Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FR-A5AP du fabricant Mitsubishi
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2 Thank you for choosing the M itsubishi transistorized inverter option unit. This instruction manual gives handling information and precautions for use of this product. Incorrect handling might cause an unexpected fault. Before using the equipment, please read this manual carefully to use it to its optimum.
3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Electric Shock Prevention WA RNING W hile power is on or when the inverter is running, do not open the front cover. You may get an electric shock. Do not run the inverter with the front cov er removed. Otherwise, you may access the exposed high-voltage terminals and charging part and get an electric shock.
4 3. Additional instructions Also note the following points to prevent an accidental failure, injury , electric shock, etc.: (1) Transportation and installation CA UTION Do not install or operate the option unit if it is damaged or has parts missing.
5 CA UTION W hen parameter clear or all parameter clear is performed, each parameter returns to the factory setting. Re-set the required parameters before starting operation. For prevention of damage due to static electricity , touch nearby metal before touching this product to eliminate static electricity from y our body.
6 1 PRE-OPERA TION INSTRUCTIONS 8 1.1 Unpacking and Pr oduct Confirmation 8 1.2 Packing Confir mation 8 1.3 Structure 9 2 INSTA LLA TION 10 2.1 Pre-Install ation Instructions 10 2.2 Installation Procedur e 10 2.3 W iring 11 3 ORIENTA TION CONTROL 12 3.
7 5 PULSE TRA IN INPUT 55 5.1 W iring Ex ample 55 5.2 Terminals 55 5.3 Adjustment 56 5.4 Parameter Defini tion 56 5.5 Setting Ex ample 57 5.6 Specifications 58.
8 PRE-OPERATION INSTRUCTI ONS 1. PRE-OPERA T ION INSTRUCT IONS 1.1. Unpacking and Product Confirmation Take the option unit out of the package, check the unit name, and confirm that the product is as you ordered and intact. Note: This product may be used with the inv erter manufactured during and after February, 1998.
9 1.3. Structu re FR-A5 AP PIN PO 5V PA2 PAR PB1 PB2 PBR PC1 PC2 PC R SG PA1 Mountin g hole T erminal block screw size M3 Termi nal s y mbol Front view Terminal re sistor j umpers Mountin g hole s Opt.
10 I.ISTALLATION 2.INSTA LLA TION 2.1. Pre-Installatio n Instruction s (1) Make sure that the input power of the inv erter is off and make sure the charge light is off. (2) W hen the FR-A5AP unit is used for PLG feedback control or orientation control, a PLG (motor with P LG) and external power supply are required.
11 2.3. Wiring Route the cables so that they do not take up a large space in the control circuit terminal block wiring area of the option unit. W ire the twisted pair shielded cable after stripping its sheath to make its cables loose.
12 3. ORIENTA TION CONT ROL This function is used with a position detector (PLG) installed to the spindle of a machine tool (or the motor) to allow a rotary shaft to be stopped at the specified position (oriented).
13 Note: 1. W hen the motor with a PLG used is other than the standard motor with PLG (SF-JR), the pin numbers are different. To reduce radiated noise, connect the shield wires of the PLG cables to the CG. 2. W hen orientation control is used with PLG feedback control, the PLG and 5V power supply may be shared between these controls.
14 3.3. T erminals Symbo l Term inal Rem arks Description PA1 PLG A-phase signal input term inal PA2 PLG A-phase inverse signal input term inal PB1 PLG B-phase signal input term inal PB2 PLG B-phase inverse signal input term inal For inform ation on t he pulse signals, refer t o page 11.
15 <Inverter I/O terminals> Symbol Term inal Rem arks Description X22 (Note 1) Orientat ion comm and input term inal Used to enter an orientation signal. SD Com m on term inal Com m on term inal f or the orientation signal. ORA (Note 2) In-position signal output term inal Open collector output.
16 <FR-A 5A X, i nverter input termi nals> Symbol Terminal Remarks Descripti on X0 to X11 Digital signal input term inals Used to input digital signals t hrough eit her relays or open collector transistors. As the com mand signals are ent ered, speed or position com m ands are selected using Pr.
