Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 2000 du fabricant Nortel Networks
Aller à la page of 405
Part No. 208 700-B Septembe r 2001 4401 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 V ersion 1.2.
2 208700-B Copyright © 2001 Nortel Networks All rights rese rved. Print ed in the USA. September 2001. The informati on in this documen t is subject to ch ange withou t notice.
3 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Achtung: Dieses ist ei n Gerät der Fu nkstörgren zwertkla sse A. In W ohn bereic hen könne n bei Betri eb d ieses Gerätes Rundfunk störu ng en auftre ten, in welche n F ällen de r Benutze r für ent spreche nde Gege nmaßnahme n verantwortlic h ist.
4 208700-B Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique du ministère des Communications Cet appare il num é rique (B usiness Policy Switc h 2000) respecte les limites de bru its radio é lectriques.
5 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Nortel Networks NA Inc. Software License Agreement NOTICE: Please ca re ful ly read this lice nse agreement be fore copyin g or u sing the acco mpanyin g soft wa re or installing the hardware unit with pr e-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “ Software ” in this Agreement).
7 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Contents Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Contents 208700-B Sample A SCII configu ration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 IP manage r list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Policy- enabled n etworks with QoS metering .
Contents 9 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Chapter 2 Netw ork c onf igura tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 Compatibi lity with Ba yStack 450 switches . . . . . . . . .
10 Contents 208700-B Before you configure t runks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2 MultiLin k T runking configuration rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 How the Mul tiLink Trunk reacts to losing d istributed trunk memb ers .
Contents 11 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 VLAN Por t Configurat ion scree n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 VLAN Dis play by Po rt screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Contents 208700-B Chapter 4 Poli cy-en abled net work s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 13 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 V er ifying DSCP ma pping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Assignin g 802.1p us er priority mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Contents 208700-B Compatibl e software v ersions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3 Using ca scade m odules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Using the console in terface .
Contents 15 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Appendix F Defau lt S ettin gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 87 Appendix G Sampl e Bo otP C onfig urat ion Fi le . . . .
16 Contents 208700-B.
Figures 17 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Figur es Figure 1 Business Policy S witch 200 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Figure 2 Business Policy S witch 200 0 front panel . . . . . . . .
18 Figures 208700-B Figure 33 VLAN Por t Configurat ion scree n example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0 Figure 34 VLAN con figurati on spanning multiple switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Figure 35 IP Multicas t propagati on with IG MP routing .
Figures 19 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Figure 68 MAC Addres s Configu ration fo r MAC-SA Based VL AN screen . . . . . . . 196 Figure 69 VLAN Por t Configurat ion scree n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 Figures 208700-B Figure 10 3 Interfac e Configurati on page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 Figure 10 4 Interface G roup Ass ignment pa ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Figure 10 5 IP Classif ication page (1 of 2) .
Figures 21 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Figure 13 8 Installing a GBIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Figure 13 9 Removing a GBIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22 Figures 208700-B.
23 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 Ta b l e s T a ble 1 Business Policy S witch 200 0 front-pane l descr iption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 T a ble 2 Business Policy S witch 200 0 LED descrip tions . . . . . . . . . . . .
24 Tables 208700-B T a ble 30 High Spee d Flow Control Configura tion Screen Fi elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5 T a ble 31 MultiLin k T runk Confi guratio n Menu scre en options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 T a ble 32 MultiLin k T runk Confi guration s creen fiel ds .
Tables 25 Using th e Busine ss Poli cy Swit ch 2000 V ersio n 1.2 T a ble 65 Interface op tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 T a ble 66 MDA model s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26 Tables 208700-B.
27 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Preface This guid e descr ibes t he Norte l Networ ks* Busi ness Pol icy Swit ch 2000 * feat ure s and uses. The term s “ Business Pol icy Switch 2000 , ” “ Bus iness Polic y Swit ch, ” and “ BPS 2000 ” are used synonymously in this d ocument.
28 Preface 208700-B Before you be gin This guide is inte nded for ne twor k man a ger s a nd ad mini strato rs wi th the followi ng backgrou nd: • Basic kno wledge of ne tworks, Ethe rnet bri dging,.
Pref ace 29 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 • Using W eb-based Manageme nt for the Bus iness Poli cy Switch 2000 Softwar e Ve r s i o n 1 . 2 (part number 209570- B) Describe s how to use the W eb-based manage ment tool to c onfigure switch featur es.
30 Preface 208700-B • Refer ence Note: Gi gabit Etherne t Physica l Layer Consi deratio ns (pa rt number 20154 0-B) Provides informat ion abou t gigabit t ransmissi on over fi ber optic cable and mode condit ioning. • Release Notes fo r Opt i vit y Qu ick 2Config fo r t he Busines s Policy Swi tc h 20 00 2.
Pref ace 31 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 If you purcha sed a Nortel Networ ks service progr am, contact one of the following Nortel Networks T echni cal Solution s Centers: An Express Ro uting Code ( ERC) i s av ail able for many Nor te l Ne twor ks p rod uct s and serv ices.
32 Preface 208700-B.
33 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Chapter 1 The Business Policy Switch 2000 This chap ter int roduces th e Busine ss Policy Switch 2000 and covers the foll owing topics: • “ Gen eral d e scri p tion , ” next • “ Stacking c ompatibil ity ” on pa ge 33 • “ Software ve rsion 1.
34 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 • Hybrid — Th is stack has a combina tion of BPS 2 000 switche s and BayStack* 450 and/o r BayStack 4 10 switches . It is someti mes referre d to as a mi xed stack. Th e stack ope rational mode for thi s type of s tack is Hybri d Mode.
35 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Software version 1.2 compatibility with BayStack 450 switches The BPS 2000 s oftware ve rsion 1.2 is c ompatible with BayStac k 450 software version 4.1. When you are using a lo cal consol e to access the BPS 2000 so ftware ve rsion 1.
36 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Physical description Figure 1 depicts the front and side views of the Busi ness Poli cy Switch. Figure 1 Busine ss Poli cy Switch 2000 Front panel Figure 2 s hows the front-pa nel configura tion for the Busi ness Policy Switch 2 000.
37 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Figure 2 Busine ss Poli cy Switch 2000 front panel Console port The consol e port al lows you to access t he console interfa ce (CI) sc reens and customiz e your netwo rk using t he suppli ed menus and s creens (s ee Chapter 3) .
38 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 The consol e port def ault set tings are : 9600 baud with 8 data bits , 1 stop bit , and no parity as the com municati ons format , with flow cont rol set t o enabled .
39 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 See Appendi xes for mor e informat ion about the RJ-45 po rt connec tors. LED display panel Figure 3 shows the Bus iness Poli cy Switch L ED display pa nel. See Ta b l e 2 for a descri ption of t he LEDs.
40 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 RPSU RPSU stat us Green On Th e switch is connected to the RPSU an d can receiv e power if needed. Off Th e switch is not connecte d to the RPSU or RPSU is not supply ing pow er . Cas Up Stack mo de Off The switch is in sta ndalo ne mode.
41 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Base Base mo de Green On Th e switch i s config ured as th e stack base unit . Off The switch is not con figured as the stack base unit (or is in stan dalone mo de). Blinking Stack c onfigurati on error: ind icates th at multip le base unit s or no base u nits are c onfigured in the stack.
42 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Link Link s tatus Green On V alid comm unication s link e stablish ed. Of f The commun ications lin k connec tio n is bad or the re is no connec tion to this p ort. Blinking The c orrespond ing port is manage ment disa bled.
43 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Back panel The switc h back panel i s shown in Figur e 4 . Figure 4 Busine ss Poli cy Switch 2000 back panel Cascade Module slot The Cascad e Module slot allows you to attach a n optional BayStack 40 0-ST1 Cascade M odule to t he switch (see “ Stack c onfigura tions ” on page 98 ).
44 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Figure 5 Removi ng the casca de module filler panel Cooling fans Three coo ling fans are locate d on one side of the Bus iness Poli cy Switch to provide cooling f or the inter nal componen ts. (See Fi gur e 1 on page 36 .
45 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Ta b l e 4 Internat ion al power co rd specifi ca tio ns Country/Plug de scription Specificatio ns T ypical plug Contin ent al Europ e: • CEE7.
46 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Redundant power supply unit (RPSU) and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) The redund ant power s upply connecto r allows y ou to connect a backup power supply un it to the Business P olicy Swit ch.
47 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Features The Busine ss Policy Switch 2000 p rovides wi re-speed switching that allows high-pe rformance, low-cost c onnection s to full-du plex a nd half-du plex 10/100/1 000 Mb/s Ether net local a rea networks ( LANs).
48 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 — “ SNMP MIB support ” on p age 81 — “ SNMP trap suppor t ” on page 83 CLI management system W it h software ver sion 1.2, t he BPS 2000 of fers a Comman d Line Inte rface (CLI ) management s ystem.
49 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Refe r to “ V irtual Local Area Ne tworks (VLANs ) ” on page 63 for a more complete descri ption of VLANs. For informati on on confi gurin g VLANs, ref er to Chapters 2 and 3, Using W eb-based Manage ment for t he Business Policy Swi tch 2000 Soft war e V ersion 1.
50 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 The STG, or br idge group , forms a lo op-free topo logy th at includes one or more virtua l LANs (VLANs). W ith softwa re version 1.2 , the BPS 2 000 supports mult iple in s tance s (8) of STGs running simul taneously .
51 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 STG configuration guidelines This sec tion provi des import ant info rmation on c onfiguri ng STGs: • An STG must be create d in the foll owin.
52 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 • Because s ome STP-compliant devices do not suppor t tagging, you can configur e whether to send ta gged or untagge d BPDUs, even fr om tagged ports, wi th the BPS 20 00 with softwar e versio n 1.
53 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Spanning T ree Fast Learning Spanning T ree Fast Lear ning is an enh anced port mode supported b y the BPS 2000.
54 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Use a te xt edi tor t o edi t th e ASCI I conf igura tion; the command fo rmat i s the same as tha t of t h e CLI .
55 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create vlan portbased vlan create 100 name vlan100 type port ! ! add Mlts created .
56 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 speed auto duplex auto ! ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! SNMP configuration ! ------------------------------------------------------- snmp host 192.
57 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Y ou must change the T elnet ac cess fie ld through direct ac cess to t he interf ace; you cannot c hange the T elnet acces s field t hrough T elne t. Y ou must se t the T elne t featur e after the firs t power -up.
58 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 The BayStac k 450-1GBIC MDA suppo rts the f ollowing GBICs: • 1000BASE-SX — Thi s GBIC uses sho rtwave 8 50 nm fiber opti c connector s to connect devices ov er multimode (550 m or 1,80 5 ft) fi ber optic cable.
