Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AN/DC du fabricant Nortel
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Part No. 312410-A R ev 00 Novem ber 20 00 600 Tec hno log y Park Dr iv e Billeric a, MA 01821-4 130 Installing and Operating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC Systems.
ii 312410-A R ev 0 0 Cop yright © 2000 Nor tel Netw orks All rights reserved. Nov ember 2000. The in formatio n in this do cument is subje ct to c hange with out no tice.
3124 10-A Rev 00 iii EC Dec laration of Conf ormity This pr o duct co nforms ( or these pr oduc ts co nfor m) to the pr ovision s of Counci l Direct ive 89/336/E E C and 73/23/EEC.
iv 312410-A R ev 00 Canada Requirements Only (continued) Repai rs to cer t ified equipm ent sho ul d be coor dinat ed by a repre sentat ive design ated by the su pplier.
3124 10-A Rev 00 v FCC P ar t 68 Compliance Statement This equipm ent complie s with P a rt 68 of FCC Ru les. All dire ct c onnec tio ns to telep hone ne tw o r k line s mu st be mad e using sta ndard plugs and jacks com pliant with FCC P art 68. Please note the fo llowing: 1.
vi 312410-A R ev 00 Nor tel Netw orks NA Inc. Software License Agreement NO TICE: Pleas e carefully read this l i cense agre emen t befo re copying or usi n g the accom panying soft ware or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled softwar e (each of which is referred to as “Software” in this Agreement).
3124 10-A Rev 00 vii for the se c urity o f its own data an d inform ation and for maint a ining adequat e procedure s apart from the S oftware to reconstru c t lost or alte red f iles, data, or p rograms.
312410-A R e v 00 ix Contents Preface Bef ore Y ou Begi n ........ .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. ... xv ii T e xt C on ventions ........ .................... ............. ......
x 3124 10-A Re v 00 Connectin g a Manage ment Con sole or Modem ............. ............. ................... ............. . 1-12 Connectin g a T er minal Console .................. .................... ............ .................... ....... 1 -12 Connectin g a PC Cons ole .
312410-A R e v 00 xi Chapter 3 Star ting the AN/DC and ANH-8/DC About Sof tware Installation ...... ....... ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... ... 3-1 Boot Opt ions .. ............. .................
xii 312410- A Rev 0 0 Appendix B Using Local Boot (the Quick-Start Procedure) Filling Ou t the Quick-Star t W or ksheets ............. .................... ............ .................... ........ B-2 Global Inf or mation Worksheet ........ ........
312410-A R e v 00 xiii Figures Figure 1-1. Mounti ng Hardware .. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... ... 1-2 Figure 1-2. Conso le Cab les ........ ................... ............. ..................
xiv 312410- A Rev 0 0 Figure 2-17 . Connectin g a PC Console to the ANH-8/DC ......... ................... ............. . 2-23 Figure 2-18 . Connectin g a Modem to the A NH-8/DC .......... ............ .................... ....... 2 -25 Figure 2-19 .
312410-A R e v 00 xv Ta b l e s T abl e 1-1. Conso le P arameters ...... ............. .................... ............ .................... ....... 1 -13 T abl e 1-2. Modem P arameters .. ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...
xvi 312410- A Rev 0 0 T abl e D- 7. V .3 5 Interf ace (Order No . 7220) ......... ............. ................... ............. ........ D-5 T abl e D-8. X.21 Interface (Order No . 7 224) ......... ............. ................... ............. ...
312410-A R e v 00 xvii Preface Read th is guide for instruc tions on h ow to i nstall, st art, and opera t e Access Node or 8-Por t Access Node Hub models that hav e a singl e DC input s w itchi ng po wer supply , the AN™/DC and AN H™-8/DC.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems xvi ii 3124 10-A Re v 00 T ext Co n ven tio ns This gui de uses the fo llowi ng text con v entions: angle br ackets ( < >) Indicate that you choos e the te xt to enter bas ed on the descript ion inside t he bra c kets.
Prefac e 312410-A R ev 00 xix Acr o n yms This gui de uses the fo llowi ng acron yms: screen text Indicate s system out put, for ex ample, prompts and syst em m essag es. Example: Set Trap Monitor Filters vertic al line ( | ) Separates choices for command ke ywords and arg uments.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems xx 3124 10-A Re v 00 IEEE Institut e of Electrical and El ectronic Engi neers IP Internet Protocol ISDN Integ rated Services Digital Netw or k IS.
Prefac e 312410-A R ev 00 xxi Har d -Copy T echnical Ma nuals Y ou ca n print select ed technical manuals and release not es free, direct ly from the Int ernet . Go to the ynetworks. com/library/ tpubs/ URL. Find the p r oduct for which you need documentatio n.
