati on; range = 0–25 5) ........................ 24 Dial modifier .................... ............................ ........
iv Contents.
1 Introduction Introduction About the docum ent The Meridia n Communica tions Adapter (MCA) is an in ter face that su ppor ts many desktop applic ations. This User Guide desc ribes how to use the MCA to in ter face with these d esktop applic ations a nd the Meridian 1.
2 Introduction M3900 series telephone.Once the ACM is in stalled, the MCA car tridge accessor y is inserted into the ACM to provide an interface to data functions. T o install the ACM refer to the A ccessor y Connection Module Installation Guide pack aged with the ACM.
3 Dialing methods Dialing methods The MCA provides three methods for making data calls through the Nortel Networks PBX : keyboard dialing, A T d ialing, and ke ypad dial ing. Y ou use Keyboard an d A T dialin g by ente ring comma nds at a terminal or on a PC running software to make it emulate a terminal.
4 Make a data call Make a data call The pr ocedur es in t his sect ion de scr ibes how to make basic d ata calls . There are thre e me thod s use d to ma ke a data call; keyb oard dial ing , A T dial ing an d key pad dialing. Note: Throughout this gu ide, <CR> refers to a Carriage Return .
5 Make a data call Keypad dialing Keypad dialing is accessed through the Options. Press the Options Key and use the Navigati on Keys to scroll to MCA data param eters. Once you are familiar with your MCA option numb er , you can press the Options k ey and dial th e MCA data par ameters op tion number , followed b y the p arameter n umbe r.
6 Make a data call Rele ase a data ca ll T o release a call while in asynchronous mode, use any of the following methods: Press the Break Key(s) on your PC keyboard for 1.6 seconds or longer . Note: This method is not suppor ted on terminals with non-overlapp ing timed break.
7 Make a data call Default parameters for Asynchrono us and Synchronous The MCA is configured in asy nchronous mode when it is shipped from the factor y . The MCA defaults to synchronous or asynchronous mode from the telepho ne. The mode is dete rmined prior to resetting t he paramet ers.
8 Make a data call Script Fi le Men u Modify Menu Learn Script Menu L — LE ARN S CRIP T D — DE LETE SCR IPT SELECT: E —ESCAP E CODE Q — QUIT SCRIPT MENU A — AUT O NUM BER S — SPEED NU MBE .
9 Keyboard dialing Keyboard dialing This chapter ex plains the ke yboard dial ing commands and how to use them. Y ou can enha nce your data call dialing by usi ng features s uch as Speed Call an d file scripting. Keyboard dialing is menu-driven. See Figure 1 for menus.
10 Keyboard dia ling T ermin al di spla ys Mo dify menu. <CR> 3. Select A (Auto Num ber) and press the Carriage Return . AUTO DIAL NO. XX <CR> 4. Enter the Auto Dial number and press the Carriage Return . Speed Call T o use S peed Call: <CR> 1.
11 Keyboard dialing Script Fi le T o use S crip t File: script name <CR> Enter script name and press the Car riage Retur n . The MCA will connect to t he far end data device and the scr ipt wi ll be executed automaticall y . The MCA will follow th e same steps you took whe n writing the script.
12 Keyboard dia ling Name <CR> 7. Enter the name y ou want to c all the script by and p ress the Carriage Retur n . ESCAPE CODE =[+] MODIFY (Y/N) (+ = escape code key symbol) <CR> 8. Select N an d pres s th e Carriage Retur n . T erm inal displ ays Main men u .
13 Keyboard dialing Delete Scr ipt File <CR> 1. Select M (Modify) and p ress the Carriage Return . T erm inal displ ays Mod ify me nu . <CR> 2. Select F (Scri pt Fi le) and pres s th e Carriage Return . T erm inal displ ays Script F ile menu .
14 Keyboard dia ling Escape code T o chang e Escape code: <CR> 1. Select M (Modify) and p ress the Carriage Return . T erm inal displ ays Modify me nu . <CR> 2. Select F (Scri pt Fi le) and pres s th e Carriage Return . T erm inal displ ays Script File menu .
