Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CP-104UL du fabricant Moxa Technologies
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Smartio Smartio Smartio Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual Smartio 4-Port Serial Bo ard for PCI Bus First Edition, January 2003 Moxa T echnologies Co., Ltd.
Smartio Smartio Smartio Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual The product described in th is m anual is furn ished un der a license ag reemen t and m ay be used on ly in accordance w ith the term s of that agreem en t. Copy right Notice Copy righ t 2003 Mox a Technologi es Co.
MOXA Internet Services Custom er s atisfaction is our n um ber one concern . To ensure that cu stom ers receive th e fu ll benefit of our products, Mox a Intern et Serv ices h as been s et up to prov ide techn ical su pport, driver u pdates, produ ct inform ation, and user’ s m anual updates.
Table of Contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................... 1-1 Overv iew ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
1 1 1 1 1 Introduction Overview Smartio—The Smart Multiport Async Solution The ter m Smartio stands for sma rt multiport serial I/O so lution. The Smartio CP-104U L Board is desi gned for th e 32-bit PCI bus with Plug and Play feature.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 1-2 PCI Solution The CP-104UL board complies w ith PCI S pec. 2.1, and does not us e either sw itches or jumpers. The h ardware config uration for the IRQ and Mem ory addresses is automatically assigned b y the PCI B IOS.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 1-3 Features The Smartio CP-104UL board comprises the follow ing boards : CP-104UL 4 RS-232 port s, embedded ESD 16 KV surge protection , Moxa or 16C550C com patible UA RT Supports u niversal PC I, plug and play (no sw itches or ju mpers) Fits both 3.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 1-4 Package Checklist You should find the f o llowing items in the Smart io CP-104UL board package: Smarti o CP-104UL 4-port serial board Device driver diskett.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 1-5 Installation Guide This s ection giv es a brief summ ary of how to in stall the S martio CP-104UL board under each supported operatin g system . The installation is sim ple and in volves the following stages: Check th e P CI BIOS settings.
2 2 2 2 2 Hardware Installation The installation of the Smartio CP- 104UL board involv es both hardw are and sof tware. Softw are installation is discussed in the next chapter.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 2-2 Note! Each board must occupy one unique IRQ a nd four 8-by te I/O addresses, which are assigned autom atically by the PCI BIOS. How ever, y o u can select a f ree IRQ number m anually via the PC’s BIOS setup for the PCI slot, but normally this method is not available for the I/O addres s.
3 3 3 3 3 Software Installation In this chapter, the driver sof tw a re installation, configu ratio n, and driver update/removal procedures are des cribed for various operating sy stem s, includin g Window s NT, Window s 95/98, and Window s 2000/XP.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-2 Installing the Driver First Time Driv er Installation The following procedure shows h o w to install the Smartio CP-104UL driv er for the firs t time. First make sur e the b oar d o r bo ard s are alre ady plugge d into the system’s PCI slo t(s) .
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-3 6. The Moxa Smartio/Industio Config uratio n Panel dialog box appears. Click the [ Add ] button to open the Property dialog box t o chang e port setting s and advanced FIF O configuration done autom atically by the sy stem.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-4 8. Select a COM nu mber for the specif ic port from Port Num ber pull-down list. 9. Check th e Auto Enumerating COM Number c heck-b ox to have subseq uent p or ts mapped t o continuous COM num bers. For exam ple, if COM3 is as signed to Port 1, th en COM4 will be autom atically assigned to Port 2.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-5 Smartio/Industio Conf iguratio n Panel dialog box. The con figured CP- 104UL board will n o w appear in th e MOXA Sm artio /Industio Configu r ation Panel dialog box, as show n below .