312410-A R e v 00 1-1 Chap ter 1 Instal ling the AN/DC This chap ter descri bes ho w to install th e AN/DC. T op ics in this c hapte r incl ude • Prep aring for In stalla tio n • Insta lling the A.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-2 312410- A Re v 00 1. Inspe ct all it ems f or any shipping da m age. 2. Make sure that y our shipping package contains the f ollowing items : • Mounti ng hardware (Figure 1-1) . • Consol e /modem cable ki t (F igure 1-2 ) .
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-3 Figure 1-2. Console Cabl es Suppl ying T ools and Equip ment Y ou may n eed items that are no t part of the ANH-8/DC ship ping accessor ies. Befo re ins tall ing th e AN H-8/D C hard ware , ensu re th a t you h ave all the cable s, tools, a nd other equi pment th at you n eed at your site .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-4 312410- A Re v 00 Service Console Y ou ca n attach a n optional VT -100 conso le or equi v al ent to th e AN/DC to monito r the res ults of s.
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-5 Space Requirements The in stallat ion site must pr ovide a c ertain amount of free space around t he AN/D C to di ssi pate h eat . I nst all t he AN/D C in a spac e th at me et s the followin g spec ifica tions : • W idth: 19.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-6 312410- A Re v 00 Installing the AN/DC W i th a ll ca bling atta ched, you can i nstal l the AN/DC in an y of the fo llo w ing ways : • Posit ion the AN/ DC on a flat, st urdy surf ace. • Ins tall the AN /DC i n an el ectr oni c encl o sur e r ack .
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-7 T o insta ll the AN/ D C in a rack: 1. Attach eac h flange bracke t to the AN/DC (Fig ure 1-3) as f ollo ws: a. Align the flange holes with the AN/DC mounting hole s. b. Insert a flange scr ew throug h each flange hole an d into the AN/DC.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-8 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 1-4. Installing the AN/DC in a Rack Y ou ca n now co nnect the netw ork cables to you r AN/DC. Go to the section “ Connecti ng Commun ications Cables ,” late r i n th is cha pt er .
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-9 Mounting the AN/D C on a W all When mounting the AN/DC on a wa ll, keep the f ollow ing in mind : • Ma ke sure that th e wal l is at l east 3/8 in . (0. 9 6 cm) thic k , and is mad e of Sheetroc k or wood.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-10 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 1-5. Mounting t he AN/DC on a W all RUN BOOT DIAG POWER Rubber feet AN0005A.
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-11 Connecting Co mm unic ations Cables T o connect ne twork cables to the back of the AN/DC: 1. Connect the appropri ate cables f or y our netwo rk conf iguration t o the communicati ons ports on the back of the AN/DC (F igure 1-6) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-12 312410- A Re v 00 Connect i ng a Managemen t Console or Mod em Use t he fro nt-pan el con sole port to connect an ASCII-based termin al, a persona l comput er terminal e mulator , or a mo dem to the AN/DC.
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-13 Once you ha ve the appropri ate equipment , complete the f ollo wing step s: 1. P o wer on and c onf igure the consol e, using the para meters in Ta b l e 1 - 1 . Refer t o the console u ser manual for i nstructions .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-14 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 1-8. Connecting a T erminal Console 6. Atta ch t he 25-p in recep tac le conn ect o r on th e com bin ed cab le an d adapte r to t he termin al’ s host connect or .
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-15 Once you ha ve the appropri ate equipment , complete the f ollo wing step s: 1. Inser t the 9 -pin r eceptacle end of the consol e cable i nto the CONSOLE port on the AN/DC ba ck panel (Figure 1-9 ) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-16 312410- A Re v 00 Connecting a Mo dem A mod em p rovides re mot e a ccess to the AN/D C for a networ k admi nistra tor . W e recomme nd that you conn ect a modem in cas e the AN/ DC experi ences syst em problems.
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-17 2. P ower o f f t he modem. 3. Insert t he 9-pin re ceptacle end of t he modem cable into the back-panel CONSOLE port of the AN/DC (Fig ure 1-10) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-18 312410- A Re v 00 4. Insert t he 25-pin plug a t the other end of t he modem cable into the modem’ s RS-232 data communic ations por t . The modem is no w connected t o the AN/DC. Ne xt, connec t the po wer source as desc ribed in the follo wing sec tion.
Insta lling the AN/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 1-19 3. Strip 3/ 8 in. (10 mm) of insul ation from t he end of a #16 or # 18 A WG cabl e. 4. Inser t the s tripped end of the cable i nto the -VDC termi nal bloc k, the minus lead (Figure 1-12 ) . 5. T ighten the scr ew beneath the - VDC terminal block to e stablish the electr ical connecti on.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 1-20 312410- A Re v 00 9. Connect an e arth gro und to eithe r the leftmost termi nal block or to the gr ounding stud, locate d between the po wer switch and termi nal conn ect ors (Fig ure 1-13 ) .