15 Keyboard dialing <CR > — Press the Carriage Return to leave privacy m ode. —T h r e e escape charac ters saves a script file to the MCA EEPROM. Manual answer (asynchronous) <CR> 1. Select M (Modify) and p ress the Carriage Return . T erm inal displ ays Mo dify menu .
16 Keyboard dia ling Remote loopback will be en abled for the next data call only . This feature is useful for diagnostic purposes. Ring Again When the fa r end nu mber is busy y ou receive th e prompt: BUSY , RING AGA IN? (Y/N) or BUSY , PREVIOUS RING AGAIN ACT IVE, REPLA CE? ( Y/N) <CR> 1.
17 Keyboard dialing Display parameters (asynchronous) T o list in format ion about MCA configuration from the terminal: <CR> Select P (d isplay parame ters) and pre ss the Carriage Return . The following example shows the items listed with possible values for each.
18 AT dialin g A T dialing A T diali ng is similar to t he met hods used to mak e data call s with a Hayes Smar tmodem. Some A T comman ds do not apply to the MCA , and are not supported. Most A T commands begin with the letters A T (not case sensitive).
19 AT diali ng A TOn (on-line, where n = 0, 1) This will put you on-l ine if you h ad previously used the escape code (three escape character s) to go o ff-lin e. The same result appl ies to both case n = 0 an d n = 1. A TQn (result code, wheren=0,1) Result codes (call progress prompts) are not sent to your terminal when n = 1.
20 AT dialin g A TZn (soft reset, where n = 0, 1) This return s S0 through S49 registers an d A T configu rations to their default settings. The same result applies to both case n = 0 and n = 1. Registers S50 through S69 will be reset to their default values only upon power-up.
21 AT diali ng A TIn (product identification code, where n = 0, 1, 4) When n = 0, the MCA displays the contents of S-registers S52–S54. The default is “960” (Smar tmodem V -series 9600 modem). Other possible values are: “122” (Smartmode m 1200) and “240” (Smar tmodem 24 00).
22 S-regi sters A T&Yn (recall user profile on power-up, where n = 0, 1) This return s S0 through S49 registers an d A T configu rations to their default settings. The same result applies to both case n = 0 and n = 1. Of f-lin e mode T o enter the A T command state from the on-line da ta transfer state : 1.
23 S-registers S1 (ring count; read only) This return s the current n umber of ring s for an incomin g data call when read. S2 (escape character; range = 0–255) This holds the ASCII value of the e scape character . If the S2 register is set to a value of 128 or greater , the n escape characte r action is disabl ed.
24 S-regi sters S8 (pause time for comma; range = 0–255) A comma in cluded in the diali ng sequence is interpre ted as a d elay . The de fault delay time is two seconds.
25 S-registers Dial mo difier Dial modifiers are special param eters used to tell the MCA how to dial the data number . Description Modifi er Digit for dialin g 0–9 Characters for di aling A B C D While d ialing, instru cts PBX to begin dial ing the dig its entere d to this point.
26 Introduction to Keypad dial ing Introduction to Keypad dialing Keypad dialing can be use d in both synchronous and asynchronous m ode. The MCA data p aramete r comman ds accessed through the Options Ke y , require a Display on the telep hone.
27 Introduction to Keypad dial ing Note 1: When you ha ve give n a Keypad comma nd to the MCA, i t remains in that m ode until you press the Options Key or Quit Key. Note 2: You cannot make an outgoing call while in an active MCA command. Note 3: You can recei ve calls whi le the MCA is performing an active command.
28 Introduction to Keypad dial ing RI NG AG AIN P LAC ED Ring Again is automatical ly plac ed. T o verif y tha t the call is conn ected after R ing Again i s pla ced: / 1. Press the Options Key . 2. Use the up and do wn Navigation Keys to scroll to MCA data para meters.
29 Introduction to Keypad dial ing 2. Use the u p and down Na vigation Keys to locate the MCA da ta parameters. 3. Press the Select Key . 4. Use the r ight an d left Navigatio n Keys to Scroll through the MCA data parameters s ublist. ‹· 5. Dial the number next to the data parameter you choose.