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-6 Once the board and th e driver are installed and the driv er restarts successf ully, y o u can start to develop app lications with the PComm library (s ee “ Serial Program min g Tools ”) or th e Microsoft Win32 A PI.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-7 4. Next, refer to the in structions given in the previou s section, “ First Time Driver Installat ion ” from the “ Window s NT ” section. Configuring A nother CP-104UL Board In thi s section, w e explain how to config ure another MOXA CP-104UL board th at is already inst alled.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-8 3. Click the [ Properties ] button to open the Moxa Sm artio /Industio Configuration Panel dialog box . 4. Next, refer to the in structions from the “ First Tim e Driver Installation ” subs ection.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-9 1. Open [ Control Panel ], click on the [ Network ] icon, and s elect the [ Adapters ] tab. 2. Click on MOXA Sm artio/Industio Family Adapter from the Netw or k Adapter list. 3. Click the [ Rem ove ] button in the Network dialog box.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-10 drivers (VC OMM) have been dev eloped for the Smartio CP-104U L and other MOX A mu ltiport boards. The drivers conform to the Win32 COMM A PI standard.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-11 Install the Sm artio P CI board in the system Start Win dows 95/98 t o detect the board Driver inst alled before? Yes No Install the driver from the driver CD. See the section, “ First Time Driver Installat ion ” Configur e the p or t.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-12 for Win dows 95 or th e right colu mn f or Windows 98. If one MO XA CP-104UL board w as previously instal led and another MO XA CP-104UL boar d is pl ugged in, the system will prompt you to skip this stage, a nd take ca re o f Port Configur atio n, which is di scussed in the next secti on.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-13 3. Type E: Softw areWin9x V5.7Window s.95 in t he Loca tion input box, and then click [ OK ] from the Select Other Location w indow. The system will start reading the files f ro m the CD. 3. Select Other Devices and then click on [ Next ].
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-14 6. Click on [ Next ]. 7. Click on [ Next ]. Port Configuration After th e driver is installed, the MOXA CP-104UL Installation dialog box will be display ed, and the system will m ap the po rts automatically .
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-15 2. Select a C OM number f or the port from the Port Numb er pull-down list. 3. Check th e Auto Enumerating COM Number c heck-b ox to have subseq uent p or ts mapped t o continuous COM num bers.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-16 Board and Port Ready Board and Port R eady for Win dows 95 and Wi ndows 98 are slig htly di fferent. In finis hing this stage, the driver installation w ill be complete.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-17 Configuring the Board and Ports Follow the procedures given below to re-confi gure the COM num b er for the ports of inst alled boards and driv ers under Window s 95/98.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-18 4. Check th e Auto Enumerating COM Name check-box t o assi gn conti nuous COM num bers for su bsequent ports. F or example, if COM3 is assig ned to Port 1, then COM4 will be autom atically assigned to Port 2. 5. Re-assign the Rx FIFO T rigger by selectin g a number from th e p ull-down list.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-19 1. Open [ Control Panel ], click on the [ System ] icon, an d select the [ Device Manager ] tab. 2. Click on the MOXA CP-104UL board and then click on [ Properties ]. 3. Select the [ Driver ] tab.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-20 Removing the Driver This section explains how to remove the Smartio C P -104UL board driver. 1. Open the [ Control Panel ], double click the [ Add/Rem ove Program s ] icon, and th en select the [ Install/Uninstall ] tab.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-21 alre ady bee n plugged into the system’s PCI slo t(s) . Win dows 2000 Win dows XP 1. W indow s 2000 can auto-detect n ew devices , and activate the Fou nd New Hardw are function to install a devi ce d river for Plug and Play devi ces.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-22 4. Select Specify a location and th en click on Next to continue. 5. Insert the Moxa Driver CD in to the CD-ROM drive, and then specify the location of the file as F:/multi_bd/softw are/win2k as show n below (chan ge the drive letter if needed).
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-23 6. Click Next to copy the driver files to y o ur system . 7. The nex t win dow show s the m odel num ber of the board, and in dicates that Window s has completed the driver installation. Click on Finish to continue w ith the rest of the installation procedure.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-24 8. T he next Found New Hardw are Wizard w indow to appear indicates that W indows h as identified the board’ s serial po rts, and is starting to install the ports. 9. Click on Next to continue. 9. W ait while th e installation wizard searches.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-25 10. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device [recomm ended] , and then click on Next to continue. 11. Select Specify a location and th en click on Next to continue. 10. W ait wh ile the wizard installs the softw are.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-26 12. Insert the Moxa Driv er CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then specify the location of the file as F:/multi_bd/softw are/win2k as show n below (chan ge the drive letter, if needed). Click OK to continue. 13. Clic k on Next to continue w ith the installation.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-27 14. Af ter all files have been copied to the system, the Comp let ing the Found New Hardw are Wizard w indow w ill open to indicate that it has finished installin g “Port 0.” Click on Finish to install the board’ s second port.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-28 How to Check the Installation There are three w ays to ch eck the i nstallation of the CP-134U Series board. Device Manager 1. You can check the installation of the board by selecting Start Set tings Control Panel System , and then click on the Devi ce Manager button.
