Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 45496742218 du fabricant Nintendo
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1 Important Information 2 Story 3 About the Game 4 Getting Started 5 Controls Conducting Investigations 6 Movement Mode 7 Investigation Mode 8 Solving Puzzles The Professor's T runk 9 The T runk .
14 Horse Riding 15 Ruins Exploration Bonuses 16 Bonus Features 17 Downloading Puzzles 18 T op Secret Support Information 19 How to Contact Us.
1 Important Information Thank y ou for selecti ng P ROFESSOR LA YT ON AND THE MIRACLE MASK™ for Nintendo 3DS™. Please read this manu al carefull y before using this soft ware. If the software is to be used by young childre n, the manual should be read and explained to them by an adult.
icon on the HOME Menu, then touch OPEN and read the contents of each section carefully . When y ou have finished, press to return to the HOME Menu. Y ou sho uld also thoroug hly read the Operatio ns Manu al, especially the Health and Safety Informatio n section , befo re using Nintendo 3DS software.
USK (Germany): ww w .u COB (Australia): ww w .c lassific ation.g ov .au OFLC (New Zealand): ww w .c ensors hip.go Advisories W hen you download or use this software (includin g any digital.
damage to your Nintendo 3DS system and related services. Nintendo ® (as well as any Nintendo licensee or distributo r) is not respon sible for any d amage or loss caused by the use of such dev ices or non-licensed accessories.
rights: ippolicy .ninten do -euro pe. com Australia and New Zealan d consume rs ple ase visit: support T radema rks are property of the ir respec tive owners. Ninte ndo 3DS is a trademark of Nintend o. © 2012 LEVEL-5 Inc. © 2012 Nintendo Co.
2 Story According to the letter , Monte d'Or is being plag ued by a “series of terrifying incide nts” con nected to a mysterious archa eologic al artefa ct: One day , the professor receives a.
This is not the first time tha t Professo r Layton has heard of the Mask of Chaos. It all d ates back to his schoo l day s, when he was ju st a boy of 17... the Mask of Chaos. T ouch SA VE in the Professor's T runk to sav e your progress in the story (p.
3 About the Game Luke Hersh el Layton bec ame Gressenh eller Univ ers ity's youngest profes sor at the age of 27. Highly respec ted within the acade mic community , he is well on his way to beco ming the most famous archae ologist in the country .
Puzzle Master In the course of the investigatio n, Professor La yton and his friends will encounter all sorts of puzzles. Some of these puzzles will provide clues to help y ou solve the story's main mystery .
Born 25 February , 1926. Professo r T ago perf orms researc h in the field of psychology and has written many bestse lling puzzle books in his spare time. He is best known for his series of books entitled Atama no T aiso u (“Head Gy mnas tics”, published only in Japan), which has sold over twelve million c opies.
Researc h Institute, Inc..
4 Getting Started NEW GAME Start the game from the beginning . Y ou will be asked to enter your name to create a save file. W ith the stylus, use the keyboard displayed on the T ouch Screen to enter your name, then touch OK! to confirm. ♦ Y ou c an't edit a file name once you have confirme d it.
♦ Y ou can touch on the T ouc h Screen to adjust the sound volume in the game. BONUSES (p. 16) Explore lots of extra conten t..
5 Controls Advance dialog ue or message window s. Select puz zles in the Puzzle Index. Skip movies. Used in conjun ction with the stylus. T ouch Screen Scroll up and down on the Puzzle Index screen . W hile most of this game's controls are performe d ex clusively u sing the T ouch S creen, some screens, such as the Puzzle Index screen (p.
6 Movement Mode Current Locati on W hen in Movement Mod e, y ou c an move from place to place. T ouch an orange icon on the map ( or ) to move to that loca tion.
Switch to Investigation Mode. Magnifying Glass Icon Check your progre ss in the story , save your game and other options. Professo r's T run k Icon (p. 9) : Move to this location. : Move to a dif feren t map. Orange Icons No. Puzzles Solved / No.
7 Investigation Mode Slide the stylus on the T ouc h Screen to move the magnifying glass around on the top screen. If you find a spot T ouch Screen T ouch the magnifying glass icon on the T o uch Screen while in Movement Mode to switch to Inv esti gation Mode.
T alking to People If the magn ifying glass turns orange over a person, y ou can investigate that spot to talk to him or her . T o move the conversation along, touch the T o uch Screen or press . B e s ure to talk to peo ple more than once, as they w ill often have more to say at a later stage in the story .
Y ou might want to collect hint coins to help y ou s olve puzzles (p. 8). Hint coins are hidden all over the place. Just use y our magnifying gla ss in Investigation Mode to find them. When the magnifying gla ss turns orange, it could be a hint coin! Keep your eyes peeled! Hunting for Hin t Coins! .
8 Solving Puzzles The number of picarats you will Picarat V alue T alk to people and investigate the scenery to find puzzles. When you uncover one, the introdu ctory scree n appears, showing the number of picara ts tha t puzzle is w orth . T ouc h the T o uch Screen or press to move on to the puzzle.
