Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 600 du fabricant National Instruments
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VXI/VME Getting Started with Your VXI/VMEpc ™ 600 Series for Windows 95/NT VXI/VME pc 600 Seri es for Wi ndows 95/NT May 1998 Edit ion Part Numb er 32188 2A-01.
Inter net Su ppor t E-mail: FTP Site : Web Address: Bulletin Board Sup port BBS U nite d State s: 512 794 5422 BBS Unit ed Kingd om: 0 1635 5.
Important Information Warranty The Nat ional Ins trumen ts VXI/VMEpc 600 Se ries em bed ded comp uters and acces sories are warra nted ag ain st defect s in material s and workmanshi p for a period of on e year from the date of shipme nt, as evide nced by rece ipts or other documentat ion.
Compliance FCC/DOC Radio Frequency Interference Class A Compliance This equi pmen t genera tes and us es radio frequenc y energ y and, if not instal led and use d in stri ct acco rdance with the i nstructi ons in this m anual, may cause interfe rence to radio and t elevision re cepti on.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n v VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T Contents About Th is Manual Organization of Th is Manual ............... ............................ ........... ................. ................. . vii Conventions Used in This Manual .
Contents VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT vi © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Appendix A Default Set tings Appendix B Common Questi ons Appendix C Reinstalling the NI-VXI /VISA Software Appendix D Customer Comm unication Glossa ry Index Tables Table 3-1.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n vii VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T About This Manual Use this manual to get started with the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series embedded computers an d the NI-VXI/VISA so ftware for W indo ws 95/NT . This manual sum marizes the setup in structions and default setti ngs for the hardware an d software.
About Th is Manu al VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT viii © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration •T h e Index contains an alphabetical list of ke y ter ms and top ics used in this manual, including the pag e where you can f ind each one.
About This Ma nual © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n ix VXI/VMEpc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/ NT How to Use This Documenta tion Set Begi n by reading this man ual, Getting S tarted with Yo ur VXI/VME pc 600 Seri es for Wi ndows 95/NT , to get basic instructio ns for setting u p the hardw are and softw are.
About Th is Manu al VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT x © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration The VXI/V MEpc 600 Series User Ma nual co ntains mor e detai ls abou t changing the ha rdware installat ion or co nfiguratio n from the def aults, and using th e har dwar e.
About This Ma nual © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n xi VXI/VMEpc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/NT Customer Communication National Instruments w ants to recei ve your comments on our produc ts and manuals . W e are interested in the applications you dev elop with ou r products, and we want to help if you have p roblems with them.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 1-1 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T 1 Introduction This chapter descr ibes the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series of embedded comp uters along with the NI-VXI/VISA software, lists what you need to get started, lists op tio nal soft ware, and gi ves an overvi ew of th e director y str uctur e on your hard drive.
Chapter 1 Introduc tion VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 1-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration ❑ Monitor with VGA or better resolutio n ❑ National Instrumen ts software media for the VXI/VMEpc 600 Series The NI-VXI/VIS A software i s alr eady inst alled on your VXI/VME pc-650 computer .
Chap ter 1 Int rodu ction © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 1-3 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T The NI-VXI/VISA softw are for the VXI/VMEpc 60 0 Series is already installe d on your ha rd dri ve.
Chapter 1 Introduc tion VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 1-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration • NI-VISA f o r Wi ndo ws 95/NT— This is a 32-bit d ri ver des igned for W indows 95/NT . Note that for VME and VXI sup port, the NI-VXI dri ver must be install ed.
Chap ter 1 Int rodu ction © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 1-5 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T Files and Directories Installed on Y our Hard Drive Your hard dr ive includes a directory called images in its root that contains software and soft copies of manu als for the operat ing syst em and for the peripher als.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 2-1 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T 2 Setting up Y our VXI/VME System This chapter contain s basic ins tructions for s etting up the VX I/VMEpc 600 Series and the NI-VXI/VISA software.
Chapt er 2 Setti ng u p Y our V XI/ VME S yste m VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 2-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Installing the Hardware Caution T o prevent electro sta tic discharge, touch the antistatic p lastic package to a metal part of your VX I/VMEb us ch assis bef ore remo ving the VXI/V MEpc-650 from t he packa ge.
Chapter 2 Setting up Y o ur VXI/VME System © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 2-3 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T Installed Software Your VXI/VMEpc 600 Series kit comes with the NI-VXI/VISA bus interface software already in stalled.