312410-A R e v 00 2-1 Chap ter 2 Installing the ANH-8/DC This chap ter descri bes ho w to install th e ANH-8/DC. T op ics in this c hapte r incl ude: • Prep aring for In stalla tio n • Instal ling.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-2 312410- A Re v 00 V erifying Shipment Contents V eri fy that t he items you recei v e match the items in t he packing l ist attach ed to the shi pp ing co nt ain er . 1. Inspe ct all it ems f or shipping damage.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-3 Figure 2-1. Accessories in the ANH-8/DC Shippi ng Container Suppl ying T ools and Equip ment Y ou may n eed items that are no t part of the ANH-8/DC ship ping accessor ies.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-4 312410- A Re v 00 Cables Unless t hey were s pecif ically o rdered, the Et hernet and sy nchrono us cables necessa ry for your ne twork conf iguratio n are not part of the ANH-8/DC ship ping accesso ries.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-5 V erifying Site Requi rements V eri fy tha t your in stallation meet t he requ irement s liste d in th is section.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-6 312410- A Re v 00 En vironmental Requirements The ANH-8/DC in stallatio n site must meet the fol lo wing en vironmenta l spec ifica tions : .
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-7 Installing the AN H-8/DC in a Rack F or this procedu re, you need • F our #10 cag enut scre ws and washe rs (shipped with the ANH-8/ DC) • T wo fl an.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-8 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 2-3. Attac hing Flang e Brackets to Rack-Mount the ANH-8/DC 2. Align the flan ge brack et holes with the holes in the fr ont v ertica l supports of the ra ck (Figur e 2-4) .
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-9 Figure 2-4. Installing the ANH-8/DC in an Electronic Enc losure Rack 3. Insert a cagenut scr ew through each bracket hole and int o the corr esponding holes i n the ra ck. 4. T ighten each cagenut screw with a Phillips scr ewdriv er .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-10 312410- A Re v 00 Mounting the ANH -8/DC on a W all F or this procedu re, you need • T wo fl ange brack ets an d four # 6 roundh ead scr e.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-11 Figure 2-6. Mounting the ANH-8/DC on a W all 3. Insert t wo to f our wall anchor screws thwr ough the hol e s in each fl ange brack et, and f asten each scr ew secur ely in t he wall.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-12 312410- A Re v 00 Connecting Co mm unic ations Cables Gather t he communicatio ns equipment and cab ling that yo u will attach t o the ANH-8/DC. If y ou do not ha ve the proper cable s , contact your n etwork admini strator or see the Cable Guide for Rout ers and BNX Platforms .
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-13 Connecting Ethe rnet Repeater P or t UTP Cables T o connect unshi elded twi sted-pair (U TP) cables to the front panel 10Base-T repeat er ports, at tach the UTP cabl es to the front-pane l RJ-45 connect ors (Eth ernet Repea ter Ports 1- 8), as sho wn in Figur e 2-8 .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-14 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 2-9. ANH-8/DC Fr ont-P anel MDI-X /MDI Switch Connecting t he ANH-8/DC to O ther Repeater s/H ubs Y ou can use Port.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-15 When you c onf igure a netw ork with mu ltiple ANH- 8/DC (or other re peater/hub) systems, y ou must comply wit h the follo wing ru les: • Connect no m ore than four hubs. • Make sure that each U TP connecti on is not longer t han 100 mete rs (109.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-16 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 2-11. Linking Hubs Refer t o “10Base -T Repeater Ports (ANH- 8/DC only)” in Ap pendix C for more info rmation.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-17 Connecting a Se cond Ethernet Interface UT P Cable Complete t hese steps t o connec t a UTP cabl e to the back p anel UTP-2 port. 1. Atta ch a U TP ca b le t o the b ack- pan el RJ- 45 co nnec tor ( Figure 2-12 ).
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-18 312410- A Re v 00 Connecting Synchr onous Cables Connec t one t o thre e synchrono us interf ace cabl es to the bac k of the ANH-8/DC: 1. Locate th e RS-232, RS-422, V .28, V .35, or X.2 1 interface cabl e.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-19 Connecting an IS DN Cable Connect a n ISDN BRI cable to the back of the ANH-8/DC: 1. Plug the I SDN cable into the ISDN- BRI connector ( Figur e 2-14 ). Figure 2-14. Connecting an ISDN BRI Ca b l e 2. Connect the other end of t he cable to the ISDN communicatio ns de vice.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-20 312410- A Re v 00 Connect i ng a Managemen t Console or Mod em Use t he fro nt-pan el con sole port to connect an ASCII-based termin al, a persona l computer terminal emula tor , or a modem to the ANH-8 /DC.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-21 4. Inser t the s cre w on the cable’ s connect or into the r eceptac le on th e adapte r’ s co nnector and t ighten the scr ew (Fi gure 2-15) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-22 312410- A Re v 00 6. Inser t the 9 -pin r eceptacle end of the consol e cable i nto the ANH-8/DC console p ort connect or .
