Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit RP614NA du fabricant NETGEAR
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SM-RP614NA-2 Ver sio n 4.12 February 2 003 NET GEAR , Inc. 4500 G reat America Parkway Santa Cla ra, CA 950 54 USA Reference Manual for the Model R P614 v2 W eb Safe Router.
ii © 2002 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved. T rademarks NETGEAR is a tradem ark of Net gear, Inc. Micros of t, W in dow s, and Windows NT ar e r egi stered tra demarks of Microso ft Corporatio n. Other bra nd and produ ct names ar e registe red trad em ark s or trademarks o f thei r respective holders.
iii Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeur s Es wird hi ermit b estätigt , daß da s Model R P614 v 2 W eb S afe Rout er g emäß de r im BMP T -Am tsblVfg 2 43/199 1 und V fg 46/199 2 aufgef ührt en Bestimmu ngen ents tört is t. Das vorsc h riftsmäßige Betreiben einiger Geräte (z.
Contents v Content s Preface About This Manual Chapter 1 Introduction Key Features of the Rou ter .................. ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ... 1-1 A Powerful, Tr ue Fire wall with C ontent Filte ring .
vi Contents Chapter 3 Cont ent Fil teri ng Content Filter ing Overvi ew ...... ............. ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ......... 3- 1 Blocking Access to Internet Sites ... ............. ............. ...
Contents vii Using the Router as a D HCP se rver ........... .................... ............ .................... ......... 5- 8 Using Ad dress Res ervation ............ ............. .................... ............ ............. ................ 5- 9 Using a Dy namic DN S Service .
viii Contents Domain Nam e Server ............... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ...... B-10 IP Configu ration by DHCP .................... ................... ............. ............. ..................
About This Manua l xi Preface About Th is Manual Congratul ations o n your purc hase of th e NETGEAR ® Model RP614 v2 W eb Safe Rout er. The RP614 v2 r outer pr ovides conn ection fo r multiple pe rs.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer xii About Th is Man ual Special Mess age Fo rmat s This gui de uses the followin g formats t o highli ght special messages : Note : This forma t is used to h ighlight informati on of impor tance or s pecial i nterest .
Introduc tion 1-1 Chap ter 1 Introduction This chap ter desc ribes the feature s of the NETGEAR Mode l RP614 v2 W eb Sa fe Router. Key Feat ures of the Rou te r The Model RP614 v2 W eb Safe Ro uter with 4-port switc h connects your local a rea networ k (LAN) to t he Internet through an external ac cess devic e such as a cable modem or DSL modem.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 1-2 Introduc tion A Powerful, T rue Firewal l with Content Fi lterin g Unlike s imple Interne t sharing NA T r outers, t he Model RP614 v2 is a tru e firewall, u sing statef ul pack et in sp ec tion to def e nd a gains t ha ck er a ttac k s.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Introdu ction 1-3 Autosensing Ethernet Connections with Auto Uplink™ W it h its inter nal 4-port 10 /100 switc h, the Model RP6 14 v2 can con nect to ei ther a 10 Mbps standar d Ethernet ne twork or a 100 Mbps Fast Etherne t network.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 1-4 Introduc tion Easy Inst all ation and Management Y ou can i nst al l, confi gur e, and op er ate t he Mode l RP614 v2 W eb Safe Ro ute r wit hin minut es a ft er connecti ng it to the networ k.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Introdu ction 1-5 The Router ’ s Front Panel The front panel of th e Model RP614 v2 W eb Safe Route r ( Figure 1- 1 ) contains st atus LEDs. Figure 1- 1: RP61 4 Front Panel Y ou can use so me of the LEDs t o verify connecti ons.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 1-6 Introduc tion The Router ’ s Rear Panel The rear panel of t he Model RP614 router ( Figu re Figure 1-2: ) con tains por t connect ions.