17 3.4. Wiring In structions (1) Connection with the position detector (PLG). Use twisted pair shielded cables (0.2mm 2 or larger) to connect the FR-A5AP and position detector (PLG). Cables to terminals 5V and SG should be connected in parallel or be larger in size according to the cable length table as indicated below.
18 3) Connection with NC. (Or similar device) W hen one position detector is shared between the FR-A5AP and NC (or another device), its output signals should be connected as shown below. In this case, the cable length between the FR-A5AP and NC should be as short as possible, within 5m.
19 (4) Position detector (PLG). Line driver LED ty pe PLG A. A signal 1000ppr to 4096ppr B. B signal 1000ppr to 4096ppr C(Z).C(Z) signal 1ppr Output pulse specifications P ab c d 2. 4 to 5. 25V H 1000ppr to 4 096pp r 1000ppr to 4096p p r 1000ppr to 4096p p r 1000ppr to 4096p p r 1ppr 1ppr A A B B C C L 0 to 0.
20 3.5. Related Parameter L ist Parameter Number Name Setting Range Minimum Setting Increments Factory Setting Remarks 350 Stop position com m and sele ction 0, 1, 9999 1 9999 9999: No orientation 351 Orientation speed 0 to 30Hz 0.01Hz 2Hz 352 Creep speed 0 to 10Hz 0.
21 3.6. Pre-Op eration Settings (1) Pr. 350 "stop position command selection". For the stop position command, either the internal stop position command or the external stop position command using external signals (12-bit data) may be selected.
22 (4) Pr. 356 "internal stop position command". Set "0" in Pr. 350 "stop position command selection" to choose the internal position command mode. In the internal position command mode, the value set in Pr. 356 is processed as the stop position command.
23 [Example 1] 4 stop pos itions 180 ( 2 ) 90 ( 1 ) CW Ori g in ( 0 ) 270 ( 3 or mo re ) Pr. 360 = "3" [Example 2] 8 stop pos itions 315 ( 6 ) 270 ( 5 ) 225 45 ( 1 ) 135 ( 3 ) 180 ( 4 ) 90 ( 2 ) Ori g in ( 0 ) ( 7 or more ) Pr.
24 (7) Pr. 363 "in-position signal output delay time". W hen the motor shaft enters the in-position zone, the in-position signal is output after a delay of the time set in Pr. 363. Also, when the motor shaft comes out of the in-position zone, the in-position signal is switched off after a delay of the time set in Pr.
25 3.7. Operatio n (1) Orientation starting during rotation. 1) The orientation command (X22) causes the motor to decelerate to the orientation speed set in P r. 351. 2) After the orientation speed is reached, the motor decelerates to the creep speed set in Pr.
26 9) The in-position signal (ORA) and orientation fault signal (ORM ) are not output if the orientation command is off. CAUTION If the orientation command is switched off with the start signal on, the motor accelerates to the command speed.
27 (2) Orientation starting during stop. Switch on the orientation command (X 22), then switch on the start signal to start and accelerate the motor to the orientation speed set in Pr. 351 and perform orientation using the same procedure as in Section (1).
28 (3) Multi-position orientation. Orientation starting w ith orientation command and STF/STR kept on (Orientation starting in the servo-in state) DY Spindle speed ( PLG ) Sta rt si g nal Orientation .
29 (4) Pr. 358 "servo torque selection" Pr. 358 Setting Function 01234567891 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 Remarks 1) Selection of servo torque funct ion unt il out put of in- position signal X OOOOX OX OX .
30 1) Selection of servo torque function until the in-position signal is output. Set Pr. 358 "serv o torque selection" to determine whether servo torque is required or not. W hen the current position signal is between the orientation stop position and DC dynamic braking start position, serv o torque is not generated.