59 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Automatic P VID W ith soft ware version 1.1, the BPS 2000 pr ovides the Automati c PVID feature for configu ring virt ual local a rea networ ks (VLANs). Refe r to “ V irtual Local Area Ne tworks (VLANs ) ” on page 63 for more c omp le te infor mati on on V L ANs.
60 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Figure 6 VLAN br oadcas t domains wit hin the switch In Figure 6 the por ts have th e following PVI D/VLAN associa tions: • Ports 8, 6, and 1 1 ar e untagged members of VLAN 1. The PVID/VLAN ass ociatio n for port s 6 and 1 1 is: PVID = 1.
61 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Refe r to Cha pter 3 for inf orma t ion on conf iguri ng Auto mati c PVID usin g the Cons ole In terf a ce (C I) men us. Re fer t o Using W eb-based Manageme nt for th e Business Polic y Swit ch 2000 Softwar e V ersion 1.
62 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 BootP menu item for a stack of only BPS 2000 switches In a stac k consisti ng only of BPS 200 0 switches, you can perfo rm BootP using t he MAC addres s of the base unit.
63 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Refe r to Chapter 4, “ Chapter 4, “ Policy-enab led networ ks . ” For inf ormation o n configur ing QoS us ing th e Cons ole In terfa ce (CI ) men us, refe r to Chapte r 3 .
64 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 In sof twar e vers ion 1. 1, aut omat ic PV ID au to mati cally sets th e PV ID wh e n you conf ig ure a po rt-based VLAN. The PVID value wi ll be the sa me value as VLAN. The user c an also manu ally chan ge the PVID value .
65 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 OR • Independ ent VLAN Learni ng (IVL) mode — Each VLAN use s a unique forwardi ng dat aba se. The IVL mode is onl y an option when using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2000; you must use t he SVL mode when op erating a hybr id stack.
66 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 If you ar e working with more tha n 64 VLANs in a Pu re BPS 2000 Sta ck and you change t o a Hybrid Stack , you lose all VLANs. Howev er , if you h ave up to 64 VLANs in the Pure BPS 2000 St ack and you c hange to a Hybri d Stack, yo u will retain all th e VLA Ns.
67 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 • EAPOL-based s ecurity — allows th e exc hang e of au then ticati on inf orma tion between a ny end stat ion or se rver conne cted to the s.
68 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Figure 7 Busine ss Poli cy Switch 2 000 secu rity fea ture In this configur ation exa mple, the fo llowing se curity mea sures are i mplemented:.
69 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 — MAC addres s-based s ecurity is used to allow up to 448 authoriz ed stati ons (MAC addres ses) acce ss to one o r more switch po rts (see “ MAC address- based secu rity ” on page 70 ).
70 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 RADIUS-based network se c urity The RADIUS-bas ed securi ty featu re allows you to set up ne twork acce ss contro l, using th e Remote Au thenticati on Dial-I n User Service s (RADIUS) security protoco l.
71 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 • Specify option al actio ns to be exerc ised by your swi tch i f the s oftwar e dete cts a securi ty viola tion. The resp onse can be to sen d a trap , t urn on de sti na ti on address ( DA) filter ing , disable the speci fic port , or any co mbinati on of these t hree op tions.
72 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 The foll owing example illust rates how t he BPS 2000, co nfigured with the EAPOL-based s ecurity feature, reacts t o a new networ k connection : • The switc h detects a new connec tion on one of its po rts.
73 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 The A u then ticato r de te rmin es the contr olled port ’ s operat ional stat e. After the RADIUS server no ti f ies the Auth enticato r P AE about the suc cess or fai l ure of the authent ication, it change s the cont rolled po rt ’ s operational state a ccordingly .
74 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 When the EAPOL-based se curity is d isabled o n a port th at was previo usly autho rized , the port ’ s VLAN config uration v alues are restore d direct ly from the switc h ’ s non-volatile random acce ss memory (NVRAM) .
75 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 — Attribu te V alue: value 0 (zero) to 7 (thi s value is used to i ndicate the port priori ty value a ssigned t o the spec ified us er) System.
76 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 • Y ou cannot configur e EAPOL-based secu rity on por ts that are current ly configur ed for: — Shared se gments — MultiLink T runking —.
77 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Configuration parameters storage All conf iguration pa ramete rs are stor ed in fla sh memory . These par ameters are updated e very 10 se conds (if a change occur s) or whene ver a rese t command is execu ted.
78 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 For info rmation on c onfiguri ng MultiLin k T runks us ing the CI me nus, refer to Chapter 3 . T o confi gure this feature using the W eb-based man agement sys tem, refer to Using W eb-based Manage ment for th e Business Pol icy Switch 200 0 Softwar e V ersion 1.
Chapte r 1 The Bu siness Policy Swit ch 2000 79 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 • The term autonegoti ation ref ers to a stand ardized pr otocol (IE EE 802.3u) th at exists bet ween tw o I EEE 80 2.3u- cap able devi ce s. Aut onegotia ti on a llows the switch t o select the best of b oth spe ed and duplex mode s.
80 Chapter 1 The Busin ess Policy Switch 2000 208700-B For info rmation on a stack M AC address, se e Chapter 2. For more i nformatio n and an exampl e of a Boot P configurat ion file , see Appendixes .
Chapte r 1 The Bu siness Policy Swit ch 2000 81 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 W ith s o ftwar e vers ion 1. 2 and h ighe r , the CL I is us ed to a utom a te ge n eral management a nd configu ration of t he BPS 2000. Use t he CLI thro ugh a T elnet connecti on or thro ugh the ser ial port on the cons ole.
82 Chapter 1 The Busin ess Policy Switch 2000 208700-B to deta iled manage ment statist ics. W ith SNMP management, you ca n configur e SNMP traps (on indivi dual por ts) t o gen erate automat icall y for co nditi ons such as an unauth orized ac cess att empt or chan ges in a po rt ’ s operating st atus.
Chapte r 1 The Bu siness Policy Swit ch 2000 83 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 SNMP trap support The Busine ss Policy Switch suppo rts an SNMP agent with industry-stan dard SNMPv1 traps, as well as private SNMPv1 trap ext ensions ( Ta b l e 6 ).
84 Chapter 1 The Busin ess Policy Switch 2000 208700-B Standard s The foll owing IEEE Sta ndards con tain inf ormation german e to the Bus iness Policy Swi tch 2000: • IEEE 802.1D ( Standard for Spanning T ree Protocol) • IEEE 802.3 ( Ethernet) • IEEE 802.
Chapte r 1 The Bu siness Policy Swit ch 2000 85 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2.
86 Chapter 1 The Busin ess Policy Switch 2000 208700-B.
87 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Chapter 2 Network configuration Use Busine ss Policy Switches to connect workstat ions, per sonal comput ers (PCs) , and serv ers to ea ch other.
88 Chapter 2 Network c onfigur ation 208700-B T o find out which ve rsion of t he BPS 2000 so ftware is ru nning, use t he console interf ace (CI) menus or the W eb-bas ed management system: • CI menus — Fr om the main menu of the consol e, choose Sy stems Characte ristic s menu.
Chapter 2 Network conf iguratio n 89 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Desktop switch application Figure 8 shows a Busine ss Policy Switch used a s a de sktop switch , wher e des ktop workstat ions are connected directly t o switch ports .
90 Chapter 2 Network c onfigur ation 208700-B Figure 9 Busin ess Policy Switch used as a segmen t switch Server Up to 88 users To Network Center Key 10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 200 Mb/s Business Policy Switch 20.
Chapter 2 Network conf iguratio n 91 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 High-density switched workgroup appli cation Figure 10 shows an exampl e of usi ng a Busi ness Polic y Swit ch wi th a hi gh-speed (giga bit) c onne ction to a No rtel N etwo r ks Pa ssp or t ™ 1 100 swit ch.
92 Chapter 2 Network c onfigur ation 208700-B Figure 10 Configu ring powe r workgroups and a sh ared medi a hub Fail-safe stack applicati on Figure 1 1 shows an exampl e of eight Business Po licy Swit ches that ar e stacked togethe r as a si ngle managed uni t.
Chapter 2 Network conf iguratio n 93 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 1 1 F ail-safe s tack exam ple Business Policy Switch stack operation BPS 2000 sw itches configu red with Bus iness Policy Switch sof tware versio n 1.0 provide fail-sa fe stackabi lity when you instal l the optio nal BayStac k 400-ST1 Cascade Modu le.
94 Chapter 2 Network c onfigur ation 208700-B • “ Stack c onfiguratio ns ” on page 98 • “ Redundant cascade s tacking fea ture ” on page 102 BayStack 400- ST1 Cascade Module The front -panel compone nts of the BaySt ack 400-ST1 Casc ade Module ar e shown in Figure 12 .
Chapter 2 Network conf iguratio n 95 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Unit Select sw itch The U n it Sel ect s w itch ( up = B ase) d eterm ines the base unit for the stac k configu ration ( see “ Base un it ” ). The Unit Select sw itch status is displaye d on the Business Policy Switch LED display p anel.
96 Chapter 2 Network c onfigur ation 208700-B Base unit The base u nit is t he unique s tack unit that you c onfigure with the Uni t Select switch on the fron t panel of th e BaySta ck 400-ST1 Cas cade Module.
Chapter 2 Network conf iguratio n 97 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Stack M AC address When the s witch is partici pating i n a stack c onfigurat ion, a s tack MAC address is auto maticall y assigned during th e stack in itiali zation.
98 Chapter 2 Network c onfigur ation 208700-B Removing a unit from the stack If a un it is re move d fro m the stack (there fore o pera ting in stan dalon e mo de), t he followi ng switch c onfigurat .
Chapter 2 Network conf iguratio n 99 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 14 Stack up confi guration example Ta b l e 7 describe s the sta ck up confi guration il lustrat ion refe rences.
100 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Stack down configurations In Figure 15 , data flo ws from the base unit (uni t 1) to the next switc h, which is assigne d as unit 2 , and conti nues unti l the last s witch in t he stack is assign ed as unit 8.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 101 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 8 describe s the sta ck down confi guration illustr ation r eferences .
102 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Redundant cascade stacking feature Business Policy Switche s allow you to connect up to 8 uni ts into a redundant cascade stack. If any sin gle unit f ails or i f a cable i s accide ntly disc onnected, ot her units i n the sta ck remain opera tional, wi thout in terruption.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 103 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 16 Redunda nt casca de stackin g feature Ta b l e 9 describe s the redu ndant casc ade stack ing illus tratio n refere nces.
104 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B IEEE 802.1Q VLAN workgroups Business Policy Switches suppor t up to 64 VLANs (maximum of 4 8 MAC source address -based VLANs) wit h IEEE 802.1Q ta gging avai lable per port. W ith softwar e version 1.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 105 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 17 Port -based VLAN e xampl e IEEE 802.1Q tagging Business Policy Switche s operat e in accordanc e with the IEEE 802.1Q ta gging rules. I mportant t erms used wi th the 802 .
