Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit iCN700 du fabricant Navman
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series with Smart S ™ 2006 iCN 700 USER MANUAL N a v P i x N a v i g a t e t o p i c t u r e s English - Europe/New Zealand en.
iCN 700 series User Manual English - Europe / New Zealand.
© 2006 Brunswi ck New Technologies Asia Pte Limited. Nav man is a reg istered trademar k of Brunswick New Technologies Asia Pt e Limited and is used und er licence by N avman New Zealand. Nav man is part of the Brunsw ick Group, headquarters Chi cago, IL.
iCN 700 series | Important safety information 5 Important safety information PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING PRODUCT IN VEHICLE This is the safety alert sy m bol. It i s used to alert y ou to potential per sonal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this sy mbol to avoid possible injury or death.
iCN 700 series | Important safety information 6 Do not handle the iCN w hile it is hot. L et the product cool, out of direct sunlig ht. Do not expose the i CN to direct sunligh t in an una ttended v ehicle for prolonged period s. Overheating may damage the unit.
iCN 700 series | Contents 7 Contents Important safe ty info rm ation................................................................................................................... 5 Welcome..........................................................
iCN 700 series | Contents 8 How do I sav e, e-mail or prin t photo s? ......................................................................................... ... 63 Via Memory Card.....................................................................
iCN 700 series | Welcome 9 Welcome Thank you for purchasing this Nav man iCN. This user manual ha s been prepared to guide you through the o peration of your Navman iCN from first se t-up through to co ntinuous use, and will help y ou Drive-Away™ with y our iCN, straight out of th e box.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 10 Box contents Item Item iCN with GPS receiver Mounting bracket AC Power pack with pow er cable and plugs The number of plug s included depends on the country of purchas e.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 11 Typographical conventions It is important to understand the terms and typographical conventions used in this manual. Formatting The following kind s of formatting in the te.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 12 Getting to know your iCN We recommend that y ou familiarize your sel f with the iCN's ba sic operations. Front components Component Description Battery indicator Indic.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 13 Side components Component Description External antenna socket Connection socket for GPS MCX External Antenna (not included) . Connection socket for headphones or earphones (not incl uded). Slot for memory card. The memory card must be i nserted w ith the label facin g the front of the iCN.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 14 To p c o m p o n e n t s Component Description Turns the iCN on or off; when off, the i CN enters a su spended state. Turns the c amera on. P ress to take a photo . Bottom components Component Description RESET Resets the iCN.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 15 Back components Component Description Camera The camera lens. Speaker Broadcasts voice commands and warnings. Use the Volume control to adju st. GPS receiver Receives signals fr om GPS satellites when lifted ou t to the hori zontal position.
iCN 700 series | Welcome 16 Internal battery The iCN has an internal ba ttery that, w hen fully charged, should power the iCN for up to 2.5 ho urs. The battery indicator light on the front of the iCN .
iCN 700 series | How do I get started? 17 How do I get started? Before you begin, check if your vehicle is fitted with a heat-reflective or hea ted windscree n. If so, you will need to purchase an external an tenna for your iCN to receive GPS sig nals.
iCN 700 series | How do I get started? 18 2. Select your preferred language From the Language screen, tap your pr eferred language. To prevent the Lan guage screen from displaying on each sta rtup, tap the Show on startup check box. You can change y our preferred langua ge while using your iCN.
iCN 700 series | How do I get started? 19 How do I turn my iCN off? To turn your iCN off, pr ess . Your iCN will enter a suspended state and the screen w ill turn of f. When y ou turn your iCN on again, it will return to the screen you w ere last viewing.
iCN 700 series | What are the main screens that I will use? 20 What are the main screens that I will use? Map screens There are four map screens used to view the route to your destin ation: 3D Map.
iCN 700 series | What are the main screens that I will use? 21 Go To Menu screen The Go To Menu screen i s your starting poin t for specify ing a destination. Fro m the Go To M enu screen you can navigate to My Home, an address, Point of Interest, Fa vourite, recen t location or set a mul ti-stop trip.
