Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP du fabricant Nortel Networks
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LG-Nortel ELO GS8MP (LNGS8MP) Gigabit Ether net Switc h Installa tion Guide.
Installation G uide Web-Sma rt PoE Switch Laye r 2 Wor kgroup Switch with 7 10 /100/100 0BASE- T (RJ -45) Po rts and 1 G igabit Combin ation (RJ -45/SFP) Port.
LNGS 8MP Janu ary , 200 8 1500000 52200 A Issue 1.0.
LIMITED WARRANTY LG-NORTEL w arrants th e Produ cts, excludi ng consum able i tems to be free f rom defec tive design attributable t o LG-NORTEL, defective m aterial or faulty workmanship an d will conform to the Specifications for twelve (12) month s from the date of Custom er acceptance of the Prod uct.
i Compliance s and Safe ty Warnings FCC - Class A This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limits are des igned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interf eren ce when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
ii CE Mark Declaration of Conformance f or EMI and Safety (EEC) This information technology equipment compli es with the require ments of the Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the App roximation of t he.
iii W arnhi nweis: Fasero ptikansc hlüs se - Opti sche S icherheit Power Cor d Safety Please read th e following safet y information carefully before installing this switch: W arning: Installation and removal of the unit must be carried out by qual ified personnel only .
iv Important! Before making connec tions, make sure you have the c orrect cord s et. Check it (read the label on the cable) against the foll owing: Veuillez lire à fond l'information de la sécu.
v France et Pérou uniquement: Ce groupe ne peut pas être alimenté par un dispositif à impédance à la t erre. Si vos alimentations sont du t ype impédance à la terre, ce groupe doit être alime.
vi Warning s and Cautionary Messag es Warnings (in German) Stromkab el. Dies muss von d em Land, in dem es benu tzt wird geprü ft werden : Schweiz Dieser Str omstec ker mu ß die S EV/AS E 1011Be stimmu ngen einhalt en. Europe Das Netz kabel muß v om Ty p HO3VV F3GO .
vii Environ mental S tatement The manufacturer of this product endeavours to sus tain an environmentally-friendly policy throughout the entire production process. This is achieved through the following means: • Adherence to national legislation and regulations on environmental production standards.
ix Contents Chap ter 1: In tro duc tion 1-1 Overview 1-1 Switch Architec ture 1-2 Power-over-Ethe rnet Capabi lity 1-2 Network M anage ment Opt ions 1-2 Description of Hardware 1-3 10/100/10 00BASE-T .
x Contents Chapter 4: Ma king Network Connection s 4-1 Conne cting Netwo rk De vices 4-1 Twis ted-P air Devi ces 4-1 Pow er- over- Eth ernet Conn ect ion s 4-1 Cabling Guidel ines 4-2 Connectin g to P.
xi Tables Table 1- 1 Port Sta tus LEDs 1-4 Table 1- 2 Power St atus LED 1 -4 Table 4- 1 Maximum 1000 BASE-T Gigabit Eth ernet Cable Length 4-6 Table 4- 2 Maximum 1000 BASE-SX Fiber Op tic Cable L engt.
xii Figures Figur e 1- 1 Fro nt Pa nel 1-1 Figure 1 -2 Rear Panel 1-1 Figur e 1- 3 Por t and P owe r LE Ds 1-3 Figure 1 -4 Power Supply Socket 1-4 Figure 2 -1 PoE Connections 2-2 Figure 2 -2 Collapsed.
1-1 Chapter 1: Intr oduc tion Overview The LNG S8MP is an intelligent Layer 2 switc h with eight 10/100 /1000BASE-T ports, one of whi ch is a Gigabi t combina tion port * that is shar ed with an SFP transc eiver slot. The switch’s eigh t 10/100 /1000 Mbps por ts support the IE EE 802.
Introduction 1-2 1 Switch Architect ure The sw it ch empl oys a wi re- spee d, non-b lock ing sw it chin g fabr ic . Thi s permi t s simultaneou s wire -speed tran spor t of multip le packets at low lat ency on al l ports.
Descript ion of Hardware 1-3 1 Description of Hardware 10/100/1000BASE-T Port s The sw itch co ntains e ight R J-45 p orts that operate at 10 Mb ps or 10 0 M bps, half or full duplex , or at 1000 M bps, full dup lex.
Introduction 1-4 1 Power Supply Socket The po wer socke t is lo cat ed on t he rea r pa nel of the swi tch . The st andard po wer socket is for the AC power cord.
Features and Bene fits 1-5 1 Features and Benefits Connectivit y • 8 10/100/1000 Mbps por ts for eas y Giga bit Ethernet integrat ion and for protec tion of your inv estmen t in legacy LAN eq uipmen t.
Introduction 1-6 1.
2-1 Chapter 2 : Network P lanning Introduction to Switching A network switch a llows simult aneous tr ansmission of multip le pack ets via non-cro ssbar sw itchin g. This mea ns that it ca n partition a net work more efficientl y than bridg es or router s.