106 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B • Untagged fr ame — a frame that does no t carry any VLAN taggi ng information in the fram e head er . • VLAN port member s — a set o f ports t hat form a bro adcast domai n for a specif ic VLAN.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 107 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 18 Default VLA N sett ing s When you conf igure VLANs, you configur e the swit ch ports a s tagged or untag ged members of spe cific VLANs (se e Figure 19 th rough Figure 24 ).
108 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 19 Port- based V LAN assi gnment As shown in Figure 20 , the u ntagged pa cket is mar ked (tagg ed) as it le aves the switch t hrough port 5, which is co nfigured a s a tagged member of VLAN 2.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 109 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 21 Polic y-based V LAN assig nment As shown in Figure 22 , the u ntagged pa cket is mar ked (tagg ed) as it le aves the switch t hrough port 5, which is co nfigured a s a tagged member of VLAN 3.
110 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B In Figure 23 , tagged in coming pa ckets are as signed dir ectly to VLAN 2 be cause of the tag as sig nm ent i n the p acke t. Po rt 5 is c onf ig ure d as a tagged memb er of VLAN 2, and port 7 is configu red as an u ntagged member of VLAN 2.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 111 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 As shown in Figure 24 , the t agged pack et remains unchanged a s it lea ves the switch t hrough port 5, which is co nfigured a s a tagged member of VLAN 2.
112 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B VLANs spa nning multiple 802.1Q t agged switc hes Figure 25 shows VLANs spann ing two Busi ness Policy Swi tches. The 802.1 Q tagging is enab led on S1 , por t 2 and on S2, port 1 for VLAN 1 a nd VLAN 2.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 113 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Refe r to Cha pter 1 fo r addi tiona l gui de lin es on con figur ing VL ANs an d span nin g tree groups .
114 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 27 Poss ible pr oblems with V LANs and Spanning T ree Pro tocol As shown in Figure 27 , with STP enabled, o nly one conn ection be tween Switch S1 and Swit ch S2 is fo rwarding at any time.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 115 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 28 Multip le VL ANs shari ng resou rces In the a bove confi guration, all of the s witch p orts are set to part icipate as VLAN port member s.
116 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 29 VLAN b roadcast do mains wi thin the switc h For exampl e, to crea te a broad cast domain for each VLAN shown in Figur e 29 , configu re ea.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 117 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T o confi gure the VLAN port membership f or VLAN 1: 1 Select Switch Confi guration from the Busine ss Policy Switch Main M enu (or press w). 2 From the Swi tch Config uration Menu, se lect VLAN Co nfiguration (or pre ss v).
118 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Ports 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 1 1 are now untag ged member s of VLAN 3 as shown i n Figure 29 on pag e 116 .
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 119 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 32 Default VLAN Por t Configurati on screen example Figure 33 shows the VLAN Por t Configurat ion scre en after it is confi gured to support the PVID ass ignment for por t 8, as sho wn in Figu re 29 (Port Name is optiona l).
120 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 33 VLAN P ort Confi guration sc reen examp le VLAN workgroup su mm ary This sec tion summari zes the VLAN workgr oup examples di scussed in the previou s section s of this chapter .
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 121 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 34 VLAN configu ration s panning m ultiple s witches Business P olicy Switch 2000 Business P olicy Switch 2000 Untagged por ts (STP disabled) Both por ts are tagged members of VLAN 1 and VLAN 2 Non-802.
122 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B VLAN conf igu ration rule s VLANs opera te a ccor ding to s pecif ic c onfigu ratio n rul es. When c reat ing VLANs, cons ider th e foll owin g rule .
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 123 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Multicas t stream fr om ex it ing any ot her por t th at does no t c onne ct to ano ther h ost member , thus conservin g bandwidth.
124 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 35 IP Mul ticast pro pagatio n with IGM P routing The Busines s Policy Swit ch can auto ma ti ca ll y set up IP Mu lt ic ast fi lters so the IP Multicas t traf fic is only di rected t o the partic ipating e nd nodes (s ee Figure 36 ).
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 125 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 One clie nt, connect ed to S2, re sponds wit h a host member ship report . Switch S2 inter cepts the re port fr om th at po rt, an d gener ates a proxy report to its u pstream neighbor , S1.
126 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B After t he switche s learn whi ch ports are reque sting acc ess to th e IP Mult icast stream, a ll other port s not respondi ng to the queri es are blo cked from receivi ng the IP Mult icast ( Figu re 37 ).
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 127 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 IGMP snoopin g configuration rules The IGMP snoopi ng featu re operat es accord ing to spec ific con figuration rules.
128 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B IEEE 802.1p pr iori tiz ing For mor e informat ion on pri oritizi ng traf fic, refer t o Chapter 4, “ Po licy-e nabl ed networks . ” Y ou can use the VLAN Config uration s creens t o prioriti ze the ord er in which the switc h forw ard s pack ets, o n a pe r -p ort ba sis.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 129 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MultiLink T runks MultiLin k T runks al low you to group up to four switch ports together to form a link to a.
130 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 39 Switc h- to- sw itc h tru nk co nfi gurati on ex amp le Y ou can con figure ea ch of the trunks sho wn in Figure 39 wi th up to four switch ports t o provide u p to 800 Mb/s aggregate ban dwidth thr ough each t runk, in full- duplex mode.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 131 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 40 Switc h- to- se rver trunk co nfi gur ati on ex amp le Client/server co nfiguration using M ultiLink T r unks Figure 41 shows an exa mple of how Mult iLink T r unking can be use d in a client /server con figurati on.
132 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 41 Client/ server c onfigura tion exam ple For deta iled inf ormation a bout configur ing trunks , see Chapt er 3.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 133 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ensure t hat the ch osen switch por ts are s et to Enabl ed, using e ither the Po rt Configur ation scr een (see Chapter 3) or othe r net work management system.
134 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B • When you set any trunk member to Disabled (not active) through t he Port Configur ation scr een or throug h network mana gement, the trunk member is removed fr om the trunk.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 135 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 42 Loss of dis tribu ted tru nk membe rs However , until you corr ect t he caus e o f the fail ure or .
136 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B LAN speed, in Mb/s). Ano ther three- port trunk ( T2) is con figured with an aggregat e bandwidth of 210 Mb/s, wit h a comparable Pa th Cost of 4.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 137 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 44 Examp le 1: cor rectly c onfigure d trunk If Sw itch S 2 ’ s trunk member p ort 1 1 is physically.
138 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B Figure 45 Examp le 2: detec ting a mi sconfig ured por t Additional tips abou t the MultiLink T r unking feature When you cre ate a MultiLi nk T runk, th e individ ual trunk members (the spe cific ports t hat make up t he trunk) logically connect an d react as a single entity .
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 139 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 All conf igured tr unks are i ndicated in the Spa nning T ree Configurati on screen. The T r unk field li sts the active t runks, adja cent to t he port nu mbers th at corres pond to the specifi c trunk member fo r that t runk.
140 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B • Port-ba sed mir roring • Address- based mirr oring A sample Por t Mirroring Co nfigurat ion scree n accompanie s each netw ork configu ration ex ample. Note t hat the di splayed s creens do not show all of the screen p rompts tha t precede some actions.
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 141 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 46 Port -based mirr orin g conf igura tion e xampl e In the c onfigurat ion example sh own in Figur e .
142 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B As shown in the Por t Mirroring Configu ration scree n exampl e ( Figure 47 ), port 23 is desi gnated as the Monitor Port for por ts 24 and 25 in Switch S1 .
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 143 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Address-based mirr oring configuration Figure 48 shows an exa mple of an a ddress-ba sed mirror ing configur ation wher e port 23, th e des ignat ed monito r port f or Switc h S1, is monit oring traf fi c occur ring between a ddress A and address B.
144 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B • Monitor a ll traf fic bet ween add ress A and addr ess B (conve rsation between the tw o sta tions ).
Chapter 2 Network configurat ion 145 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 49 Port M irroring Configurati on addre ss-based screen ex ample Port mirroring configuration rules Th.
146 Chapte r 2 Net wor k co nfi gurati on 208700-B • VLAN configur ation se ttings f or any port s config ured fo r port-b ased mirrori ng cannot b e changed. Us e the Port Mi rroring Conf igurati on screen to disable port mirr oring (or reconfi gure the p ort mirro ring ports) , then chang e the VLAN conf igurati on settin gs.
147 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Chapter 3 Using the console interface This chap ter descr ibes how t o configure a nd manage the Business Po licy Switch using th e menu-dr iven console interfa ce (CI).
148 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Y ou can u se 256 port- , prot ocol- , and MAC SA- based VLANs for the s tack with a Pure BPS 2000 stack run ning soft ware versi on 1.2. (The ma ximum number of MAC SA-based VLANs is 48.) I f you are workin g with a mixed, or hybrid, sta ck, you can us e 64 VLANs for t he entir e stack.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 149 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Using the CI m enus and screens The CI me nus and screen s provide options t hat allow y ou to configur e and manage Busi ness Policy Swi tches.
150 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B • T o go to the n ext sc reen in a se ries, press [Ctrl ]-N. • T o ret urn to the m ain men u at an y tim e, pr ess [C tr l]-C. • Press [Bac kspa ce] to delete ent e red t ex t. • Options t hat appea r in bracket s (for ex ample, [Enabl ed]) are us er- settable options .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 151 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 The CI scr eens for your speci fic switch mode l will sh ow the corr ect model name in the ma in menu scr een ti tle an d the correc t number of ports a nd port t ypes in t he Port Conf igurati on screen.
152 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 51 Consol e interface main menu Ta b l e 1 0 describes the CI main menu option s Ta b l e 1 0 Console i nterface Main Menu options Option Descrip tion IP Configuration/ Setup... Dis plays the IP Co nfiguration/Setup screen (see “ I P Configurati on/Setup screen ” on page 155 ).
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 153 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Switch Confi guration... Display s the S witch Config uration Menu scree n (see “ Switch Co nfiguration Menu sc reen ” on page 164 ).
154 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Reset to Default Settings Reset s the switc h to the fa ctory def ault confi guration s ettings. This option i s follow ed by a scre en prompt that precedes the action.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 155 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 IP Config uration/Setup screen The IP Configuratio n/Setu p screen ( Fig ure 52 ) allo ws you to set or modify t he Business Policy Swit ch IP conf iguration pa rameters.
156 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 1 1 IP Configu ration/S etup scree n fields Field Des cription BootP Request Mode One of four modes of operation f or BootP . (See “ Choos ing a Boot P request mode ” on page 157 for deta ils abou t the four mod es.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 157 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Choosing a BootP request mode The BootP Req uest Mode fi eld in th e IP Configura tion scre en allows.