iCN 700 series | How do I navigate with GPS? 22 How do I navigate with GPS? The Global Position ing System (GPS) i s available at any time , free of charge, and is ac cura te to within 5m (15ft). GPS navigation is made po ssible by a network of satellite s that orbit the Earth at aro und 20,200km.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 23 How do I go from A to B? Your iCN is equipped with map s that provide stree t-level detail for door-to-door nav igation, including Points o f Interest (POIs) such as a ccommodation, parking a rea s, petrol sta tions, railway stati ons and airports.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 24 How do I search for an address? Select a destination usi ng the Destination Sear ch , Keyboa rd and Destination Preview screens, which used together form an address-entry wizard.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 25 2. Select the country If you only hav e the map of one countr y installed and sele cted, that co untry is selected for your d estination by default and cannot be changed. Go to step 3. a) From the Destination Search screen, tap Change Country .
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 26 4. Search for the street a) From the Destination Search screen, tap St reet . The Keyboard screen will displ ay.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 27 Using the Keyboard screen The Keyboard screen will displ ay when y ou are required to enter tex t, such as w hen searching for a street name. As you tap e ach character, the first two matching r esults will display .
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 28 5. Search for the house number a) From the Destination Search screen, tap House Number . The Keyboard screen will displ ay. If house number s are availabl e, but not the o ne that you r equire, you m ay have to choos e the same stre et in a neighbouring are a.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 29 If you want to ... Then ... display Route Prefe rences tap Preferences . The Route Calculation screen will di splay.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 30 How do I create a trip with multiple stops? You can use the Multi-stop Trip Planner screen to set multiple w aypoints for your trip. Your rou te will be calcula ted to go via each of these points in th e specified order .
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 31 Case Study: How do I navigate to multiple addresses? This case study will show you how to set a mul ti-stop tr ip by selecting y our country , then area , then street, then house number for e ach waypoint. 1.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 32 2. Select the country If you only hav e the map of one countr y installed and sele cted, that co untry is selected for your d estination by default and cannot be changed. Go to step 3. a) From the Destination Search screen, tap Change Country .
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 33 4. Search for the street a) From the Destination Search screen, tap St reet . The Keyboard screen will displ ay. b) Use the Keyboard screen to search for the str eet of your destination. The Destination Search screen w ill display.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 34 b) Use the Keyboard screen to search for th e house number of y our destination. The Wayp oint Pr eview screen will display. c) Tap Add . The destination is automati cally saved and the Multi-S top-Trip Planner screen w ill display.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 35 If you want to ... Then ... save the multi-stop trip as a Fav ourite tap Save . The New Favourite screen will display . Tap Save as F a vour i te . The Favourite will sav e and the Multi-Stop Trip Planner screen will display .
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 36 How do I search for a landmark or venue? Setting a Point of Interest (POI) as y our destination A POI is a named site, feature, landmark or public venue w hich can be displayed as an icon on the map. POIs a re grouped by type, such as petrol statio ns, parks and muse ums.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 37 How do I find the nearest parking area? You can press to quickly find the nea rest parking area. This case study will show you how to set your de stination by locating and selecting a parking area Poin t of Interest (POI).
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 38 How do I search for other POIs? Select a POI destin ation using the Destination Sear ch , Keyboard and Destination Preview screens, which u sed together form a POI-entry wizard.
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 39 2. Select the country If you only hav e the map of one countr y installed and sele cted, that co untry is selected for your d estination by default and cannot be changed. Go to step 3. a) From the Destination Search screen, tap Change Country .
iCN 700 series | How do I go from A to B? 40 c) Use the Keyboard screen to find the POI. The Destination Preview screen w ill display. d) Complete o ne of the follow ing: Please ensure t hat the route pr eferences are applicable for the route that you have speci fied, before you tap Go .