30 Introduction to Keypad dial ing T o en d MCA dat a session: / or 4. Press the Options Key to end the session. or Press the Quit Key to end session. Exampl e T o initiate a Manual Data Call: / 1. Press the Options Key . 2. Us e the Navigation Keys to scroll to and select MCA d ata parameters.
31 Introduction to Keypad dial ing Keypad diali ng comma nds MCA Command number MCA parameter Keypad dialing notes £ Manual Data Call Dial £ and the far end number of the data device . • Release Data Call Dial • . ‚fi Language S ele ction Listed as the fi rst item in the Options Menu.
32 Introduction to Keypad dial ing ‹fi Dynam ic Carrie r Detect O ff Dial ‹fi . This feature is included for those communication software packages that re quire a transition of Carr ier Detec t from low (0) to high (1) in orde r to activate Answer mode.
33 Introduction to Keypad dial ing fi‡ HDLC On Dial fi‡. fi° Assert RTS Off Dial fi°. When R TS i s ON th e MCA forces the R TS lead active and assumes the local DTE is always ready to tr ansmit or receive d ata. The re is no fl ow con trol.
34 Additional as ynchronous features Additional asynchronous features Autoba ud Autobaud is enab led each ti me y ou rel ease a data call. Each time you pre ss car riage return to a ctivate key board dia ling or the lette rs AT to activate A T dialing, the MCA times the length of bits received and sets the baud rate accordin gly .
35 Additional asy nchronous features CALL CONNECTED.SESSION STARTS Additional synchronous infor mation Use fifi and fi‡ (HDLC On) for Gr oup IV F AX. U se fifi and fifl (Bisync On) for video. When V .25 fifi ) is turned on, the MCA automatically switches to synchronous mode.
36 Additional as ynchronous features V oice call origination By using a special cable, the MCA can communi cate with two DTEs at the same time. The prima r y chan nel is the main c ommunic ation chan nel of fering MCA features. Th e second chan nel can r espond to V oice Call Origination commands (VCO) only .
37 Asynchronous troubleshooti ng Asynchronous troubleshooting If data is sent in idle mode (when there is no active call ), you can not use keypad dialing. Y ou must stop sending the data from the DTE. Y ou must disconne ct pin 22, if you are usin g an RS-232 cable to conn ect the MCA to an ADM3/5 ter minal.
38 Asynchronous t roublesh ooting 5. If you have a Display on yo ur telephone, dial fl‹ get into EIA Monitor mode. Check to see that the MCA is receiving signals from your terminal by watching the RXD indicator on the Display while entering carriage r eturns on the keyboar d.
39 Asynchronous troubleshooti ng MCA does n ot operate at all. 1. Check the LED in the back of the telephone to see if it is flashing. If the LED is steadily lit, the MCA need s to be configured in your system, or the MCA is not f unctioning cor rectly .
40 Synchronous troubleshooting Synchronous troubleshooting After the call is conn ected send th e data usin g bit er ror rate testers (BE RT ). If there is no transmission, or if there are excessive errors, the MCA is probably defective. Retu rn it fo r re pair .
41 Index A abort cu rrent com mand 9 access code 10 answer 18 AT dial ing 18 extensions to 20 AT/KBD autobaud interp retation 24 Auto Dial 9 autobaud 34 autoparity 34 B backspac e chara cter 23 baud r.
42 Index M Main me nu 7 manual an swer 15 menus (keyboard) 7 Modem Pooling 34 Modify menu 8 mute 20 N number of rings incoming 22 numer ic res ult 19 O off/forced dtr command 31 off/loopback command 3.
38 While you are aw ay from your desk: Call For ward.
Title to and ownership of Meridian SL-1 softw are shall at all times remain with Nortel Networks. Meridian SL-1 softw are shall not be sold outright and the use thereof by the customer shall be subject to the parties entering into softw are agreements as specified by Nortel Networks.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks M3905 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks M3905 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks M3905, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks M3905 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks M3905, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks M3905.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks M3905. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks M3905 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.