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-23 Figure 2-17. Connecting a PC Cons ole to the ANH-8/DC 5. Attach th e 25-pin r eceptacl e end of the cable-plus-adapt er to the PC console c able’ s 25-pin plu g connector . 6. Connect the complete cable uni t to the co m munications port at the back of the PC ( Figure 2 -17) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-24 312410- A Re v 00 Comple te the following ste ps: 1. Conf igur e the modem, using t he parameters in T able 2-2 . Refe r to the mo d em use r manua l f or ins tr uctio ns. 2. P ower o f f t he modem.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-25 Figure 2-18. Connecting a Modem to the ANH-8 /DC 4. Insert t he 25-pin plug a t the other end of t he modem cable into the modem’ s RS-232 data communic ations por t .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-26 312410- A Re v 00 Conne ct ing to th e DC P ower Source T o connect t he ANH-8/DC to the po wer source: 1. Ensure th at th e power s witch is in t he OFF ( 0) pos iti on (Figu r e 2 -19) . 2.
Installi ng the ANH- 8/DC 312410-A R ev 00 2-27 Figure 2-20. Attaching the ANH-8/DC P ower Input Cables 6. Strip 3/ 8 in. (10 mm) of insul ation from t he end of a #16 or # 18 A WG cabl e. 7. Inser t the stripped end of the cabl e into the R TN terminal block, the plus lead (Figur e 2-20) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 2-28 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 2-21. Attaching the ANH-8/DC Earth Ground Cab le 10. Bef ore qual if ied ser vice perso nnel connect the ANH-8/ DC to the power sour ce, verify that the powe r switch is OFF and that the ANH-8/DC has been pr operly gr ounded.
312410-A R e v 00 3-1 Chap ter 3 Star ting the AN /DC and ANH-8/DC The f irst time you start the AN/DC or ANH- 8/DC, you complete an i mportant softw are conf iguratio n process. Befo re you b egin the in itial s tart u p from a remo te site : 1. Coordinat e with your ne twor k admini strator .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-2 312410- A Re v 00 Y ou must complete an i niti al start up procedure to obta in the necessar y fil es and connect the AN/DC or ANH- 8/ DC to the netw or k. Ge tt ing a file o ver t he net work is calle d network booting, or ne tbooti ng .
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-3 Installing the Flash Memor y Car d A PCMCIA Flash memor y card (Figure 3- 1) pro vides stor age cap ability for the non volat ile f ile system ( NVFS) in th e AN/DC and ANH-8/DC. When you r emo ve a form atted memory card, t he NVFS automat ically r e mov es access to the ca rd.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-4 312410- A Re v 00 1. P ositi on the card with the l abel facing up and the INSER T arr ow pointing toward the c ard rece ptacle.
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-5 Figure 3-3. Inser ting a Flash Memory C ar d in the ANH-8/DC Card Receptacle Usin g EZ Ins tall T o use th e EZ Inst all fea ture: 1. Inst all the r outer and attached communi cation s equipmen t as des cribed in Chapter 1 (AN/DC) or Chapter 2 (ANH-8/DC).
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-6 312410- A Re v 00 Using Ne tboot, Dire cted Netboo t, or Local Bo ot Y ou us e a command interf ace to the r outer so ftware, th e Diagnostic Monitor , for Netbooti ng or Local Boot ing. (Y ou can also use the T echnician Interface o r Site Manager for t he Dire cted Ne tboot procedu re.
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-7 Figure 3-4. Running Dia gnostic s 5. Bef or e diagnost ics ar e complete, si m ultaneously hold do wn the c ontr ol and c keys to bypass the automatic boot pr ocess. The AN Diagnos tics login pro m pt appears.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-8 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 3-5. Log gi ng In to the Diagnostic Monitor 6. T ype the f ollowing c omm and at the login p rompt and pr ess the Retu rn key: Manager Note that you must ty pe Manage r with an upper case “M.
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-9 Continuing with Netboot 1. Contact y our network a dministrat or to verify that the netw ork is se t up f or the Netboot pr ocedu re. 2. Ask y our netw ork administr ator (o r r efe r to A ppendix A) f or the interf ace conf igurati on command to use in S t ep 3.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-10 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 3-7. V erifying the Interface Configuration 5. If the c onfigura tion inf ormation is cor rec t, continue to the next st ep. Otherwi se, r eenter t he corr ect ifconfig c om mand.