Chapt er 2 Setti ng u p Y our V XI/ VME S yste m VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 2-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration V erifying Y our System Configuration After you fini sh configur ing the system throug h T&M Explorer, veri fy the system configuratio n through on e of the interactive control uti lities.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 3-1 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T 3 Developing Y our Application This chapter discu sses the so ftware utilities y ou can use to s tart developing applications that use the NI-VXI/VISA driv er.
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 3-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration manually ad d your VME de vices in T&M Expl orer using the Add VME Device Wizard to reserve s ystem resources when the Resource Manager runs.
Chapter 3 Developing Y ou r Application © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 3-3 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T Device Interaction After Resman has detected an d configured all VXI devices, you can view specific information on each device in your system by using the T&M Explorer utility.
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 3-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Alternati vely , you can use VISAIC to interact with your devices. VISAIC lists the av ai lable devices, similar to what T&M Explorer disp lay s.
Chapter 3 Developing Y ou r Application © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 3-5 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T T able 3-1 summarizes the topics addressed b y the exam ple programs. Note T&M Explor er includes s pecial settings that you mus t use for low-level functions and mem or y sha ring.
Chapter 3 Developing Y our Application VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT 3-6 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Compiler Symbols for NI-V XI You may need to define some symbols so that the N I-VXI library can work properly wi th your pro gram.
Chapter 3 Developing Y ou r Application © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n 3-7 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T For the B orland C compiler: -DVXINT; BINARY_COMPATIBLE; Y ou will also need to link in the appr opriate import library for yo u r code.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n A-1 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT A Default Settings This appendix su mmarizes the defaul t settin g s for the hardware and softw are in yo ur kit.
Appendix A Default Settings VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT A-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration W7—CL K1 0 SM B Po larity (VXI only) Not in verted W8—Ethernet EEPR OM Enab le d.
Appendix A Default Settings © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n A-3 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT VXI/VME-MXI-2 This section su mmarizes th e so ftware default settings for the VXI-MXI-2 and VME-MXI-2. Th is information is useful if you ha ve either o f these modu l e s in your syst e m.
Appendix A Default Settings VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT A-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Tabl e A-6. VXI/VME -MXI-2 T&M Ex plore r VXI/V ME Bus T ab Default Settings Editor .
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n B-1 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT B Common Questions This appendi x addresses common questions yo u may have about using the NI-VXI/VISA software on the VXI/VMEpc platform.
Appendix B Common Questions VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT B-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration 8. Run VISAIC to ve rify that y ou can commun icate with you r system using V I SA. The new utility components are as follows: • T&M Explorer—Use thi s utility to configure, vie w , and initialize your system.
Appendix B Common Quest ions © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n B-3 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT This includes National Instruments VXI-D A Q cards, which means you can conf igure these de vices f rom T&M Expl orer with out ha ving to run the D A Q Configuration Utility .
Appendix B Common Questions VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT B-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration How can I determine which version of the NI-VXI/VISA software I hav e in stalled? Follo wing are several w ays to find this inform ation: • From T&M Explor er , select About.
Appendix B Common Quest ions © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n B-5 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT information that it coll ects to the RESMAN.TBL f ile in the TBL subd irecto ry of the NIVXI directory . Y ou can also run Resource Manager o perations from T&M Explorer .
Appendix B Common Questions VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT B-6 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration What ki nd of sig nal is CLK1 0 and wha t kind of signal d o I need f or an extern al CLK10? ♦ VXI Only —CLK10 is a dif ferential ECL signal on the backplane.
Appendix B Common Quest ions © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n B-7 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT What must I do if I want to install the VXI/VMEp c-650 in a slot other than the System .
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n C-1 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT C Reinstalling the NI-VXI/VISA Software This a ppend ix c ontai ns the instruction s on h ow to re install your NI-VXI /VISA software. Your VXI/VMEpc 60 0 Series contr oller was shipped with the NI-VXI/VISA software alrea dy installed.
Appendix C Reinstalling the NI-VXI/ VISA Software VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT C-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Installing the Software This section describes how to instal l the 32- bit NI -VX I/V ISA soft war e for the VX I/VM Epc 600 Series .
Appendix C Reinstalling the NI-VXI/VISA Software © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n C-3 VXI/VMEpc 600 Series f or Windows 95/ NT • Custom setup gives you c omplete control over w hich files and utilities you want installed on your system. This option is recomm en ded f or adva nc ed u ser s.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n D-1 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T D Customer Communication Fo r your con venience, this appe ndix contains forms to help you gather the in formation necessary to help us solv e your technical pr oblems and a form you can use to comment on the prod uct documentation.