There are various kinds of puzz les, which are solved in different w ays. Most puzzles are completed simply by using the stylus, but for some you will receive extra instru ctions. Certain kinds of puzzle will end auto matically when you've arrived at the right answer , others are ended manually by touchin g a cert ain icon.
T ouch to spend hint co ins and view hints. There are four hints for each puzzle. The first three cost on e hint coin each, but the Super Hint costs two. There is a limited number of hint coins in the game, so use them sparingly! Quit this puzzle and leave it for later .
Puzzle solved ? T ouch to confirm y our answer (for certain puzzle types). Use the Memo Function to make notes (p. 12). T ouch to reset the puz zle (for certain puzzle types).
W hen you ans wer a puzzle incorre ctly , you have the option to try it again straight aw ay . Y ou can also choo se to view hin ts by spendin g hint coins, or simply quit the puzzle and leave it for later . Giving an incorr ect ans wer means you will rec eive fewer picarats w hen you eventually solve the puzzle.
There are puzzle s hidin g all throug hout the game, so it's easy to miss a few along the way . As the story advances and you move to new locati ons, you mig ht lose access to some puzzle s. Worry not, though! Y ou can always visit the Puzzle Palace, the fashion able gathering place for all lost puzzle s.
9 The T runk Screen The trunk contains several options and feature s. Those with new conten t or info rmation w ill be marke d with “NEW ! ” or . The T runk Screen T o open the trunk, touc h the trunk icon on the T ouch Screen. A g entleman alw ays tra vels w ith his trunk, and Professor Lay ton i s no exception.
T runk Optio ns (p. 10 - 13) Close the trunk and retu rn to the game. CLOSE Memo Function (p. 12) Check the collecti on of curi os that you pick up ov er th e course of the game.
V olu me Control (p. 4) Options marked with a question mark are still locked. They will be come available as you prog ress through the game..
10 Journal / Mysteries Mysteries Odd happen ings and my steri ous things that y ou hear during the course of the story will be record ed here. Select a my stery o n the T ou ch Screen to display a short summary on the top screen. Journal The journal provides a record of past events and informati on y ou've gathere d so far .
T ouch ing on the top left of the T o uch Screen will give you the option to return to the title screen . If you wish to do so, touch OK! . Keep in mind that your data will not be saved, so be sure to save your game first (p.
11 Puzzle Index Layton Icon Solved, but not on the first attempt : Solved on the first attempt with hints : Solved on the first attempt without hin ts : Puzzle Index All the puzzles you'v e encountered are store d here .
Slide the bar up and down to scroll throug h the list of puzzle s. Y ou c an Scroll Bar The arrow icons let you scroll throug h the list of available pu zzles. The double arrow icons allow you to scroll faster . Scroll Buttons Puzzles you have solved befo re are marked with a tick and can be played again.
Puzzle Number , T itle and Picarat V alue Hints that have already been view ed appear greyed out. Hints V iewed also use to scroll..
12 Saving / Episodes Episodes Saving T ouch SA VE to save your progre ss so far . T ouch one of the three files to save y our game in that file. Any data already in a file will be overwritten if you choose to save to that file, so be careful. ● Do not turn the power off, reset the system or remov e Game Cards /SD Cards while saving.
Thin pen Y ou can also select ME MO from the Professor's T runk to write a note to other players sharing this game on the same Nintendo 3DS system.
Redo last strok e (up to four times) Undo last strok e (up to four times) Clear the scre en Thick eraser Thin eraser Change ink colo ur Fill a closed shape with one colour Thick pen.
13 Additional T runk Features The One-Stop Sho p Arrange article s on your shop shelv es to try to sell everything! First, select a shop aisle in the One-Sto p Shop menu and touch ST AR T!.
Shelves The first item is alw ays in place from the start and cannot be mov ed. Use this as the start of your chain and place all the other items around it. First Item Once y ou've arra nged all the items, touch this to open shop. OPEN SHOP! Remove all items from the shelves and start again.
T ouch an arrow to make the robot move in that direction . Arrows Goal The T oy Ro bot Guide your robot around a hazardous course and to the goal! Select a stage from the world map and touch ST AR T! to confirm. On the cou rse, the robot moves three squares at a time in the directio n you ch oose.
Collect this and the robot will smash throug h any obstac les and won't stop until he hits a wall or a metal block . Golden Key The robot will stop when he hits a block - unless he has a golden key , in which case he will smash right through it! Block The robot will always stop when he hits a metal block , even if he has a golden key .
The Rabbit Show Y our rabbit friend w ill be cas t out of the Stellar Circus unless he can learn some tricks. He need s y ou to help him think up amusing and endea ring actions to perform in the rabbit show , so he can prove to the ringmaster that he is a w ort hy member of the circus.