Connectin g the Router to the Inte rnet 2-1 Chap ter 2 Connecting the Rout er to the Internet This chap ter desc ribes how t o set up th e router on your loc al area ne twork (LAN) and conne ct to the Int ernet.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-2 Connect ing the Rou ter to the Interne t For the i nitia l c onnect ion to t he Int ernet and confi gurat ion of your rou ter , you wil l need t o connec t a computer t o the r out er whi ch is set to aut omat ic all y get its TCP/I P conf ig uration fr om the rout er via DHCP .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-3 Wo r ksheet to Record Y our Internet Connection Information Print t his page. F ill in the c onfigura tion para meters fr om your Inte rnet Serv ice Provider (ISP).
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-4 C onnect ing the Rou ter to the I nternet Connect i ng the Mode l RP614 v 2 Web Safe Router This sec tion provi des instru ctions fo r connect ing the RP614 v2 router .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-5 c. Connect t he Etherne t cable fr om your cable or DSL mode m to the In te rne t p ort ( A ) on th e Model RP614 v2 . Figure 2-2: Connect the cable or DSL Modem to the router d.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-6 C onnect ing the Rou ter to the I nternet f. V erify the following : When your t urn the ro uter on, t he power li ght goes on. The test light t urns on wit hin a few se conds, and t hen goes of f afte r approxi mately 10 seconds.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-7 A login wi ndow shown below open s: Figure 2-5: Lo gin window 3. Connect to the Intern et Figure 2-6: Setup Wizard a. Y ou are now connected to t he router .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-8 C onnect ing the Rou ter to the I nternet c. When the router s uccessfu lly detects an activ e Interne t service, t he router ’ s Interne t LED goes on. The Setup W izard reports which connec tion type it discover ed, and dis plays the appropri ate configu ration men u.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-9 • T o change the login ti meout, ente r a new val ue in minute s. This det ermines ho w long th e router keeps the Internet connection a ctive af ter ther e is no In ternet acti vity fr om the LAN.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-10 Conn ecting the Router to the Interne t • When the Setup W iz ard detects an AOL DSL or Cable service, the RP614 v2 rout er autom atic ally p re- confi gures itse lf to w ork w ith th e A O L serv ice .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-11 • Next, the router s ynchronize d with the AOL network and displays the message bel ow .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-12 Conn ecting the Router to the Interne t • From a comput er connect ed to the router, sign on to AOL as ill ustrate d below .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-13 T elstra Bi gpond Cable Wizard-Detected Option If the Setup W iza rd discove rs T elstra Bi gpo.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-14 Conn ecting the Router to the Interne t • Click Appl y to save y our setting s. • Click T est to test your Inte rnet connect ion. If th e NETGEAR website d oes not app ear withi n one min ute, refe r to Chapt er 6, “T roubleshooting .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-15 Fixed IP Account Wizard-Detected Option If the Setup W iza rd discove rs that your ISP use s Fi.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-16 Conn ecting the Router to the Interne t Manually C onfigu ring Y our Inte rnet Connect ion Y ou can manually co nfi gure you r route r using the menu belo w , or you can al low the Set up W i zard to dete rmine your c onfigura tion as de scribed in t he previou s sectio n.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Connecti ng the Router to th e Interne t 2-17 Procedure: Configuring the Internet Conn ection M anuall y Y ou can manuall y configu re the rou ter using th e Basic Set tings menu s hown in Figu re 2-16 using these s teps: 1.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2-18 Conn ecting the Router to the Interne t 3. If your Inte rnet connectio n does re quire a login, fill in the set tings accordi ng to the instructions below .