158 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B • Boot P or L ast A d dr es s Boot P When Ne eded Allows the s witch to requ est an IP addre ss if one has not already bee n set from the console termin al.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 159 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 If an IP ad dress is not curr ent ly i n use, t hes e actio ns ta ke ef fect immedi at ely . If an IP add ress is current ly in use, the se acti ons take eff ect on ly afte r the swi tch is reset or power c ycled.
160 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B SNMP Configuration screen The SNMP Configu ration scre en ( Figure 53 ) allows yo u to set or modify the SNMP configur ation par ameters. T o open t he SNMP Configurati on screen : ➨ Choose SNMP Co nfiguratio n (or pres s m) from the main menu.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 161 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 1 2 describes t he SNMP Configur ation scr een fiel ds. Ta b l e 1 2 SNMP Co nfiguration screen fie lds Field Des cription Read-Only Community S tring Th e communi ty string u sed for in-ba nd read -only SNMP o perations .
162 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B System Character istics screen The S ystem Char acte ri stic s scree n ( Figure 54 ) all ows you to vi ew system charact eristi cs and cont ains thr ee user -configu rable fi elds: sy sContact, s ysName, and sysLoc ation.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 163 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 1 3 describes t he System Char acteri stics scre en fields .
164 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Switch Configuration Menu screen The Switch Configurat ion Menu scree n ( Figure 5 5 ) allows you t o set or mod ify your sw itch config uration. Choose Swi tch Config uration (or pre ss w) fr om the main menu to open the Switch Configur ation Menu sc reen ( Ta b l e 1 4 ).
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 165 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 55 Switc h Configur ation Menu screen Ta b l e 1 4 describes the S witch Confi guration Menu screen o ptions.
166 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B EAPOL Security Confi guration... Displays the E APOL Securi ty Configura tion men u (see “ EAPOL Secur ity Configu ration sc reen ” on pa ge 183 ). This scree n allows you to set u p Extensible Authenticatio n Protocol ov er LAN (EAPOL)- based secur ity .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 167 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MAC Address T able screen The MAC Addre ss T able scr een ( Figur e 56 ) all ows you to view MAC add resses that t he switch ha s discove red or to search fo r a specif ic MAC addr ess.
168 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 56 MAC Addres s T able Screen Ta b l e 1 5 describes the MAC Addr ess T able screen fiel ds. Ta b l e 1 5 MAC Address T ab le sc reen fie lds Field Des cription Aging T ime Specifie s how l ong a lea rned MA C address re mains i n the switc h ’ s forwardi ng databa se.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 169 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MAC Address Securi ty Configuration Menu scr een The MAC Addres s Security Conf iguration Menu s creen ( Fi gure 57 ) allo ws you to specif y a range of system re sponses to unauthori zed networ k access t o your switch.
170 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 57 MAC Address S ecurit y Configura tion Me nu screen Ta b l e 1 6 describes the MAC Addr ess Secur ity Configura tion Menu optio ns. Ta b l e 1 6 MAC Ad dress S ecurity C onfigura tion Menu O ptions Option Descrip tion MAC Addres s Security Configuration.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 171 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MAC Address Securi ty Configuration scr een The MAC Addre ss Securi ty Configur ation sc reen ( Fig u.
172 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 1 7 describes the MAC Addr ess Secur ity Configura tion scr een fields. Ta b l e 1 7 MAC Add ress Secur ity Configur ation fie lds Field D.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 173 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MAC Address Security Port Configuration screen The MAC Address Securi ty Port Co nfigur atio n scre ens ( Figur e 59 and Fi gure 60 ) allow you t o set or modif y your MAC addr ess por t secu rity c onfig urati on on a pe r port bas is.
174 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B T o open t he MAC Address Secur ity Port Confi guration screen: ➨ Choose MAC Add ress Securit y Port Configu ration from t he MAC Address Secu rity C onfig urat ion M e nu.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 175 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 59 MAC Securi ty Port Conf igurat ion scre en (1 of 2) Figure 60 MAC Securi ty Port Conf igura.
176 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 1 8 de scri b es the MAC Se curity Port C onfig u ration scre en fiel ds. MAC Address Securi ty Port Lis ts screens The MAC Addre ss Secur.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 177 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 61 MAC Addres s Securit y Port L ists sc reens T o open t he MAC Address Sec urity Li sts screen: ➨ Choose MAC Add ress Securit y Lists fro m the MAC Address Se curity Configur ati on Menu.
178 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 62 MAC Addres s Securit y Port L ists sc reen Ta b l e 1 9 describes the M AC Address Se curity Port Lists scr een fiel ds. Port list syntax When you ent er a port list in a stack co nfiguratio n, you must spe cify either a unit/ port li st, NONE, or ALL.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 179 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 A unit/p ort number l ist is compos ed of one or more list i tems, each of whi ch can be a sin gle number or a range of numbers (whe re the numbe rs represen ts one or more ports ).
180 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B As an alt ernative method instea d, you can hi ghlight t he fiel d and then e nter +2/ 9 [Return ]. The exist ing fie ld keeps the p revious l ist and ad ds the new port number (2/9) b etween p orts 2/7 a nd 3/14.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 181 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MAC Address Securi ty T able scre ens The MAC Addre ss Securi ty T able screens all ow you speci fy the ports that each MAC addres s is allowed to access .
182 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 64 MAC Addres s Securit y T ab le screen Ta b l e 2 0 describes the M AC Address Se curity T able screen fie lds.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 183 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 EAPOL Security C onfiguration screen The EAPOL Secur ity Configura tion screen ( Figure 65 ) allows y.
184 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B T o open t he EAPOL Securi ty Configurat ion scree n: ➨ Choose EAPOL Sec urity Conf igurati on (or press e ) from the Switch Configur ati on Menu. Figure 65 EAPO L Secur ity Confi guration screen Ta b l e 2 1 describes t he EAPOL Secu rity Confi guratio n screen op tions.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 185 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Defaul t 1 Range 1,2,3 ,4,5,6,7,8, ALL Port Allows you to sele ct a spec ified un it ’ s (see prece ding Unit f ield) port n umber to view or confi gure.
186 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Rang e I ncom in g and Ou tgoi ng,I ncomin g Only Oper at ion al T raffi c Control A read -only fiel d that ind icates the c urrent adm inistrative t raffic control configu rati on for th e spec ified u nit/po rt (see p rece ding fi eld de scrip tion).
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 187 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 VLAN Configuratio n Menu screen W ith sof tware ver sion 1.2, the VLAN Con figurati on Menu scre en ( Figure 66 ) allows y ou to se lect the app ropri ate sc reen t o conf igure up to 256 VLANs.
188 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B When you crea te VLANs , you can assi gn var ious port s ( and t her efore th e dev ices attach ed to these ports ) to diff erent broadca st domains.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 189 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 2 2 describes the VLAN Conf igurati on Menu screen opt ions. VLAN Configuration screen The VLAN Configu ration scre en ( Figure 67 ) allows yo u to creat e and assign VLAN port member ships to s tandalone or stacked u nit ports .
190 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Y ou can add or remove po rt members f rom a VLAN in accord ance with t he IEEE 802.1Q t agging rules.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 191 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 67 VLAN Co nfigurati on screen Ta b l e 2 3 describes the VLAN Con figurat ion scree n fields. Ta b l e 2 3 VLAN Co nfiguration screen fie lds Field Des cription Create VLAN Allows y ou to s et up or view confi gured VLAN workgrou ps.
192 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B The spe cified VLAN is delete d as soon as you pres s [Retu rn]. The so ftware does not prom pt you to reconside r this actio n. If you d elete a VLAN, all confi guration paramete rs that are associated with that VL AN are delete d also.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 193 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Range None, IP Ether2 , Ipx 802 .3, Ipx 802.2, Ipx Snap, Ipx Ether2, AplT k Ether2Snap , Declat Ethe r2, DecOth Ether2, Sna 8 02.2, Sna Ether2, NetBi os 802.
194 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Pred efine d Prot ocol Id entif ier ( PID) de scrip tion Ta b l e 2 4 defines the standard protocol-ba sed VLANs and PID types t hat are support ed by the Bus iness Poli cy Switch and Ba yStack 450 a nd BayStack 4 10 switc hes.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 195 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 User -Define d Protoc ol Identifi er Descript ion In addit ion to th e standar d predefined protocol s, user -defined p rotocol- based VLANs are sup ported.
196 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B MAC Addres s Configuration for MA C-SA-Based V LAN screen The MAC Addre ss Configur ation for M AC-SA Based VLAN scr een ( Figure 6 8 ) allows you to co nfi gur e spe ci fi c MAC SA-bas ed VLANs. Thi s sc re en al lo ws you to sele ct a MAC SA-base d VLAN.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 197 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Gigabit ports restriction Gigabit ports and BayStack 410 ports do not ha ve the abi lity to ass ign incomin g untagged frames to a protocol -based VLAN.
198 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 69 VLAN P ort Confi guration sc reen Ta b l e 2 7 describes the VLAN Po rt Configu ration scre en field s. Ta b l e 2 7 VLAN P ort Config uration sc reen fie lds Field Des cription Unit Allow s you to select a switch in your sta ck.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 199 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Filter Unr egistered F rames Sets this port to fi lter (discard) all recei ved unregist ered pack ets. The Busines s Policy Switch doe s not sup port the Y es option .
200 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B VLAN Displ ay by Port s creen The VLAN Displa y by Port s creen ( Figur e 70 ) allows yo u to view VLAN charact eristi cs associ ated with a specif ied switch port. Choose VLAN Disp lay by Po rt (or pres s d) from the VLAN Con figurati on Menu screen t o open the VLAN Display by P ort scree n.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 201 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Port Configuration screen The Port Co nfiguration screen ( Figures 71 and 72 ) allows you to c onfigure specif ic switch ports or a ll switch po rts.
202 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 71 Port Conf igurat ion sc reen (1 of 2 ) Figure 72 Port Conf igurat ion sc reen (2 of 2 ) Port Configuration Unit: [ 1 ] Port Trunk Status .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 203 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 2 9 describes the Por t Configur ation sc reen fields . Note: Wh en a Gigabi t MDA is insta lled, only t he Status f ield fo r that MDA port i s confi gurable.
204 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B High Speed Flow Control Configuration screen The High S peed Flow Con trol Configu ration scr een ( Figure 73 ) all ows y ou to set the po rt parame ters for install ed Gigabit MDAs.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 205 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 73 High S peed Flo w Control C onfigura tion Ta b l e 3 0 describes the Hi gh Speed Flo w Control Conf igurati on screen fields.
206 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Choosing a high speed flow control mode The high s peed flow c ontrol fe ature al lows you to control t raffi c and avoi d congest ion on the Gigabit full-dupl ex lin k.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 207 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 In this mode, the Gigabit MDA port is disable d from tr ansmit ting paus e frames to its li nk partner . Use this mode when the Gigabit MDA port i s connect ed to a buffer ed repe ater devic e.