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-11 Figure 3-8. N etboot 7. When y ou boot the r outer , its LEDs fla sh in a parti cular order . T o interpre t the LED sequence and t rou ble shoo t an y potenti al pr oble m s, re fe r to Chapte r 4.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-12 312410- A Re v 00 Continuing with Directed Netb oot Before yo u can use the Dire cted Netboo t procedure, you mus t hav e already use d the ifconfig command (as described i n the pre vious sec tion) to confi gure the interf ace from whi ch you plan to use Direct ed Netboot.
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-13 4. T yp e the following comm a nd and pr ess the Retur n key to v erify the conf igurati on that y ou specif ied in Step 3 (Figur e 3-10) : getcfg Figure 3-10.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-14 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 3-11. Directed Netboot After t he router re boots, it gets a configuration file from a TFTP server and load s the so ftw are imag e from the local f ile system. The ro uter sta rts bridging an d routing tr af fic.
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-15 Continuing with Local Boot Y ou need to use both the Diagnos tic Mo nitor and the T echnicia n Inter fa ce to loc al boot the AN. Before starting the Lo cal Boot procedur e, ask your network admini strator f or assistan ce in comple ting the Quic k-Start wo rksheets in Appendix B.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-16 312410- A Re v 00 Figure 3-12. Local Boot 4. When y ou boot the r outer , its LEDs fla sh in a parti cular order . T o inter pret t he LED sequence and troubl eshoot any p otential pr oblems, refer to C h apte r 4; then return t o S tep 5 .
Starting th e AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 3-17 Figure 3-13. Logging In to the T echnician Interface and Mounting a Vo l u m e 6. T ype the f ollowing c omm and and pr ess th e Retur n key to begi n the Quick-Star t pr ocedure: run install.bat 7.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 3-18 312410- A Re v 00 8. When the T echnic ian Interf ace pro mpt re appears, type the follo wing command and pr ess the Ret urn key to exit the T echnicia n Interfac e: logout Once the install sc ript compl etes, the r outer starts b ridging and rout ing traf fi c.
312410-A R e v 00 4-1 Chap ter 4 Operating the AN /D C and ANH-8/DC This chap te r descr i bes • Ensu ring a Succ ess ful I n stal latio n (usin g the f ront-pan el LEDs) • Checki ng the statu s o.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-2 312410- A Re v 00 Ensuri ng a Succe ssfu l Inst allation After co nnecting the route r to the n etwork, you c an ensure a su ccessf ul instal lation by che cking the LEDs on the front panel. Figure 4- 1 sho ws the front-pan el LEDs on an AN/DC.
Operati ng the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 4-3 When po wer is suppli ed to the router , the follo wing LED seque nce should occ ur: • The PO WER LED lights and re main s on. • R UN, BOO T , and DIA G (or F A UL T for ANH) LEDs li ght for approxima tely 1 sec ond, the n turn of f, indicati ng that the rout er is functio ning.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-4 312410- A Re v 00 AN/DC LED Desc riptions LEDs on the A N/DC fr ont and bac k panels pro vide informatio n about ho w the AN/DC is oper ating. The foll owi ng sections d escribe t he AN/DC front- and back-pan el LEDs.
Operati ng the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 4-5 Bac k-P anel LEDs The LEDs on t he AN/DC back-panel dif fer dependin g on the AN/DC model that you ha v e. Ta b l e 4 - 2 descr ibes al l of the av ailable AN/DC ba ck-panel LEDs. These LEDs ind icate t he status of the AN/DC’ s network connections.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-6 312410- A Re v 00 ANH-8 /DC LED D escri ptions LEDs on the ANH-8/DC fr ont and bac k panels pr ovid e informat ion about ho w the ANH-8/DC is opera t ing. Fr o nt-P anel LEDs Figure 4- 2 sho w n earlier i llustra tes the t hree sets of status LEDs on the ANH front panel.
Operati ng the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 4-7 Bac k-P anel LEDs Figure 4- 3 ill ustrat es the back-pa nel LEDs for th e ISDN and Second Ethernet options . These LEDs are vi sible after i nstalling ei ther an ISDN BR I nterf ace or Second Ethern et Inter face upgr ade modul e.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-8 312410- A Re v 00 Ta b l e 4 - 4 describes th e back -panel LEDs . P o weri ng On an d Of f The DC po wer switch allo ws yo u to rest art the router without ha ving to disconne ct the p o wer suppl y wires.