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT D-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Fax-on-Demand Support Fax -on-Demand is a 24-hour information ret riev al system co ntaining a library of documents on a wide range of techn ical information. Y ou can access Fax-o n-Demand from a touch-tone telephon e at 512 418 1111.
T echnical Support Form Photocopy this form and u pdate it each time you make chan ges to your sof tware or har dware, an d use the completed cop y of this form as a reference fo r your curr ent conf iguration.
VXI/VMEpc 600 Series Hardware and Software Configuration Form Record the settings and re visions of your hardware and s oftware on the line to the right of each item. Complete a ne w copy of this form each time you re vise your softw are or hard wa re con f iguration, and use this form as a r eference for yo ur current conf iguration.
VXI/VMEpc Configuration Edit or Settings (T&M Explorer) Logical A ddre ss ______ ___ ___ ______ ____ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ __ Device Cla ss _____ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____.
Transfe r Limit on MXIbus __ ______ __________ _______ ______ ______ __________ ______ _ MXI Fair Req ue ster _______ ______ ____ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ ____ Parity Ch eckin g.
Documentation Comment F orm National Instruments encou rages you to comment on the documen tation s upplied wi th our pr oducts. This information hel ps us provide quality products to m eet your needs.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n G-1 VXI/VMEp c 600 Series for Wind ows 95/N T Glossar y Pref ix M eanings V alue p- pico 10 –1 2 n- nano- 10 –9 µ- micr o- 10 –6 m- milli- 10 –3 k- kilo- 10 3 M- mega- 10 6 G- giga- 10 9 t- tera- 10 12 A A16 space VXIbu s address space equi valent to the VME 64 KB short address space.
Gloss ar y VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT G-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration ANSI American National Stan dards Institute API Application Programming In terface; the direct interf ace.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n G -3 VXI/VM Epc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/NT C CLK10 A 10 MHz, ±1 00 ppm, indi vidually bu f fered (to each module slot) , dif ferential ECL system clock that is sourced fro m Slot 0 of a VXIb us mainframe and distri bu ted to Slot s 1 throu gh 12 on P 2.
Gloss ar y VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT G-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration embedded cont roller An intelligent CPU (controller) interf ace plugged d irectly into the VXI backplane, gi ving it direct access to the VXIbus. It must ha ve all of its required VXI interface capabilities built in.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n G -5 VXI/VM Epc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/NT K KB kilobyt es of m emor y L LED light-emitt ing diode logical address An 8-bit number that u niquely identif ies each VXIbu s device in a system. It def ines the A16 re gister addr ess of a de vice, and indicates Comman der and Serv ant relations hips.
Gloss ar y VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT G-6 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration Non-Slot 0 de vice A de vice configur ed for instal lation in any sl ot in a VXIb u s mainframe other than Slot 0. Installing such a de vice into Slot 0 can damage the de vice, the VXIb us backplane, or both.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n G -7 VXI/VM Epc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/NT SIMM Single In-line Memory Module slav e A functional part of a VME/VXIb us device th at detects data tran.
Gloss ar y VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT G-8 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration VISAIC VISA Interacti ve Control Program, a part of the NI-VISA so ftware.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n I-1 VXI/VMEpc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/ NT Index Numbers 32-bit re gisters, accessing, B-5 A Add De vice W izard, 3-2 Add VME De vice W izard, 3-2 application de velopment.
Inde x VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT I-2 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration E electronic support services, D-1 to D-2 e-mail su pport, D-2 example p rograms for NI- VXI/VISA software, 3.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n I-3 VXI/VMEpc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/ NT NI-488.2 s oftware kit, 1-3 NI-VXI/VISA software common qu estions, B-1 to B-7 dete rminin g vers ion of NI-VX.
Inde x VXI/VMEpc 600 Series for Wi ndows 9 5/NT I-4 © Nation al Instrum ents Cor poration software, 1- 2 to 1-4. See also specific utilities, e.g., Resman utility .
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Corporatio n I-5 VXI/VMEpc 600 Serie s for Windows 95/ NT fi les and directories instal led on har d drive, 1-5 hard ware des cri ption , 1-2 installing in s lot other than system controller slot, B-7 LEDs on front, B -5 requirem e nts for get t ing st arte d, 1-1 t o 1-2 software d escription.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté National Instruments 600 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du National Instruments 600 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation National Instruments 600, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le National Instruments 600 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le National Instruments 600, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du National Instruments 600.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le National Instruments 600. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei National Instruments 600 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.