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 41 How do I view my route? Once a route has been calculated, the 3D Map screen will display . You will be dire cted to your de stination by vocal and visual instructi ons. You can view your route in sev eral ways by pressing to cycle through the map screens.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 42 3D Map screen The 3D Map screen is oriented to your trav elling direction. To view the 3D M ap screen when a ro ute has been cal culated, press to cycle through the screens. Tap and drag the screen, to mov e across the map.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 43 Item Description Information Displays one of the follow ing options: Time km/h or mph (Spee d) TTG (Time to Go) DTG (Distance to Go) ETA (Estimated Time of Arriv al). Tap to cycle th rough the option s.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 44 2D Map screen The 2D Map screen sh ows your curre nt position (if a GPS fix is active) and surroun ding street names. If a route has been calculated, the route and turns are highlighted. The 2D Map screen is displayed Course Up , unless the M ap Display prefe rences are set to Nort h.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 45 Item Description Information Displays one of the follow ing options: Time km/h or mph (Spee d) TTG (Time to Go) DTG (Distance to Go) ETA (Estimated Time of Arriv al). Tap to cycle th rough the option s.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 46 Next Turn screen The Next Turn screen display s information that y ou need for the ne x t turn, the dire ction of the turn and the distance to the turn. A route must first hav e been calculated, for this screen to be available.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 47 Item Description Map of next turn A map of your nex t turn. Current position Your current po sition is mar ked with ; i f visible.
iCN 700 series | How do I view my route? 48 Item Description Status Bar The name of the street you are located on. Information Displays one of the follow ing options: Time km/h or mph (Spee d) TTG (Time to Go) DTG (Distance to Go) ETA (Estimated Time of Arriv al).
iCN 700 series | How do I save Favourites and My Home? 49 How do I save Favourites and My Home? You can save up to 200 destination s as Favourites, one o f which can be saved as My Home. M y Home can be any designated Favourite, bu t we recommend that i t is y our home or other comm on destination.
iCN 700 series | How do I save Favourites and My Home? 50 3. Complete one of th e following: If you want to ... Then ... save as a Favourite tap Save as Favourite . The Favourite is sav ed. The Favouri te Pre v iew screen will display. save as My Home tap Save as My Home .
iCN 700 series | How do I save Favourites and My Home? 51 How do I navigate to My Home? If you have not se t an address a s My Home , the first time you try to n avigate to My Ho m e you will be prompted to search for an addre ss using the add ress-entry wizard.
iCN 700 series | How do I save Favourites and My Home? 52 How do I view details of a Favourite? 1. From the My F a vourit es screen, select a Favourite. The Favourite Preview screen will disp lay. 2. Tap Details . The Favourite Details screen will display .
iCN 700 series | How do I save Favourites and My Home? 53 How do I edit the name of a Favourite? 1. From the My F a vourit es screen, select a Favourite to edit. The Favourite Preview screen will displa y. 2. Tap Edit . The Edit Name screen will display .
iCN 700 series | How do I save Favourites and My Home? 54 How do I delete a Favourite? 1. From the My F a vourit es screen, select a Favourite to delete. The Favourite Preview screen will disp lay. 2. Tap Delete . The Favourite is deleted.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 55 How do I use the camera? Your iCN has an inbuilt camera with NavPix technology , which allow s you to take pho tos and sav e them as a geographical location on the navigation maps. This enabl es you to navigate directly to where the photo wa s taken.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 56 How do I view the Camera screen? The Camera screen allows you to take photos and access the camera preference s. To view the Camera screen, press on top of the iCN. You can also ac cess the Camera scree n from the Main Men u ; tap .
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 57 How do I take a photo? The Camera screen must be display ed before y ou can take a pho to. 1. To v iew the Camera screen, press on top of the iCN. You can also ac cess the Camera scree n from the Main Men u ; tap .
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 58 How do I customize camer a preferences? The Camera has lighting and brigh tness settin gs which you ca n customise be fore taking a photo. Lighting options 1. To v iew the Camera screen, press . 2. From the Camera screen, tap .
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 59 How do I manage my photos? Album management The Album stores all your photo s and display s them as thum bnails. You can store pho tos in the Album on the iCN's hard drive or on your memory card. When yo u take a ph oto, it is a lways save d to th e Album on the iCN's hard drive.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 60 How do I copy photos between Albums ? Photos can be co pied from the Album on the iCN's hard drive to y our memory card and v ice versa. The first time a photo is copied to your memory card, a fo lde r will be created on the memory card called My Pictures .
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 61 Photo management The Photo Details screen display s information about y our photo. To di splay the Pho to Details screen, tap any photo in your Album . Element Description Go to Displays the Destination Preview screen , ready for you to navigate to the location.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 62 How do I view a photo in full-screen? 1. From the Phot o Details screen, tap the thum bnail of the photo. The photo will appear in full-screen. 2. Complete the following: If you want to ... Then ... zoom into the photo tap .