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-29 If the driver installation w as successful, y o u w ill b e able to see the model num b er of the CP- 134U board list ed under Multi-port serial adapters . You m ay also expand the Ports (CO M & LPT) item to check th e status of the COM ports .
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-30 Removing the Driv er You can unin stall the board b y selecting Sta rt Setting s Control Pa nel System .
Software Installation Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-31 Select the Hardware tab, and then click on D evice M anager . Use the m ouse to place the cursor over th e CP-134U Series board under Multiport serial adapters , and then click the right mouse b utton.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-32 The Device Manager win d ow w ill automatically refresh to show that the driver and ports for the C P -134U Seri es board have been rem oved.
4 4 4 4 4 Serial Programming Tools Moxa su pports a class of eas y to use, y et powerf ul serial program min g libraries and comm unication trou bleshooting utilities under Window s NT /2000/XP and Window s 95/98. Use these MOXA Serial P rogram ming Tools to decrease y our softw are development tim e.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 4-2 This serial comm unication library provides a complete fun ctio n library an d sample p rog ra m s for Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi.
Serial Program m ing T ools Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 4-3 Diagnostic (for MOXA boards only) A con veni ent diagnost ic program , ONLY for MOX A boards and ports, prov ides internal and external testing o f IRQ, TxD/RxD, UART, CTS/RT S, DTR/DSR, DT R/DCD, etc.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 4-4 Monitor (for MOXA boards under Window s NT Only) A usef ul por t status m o nitoring program allow s you to m o nitor data transmission of selected MOXA COM ports.
Serial Program m ing T ools Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 4-5 Terminal Emulator Terminal Em ulator can be used to con nect to various ports to see if data transmis sion is fun ctioning correctly . T erminal Em ulator features multi-w indow s, and supports VT100 and ANSI term inal types.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 4-6.
5 5 5 5 5 Connection Cables and Cable Wiring In this ch apter, we illustrate th e possible connections and cable wiring for the CP-104UL boards. In serial data com muni cations, DTE stands for Data Termin al Equipm ent, such as a PC’ s COM1/2, serial printers, and terminals, and DCE stan ds for Data Comm unication Equipm ent, such as modem s.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 5-2 Individual Port Pinouts—DB 9 and DB 25 M ale RS-232 DB9 DB25 Pin No. Signal Pin No. Signal 1 DCD 2 T xD 2 RxD 3 RxD 3 TxD 4 RTS 4 DTR 5 CTS 5 GND 6 DSR 6 DSR 7 G.
6 6 6 6 6 Troubleshooting Co mmo n Smartio CP-104UL board errors an d possible correspon ding solut ions are giv en below. If the p rob lem still cannot be solved after fo llowing these suggestions, c.
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 6-2 A. Smartio C P -104UL board w ill check the line s tatus (CTS) before transm itting data if the RTS/CTS flow control feature is set to Enable in th e co nfiguration or application program .
Troubles hooting Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 6-3 solutions, s ee the section, “General Troublesh ooting.” 1. The s ystem fails to find the Smartio Smartio Smartio Smartio CP-104UL b oard! C. The boa rd (s) i s (ar e) no t pr op erly pl ugged i nto the PCI slot.
A-1 A A A A A A A A A. Technical Reference Specifications • Bus interf ace: 32-bit PCI • Num ber of ports: 4 • I/O address : Assi gned by PCI BIOS • IRQ: As signed by PCI BIOS • Data bit s: 5, 6, 7, 8 • Stop bit s: 1, 1.5, 2 • Parity: None, even, odd, space, m ark • UAR T : 4 × 16C550C or compati ble • Speed: 50 bps to 230.
A -2 Due to this s lot-dependency, it is necessary to re- configure the sof tware driver once th e boa rd is pl ugged i nto a diffe rent PCI slot . Up to 4 Smartio CP-104UL boards can be installed in one sy stem. When installing m ore than one b oar d, remember the ord er o f bo ard s to d istinguish the i nstalle d bo ard s.
Return Procedure For product repair, ex change, or refu nd, you m ust: P rovide evidence of original purchase. Fill o ut the Problem Report Form (PRF) as detailed as po ssible for shorter prod uct repair time. Ob tain a Return Merchan d ise Authorization (RMA ) number from the sales representative or dealer.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Moxa Technologies CP-104UL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Moxa Technologies CP-104UL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Moxa Technologies CP-104UL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Moxa Technologies CP-104UL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Moxa Technologies CP-104UL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Moxa Technologies CP-104UL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Moxa Technologies CP-104UL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Moxa Technologies CP-104UL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.