Have a chat with the rabbit. CHA T T ouch these to just watch the rabb it hop around and play in his hutch. Rabbit Icons Rehearse a play for the rabb it show : select actions and perform them for the ringmaster to judge. RABBIT SHOW Check the actions your rabbit has learnt so far .
Put on a rabbit show for the ringmaste r an d let him judge your rabbit's perf ormance. Rabbit Show T urn the rabbit aroun d. T rai n T ouch the T ra in opti on to get up close to the rabbit. By doin g various moves w ith th e stylus, you can teach your rabbit some new tricks! These actions w ill also be recorded in the Bunny Journal.
A vailable Acti ons Name and descri ption of the acti on curren tly selected on the T o uch Screen. Action Description Pay attention to the ringmaster's hints.
This shows the current line of the script. Script The actions the rabbit will perform for each key line of the script. Y ou can't start the sho w until all these are filled in. Action T imeli ne T ouch an action from the tab le of available acti ons, then touch SE LECT to put it in the timeli ne.
14 Horse Riding Horse Ridi ng Screen The aim is to direct y our gallopin g horse through the course and to the goal by slidin g the stylus on the T o uch Screen.
Energy Carrot Slide the stylus on the T ouc h Screen in short, quick motions to mov e th e horse left and right. T ouch Screen.
15 Ruins Exploration Ruins Exploration Scre en In the ruins, y ou control young Layton and help him solve pu zzles and find his way to the deepes t levels.
These options appear only in certain locatio ns. T o uch REST AR T to return everything in a chambe r to its origina l position. T ouch RUN! to retreat from a room and go back to the previous one. REST ART / RUN! This icon displays different acti ons accord ing to the situa tion.
The backpac k works in the same way as the Professor's T runk (p. 9). Backpack Icon T ouch these arrows to mov e in any directio n. Y ou c an also use or to move.
16 Bonus Features T o gain acc ess to the Bonuses section, touch BONUSES on the title screen, then select a save file to load. The amoun t of content avai lable in the B onuses section varies for each file and increas es as you complete more of the game.
Daily downl oadable puzzles. Download a new Daily Puzzle ov er the internet every day (sub ject to availabilit y). DAIL Y PUZZLE (p. 17) Replay any puzz les that you'v e so lved, or look up the loca tions of unsolv ed puzzles you'v e fo und so far (p.
♦ Make su re you return to the title screen befo re turning off your Ninten do 3DS/Ninten do 3DS XL system. This will ens ure y our progre ss is sa ved. The game is saved automatic ally whenev er the B onuses section is updated. If y ou wish, you can rece ive notific ation s throug h SpotP ass™ about Daily Puzzle s available for downloa d.
17 Downloading Puzz les This software supports Nintendo Network™. Nintendo Netw ork i s an online service which allows you to play with other players all over the world, download n ew software and a.
T ouch OK ! to confirm. Select DAIL Y PUZZLES in the Bonuses section, then touch DOW NLOAD. Connect to the internet. Y ou can configu re y our con nection via the System Settings. For more details, please refer to the O pera tions Manual for your Nintendo 3DS system.
This software supports automatic download of notific ations v ia a n interne t con nection . SpotPass ♦ For more informa tion, refe r to the Operatio ns Manu al. Y ou can restrict us e of the inte rnet via Parental Controls . Once the download is comple te, touch OK! an d y our game will b e saved.
Y ou can deactivate SpotPass at any time from the HOME Menu as long as you have a notifica tion from this software. Deactivating SpotPass 1 . T ou ch the PROFESSOR LA YTON AND THE MIRA CLE MASK ico n in the HOME Menu , then touch OPEN. 2 . T ou ch BONUSES on the title scre en (available a fter saving your game once).
1 . T ou ch to launch Notification s. 2 . Select any notifica tion from this software title. 3 . T ouch OP T OUT OF NOTIFICA TIONS FOR THIS SOFTW ARE..
18 T op Secret In PROFESSOR LA YTON AND THE MIRACLE MASK In the Bonuses section, select T OP SECRET and the n THE HIDDEN DOOR. On the top scre en, a password for the Hidden Door of Misthalle ry w ill be disp layed. Make a note of this password, then quit the game.
Back in P ROFESSOR LA YT ON AND THE M IRACLE MAS K Again using the same Nintendo 3DS/ Nintendo 3DS XL system as above, start up PRO FESSOR LA YT ON AND THE MIRACLE MASK, then return to the Hidden Door section and select THE SPECT RE'S CALL.
For detailed instructions on how to retrieve the password for this section , plea se refer to the instruc tion book let for the ne xt game in the Professo r Layton serie s.
19 How to Contact Us For product information , ple ase v isit the Nintendo website at: ww w .n intend For technica l sup port and trouble shooting, please refer to the Operatio ns Manu al for y ou r Nintendo 3DS system or v isit: support .nintendo.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nintendo 45496742218 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nintendo 45496742218 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nintendo 45496742218, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nintendo 45496742218 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nintendo 45496742218, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nintendo 45496742218.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nintendo 45496742218. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nintendo 45496742218 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.