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 63 How do I save, e-mail or print photos? To save, e-mail or print photos, you must first tra nsfer t he photos to y our computer; there are two ways to do th.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 64 3. Select your preferred langua ge for Smart Desktop. 4. Click Install Microsoft ActiveSync and follow the screen prompts.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 65 How do I navigate to a photo location? To navigate to a p hoto location , a GPS fix mu st have been av ailable w hen the photo was taken. 1. From the Album screen, tap a photo. The Photo Details screen w ill display.
iCN 700 series | How do I use the camera? 66 How do I assign a photo to a Favourite? When a photo is assi gned to an existi ng Favourite, only the im age, and not the im age co-ordinates, are associated with the Favouri te. 1. From the Album screen, tap a photo.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 67 What else can I do? When you want to... Then ... view your recen t locations use 'Recent Loca tions', see "How do I navigate to a recent location?" on page 68.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 68 How do I navigate to a recent location? To make navigating to an address ea sier, your iCN will au tomatically save all of your star t locations and d estinations in a list of re cent locations. 1. Tap a recent locati on.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 69 If you want to ... Then ... change your destination press . The Recent Locations screen w ill display. How do I use the Map Menu? The Map Menu allows y ou to access n avi gational function s from the 3D Map and 2D Map screen.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 70 Menu Option Description Location Only available when th e selected location is near a road. Displays the Lo cation sub-menu from which y ou can: Add To Favourites . Displays the New Favourite screen for you to add the location as a favourite .
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 71 How do I avoid an area? Your iCN can calculate a ro ute that avoids a specified area on the map. Up to ten Av oid Areas can be added. Avoid Areas are displayed as shaded areas. CAUTI ON If no alternative route around an Avoid Area exists, the route calcu lation will fail.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 72 How do I preview a route? Route demonstration allow s you to: Preview a route. Plan and view a route without a G PS fix, such a s when you are in side a building. The following steps will show you how to prev iew one route.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 73 2. Select a destination point Set a destination ei ther by using the address entry wizard or by using the Maps (see below): a) Locate your destina tion. b) Tap and hold your destination to display the Map menu. c) Select Navigate To .
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 74 How do I view my route statistics? The iCN provides information on y our: distance travelled average speed maximum speed time taken for trip stationary time. Trip information is presented in two different w ays.
iCN 700 series | What else can I do? 75 How do I view statistics of my trips to date? The Tripmet er - Global screen is used to view sta tistical information for al l of your trip s to date, or since the trip meter was last re set. The Tripmeter - Current Route screen will only display when there is a curre nt rou te selected.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 76 What is SmartST Desktop? Smart Desktop is softw are for your PC compu ter and is used to install maps to your iCN. You can also u se it to remov e maps from y our iCN, ob tain software updates, manage Custom P oints of Interest (POIs) and install B asemaps.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 77 Can I use Smart Desktop with my computer? Ensure you hav e the following minimum sy stem requirements be fore installin g Smart Des ktop: IBM c.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 78 How do I install Smart Desktop on my computer? Before you Begin: Ensure that your computer mee ts the minimu m system req uirements for Smart Desktop, especially : i.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 79 Press . Your iCN will turn o n. When the following screen displays on your iCN, click Next : Microsoft ActiveSync will sy nchronize with your iCN. You are now ready to u se Smart De sktop to in stall maps to your iCN .
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 80 Element Description Menu bar Menus that provide access to Smart Desktop functionality . Toolbars There are three toolbars: Status Globe Cursor To display toolbars that are not on by default, select Toolbars on the View menu.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 81 T oolbars The following toolbars are available in Smart Desktop: Toolbar Button Description Indicates that y our iCN is connecte d to your computer via ActiveSy nc. Status Indicates that y our iCN is not connecte d to your compu ter.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 82 How do I keep Smart up-to-date? We recommend that y ou regularly use Smart Desktop to check the Navman server for Smart software updates.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 83 How do I install maps on my iCN? Your iCN comes with o ne or more pre-activ ated maps. You can install map s from the enclo sed CDs to memory card or y our iCN internal hard driv e; however you may first need to purchase a Map Product Key to activate the maps.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 84 3. Complete the following: If the map to be installed is ... Then ... light green go to step 6. light blue the map needs to b e activated via the Interne t before it can be installed; continue to ste p 4. 4.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 85 7. Complete the following: If you want to ... Then ... select a light green map go back to step 6. select a light blue map the map needs to b e activated via the Interne t before it ca n be installed; go back to step 4.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 86 How do I know which map contains a particular city or town? Use the Find City window to find the m ap that cont ains a particular ci ty or tow n. 1. On the Map menu, select Find City . The Find City window w ill open.
iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop? 87 What is a Major R oad Network map? Continuous continental navigation Major Road Network maps allow you to seamlessly navigat e between installed map s without installing map s of all regions along your route .
iCN 700 series | How do I install Custom Points of Interest? 88 How do I install Custom Points of Interest? You can create custom Poin ts of Intere st (P OIs) by using the POI Editor in two ways: by creating y our own POI files, or by using compatible PO I files, such as sa fety camera locati ons, dow nloaded from the Inte rnet.
iCN 700 series | How do I install Custom Points of Interest? 89 How do I create a Custom POI file? Complete the follow ing steps to create or edit a custom PO I file containing the latitu de and longitude of indiv idual POIs. The file will b e saved on y our computer in .
iCN 700 series | How do I install Custom Points of Interest? 90 If you kno w ... Then ... the decimal degree s of the POI on the Decimal Degrees tab, type the POI latitude in the Latitude box and the POI longi tude in the Longitude box. Select N , S , E or W to designate the h emisphere of the co-ordinates.
iCN 700 series | How do I install Custom Points of Interest? 91 3. Modify the POI settings as required: If you want to... Then... edit the POI ca tegory name type the name of the POI category in the PO I Name field. The file name c annot include spac es.
iCN 700 series | How do I install Custom Points of Interest? 92 How do I add sound files to My Sounds Admin? My Sounds Admin is u sed to compile a list of sound files for you to select an audible a lert from when editing the POI file options. Map Points of Interest 1.
iCN 700 series | How do I install Custom Points of Interest? 93 How do I backup my iCN? You can save ba ckups of the follow ing informat ion, and later restore them to your iCN: Favourites and My Home Preferences, includ ing Point of Interest and photo prefer ences Multi-stop trip s Recent locations.
iCN 700 series | Reference 94 Reference In this section What can I custom ize? .......................................................................................................... .............. 95 Which maps are alr eady installed on m y iC N? .
iCN 700 series | Reference 95 What can I customize? There are a number of different cu stomizatio n options available to enhance y our navigation experience. The Preferences menu i s shown below, an d is accesse d by pressing the button on your iCN, then tapping .
iCN 700 series | Reference 96 R oute Preferences You can enhance y our navigation ex perience by modify ing aspects of y our route and route calculation. The fi rst rout e p r eferen ce scre en is the Route Calculation screen, and is accessed by tapping on the Preferences menu.
iCN 700 series | Reference 97 Road Types Complete the follo w ing: If you want to... Then... avoid toll roads select the Toll roads check box i n th e Avo id column. receive a warning i f your route includes toll roads select the Toll roads check box i n th e War n column.
iCN 700 series | Reference 98 Complete the follo w ing: If you want to... Then... enable a warning chime w hen travelling at or above a designated speed select the speed in the Alert me when my speed exceeds check box. select your preferred sp eed select your preferre d speed from th e Speed box.
iCN 700 series | Reference 99 Tu t o r i a l The Tutorial display s when you turn y our iCN on, unle ss you have cleared the Show on start-up check box. You can view the Tuto ria l at any other time: To prevent the Tutorial from display ing again on startup, tap the Show on sta rt-up check box to clear it.
iCN 700 series | Reference 100 Screen Display For further informat ion, see "Screen Display " on page 104. GPS Status Signals are transmitted by Global Positioning Sy stem (GPS) satellites orbiting the Earth. The GPS Status screen provides a visual representation of the information being received.
iCN 700 series | Reference 101 Power The Battery Status bar sh ows the pe rcentage of power l eft in the iCN ba ttery; the word Charging will display when the battery is chargi ng from an external pow er source. To charge the battery, see "Inte rnal battery" on page 16.