Network Planni ng 2-2 2 Application Examples The switch i s not only des igned to segment you r network , but also to pr ovide a w ide range of opt ions in set ting up netw ork conne ctions .
Application Examp les 2-3 2 access po ints are receivin g PoE pow er from the switch. Figure 2- 2 Coll apsed Backb one Meeting Room With eight 1000 Mbps parall el bridging po rts (i.e., eigh t distinct co llision doma ins), this switch can function as an efficient bridged node that is ideal for a meeting room environm ent.
Network Planni ng 2-4 2 Making VLAN Connecti ons The switch su pports VLAN s that can be used to or ganize an y group of network node s in to sep ar ate br oadc ast doma ins. VLAN s conf ine br oadc ast traf fic to the ori gin atin g gr oup , an d ca n el imi nat e br oadc ast stor ms in l arg e net wor ks.
App lic ati on N ot es 2-5 2 Application Notes 1. Ful l- dupl ex ope rati on onl y ap pli es to po int -to -poi nt ac ces s (suc h as wh en a switch is attac hed to a wo rkstation, se rver o r anot her swi tch). When the s witc h is conne cted to a hub, both device s mus t operate i n half-dup lex mode.
Network Planni ng 2-6 2.
3-1 Chapter 3 : Insta lling the Switch Selecting a Site switch units can be mou nted in a stan dard 19- inch equipm ent ra ck or on a flat surfac e. Be sure to f ollow the gu idelines below w hen choo sing a location. • The s ite should: • be at the cente r of all the devic es you wan t to link an d near a pow er outlet.
Installing th e Switch 3-2 3 Figur e 3-1 RJ- 45 Con nectio ns Equipment Checklist After unpacking the switch unit , check the co ntents to be sure you have received al l the co mponen ts. Then , befo re beg inning t he ins tallation, b e su re you have all ot her necessa ry ins tallation equipmen t.
Mounting 3-3 3 Rack Mounting Before rack mountin g the swit ch, pay particular at tention to t he followi ng factors : • Tempe ratur e: Since the temper ature with in a rack asse mbly m ay be high e.
Installing th e Switch 3-4 3 2. M ount the device in th e rack, usin g four rack- mount ing screw s (not prov ided). Figure 3- 3 Insta lling t he Sw itch in a R ack 3. If i nstalling a singl e switch onl y , turn t o “Conn ecting to a Po wer Sourc e” at the end of this c hapt er .
Installing an Opti onal SFP Transceiver 3-5 3 2. Set the device on a flat surfac e near an AC power source, ma king sur e there are at least t wo inches o f space on all si des for prop er air flow. 3. If i nstalling a singl e switch only , go to “Conne cting to a Po wer Source ” at the end of this c hapt er .
Installing th e Switch 3-6 3 Connecting to a Power S ource T o c onnec t a de vice t o a powe r sour ce: 1. In sert the po wer cabl e plug dir ectly int o the socke t located at the back of the device. Figure 3-6 Po wer S ocket 2. Pl ug the other end of the c able into a grou nded, th ree-pin, AC power sour ce.
4-1 Chapter 4: Maki ng Networ k Conne ctions Connecting Network Devi ces The sw it ch uni ts ar e des ign ed to inte rcon nect mult ipl e segme nt s (or coll isi on domai ns). It can b e connect ed to netw ork ca rds in PCs an d serve rs, as well as to hubs, swi tches or routers.
Making Network Connections 4-2 4 Cabling Guide lines The RJ-45 por ts on the switch su pport autom atic MDI/M DI-X pinou t configur ation, so you can use standard st raight-th rough twi sted-pair cabl es to conn ect to an y other network device (P Cs, serve rs, switc hes, router s, or hub s).
T wisted-Pair Devices 4-3 4 Network Wiring Connecti ons T oday , the punch- down block is an integr al part of many of t he newer equipmen t racks. It is ac tually part o f the patch panel. I nstruction s for m aking conne ctions in the wiring clos et with this t ype of equipment follows.
Making Network Connections 4-4 4 Fiber Optic SFP Device s An optional Gigabit SFP transceiver (1000B ASE-SX, 1000B ASE-LX or 1000B ASE-LH) can be us ed for a backb one con nection betwe en switches , or for connect ing to a high -speed se rver .
Fiber Optic SFP Devices 4-5 4 3. C onnect one e nd of th e cable to the LC p ort on the sw itch and the ot her en d to the LC port on t he other de vice. Sinc e LC conne ctors are ke yed, the cable can be attached in only one ori entation. Figure 4 -3 Ma king Co nnect ions to SFP Tran sceiv ers 4.
Making Network Connections 4-6 4 Connectivity Rules When add ing hu bs (repea ters) to yo ur networ k, plea se follow th e conne ctivity ru les listed in the ma nuals f or these prod ucts.
