Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 4.2 du fabricant Nikon
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En Install Guide Printed in Japan SB4L00320101(11) 6MSA8811-- No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORA TION.
T able of Contents Introduction: About This Manual .................................................................................................... 1 Overview ........................................................................................
1 About This Manual Introduction About This Manual Thank you for your purchase of Nikon Captur e 4 (V er . 4.2). This install guide explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4 on your Windows or Macintosh computer , and how to connect your camera to your computer .
2 Introduction Overview This guide is divided into two main parts, one for Windows and the other for Macintosh computers. Windows This section explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4 on your Windows com put er , and how to connect your camera to your computer .
3 This section explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4, how to connect your camera and insert the cam- era mem o ry card in a card r eader or PC card slot, and how to re gister the camera with the sys tem.
4 Windows Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows Before installing Nikon Captur e 4, make sure that your computer meets the following system requir ements.
5 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows When installing Nikon Capture 4, you can choose between Easy Install and Custom Install options. Befor e installing Nikon Capture 4 • Uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture befor e installing Nikon Capture 4.
6 Windows Start the computer and insert the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD in a CD-ROM drive. The Install Center program will launch automatically . Depending on the country of purchase, a “Select Region” dialog may be displayed. Select a region and click Next .
7 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows Before installation Before installing Nikon Captur e 4 and the device driver , make sure the camera is not con nect ed to the computer .
8 Windows Windows 98 SE If you are using Windows 98 SE, the Nikon Mass Storage Camera Drivers will be installed before the driver for D1 series cameras. The dialog box shown right will be displayed. Click OK to continue. 2.2 — Install Quick T ime 6 Installation of QuickTime 6 opens with the dialog shown below .
9 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows Earlier V ersions of Nikon Capture Before you can install Nikon Captur e 4, you must uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture. 2.3.2 — Personalize your copy of Nikon Capture 4 Enter your name and company (if applicable) to activate the Next button.
10 Windows 2.3.3 — Choose a location The folder to which Nikon Capture 4 will be installed is shown in the Des ti na tion Folder area (the default location is …Program FilesNikonNCaptur e4). T o install to this folder , click Next . To select a new folder , click the Browse… button and navigate to the desired location.
11 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows 2.3.5 — Create a shortcut on the desktop When the progr ess indicator reaches 100%, the dialog shown below will appear . Click Ye s to cre ate a short cut, al low ing you to start Nikon Capture 4 directly fr om an icon on the desk top.
12 Windows The default output color -space profi le can be changed at any time after installation in the Color Man age ment tab of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor or Nikon Captur e 4 Camera Control Prefer ences dialog.
13 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows 2.3.7 — Complete installation of Nikon Capture 4 The following dialog is displayed when installation of Nikon Capture 4 is complete. Click Fin- ish to proceed to the next step. 2.4 — Restart your computer The dialog shown below will appear when installation is complete.
14 Windows Custom Install The standard installation pr ocedure involves two steps: choosing the Custom Install option and in stall ing the soft ware. Step 1: Choose the Custom Install option Click the Custom Install tab and check the software you want to install.
15 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows Step 2: Complete installation To begin installation of the selected software, click the Install button in the Custom Install tab. If more than one option is selected, the softwar e will be installed in the order listed.
16 Windows Earlier V ersions of Nikon Capture Before you can install Nikon Captur e 4, you must uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture. 2.2 — Install Quick T ime 6 If you opted to install QuickTime 6, installation will open with the dialog shown below .
17 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows 2.3.2 — Personalize your copy of Nikon Capture 4 Enter your name and company (if applicable) to activate the Next button. Clicking Next will display a confi rmation dialog; if the information you entered is correct, click Ye s to proceed to the next step.
18 Windows Associating File Extensions with Nikon Captur e 4 If Nikon Scan or other software that uses the same fi le extensions as Nikon Capture is installed, a dialog will be displayed asking whether you would like to as so ci ate Nikon Capture 4 with the ex ten sions for color balance settings (*.
19 Installing Nikon Capture 4 Under Windows 2.3.6 — Choose default color management settings To use the color -space profi le embedded in images opened in Nikon Capture 4, choose (A) Use the color space of the fi le to be opened as the working color space .
20 Windows 2.3.7 — Complete installation of Nikon Capture 4 The following dialog is displayed when installation of Nikon Capture 4 is complete. Click Fin- ish to proceed to the next step. 2.4 — Complete installation The dialog shown below will appear when installation is complete.
21 Connecting to a Computer D2-Series/D100 /D70 (USB Interface) Connecting to a Computer If you are using a computer running Windows, make sure that you install Nikon Captur e 4 before connecting your camera to the computer for the fi rst time.