iCN 700 series | Reference 102 Complete the follo w ing: If you want to... Then... change the on-screen langua ge select your preferred languag e from the Language box and tap OK .
iCN 700 series | Reference 103 Start-up Complete the follo w ing: If you want to... Then... show the Tutorial when y ou turn on your iCN select the Sho w the Tutorial checkbox. show the Language Selection screen when you tu rn on your iCN select the Sho w the Language Selection screen checkbox.
iCN 700 series | Reference 104 Element Description Options to control measurement of ti me, position and distance . Screen Display or Complete the follo w ing: If you want to.
iCN 700 series | Reference 105 Map Display Complete the follo w ing: If you want to... Then... change the Colour sch eme select your preferred scheme from the Map Colour Scheme box. improve screen con trast in light or dark conditions select either the Day hues or the N ight hues option.
iCN 700 series | Reference 106 Measurements Complete the follo w ing: If you want to... Then... change the Positio n Format select either the Decimal degrees or the Degrees, minutes and seconds option. change the local time offs et select either the 12 hour or 24 hour option for time-for m at .
iCN 700 series | Reference 107 POI Preferences You can enhance y our navigation ex perience by modifying asp ects of the w ay that your iCN display s and manages POIs. The POI Menu is show n below, and is acce ssed by tappi ng on the Preferences menu.
iCN 700 series | Reference 108 POI Alerts The POI Alert preference s allow you to se t warning chimes and v isual warnings for custom POI categorie s that will activate w ithin a chosen distance-radius o f your locati on.
iCN 700 series | Reference 109 How do I enable Po ints of Interest? Points of Intere st (POI) in a r egion are grouped in to catego ries. You may either choose to display (or hide) icons of all POI categorie s on the map screen s, or to selectively di splay desired ico ns chosen from the list of POI categories.
iCN 700 series | Reference 110 Which maps are already installed on my iCN? Region of Purchase Model Description Australia or New Zealand iCN 750 Preactivated maps of Australia or New Zealand are preinstalled on your iCN. You can reinstal l your maps from the enclosed CD, i f necessary, usin g Smart D esktop.
iCN 700 series | Reference 111 How do I use a memory card with my iCN? Your iCN has a memory card slot ( ) for an SD or MMC memory card (not i ncluded) that can be used for storin g maps or photos.
iCN 700 series | Reference 112 How do I insert a Memory Card? Holding the card by the edges, gently insert it into the sl ot w ith the label facing the front of the iCN. CAUTI ON Do not to a pply pressure t o the centre of the memory card. How do I remov e a Memory Card? Before removing the memory card, turn off the iCN.
iCN 700 series | Reference 113 Address search rules The following rules apply when searching for a de stination in Europe : Street names with dates or numbers If a street name co ntains a date or a number, s e arch by the first number: Example 1: If searching for “ Faubourg du 13 Juillet 1920 ”, search by “ 13 ”.
iCN 700 series | Reference 114 Street types - Europe Belgium and Sw itzerland each l ist street ty pes and their abbreviations i n three languag es. Country Street T ype Abbrev iation Austria BOULEVAR.
iCN 700 series | Reference 118 Points of Interest categories Icon Description Icon Description Airline Access Airport Amusement Park Arts or Cultural Centre Bank Beach Boat Ramp Breakdown Service, Car.
iCN 700 series | Reference 119 Icon Description Icon Description Pharmacy Place of Worship Police Station Post Office Railway Station Rent-a car P arking Rest Area Restaurant Area Scenic or Panorami c.
iCN 700 series | Reference 120 Specifications Specifications General Operating voltage: DC5V Operating voltage r ange: DC10.8–16.0V Maximum operation current: 2.5A Grounding system : car battery nega tive pole AC adapter Operating voltage r ange: AC85-265V Maximum operation current: 2.
iCN 700 series | Support information 121 Support information Support for Australia Navman Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 479 Gladesville, NSW 2111 Australia Support: http://support.
iCN 700 series | Notes 122 Notes.
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Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Navman iCN700 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Navman iCN700 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Navman iCN700, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Navman iCN700 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Navman iCN700, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Navman iCN700.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Navman iCN700. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Navman iCN700 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.