208 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 74 MultiL ink Trunk Configurati on Menu s creen Ta b l e 3 1 describes the Mult iLink T runk Configurati on Menu scre en options .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 209 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Any mix of up to eigh t Business Policy Switch es and BayStack 450 an d BayStack 410 switc hes can be s tacked to pr ovide a to tal of 224 ports (when al l MDA slots are co nfi gu red w ith th e max i mum port a vaila bili ty ).
210 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 3 2 describes the Mul tiLink T runk Configurat ion scre en fields. Ta b l e 3 2 MultiL ink T runk Co nfigurati on screen fields Field Desc ription Tr u n k Column header for the read -only fields i n this screen.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 211 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MultiLink T runk Utilization screen The MultiLi nk T runk Ut ilizati on scree n ( Figure 76 an d Figure 77 ) allo ws you to monitor t he perce ntage of bandwidt h used by conf igure d trunk membe rs.
212 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 77 MultiL ink Trunk Utiliz ation scre en (2 of 2 ) Ta b l e 3 3 describes the Mult iLink T runk Util iz ation screen fiel ds. Ta b l e 3 3 MultiL ink T runk Utilizatio n screen f ields Field Des cription Tr u n k Colum n header for the read -only fie lds in th is scree n.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 213 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Port Mirrori ng Configuration screen The Port Mirro ring Configurat ion screen allows you to configure a speci fic switch port to monitor up to two spe cified port s or two MAC ad dresses.
214 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 78 Port M irror Con figurati on screen Ta b l e 3 4 describes the Por t Mirrori ng Configurat ion scree n fields.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 215 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T able 35 describe s the var ious monitori ng modes avai lable fr om the Port Mirrori ng Configurat ion scree n.
216 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Rate Limiting Configuration screen The Rate Limiti ng Confi gurat ion sc re en all ows you to li mit t he for warding ra te of broadcas t and multi cast pack ets. Figures 79 and 80 sho w samp le rate li mitin g val ues fo r the t wo Ra te Lim itin g Configur ati on scr ee ns.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 217 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T o open t he Rate Limi ting Configur ation scr een: ➨ Choose Rate Limiting Configurat ion (o r press l) f rom the Swit ch Configur ati on Me nu scre en.
218 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 80 Rate Lim iting Conf iguratio n screen ( 2 of 2) Y ou can use this scr een to vi ew the perc entage of ei ther packe t type (o r both packet t ypes) re ceived on e ach port.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 219 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 IGMP Configuration Menu screen The IGMP Confi guration Menu screen ( Fig ure 81 ) allo ws you to select t he appropri ate screen to optimiz e IP Multic ast packe ts in a br idged Etherne t environ ment (se e Chapter 1 ).
220 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B T o open t he IGMP Configur ation Menu s creen: ➨ Choose IGMP Conf igurati on (or pre ss g) fro m the Switch Configurat ion Menu scr een. Figure 81 IGMP Conf igu ra tio n Menu sc r een Ta b l e 3 7 describes the I GMP Configu ration Menu scr een optio ns.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 221 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 IGMP Configuration screen Figure 82 shows an exa mple of the IGMP Config uration scr een in a st acked configu ration. When install ed as a standa lone swit ch, the scr een does no t displa y the Unit # field d esignation.
222 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 82 IGMP Con figur ation sc reen Ta b l e 3 8 describes the I GMP Configu ration scre en field s. Ta b l e 3 8 IGMP C onfiguration screen fi elds Field Desc ription VLAN Allows you to set up or view IG MP VLAN conf igurations on spec ified VLANs.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 223 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Proxy Allow s the swit ch to con solidate IGMP Host Members hip Reports received on its downstre am ports and to generat e a cons olidated p roxy r eport for forwa rding t o its upstream neighbor .
224 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Multicast Group Membership screen The Multic ast Group Membe rship scree n allows you to view configured I P Multicas t group add resses f or specif ic VLANs.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 225 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 83 Multic ast Group Membershi p screen Ta b l e 3 9 de scri b es the Multic ast Gr oup M embers hip sc reen optio ns.
226 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Port Statistics scr een The P ort St atis t ics s cr een ( Figure 84 ) allows you to view det ailed infor mation about any switch or port in a st acked or st andalone configurati on.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 227 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 84 Port S tatistic s scree n Ta b l e 4 0 describes t he Port St atistics s creen fi elds.
228 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 4 0 Port Stati stics scr een field s Field Des cription Unit Onl y appears if the swi tch is pa rticipatin g in a st ack conf iguration. The fie ld allows you to s elect the nu mber of the unit you want to vi ew or config ure.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 229 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 128-255 byte s Recei ved column : Indicat es the tota l number of 128-byte to 255-byt e packets receive d on this port. T rans mitted colum n: Indic ates the total number of 128-byte to 255-byt e packets transmi tted succ essfull y on this po rt.
230 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Stack Operational Mode scre en The S tack O perat ional Mode scre en ( Figure 85 ) displ ays the current confi guration mode for t he Busines s Policy Switc h or mixed stac k configur ation. When t he stack i s reset, the operat ional mode set tings do revert t o the defa ult settin gs.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 231 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 4 1 describes t he Stack Ope rational M ode screen fields.
232 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 86 Consol e/Comm Por t Configu ration scr een Ta b l e 4 2 describes the Co nsole/Comm Por t Configurati on scree n fields.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 233 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Achtung: Bei Auswa hl ein er Ba ud rat e , die n ich t m it d er Baud rate des Konsolent erminals ü bereins timmt, ge ht die Kom munikation mit der Konsolens chnitt stelle v erloren, wen n Sie die Eingabet aste dr ü cken.
234 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Console Stack Password T ype Enables password protectio n for access ing the c onsole i nterface (CI) of any participa ting swi tch in a stack co nfiguratio n throu gh a cons ole terminal .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 235 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Default V alue: secure Range: Any ASCII string of up to 15 printab le characte rs Caution: If you ch ange the s ystem-sup plied defa ult pa sswords, b e sure to wri te the new p ass w ord s do w n an d ke ep them in a saf e place .
236 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Console Read-Only Stack Passwo rd When the Console Switch Pass word field is set to Requ ired (for T elnet, for Console, o r for Both ), this field a llows read -only pas sword acc ess to the C I of any partic ipating s witch in a stack c onfigurati on .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 237 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Identify Unit Numbers When you choose Id entify Uni t Numbers f rom the mai n menu, the console r eturns the messa ge: Port LEDs lit on the front panel of the switch correspond to its unit number.
238 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Renumber St ack Un its scr een The Renumb er Stack Unit s screen ( Fig ure 87 ) allo ws you to renumber th e units configu red in the stack.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 239 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 4 3 describes the Re number Stack Units scr een optio ns.
Figure 88 Hardware Uni t Information screen Spanning T ree Configuration Menu screen The Spanni ng T ree Conf iguration Menu screen ( Figur e 89 ) allows you to view spanning tree par ameters and co nfigure mul tiple spanni ng tree g roups (STGs) .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 241 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 89 Spanni ng T ree Con figurati on Menu Ta b l e 4 4 describes the S panning T ree Configur ation Menu s creen opti ons . Ta b l e 4 4 Spanning Tree Con figuratio n Menu sc reen opt ions Option Descrip tion Spanning T ree Group Configuration.
242 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Spanning T ree Group Configur ation screen The Spanni ng T ree Grou p Configura tion screen allows you t o create and configu re spannin g tree groups (STGs). Multiple STGs, up to 8, are available wi th software version 1.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 243 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 90 Spanni ng Tree Group Configura tio n Ta b l e 4 5 describes the S panning T ree Group Configur ation par ameters.
244 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Bridge Priority For the STP Group , indicates the managemen t-assign ed priority va lue of the bridge ID in hexade cimal n otation, w hich is the most si gnifican t byte of t he bridge I D. The ST A uses this pa rameter to determine the root bridg e (or desig nated brid ge).
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 245 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Spanning T ree Port Configuration screen The Spanni ng T ree Por t Configurat ion scree n allows you .
246 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 91 Spanni ng T ree Po rt Con figuration Note: Beca use multip le STGs are availabl e only in Pu re BPS 2000 Stack mode, STP Group does n ot appear when you work i n Hybrid Stack, or mixed stack, mode .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 247 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 4 6 describes the S panning T ree Port Configu ration s creen field s.
248 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Spanning T ree Swi tch Settings screen The Spanni ng T ree Swit ch Setti ngs screen ( Fi gure 92 ) a llows you to vi ew spanning tree par ameter values for the s elected STP Group. (STP Group 1 is the default STP group.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 249 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 92 Spanni ng T ree Switch S ettings Note: Beca use multip le STGs are availabl e only in Pu re BPS 2000 Stack mode, STP Group does n ot appear when you work i n Hybrid Stack, or mixed stack, mode .
250 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 4 7 de scri b es the Spa nnin g T ree Swit ch Se tti ngs p aram eters . Ta b l e 4 7 Spanning Tree Switch S ettings p arameters Parameter D escription STP Group The fiel d allow s you to se lect the n umber of th e spanning tree grou p (STG) you w ant to view .
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 251 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Maxim um Age Tim e For STP Group, ind icates the Maximum Age Ti me parame ter value that the root bri dge is currentl y using. This val ue speci fies the maximum age that a Hello messag e can atta in before i t is disc arded.
252 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Spanning T ree VLAN Membership screen The S pann ing Tree VL AN M embe r ship s cre en ( Figure 93 ) allows you to vie w which VLANs belong t o the sele cted STP Group. (STP Group 1 is the defau lt STP group.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 253 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 93 Spanni ng Tree VLAN Members hip scree n Ta b l e 4 8 describes the S panning T ree VLAN Membership p arameters.
254 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B TELNET/SNMP/W eb Access Configuration screen The TELNET/SNMP/W eb Acces s C onfigura ti on scr ee n ( Fi gure 94 ) allo ws a user at a remote console termin al to communicate with the Busin ess Policy Switc h as if the cons ole te rminal were di rect ly conne ct ed to i t.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 255 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 4 9 describes the T ELNET/SNMP/W eb Access Conf iguration s creen fi elds.
256 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B TELNET Access Spec ifies if T elnet acce ss is al lowed and only to th ose on the list. Defau lt V alue: Access: Enabled ; Use List : Y e s Range : Acc ess: Enab led, Disab led; Use L ist: Y es, No SNMP Acc ess Specifies if S NMP acces s is allowed and only to those on t he list.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 257 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Software Downl oad screen The Soft ware Downloa d screen s ( Figur e 95 and Figure 96 ) allo w you to revis e the Business Policy Swit ch software i mage th at is loc ated in nonvol atile f lash memory .
258 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B T o downloa d the soft ware image, you need a pr operly confi gured T rivial File T r ansfe r Proto col (TF TP) server in your networ k, and an IP addres s for the swit ch (or st ack , if conf i gured).