22 Windows C o m p a c t F l a s h C a r d T M E C - 6 4 C F C o m p a c t F l a s h C a r d T M E C - A D 1 A D A P T E R Using a PC Card Slot When inserted in a PC-card adapter (available separately), the camera memory car d func tions as a T ype II PCMCIA A T A card, allowing images to be r ead from the card.
23 Uninstall Uninstall Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 This section describes how to uninstall the Windows versions of Nikon Capture 4. Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 1 From the Start menu, select All Prog.
24 Device Registration If you connect a supported digital camera to a Windows computer after installing Nikon Capture 4 and r estarting the computer , W indows will automatically identify the camera as a new device and register the camera with the system.
25 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Windows XP Home Edition/Professional The following explanation uses D100 as an example. After installing Nikon Capture 4 and r estarting the computer , connect your camera to the computer using a USB cable and turn the camera on.
26 Windows Step 3 Confi rm that NIKON D100 USB Device , Generic V olume , and USB Mass Storage Device ar e listed respectively under Disk drives , Storage volumes , and Universal Serial Bus controllers . Double-click each of these listings to open the associated Properties window .
27 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Windows 2000 Professional The following explanation uses D100 as an ex am ple. After in stall ing Nikon Capture 4 and re start ing the com put er , con nect your cam era to the com put er us ing a USB ca ble and turn the cam era on.
28 Windows Device reg is tra tion is now complete. Click OK to close the System Pr op er ties dialog. Step 3 Conf irm that NIKON D100 USB Device , Ge ner ic vol ume , and USB Mass Stor age De- vice are list ed re spec tive ly un der Disk drives , Stor age volumes , and Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus con trol lers .
29 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Windows Millennium Edition (Me) The following explanation uses D100 as an example. After in stall ing Nikon Capture 4 and re start ing the com put er , con nect your cam era to the com put er us ing a USB ca ble and turn the cam era on.
30 Windows Device reg is tra tion is now complete. Click OK to close the System Pr op er ties dialog. Step 3 Confi rm that NIKON D100 , USB Disk , and USB Mass Stor age De vice ar e listed re spec tive ly under Disk drives , Stor age de vice , and Uni ver sal Serial Bus con trol lers .
31 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) The following ex pla na tion uses D100 as an ex am ple. After in stall ing Nikon Capture 4 and re start ing the computer , connect your camera to the com put er using a USB ca ble and turn the cam era on.
32 Windows Device reg is tra tion is now complete. Click OK to close the System Pr op er ties dialog. Step 3 Confi rm that NIKON D100 , Nikon Dig i tal Cam era Con trol ler , and Nikon Digital Cam era Mass Storage Driver are listed r e spec tive ly under Disk drives , Har d disk con trol lers , and Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus con tr ol lers .
33 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Reinstalling the Device Driver — Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) If NIKON D100 is listed under Other devices , you will need to reinstall the device driver . Step 1 Double-click the NIKON D100 listing under Oth er de vic es .
34 Windows Step 4 The dialog box shown at right will be dis- played. Select Search for a better driver than the one your device is using now and click Next . Step 5 Insert the Nikon Capture 4 CD into a CD-ROM drive. T o prevent the Select Language dialog from open ing automatically , hold down the shift key while inserting the CD.
35 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Step 9 The wizard will now start installation of the Nikon Dig i tal Cam era Con trol ler with the di a log shown at right.
36 Windows Step 12 A dialog will be displayed stating that W in dows has found the drivers for “Nikon Dig i tal Camera Controller”; click Next . No Driver Found If a message is displayed stating t.
37 Device Registration: D2-Series/D100/D70/COOLPIX-Series Cameras Step 14 Click OK to close the System Properties di a log. Step 13 A dialog will be displayed indicating that driv er update was successful.
38 Windows D1-Series Cameras Windows XP Home Edition/Professional Before Y ou Begin Confi rm that your OHCI-compliant IEEE 1394 interface board or car d has been correctly r eg- is tered with the system.
39 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras If no “Nikon 1394 Pro to col Device” listing ap- pears or if “NIKON D1X” (or “D1” or “D1H”) is list ed under Other Devices , re in stall the de vice driv er as instructed in “Re in stall ing the Device Driv er” ( 40).
40 Windows Step 3 The “Hardwar e Update W izard” dialog will appear . Holding down the shift key to pre- vent the Select Language dialog from open ing au to mat i cal ly , insert the Nikon Capture 4 CD into the CD-ROM drive. (If the shift key is not held down, the Select Language di a log will appear when the CD-ROM is inserted.
41 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 4 When the driver installation has been com- plet ed, the dialog shown at right will be dis- played; click Finish to close the wizard. Step 6 Close the Device Manager , then click OK to close the System Properties win dow .