31 (5) Pr. 362 "position loop gain" W hen Pr. 358 "servo torque selection" value has been set to choose the serv o torque function, the output frequency prov ided to generate servo torque rises gradually up to the creep speed set in Pr.
32 3.8. Instructio ns (1) The PLG should be coupled with the motor shaft or the spindle oriented with a speed ratio of 1 to 1 without any mechanical looseness. (2) The DC dynamic brake operated for positioning must be released in the shortest time (within sev eral seconds).
33 3.9. Specificatio ns Stop position accuracy 1.5 degrees Note: Depends on the load torque, load GD 2 , orientat ion speed, creep speed, position loop select position, et c. Perm issible rot ation speed PLG-m ounted shaf t speed (6000r/m in) Note: The mot or and PLG-m ounted shaft m ust be coupled direct ly or via a belt without any slip.
34 I.PLG FEEDBACK CONTROL 4. PLG FEEDBA CK CONTROL This function is used with a speed detector (PLG) to allow the motor speed to be detected by the speed detector and fed back to the inverter so that the output frequency of the inverter is controlled to keep the motor speed constant to load variations.
35 Note: 1. W hen the motor with PLG used is other than the standard motor with P LG (SF-JR), the pin numbers are different. To reduce radiation noise, connect the shield wires of the PLG cables to the case earth pin. 2. W hen PLG feedback control is used with orientation control, the PLG and 5V power supply may be shared between these controls.
36 4.3. T erminals Symbol Terminal Remarks Descripti on PA1 PLG A-phase signal input term inal PA2 PLG A-phase inverse signal input term inal PB1 PLG B-phase signal input term inal PB2 PLG B-phase inverse signal input term inal For inf orm ation on t he pulse signals, refer t o page 30.
37 4.4. Wiring In structions (1) Connection with the speed detector (PLG). Use twisted pair shielded cables (0.2mm 2 or larger) to connect the FR-A5AP and speed detector (PLG). Cables to terminals 5V and SG should be connected in parallel or be larger in size according to the cable length table as indicated below.
38 (4) Speed detector (PLG) Line driver LED ty pe PLG A. A signal 1000ppr to 4096ppr B. B signal 1000ppr to 4096ppr Output pulse specifications P abc d 2. 4 to 5.2V ( Hi g h ) A A B B 0 to 0.4V ( Low ) a, b, c and d should be (1/4 1/8)P when rotation is clockwise as v iewed from the shaft end of the PLG.
39 4.5. Related Parameter L ist Control Mode Parameter Number Name Setting Range Minimum Setting Increments Factory Setting PLG feedback control Vector control 22 Torque lim it level (Stall prevention operation level) (Note 1) 0 to 200%, 9999 0.
40 4.6. Pre-Op eration Settings (1) Pr. 144 "number of motor poles (PLG)". The either of the following motors may be used. Set the number of motor poles according to the motor used: Standard motor (with PLG) : SF-JR 0.2kW to 55kW Constant-torque motor (with PLG) : SF-JRCA 0.
41 4.7. Cont rol Mode Setti ng By setting the P r. 370 "control mode selection" value, you can choose any of PLG feedback control (V /F control, advanced magnetic flux vector control) and vector control. Torque control and position control are not performed.
42 4.8. PLG Feedback Con trol Make sure that P r. 80 "motor capacity", Pr. 81 "number of motor poles", Pr. 144 "number of motor poles", Pr. 369 "number of PLG pulses", Pr. 359 "PLG rotation direction" and Pr.
43 (2) Pr. 368 "feedback gain". This parameter is valid when PLG feedback control is v alid. Set if rotation is instable or response is slow. W hen the setting is greater than 1, response is faster but overcurrent or rotational instability is more liable to occur.
44 9) Set Pr. 285 "ov erspeed detection frequency" to prevent misoperation caused if an accurate signal cannot be detected from the PLG. This shuts off the output and gives an inv erter alarm (E.MB 1) when; (detection frequency) - (output frequency ) > Pr.