Operati ng the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 4-9 Figure 4-4. AN/DC P ower Switch Figure 4-5. ANH-8/DC P ower Switch 2. V erify that ai r i s f lo w i ng by placing y o ur hand to the s ide of the f an v ents. T o po wer of f, press the switc h to the Of f posit ion (0); toggle the swi tch up.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-10 312410- A Re v 00 Resetting the AN/DC or ANH-8/DC Yo u can use the Reset b ut ton to r eboot th e rou ter hardw ar e without c ycling po wer , as fol lows: •T o warm-boot t he router (no diagnosti c tests ru n), press the Reset b utton for less t han 3 seconds.
Operati ng the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 4-11 AN/DC Reset Sw itch On the AN/DC, t he Reset but ton is located on the back panel of the AN/DC (Figu re 4-6 ) . Labeled “RST ,” it resides b etween the console port and the LED labele d “RLSD2.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-12 312410- A Re v 00 Remo ving a Flash Memor y Car d When you remo ve a formatt ed memory car d, the NVFS automat ically r emov es access t o the card. When you insert and f ormat a card or insert an alr eady formatt ed card, the NVFS a utomati cally pro vides access .
Operati ng the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC 312410-A R ev 00 4-13 Pr otecting Memor y Card Files Nort el Netwo rks ships each memo ry ca rd with it s read -wri te prot ect sw i tch in the unpro tected po sition (Figu re 4-10) .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems 4-14 312410- A Re v 00.
312410-A R e v 00 A-1 Append ix A Configuring Net boot and Directed Netboot Y ou c an use th e foll owing c ommand s to c onfigure th e AN /D C or AN H-8 /D C fo r Netboot a nd Directed Net boot: • Use th e i fconfig co mman d to c on figure th e r out e r’ s initia l IP in terface to the netw ork.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems A-2 312410- A Re v 00 Configuring a Sy nchr ono us IP Interface for Netbooting T o Netboot, you must firs t confi gure the route r’ s ini tial .
Config uring Ne tboot and Di rected Netboo t 312410-A R ev 00 A-3 Configuring an E thernet Interface for Netbooting T o conf igure an Eth ernet inter face f or Netbootin g, use the follo wing command .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems A-4 312410- A Re v 00 Enab ling and Disab ling Interfaces with if config T o enable or disabl e an interf ace for th e Netb oot process, u se the.
Config uring Ne tboot and Di rected Netboo t 312410-A R ev 00 A-5 T able A-3. The bconfig Command Options Opt ion Des cr ipti on imag e Spe cifie s infor mat io n a bou t the s oftwar e imag e. config S pecifies inf ormation ab out the configura tion file .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems A-6 312410- A Re v 00.
312410-A R e v 00 B-1 Append ix B Using Local Boot (the Quic k-Star t Pr ocedure) Y ou c an loc al boo t the AN/ DC or ANH-8/ DC us in g t he Site Manager Qui ck- Sta rt procedur e expla i ned in this appendix. Y ou need t his informat ion to complete t he procedur e in “Continuing w ith Loca l Boot” on page 3-15 .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-2 312410- A Re v 00 Filli n g Out th e Quick-Star t W or ksheet s The in t scri pt pro vides man y options fo r conf iguring t he router on a netw ork. Use th e follo wing work sheets to or ganize yo ur network information.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-St art Proce dure) 312410-A R ev 00 B-3 Global Inf ormation W orksheet This sec tion contain s the prompts a nd poss ible opti ons relati ng to all AN/ANH synch ron ous conf igurations. Wri te your selectio n i n t he “ Y our Response” column.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-4 312410- A Re v 00 3 Enter IP address in dotted decimal notation: Enter t he IP ad dress f or the COM inte rface. Enter the subnetwork mask in dotted decimal notation: En ter the subnet work mask f or the COM int erf ace IP address .
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-St art Proce dure) 312410-A R ev 00 B-5 Router Pr otoc ol W o rksheets This sec tion contain s requested in formati on and possibl e options relating t o the routing protocol cho i ces on the Gl obal Informat ion W orkshee t.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-6 312410- A Re v 00 Enter OSPF MTU size selection [1]: 1. Default 2. Ethe r net size (N or t el Net wor ks Series 5 com patib le) 3. User d efined MT U Enter OSPF interface type selection [1]: 1.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-St art Proce dure) 312410-A R ev 00 B-7 Enter decimal value i n seconds for Poll Inte rval [20]: (F or NB MA onl y) Enter the l argest n umber of seco nds allo wed bet ween Hell o pack ets tha t the route r sends to an inactiv e NBMA ne ighbor .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-8 312410- A Re v 00 Static Rout e to Site Mana g er W orksheet Requested Inf ormation Options Y our Information Destination Network []: En ter the g atew a y address of the des tinat ion ne twor k.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-St art Proce dure) 312410-A R ev 00 B-9 Wide Area Protocol W orksh eets This sec tion contain s requested in formati on and possibl e options relating t o wide area pr otocol choic es on th e Global I nformation W orksheet.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-10 312410- A Re v 00 Enter address field l ength: 2. T wo Bytes 3. Three Bytes 4. F o ur Byt es Enter DLCI number [30 ]: (F o r DLCMI None , LMI Switc h, Anne x D Switch , and Anne x A Switch onl y) Enter the P ermanent Vir tual Circ uit (PVC) num ber .