Connectivity Ru les 4-7 4 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Collision Domain 10 Mbps Ethernet Collisi on Domain Table 4- 5 Max imum F ast Et hernet Cable Le ngth T ype Cable T ype Maxi mum Cab le L eng th Connec.
Making Network Connections 4-8 4 Cable Labeling and Connection Records When pl anning a ne twork install ation, it is ess ential to label the oppos ing ends of cables and to r ecord where ea ch cable is connecte d.
A-1 Appendix A: Tr oubleshoo ting Diagnosing Switch Indic ators Power and Cooling Probl ems If the power indicato r does not turn on when the powe r cord is plugg ed in, you may have a prob lem with the powe r outlet, powe r cord, or internal po wer suppl y .
T roubleshooti ng A-2 A Installation V erify that all syst em com ponents hav e been prop erly installed. If one or mo re compon ents appe ar to be malfunc tioning (such as the pow er co rd or netw ork cabling) , test them in an alt ernate envi ronmen t where you ar e sure that all the oth er compon ents are functi oning properly .
B-1 Appendix B: Cables Twisted-Pair Cable and Pin Assignments For 10BASE-T/10 0BASE-TX co nnections , a t wisted-pair cable m ust have two pairs of wires. For 100 0BASE-T conn ection s the twisted- pair cable must ha ve four pairs of wires. Each wire pair is ident ified by two different color s.
Cables B-2 B Table B- 1 10/100BAS E-TX MD I-X and MDI Port Pinouts Straight- Through Wiring If the twist ed-pair cable is to join two ports and on ly one of the ports has an int ernal crossov er (MDI-X ), the tw o pairs of wires m ust be strai ght-thr ough.
T wisted-Pair Cable and Pi n Assignments B-3 B any RJ-45 port on the swi tch, you c an use either straight -through or cross over cable to connect to any devic e type.) Y o u must c onnect all four wire pairs as shown in th e following di agram to suppor t Gigabit Et hernet conn ection s.
Cables B-4 B Cable Testi ng for Exi sting Category 5 Cable Installed C atego ry 5 c abling must pass t ests for Attenua tion, Ne ar-End Cros stalk (NEXT), and Far- End Cross talk (FEX T). This cabl e testin g informat ion is sp ecified in the ANSI/TIA/EIA-TSB-67 st andard.
C-1 Appendix C: Spe cifica tions Physical Characteristi cs Port s 8 10/100/1000 BASE-T , wit h auto-nego tiation 1 SFP transce iver s lot. Networ k Interfac e Ports 1-8: RJ- 45 connect or , auto MDI/X.
Specifications C-2 C AC Input 100 to 240 V , 50-60 Hz, 1.5 A Power-over-Ethe rnet Input vol tage: 48 V DC Maximum output p ower 70 W : 15. 4 W f or any four ports s imultaneous ly port 1 can prov ide .
Standards C-3 C Standards IEEE 802.3- 2005 Ethernet , Fast E thernet, Gigabi t Ether net IEEE 802.3af Power-o ver-Ether net IEEE 802.1D S panning Tree Protocol IEEE D802.
Specifications C-4 C.
Glos sary -1 Glossary 10BASE-T IEEE 802. 3 specificat ion for 10 M bps Ethernet o ver two pairs of C ategory 3 or be tter UTP cable. 100BASE-TX IEEE 802.3u s pecifica tion for 100 M bps Fast Ethe rnet over two pairs of Categor y 5 or be tter UTP ca ble.
Glossary Glossar y-2 CSMA/CD CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Mul tiple Access/Collis ion Detect) is the communication method em ployed by Ethern et, Fast Ether net, or Giga bit Ethernet . End Station A workstation, server , or other devi ce that doe s not forw ard traffic.
Glos sary -3 Glossary IEEE 802.3x Defines Ethernet fra me start and st op reque sts and time rs used for flo w control on full-dupl ex links . (Now inc orporated in I EEE 8 02.3-2 005.) IEEE 802.3z Defines CSMA/CD access m ethod an d physica l layer spe cificatio ns for 1000BA SE Gigabit Ethernet.
Glossary Glossar y-4 Redundant Po wer Supply (RPS) A backup power supply unit that autom atically takes over in case the pr imary po wer supply s hould fa il. RJ-45 Connec tor A connector for twist ed-pai r wiring. Switched Ports Ports that are on s eparate coll ision dom ains or LA N segments.
Index-1 Numerics 10 Mbps co nnect ivity rule s 4-7 100 Mbps connec tivity rules 4-7 1000 Mbp s conne ctivity ru les 4- 6 1000BASE- LH fiber cable lengths 4-6 1000BASE- LX fiber cable length s 4-6 1000.
Index Index-2 M manage ment agent 1-2 features 1-5, C -2 SNMP 1-2 moun ti ng t he s witc h in a rack 3 -3 on a deskt op or shelf 3 -4 N network conne ctions 4-1 examples 2- 2 P package c onten ts 3-2 .
JAN/2008/ISSUE 1.0.
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Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks LKG-Nortel ELO GS8MP ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.