42 Windows Windows 2000 Professional Before Y ou Begin Confi rm that your OHCI-compliant IEEE 1394 interface board or car d has been correctly r eg- is tered with the system. Click the My Computer icon on the desktop with the right mouse button and select Prop er - ties from the menu that appears to display the Sys tem Properties dialog.
43 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras If no “Nikon 1394 Pro to col Device” listing ap- pears or if “NIKON D1X” (or “D1” or “D1H”) is list ed under Other Devices , re in stall the de vice driver as instructed in “Re in stall ing the De vice Driv er” ( 44).
44 Windows Step 4 The Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop er ties dialog will be displayed. Click the Gen er al tab and confi rm that “This device is work ing prop er ly” appears under “Device sta tus”. Click OK . Close the Device Manager , then click OK to close the System Properties win dow .
45 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 2 The Device Manager will be displayed. Dou- ble-click the listing for the Nikon D1X (or D1 or D1H) that appears under “Other De vic es” or “Mis cel la neous Devices.” Step 3 Open the General tab and click Reinstall Driv er… .
46 Windows Step 7 The dialog shown at right will be displayed; click Next . No Driver Found If the message, “Windows was un able to fi nd a suit able driv er for this de vice,” is dis played, thi.
47 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 10 Close the Device Manager , then click OK to close the System Properties window . Step 9 Confi rm that “This device is working properly” appears under “De vice sta tus” in the General Ta b of the Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop- er ties di a log.
48 Windows Step 3 The Nikon Digital Camera D1 Properties di a log will be displayed. Open the Driv er tab and click Update Driver… . Updating the Drivers for the D1 — Windows 2000 Professional If you are alr eady using the D1 with Nikon View DX or Nikon Capture, you will need to update the camera driver .
49 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 5 The dialog shown at right will be displayed. Se lect the search option and click Next . Step 6 The dialog shown at right will be displayed. Hold ing down the shift key to pre vent the Select Language di a log from opening auto- matically , insert the Nikon Capture 4 CD into the CD-ROM drive.
50 Windows Step 9 The dialog shown at right will be displayed; click Fin ish . Step 7 The dialog shown at right will be displayed. Select “Install one of the oth er drivers” and click Next . Step 8 Select Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series from the dialog at right and click Next .
51 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 11 Close the Device Manager , then click OK to close the System Properties win dow . Step 10 Confi rm that “This device is working prop er ly” appears under “De vice sta tus” in the General Ta b of the Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop- er ties di a log.
52 Windows T roubleshooting • If “1394 Bus host Controller” is not displayed in the Device Man ag er , if the IEEE 1394 board or card is listed under “Other Devices” or “Mis cel la neous D.
53 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Windows Millennium Edition (Me) Before Y ou Begin Confi rm that the OHCI-compliant IEEE 1394 interface board has been cor rect ly reg is tered with the system. Click the My Computer icon on the desk- top with the right mouse but ton and select Prop er ties from the menu that appears.
54 Windows Click OK to close the System Properties window . Device registration is now complete. Step 2 The Device Manager sheet will be displayed. Af ter confi rming that “Nikon 1394 Pro to col De vice” is list ed in the Device Manager , click the “+” sign to its left.
55 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 4 The Update Device Driver Wizard will be dis- played. Hold ing down the shift key to pre vent the Select Language dialog from opening au- to mat i cal ly , in sert the Nikon Capture 4 CD into the CD-ROM drive.
56 Windows Step 7 Click Close to close the System Properties win dow . Step 5 The dialog shown at right will be displayed; click Fin ish . Step 6 Confi rm that “This device is working properly” ap pears under “De vice sta tus” in the General Ta b of the Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop- er ties di a log.
57 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 4 The Update Device Driver Wizard will be dis- played. Holding down the shift key to pre vent the Select Language dialog from opening au- to mat i cal ly , insert the Nikon Capture 4 CD into the CD-ROM drive, select “Automatic Search for a Better Driver (Rec om mend ed),” and click Next .
58 Windows Step 7 Confi rm that “This device is working prop er ly” ap pears under “De vice sta tus” in the General Ta b of the Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop er ties di a log. Click Close . Step 6 The dialog shown at right will be displayed; click Finish .
59 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 8 Click Close to close the System Properties win dow . T roubleshooting • If “1394 Bus Controller” is not displayed in the Device Man ag er , if th.
60 Windows Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) Before Y ou Begin Confi rm that your OHCI-compliant IEEE 1394 interface board or car d has been correctly r eg- is tered with the system. Click the My Computer icon on the desk- top with the right mouse but ton and se lect Prop er ties from the menu that ap pears.
61 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 2 The Device Manager sheet will be displayed. Af ter confi rming that “Nikon 1394 Pro to col De vice” is list ed in the Device Manager , click the “+” sign to its left.
62 Windows Step 4 The Update Device Driver Wizard will be dis- played; click Next . Reinstalling the Device Driver — Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) If “Nikon 1394 Protocol Device” is listed under Other Devices, r einstall the device driver as de scribed below .