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-St art Proce dure) 312410-A R ev 00 B-11 Enable the LQR (Link Quality Reporting) Protocol? (y/n) [n]: y(es) n(o) Note: Link Qual ity M onitoring on a Nor tel Networ k s Ser ies 5 ro uter is not com patible with th is f eature .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-12 312410- A Re v 00 Using th e Quick-Star t Comma nds Refe r to the com m an ds in Ta b l e B - 1 when quick-st arting the AN/DC or ANH-8/DC.
Using Lo cal Boot (the Qui ck-St art Proce dure) 312410-A R ev 00 B-13 Runn ing the Q uic k-S tart Script After you ent er run install.bat , the AN/DC or ANH-8/DC prog re sse s thr oug h the Quic k-Sta r t scr ipt as f ollows: 1. The scrip t begins pr ompt ing you for the ini ti al Globa l W orksheet inf ormat i on.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems B-14 312410- A Re v 00.
312410-A R e v 00 C-1 Append ix C T ec hnical Specificati ons This appendi x pro vides • AN/DC Phy sical Specif icatio ns • ANH-8/DC Phys ical Specif ications • Po wer Supply Specif ications •.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems C-2 3124 10-A Re v 00 P o wer Sup ply Specifica tions Specif ications for both the AN/DC AN and A NH-8/DC p o wer suppl y: • Nominal in put vol.
Technic al Spec ific ations 312410-A R ev 00 C-3 T able C-1. AN/DC Network Interfaces Network Interface D escrip tion Ethe r net and Second Et her net Suppo r ts the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 stand ards that p rovide L AN conne cti vity . The Ethe rnet interf aces on an AN /DC i nc lud e a 10 Bas e-T (UTP) a nd an 802.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems C-4 3124 10-A Re v 00 ANH-8/D C Har d wa re Communications Options Ev ery ANH-8/DC i ncludes • 9 Ethe rnet L AN repeater ports (1 A UI and 8 UT.
Technic al Spec ific ations 312410-A R ev 00 C-5 Conne ct or Pinouts This sec tion lists pinout s for the AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC connectors: • Attac h ment Un it Inte rface (A UI) P orts • 10Base-T Re peater Ports (ANH- 8/DC only) • Synchronou s Interf aces • ISDN BRI Port s • Local Cons ole Connections T able C-2.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems C-6 3124 10-A Re v 00 Attachment Unit Interface (A UI) P or ts The AN/DC back p anel and ANH-8/DC fron t panel co ntains a standa rd 802.3 A UI DB-15 re cept ac le conne ct or wi th a sl ide loc k fo r co nnec ti on t o the A UI.
Technic al Spec ific ations 312410-A R ev 00 C-7 10Base-T Repe ater P or ts (ANH -8/DC only) The eight Ethernet 10Base- T repeate r port RJ- 45 connectors on t he ANH-8/DC front pane l prov i de UTP s uppo rt .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems C-8 3124 10-A Re v 00 Synchr onous Interfaces The AN/DC and ANH-8 /DC support tw o synchron ous interfa ces, label ed COM1 and COM2. Syste m s with a Third Synchronous I nterface or ISDN BRI upgrade module support a third synchr onous port.
Technic al Spec ific ations 312410-A R ev 00 C-9 T able C-5. Synchr onous P or t Pin Assi gnments Pin Assignm ent Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name 1 FGND 23 D CD- 2 SD+ 24 ST - 3 RD+ 25 R T - 4.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems C-10 3124 10-A Re v 00 ISDN BRI P or ts The AN/DC and ANH-8/ DC support t he BRI standar d for ISDN usi ng an opti onal ISDN/BRI modul e. Th e integ rat ed ISDN BRI fu nct io nal it y al l o ws you to conn ect direct ly to the ISDN ne twork, as op posed to connec ting via a terminal ad apter .
Technic al Spec ific ations 312410-A R ev 00 C-11 The AN/DC and ANH-8 /DC shipping package includes the Ord er No. 110310 conso le/modem kit for connect ing de vices to the Console por t. • T o connect a m odem to the Consol e port, use the Or der No.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems C-12 3124 10-A Re v 00.