Content Filt er ing 3-1 Chap ter 3 Content Filterin g This chap ter de scribes how t o use the c ontent fi lterin g feature s of the Model RP6 14 v2 W eb Safe Router t o protect you r network. Th ese feat ures can be found by cl icking on the Content Fi ltering heading i n the Main Men u of the br owser int erface.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 3-2 Content Filterin g Blocking Acc es s to Inte r net Sites The RP614 v2 r outer al lows you to restrict a ccess based o n web address es and web a ddress keywords. Up to 255 ent ries are supporte d in the Key word list .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Content F iltering 3-3 • If the keyword “.com” is specif ied, only websites with other domai n suf fixes (suc h as .edu or .gov) can be viewed. • If you wis h t o block a ll In terne t brows ing acc ess dur ing a sc hedu led pe riod, e nter t he keywor d “.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 3-4 Content Filterin g T o specif y a service for bl ock ing, clic k Add . The Add S erv ic es menu will ap pear , as sh own belo w: Figure 3-3: Ad d Servi ces menu From the Se rvice T ype l ist, select the applica tion or ser vice to be allowed or bl ocked.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Content F iltering 3-5 Configuring Services Blocking by IP Address Range Under “Fi lter Ser vices For” , you can blo ck the spe cified s ervice for a single PC, a range of PCs (having consecuti ve IP addr esses), or all PCs on your network.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 3-6 Content Filterin g S t at eful Pa cket In specti on (SPI ), Java , ActiveX , and C ookie s Blocking O ptions The W AN Setup op tions le t you enabl e SPI and blocki ng of Java , ActiveX, and Cooki es.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Content F iltering 3-7 Using Java, Activ eX, and cookies Filter ing. What are t hese item s and what ca n I do about th em? • ActiveX an d Java prog rams can be e mbedded in web sites, and wil l be exec uted by your computer .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 3-8 Content Filterin g Log e n trie s are d escrib ed in Ta b l e 3 - 1 Log acti on buttons are descr ibed in T able 3-2 T able 3 -1. Log ent ry descrip tions Field Des cription Number The index number of th e content filter log entr ies.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Content F iltering 3-9 Configur in g E-Mail Alert a nd Web Access Log Notif ications In order to re ceive logs and aler ts by email, you must.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 3-10 Content Filterin g • Send to t his e-mail address Enter t he e-mail address to whic h logs and alerts are sent . This e-mail address wi ll also be used as the Fr om address. If you lea ve this b ox blank, lo g and aler t messages will not b e sent via e-ma il.
Maintenan ce 4-1 Chap ter 4 Maintenance This chap ter desc ribes how t o use the mai ntenance fe atures of your Model RP61 4 v2 W eb Safe Router. The se fea tu res can be f oun d by clicki ng o n th e Maintenanc e he ading in t he Mai n Menu o f the br owse r in terfac e.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 4-2 Main tenance This scre en sh ows th e fo ll ow ing pa rame ter s: T able 4-1. Menu 3.2 - Router S t atus Fields Field Descrip tion Account Name This fi eld disp lays the Host Nam e assigned to the route r .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Main tenance 4-3 Click on t he “Connect ion S tatus” bu tton to di splay th e connection s tatus, as shown below . Figure 4-2. Connection S t atus scre en This scre e n sh ow s th e foll owin g stat isti cs: .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 4-4 Main tenance Log acti on buttons are descr ibed in T able 4-2 Click on t he “Show S tatis tics” but ton to displ ay router usage stat istics, as shown bel ow . Figure 4-3. Router St atistics screen This scre e n sh ow s th e foll owin g stat isti cs: .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Main tenance 4-5 V iewing a List of Att ached De vices The Attac hed Device s menu co nta ins a ta ble of al l IP device s that t he router ha s discove re d on the local n etwork.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 4-6 Main tenance From the Mai n Menu of the browser in terface , under the Maintenance heading, s elect the Rout er Upgrade he ading to di splay th e menu shown bel ow . Figure 4-5. Router Upgrade menu T o upload new firmware: 1.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Main tenance 4-7 From the Main Menu of t he br owser int er fa ce, und er the Mainte nanc e heading, sel ec t the Setti ngs Backup hea ding to bri ng up the men u shown below . Figure 4-6. Settings Ba ckup menu Three opt ions are availabl e, and are described in the fo llowing se ctions.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 4-8 Main tenance Erasing the Configuration It is s ometimes desir able to res tore the rou ter to a k nown blank co ndition. This can be d one by using th e Erase fu nction, whi ch will r estore all factory s ettings.