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 259 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 95 Sof tware Download screen for Pure B PS 2000 Stack mode Figure 96 Sof tware Download screen for Hybri d Stack mod e Software Download BPS 2000 Image Filename: [ ] BPS 2000 Diagnostics Filename: [ ] TFTP Server IP Address: [ 0.
260 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 5 0 describes the S oftware Downl oad scree n fields. Ta b l e 5 0 Software Do wnload screen fields Field De scription BPS 2000 Imag e Filename T he Busine ss Polic y Switch so ftware imag e load fil e name.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 261 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 LED Indications during the download process The soft ware downloa d process a utomati cally co mpletes wit hout user interv ention . The proces s eras es the con tents of fl ash me mory and r eplac es it with a new sof twa re i mage.
262 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 97 Configu ration F ile Menu screen Ta b l e 5 1 describes t he Configurat ion File Menu scre en options.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 263 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Choose Conf iguratio n File Downlo ad/Upload f rom the Conf iguration Fi le Menu to open t he Configur ation Fil e Download/Up load screen.
264 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 5 2 Configurat ion Fil e Download /Upload scr een field s Field De scription Configurat ion Image Filename T he file name yo u have chose n for the configu ration file. Choos e a meaningfu l file nam e th at wil l al low y ou to ide nti fy th e fil e fo r retrie va l whe n req uire d.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 265 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Requirements The foll owing requi rements ap ply to the Config uration File feature : • The Config .
266 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 5 3 describes Con figuration File para meter inf ormation. ASCII Co nfiguration File Do wnload screen The ASCII Conf iguration Fi le Downl.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 267 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 99 ASCII Co nfiguration File Do wnload sc reen Ta b l e 5 4 describes t he ASCII Confi guratio n File Downlo ad screen fields. ASCII Configuration File Download ASCII Configuration Filename: [ ] TFTP Server IP Address: [ 132.
268 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Ta b l e 5 4 ASCII Configur ation File Downlo ad screen fields Field De scription ASCII Configuration Filename En ter the file nam e you have cho sen for the ASCII con figuration file . Choose a meanin gful file name that wil l allow you to identi fy the fil e for retriev al when requ ired.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 269 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 System Log screen The S ystem Log s cree n ( Figure 100 ) disp lays or cl ears messa ges obtai ned from system non volat ile r andom acc ess memor y (NVRAM) o r dynami c rand om acces s memory (DRAM) an d NVRAM.
270 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B Figure 100 System Log sc reen Ta b l e 5 5 describes the S ystem Log screen fiel ds. System Log Display Unit: [ 1 ] Display Messages From: [ Non Volat ile ] Display configuration complete?: [ Yes ] Clear Messages From: [ None ] Idx Time Stamp Type Message --- ---------- ---- ------ 1.
Chapter 3 U sing the c onsole inte rface 271 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 5 5 System L og scre en fields Field Desc ription Unit This fi eld only appears i f the switc h is partici pating in a stack configura tion.
272 Chapter 3 Using th e console i nterface 208700-B.
273 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Chapter 4 Policy -enable d netw orks This chap ter provi des an over view of Dif ferent iated Servi ces Quali ty of Service (QoS) net work arc hitecture.
274 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B Summary Policy- enabled ne tworks all ow system ad ministrat ors to prio ritize the networ k traf fic, t hereby pro viding better s ervice fo r select ed applica tions.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 275 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 — Layer 4 de stination p ort number — Ingress port number • Layer 2 pa ckets — VLAN ID number — IEEE 802.1q t ag presen ce — EtherT ype, which is the Layer 3 protocol ty pe (such as AppleT alk) — IEEE 802.
276 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B Figure 101 Sche matic of Q oS polic y Differentiated Services (DiffServ) overview Differen tiate d serv ice s ( DiffSer v) is a Quali ty of S ervic e (Qo S ) netw ork archit ecture t hat of fers vari ed level s of servi ce for di ffere nt types o f data tr aff ic.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 277 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 DiffServ Concepts Dif fServ is described in IETF RFCs 2474 an d 2475.
278 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B • Platin um, Gold , Si lve r , and Br onz e classe s us e t he Assured For ward ing PHB. These cl asses are used for r eal-ti me, delay-t olerant traff ic and non- real-t ime, mission- critic al traf fic.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 279 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Packet classifiers or filters Packet cla ssi f iers, or filt er s, sel ec t packets accor di ng to a pa.
280 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B Each group of filt ers is asso ciated wit h action s that are e xecuted when the packet matc hes th e filte r s in the grou p. The filter g roup and th e ass ociat ed act ions, meters, a nd i n te rf ace gr oups are re ferenced by a poli cy , which dict ate s t he o verall traffic tr eatm ent.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 281 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 • Change IEEE 8 02.1p and dro p preceden ce of matchi ng packet s. If a l ay er 2 fi lter is insta lled o n a trus ted p ort, t hen it can not ch ange the D SC P of the matchi ng IP traf fic or the IEEE 802.
282 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B For exampl e, to confi gure a poli cy that c hanges the IEEE 802.1p priority an d drop precede nce of tra f fic be longin g to VL AN 1 00 re cei ve .
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 283 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 The cla ssifica tions of t rusted, untrust ed, and un restric ted actual ly apply to gr oups of ports (int erfac e groups ).
284 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B If a pac ket is r eceived f rom a trusted p ort and ei ther it does not mat ch any of the filte rs in sta lled by t he u ser on thi s port or i t does ma tc h a f il t er but is not dr opped, the BPS 2000 uses a def ault lay er 2 filter to change the packet IEEE 802.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 285 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 As displayed in Ta b l e 5 8 , the tr aff ic service class det ermines t he IEEE 802.
286 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B There ar e 2 sets of ex ternal p orts. The f irst set co ntains 24 10/100 Mb/s port s. Each port in this set has a set of 4 qu eues.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 287 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 When the powe r is tur ned on, port s are assign ed to the defa ult i nterface gr oup (role c ombination ), which is named allBPSIfc s.
288 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B Y ou can al so config ure polic ies withou t metering. I n this cas e, using t he W eb-based management system, you choose No Mete r Data in t he Data Specifi ca tion fiel d of the Met er pag e. Refe r to Using W eb-based Manag ement for the Busine ss Pol ic y Swit ch 200 0 Softwar e V ersion 1.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 289 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 • Interf ace groups The polic ies, by con necting t hese user -defined config urations , control the traf fic on the swi tch. Ports ar e assign ed to inte rface gr oups that are linked t o policie s.
290 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B Meters , ope r atin g at ing ress, keep the so rt ed pac kets w ithi n certa in pa rame te rs. Y ou confi gure a commit ted rate of traf fic, al lowing a certain si ze for a temporary burst, a s In-Prof ile tra ffic.
Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 291 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 COPS overview Common Open Poli cy Service s (COPS) is i mportant as a statefu l protoco l between a policy se rver and a net work devic e such as t he BPS 2000.
292 Chap ter 4 Policy -enab led ne t works 208700-B.
293 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Chapter 5 Sample QoS configuratio n Y ou can con figure QoS u sing the Co mmon Open Policy Services ( COPS), the CLI, the W eb-based ma nagement syste m, SNMP , or Device Man ager .
294 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B It is im port ant th at you re fer to Using W eb-based Management f or the Bus iness Policy S witch 2000 f or detai ls to access the W eb-based manag ement inte rface, direct ory and page navigati on infor mation, and f ield descri ptions .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 29 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 The QoS Advanc ed menu optio n expands t o display: • Devices • Rules • Actions • Meters • Polici es • Agent 2 Click Devi ces.
296 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 103 Interfac e Configurati on page The Int erfac e Group Creat ion s ectio n o f thi s page all ows you to define gr oups of inte rfaces. Y ou can vi ew your int erface conf igurati ons in the rea d-only Interf ace Queue T able and t he Interfac e Group T able.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 29 7 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 5 In the I nterfac e Class fiel d, choose untrusted . By select ing untrust ed, incoming DSCP values will be changed. (Refer to Chapter 4 for mor e informat ion on tru sted, untr usted, and unrest ricted interf aces cla sses.
298 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B . Accepting de fault mapping val ues If you ch oose to ac cept the d efault valu es for IEEE 802.1p prior ity and DSCP values, skip this section and precede to “ Sett ing up fil ters and fi lter gr oups .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 29 9 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Defining an IP filter Y ou creat e I P f il te rs for I P pac kets tha t a re to be forwa rde d t hro ugh the BPS 2000 on speci fic ingress ports.
300 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 105 IP Cla ssification p age (1 of 2) Figure 106 IP Cla ssification p age (2 0f 2) 2 In the De stination Add ress box, c lick Network Addr ess. a In the Ne twork Address f ield, enter 134.177.69.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 30 1 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 This addr es s is used to match t h e des ti nat io n IP ad dre ss in the packe t ’ s IP header . b In the Su bnet Mask field, ente r . 3 In the So urce Addres s box, click Net work Addres s.
302 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 107 IP Cla ssification G roup page 2 In the Fi lter Gro up Name field, en ter IPacket . This uni que i den tifi catio n lab el dist inguis hes t his f ilt er group from ot her filt er groups.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 30 3 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 108 IP Gro up Modificat ion pag e 6 Click Bac k.
304 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 109 IP Cla ssification p age (1 of 2) Figure 1 10 IP Classifi cation pa ge (2 0f 2).
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 30 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Defining a l ayer 2 filter Y ou conf igure l ayer 2 f ilters by def ining IEE E 802-b ased par ameters a nd selec tive layer 3 and layer 4 parameter s.
306 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 1 1 1 Layer 2 Classif ication page (1 of 2) Figure 1 12 L ayer 2 Cl assifica tion page ( 2 of 2) 2 In the VLA N field , cho ose VLAN # 1 . This fi lter matc hes packet s in VLAN 1. 3 In the VLAN T ag field, choo se Tagged .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 30 7 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 All Ether T ypes ar e ignored. 5 In the 802.1 p Prio rity f ield, cl ick Priority and 0, 1, 2 . Only packe ts that have IEEE 802.1 p user priori ty 0, 1, 2 wi ll match this filter .
308 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 1 13 L ayer 2 Cl assifica tion pa ge Creating a Layer2 Filter Gr oup T able entry Now you can creat e a layer 2 fil ter gr oup in the Layer 2 Filter Gr oup T able section of the La yer2 Class ification page.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 30 9 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 1 14 L ayer2 Gr oup page 2 In the Fi lter Gro up Name field, en ter layer2filter . This ent ry is a uni que ident ification label to distingu ish this filter gr oup from other f ilter group s.
310 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 1 15 L ayer 2 Gr oup Modifi cation page 6 Click Bac k. The syste m return s you to Layer 2 Classif ication page. The new f ilter grou p appears in the Laye r2 Filte r Group T able ( Figure 1 16 ).