312410-A R e v 00 D-1 Append ix D Requi rements f or Eur opean Ope ra t io n This appe ndix provide s information r equired f or operating th e AN/DC and ANH-8/DC in Europe . ANH-8/D C Safety Status T ables D- 1 , D-2 , and D-3 li st the safe ty sta tus of i nterconnecti on poin ts to the connecti on of other equi pment.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems D-2 3124 10-A Re v 00 AN/DC S af ety Status Ta b l e D - 4 list s the safety st atus of int erconnect ion points t o the c onnection of other e quipment. Safety Status (Third Synchr onou s Int erface Modu le) Order Nos.
Requi rements for Euro pean Ope ratio n 312410-A R ev 00 D-3 Synchr on ous Ca bling Require ments Refe r to Figure D-1 throug h Figure D-3 and Ta b l e D - 6 thro ugh Ta b l e D - 8 fo r synch ron ous int er f a ce cabl in g infor mation. Note the fo ll o wing co mplia nce re quire men ts : • V .
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems D-4 3124 10-A Re v 00 Figure D -2. Cable 7220 (V .35 Com pliant) 9 D ata Carrier Detect+ 8 Data Ca rrier Detect 10 S end T iming + 15 S end Ti mi.
Requi rements for Euro pean Ope ratio n 312410-A R ev 00 D-5 T able D-7. V . 35 Inter face (Order No. 7220) Nortel Netw orks T erminatio n Remote T ermination Pin Signal Pin Signal 38 VSD+ P Send Data.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems D-6 3124 10-A Re v 00 Figure D-3. Cable 722 4 (X.21 Compliant) T able D -8. X.21 Interface (O r de r No.
Requi rements for Euro pean Ope ratio n 312410-A R ev 00 D-7 ISDN BRI Re qu iremen ts The IS DN BRI module (Ord er Nos. AE0004006, AE001 1013, and AE0011019 for the ANH-8/ DC) and ISDN BRI upgrade modul e (Order Nos.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems D-8 3124 10-A Re v 00 ISDN BRI Cleara nces and Creepage Dista nces The clea rances and cr eepage dista nces ( sho wn as X and Y , respecti vely ,.
Requi rements for Euro pean Ope ratio n 312410-A R ev 00 D-9 The cree page distance s apply to th e normal of fice en vironment. Whe n the local en vironment wit hin the host c hassis is s ubject to c.
Installi ng and Op erating AN/DC and ANH-8/DC S ystems D-10 3124 10-A Re v 00 ISDN BRI Connec tor Pinouts Ta b l e D - 1 2 lists the ISDN conne ctor pinouts.
312410-A R e v 00 Index- 1 Numbers 10Base-T ports (ANH-8/DC), 2-13, 2-17, C-7 A AN/DC conne c t ing to the po wer sour ce, 1- 18 dimensi ons, C -1 installing in an ele ct ronic e ncl os ure rack, 1- 6 on a fl at su rface, 1-6 on a wall, 1- 9 LEDs.
Index-2 312410- A Re v 00 straigh t-th r ough, 2-1 4, C-7 supply ing, 2-4 sync hronou s, C-8 cagenut s, for elect ronic encl osure rac k, 1-7 clocki ng, A-2 cold bo ot, 4-10 collisio n dete ction AN/D.
312410-A R ev 00 Index-3 electroni c enclosur e rack installing AN/DC in, 1-6 installing ANH-8/DC in, 2-7 physica l specif ications, 1-4 en viron mental sp e cif ications AN/DC, 1-5 ANH-8/DC, 2-6 Ethe.
Index-4 312410- A Re v 00 Power , 4 -6 Run, 4-6 RX (Recei ve), 4 -8 TX (T ransmit), 4-8 LEDs, AN/DC PO WER, 4-4 linking ANH-8/DCs, 2-14 Local Boot attach ing a console, 1-12 , 2-20 definiti on, 3-2 re.
312410-A R ev 00 Index-5 R repeater ports (ANH-8/DC) 10Base- T , 2- 13, 2-1 7, C-7 resetting, 4-10 RIP worksheet, B-5 RLSD 1 (R ecei ved Line Signa l Dete ction 1) L ED, 4-5 RLSD 2 (R ecei ved Line Si.
Index-6 312410- A Re v 00 W wa ll-mounting AN/DC, 1-9 ANH-8/DC, 2-10 wa rm boot , 4-10 X X.21 conn ections , C-8.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nortel AN/DC c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nortel AN/DC - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nortel AN/DC, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nortel AN/DC va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nortel AN/DC, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nortel AN/DC.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nortel AN/DC. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nortel AN/DC ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.