Advanc ed Configur ation of the Route r 5-1 Chap ter 5 Advan ced Confi gu ratio n o f the Route r This cha pter desc ri bes ho w to con fi gur e t he a dva nced feat ur es of your Model RP614 v2 W eb Safe Router. Th ese featu res can be found under the Advance d heading i n the Main Menu of the br owser inter face.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-2 Advan ced Con figurati on of the Router . Use the Port F orwardi ng me nu to config ure t he rou ter t o for ward i ncoming p rotoc ols t o comp uters on your l ocal networ k.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-3 Editin g or D eleti ng a P ort For ward ing En try T o edit or delete a Port Forwar ding entr y , follow thes e steps. 1. In the t able, sel ect the b utton next to the se rvice name.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-4 Advan ced Con figurati on of the Router 4. T ype the sa me port nu mber in the End Port box th at you type d in the S tart Port box. 5. T ype the IP address of the addit ional co mputer in t he Serv er IP Addre ss box.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-5 The W AN Setup menu , shown below l ets you co nfigure a Def ault DMZ Server . Figure 5-2: W AN Setup menu. T o assign a computer or server to be a Default DMZ server , follow these st eps: 1.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-6 Advan ced Con figurati on of the Router Setting the MTU S ize The defa ult MTU size i s usua ll y fine. The normal MTU (Maxi m um T r ans mit Uni t) va lue for most Ethernet networ ks is 15 00 Bytes.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-7 Configuring LAN TCP/IP Setup Parameters The route r is shi pped precon figured to us e private I P addresse s on the LAN si de, and to a a DHCP server .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-8 Advan ced Con figurati on of the Router Using the Router as a DHCP se rver By defaul t, the route r will funct ion as a DHCP ( Dynamic H.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-9 Using Address Reservation When you spec ify a res erved IP a ddress fo r a PC on the LAN, that PC wil l always rece ive the same IP add ress each time it acce ss the ro uter’ s DHCP server .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-10 Advan ced Config uration o f the Rou ter The route r contai ns a clie nt that can c onnect to many popular dynamic DNS ser vices. Y ou can select one of the se services and obtai n an account with them.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-11 From the Main Menu of the browse r inter face , under Advanc ed, click on S ta tic Routes t o view the St atic Route menu, shown bel ow . Figure 5-4.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-12 Advan ced Config uration o f the Rou ter 6. T ype the IP Subnet Mask for this de stinati on. If the destinatio n is a sin gle host, t ype 255.255.2 55.255. 7. T ype the Gateway IP Address, which must be a rou ter on the sa me LAN segment as the ro uter.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-13 Enabling R emote Management A ccess Using the Remote Managemen t page, you can a llow a user or users on t he Internet to confi gure, upgrade a nd check th e status of your RP614 v2 router.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-14 Advan ced Config uration o f the Rou ter Using Univ ersal Plug an d Play (UPnP ) Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) helps devices, such as Internet appliances and computers, access the network and connect to other device s as needed.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Advanced Configu ration o f the Rou ter 5-15 Advertis ement Ti me T o Live : The time to live f or the adv ertisemen t is mea sured in h ops (step s) for each UPnP pack et s ent .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 5-16 Advan ced Config uration o f the Rou ter.
Troubles hooting 6- 1 Chap ter 6 T rou bleshooting This chap ter give s informat ion about troubles hooting your Model RP614 v2 W eb Safe Router. After e ach proble m descript ion, in structions are provi ded to hel p you diagnos e and solv e the problem.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 6-2 Troubl eshootin g • Make sur e that the p ower cord is pr operly co nnected t o your router and that t he power su pply adapter is proper ly connec ted to a f unctioning po wer outl et.