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 31 1 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 1 16 L ayer 2 Cl assifica tion pa ge Configuring actions When you ass ign actio ns to filte rs, you speci fy the typ e of behavior you want a policy t o apply t o a flow of IP a nd IEEE 802 pac kets.
312 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 1 17 A ct ion s page 2 In the Ac tion Name fiel d of t he Ac ti on Cr eati o n sect ion , enter Generic . 3 In the T ransmit/Drop Fr ame fiel d, choose Transmit . 4 In the Upda te DS C P fiel d, ch o ose 47,0x2F .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 31 3 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 1 18 A ction pa ge with new e ntry in Ac tion T ab le In summa ry , you have conf igured a n ew action n amed Generic.
314 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B T o confi gure a mete r: 1 Click th e Applicat ion > QoS > QoS Advanced > Mete rs menu o ption . The Meters page opens ( Figure 1 17 ). Figure 1 19 M eters pa ge 2 In the Name f ield of the Meter Creation s ection , e nter Practice .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 31 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 120 Meter pa ge with new e ntry in Meter T abl e In summa ry , you have conf igured a n ew meter named Pra ctice.
316 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B 1 Click th e Applicat ion > QoS > QoS Advanced > Pol icies menu opt ion . The P olici es p ag e ope ns ( Figure 121 ). Figure 121 Poli cies pa ge 2 In the Po licy Name fi eld of the Po licy Creat ion area, ent er IPpolicy .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 31 7 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 This ent ry is the unique Role Combi nation tha t you crea ted. 6 In the Orde r f ield , enter 1 . 7 In the Me ter fie ld, cho o se Practice . 8 In the T rack Stat istics fi eld, choose Yes .
318 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 122 Poli cies pa ge with new entry In sum mar y , you conf igured a QoS p olicy cal led Ippolic y . This polic y applies a combinati on of pack et filt ering (mat ching) cr iteria and actions t o indivi dual inter faces (port s) in th e hardw a re .
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 31 9 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T o manuall y configu re the mapping among 802.1p pri ority valu es, priori ty , and DSCP mapping, yo u must use wit h the following QoS Advance d pages: • “ Assigni ng 802.
320 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 123 802.1p Priority Q ueue Assi gnment page 2 In the Que ue Set fi eld in the 802.1p Prio rity As signment ( V iew By) section, sel ect 1 . This value is the queue set yo u wa nt to m odify . 3 Click Submi t.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 32 1 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 ➨ Click th e Applicat ion > QoS > QoS Advanced > Devi ces > DSCP Mappi ng menu optio n. The DSCP Mapping page opens ( Fig ure 124 ). Figure 124 DSCP M apping pa ge T o change the DSCP to an 802.
322 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 125 DSCP M apping pa ge 3 In the 80 2.1 User Prior ity field, c hoose 1 . 4 In the Dr op Preceden ce field, cho ose Not Loss Sensitive . 5 In the Se rvice Cla ss field , choose Standard . 6 Click Submi t.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 32 3 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 126 DSCP M apping pa ge Assigning 802.1 p user priority ma pping Now , you wan t to map the 802 .1p priori ty to a sp ecific DSCP . T o confi gure IEEE 802.
324 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B Figure 127 802.1p Priority Ma pping pag e 2 Change the DSCP value for 802.1. Prio rity 2 to 0x0 . 3 Click Submi t.
Chap ter 5 Sampl e QoS co nfigurat ion 32 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 128 DSCP Qu eue Assi gnment pag e 2 Choose Queue Set 1.
326 Chap ter 5 Sample QoS confi gurat ion 208700-B.
327 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Chapter 6 T roublesh ooting This chap ter descr ibes how t o isolate an d diagnose problems with your Bu siness Polic y Swit ch and cove rs the.
328 Chapter 6 Troubles hooting 208700-B Figure 129 LED di splay p ane l Ta b l e 5 9 Busi ness Poli cy Swit ch LED descrip tions Label T ype Color State Meaning Pwr Power s tatus Green On DC power is available to the swi tch ’ s i nternal ci rcuitry .
Chap ter 6 T roublesh ooting 329 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Green On The swit ch is con nected to th e up stream unit ’ s Cascade A In conne ctor . Amber On This unit h as detec ted a probl em with the switch connec ted to the cascade up conne ctor .
330 Chapter 6 Troubles hooting 208700-B Base Base mo de Green On The switc h is conf igured as th e stack base unit . Off The switch is not con figured as the stack base unit (or is in stan dalone mo de). Blinking Stack configur ation error: indicates th at multip le base unit s or no base u nits are c onfigured in the stack.
Chap ter 6 T roublesh ooting 331 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Diagnosing a nd correctin g problems Before yo u perform t he problem-sol ving ste ps in this se ction, cyc le th.
332 Chapter 6 Troubles hooting 208700-B Normal power-up sequence In a norma l power -up sequ ence, the LEDs app ear as fol lows: 1 After pow er is app lied to the sw itch , the Pwr (Po wer) LED tu rns on with in 5 seconds.
Chap ter 6 T roublesh ooting 333 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Port connection problems Y ou can usu ally tr ace port c onnection problems t o either a poor cabl e connecti on or an impr oper conne ction of t he port cabl es at eit her end of the link.
334 Chapter 6 Troubles hooting 208700-B In both s ituations, the Busines s Policy S witch “ autosense s ” the s p eed of the connecte d stati on and, by def ault, rev erts to hal f-duplex mo de. If the conn ected stati on is operati ng in ful l-duplex mo de, it cannot communicate wi th the swi tch.
335 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Appe ndix A T echnical spec ifications This appe ndix provi des techni cal spec ification s for the Business Pol icy Switch 2000. Environmental Ta b l e 6 1 lists envi ronmental specific ation s.
336 Appendi x A Techn ical sp ecific ations 208700-B Physical dimensio ns Ta b l e 6 3 lists physi cal dimensio ns. Performance specificatio ns Ta b l e 6 4 lists perf ormance spe cificati ons.
Appendi x A Techn ical sp ecifica tions 33 7 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Data ra te The data rate is 1 0 Mb/s Manchester encoded or 100 Mb/s 4B/5B e ncoded.
338 Appendi x A Techn ical sp ecific ations 208700-B Electromagnetic emissions The module me ets the f ollowing s tandards: Electromagnetic immunity The module me ets the EN50 082-1:1997 s tandard. Declaration of Conform ity The Declar ation of Conf ormity for the BPS 2000 c omplies with I SO/IEC Guide 22 and EN4501 4.
339 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Appe ndix B Interoperab ility in a mi xed stack co nfig urat ion This appendi x pres ents important interope rability gui delines when you implement a mixed stac k confi gurati on.
340 Appendi x B Interop erability in a mi xed stack configurat ion 208700-B Y ou can u se 256 port- , prot ocol- , and MAC SA- based VLANs for the s tack with a Pure BPS 2000 stack run ning soft ware versi on 1.2. (The ma ximum number availa ble of MAC SA-bas ed is 48).
Appen dix B Interope rabili ty in a mi xed stac k configur ation 34 1 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Base un it In a mixed stack conf igurati on, a Busine ss Policy Switch must be conf igured as the base uni t (Unit Select swi tch set to On on the casc ade module) .
342 Appendi x B Interop erability in a mi xed stack configurat ion 208700-B 7 Add the newl y configu red Busines s Policy Switc h to your e xisting sta ck. Figure 130 St ack Ope rational Mode scre en Automatic failover The automat ic failover is a t emporary safeg uard only .
Appen dix B Interope rabili ty in a mi xed stac k configur ation 34 3 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T emporary base unit In a mi xed stack conta ining on ly one Busi ness Polic.
344 Appendi x B Interop erability in a mi xed stack configurat ion 208700-B Y ou can ver ify the software v ersion an d the ISVN in the sysDesc r field (see Figure 13 1 ) in the System Chara cterist ics scre en.
Appen dix B Interope rabili ty in a mi xed stac k configur ation 34 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Using the console interface Console/ Comm por t In order to use al l the Bus.
346 Appendi x B Interop erability in a mi xed stack configurat ion 208700-B.
347 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Appe ndix C Media dependen t adapters This appe ndix descr ibes the optional me dia depend ent adapte rs (MDAs) th at are availa ble from Nor tel Networks. Th e MDAs can su pport high-s peed connec tions to serv ers, share d Fast Ethe rnet hubs , or backbone devices.
348 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B 1000BASE-SX: 450-1SR MDA and 450-1SX MDA W arning: This is a Cl ass 1 Laser /LED product . It cont ains a laser light source t hat can i njure your eyes. Never lo ok into an optical f iber or connecto r port.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 34 9 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 There ar e two 1000BASE-SX (sh ortwave gig abit) MDA models: • The 450-1SR MDA i s a single MAC MDA wit h a separate redundant Phy (backup P hy port). Onl y one Phy por t can be a ctive at any time.
350 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B For inst allati on instr uctions, s ee “ Inst alli ng an M DA ” on page 363 . 1000BASE-LX: 450-1LR MDA a nd 450-1L X MDA Ta b l e 6 7 1000BA SE-SX MDA compone nts Item Label Descripti on 1 Link Communica tion link LEDs (green ): On: V ali d communic ations l ink.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 35 1 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 There ar e two 1000BASE-LX (lo ngwave gigab it) MDA models: • The 450-1LR MDA is a single MAC MDA with a separa te redundant Phy (backup P hy port). Onl y one Phy por t can be a ctive at any time.
352 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B Both models ( Figure 133 ) conform to the IEEE 802.3z 100 0BASE-LX standard and use l ongwave 1300 n m fiber opt ic connect ors to co nnect devices over sin gle mod e ( 3 ki lo mete r) or m ultim o de ( 5 50 me ters) fibe r o pti c c able .
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 35 3 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 For inst allati on instr uctions, s ee “ Inst alli ng an M DA ” on page 363 .
354 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B Figure 134 BPS2000 -4TX MD A front pane l The RJ-45 ports are con fi gur ed as medi a-dependen t interface- cr oss over (MDI-X) connecto rs.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 35 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 100BASE-FX: BPS2000-2FX MDA an d BPS2000-4FX MDA W arning: Fiber opti c equipment can emit l aser or i nfrared li ght that can injure your eyes. Never look i nto an optica l fiber or connect or port.
356 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B There ar e two 100BASE-FX mode ls ( Figure 1 35 ): • The BPS2000-2 FX MDA uses two lon gwave 1300 nm SC con nectors to attach devices ov er 62.5/125 or 50/125 micr on multimode f iber optic cable. • The BPS2000-4 FX MDA uses fou r longwave 1300 n m MT -RJ connect ors to attach devices ov er 62.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 35 7 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 For inst allati on instr uctions, s ee “ Inst alli ng an M DA ” on page 363 . GBIC MDA Ta b l e 6 9 100B ASE-FX MDA compone nts Item Lab el Descr iption 1 Link LINK status LED (gre en) On: Ind icates 100 M b/s LINK activ ity .