63 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 5 The dialog shown at right will be displayed. Se lect “Search for a better driv er than the one your device is using now . (Rec om mend ed)” and click Next . Step 6 The dialog shown at right will be displayed.
64 Windows Step 9 Confi rm that “This device is working prop er ly” appears under “De vice sta tus” in the General Ta b of the Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop er ties di a log. Click Close . Step 10 Click Close to close the System Properties win dow .
65 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 4 The Update Device Driver Wizard will be dis- played; click Next . Updating the Drivers for the D1 — Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) If you are alr eady using the D1 with Nikon View DX or Nikon Capture, you will need to update the camera driver .
66 Windows Step 7 A dialog will be displayed stating that W in dows has found the drivers for “Nikon Dig i tal Cam era D1 Series.” Click Next . No Driver Found If the message, “Windows was un ab.
67 Device Registration: D1-Series Cameras Step 9 Confi rm that “This device is working prop er ly” appears under “De vice sta tus” in the General Ta b of the Nikon Digital Camera D1 Series Prop er ties di a log. Click Close . Step 10 Click Close to close the System Properties win dow .
68 Windows T roubleshooting • If “1394 Bus Controller” is not displayed in the Device Manager , if the IEEE 1394 board or card is listed under “Other Devices” or “Mis cel la neous De vic e.
69 This section explains how to install and uninstall Nikon Capture 4, and how to connect your camera and insert the cam era mem o ry card in a car d reader or PC card slot.
70 Macintosh Befor e installing Nikon Capture 4 Before installing Nikon Captur e 4: • Uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture. • Nikon Capture 4 version 4.
71 Installing Nikon Capture 4 on a Macintosh Start the computer and insert the Nikon Capture 4 installer CD in a CD-ROM drive. Double- click the Nikon Capture 4 CD-ROM icon on the desktop, then double-click the We lcome icon. Depending on the country of purchase, a “Select Region” dialog may be displayed.
72 Macintosh Installing Software If you are installing softwar e from the Software tab, you can begin installation simply by click- ing the Install button. If you are installing softwar e from the Custom Install tab, you have to go through two steps: selecting the softwar e and in stall ing the software.
73 Installing Nikon Capture 4 on a Macintosh The ReadMe fi le will then be displayed. T ake a few moments to view this fi le, which may contain im por tant in for ma tion that could not be included in the manual. After viewing the ReadMe fi le, click Continue… .
74 Macintosh Earlier V ersions of Nikon Capture Before you can install Nikon Captur e 4, you must uninstall any earlier versions of Nikon Capture. Cr eate Aliases (Mac OS 9 Only) After you click Insta.
75 Installing Nikon Capture 4 on a Macintosh When (B) Always use the default RGB color space set below as the working color space for Nikon Capture 4 is selected, the ColorSync settings button will be active. Click this button to display the ColorSync dialog.
76 Macintosh Add to Dock (Mac OS X) The dialog shown at right will be displayed when Nikon Capture 4 Editor and Nikon Capture 4 Camera Contr ol are installed. Click Ye s to add these com po nents to the Dock, or No to exit without adding these components to the Dock.
77 Installing Nikon Capture 4 on a Macintosh 2.2 — Install QuickT ime 6 If you opted to install QuickTime 6 in Step 1, the QuickTime installer will start. If an older version of QuickTime is installed on your computer , the QuickTime 6 installer will start automatically .
78 Macintosh D2-Series /D100/D70 (USB Interface) Connecting to a Computer Before connecting your camera to a Macintosh computer for the fi rst time, make sure that you install Nikon Capture 4. After in stall ing Nikon Capture 4, turn the camera on and con- nect it to the computer , or insert the memory card into a car d reader or a PC car d slot.
79 Connecting to a Computer C o m p a c t F l a s h C a r d T M E C - 6 4 C F C o m p a c t F l a s h C a r d T M E C - A D 1 A D A P T E R Using a PC Card Slot When inserted in a PC-card adapter (available separately), the camera memory car d func tions as a T ype II PCMCIA A T A card, allowing images to be r ead from the card.
80 Macintosh Uninstall Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 This section describes how to uninstall the Macintosh versions of Nikon Capture 4. Uninstalling Nikon Capture 4 1 Insert the Nikon Capture 4 CD into a CD-ROM drive and start the Nikon Captur e 4 in- stall er as de scribed on pages 72–73 of “Installing Nikon Capture 4 on a Macintosh.
En Install Guide Printed in Japan SB4L00320101(11) 6MSA8811-- No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORA TION.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Nikon 4.2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Nikon 4.2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Nikon 4.2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Nikon 4.2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Nikon 4.2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Nikon 4.2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Nikon 4.2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Nikon 4.2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.