Referen ce Manual for the M odel RP614 v2 Web S afe Router Troub lesh ooting 6-3 T roubles hoot in g the Web Conf igu ration In terf a ce If you ar e unable t o access the route r ’ s W eb Configura.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 6-4 Troubl eshootin g T roubles hootin g the ISP Connec tion If your rout er is unabl e to acces s the Inte rnet, you sho uld first det ermine whether the router is able to obta in a W AN IP address from the ISP .
Referen ce Manual for the M odel RP614 v2 Web S afe Router Troub lesh ooting 6-5 OR Configur e your rou ter to s poof your PC’ s MAC address. This can b e done in the Bas ic Settings menu . Re fe r to “Manua lly Configur ing Y our Inter net Connect ion” on page 2- 16 .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 6-6 Troubl eshootin g If the path is work ing, you s ee thi s mes sage: Reply from < IP address >: bytes=32 ti me=NN ms TTL=xxx If the.
Referen ce Manual for the M odel RP614 v2 Web S afe Router Troub lesh ooting 6-7 — If your I SP assi gned a ho st name t o your PC, e nter t hat ho st name a s the Acc ount Name i n the Basi c Setting s menu. — Y our ISP could b e reject in g the Ethern et MAC addr esses of al l but one of yo ur PCs.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 6-8 Troubl eshootin g.
Techni cal Spec ific ations A-1 Append ix A T e chnical Specifications This appe ndix provi des techni cal spec ificat ions for the Model RP614 v 2 W eb Safe Rout er. S p ec ificatio ns for the Model RP 61 4 v2 The ta b le b el ow lis ts the tec hn ica l s pec if ica ti ons fo r the Mo del R P614 v2.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer A-2 Technic al Spec ificati ons Dimensions : 28 x 175 x 1 18 mm (1.1 x 6.89 x 4.65 in.) W eight: 0.
Networks , Routing, a nd Firewal l Basi cs B-1 Append ix B Networks, Routing , and Fire wall Bas ics This appe ndix provi des an over view of IP n etworks, rout ing, and fi rewalls. Relate d Publication s As you rea d this doc ument, you may be directed t o various RFC documents fo r further informat ion.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-2 Netw orks , Routi ng, and Firewal l Bas ics What is a Router? A router is a de vice that f orwards t raff ic between networks based on n etwork la yer inform ation in the da ta and o n rout i ng ta ble s main tai ne d b y the r out er .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Network s, Routing , and Firew all B asics B-3 The latt er versi on is eas ier to remember and easi er to enter i nto your c omputer . In addit ion, the 3 2 bits of the addres s are sub divided i nto two part s.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-4 Netw orks , Routi ng, and Firewal l Bas ics •C l a s s C Class C ad dresses c an have 254 h osts on a ne twork. Clas s C address es use 24 bits for the network a ddress and eight bi ts for th e node.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Network s, Routing , and Firew all B asics B-5 As a short er a lternat iv e to dotted -de ci mal n otation, t he ne tmask may als o be e xpr ess ed i n te rms of the number of ones fro m the lef t.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-6 Netw orks , Routi ng, and Firewal l Bas ics Although t he preced ing examp le uses th e entire t hird octe t for a su bnet addre ss, note t hat you ar e not res tricted to octet boun daries in su bnetting.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Network s, Routing , and Firew all B asics B-7 The foll owing tabl e display s several common netm ask values in both t he dotted-d ecimal and t he masklengt h formats.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-8 Netw orks , Routi ng, and Firewal l Bas ics NETGEAR recommen ds that you ch oose your pr ivate ne twork number fro m this rang e. The DHCP server of the RP614 v 2 router is preconf igured t o automatical ly assig n private addresse s.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Network s, Routing , and Firew all B asics B-9 Figure 6-3: Single IP Address Operation Using NA T This sch eme off ers the additiona l benefi.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-10 Networks , Routi ng, and Fir ewall Bas i cs If a device se nds data to anothe r station on the network and the destinat ion MAC address is not yet recorde d, ARP is used. An ARP request is br oadcas t onto the network.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Network s, Routing , and Firew all Bas ics B-11 IP Configuration by DHCP When an IP-base d local area net work i s ins ta ll ed, ea ch PC must be conf igu red with an IP addre ss.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-12 Networks , Routi ng, and Fir ewall Bas i cs St ateful Packet Inspection Unlike si mple Inter net shari ng routers , a fire wall uses a p rocess cal led stat eful packe t inspection to ensure s ecure fi rewall f iltering t o protect you r network f rom attacks a nd intrus ions.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Network s, Routing , and Firew all Bas ics B-13 Ethern et Cabling Although Et hernet networks originally used thick or thin coaxi al cable, most inst allations cur rently use un sh ie lde d t wis te d pa i r (UTP) cabling .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer B-14 Networks , Routi ng, and Fir ewall Bas i cs The RP614 v2 r outer in corporates Aut o Uplink TM te chnology (a lso call ed MDI/MDIX) . Each LOCAL Ethernet port wil l automati cally sense whether t he Etherne t cable plugg ed into th e port should ha ve a normal connectio n (e.