358 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B This sec tion desc ribes the 450-1GBIC MDA: The 450-1GBI C MDA ( Figure 136 ) pr ovides a s ingle hos t port fo r supported Gigabit Interface Conver ters (GBICs).
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 35 9 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 For inst ructions on insta lling the 450 -1GBIC MDA, see “ Inst alling an MDA ” on page 363 . For inst ructions on install ing GBICs to y our 450-1GBIC MDA ’ s Host port , see “ Inst allin g GBI Cs ” on page 360 .
360 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B Installing GBICs This sec tion desc ribes how t o instal l the giga bit interf ace conver ters (GBI Cs) to the 4 50-1GB IC MDA ’ s Host port. The opti onal GBIC versi ons shown in T abl e 71 are cur rently av ailable to support the 450-1 GBIC MDA.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 36 1 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 The GBICs ar e availab le in dif fer ent case styles ( Fig ure 137 ). One t ype h as two sprin g ta bs at th e fron t of th e GBIC ; the o ther type h as a n e xtr ac tor ha ndle on the front.
362 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B . T o inst all a GBIC: 1 Remove the GBI C from its p rotective p ackaging. 2 Insert the GBIC into t he Host port on the MDA ( Figur e 138 ). GBICs are k eyed to pre vent improp er inser tion. If the GBIC resist s pressure, do no t forc e it.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 36 3 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 139 Removing a GBIC 2 If the GBIC h as an e xtr ac tor ha ndle , gras p the handl e and pull fi rmly to remo ve the GBI C from the MD A ’ s Host port.
364 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B 2 Loosen the thumb scre ws and remove the fill er panel (or previ ously ins talled MDA) from the Uplink/Expansi on Module sl ot. Note: If you are re placing a n instal led MDA with ano ther type of MDA, see “ Repl acing an MDA wit h a dif ferent mode l ” on page 366 .
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 36 5 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 3 Insert the MDA into t he Uplink/ Expansion Module c ard guide s ( Figure 140 ). Make s ure th e MD A slid es in on the card g uide s. Fa ilure t o alig n the M DA to the car d guides co uld damage t he pins.
366 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B Replacing an MDA with a different model When repla cing an in stalled MDA with a nother type o f MDA, complete the followi ng steps to cl ear the switch NVRAM: 1 Power d own the swit ch. Rem o ve the AC po wer c ord fr om th e powe r sour ce.
Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 36 7 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 1000BASE-LX multimod e applications For 1000BASE- LX multimode applicati ons, the lo ngwave gigab it trans ceivers must be mode condition ed extern ally via a sp ecial of fset SM F/MMF patch cor d.
368 Appendi x C Media dependent adapters 208700-B.
369 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Appe ndix D Quick steps to features If you ar e a syste m administr ator with experien ce configu ring Business Policy Switch 200 0 VLANs, Mult.
370 Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 208700-B Figure 141 Config uring 80 2.1Q VLA Ns (1 of 3 ) 9875EA No Yes VLAN Configuration screen Select the appropriate value for the Create VLAN field. Activate VLAN State. Is VLAN Type Port-Based? 3 1 Select the appropriate value for the VLAN Type field.
Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 371 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 142 Config uring 80 2.1Q VLA Ns (2 of 3 ) Yes Yes No No Press [Ctrl]-R to return to previous menu. Set the Port field, as appropriate for your configuration.
372 Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 208700-B Figure 143 Config uring 80 2.1Q VLA Ns (3 of 3 ) Yes No No Set tagged, untagged, unregistered filters, if necessary.
Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 373 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Configuring Mult iLink T runks T o crea te or modif y a MultiLink T runk, foll ow the flowchar t in Figure 14 4 .
374 Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 208700-B Conf igurin g Port Mir rorin g T o crea te o r m odify port- mirro rin g p orts, follo w the fl owch arts in Figure 145 and Figure 14 6 ).
Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 375 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 146 Config uring Po rt Mirrori ng (2 of 2 ) Configuring IGMP Snoo ping T o crea te or modify I GMP Snooping port s, follow the flowcharts i n Figures Figure 147 to Figure 1 49 .
376 Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 208700-B Figure 147 Config uring IG MP Snoop ing (1 of 3) Yes No No BS45053A Are VLANs created/port members configured? Is the Snooping field set correctly? Yes Is Snooping field set? Yes Yes No 2 Is the Proxy field set correctly? No 2 IGMP Configuration screen Go to VLAN flowchart.
Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 377 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Figure 148 Config uring IG MP Snoop ing (2 of 3) Yes No No BS45054A Is the Robust Value field set correct.
378 Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 208700-B Figure 149 Config uring IG MP Snoop ing (3 of 3) Configuring authen tication process fo r EAPOL-based security T o cre ate or modi fy E A POL -b ased sec u rity pa rame ter s, follo w the flow chart s in Figure 15 0 and Figure 151 .
Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 379 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T o open t he EAPOL Securi ty Configurat ion scree n: ➨ Choose EAPOL Secur ity Conf igura tion from t he Switc h Configu ratio n Menu scr een.
380 Appendi x D Quick steps to fea tures 208700-B Figure 151 Authe nticaton p rocess flowc hart (2 of 2 ) Yes No EAPOL_Authen_Process_new_2 Authentication server sent Port Priority value? Is Port Priority value range 0 to 7? Yes No Off-page reference On-page reference Key Switch sets Port Prioity value to 0.
381 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Append ix E Connectors an d pin assign men t s This appendi x descri bes the Business Pol icy Switch 2000 por t connect ors and pin assignmen ts.
382 Appendi x E Co nnectors and pin assignment s 208700-B Ta b l e 7 2 lists the RJ-45 (8-pi n modular) port conne ctor pin assignment s. MDI and MDI-X devices Media depe ndent int erface (MDI ) is the IEEE s tandard f or the in terface to unsh ielde d twis te d pai r (UT P) cab le.
Appendix E Con nectors and pin assig nments 383 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 MDI-X to MDI cable conn ections Business Policy Swit ch switch es use MDI-X por ts that allow you to co nnect direct ly to end s tations wit hout using crossover cables ( Figure 153 ).
384 Appendi x E Co nnectors and pin assignment s 208700-B Figure 154 MDI-X to MDI-X ca ble conn ections DB-9 (RS-232-D) Console/Com m Port connector The DB-9 Conso le/Comm Port conne ctor ( Figur e 155 ) is c onfigured as a data communic ations equip ment (DCE) connector .
Appendix E Con nectors and pin assig nments 385 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Ta b l e 7 3 lists the DB-9 Console c onnector p in assignme nts.
386 Appendi x E Co nnectors and pin assignment s 208700-B.
387 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Appe ndix F Default Settings Ta b l e 7 4 lists the factory d efault s ettings for the Busine ss Policy Switch 2000 accordi ng to the c onsole in terface (CI) scre ens and fi elds for the sett ings.
388 Appendi x F Default Set tin gs 208700-B Agin g T ime 300 second s “ MAC Addre ss T able screen ” on page 167 Find an Address 00-00-00-0 0-00-00 (no MAC address assigne d) Port Mirro ring Addre.
Appendi x F Default Settin gs 389 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Create VLAN 1 “ VLAN Config uration scre en ” on page 189 Delete VLAN b lank field VLAN Name VLAN # ( VLAN n.
390 Appendi x F Default Set tin gs 208700-B Unit 1 “ VLAN Display by Port screen ” on page 200 Port 1 PVID 1 (read only ) Port Name Uni t 1, Port 1 (re ad only) Unit 1 “ Port Configuratio n scre.
Appendi x F Default Settin gs 391 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Monitor ing Mo de Disab led “ Port Mir roring Config uration s creen ” on page 213 Monitor /Unit Port Zero-l.
392 Appendi x F Default Set tin gs 208700-B Note: The fo llowing tw o fields on ly appea r when th e switch i s a participa nt in a st ack con figuration .
Appendi x F Default Settin gs 393 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Event Lo gging All Allowed So urce IP Addre ss (10 user -configura ble fields ) First fie ld: (no IP add ress assign ed) Rema ining nine f ields : 255.255.
394 Appendi x F Default Set tin gs 208700-B Allowed So urce Mask (10 user -configura ble fields ) First fie ld: (no IP add ress assign ed) Rema ining nine f ields : 255.255. 255.25 5 (any add ress is all owed) Image F ilename Zero-leng th string “ Software Dow nload sc reen ” on page 257 TF TP Server IP Address 0.
395 Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 Appe ndix G Sample BootP Config uration Fi le This appe ndix provi des a sample Boot P configur ation fil e.
396 Appendi x G Sampl e BootP Co nfigurati on File 208700-B # Caution # # Omitting a Forward slash (/) when the entry is continued to the next # line, can cause the interruption of the booting process or the # incorrect image file to download. Always include forward slashes # where needed.
Using the Busin ess Policy Switch 2 000 Versio n 1.2 397 Index Numbers 256 VLANs 48 450 Image Filename field 260 802.1p P riority Mapp ing page 323 802.
398 Index 208700-B Brid g e Hel lo T ime fiel d 2 44, 25 1 Bridge Max. A ge T ime field 244 Bridge Maximum Age T ime f ield 251 Bridge Priorit y field 244, 250 Broadcasts field 228 C cable connections.
Index 399 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 Deferred Packets field 229 Delete STP Group field 243 Delete VLAN field 1 9 1 Delete VLAN Membership field 2 45 Designat ed Root fi eld .
400 Index 208700-B In-Band I P Address fiel d 1 56 In-Band Su bnet Mask field 157 Initialize field 185 Interface Configur ation page 295 Interface Group Assignment page 297 Interface Queue T able 295 .
Index 401 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 main menu, con sole interface 151 mana g eme nt 48, 80 Mana gem ent V LA N fie ld 19 2 Maximum Age T ime field 251 Maximum Requ ests fie.
402 Index 208700-B port l ists 18 3 Port Membership field 193 port mirr o ring 139 address-bas ed 143 configuration ru les 133 , 145 coversation st eering 78 monitori ng modes 216 Nortel Networks Stac.
Index 403 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 configuration 216 Rate Limi ting Confi guration screen 166, 217 Read-Only Co mmunity St ring field 161 Read-W rite Community St ring fie.
404 Index 208700-B stack MAC addr ess 97 stacking con siderations 98 temporar y base unit 97 standards 8 4 Start Ping field 157 Start TF TP Load of New Image field 260 State field 248 Status fi eld 20.
Index 405 Using the Busi ness P olicy S witch 2000 Ver sion 1.2 T runk Member s field 210 T runk N ame field 210 T runk Status field 210 tutorial IEEE 802.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel Networks 2000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel Networks 2000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel Networks 2000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel Networks 2000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel Networks 2000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel Networks 2000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel Networks 2000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel Networks 2000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.