45 <Zero speed control and servo lock timing charts> 1) Zero speed control or servo lock is made v alid when the auxiliary exciting terminal (LX ) is ON without the start signal (STF, STR) being entered into the inverter (during a stop). Assign the function of the aux iliary exciting terminal (LX) to any of the terminals using Pr.
46 3) Zero speed control or servo lock is made v alid when the frequency command is not more than the DC dynamic brake frequency during deceleration of the inverter.
47 (2) Pr. 22 "torque limit level" Torque limit may be activ ated only when vector control is selected. The second and third functions are Pr. 48 "second torque limit level" and Pr. 144 "third torque limit lev el". W hen vector control is not selected, the stall prevention functions are activ ated.
48 Torque Characteristic of the Standard M otor with PLG (Example: SF-JR S tandard Motor with PLG (4 poles)) With Referen ce to 1800r/min (60Hz) Torqu e Cy cl i c operation mode setting [When th e.
49 (4) Pr. 372 "speed control P gain". Used to set the proportional gain of the speed loop. A high setting will make the speed response faster but if the setting is too high this will cause vibrations and noise. (5) Pr. 373 "speed control I gain".
50 10) In the vector control mode, the carrier frequency is as follows: Pr. 72 Setting Carrier Freq u ency V/F con trol, ad vanced magnetic flu x vector control Vector cont ro l 0 0.7kHz 1 1kHz 2 2kHz Approximately 1kHz 3 3kHz 4 4kHz 5 5kHz Approximately 3kHz 6 6kHz 7 7kHz 8 8kHz 9 9kHz 10 10kHz 11 11kHz 12 12kHz 13 13kHz 14 14kHz 15 14.
51 4.10 . A ddit i onal Functions (1) Pr. 162 "selection of automatic restart after instantaneous power failure selection". By setting "2" in P r. 162, automatic restart after instantaneous power failure can be made at the frequency detected from the PLG.
52 (3) Pr. 374 "overspeed detection lev el". Used to limit the maximum speed. (0 to 400Hz) Any speed higher than the speed set in P r. 374 is judged as overspeed and the corresponding signal is output. If overspeed is detected, the inv erter will not come to an alarm stop.
53 (5) S-shaped acceleration/deceleration C W hen the FR-A5AP is fitted, S-shaped acceleration/deceleration C can be selected by setting "4" in Pr.
54 4.11. Specificatio ns Speed variation ratio 0. 02% of the m aximum speed (3600r/m in) in vector control m ode (load variation 0 to 100% at 6Hz or m ore). (Note 1) Speed control range 1:1000 in vector control m ode. Functions Speed f eedback range setting.
55 5. Wiring Ex ample I. PULSE TRAIN INPUT A pulse train signal can be used to enter the speed setting of the inverter. Pr. 384 is factory set to "0" to make this function inv alid.
56 5.3. A djustment ( 60Hz ) 0 Pr. 386 Pr. 385 Output frequen cy Bias Factor y settin g Maximum num ber of pulses Inpu t pul ses ( PPS ) Gain Note: Max imum number of input pulses: 100kpps Note: Number of input pulses are multiplied by 2 internally 5.
57 5.5. Setting Ex ample W hen the frequency is set to 0 to 60Hz at the input pulse frequency setting of 0 to 50kpps. NFB IM FR- A5A P Hz 0 60 50kpps 0 to 50kpps 0 to 60Hz Power suppl y Fre q uenc y settin g potentiomet er e.
Input example (Pr. 386 = 400Hz) Inpu t Pul se Frequency Division Rati o (Pr. 384) Maximum Numb er of Inpu t Pulses * 1 Minimum Detectab le Freque ncy * 2 0 (factory setting) Pulse input invalid 20 8kpps 1.5Hz 50 20kpps 1.0Hz 100 40kpps 0.5Hz 120 48kpps 0.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi FR-A5AP c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi FR-A5AP - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi FR-A5AP, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi FR-A5AP va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi FR-A5AP, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi FR-A5AP.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi FR-A5AP. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi FR-A5AP ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.