Preparin g Your Ne twork C-1 Append ix C Prep aring Y our N etwork This app endi x desc ribes how to pr epare your n etwork to connec t to the Inte rnet throug h t he Model RP614 v2 W eb Safe Router and how to ver if y th e re adiness of broa dban d Internet ser vi ce f rom an Inter net servic e pr ovid er (I SP).
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-2 Preparing You r Network • All versi ons of UNIX or Linux incl ude TCP/IP compon ent s. Fol low the inst ru cti ons provi ded with your operati ng system or net working sof tware to ins tall TCP/IP on your comp uter .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-3 Y ou must have an Ethernet adapter , the TCP/IP pro tocol, and Cli ent for Mic rosoft Networ ks. If you ne ed to inst all a ne w adapter , follow thes e steps: a. Click th e Add button .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-4 Preparing You r Network If you ne ed Client for Microsoft Networks: a. Click th e Add button . b. Select Client, an d then click Ad d. c. Select Mi cr osof t. d. Select Client fo r Microsof t Networks, a nd then clic k OK.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-5 • V erify the foll owing sett ings as sh own: – Cli ent fo r Mic ros of t Ne tw or k exists – Eth erne t a.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-6 Preparing You r Network Selecting Wi ndows’ Internet Access Method 1. On the W indows taskbar , click th e S t art bu tton, poi nt to Setti ngs , an d then cl ick Cont ro l Panel. 2. Doub l e-cl ick th e In te rne t Opti ons ic on.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-7 2. T ype winipcfg , a nd then click OK. The IP Configuratio n window ope ns, which li sts (among other things ), your IP a ddress, su bnet mask, and de fault ga teway .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-8 Preparing You r Network DHCP Configuration of TCP/IP in Windows XP , 2000, or NT4 Y ou will fi nd there a re many similar ities in t he procedu res for di ff erent W i ndows systems when using DHCP to configur e TCP/IP .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-9 • Now you s hould be at th e Local Area Network Conn ection S tatus window . This box displ ays the c onnection status, du ration, speed , and acti v ity st atis tics .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-10 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk DHCP Configuratio n of TCP/IP in Windows 2000 Once agai n, after y ou have insta lled the net work card, TCP/ IP for W indows 2000 is con figured. TCP/IP shou ld be added by default and set t o DHCP without y our having to config ure it.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-11 • Cli ck o n the My Network Places ico n on the W indows des k to p. This will br in g up a wind ow called Network and Di al-up Conne ctions. • Right cl ick on Local Area Co nnection and se lect Pr operties .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-12 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk • • W it h Interne t Protocol ( TCP/IP) select ed, clic k on Properti es butto n to open the Inter net Proto col (T CP/I P) P r ope rtie s dialogu e box. • V er ify that – Obtain an IP addr es s automa t ic all y is select ed.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-13 DHCP Configuratio n of TCP/IP in Windows NT4 Once you ha ve instal led the networ k card, you need to con figure the TCP/ IP environment for W indo ws NT 4.0. Follow thi s procedure t o configure TCP/IP with DHCP in W indows NT 4.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-14 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk V erifying TCP/IP Properties for W indows XP , 2000, and NT4 T o check your PC’ s TCP/IP conf iguration: • Highligh t the TCP/IP Pr oto col in the Network Proto cols box, and cl ick on th e Pro pertie s button.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-15 1. On the W indows taskbar , click the S tart button, a nd then clic k Run.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-16 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk The TCP/IP Con trol Pane l opens: 2. From the “ Connect via ” box, sele ct your Maci ntosh’ s Ethernet i nterfac e. 3. From the “ Configure” box, select Us ing DHCP Server .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-17 V erifying TCP/I P Properties for Macintosh Compu ters After yo ur Macintos h is configur ed and has rebooted, y ou can check the TCP/IP c onfigura tion by retur nin g to th e TCP /IP C ont ro l Pa nel.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-18 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk V erif ying th e Readi n ess of Y our I nterne t Acco unt For broad band ac cess to the I ntern et, you need to contra ct with an Interne t servic e provider (ISP) for a si ngle-use r Internet access ac count using a cable mo dem or DSL modem.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-19 • An IP a ddress and subn et mask • A gate way IP addre ss, which i s the address of the ISP ’ s router .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-20 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk If an I P address appea rs under I nstalled Gat eways, write d own the addr ess. This is t he ISP’ s gateway a ddress. Sel ect the a ddress an d then click Remove to remove the gate way address .
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Prepari ng Your Netwo rk C-21 Rest ar ting th e Netwo rk Once you’v e set up you r computers to work wit h the fir ewall, you must reset the network f or the devices to be abl e to communicat e cor rectl y .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer C-22 Prepari ng Your Netwo rk.
Glossary 1 Glossary 10BASE-T IEEE 802.3 sp ecification for 1 0 Mbps Ethern et over twist ed pair wiri ng. 100BASE-Tx IEEE 80 2.3 specificat ion for 100 Mbps Ethernet ov er twisted pair w iring.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 2 Glossar y IP Address A four-byte n umber uniquely defining each host on the I nternet. Ranges of addresses are assigned by Internic, an or ganization formed for this purpose. Usually written in dotted-decimal notation with periods separating the bytes (for example, 134.
Referen ce Manual fo r the Model RP614 v2 We b Safe Router Glossa ry 3 Network Address T r anslation A tech nique by which several hosts share a single IP addr ess for access to the Internet.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model RP6 14 v2 Web Safe R outer 4 Glossar y WA N See wide area network. wide area netwo rk W AN. A long distance link us ed to extend or conn ect remotely located local area networks. The I nternet is a lar ge W AN. Window s Internet Naming Service WINS.
Index 1 Numerics 100BASE -TX 2-2 10BA SE -T 2- 2 A Account Name 2-14, 2- 17, 4-2 ActiveX 3-7 Addre ss Resolu tion Pro tocol B- 9 Authentic ation Server 2 -13 Auto Uplink 1-3 B back up con figurat ion .
2 Index G gateway ad dress C-20 H Half Life 5-3 host n ame 2-14, 2-1 7 I IANA contacting B-2 IETF B-1 W eb site addr ess B-8 installatio n 1-4 Internet a ccount addre ss inform ation C-18 establi shin.
Index 3 PPPoE 1-3, C-18 Prima ry DNS Serv er 2-9, 2-14, 2- 15, 2-1 7 prot ocol s Address Resolution B-9 DHCP 1-3, B-1 1 Routing Information 1-3 , B-2 supp ort 1- 1 publicatio ns, related B-1 Q Quake 5.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté NETGEAR RP614NA c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du NETGEAR RP614NA - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation NETGEAR RP614NA, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le NETGEAR RP614NA va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le NETGEAR RP614NA, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du NETGEAR RP614NA.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le NETGEAR RP614NA. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei NETGEAR RP614NA ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.